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High Intensity Interval Bodybuilding

I have spent the last 15 years in the fitness industry, with a primary focus on functional fitness.
In 2010 I trained with the U.S. Olympic Skeleton and Bobsled Team, qualifying for Olympic
Trials in both sports. I have also competed at CrossFit Regionals seven times.

I have designed fitness programs for the U.S. Military, large corporations, and several profes-
sional athletes around the globe. Recently I started a podcast called "Real Chalk," which is part
of the Shrugged Collective and one of the most popular health and fitness podcasts on iTunes.
In addition, I currently own and operate CrossFit CHALK, one of the top CrossFit affiliates in
the world with hundreds of in-house members and thousands more online.

Bachelor Degrees in Kinesiology from the University of Utah
Bachelor Degree in Nutrition from the University of Utah
USAW Olympic Weightlifting Coach
USAW Performance Coach
CrossFit Football Coach
CrossFit Certified

Where to find me:

• Instagram: @Ryanfisch
• My gym Instagram: @crossfitchalk
• YouTube: RyanFischer
• My gym and daily programming app:
• My eBooks and nutrition challenges:
• My podcast “Real Chalk” on 2
Why HIIB 100? 100?

My original HIIB eBooks made such an impact on the training world that I wanted
to create something even more unique, that delivers better results in even less
time. So I incorporated one of my favorite mass-building routines, “German
Volume Training,” into the flow of the HIIB style. After a few weeks of testing
these workouts, I realized that I had put together something seriously awesome.
These workouts are not only crazy efficient, they are also genuinely enjoyable!

Every single workout has an emphasis for the day, and the main lifts will add to
100 reps total each time (following traditional GVT protocol). These will not be
easy. You will be sore. However, you'll also be in and out of the gym faster than
you ever have before, you'll see better results, and you'll actually have fun with
your training. After one month of this, I guarantee your approach to fitness will
never be the same.

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01 Chest & Back

10 Rounds:
15/12 Cal Assault Bike (Or machine available)
10 DB Flat Bench Press 70/45s+
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 90sec. After each Round

Rest 5-10min.

4 Rounds:
8-10 DB Incline Bench Press (Heavy as possible)
immediately into;
8-10 DB Incline Bent Over Rows (Heavy as possible. 2 DBs in hand)
Rest 90sec. After Each Set


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02 Legs PUSH
Build up to a 3RM Lunge on each leg
then put 135/95lb on the bar…
Complete 100 Back Rack Lunges
immediately into;
100 Hip Thrusts with the same weight
*If you are really strong in these movements you can go heavier. I have
done up to 185lb myself.


10 Rounds For Time:

10 Front Squats 70/50lb DB (vertically in your hand, holding the top)
10 Toes-To-Bar


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03 Shoulders
Every 3min. X 5 rounds:
20 Cal assault bike (Or machine available)
20 Push jerks 135/95

8min AMRAP:
You do 5 I do 5 Hang High Pulls 115/75 (Wide stance like a sumo deadlift
high-pull, but from the hang and use a little hip hinge to do an aggressive
upright row. Partner Up if you can OR do sets of 5 with a work to rest ratio.)

Rest as needed… Then;

3 Sets:
DB Front lateral raises to failure
immediately into;
DB Side lateral raises to failure
immediately into;
DB Lying rear delt raises to failure
(Flat on an elevated bench. Arms go straight out)
Rest 1min.

Rest 04
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05 Legs PULL
EMOM x 10min.
10 Deadlifts @50-60% of 1RM
After 5 Rounds, add a 45lb to the ground to stand on for a deficit

Rest 5-10min.

100 Box Step Ups 24 or 20” box (Depending on your height)

20lb vest for people with little experience with high volume
95/65lb bar on your back for people who are experienced and ready to work
Each step is 1 rep. (Left + Right = 2 reps)

Rest 5-10min.

EMOM x 12min.
Odd Min.) 50 Double Unders
Even Min.) 20 Wall Balls 20/14lb

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1 Mile Run

immediately into;
5 Rounds:
10 Bench Press 135/75
10 Chin-Ups (underhand grip)

immediately into;
2000m Row

immediately into;
5 Rounds:
10 Bench Press 135/75
10 Chin-Ups (underhand grip)

*If you are really strong on bench, you can up the weight a little, but make
sure you can get 10 in a row each time. Also, try NOT to kip on the pull-ups

Rest 07
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08 Legs PUSH
10 Sets:
5 Back Squats 65-70% of 1RM

immediately into;

5 Hip Thrusts 65-70% of 1RM

(Make sure to pause at the top for 1sec. each rep)

immediately into;

10 Heavy Russian KB Swings (Heavy as possible)

immediately into;

10 Toes-To-Bar

*Rest 90sec. after Each Set

*That’s it today. Should be LIT.

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Get through this with GOOD form as fast as possible. Worry about good reps more than time
when you’re on the bar, but try and rest very little. It’s inevitably going to get really spicy .

Start with heaviest weight you can do 20 reps unbroken with… Strict
20 Barbell Strict Press
immediately into;
500m Row
immediately into;
20 Barbell Push Press (add 10% more weight)
immediately into;
500m Row
immediately into;
20 Barbell Push Jerks (add 10% more weight)
immediately into;
500m Row
immediately into;
20 Barbell Push Press (Subtract 10% from first Push Press)
immediately into;
500m Row
immediately into;
20 Barbell Strict Press (Subtract 10% from first Strict press)
immediately into;
500m Row

*Should be increasingly more difficult in weight, but because of the style of the lift it should be

about the same effort. Then the last 2 sets pyramid back down as “Burn Out” sets. If you need
them to be lighter that’s fine. Just make it hard. I only want that very first set to be unbroken so
I know you didn’t go too heavy. Everything else can be broken up.

Rest as needed. Should be pretty spent.

4 Sets:
1min. of DB Hammer Curls
immediately into;
1min. of DB Skull Crushers
1min. Rest

1 Set:
100 Barbell Reverse Grip Bicep Curls 45/35
-Try and chip away in sets of 10
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10 Legs PULL
10 Sets:
400m Run
10 Deadlifts (use 5% more than you used on the EMOM last week)
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 90sec. Between Sets

Rest 11

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12 Chest & Back

For Time:
100 Barbell Bench Press at 60% of your 1RM or the heaviest weight you can
do 10 reps in a row.
- Every time you break, you must do a 10 Cal Row, Ski Erg, or Assault Bike
- Grip is not wide today, but not exactly close grip either… Keep it to
something in between .

Rest as needed

3 Sets:
DB incline Bench Press to failure (8-10 rep range)
immediately into;
1min. of max double unders
1min. Rest

3 Sets:
Incline DB Fly’s to failure R
Rest 1min.

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13 Legs PUSH
“Tabata” 20sec. of work x 10sec. of rest. (2min. will be 4 rounds)

2min. of Tabata Front Squats at 135/95 or 40-50% of your 1Rep Max

immediately into;
2min. of Tabata Rowing For Cals
Rest 2min.

Keep Repeating this Until you’ve reach 100 Front Squats and 100 Cals.
*Try and go hard on both sections every round. As soon as you finish 1
of them, you know longer get the rest break and you stay on that last
station until you’re done. So, if I have 20 Cals left for instance and I
finished all my squats… I just keep doing 20sec. on 10sec. on the rower
until I’m done.

Rest 5min. After you finish…

Start at a 50% effort weight and do 10 Back Lunges. With NO REST, add
some weight and do 10 more. Keep repeating this cycle until you hit 100
Reps and also hopefully hit a 10 Rep Max by the last set. You’re just climbing
the whole time with very little to zero rest. It’s a great way to get huge
volume in, in a short time.

Rest 5min.

Start at a 50% effort weight and do 10 Lateral Babrell Lunges. With NO REST,
add some weight and do 10 more. Keep repeating this cycle until you hit
100 Reps and also hopefully hit a 10 Rep Max by the last set. You’re just
climbing the whole time with very little to zero rest. Just like the last section.
Left + Right equals 1 rep 15
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14 Rest

Shoulders 15
10 Sets:
10 Push Press (Choose something that is doable the whole time. Usually
around 50% of your 1 Rep Max Strict Press)
10 Strict Chin-Ups (Underhand grip)
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20”
Rest 90sec. Between Sets

Rest 5min.EVERY 3MIN. X 10 R

5 Rounds:
10 DB Hang Clean and Push Press on each arm (20 total)
20 GHD Sit-Ups
*Pick something heavy for that DB. I used a 70lb
*If you don’t have a GHD, do 15 Toes-To-Bar

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16 Legs PULL
2 Rounds: (40min. Long)

EMOM x 5min.
10/7 Cal Row or Assault Bike
immediately into;
EMOM x 5min.
5 Deadlifts (Shoot for another 5% more than Day 10)
immediately into;
EMOM x 5min.
10/7 Cal Row or Assault Bike
immediately into;
EMOM x 5min.
5 Deadlifts (same)

*There’s a lot of cardio piece in this, but they are relatively easy sections
so that you can focus on the deadlift weight.
Still going to get a really good rump pump on this thing.

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17 Chest & Back

10 Rounds: (No rest between movements)
10 DB Incline Bench Press 70/45s+ *Something where 9 and 10 gets hard
10 Double DB Bent Over Row *Preferably on an elevated flat bench, but
you can make no bench work as well.
50 Double Unders
Rest 90sec. After each Round

Rest as needed then;

4 Sets:
10-12 Seated DB Curls
immediately into;
10-12 Seated DB Tricep Extensions (overhead) *Keep your elbows and the
DBs together to keep good control and hit the muscle hard.
Rest 90sec.


Rest 18
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19 Legs PUSH
EMOM x 40min.
Odd: 5 Back Squats 65-75% of 1RM (Should be doable and repeatable for
the whole 40min.)
Even: 15/12 Cal Row (Every other round do 15 Toes-To-Bar)

*So round 1 is 5 Squats and 15/12 Cal row. Round 2 is 5 Squats and 15
Toes-To-Bar. Round 3 is 5 Squats and 15/12 Cal row. Round 4 is 5 Squats
and 15 Toes-To-Bar… At 40min. you will have hit 100 Back Squats and you
should be smoked. You also got a lot of cardio and core in there :)


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10 Push Jerks @50% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.
10 Push Jerks @55% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.
10 Push Jerks @60% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.
10 Push Jerks @65% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.
10 Push Jerks @70% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.
10 Push Jerks @75% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.
10 Push Jerks @80% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.
10 Push Jerks @85% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.
10 Push Jerks @90% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.
10 Push Jerks @95% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press
10 Burpees
Rest 1min.

—Rest as Needed—

5 Sets:
20 Lateral DB Raises (right arm only)
20 Lateral DB Raises (left arm only)
Rest 1min.

*Start super light and make the first round or 2 warms ups basically. Climb in weight each set.

—Rest as Needed—

1 Set:
100 DB Shoulder Shrugs.
*Pick Something spicy and stick with it. Should be able to bang out 15-20 on the first clip and then begin
to only get 5-10 on the last few sets. I recommend 70/45s+. I usually grab 100 or more if they are available.
You can use straps if your grip is an issue.

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21 Rest

10 Rounds:
Leg Pull 22
10 DB Deadlifts 100/70s
15 Wall Balls 20/14lb.
50 Double Unders
Rest 90sec. After Each Round
-The DB Deadlifts need to be heavy, but must be unbroken each round. Also, make
sure that BOTH sides of the dumbbell touch the ground for every rep. That extra
range of motion that you’re not use to is the point of this movement today. You
will be sore in so many new places after today.

Rest as needed… Then;

Some extra Core Work…
4 Sets:
30sec. of Barbell Sit-Ups
30sec. of Barbell Reverse Sit-Ups (Straight Leg)
30sec. of Rest

After the last set go immediately into;

50 Russian Twists with a 35/20lb. DB

*Left +Right = 1 Rep
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23 Chest & Back

10 Sets:
5 Barbell Bench Press (Heavy as possible, but unbroken)
immediately into;
5 Weighted Pull-Ups (Heavy as possible, but unbroken)
Rest 1min.

Rest 3min. (Including the 1min. above)

10 Sets:
5 DB Incline Bench Press (Heavy as possible, but unbroken)
immediately into;
5 Elevated Double DB Bent Over Rows (Heavy as possible, but unbroken.
Much heavier than day 17)
Rest 1min.

Rest as needed before this next section…

3 Sets:
1min. of DB Flies (same weight or climbing each set)
immediately into;
1min. of Double Unders
Rest 1min.

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24 Legs PUSH
For Quality, but move as fast as you can:
Front Squats at 40-50% of 1RM
(if you don’t know this, make it challenging and shoot for unbroken reps. You’re a
lighter drop set later in this workout, so this needs to be heavy and difficult.)
Hip Thrust at the same weight

Immediately after you finish, get ready for a drop set to complete our full 100 reps…

(Each set will be lighter. Have the weights set-up so that you can strip them quick
and easily)
20 Front Squats
20 Hip Thrusts
strip some weight, straight into;
15 Front Squats
15 Hip Thrusts
strip some weight, straight into;
10 Front Squats
10 Hip Thrusts
*Keep your form a priority still and just try NOT to break. It’s getting lighter and
less reps, so should be doable.

Rest as needed before the next section…

10 Rounds For Time:

10 Cal Assault Bike
10 DB Box Step Ups 20” with 45/30s (Left+Right= 1 rep)

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Shoulders 26
On the upright rows below, try to stay strict for as long as possible and then you may hinge at
the hip to help you out on the last few reps if needed. (cheating reps)

2 Rounds:
10 Barbell Strict Press
10 Barbell Upright Rows

Rest 90sec. then;

2 Rounds: (Add 5-10% more weight on each movement)

10 Barbell Strict Press
10 Barbell Upright Rows

Rest 90sec. then;

2 Rounds: (Add 5-10% more weight on each movement)

10 Barbell Push Press
10 Barbell Upright Rows

Rest 90sec. then;

2 Rounds: (Add 5-10% more weight on each movement)
10 Barbell Push Press
10 Barbell Upright Rows

Rest 90sec. then;

2 Rounds: (Add 5-10% more weight on each movement)

10 Barbell Push Jerks
10 Barbell Upright Rows

Rest as needed before the next section…

For Time: (Should be around 10-15min. range)

Alt. DB Snatches 50/35lb
5-4-3-2-1 25
Wall Walks
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27 Legs PULL
25 Rounds:
4 Deadlifts (Heavy as possible and unbroken)
5 Toes-To-Bar
6 Wall Balls 20/14lb. *30/20lb if you have it

*This is kind of like the classic Hero WOD called, “Holleyman.”

Rest 28

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29 Chest & Back

2 Rounds:
50 Barbell Bench Press
50 Barbell Bent Over Row
-Every time you break on the bench press you must do 10 Strict Pull-Ups. Every
time you break on the Bent Over Row, complete 30 Double Under’s
-Use some challenging weight here and shoot for about 5 breaks each time you’re
on a set of 50. If you’re doing more than 10 at a time and it’s not the first or
second set… It’s too light.
-Keep good form and don’t rush the movement. Try to pause for a split second at
the top of ever Barbell Row

Rest as needed before this next piece…

10 Rounds as fast you can!

10 Cal Ski Erg or 10 Cal Row
10 Push-Ups (Closer hand positioning the usual. Slightly closer than shoulder width.)
*If your chest is completely blasted, then you may swap this out with a weighted
sit-up (DB held at your chest)

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30 Legs PUSH
4 Rounds:
25 Back Squats @30% of 1RM
400m Farmer Carry with 2 KB’s (53/35s)

*Round 2 is 35% of 1RM

*Round 3 is 40% of 1RM
*Round 4 is 45% of 1RM

Rest as needed before this last piece…

Tabata Hip Thrusts with 95/65lbs.

(20sec. of work x 10sec. of rest x 8 Rounds (4min. total)
immediately into;
Tabata “A” Squats
(20sec. of work x 10sec. of rest x 8 Rounds (4min. total)



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