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EC NUMBER: 0990582T



1. Analyze and make informed conclusions on issues related to health, safety and well being.

2. Exhibit a clear appreciation of diverse cultural values of Zimbabwean society.

3. Foster a collective spirit based on Zimbabwean norms and values(Unhu/Vumunhu/Ubuntu)

4. Experience a sense of fun, enjoyment, entertainment, fair play, achievement and self-awareness.

5. Develop and engage in enterprising activities related to Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays.

6. Effectively execute Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays related skills.


1. Exhibit social skills related to the cultural values of the Zimbabwean society.
2. Display awareness of aesthetics in motion.

3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structures and functions of the human body related to movement.

4. Improve health and skill related fitness as well as movement factors affecting performance.

5. Display knowledge and understanding of benefits of engaging in Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays.

6. Apply principles and rules of safety in all physical activities.

7. Demonstrate an understanding of the links between physical activity and optimum health


AND (Skills,
26/03/21 History of By the end of -discussing -locating 1.Nat syll -cards
Physical lessons learners the evolution -identifying PESMD p.20 -ICT tools
Education should be able of physical -discussing 2.PE and -World map
-Evolution of to: education -writing sports for
physical and sport beginners
education 1. Trace the -locating p.90
evolution of countries on 3.Internet.
physical the world
education. map and
2. Identify origins identifying
of physical their sporting
education. strengths

02/04/21 1.History of By the end of -discussing -identifying 1.Nat. syll -pictures

sport lessons learners the evolution -outlining PESMD p.21 -cards
-Evolution of should be able of sport -examining 2.PE to 16
sport to: -identifying -discussing p.106
2.Nutrition, diet weight -writing 3.Sport 2nd
and physical 1. Trace the control edition
activity evolution of methods p.167
-Weight control sport. -measuring 4.Internet.
2. Identify origins and
of sport. monitoring
3. Explain the weight
importance of periodically
weight control.

09/04/21 1.Weight By the end of -discussing -distinguishing 1.Nat. syll -cards

control and lessons learners weight -identifying PESMD p.21 -pictures
physical should be able control and -stating 2.PE and -chart
performance to: physical -discussing sports for
-Diet and 1. Describe the performance -writing beginners
physical use exercise in -creating p.84
performance weight control. physical 3.PE to 16
2.Substances 2. Explain the activity logs p.108
and anti-doping importance of -identifying 4.Internet.
-Banned linking food banned and
substances in consumed and unbanned
sport level of physical substances in
activity. sport
3. Identify -quiz
banned and sessions on
unbanned substance
substances used abuse
in sport. -written work
23/04/21 Health, safety By the end of -explaining -explaining 1.Nat syll -cards
and lessons learners on banned -listing PESMD p.21 -pictures
environment should be able substance in -discussing 2.PE and
-Substances to: sport -identifying sports for
and anti- 1. Explain why -discussing -writing beginners
doping. some substances environment p.200
-Injuries and are banned in al factors 3.PE to 16
First Aid. sport. that cause p.116
2. Identify injuries in 4.Internet.
environmental sport
factors that can -identifying
cause injuries. ways of
3. Explain how preventing
injuries can be injuries
prevented. -written
30/04/21 Injuries and By the end of -describing -describing 1.Nat syll -pictures
First Aid lessons learners minor -viewing PESMD p.21 -videos
-Management should be able injuries -managing an 2.PE and -First Aid
of minor to: -viewing injury sports for equipment
injuries pictures and -discovering beginners
-Injury 1 Identify minor videos of p. 206
prevention injuries. minor 3.PE to 16
2. Explain the injuries p.120
benefits of warm -explaining 4.Sport 2nd
up in preventing reasons for edition p.81
injuries. having a 5.Internet.
3. Demonstrate warm up
the management session prior
of minor injuries. an activity
minor injury
07/05/21 Skeletal system By the end of -drawing and -drawing 1.Nat syll -pictures
-Types of joints lessons learners labeling the -labeling PESMD p.22 -cards
should be able synovial -completing 2.PE and -models
to: joint. - sports for -videos
-discussion naming/statin beginners
1. State the on types of g p.11
different types of joints. -writing 3.PE to 16
joints. -completing p.30
2. Describe types work cards 4.Sport 2nd
of joints. on types of edition p.7
3. Name and give joints 5.Internet.
examples of -written
different types of work.
synovial joints.

14/05/21 Muscular By the end of -identifying -identifying 1.Nat syll -videos

system lessons learners positions of -viewing PESMD p.22 -pictures
-Muscle groups should be able muscles -naming 2.PE and -cards
-Muscle action to: -viewing -distinguishing sports for
videos and -writing beginners
1. Identify the pictures of p.14
location of muscles 3.PE to 16
different muscle -performing p.42
groups. group tasks 4.Sport p.15
2. Name the on muscle 5.Internet.
different muscle groups
groups. -class
3. Distinguish discussion
between agonist -written
and antagonist work.
21/05/21 Cardiovascular By the end of -discussing -viewing 1.Nat syll -pictures
system lessons learners the -writing PESMD p.22 -videos
-Composition should be able composition -discussing 2. PE and
and function of to: and functions -stating sports for
blood of blood beginners
1. List the -viewing p.25
components of videos on 3.PE to 16
blood. cardiovascula p.62
2 State the r system 4.Sport p.20
different blood -written 5.Internet.
vessels involved work.
in blood

28/05/21 Respiratory By the end of -observing -stating 1.Nat syll -videos

system lessons learners the changes - PESMD p.23 -cards
-Functions of should be able that take differentiating 2.PE and -models
the respiratory to: place when -drawing sports for
system breathing in -describing beginners
-Breathing 1. State the and out( in - p.23
functions of the pairs) understanding 3.PE to 16
respiratory -drawing the p.68
system. respiratory 4.Sport p.26
2. Explain the system 5.Internet.
breathing -describing
process. the
3. Differentiate respiratory
between system
inhalation and -watching
exhalation. videos on
28/05/21 Exercise and By the end of -defining -defining 1.Nat syll -fitness tests
To fitness: lessons learners components -measuring PESMD p.23 equipment
04/06/21 Skill related should be able of fitness -recording 2.PE to 16 -cones
fitness to: -carrying out -comparing p.78 -videos
-Speed, power, 1. Identify the fitness tests 3.Sport
agility, reaction skill related p.155
time and components of 4.Internet.
balance fitness.
2. Define
components of
3. Describe
activities that
improve skill
related fitness.
2l End of term By the end of -revising -revising 1.Nat syll
examinations term learners -writing -writing PESMD
should be able -practical -performing 2.Teacher’s
to: work resource
1. Participate in
various tests set.

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