Republic of The Philippines: Exam 2

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Republic of the Philippines EXAM 2

University of Eastern Philippines
College of Engineering
University Town, Northern Samar Engr. JONATHAN C. BULAGAO

A 3.5 m x 3.5 m square plate, was immersed in water such A rectangular gate 3 m high and 1.2 m wide is hinged at
that two of its edges were vertical. In order for the center the top. An inclined force F is applied at the end without
of pressure be 80 mm from the center of gravity. support at 45º.
1. How far below the water surface is the upper edge of
said plate?
a. 11.01 m c. 9.25 m
b. 12.35 m d. 15.10 m
2. What is the distance of the center of pressure from free
water surface?
a. 12.84 m c. 11.36 m
b. 14.81 m d. 8.267 m
3. Determine the hydrostatic force in kN acting on the
a. 890.40 c. 1022.31
b. 1236.7 d. 1533.40
7. Find the value of F if the height of the water is also 3
m high.
If the 60º circular gate AB in the figure shown is 3 m long,
a. 43.62 kN c. 44.42 kN
find the following:
b. 41.62 kN d. 49.94 kN
8. Find F if water is 0.9 m above the hinged support.
a. 81.89 kN c. 72.42 kN
b 57.44 kN d. 60.35 kN
9. Find F if water is 0.9 m below the hinged support.
a. 18.15 kN c. 28.15 kN
b. 38.15 kN d. 23.45 kN
The semi-circular gate shown is hinged at B. Determine
the force F required to hold the gate in position.

4. Resultant vertical hydrostatic force on gate AB.

a. 678.36 kN c. 1166.46 kN
b. 1399.75 kN d. 1261.08 kN
5. Resultant horizontal hydrostatic force on gate AB.
a. 1508.47 kN c. 1131.35 kN
b. 1010.03 kN d. 1282.20 kN
6. At what distance from support O is the location of total a. 5387.2 lbs c. 4673.7 lbs
pressure on the gate? b. 6823.1 lbs d. 5088.5 lbs
a. (2.35, 2.94) c. (4.38, 2.94)
b. (1.39, 2.78) d. (2.50, 1.65)

Republic of the Philippines EXAM 2
University of Eastern Philippines
College of Engineering
University Town, Northern Samar Engr. JONATHAN C. BULAGAO
PROBLEM 11 that the pressure distribution at sections 1 and 2 to be
The 60-mm diameter vertical jet of water shown carries atmospheric and neglect friction losses in the channel.
the 825 N weight. Determine the velocity of the jet in m/s. Use coefficient of contraction Cc = 0.85 and coefficient of
velocity Cv = 0.95.

a. 8.2 m3/s c. 9.4 m3/s

a. 19.38 m/s c. 15.34 m/s b. 7.6 m3/s d. 7.1 m3/s
b. 16.21 m/s d. 17.08 m/s PROBLEM 17
PROBLEM 12 A sluice gate in the form of an arc of a circle of radius 6
A fluid with kinetic viscosity of 15 x 10-7 m2/s flows m is shown in the figure. Which of the following is closest
through a 75-mm pipe at a velocity of 0.8 m/s. The flow to the vertical component of the hydrostatic force acting
is: on the gate?
a. turbulent c. subcritical
b. laminar d. supercritical
For the pipe system shown, n = 0.015 for all pipes and the
flow in pipe 4 is 12 cfs.

13. Which of the following is closest to the head loss in a. 45.6 kN c. 24.0 kN
pipe 1 in feet? b. 32.0 kN d. 35.8 kN
a. 8.74 c. 4.56 SITUATION 5
b. 3.14 d. 5.59 In the figure, the 50-m pipe is 60 mm in diameter. The
fluid flowing has mass density of 920 kg/m3 and dynamic
14. Which of the following is closest to the total head loss
viscosity of 0.29 Pa-s. The pressure in the enclosed tank
in terms of the total discharge Q, where Q is in cfs?
is 200 kPa gage.
a. 0.2174Q2 c. 0.3732Q2
b. 0.3075Q d. 0.4752Q2
15. Which of the following is closest to the total head
a. 53.74 ft c. 69.63 ft
b. 25.41 ft d. 47.24 ft
A sluice gate flows into a horizontal channel as shown.
Which of the following is closest to the flow through the
gate per meter width when y = 1.0 and d1 = 6 m. Assume
Republic of the Philippines EXAM 2
University of Eastern Philippines
College of Engineering
University Town, Northern Samar Engr. JONATHAN C. BULAGAO
18. Which of the following most nearly give the amount 24. Which of the following gives the nearest value to the
and direction of flow? location of the center of pressure on Area 1 from the
a. 7.71 m3/hr from 1 to 2 c. 7.71 m3/hr from 2 to 1 vinegar surface?
3 3
b. 7.24 m /hr from 2 to 1 d. 7.24 m /hr from 1 to 2 a. 6.24 m c. 7.78 m
19. Which of the following is closest to the velocity of b. 6.52 m d. 5.56 m
flow in the pipe? 25. What is the magnitude of the hydrostatic force on one
a. 0.98 m/s c. 0.71 m/s side of the plate?
b. 0.39 m/s d. 0.63 m/s a. 1,102 kN c. 1,254 kN
20. Which of the following most nearly approximates the b. 1,411 kN d. 1,346 kN
Reynolds Number of the flow? 26. What is the location of the center of pressure from the
a. 351 c. 212 vinegar surface?
b. 91 d. 135 a. 7.15 m c. 5.75 m
SITUATION 6 b. 6.55 m d. 4.65 m
From the figure, it is shown that the gate is 1.0 m wide
and is hinged at the bottom gate.

Compute the magnitude and location of the forces exerted
by the water on one side of the vertical annular gate
21. Compute the hydrostatic force acting on the gate. shown in the figure.
a. 26.40 kN c. 12.20 kN
b. 15.30 kN d. 19.60 kN
22. Compute the location of the center of pressure of the
gate from the hinge.
a. 0.667 m c. 0.517 m
b. 0.788 m d. 0.333 m
23. Determine the minimum volume of concrete (unit
weight = 23.6 kN/m3) needed to keep the gate in closed
a. 0.162 m3 c. 0.266 m3
b. 0.380 m d. 0.314 m3
The vertical plate shown in the figure, is submerged in
vinegar having a specific gravity of 0.80. Use unit weight a. 227.4 kN; 3.417 m c. 433.3 kN; 4.122 m
of water = 9.81 kN/m3. b. 334.3 kN; 3.123 m d. 521.1 kN; 5.432 m

Republic of the Philippines EXAM 2
University of Eastern Philippines
College of Engineering
University Town, Northern Samar Engr. JONATHAN C. BULAGAO
PROBLEM 28 A process has a pressure range of 0.001 – 1 atmosphere.
A vertical semicircular gate whose radius is “r” is A pressure measuring instrument pressure at all times, the
submerged and has its diameter in a liquid surface. Find instrument needed for the job is:
the location of the center of pressure measured from the a. mercury manometer c. water manometer
liquid surface. b. metallic diaphragm d. Bordon pressure
a. 0.734r c. 0.620r gauge
b. 0.823r d. 0.233r PROBLEM 33
PROBLEM 29 Formation of bubbles in a low-pressure area in a
Absolute viscosity is essentially independent of pressure centrifugal pump and later their sudden collapse is called:
and is primarily dependent on: a. corrosion c. compression
a. temperature c. specific gravity b. cavitation d. explosion
b. density d. velocity PROBLEM 34
PROBLEM 30 The sum of the three types of energy at any point in the
A leak from a faucet comes out in separated drops. Which system is called:
of the following is the main cause of this phenomenon? a. pressure heads c. enthalpy
a. surface tension c. gravity b. Bernoulli’s Theorem d. internal energy
b. air resistance d. viscosity of fluid PROBLEM 35
PROBLEM 31 Any influence capable in producing a change in the
A leak from a faucet comes out in separate drops. Which motion of an object is called:
of the following is the main cause of this phenomenon? a. force c. acceleration
a. surface tension c. air resistance b. vector d. velocity
b. viscosity of the fluid d. gravity

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