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Learning Area Grade Level 10

Quarter Fourth Date
The learner interprets measures of position. (M10SP-IVc-1)
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Interpreting a measure of position
A. Introduction (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you are able to:
a. recognize the connection between the definition of a measure of position and its
interpretation in a given distribution ;
b. interpret a particular measure of position in a distribution; and
c. appreciate the importance of interpretation of measure of position in real life

Consider the situation below.

Mrs. Rosales gave a 10-item Math quiz to her advisory class. Based on the result, 4 is the median of the scores. What
does it mean?

Explanation: It means that 50% of the students got scores less than or equal to 4. In addition, the other 50% of the class got
scores greater than 4. It comes from the definition of median as the middlemost value in a set of data.

Since median has its equivalents in measures of position, namely, in quartiles, in deciles, and in percentiles, then
measures of position can also be interpreted the same way the median is interpreted.

Study the text that follows.

B. Development (Time Frame: 40 minutes)


Quartiles Deciles Percentiles
• 25% of the distribution has • 10% of the distribution has a • 1% of the distribution has
a value less than or equal value less than or equal to the a value less than or equal
to the first quartile (𝑄1 ). first decile (𝐷1 ). to the first percentile (𝑃1 ).
• 50% or one-half of the • 20% of the distribution has a • 2% of the distribution has
distribution has a value value less than or equal to the a value less than or equal
less than or equal to the second decile (𝐷2 ). to the second percentile
second quartile (𝑄2 ). • 30% of the distribution has a (𝑃2 ).
• 75% of the distribution has value less than or equal to the • 3% of the distribution has
a value less than or equal third decile (𝐷3 ). a value less than or equal
to the third quartile (𝑄3 ). NOTE: The connection between deciles to the third percentile (𝑃3 ).
and percentiles is that the first decile 𝐷1 NOTE: The percentile position is
is the 10th percentile; the second decile also the percentage of the values
is the 20th percentile; the third decile is in a distribution less than or equal
the 30th percentile, and so on. to that particular percentile.

Look at the following examples and study how each measure is being interpreted.

Illustrative Example 1
In preparation for Palarong Pambansa, Mr. Borja, as CALABARZON athletics team coach, asked his 10 players to run
100 meters. Anthony, one of the players, ran completely in 9 minutes which is 4 th decile of the recorded time. What does it

Explanation: Since 4th decile is equal to 𝑃40 then this means that 40% of the players ran less than or equal to 9 minutes. In other
words, 10 × 40% = 4 players ran less than or equal to 9 minutes. Furthermore, 60% of the players or 6 players ran greater than 9
Illustrative Example 2
Based on the survey conducted by the Barangay Health Office of Barangay San Jose, the third quartile (𝑄3 ) of the
ages of 200 Grade 10 students of that barangay is 16 years old. What does it mean?

Explanation: This means that 75% of the Grade 10 students in Barangay San Jose is 16 years old or younger than 16 years old.
In other words, 200 × 75% = 150 Grade 10 students of Barangay San Jose are 16 years old or younger than 16 years old. In
addition, 25% or 50 Grade students are older than 16 years old.

Illustrative Example 3
The score of Grace in the Third Quarterly Examination in Mathematics is in the 8th decile (𝐷8 ) and the passing score is
in the 65th percentile (𝑃65 ). Did she pass the test? (Assume that the values of 𝐷8 and 𝑃65 are different.)

Explanation: 𝐷8 = 𝑃80. Since it is assumed that 𝐷8 and 𝑃65 have different values, then it can be said that Grace’s score is
greater than 𝑃65 . Therefore, she passed the examination.

C. Engagement (Time Frame: 30 minutes)

Learning Task 1
Consider the situation below and answer the questions that follow.

Teacher Liza, the health coordinator of San Jose National High School, recorded the height of 40 students in a Grade
10 class for computing Body Mass Index (BMI). Based on her report, Nadine’s height is in the 60 th percentile (𝑃60 ). (Assume that
the height of each student is different to each other.)
a) How many students are shorter than Nadine?
b) How many students are taller than Nadine?
c) If Kathryn’s height is in the 3rd quartile (𝑄3 ), how can you compare it with Nadine’s height?
d) If Maymay’s height is in the 4th decile (𝐷4 ), how can you compare it with Nadine’s height?
e) If Maymay’s height is in the 4 th decile (𝐷4 ), how can you compare it with Kathryn’s height?

Learning Task 2
Read the situation below and answer the questions that follow.

Mr. Aguilar is applying as a staff worker of a shoe factory in Nagcarlan, Laguna. During the interview, he asked the
manager about the salary he would get once he is hired. The manager told him that it is in the 4.5 th decile.
a) What does the manager’s answer to Mr. Aguilar mean?
b) If Mr. Aguilar’s friend is also a staff worker in that shoe factory and receives a salary which is in the 2 nd quartile, which of
them has a higher salary? Explain. (Assume that Mr. Aguilar is hired in the factory.)
c) If the manager told Mr. Aguilar that starting next month he will receive a salary which is in the 3 rd quartile, should he be
glad with that? Explain.
D. Assimilation (Time Frame: 20 minutes)
Learning Task 3
Answer the following questions.
1. The first quartile (𝑄1 ) of the ages of the 120 employees of Tropicana Fruit Factory is 30 years old. What does it imply?

2. Mrs. Santos’ advisory class has 35 students. She made a report on the weight of each student as part of the feeding
program of the school. Roger, one of the students, has a weight which is in the 7 th decile. How many students have weight
greater than him? (Each of them has unique weight.)

3. Rodelyn’s score is the 30th percentile in the Second Summative Test in Mathematics. If the passing score is 𝐷4 , did she pass
the test? Explain. (The values of 𝑃30 and 𝐷4 are not equal.)
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 20 minutes)

Answer the following questions. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Theodoro took the entrance examination in San Pablo City Science Integrated High School. His score is in the 7 th decile and
the passing score is the 75th percentile. Suppose that 𝐷7 and 𝑃75 are not equal, can Theodoro enroll in that school?
A. Yes, because his score is greater than the passing score.
B. Yes, because his score is equal to the passing score.
C. No, because his score is equal to the passing score.
D. No, because his score is below the passing score.
2. During the flag raising ceremony, Miss Nicole asked her advisory class with 45 students to form a line according to height
from the shortest to the tallest. One of the students, Tony, has a height that is in the 40 th percentile. Assuming that none of the
students has the same height, how many students are taller than Tony?
A. 18 B. 24 C. 27 D. 30

3. Jason got a score of 90 which is the 88th percentile in First Summative Test in Mathematics. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. He passed the test if the passing score is the 9th decile.
B. Eighty-eight percent of the class got scores less than or equal to 90.
C. Twelve percent of the class got scores less than or equal to 90.
D. He scored above 90% of his classmates.

4. The second quartile (𝑄2 ) of the ages of the 50 Grade 7-Rutherford students of San Jose National High School is 12 years old.
Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Most of the students are aging 12 years old.
B. All of the students are aging 12 years old.
C. There are 12 students aging 12 years old.
D. There are 25 students that the ages are less than or equal to 12 years old.

5. A certain government scholarship is offered to incoming Grade 11 students in Laguna. The policy is that a student who will
pass the qualifying examination will be accepted as scholar. Given that the passing score is in the 60 th percentile, which of
the following scores will make a student accepted as scholar?
A. 𝑄1 B. 𝑄3 C. 𝐷4 D. 𝑃50
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 5 minutes)
• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task 1 LP Learning Task 2 LP Learning Task 3 LP Assessment LP
a a Number 1 Number 1
b b Number 2 Number 2
c c Number 3 Number 3

VII. REFERENCES Mathematics Learners Module Grade 10, p. 362-395

Prepared by: Rolito G. Asombra – San Jose National High Checked by: MA. FILIPINA M. DRIO

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