The Men We Carry in Our Minds by Sanders

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Daniella Ayala

Period 1


The Men We carry in our Minds by Sanders

1. In lines 1-7, based on the conversation between the author and his female friend, what
ideas will likely be explored in this essay?
The author in the essay speaks about the good times spend with his female friends can
help you have a healthy life, reduce blood pressure, increase immunity.
2. Cite an example from lines 47-58 of how Sanders earlier views of men were shaped. An
author style or way of using language, can cover his or her point of view in a unique way.
3. Re- read lines 64-82, what is the author style in this section – what does it suggest about
his point of view towards his subject?
4. What does Sanders think that he, as a man, might experience in the future, based on the
details in lines 78-82? that life is a lot harder for men is that it is somewhat easier to be a
woman since men are having a hard time.
5. How does Sanders think he, as a man, might experience in the future, based on the details
in lines 78-82?
He makes the reader feel more focused and makes the text seem more personal.
6. Re- read the lines 160-166 and explain why Sanders was baffled by women´s accusation
against men
7. At the end, is Sanders any clearer about whether or now he should feel guilty, whether or
not he is a “persecutor” or a “victim”? cite examples from the text. It seems for Sanders
that he should not feel guilty at wall, because the men he had in his minds were not the
same men as the daughters or other complaining women had in their mind of their father
other men, but he regrets not understanding these women’s complaints at the time in the
end of the text.
Central idea
1. Re-read lines 34-46 identify the central idea that emerges from the author response to
Anneke´s statement in lines 34-35. One way the author reveals his or her point of view
is by examining its origin in his past experience.
2. How does the photograph on page 133 help support the central idea of the text?
It showed how hard men would work and how they do anything to support
themselves and their family.
3. Re-read lines 98-102 what do these sentences suggest about the connection between
the connection between the soldiers and the earlier description of laborers? He is
saying that when it comes down to it they will do anything to support there family.
4. Re- read lines 172 -181 and identify the reference to the essay title in this paragraph.
Summarize the central idea of the essay.

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