The Definitive Guide To Link Management - V1.9E

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The Definitive Guide to

Link Management
Enterprise edition
Table of

01. Introduction

02. The Importance of link management

03. Your Brand on Your Links

04. The branded link strategy

05. The link management checklist

06. Keep it simple with Rebrandly

07. Appendix A: Examples from well-known brands

08. Appendix B: Inspiring new gTLDs

Version 1.9 - Enterprise

A link, or more precisely, a hyperlink, is an intrinsic feature of the World
Wide Web that refers to data that a reader can directly access either by
clicking, tapping, or swiping.

Every company creates thousands, even millions of links in its lifetime.

They’re in web pages, videos, images, SMS, emails, and almost all forms
of communication you can think of, both online and offline.

In this guide, we’re going to look at the importance of managing your organi-
zation’s links with one must-have tool. We’ll cover the terminology and con-
cepts centeral to link management, as well as some of the most interesting
use cases for enterprises. Finally, we’ll provide actionable insights and solu-
tions that you can implement to take control of your links on a global scale.

While social media managers, digital marketers and brand managers may
see the most immediate benefit, employees in every area of your business
have something to gain from using branded links.

This guide is intended for established companies that share links for both
internal and external communications, across marketing, sales, finance,
legal and all other departments.

Download this guide here


This guide was written by the Rebrandly team in January 2018 - All rights reserved. https:// Copyright Number TX 8-589-697, Raidiate Capital LLC. “Re-
brandly” is a registered trademark. “Your brand on Your Links” is a registered trademark.
The Importance of
Link Management
Why it’s necessary to be in control of the links your
organization creates and shares
The Importance
of Link Management
Links are an asset for every business that they need to be monitored, updated
and reassessed over time.

When considering the importance of implementing a link management plat-

form, there are some questions all companies should ask to evaluate overall
link control:

• How many links are created and shared across the organization annually?
• Do they produce high-quality traffic?
• Are they consistent with the brand’s voice?
• Do employees follow any guidelines for link sharing?
• Are these links legitimate and secure?
• Are managers able to update existing links and delete unwanted ones?

Your Brand on Your Links 5

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Almost all online messages contain links, making them the call to action
(CTA) that connect customers to the content businesses want them to
engage with, like landing pages, legal documents, commercial offers and
much more.

In every company, countless links are created and shared each year. Unfor-
tunatly, it’s frequently the case that once a link is shared it’s simply forgotten
about. The performance of those links is never tracked and there is no re-
course for modifying or recalling them once they’re shared, creating a poten-
tial threat for the company.

Some of the world’s most popular companies are already branding and man-
aging their links. Adidas, Condé Nast, IWC, Pepsi, Harvard, Land Rover and
Virgin are just a few. It’s time for all organizations to follow their lead. A sol-
id link management platform for corporate links is not a nice-to-have, it’s a

Links are a direct extension of a brand. Every link shared by

an organization is actually a piece of the company itself. A
consistent strategy to manage links is a must-have for all
contemporary #brands.

Your Brand on Your Links 6

Your Brand
on Your Links
The first step in link management is branding
Branded Links:
Your Brand on Your Links
Great companies know that building a brand is a long-term investment. It’s
about so much more than just a logo, website or a catchy slogan. A brand is
the culmination of every touchpoint between a company and its audience,
making consistency key. Visually, a brand should include the same elements
across all channels, paying careful attention to the logo, color and font, tone
and imagery.

A branded link is a shortened URL that’s made up of a company’s name, a unique

domain extension and a custom keyword after the slash. Simply put, they’re short
links that are built around a brand name and feature a powerful message.

Your Brand on Your Links 8

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Links are a crucial part of the branding process. They play an essential role
in developing brand consistency by drawing all of the elements of a brand
together with a cohesive message.

Consider that the majority of links shared actually come from external web-
sites, tools and services, such as CRM or file management systems, partner
websites and a variety of other online resources.


All of these links all look different from one another. They’re associated with
another company’s domain name and they all feature a long, unintelligible
alphanumeric codes that are totally meaningless to end users.

In order to build a more professional rapport, all links should be managed

under the same domain, regardless of the content they lead, transforming
long ugly links into something more like this:


Your Brand on Your Links 9

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#Links play an essential part in building a #brand

The first step to incorporate links into an overall brand strategy is simple:
put your brand on your links by using a custom domain name, ensuring the
links each and every link is consistent and appears trustworthy. Use brand-
ed links to streamline the brand’s communication style.

Branded links represent the future of link management, giving companies

the freedom to tailor, shorten and control the links they share using a specif-
ic domain name and a custom slashtag.

Instead of sharing an ugly destination URL or a generic short link, which

looks inherently untrustworthy, increase brand visibility by embedding your
brand name into your links.

How to Build a Brand

HubSpot and Rebrandly joined forces to create a
guide for marketers who want to build a brand that
appeals to modern consumers.

Your Brand on Your Links 10

A company wouldn’t allow its
employees to send professional
communications with a generic
email address, would it?
So why would the standard be any different for links? Generic links
leave the same negative impression as generic email address. Any
official information shared should be done so with a dedicated,
company domain that’s managed by that organization alone.
The branded
link strategy
What companies stand to
gain from branded links
The Definitive Guide to Link Management SHARE

The branded link strategy

The importance of implementing a cohesive branded links strategy both on-
line and offline is threefold:

• It has a positive impact on a brand’s communication style

• It improves marketing performance
• It protects an organization from harmful risks

Here, we’ll look at some of the most direct advantages to be gained from a
strong link strategy and show how they’ve been validated by some our own
customers’ use cases. You’ll be inspired to change the way your organiza-
tion approaches links.

Your Brand on Your Links 13

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1. Enhanced brand awareness and visibility

Every branded link includes a company’s name, exponentially increasing brand
reach over time. Teams have the creative freedom to come up with meaning-
ful shortened URLs, allowing the brand to stand out with unique communica-
tions that are completely aligned with their core message.

Land Rover and Jaguar share

branded social media mes-
sages with Rebrandly links.

Your Brand on Your Links 14

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2. Increased link trust

Users want to know what to expect from links and they’re far more likely to
actually click when they recognize a brand name alongside familiar, easily
recognized keywords. A company’s willingness to attach its brand name to
its links guarantees that it’s directing followers to legitimate content and not
clickbait or worse, spam/phishing sites.

Branded links demonstrate a commitment to content that’s relevant and

valuable, encouraging people to trust the brand overall. This increased trust
can improve CTR (click-through rate) by up to 39% when compared to gener-
ic short URLs or long unbranded links.

From Three. Keep enjoying price plan perks

like All You Can Eat Data - just top up EUR20
now. Go to If you’ve already
topped up, thanks. Opt-out

3 Mobile Ireland has adapted its SMS campaigns to include

the branded short domain, using Rebrandly to transform its
messages. Create branded and trusted links for SMS that get
customers clicking.

Your Brand on Your Links 15

Branded links increase
Click Through Rate

Up to
The Definitive Guide to Link Management SHARE

3. Cohesive customer experience

Messages should be subject to the same style guidelines across every plat-
form, allowing companies to point customers to the right destination - regard-
less of where they click from. I’ts possible to set style and navigation standards
based on a user’s language, nation or even the type of device they click from.
This provides users with a seamless customer experience from start to finish.

Neustar uses our branded links

across most of their communi-
cation channels, especially for
social media and videos.

Your Brand on Your Links 17

empowers links in
every channel
The Definitive Guide to Link Management SHARE

4. More Memorable Communications

Branded links that include simple keywords are easy to pronounce and re-
call. Many brands find themselves in situations where the link needs to be
announced to an audience, so it’s essential that they’re easily recognized
and remembered.

5FM, one of the most popular radio stations in South Africa, uses
Rebrandly links when it needs to point listeners to web content.

Your Brand on Your Links 19

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5. Outstanding Calls To Action

Customers’ online attention is dwindling and, at the same time, the amount
of marketing material they’re served is increasing every day. It’s more im-
portant than ever to formulate advertising copy, social media posts, blog
content and online communications in a way that draws users’ attention
immediately, and motivates them to click. Often times, links serve as the
main call to action (CTA) for these messages, so branded links are center-
al in making that CTA exciting and actionable.

At Rebrandly, we create calls to action in our Google AdWords

campaigns that deliver messages with the links themselves.

Your Brand on Your Links 20

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6. Better Search Engine Optimization

Branded links have a clean and efficient structure, making them the perfect
solution for SEO. They’re short and contain a specific keyword alongside a
relevant domain name. Branded links redirect using a 301 response code
(also known as permanent redirect), so they pass on the full “link juice” to
the destination page itself. Learn more about branded links for SEO here:

Choose the perfect SEO

structure for your links
Match URLs to page titles
Remove unnecessary words
Avoid punctuation
Utilize hyphens
Cut out dynamic parameters
Avoid subfolders
Limit redirects
Use a descriptive domain
Shorter is better
Use standard characters
Capitalize the first letter for readability

Your Brand on Your Links 21

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7. Amplified customer retargeting

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a form of online advertising that
can help keep brands in front of bounced traffic after users leave your web-
site. Branded links make it possible to directly associate those retargeting
pixels with links, adding those who clicked to retargeting lists. Link retarget-
ing lets companies interact with users who clicked on their links, even if they
weren’t pointing to its website or content.

A famous retail brand for kids uses link retar-

geting to target new parents. They choose
to direct their audience to relevant articles
in parenting magazines. After readers click
on the link, they’re added to the retailer’s re-
targeting list and banners about baby prod-
ucts are shown to them when they navigate
to other sites.

Your Brand on Your Links 22

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8. Precise analytics
Branded links can provide in-depth analytics that pinpoint important click data,
providing the information required to craft even stronger campaigns. Click track-
ing happens at the source level, which makes it the most accurate way to moni-
tor your traffic and gain the most valuable insights to optimize campaigns.

Rebrandly includes a UTM builder that lets you easily attach UTM parameters to branded
links’ landing pages, integrating the click data into your Google Analytics reports for more
detailed insights. With this feature you’re able to reuse UTM parameter templates at scale
and connect click stats to Google Analytics without any other integrations.

Your Brand on Your Links 23

Custom reports
Rebrandly collects link click data, giving you the ability to
organize it with our custom report builder. Build bespoke re-
ports that can be scheduled and automatically sent to col-
leagues and partners. Analyze default data that we collect
or add custom datapoints.

Measure and optimize omni-channel campaigns using

trackable touchpoints- links. Perform precise audience in-
telligence mapping and create meaningful reports to identi-
fy trends, capture opportunities and/or mitigate risks.
The Definitive Guide to Link Management SHARE

9. Attribution
Which marketing efforts are actually paying off? Attribution refers to the
rules and methods used to assign value across multiple channels and
touchpoints. A great link management platform allows for conversion
tracking from each link, meaning companies can determine which mar-
keting channels, campaigns, team members and actions are working best
(as well as which need a bit more work). Multi-channel attribution is not
simple to set up, but by using branded links with detailed tracking you can
measure it more precisely with source level data from every touchpoint.

Your Brand on Your Links 25

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10. Dynamic traffic routing

With Rebrandly’s advanced redirect, it’s possible to control link destinations
based on user behavior. This helps brands to deliver better user experience
and increase conversion rates by delivering more targeted content. For ex-
ample, if a user visits a website from a mobile phone, is based in a certain
nation or is browsing in a specific language, the destination page can be
adjusted based on that information.

Advanced redirect allows companies to target customers based on

device (mobile/desktop), country, language, day of the week, time
of visit, number of times they’ve visited your site or clicked on a
specific link. With mobile deep linking you can route mobile traffic
directly to the Android or iOS app if the customer has it installed on
their smartphone.

Your Brand on Your Links 26

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11. Stronger brand protection

Brands need to maintain precise communication procedures for legal and
operational compliance. With employees all over the world creating and shar-
ing links on behalf of the company, a method for editing or deleting links at
a later date is essential. Over time, and after many thousands of links have
been shared, it’s impossible to keep track of out of date, broken, incorrect
or even misleading links associated with the brand. Having a tool for link
management means companies can maintain strong, consistent communi-
cations with followers without unnecessary risks later on.

Your Brand on Your Links 27

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12. Reputation and message deliverability

Domain reputation refers to the idea of domain respectability: whether or not
a domain is associated with illegitimate content. Generic URL shorteners
allow anyone and everyone, including spammers, access the same domain
name. So, this means if a brand is also sharing URLs with that generic do-
main, they have no control over the reputation of the links they create. Black-
listed domains severely impair the deliverability of all messages, especially
those sent via email.

When using a custom branded domain for creating short links, the owner of
that domain is the only one responsible for it. This means keeping it in good
standing is much simpler and within your control.

USPS uses Rebrandly links in emails to in-

crease their message deliverability while also
tracking metrics like open, click-through, and
conversion rates.

Your Brand on Your Links 28

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13. Complete Link Ownership

Creating short URLs without a custom domain means companies cannot
claim ownership over a single one of the links they’ve shared. Any links made
with a 3rd party domain belong to that organization and it’s not possible to
edit or manage them. What’s more, if the short URL provider ceases opera-
tion, all of the links can be deleted with no recourse for users.

Harvard University personalizes its social me-

dia content with the unique custom
domain and our branded links.

Your Brand on Your Links 29

Why are branded links better
than generic short URLs?
• Branded links are memorable and pronounceable
• They increase brand recognition
• Branded links inspire trust
• They can increase click-through rate by up to 39%
• Branded links make communications unique
The Definitive Guide to Link Management SHARE

14. One centralized management dashboard

Using a branded link platform, teams can be organised into “workspaces”
according to their departments or locations, with access to domains and
account permissions determined by managers. Colleagues can share links
from the same place and are free to access one another’s links too. A cen-
tralized dashboard eliminates the scenario where employees all over the
world have different (or non-existent) procedures for link sharing and cate-
gorization. Instead, a central dashboard keeps all of a company’s link assets
in one easy-to-manage place.

Saint Gobain, a French multinational corporation

with offices in 67 countries and over 170,000
employees worldwide, uses Rebrandly to give
global departments the freedom to create brand-
ed links organized by nation. Employees can
share branded links for portfolios, product cata-
logues, documents, email signatures, business
cards and have widely adopted the solution for
sharing their own work product.

Your Brand on Your Links 31

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15. Full control over the destination

Allowing for human error, rapid changes to campaign guidelines, legal pol-
icy updates and other factors, it’s important for companies to retain the
rights to edit link destinations or delete links after they’re shared. With ge-
neric short URLs and normal links, editing and deletion is not possible.
However with branded links, the control stays in the hands of your compa-
ny. From a legal perspective, link control provides assurance and protec-
tion, allowing companies to point users to updated, relevant content if ever
something risky or detrimental is shared.

Xing and Kelly Services use Rebrandly links to

share job opportunities on job sites like Indeed,
on social networks like LinkedIn, via email and
in print. They function as a trusted call to action
that builds brand awareness and encourages
potential candidates to apply. Once the vacancy
is filled, the link is updated to reflect other rele-
vant content.

Your Brand on Your Links 32

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16. Powerful automation

Large organizations frequently need to create, edit or delete a high volume
of links at the same time, “in bulk.” It’s possible to automate the link man-
agement process through APIs, which is particularly useful when hundreds,
thousands or even millions of links are created very quickly, like for emails
and/or SMS campaigns. APIs are just one way of creating links in bulk - it’s
also possible to do so using integrations or uploading them from a CSV file.

Patient Pay, a smart payment solution service,

uses links that contain its brand name and a
customer-specific alphanumeric code to share
invoices produced within their system. They’ve
found that connecting a custom domain drasti-
cally improved the open rates of their messages
- with more invoices being paid on time as a re-
sult. Companies should share all their important
and transactional documents like invoices, sales
offers, contracts and reports with branded links.

Your Brand on Your Links 33

Rebrandly API
With Rebrandly, it’s possible to create and manage mil-
lions of links in bulk with high API rate per second, as well
as to set them to auto expire. We maintain an updated
set of APIs that can be accessed immediately, as well as
dedicated engineer consultancy for complex projects. A
branded link creation and analytics solution can easily in-
tegrate into existing enterprise tools.

To see a Rebrandly API project in action, look at CarDash- an estab-

lished car service marketplace in California that creates branded links
automatically for every individual customer, allowing them to track
the status of their repairs in real time. The links are easy to remember,
trackable, contain a piece of the CarDash brand in the domain and
are bespoke for each customer.
The Definitive Guide to Link Management SHARE

17. Manage multiple domain names

Branded domains provide creative freedom that’s unavailable with tradition-
al URL shorteners. The new gTLD revolution released hundreds of unique
domain names that companies can use for specific projects, new initiatives
or business segments. Strong domain extensions include .link, .news, .tech,
.social, .blog, .click, .store and many more. With over 1,000 to choose from,
brands can manage domains for virtually any use case.

Registering branded domains is simple and can be handled departmental-

ly within the Rebrandly platform, meaning companies don’t have to rely on
their IT departments for setup every time they want to create a new domain.

Unilever Group has already registered more

than 13,000 domain names and this list grows
by about a thousand each year. Branded links
are an efficient and effective way to put these
spare domains to good use, representing a vari-
ety of products, campaigns or interests.

Your Brand on Your Links 35

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18. Better data and privacy protection

With true link ownership and management from one central dashboard, it’s
possible to strictly control the way data is stored and shared. Privacy laws
and standards vary from country to country, and there are specific require-
ments for how data controllers handle the data they collect (in this case,
the link data.)

Did you know that the most famous URL short-

eners allow competitors to spy on your link click
metrics? Simply adding .info to a link or
“+” to a Bitly link exposes all that link’s click stats!
On the other hand, when you use a custom do-
main and work with a trusted link management
provider, you can control what information about
your links becomes public.

Your Brand on Your Links 36

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GDPR and
Link Management
In May 2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws were introduced
in Europe, changing the way companies must treat, process and store data.
With the introduction of GDPR, companies were required to make significant
changes to their policies- and Rebrandly is no exception. We take security and
privacy seriously and are fully GDPR compliant.

What is Personal Data?

Personal data as information that’s related to an identified or identifiable natu-

ral person. This includes names, identification numbers, location data, online
identifiers or special characteristics that can express the physical, genetic,
mental, cultural or social identity of a natural person.

Examples of personal data include telephone numbers, credit card numbers,

account data, appearance, address, number plates, customer IDs and more.

Rebrandly as a Data Processor

To provide customers with click stats, we analyze data from the users who
click on your links. In this scenario, Rebrandly is considered the data proces-
sor on behalf of our customers, who are individual data controllers.

To produce click metrics we analyze a variety of sources of data, none of them

considered personal data under GDPR- save for the IP address. While an IP
address can be considered personal data, we anonymize it by truncating the
last class of digits prior to any reporting or storing. As such, no personal data
is stored and Rebrandly click metrics are not subject to GDPR laws. Even cas-
es of IPv6, we anonymize the data and remain compliant.

Learn more about GDPR and link management here:

Your Brand on Your Links 37

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19. Responding when things go wrong

It’s inevitable that when dealing with customers, sometimes things are going
to go wrong. Whether through technical glitches or human errors, problems
will arise. It’s important to be prepared for any kind of response from users,
deciding ahead of time which kinds of incidents constitute a major problem
and which are just bumps in the road.

When handling all types of customer communications (including com-

plaints) it’s just as critical to maintain a solid brand reputation as it is to re-
spond quickly. Some events can irreparably damage a brand’s reputation if
they’re not dealt with effectively.

In many scenarios, the fastest way to deal with a crisis is simply to change
the destination URL of the affected link or links, routing customers to a new
landing page or an updated article relevant to the situation at hand. Branded
links offer the freedom to edit the destination URL at will, meaning in a crisis
they can truncate the problem and stop it from spreading any further.

Your Brand on Your Links 38

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20. Offline marketing

Branded links offer companies and their creative teams the flexibility to
come up with memorable, user-friendly, trackable and pronounceable links
for offline marketing. Links can be featured on billboards, t-shirts, business
cards, in QR codes and more. Offline marketing links can be a really inventive
way to show off your company’s unique persona. These links should be par-
ticularly memorable, even allowing users to recall them by word-of-mouth.

Your Brand on Your Links 39

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21. Partner and customer collaboration

Branded links allow agencies, customers and partners to work together
seamlessly from both perspectives. In the Rebrandly platform, companies
can give external vendors access to their domains to create branded links on
their behalfs without relinquishing control over the domain itself. On the oth-
er hand, agencies can allow their customers to check the progress of cam-
paigns at their leisure and without extra requests. Regardless of the relation-
ship, varying degrees of access can be set to make sure the right people can
access the information they require with ease.

Edelman, a well-known PR agency, uses our

branded links to share messages and press re-
leases for their customers using that client’s
specific domain name. They can also monitor
and share analytics reports of campaign results.

Your Brand on Your Links 40

Link management
A step-by-step procedure to take
control of your links
The Definitive Guide to Link Management SHARE

Link management checklist

A well executed link management strategy can involve everyone in the or-
ganization without having a major impact on current procedures. Using the
Rebrandly link management platform, companies can seamlessly apply the
strategy progressively and without data or software migration.

The following checklist will allow for wide-scale adoption, demonstrating the
steps an organization should follow (with guidance from link experts) to roll
out a link management solution.

Please note, this checklist is not meant to be exhaustive or sequential, and

your own organization may find some steps more important than others.

Branded domain names

User seats and virtual workspaces
Integrations and apps
Datapoint import

Your Brand on Your Links 42

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Branded domain names

Evaluate your current portfolio

Conduct a domain audit to assess which domains the organization already

owns and identify possible gaps in the portfolio. This should include negative
domains to prevent opponents of your brand from obtaining them. Agencies
should consider the names of the most important brands they manage, in ad-
dition to the most important keywords for their own organization.

Register the missing domain names

Purchase the branded domains that are missing. Rebrandly lets you easily
search for new domains and add them directly to your dashboard. Check
out to see which domains are still available.

Activate the Branded domains

All domains bought with Rebrandly are activated immediatly and take just a
few minutes to finalize. On the other hand, DNS setup is simple for domains
your company registered with another provider. However you choose to get
set up, we are always on hand to help!

Your Brand on Your Links 43

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User seats and virtual workspaces

Organize workspaces

Once custom domains are connected, organize your link management plat-
form into workspaces -folders where specific teams can create and manage
their links as a group. Different workspaces can share one or more domain
names and teammates, each corresponding to various departments or re-
gions across the organization. Give all the relevant employees access, and
even assign different roles/permission levels.

Send invitations

After building workspaces, invite colleagues or partners and make sure they
understand the procedures they should follow for clean link management.

Your Brand on Your Links 44

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Integrations and apps

Check existing integrations

Integrations facilitate link creation by speeding up the process itself. Re-

brandly already integrates with the most well-known social media applica-
tions, email systems, CRMs and web tools. Check to see which popular apps
are included in our current list of integrations:

Create new integrations

If the software you’re currently using needs to create branded links and
isn’t included in our apps list, our engineers will work with your IT team to
create a solution using the Rebrandly API. We’ve already got thousands of
developers using our APIs for custom projects and can provide support
wherever necessary.

Rebrandly works with over 100 of the most well-known tools and services

Your Brand on Your Links 45

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Datapoint import

Gather your links together in one place

Consolidate all of the links you’re currently sharing, whether created with a
link shortening tool or otherwise. Import them into the new link management
platform using software or with the help of a dedicated engineering team.

Your Brand on Your Links 46

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Create and schedule custom reports

Define the key metrics each department needs to see from a reporting per-
spective and then schedule custom reports that can be exported or auto-
matically sent via email to colleagues at set frequencies.

Your Brand on Your Links 47

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Conduct a privacy assessment

As a data controller, it’s your responsibility to liaise with internal and/or ex-
ternal legal counsel to identify privacy concerns and to fully understand the
privacy requirements placed on your link management provider according to
international legislations like GDPR.

Your Brand on Your Links 48

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Set up a fast and effective training programs to teach teams about how
branded links should function for your brand, providing them with a set of
rules and best practice guidelines. Then train them to use the service in a
way that best suits their workflow. Depending on the size and distribution of
the organization, perform this step progressively and ensure each team real-
ly understands the importance of link management. Reinforce these guide-
lines overtime until it’s a part of the overall brand culture.

Create a procedure manual

Ensure that employees are compliant with link management guidelines and
provide continuous training if necessary. Encourage creativity among teams
and ensure link control in the long run.

Your Brand on Your Links 49

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Don’t forget old links

Periodically check existing links and optimize them. Often times, older or
broken links need to be pointed to a new destination and existing links might
benefit from additional marketing features, like retargeting scripts. Also con-
sider making similar updates in bulk.

No tech ability required

Without a link management system, employees wanting to create specific links for the
pages and content they share needed to rely on the IT department to create those links.
What’s interesting is that employees in the IT department are some of the least likely to
be sharing links.The majority of custom links are created for other departments in the
organization. By implementing a branded links solution, every department can become
autonomous in creating links fit for purpose with speed and ease. Take the responsibility
for link management away from the technology department alone, and allow for more
targeted link creation and management.

Your Brand on Your Links 50

A good consultant is
integral for setting up a
link management platform

At Rebrandly, our experts are accustomed to working

with world class companies that embrace the link
management philosophy. They can help you to:

• Select the best new domains for purchase and

identify gaps in the domain portfolio
• Setup workplace structure

• Integrate the link management platform with

existing systems
• Consolidate current links and define URL structure

• Create custom reports to understand which

marketing efforts are providing the most value
• Help legal teams to identify possible risks and
optimize privacy policies
• Team training
Keep it simple
with Rebrandly
Everything you need in one platform
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Keep it simple with Rebrandly

Rebrandly is the fastest growing company providing link management and
link branding solutions for large organizations and enterprise brands.

Our marketing and technical experts collaborate with organizations’ internal

management teams to provide an initial assessment and tailored solutions.

Rebrandly can ensure the links your organization creates and shares are
managed correctly regardless of the department or use case.

Rebrandly turns any #link you share into a promotion for your #brand

Your Brand on Your Links 53

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Rebrandly works with organizations on full implementation strategies,

which includes:

• Initial assessment and recommendations for scope of work

• Domain name consultancy and portfolio management advice
• Definition of procedures for link branding
• Initial setup and link import
• Single sign-on
• Custom report setup and scheduling
• Software integrations
• Company-wide training program
• Custom SLA
• Malicious content monitoring
• Dedicated account manager and engineer support

The Rebrandly platform for branded links lets brands:

• Seamlessly adopt new technology

• Use a single platform for link distribution and data monitoring on
every channel
• Standardize analytics procedures across teams
• Understand the value of every customer touchpoint
• Create a consistent customer journey from the first click on any device
• Manage all link assets in one place both manually and programmatically

Your Brand on Your Links 54

Thousands of global brands rely on Rebrandly, including:
Appendix A:
Branded links
in action
Be inspired by brands big and small who are
already using branded links

Not all the following examples are using Rebrandly to create Branded Links
Look how Panda Express
uses Rebrandly links
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Your Brand on Your Links 58

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Your Brand on Your Links 67

Appendix B:
New gTLDs
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New gTLDs
Top Level Domains, more commonly referred to as TLDs, represent the last
part of a domain name. The first TLD that probably comes to mind is “.com”,
which stands for commercial. It’s the most well-known TLD in the world, but
in recent years many more new TLDs have been released, allowing for a mul-
titude of new meanings for custom domains.

Over one thousand new TLDs are now available, some geographically spe-
cific and others with a wider variety of keywords. Read more about the new
TLD revolution here:

The most widely used new TLDs are available directly through the Rebrand-
ly domain search tool, found at Registering a
new custom domain with Rebrandly is quick and easy, and includes addition-
al features like WHOIS privacy, SSL certification and 404-error management.

On the next page, you’ll find some of the most commonly used new gTLDs
in alphabetical order.

Your Brand on Your Links 69

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.academy .credit .healthcare .pizza

.blog .deals .help .press
.business .delivery .holdings .pro
.buzz .design .how .rocks
.capital .digital .info .sale
.care .direct .institute .services
.careers .directory .insure .shopping
.casa .discount .international .site
.cash .download .investments .software
.center .energy .io .solutions
.click .engineering .land .space
.clinic .enterprises .lease .storage
.cloud .estate .legal .store
.club .events .life .style
.codes .expert .limited .support
.coffee .express .live .team
.college .fans .london .tech
.cologne .fyi .love .technology
.community .gallery .marketing .tips
.company .gift .media .university
.computer .gifts .mobi .video
.construction .gratis .moda .vip
.contractors .green .money .wiki
.cooking .group .news .works
.coupons .guide .online .world

Your Brand on Your Links 70

Take Control of Your Links

[email protected]


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