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Business Plan


Syed Mobeen ali Naqvi

Usama Arshd
Maria Mehrban
Section 1 Business Overview

Your business plan is divided into the following sections:
Description of the Business ............................................................................................. 2
Major demographic, economic, social and cultural Factors ............................................ 2
Major Players ................................................................................................................... 2
Trends in the Industry ...................................................................................................... 2
Government Regulations ................................................................................................. 2
Market Segment ............................................................................................................... 3
Products & Services ......................................................................................................... 3
Pricing and Distribution .................................................................................................... 3
Market trends ................................................................................................................... 3
Implications or risk factors ............................................................................................... 3
Competitors and type of competition ............................................................................... 3
Competitors' Strengths and Weaknesses ....................................................................... 3
Competitive advantage .................................................................................................... 4
Customers ........................................................................................................................ 5
Suppliers .......................................................................................................................... 5
Advertising & promotion ................................................................................................... 5
Pricing & distribution ........................................................................................................ 5
Customer service policy ................................................................................................... 6
Business location & requirements / advantages / lease details ...................................... 7
Equipment / technology / R&D / environmental aspects ................................................. 7
Key employees ................................................................................................................ 9
Policies & procedures ...................................................................................................... 9
Action plan & timetable .................................................................................................. 10
A brief description of the project, the financing required,
and additional information that help explain the business plan ..................................... 11
The company’s financial performance both historical and projected
(available in the kit Excel spreadsheet). Includes sales cost of goods
sold expenses income statement balance sheet cash flow budget

Section 1 Business Overview

financial requirements performance indicators and personal status. ................................


Section 1 Business Overview


Trading name: COLOURS
Business address: NUML University, Sector E-8, Islamabad
Phone: 0311-0562605
E-mail: [email protected]

Description of the Business

It is a stationary business which is named as COLOURS with the mission of
providing best products at your convinience. Starting with basic stationary items and
after 6 months we’ll starts introducing course books (both old and New). We have
experience of doing this business outside the university and we’ll try to coup up the
needs inside this university.
Major Demographic, Eonomic, Social and Cultural Factors

As there is a need inside the university of a proper stationary shop
there are already two photocopier shops but none of them provieds students with
stationary facilities however, it is the most crucial. So demographically our target is
everyone who is inside university.
In economic factor we are considering the product and services price for
everyone. We have different types of people in our society Low income people cannot
afford new books therefore we are also providing old books for them. Our mission is to
provide less price products so everyone can afford our product.
Now a days everyone is socially connected with each other on different social
apps. Different businesses aslo post their products on different apps so everyone easily
know about all offers. We are also on social media platform to introduce our business.
In every country they have their own culture. It is also a way to promote our
culture by celebrating different cultural days by giving diufferent offers. And also by
providing cultural touch in our products like pakistan day theme E.t.c.
Major Players
The biggest supplier market for Stationary purpose is located in
Rawalpindi where you can literally buy any thing. In case of our business we’ll buy old
and new books as well as stationary items from URDU BAZAR Rawalpindi.

Section 1 Business Overview

Nowadays many couriour companies are providing different kinds of
sevices we’ll be contracting with the one who is cost effective as well as good in
services. Therefore Our distribution channels are through couriour services and our
offline stores where university students can easily access.

In every business clients playing an important role because they decide the
future of any business. Its our first priority to provide best product and deliver to our
clients in time to retain them for so long.
Nature of the Industry
The industry of Stationary business is very big and vast in nature. This
process is long lasting as long as there are students in the university they are always in
need of stationary items like pens, pencils e.t.c. We are ready to provide our services
to the society. We are also planning to provide our services that everyone can afford
Trends in the Industry
Trends basically mean in this industry is the attractive and creativity of
several products. The more the product is colourful and attractive the more will the
customer be attracted to them. Stationary is the need that will never be out of faishion
neither its craving softens.


Market Segment
Market is so much important in every business because it decide the future
of business. As we are targeting the market of NUML university where everyone can
easily apprach us and we can easily give services to our customers. In our market we
are basically targeting the students as well as the office requirements of several
departements of NUML.
Products & Services
Product are services are an important part of every business bcause if the
product and services are enough to satisfy our customer then the business will grow.
We are planning to provide best product and services to our customer to satisfy their
need. Home delivery service is also a great service to customer to get your books or
stationary products at homefront. Also time to time offers are also a best service for the
Section 1 Business Overview

Pricing and Distribution

Pricing strategy are also a great and impotant part because we have
different types of income level people in our society. We are planning to kept the price
of our product suitale for everyone so everyone can easily afford our product. As
maximum things in this market are pocket friendly as well as of fixed centeral prices.
Our plan for distribution is that we are hiring some effeicient and good delivery boys
who distribute the product to the client on time and we can also go for the couriour
Market Trends
Market trends are depending upon the taste of the customers. Every
business man must observe that what the customer want from them. Customer needs
are very much important for the business, So we are observing the change in trends of
market in this business and planning for keeping the eye out for attractive changes.
Implications or Risk Factors
Risk factors involve in every business and the successful businessman
always make a plan for risk factors. In this business there are some risks involved.
Management and measurement of risk factors are very important for every business.
Planned Response
It involves to check the ways to reduce or mitigate the threats and risk
involves in business and also the opportunities to increase their impact. We are working
on our paln to eleminate that risk before it occurs, we already measures all the risk
involves in this business and ready to eleminate them and run a successful business.
Competitors and type of Competition
There happens to be several types of competitiors in the industury while it
looks like we currently dosnt posses a competitor, but if we look at the side where we
are thinking about supplying to te offices at NUML we currently possess many
competitors. In order to beat them we had to have a better rates and quality than them.

Competitors' Strengths and Weaknesses

Every Successful businessman must know the strengths and weaknesses
of their competitor, by knowing the strenghts and weaknesses of our competitors we
can make better plans for our business. Weaknesses of our competitors can become
our strength and we just have to measure the strength and eleminate the impact of the
strength of our competitor on our business. Their weakness is that they are not
targeting the students of NUML whereas strength is they are already a vendor at NUML.
Competitive Advantage
When we measure the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors, then
effective and efficients plans about our products can give us competitor advantage. Our
competitive edge is to ensure our rates are cheap and pocket friendly. we will be
Section 1 Business Overview

offering students with a facility to recommend books at our online as well as offline
platform so we can provide them with that book.
Section 2 Sales and Marketing Plan
1 Students Any Stationary Items & Books
2 People outside Uni `` Stationary Items & Books

1 Margalla Stationers They will usually provide us
Stationary products
2 Js Traders They will provide us with their
products like stationary products
and office equipments.
3 Bilal Old Books Will aquire old and new course
books from them.
4 New Urdu Book Center Will aquire old and new course
books from them.

Advertising & Promotion

This is the age of social media and everyone is using different apps
which is a great platform to advertise and promote your product/business. We are
planning to make attractive cliparts and post them on different social media pages and
on different apps to advertise our business. We are also planning to make our social
media pages on different apps and invite people and tell them about our products and
Pricing & Distribution
We mentioned earlier that we are making a plan to keep our price of
product low so everyone can afford our product. Distribution policy is also very much
efficient so everyone can receive our product on their door step on time. People love to
enjoy the food in low price so we are providing this facility to our customer so they can
enjoy and get what the want in reasonable price.
Customer Service Policy
Every business provide best services to their customer for the long term
retention of their customers.The future of business is depend upon the nature of
services provide by the business. Our Customer service policy is very much attractive
for our customer because we are planning to provide them best product and some
exciting offers time to time. We are training our delivery boys to take care of our
customers order and deliver that order on time.

Section 2 Sales and Marketing Plan
Section 3 Operating Plan
Location of the business plays an important role in attracting the customers
but also it attracts the right talent to business success. Location of business is one of
the most factor for success. Business location also helps to create the brand and image
of the busiess. Location strategy also help the small scale business to create their
business successful. So the place we are having is the hub of students and lets say our
potential customers/ Consumers.
Size and Capacity
Size means the scale and volume of operation of business. The operation of
business is an important part of business because it determine the future of business.
Capacity of business determine that How much traffic a business can bear?? While
keeping our shop in view, we can say that at start not much we’ll be starting from one
or two departments but gradually moving towards success we’ll be covering all the
departments in NUML
Advantages or Disadvantages
There are so many advantages and disadvantages of business:
1.Independence: You are your own boss now, freedom of taking decisions and earn
2.Life Style: After starting a business there is a change in life style occurs. When u
want to
work you decide because you are your own boss now.
3. Learning: In business you will learn after running it because there are so many
you take and while taking those decision you will learn.
1.Loss: In business there is risk of loss present eveytime, so in first few years when
business isn’t generating more profit so it will occurs some loss.
2.Stress: When you face loss in business you will feel some stress and this is also a
disadvantage involve there.
3.Increase In Duties: Business will also increase your duties you have to perform some
duties which you don’t want to do, but in business you have to do everything.
Lease or Ownership Details
We are looking for a small place for start to mitigate our high lease expense.
When you start your business already done so much expenses for other tings so
leaseing isnt an option in our case we require a space inside university so we’ll have to
secure our place inside university.

Section 3 Operating Plan
Equipment, Furniture & Fixtures
Mainly in our business we have to acquire some bookselves to display our
book items and need some tables chairs for the helpers. In addition to above, we’ll be
needing a lot of shelves to place our stationary items the fixtures will be the shelves.
Where as miscellaneous items posesses coolers, chairs tables e.t.c
Future Expenditures / Technology Requirements
When the business grow the expenses of it also increases so every
businessman always be ready for these expenses and we’ll also save some amount for
our regular and future expenses. If we need so can think about borrowing loan from
friends or some financial institutions.
Research and Development
In every business research plays an important role, because research will
tell the needs and wants of the customers. In our business structure we’ll add value by
researching what books do they require and which of them are unnecessary
expenditure so that we can easily secure and retain our customers. Development is
done on the basis of research because when we know what customer want so we can
develop our employees according to that.
Environmental Compliance
In case of enviormental compliance one should be using enviormental
friendly products as we are not hurting any side of nature then the next step is to
analyise that how do we have to preserve this nature or what else can we do to
preserve this mother nature. The enviorment here is an study enviorment so in order to
flourish our business we’ll have to provide students with the best of products.
Section 4 Human Resources Plan
Key Employees
1 General Manager To Manage things + Admin
accourdingly in order to Experience of 2
keep business running Years
2 Accountant To keep record of our
Cash’s In & Outflow
3 Employee’s To help out Could be anything
4 Delivery Boy To Deliver Goods Able to carry
We want to hire best people to take good care of our customer.
Searching for highly qualified and talented people for our business to grow and make
our business successful.


Hours of Operations
Hours of operation is a key element is every business because the time
selection is create an impact on the customer. The opening and closing time of our
business is according to our customer because when they need we are there for them
and providing our services. Selection of perfecting hours of operation will create an
impact on the customers and they will get satisfied because when and what they need
we are providing them.
Number of Employees
To start a business 4 to 5 persons are more than enough for every
business. We are also planning to hire not more than 4 persons in start. All we need is
an accountant , A Helper, delivery boy and a order taker.
Vacation Program
As our shop is located at NUML university we’ll be following their
scheduled accordingly.
Performance Assessment
Perforance assessment is based on the Feedback of the customers.
The feedback of our customers about our products, customer care, services will provide
us good performance assessment of our employees and also this is the opportunity for
us to develop the skills in our employees so our customer get staisfy.
Training & Development

Section 4 Human Resources Plan
Training and development is the way to increase the efficiency of the
business. Time to time training and development in business will enhance the skills of
employees and they get confidence to perform their duties more efficiently. Training and
development also help us to retain our customers for long time. It also help to achieve
all the goals and objectives of the business. Training and deleopment help us to create
more employement opportunities by growing our business.
Remuneration and Benefits
Remuneration policy is according to the education, skills and
performance of the employes. We are always try to motivate our employees to work
efficiently so it will increase their remuneration and also help to provide them benefits.
Performance assessment helpful in remuneraton and benefit provider section because
when performance of the employee increase then the remuneration and benefits also
Section 5 Action Plan
1 Stationary At start
2 New Books (Management Dept) At start
3 Old Books (Management Dept) At start
4 New books (Other Departments) After 8 - 9
This is our plan to introduce different products after some interval of time
and according to the trend and need of the customers. When we receive the feedback
about some of the products so we will start it because of customer need.

Section 6 Executive Summary
Objectives /
Description of the Project
The basic and main objective of this project is to provide the best
services to our customer to fullfill their need of Stationary and Books. Keeping our price
low will also attract every income level of people to try our product without thinking of
price. Customer need some quality items so another big and important objective is to
fullfill the need of taste of customer.
Business History / Nature of Operations

Products and Services

Product and services are the key element in every business and without
these every business is empty. The custoners will attract to them who provide them best
products and services. If we want to attract the customers so we have to provide them
efficient and best product and services to satisfy them and retain them for long period of
Project Financing
Project financing will tell you about the future expenses and sales. It
also includes that how you can save more money for future and in whuch section you
have to put more investment and how to increase your sales and reduce your
expenses. Every businessman must use project financing method to determine the
future of business.
Management / Advisors
In every business the Mnanagement plays an important role in making
Business grow. It also includes the skills, team, resources and all other things.
Mnagement must have the skill of problem solving because in bsiness you will many
problems in making decisions.

Director 1
Syed Mobeen Ali Naqvi

Director 2
Usama Arshad

Risk Assessment & Contingency Plan

Risk assessment is necessory for every business, by identifying the risk
involve in business you will make plan to measure and manage the risks. Contigency
planning include the measurement of risk and make efficient plan for the risk and

Section 6 Executive Summary

eleminate it from business. It also includes identify the future risk and have plan to
tackle those risks.
Financial Institution
Financial instititutions plays an important role in starting a business
and running it successfully. They provide us investment plans for our business, financial
institutions have exciting offers for the people who want to start their business. Banks
are the best examples of financial institution because they provide loan to people for
start a business.

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