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Paul Dawkins

Calculus I i

Table of Contents
Chapter 6 : Applications of Integrals ...................................................................................................................... 2
Section 6-1 : Average Function Value .......................................................................................................................3
Section 6-2 : Area Between Curves ...........................................................................................................................4
Section 6-3 : Volumes of Solids of Revolution / Method of Rings .............................................................................6
Section 6-4 : Volumes of Solids of Revolution / Method of Cylinders ......................................................................8
Section 6-5 : More Volume Problems .....................................................................................................................10
Section 6-6 : Work ...................................................................................................................................................13

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 2

Chapter 6 : Applications of Integrals

Here are a set of assignment problems for the Applications of Integrals chapter of the Calculus I notes.
Please note that these problems do not have any solutions available. These are intended mostly for
instructors who might want a set of problems to assign for turning in. Having solutions available (or even
just final answers) would defeat the purpose the problems.

If you are looking for some practice problems (with solutions available) please check out the Practice
Problems. There you will find a set of problems that should give you quite a bit practice.

Here is a list of all the sections for which assignment problems have been written as well as a brief
description of the material covered in the notes for that particular section.

Average Function Value – In this section we will look at using definite integrals to determine the average
value of a function on an interval. We will also give the Mean Value Theorem for Integrals.

Area Between Curves – In this section we’ll take a look at one of the main applications of definite
integrals in this chapter. We will determine the area of the region bounded by two curves.

Volumes of Solids of Revolution / Method of Rings – In this section, the first of two sections devoted to
finding the volume of a solid of revolution, we will look at the method of rings/disks to find the volume
of the object we get by rotating a region bounded by two curves (one of which may be the x or y-axis)
around a vertical or horizontal axis of rotation.

Volumes of Solids of Revolution / Method of Cylinders – In this section, the second of two sections
devoted to finding the volume of a solid of revolution, we will look at the method of cylinders/shells to
find the volume of the object we get by rotating a region bounded by two curves (one of which may be
the x or y-axis) around a vertical or horizontal axis of rotation.

More Volume Problems – In the previous two sections we looked at solids that could be found by
treating them as a solid of revolution. Not all solids can be thought of as solids of revolution and, in fact,
not all solids of revolution can be easily dealt with using the methods from the previous two sections.
So, in this section we’ll take a look at finding the volume of some solids that are either not solids of
revolutions or are not easy to do as a solid of revolution.

Work – In this section we will look at is determining the amount of work required to move an object
subject to a force over a given distance.

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 3

Section 6-1 : Average Function Value

For problems 1 – 4 determine f avg for the function on the given interval.

1. f ( x ) = 8 x 4 − 7 x 3 + 2 on [ −2,1]

2. f ( x=
) ( 4 − x ) ex on [1, 4]
−8 x

3. f ( x=
) 6x − on [ −3, 0]
x +1

4. f ( x ) cos ( 3 x )  2 + sin ( 3 x )  on 0, π6 


For problems 5 – 8 find f avg for the function on the given interval and determine the value of c in the
given interval for which f ( c ) = f avg .

5. f ( x ) = 10 − 4 x − 6 x on [ 2, 6]

6. f ( x ) = 7 x + 2 x − 3 on [ −1,1]

7. f ( x )= 9 − 2e 4 x +1 on [ −1, 2]

8. f ( x )= 8 − cos ( 4x ) on [ 0, 4π ]

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 4

Section 6-2 : Area Between Curves

1. Determine the area below f ( x=

) 8 x − 2 x 2 and above the x-axis.

2. Determine the area above f ( x ) = 3 x + 6 x − 9 and below the x-axis.


3. Determine the area to the right of g ( y ) = y + 4 y − 5 and to the left of the y-axis.

4. Determine the area to the left of g ( y ) =

−4 y 2 + 24 y − 20 and to the right of the y-axis.

5. Determine the area below f ( x=

) 10 − 2 x 2 and above the line y = 3 .

6. Determine the area above f ( x ) = x 2 + 2 x + 3 and below the line y = 11 .

7. Determine the area to the right of g ( y ) = y 2 + 2 y − 4 and to the left of the line x = −1 .

8. Determine the area to the left of g ( y ) =2 + 4 y − y and to the right of the line x = −1 .

For problems 9 – 26 determine the area of the region bounded by the given set of curves.

y x 3 + 2 , y = 1 and x = 2 .
9. =

10. y = x 2 − 6 x + 10 and y = 5 .

11. y = x 2 − 6 x + 10 , x = 1 , x = 5 and the x-axis.

12. x = y 2 + 2 y + 4 and x = 4 .

13. y= 5 − x , x = 1 , x = 4 and the x-axis.

14. x = e y , x = 1 , y = 1 and y = 2 .

15. =
x 4 y − y 2 and the y-axis.

y 3 x + 6 , x = −3 and x = 3 .
16. y = x 2 + 2 x + 4 , =

17. =
x 6 y − y 2 , x = 2 y , y = −2 and y = 5 .

y x 2 + 8 , y = 3 x 2 , x = −3 and x = 4 .
18. =

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 5

19. x = y 2 , x = y 3 and y = 2 .

7 1
20. y = , y= − 3 , x = −1 and x = −4 .
x x

y 2 x 2 + 1 , y= 7 − x , x = 4 and the y-axis.


22. y = sin ( 12 x ) , y= 3 + cos ( 2 x ) , x = 0 and x = π

4 .

23. x 2 y + 6 , x= y − 1 , y = 1 and y = 6 .

24. y= 2 − e 2− x , y = x 2 − 4 x + 7 , x = 3 and the y-axis. Note : These functions do not intersect.

25. y = e 2 x −1 , y = e5− x , x = 0 and x = 3 .

26. x = cos (π y ) , x = 3 , y = 0 and y = 4 .

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 6

Section 6-3 : Volumes of Solids of Revolution / Method of Rings

For problems 1 – 16 use the method disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by
rotating the region bounded by the given curves about the given axis.

1. Rotate the region bounded by y = 2 x 2 , y = 8 and the y-axis about the y-axis.

2. Rotate the region bounded by y = 2 x 2 , y = 8 and the y-axis about the x-axis.

3. Rotate the region bounded by y = 2 x 2 , x = 2 and the x-axis about the x-axis.

4. Rotate the region bounded by y = 2 x 2 , x = 2 and the x-axis about the y-axis.

5. Rotate the region bounded by x = y 3 , x = 8 and the x-axis about the x-axis.

6. Rotate the region bounded by x = y 3 , x = 8 and the x-axis about the y-axis.

7. Rotate the region bounded by x = y 3 , y = 2 and the y-axis about the x-axis.

8. Rotate the region bounded by x = y 3 , y = 2 and the y-axis about the y-axis.

9. Rotate the region bounded by y = , y = 9 , x = −2 , x = − 13 about the y-axis.

10. Rotate the region bounded by y = , y = 9 , x = −2 , x = − 13 about the x-axis.

11. Rotate the region bounded by y= 4 + 3e − x , y = 2 , x = 1

2 and x = 3 about the x-axis.

12. Rotate the region bounded by x= 5 − y 2 and x = 4 about the y-axis.

13. Rotate the region bounded by y= 6 − 2 x , y= 3 + x and x = 3 about the x-axis.

14. Rotate the region bounded by y= 6 − 2 x , y= 3 + x and y = 6 about the y-axis.

15. Rotate the region bounded by y = x 2 − 2 x + 4 and y= x + 14 about the x-axis.

16. Rotate the region bounded by = ( y − 3)

x and x = 16 about the y-axis.

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 7

17. Use the method of disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by y = 2 x 2 , y = 8 and the y-axis about the
(a) line x = 3 (b) line x = −2
(c) line y = 11 (d) line y = −4

18. Use the method of disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by x = y 2 − 6 y + 9 and x = − y 2 + 6 y − 1 about the
(a) line x = 10 (b) line x = −3

19. Use the method of disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the triangle
with vertices ( 3, 2 ) , ( 7, 2 ) and ( 7,14 ) about the
(a) line x = 12 (b) line x = 2 (c) line x = −1
(d) line y = 14 (e) line y = 1 (f) line y = −3

20. Use the method of disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by y= 4 + 3e − x , y = 2 , x = 12 and x = 3 about the
(a) line y = 7 (b) line y = 1 (c) line y = −3

21. Use the method of disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by x= 3 + y 2 and = x 2 y + 11 about the
(a) line x = 23 (b) line x = 2 (c) line x = −1

22. Use the method of disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by y= 5 + x , y = 5 and x = 4 about the
(a) line y = 8 (b) line y = 2 (c) line y = −2

23. Use the method of disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by = y 10 − 2 x , y= x + 1 and y = 7 about the
(a) line x = 8 (b) line x = 1 (c) line x = −4

24. Use the method of disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by y = − x 2 − 2 x − 5 and =
y 2 x − 17 about the
(a) line y = 3 (b) line y = −1 (c) line y = −34

25. Use the method of disks/rings to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by x = −2 y 2 − 3 and x = −5 about the
(a) line x = 4 (b) line x = −2 (c) line x = −9

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 8

Section 6-4 : Volumes of Solids of Revolution / Method of Cylinders

For problems 1 – 14 use the method cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating
the region bounded by the given curves about the given axis.

1. Rotate the region bounded by y = 2 x 2 , y = 8 and the y-axis about the y-axis.

2. Rotate the region bounded by y = 2 x 2 , y = 8 and the y-axis about the x-axis.

3. Rotate the region bounded by y = 2 x 2 , x = 2 and the x-axis about the x-axis.

4. Rotate the region bounded by y = 2 x 2 , x = 2 and the x-axis about the y-axis.

5. Rotate the region bounded by x = y 3 , x = 8 and the x-axis about the x-axis.

6. Rotate the region bounded by x = y 3 , x = 8 and the x-axis about the y-axis.

7. Rotate the region bounded by x = y 3 , y = 2 and the y-axis about the x-axis.

8. Rotate the region bounded by x = y 3 , y = 2 and the y-axis about the y-axis.

1 1 1
9. Rotate the region bounded by y = , y = and x = about the y-axis.
x 3 2

1 1 1
10. Rotate the region bounded by y = , y = and x = about the x-axis.
x 3 2

11. Rotate the region bounded by y= 6 − 2 x , y= 3 + x and x = 3 about the y-axis.

12. Rotate the region bounded by y= 6 − 2 x , y= 3 + x and y = 6 about the x-axis.

13. Rotate the region bounded by y = x 2 − 6 x + 11 and y = 6 about the y-axis.

14. Rotate the region bounded by x = y 2 − 8 y + 19 and =

x 2 y + 3 about the x-axis.

15. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by y = 2 x 2 , y = 8 and the y-axis about the
(a) line x = 3 (b) line x = −2
(c) line y = 11 (d) line y = −4

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 9

16. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by x = y 3 , x = 8 and the x-axis about the
(a) line x = 10 (b) line x = −3
(c) line y = 3 (d) line y = −4

17. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by x = y 2 − 6 y + 9 and x = − y 2 + 6 y − 1 about the
(a) line y = 7 (b) line y = −2

18. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the triangle
with vertices ( 3, 2 ) , ( 7, 2 ) and ( 7,14 ) about the
(a) line x = 12 (b) line x = 2 (c) line x = −1 (d) line y = 14
(e) line y = 1 (f) line y = −3

19. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by y= 4 + 3e − x , y = 2 , x = 12 and x = 3 about the
(a) line x = 5 (b) line x = 1
4 (c) line x = −1

20. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by x = y 2 − 8 y + 19 and =x 2 y + 3 about the
(a) line y = 9 (b) line y = 1 (c) line y = −3

21. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by y = 5 + x − 3 , y = 5 and x = 4 about the
(a) line x = 9 (b) line x = 2 (c) line x = −1

22. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by y = − x 2 − 10 x + 6 and =
y 2 x + 26 about the
(a) line x = 2 (b) line x = −1 (c) line x = −14

23. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by x =y 2 − 10 y + 27 and x = 11 about the
(a) line y = 10 (b) line y = 1 (c) line y = −3

24. Use the method of cylinders to determine the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region
bounded by= y 2 x 2 + 1 , y= 7 − x , x = 3 and x = 32 about the
(a) line x = 6 (b) line x = 1 (c) line x = −2

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 10

Section 6-5 : More Volume Problems

1. Use the method of finding volume from this section to determine the volume of a sphere of radius r.

2. Find the volume of the solid whose base is the region bounded by x= 2 − y 2 and = x y 2 − 2 and
whose cross-sections are squares with the base perpendicular to the y-axis. See figure below to see a
sketch of the cross-sections.

3. Find the volume of the solid whose base is a disk of radius r and whose cross-sections are rectangles
whose height is half the length of the base and whose base is perpendicular to the x-axis. See figure
below to see a sketch of the cross-sections (the positive x-axis and positive y-axis are shown in the

4. Find the volume of the solid whose base is the region bounded by = y x 2 − 1 and y = 3 and whose
cross-sections are equilateral triangles with the base perpendicular to the y-axis. See figure below to
see a sketch of the cross-sections.

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 11

5. Find the volume of the solid whose base is the region bounded by x= 2 − y 2 and = x y 2 − 2 and
whose cross-sections are the upper half of the circle centered on the y-axis. See figure below to see a
sketch of the cross-sections.

6. Find the volume of a wedge cut out of a “cylinder” whose base is the region bounded by y = cos ( x )
and the x-axis between − π2 ≤ x ≤ π2 . The angle between the top and bottom of the wedge is π4 . See
the figure below for a sketch of the “cylinder” and the wedge (the positive x-axis and positive y-axis are
shown in the sketch).

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 12

7. For a sphere of radius r find the volume of the cap which is defined by the angle ϕ where ϕ is the
angle formed by the y-axis and the line from the origin to the bottom of the cap. See the figure below
for an illustration of the angle ϕ .

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

Calculus I 13

Section 6-6 : Work

1. A force of F ( x=
) xe −2 x 2
+ 6 x − 2 acts on an object. What is the work required to move the object
from x = 1 to x = 4 ?

of F ( x ) 4 cos ( 2 x ) − 7 sin ( 12 x ) , x is in meters, acts on an object. What is the work

2. A force=
required to move the object 10 meters to the right of x = 2 ?

3. A force of F ( x ) sin ( x ) ecos( x ) − 4 x + 1 , x is in meters, acts on an object. What is the work required
to move the object 6.5 meters to the left of x = 9 ?

4. A spring has a natural length of 25 cm and a force of 3.5 N is required to stretch and hold the spring to
a length of 32 cm. What is the work required to stretch the spring from a length of 30 cm to a length of
45 cm?

5. A spring has a natural length of 9 inches and a force of 7 lbs is required to stretch and hold the spring
to a length of 21 inches. What is the work required to stretch the spring from a length of 12 inches to a
length of 30 inches?

6. A cable with mass 2 kg/meter is lifting a load of 50 kg that is initially at the bottom of a 75 meter
shaft. How much work is required to lift the load 40 meters?

7. A cable with mass 1.5 kg/meter is attached to a bucket that has mass 75 kg. Initially there is 500 kg of
grain in the bucket and as the bucket is raised 2 kg of grain leaks out of a hole in the bucket for every
meter the bucket is raised. The bucket is 200 meters below a bridge. How much work is required to
raise the bucket to the top of the bridge?

8. A tank of water is in the shape of a cylinder of height 25 meters and radius of 7 meters. If the tank is
completely filled with water how much work is required to pump all of the water to the top of the tank.
Assume that the density of water is 1000 kg/m3.

9. A tank of water is in the shape of an inverted pyramid that is 18 feet tall and whose top is a square
with sides 4 feet long. If there is initially 12 feet of water in the tank determine the amount of work
needed to pump all of the water to the top of the tank. Assume that the density of water is 62 lb/ft3.

10. A tank of is the shape of the lower half of a sphere of radius 6 meters. If the initial depth of the
water is 4 meters how much work is required to pump all the water to the top of the tank. Assume that
the density of water is 1000 kg/m3.

© 2018 Paul Dawkins

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