National Heroes

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1. Why did Dr. Jose Rizal become our national hero?

To make it easier to grasp how Rizal became a hero, we need define what it means to
be a hero. A hero is a person who represents goodness. Jose Rizal was hailed as a
national hero for fighting for freedom in a quiet but effective manner. Rather than using
force, he used his books, essays, articles, and poems to communicate his love for the
At the time, he was a very remarkable individual. He was modest, preferring to fight for
change through his works rather than by revolution. He put his brains, talents, and skills
to better use in a more peaceful manner.
Who made Jose Rizal national hero? When William Howard Taft arrived in the
Philippines in June 1900 and became the chairman of the 2nd Philippine Commission,
the American governor general suggested to name Rizal a national hero.
Rizal became a National Hero because he passed the criteria during the American
What makes a hero? Through Executive Order No. 75 issued on March 28, 1993,
former president Fidel Ramos created the National Heroes Commission, which is
tasked to study and recommend national heroes to be recognized for their character
and contributions to the country. The commission was also tasked to evaluate,
recommend, and come up with the criteria to determine how a historical figure qualifies
as a national hero. The committee came up with the following criteria:
Heroes are those who have a concept of nation, and aspire and struggle for the nation’s
freedom Heroes define and contribute to a system or life of freedom and order for a
nation Heroes contribute to the quality of life and destiny of a nation, Heroes are part of
the people’s expression Heroes think of the future, especially of the future
generations,The choice of heroes involves the entire process that made a particular
person a hero
As a reformer who advocated for liberty via peaceful methods rather than violent
means, Jose Rizal became a national hero of the Philippines. He was a predecessor of
Gandhi, and he, along with Sum Yat Sen and Tagone, will revolutionize Asia's mental
atmosphere. His work, as well as those of others, resulted in the abolition of colonialism.

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