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1. How did the lion feel about the mouse at the beginning of the story?

2. How did he feel about the mouse at the end of the story?

3. What happened to change the lion’s feelings?

4. What lesson did the lion learn?

Everyone should take a nap every day.
Someone small and weak can be a good friend.
Lions should only be friends with other lions.
Getting angry is a good way to solve problems.

Think of a time when a friend has helped you. Write a short paragraph telling
what happened and how you felt about it.





Number the following events in the order in which they occurred in the story.
Place an X in front of any event that did not happen.

____ The mouse hears the lion roar.

____ The lion lies down in the shade to take a nap.

____ The lion catches the mouse.

____ The mouse chews the ropes.

____ The lion pulls free of the net.

____ The hunters run after the lion.

____ The mouse wakes the lion.

____ The lion gets caught in a trap.

____ The mouse makes a promise to the lion.

A male lion can weigh up to 400 pounds (180 kilograms)

and measure up to 10 feet (3 meters) in length.
Fill in the circle in front of the choice that best replaces the underlined word or words.

1. Another word that means about the same thing as mighty is .

strong powerful mean

2. In his careless hurry, Roger rushed out the back door and tripped over the dog.
attention haste amazement

3. Some people snore when they sleep.

dream talk breathe loudly

4. The lion was amused by the mouse’s promise. He thought it was .

funny scary rude

5. A snare is a kind of
bird boat trap

6. The enormous stack of dirty dishes made me groan.

large small huge

7. One swipe of the lion’s paw would have been fatal to the little mouse.
to steal to brush against to blow

8. The lion was frustrated because he could not break free from the trap.
struggling to succeed prevented from carrying out a purpose
ready to give up
Some words in the story imitate sounds. Use the “sound words” in the
word box to complete these sentences.

1. The dog might , but it won’t bite.

2. “Susie, it is rude to your gum that way,” said

Mr. Guthrie.

3. The crowd began to when the rock band came

onto the stage.

4. The baby’s toy makes a little when he squeezes it.

5. Robert was yelling at his sister, so his mother asked him to ____________.

6. Mrs. Larson’s class began to quietly among

themselves when they heard the announcement.

Use the clues below to help you think of more sound words.

1. the sound of a bell

2. the cry of a kitten

3. the noise of a cannon

4. the sound of a fly

5. the noise of a car horn

Most verbs have the ending ed when they are in the past tense. But some
verbs change entirely. These are called irregular verbs. An example of an
irregular verb is grow–grew.
Write the past tense of each of these verbs.

Use the past tense words above to fill in the blanks in this paragraph.

I a cold last week. It with a

sore throat. I terrible. I to bed and

for 16 hours. When I up, I sounded like

a frog. I four pounds. I I would never

get well, but now I am all better.

Write these words beneath the character they describe.

In an acrostic poem, each line begins with a letter of the poem’s subject.
Read the acrostic about the lion in the story. Then write your own acrostic
about the mouse.

ordly beast

n a terrible, roaring rage

ut for an afternoon stroll he was

etted and held fast

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