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Power line robotic device for overhead line inspection and maintenance

Article  in  Industrial Robot · August 2016

DOI: 10.1108/IR-06-2016-0165


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3 authors, including:

Farshid Abbasi Javad Mohammadpour Velni

ASML University of Georgia


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Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Power line robotic device for overhead line inspection and maintenance
Rebecca Miller Farshid Abbasi Javad Mohammadpour
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Rebecca Miller Farshid Abbasi Javad Mohammadpour , (2017),"Power line robotic device for overhead line inspection and
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Power line robotic device for overhead line
inspection and maintenance
Rebecca Miller, Farshid Abbasi and Javad Mohammadpour
College of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA

Purpose – This paper aims to focus on the design and testing of a robotic device for power line inspection and cleaning. The focus for this design
is on simplicity and compactness with a goal to create a device for linemen and other power line workers to keep in their toolbox.
Design/methodology/approach – The prototype uses V-grooved wheels to grip the line and can pass obstacles such as splices. It is equipped with
a video camera to aid in line inspection and a scrub brush to clean debris from the line. The operator controls the device remotely from a laptop
through a wireless connection. The novel way in which this device moves down the power line allows compactness while still being able to overcome
in-line obstacles up to a certain size.
Findings – The device has been tested on a test bed in the lab. The device is able to move down a line and expand to overcome in-line obstacles
as it travels. Testing proved the mechanical feasibility and revealed new requirements for a future prototype.
Practical implications – The device can be used for power line asset management by power companies; line inspection can lead to preventative
Downloaded by Professor Javad Mohammadpour At 13:09 31 January 2017 (PT)

repairs, leading to less downtime.

Social implications – It stands to reduce costs related to maintenance and mitigates down time and emergency repairs.
Originality/value – Innovative features include its size, mobility and control methods. Overall, the impact of this work extends to the utility
maintenance sector and beyond.
Keywords Teleoperation, Overhead, Field robotics, Power line inspection
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction power lines with robotic devices, power companies are able to
manage their assets with greater efficiency and in ways
Small, semi-autonomous robots benefit distribution line
impossible without the devices.
maintenance and inspection processes. Using remotely
Work on such devices started over two decades ago, driven
operated robotic devices alleviates the complexities of line
by safety factors, access to remote and difficult areas and
work by allowing technicians to inspect the lines and perform
increased operational efficiency. The robotic devices can be
maintenance from a safe distance (Toussaint et al., 2009). The
used to evaluate the line for defects such as corrosion,
need for easily installable devices for short time periods is
degradation or mechanical damage (Katrasnik et al., 2010).
demanding because of power line workers needing to use
Specific applications include checking compression splices for
effective tools for the maintenance of the power line
mechanical degradation by measuring resistance, detecting
components, including splices and dampers (Aracil et al.,
corrosion in the steel core of aluminum conductor steel-
2002). Within the field of power line inspection, different
reinforced cable or using infrared imaging to detect possible
methods have been used to carry out the line inspection.
defects in power line components (Montambault and Pouliot,
Although there has been research into the efficacy of manned
2003; Barbosa and Nallin, 2014). Video and still images
helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, focus here is on
collected by line robots of components not visible from the
climbing robotic devices (Jaensch et al., 1998; Dong et al.,
ground can be used to confirm defects detected by other
2012; Luque-Vega et al., 2014). Climbing robots use the
methods. Collecting visual information to evaluate at a safe
existing lines for support, traveling down the line while resting
distance from live lines and archiving the data benefit
on it or clamped or otherwise connected to it. These types of
inspection personnel (Toussaint et al., 2009).
devices provide superior resolution in their inspection
Robotic devices can also implement maintenance tasks
methods because of their proximity to the line and more
while traversing the power lines. For instance, the devices can
controlled motion. This also allows usage of a wider variety of
locate and remove debris such as salt accumulation,
sensors and other monitoring devices and a possibility for
vegetation, ice and animal nests. Performing tasks on live
maintenance and repair actions executed by the robotic device
overhead lines add complications to the design of inspection
itself. Through the inspection and maintenance of overhead
robotic devices. Dangerous high voltages and in-line obstacles
present the largest challenges to overcome. Most research to
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on date focuses on maneuverability, specifically around obstacles.
Emerald Insight at: Several climbing power line robots exist with different features

Industrial Robot: An International Journal

44/1 (2017) 75–84 Received 21 March 2016
© Emerald Publishing Limited [ISSN 0143-991X] Revised 2 August 2016
[DOI 10.1108/IR-06-2016-0165] Accepted 8 August 2016

Power line robotic device Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Rebecca Miller, Farshid Abbasi and Javad Mohammadpour Volume 44 · Number 1 · 2017 · 75–84

and design mechanisms for overcoming obstacles (Aracil et al., easy operation and low cost. We have designed the robot
2002; Katrasnik et al., 2010; Allan, 2012; Lorimer and Boje, described in this paper specifically as a compact, low-cost tool for
2012; Montambault and Pouliot, 2003). Only a few complete linemen to keep with them. The main purpose of the robot is
systems have been deployed in the field for testing and use on maintenance and inspection. The benefits of this robot design
live lines. are safety, low cost and simplicity in a teleoperated,
The LineScout Technology, developed by Hydro-Québec, multi-objective device. Maintenance tasks, including
stands out as a complete system deployed in the field for use inspection and repairs, are identified as high-value
by linemen. It is controlled by a semi-mobile ground station applications in transmission and distribution live-line work
consisting of transceivers set on a tripod and a portable table (Toussaint et al., 2009).
with a robust, military-type field tablet PC (Montambault and The simplicity of this robot design makes it accessible to
Pouliot, 2006). It is semi-autonomous and designed for power line maintainers to keep in their toolbox. It will not
transmission line work. The LineScout weighs 100 kg and require specialized operators and can be easily incorporated
measures a length of 1.4 m and height of 0.75 m (Pouliot and into maintenance programs. Figure 1 shows illustrations of
Montambault, 2008). This device is a mature prototype tested our first prototype.
in field conditions and is capable of overcoming a variety of Overall, the impact of this work extends to the utility
obstacles in an efficient manner. maintenance sector and beyond. The device stands to reduce
The Expliner, designed by HiBot in Japan, uses similar costs related to maintenance, increase safety for linemen and
methods to the LineScout for traveling down transmission mitigate down time and emergency repairs. Reliable power
Downloaded by Professor Javad Mohammadpour At 13:09 31 January 2017 (PT)

lines and overcoming obstacles (Debenest and Guarnieri, with lower maintenance costs can positively affect entire
2010). HiBot designed the robot specifically for bundled communities. Electrical injuries consist of four main types:
transmission lines in Japan (Debenest et al., 2010). Although electrocution (fatal), electric shock, burns, and falls caused as
both the Expliner and LineScout are successful a result of contact with electrical energy (Electrical Safety –
implementations of a transmission line robot, the devices’ bulk NIOSH Workplace Safety And Health Topic, 2016).
and ground control system make the tools specialized devices. According to Worker Deaths by Electrocution, a summary of
They are both too large and outside the range of our design NIOSH findings, the occupation of linemen had the highest
requirements. In addition, they use a balancing mechanism to number of fatal injuries out of the top ten job classifications
ensure the dynamical stability of robot on the cable that is with the most of fatalities (Worker Deaths by Electrocution: A
crucial to accomplish the assigned task. It should be Summary of NIOSH Surveillance and Investigative Findings,
mentioned that this increases the overall weight of the robot 1998). A broader impact of this work is a reduction in these
that can be seen as a disadvantage when considering the statistics.
portability factor. This paper describes the design process for the first
Hydro-Québec created another device, the LineROVer, prototype of the robot and some of the experimental results.
specifically as a de-icing tool for overhead ground wires and Section II discusses the design objectives. Sections III and IV
conductors. The device is more compact than the LineScout, describe the mechanical and electronic specifications of the
weighing 23 kg (Montambault, 2010). Although the device’s robot. Then, in Section V, we discuss the robot testing and
original purpose was as a de-icer, new uses and applications associated results. The final section contains our future design
have been discovered such as payload elevator, safety net plans.
stringing and, by adding new sensors, corrosion detection and
splice resistance measurement (Montambault and Pouliot, 2. Design goals
2003). Similar in size to the LineROVer, the corrosion The primary goal is to design and prototype a small-scale
detection robot tested by Light SESA, a power distributor in robotic device capable of inspecting the power line conditions
Brazil, has proven useful in the field (Barbosa and Nallin, and also cleaning the cable. Design aspects important to this
2014). Both devices use similar mechanisms to travel down project include simplicity, safety, robustness and compactness.
the line involving wheels resting on top of the line. Neither Aside from safety, the most important aspect is simplicity and
device is capable of crossing over towers or overcoming most the ease of use. We intend for this robot to be usable without
obstacles (the LineROVer can overcome splices). special training or a specialized skill set outside of skills a
A trade-off in maneuverability for compactness and ease of typical lineman possesses. This specific robot is not going to
use lets linemen, and maintenance workers use a similar substitute the large high-tech robots that already help power
robotic device in everyday maintenance and inspection. By industries in maintaining the power lines that are hard to
reducing the size and weight and using non-specialized access such as lines passing over lakes, mountains and other
operating equipment, the power line robotic device can be difficult-to-access regions. Instead, this device should be easy
simplified for daily use by all linemen. to use on a daily basis. We are aiming at adding a user-friendly
We have created a lightweight, remotely operated overhead tool to power line workers toolbox that is suitable for
distribution line scrubber for power line inspection and short-term usage on the cable. This translates to an easily
cleaning. Design objectives focus on robot mobility with the installable and controllable robot with capability of adding
ability to cross obstacles found on a typical distribution line different features ito avoid the hazards arising from direct
while using the conductor as support for traveling. Other contact of workers with the power lines.
important design requirements include safety, easy placement Other required design features include a vision system for
and removal from the line, wireless control, visual access to power line inspection, a scrub brush for cleaning the line,
the top of the distribution line, variable speed brush control, wireless control for remote operation, auto-stop safety features

Power line robotic device Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Rebecca Miller, Farshid Abbasi and Javad Mohammadpour Volume 44 · Number 1 · 2017 · 75–84

Figure 1 The wheeled robot for cleaning power lines

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and the ability to maneuver around certain obstacles. The provided by two compact DC gearmotors. To overcome the
battery life must be acceptable for extended periods of use, most challenging concern of passing obstacles, two springs are
and the batteries should be field swappable and rechargeable. chosen with suitable stiffness to generate enough force that
Over time, power lines experience corrosion and keeps the wheels in contact with the cable and obstacle while
mechanical degradation from environmental factors passing it.
(Aggarwal et al., 2000). A vision system for the robot allows The design of the device allows the power line technician to
the operator to locate areas of deterioration. The operator install the robot on the distribution line. The robot attaches
needs to be able to record both video and still images to around the distribution line with the bulk of the hardware
document and assess the condition of the line. hanging below the line. Spindles and wheels clamp around the
The maintenance aspect of the robot includes a scrub brush line with springs, providing the tension needed to tightly hold
to clear debris from the power lines. In coastal regions, salt can on to the line. The springs allow the wheels to expand around
build up on the lines and lead to corrosion. Additionally, dust, obstacles encountered on the line. One brush rests on the
industrial smoke and polluting winds produce deposits on power line and rotates, scrubbing the line to remove dirt and
lines and insulators (Aggarwal et al., 2000). The brush should debris. The hardware includes two motors to control the
help remove these types of debris. forward and backward motion of the robot and one motor to
Robot mobility and obstacle avoidance present the main control the scrub brush, a video camera and two ultrasonic
design challenges for this robot. Several existing autonomous proximity sensors. Additionally, there exists a control box
robots possess obstacle avoidance capabilities (Rowell and housing the microprocessors and motor drivers, batteries,
Boje, 2012; Toussaint et al., 2009; Li and Yi, 2009). Full wires and wireless antenna. The robot is 43 cm long, 24 cm
autonomy is not a design goal here, and our focus is on wide and 33 cm tall. It weighs 9.5 kg without the control
overcoming splices up to 60 mm in diameter. system and batteries and 13.7 kg with the control box and
3. Mechanical design specifications
Our first priority is to come up with a design that can handle 3.1 Material
all the mechanical and dynamical complexities on the cable, The chosen material should fulfill requirements of the design
which also leads to a device easy enough to install and use for such as lightness and appropriate grip to prevent the wheels
workers and technicians. To meet the defined objectives with from slipping, which can lead to the waste of a limited amount
the first prototype, we have designed a V-grooved wheeled of power provided by the batteries. It is worth mentioning that
mechanism that can move along the cable by a rotatory power grooving rubber into the wheel surface can enhance the grip.

Power line robotic device Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Rebecca Miller, Farshid Abbasi and Javad Mohammadpour Volume 44 · Number 1 · 2017 · 75–84

3.2 Motors Figure 2 The motors driving the robot

Although high-speed movement on the cable is not necessary,
the robot might need a high torque to pass the potential
obstacles. Therefore, according to the design specifications
such as the speed and estimated size of the obstacles, we
created a dynamical simulation model of the robot on the
cable using Working Model software (Working Model 2D -
2D Kinematics & Dynamics Software - Engineering
Simulation, 2013). After considering details such as the
maximum robot weight and maximum speed (0.4 m/s), the
simulation results showed the maximum required torque to be
2.82 N·m. Other factors should be taken into account, for
example, the size and weight of the motors should be as low as
possible to maintain a desired weight and a small profile.
To achieve the predefined specifications, two compact DC
gearmotors are chosen with less than 7.46 W of power. Each
gearmotor consists of a motor and a geared speed reducer to
lessen speed while increasing torque. The motors are brush
Downloaded by Professor Javad Mohammadpour At 13:09 31 January 2017 (PT)

style with an internal permanent magnet. All of these

face-mount gearmotors are rated for continuous duty and
have sleeve bearings, iron and acetal gears, terminal lugs for
electrical connection and four 10-32 threaded mounting
studs. They also have a flat side on the shaft to accept set
screws for easy equipment connection. The motors operate at
12 V DC and have a full load current rating of 1.4 A. The
maximum provided torque by each motor is 2.83 N·m. This is Figure 3 The roller chain mechanism
high enough to pass obstacles on the cable by taking the
estimated friction of the brush and the effect of the sag into
account. The friction coefficient of the brush has been taken
into account as studied in Vanegas-Useche et al. (2011). Also,
the effect of the sag has been considered as the resistance
force associated with 25° sag. Gravity is considered in the
opposite direction of the robot when it is moving upward on
the cable. The gearmotors can be used in either clockwise
or counterclockwise rotation that is necessary to move forward
and backward. Figure 2 shows the designed motor.

3.3 Power transmission system stability of the robot on the cable and at the same time provide
The power transmission system should be compatible with the enough grip to keep moving even on the slippery surfaces. After
design requirements. Because of the low rotational speed and
considering different designs, we chose the V-grooved design,
high torque provided by the motor, the roller chain
illustrated in Figure 4(a). This specific shape has some
mechanism is a perfect choice for the current design. Driven
advantages over others; first, its machining is easier than similar
by the size and weight limitations, the chosen roller chain
designs such as U-grooved wheels, which will decrease the final
mechanism is compatible with the design requirements. The
whole power transmission system can fit into a small (10.6 ⫻ cost of design. Second, the shape of the groove gives us the
16.5 cm2) case and weighs less than 0.4 kg. Figure 3 shows the demanded statistical and dynamical stability on the cable. In fact,
system with the chain rollers highlighted. A shaft extends from the horizontal forces on two sides of the cable cancel out each
each of the four outside rollers and turns the V-grooved other, and the robot weight provides the required normal force to
wheels. The system is reliable and easy to repair, and the low have enough friction on the cable.
energy loss is indispensable because of the limited power The rollers in front of the wheels, as seen in Figure 4(a),
supplies in the present design. In fact, any friction between the provide a low-friction method for expanding the wheels to
chain rollers and sprocket teeth is virtually eliminated because move around an obstacle. They help the springs open up
the rollers rotate on the outside of the bushes, independent of and provide enough space to pass the obstacles. The
bearing pin articulation inside the bush. As a result, very little maximum size of the obstacles that this robot can pass is
energy is wasted and tests have shown the chain to have a high shown in Figure 5. The spring connects two arms which have
efficiency between 98.4 and 98.9 per cent (Pedersen, 2004). shafts to the rollers and wheels on either side of the cable. The
configuration, illustrated in Figure 4(b), provides a higher
3.4 Wheels force associated with the expansion of the springs compared to
Because of the geometry of the power line cables, proper design the case where springs are attached to the shafts at the wheels
of the moving parts of the robot is essential to guarantee the for the same opening angle. The higher force keeps the wheels

Power line robotic device Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Rebecca Miller, Farshid Abbasi and Javad Mohammadpour Volume 44 · Number 1 · 2017 · 75–84

Figure 4 The wheel and roller system 4. Electronic control specifications and elements
Our semi-autonomous device, as currently designed, uses a
simple set of electronics to control the motors and to provide
data collection and a wireless connection to the remote
operator. The control system includes proximity sensors;
motor battery voltage and current sense; and motor drivers.
Ultrasonic sensors detect obstacles on the line, alerting the
operator and stopping the robotic device if it gets too close to
the obstacle. Batteries power the microprocessors, sensors and
motors. Once the batteries drop below a certain threshold, the
microprocessor sends a signal to the operator to alert the
operator of the low battery status. The batteries can
be changed out in the field to extend the use of the robot. The
control system keeps the linemen safe and provides easy
Figure 5 The maximum diameter of an object the robot can pass is operation, but is not currently designed to be fully
55.88 mm autonomous.
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4.1 Motor drivers

A microcontroller platform, called Arduino, is utilized to
control the motors that drive the robot and rotate the brush.
The Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform
based on a simple microcontroller board utilizing the
ATmega328P microcontroller and a development environment for
in contact with the cable while passing the obstacles and
writing software for the board (Arduino – Introduction, 2014).
provides enough friction to move steadily along the cable.
The Arduino’s low cost and expandability coupled with its
simplicity makes it a good choice for prototyping.
When the operator inputs a command, the Arduino receives
3.5 Brush
it and sends the appropriate signals to the motor driver card.
As described earlier, the robot will mainly be used to inspect the
The motor driver card, an off-the-shelf printed circuit board,
cable and clean the parts that are not easily accessible, such as
features a pair of robust VNH5019 motor drivers capable of
splices, dampers, etc. This requires implementation of a brushing
controlling bidirectional, high-power DC motors (Pololu Dual
mechanism with the capability to clean up the upper side of the
VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield User’s Guide, 2014). The
cable and any attached equipment. The designed vertical brush
card controls the direction and speed of the motors and also
arm and joint mechanism can move up and down while passing
monitors the motor current and features driver fault detection,
differently sized obstacles and, also, the gearmotor provides a
aiding in safety controls.
high rotational speed. Figure 6 shows the arm and joint
By using pulse width modulation (PWM), the microcontroller
mechanism and its configuration on the robot.
controls the amount of voltage supplied to the motor. This allows
variable speed settings. The operator can slow down the robot to
Figure 6 The brush arm assembly capture a more detailed video. Additionally, a higher voltage can
be supplied to the motors when the robot is overcoming an
obstacle. The operator alters the voltage by entering a command
in the interface. Potentially, the current drawn from the motors
can be monitored and the voltage can be increased or decreased

4.2 Main on-board computer

The Arduino uses serial communication to receive and
transmit data from and to the main single-board computer
controlling the robotic device. The single-board computer, a
Raspberry Pi (RPi), is the main computing power responsible
for the teleoperation connection to the operator, the video
camera operations and communication with the Arduino. It
acts as a wireless access point and a server, hosting the website
through which the operator can control the robot. This
high-level device can process and store data for later retrieval
and has the capacity to add more peripherals.
4.2.1 Vision system
The website streams live video with the options of recording
the video or taking a snapshot of the image. The videos and

Power line robotic device Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Rebecca Miller, Farshid Abbasi and Javad Mohammadpour Volume 44 · Number 1 · 2017 · 75–84

snapshots can be downloaded directly from the website at any A separate battery is used to power up the microprocessor and
time. The video camera connects directly to the RPi via a microcontroller system. The battery provides a steady supply
flexible flat cable and the RPi processes the video. The camera of power appropriate for electronics. Rated at 10 A-h, the
attaches to the robot and aims down at the top of the power battery can provide power for the electronics for a full day. As
line. The operator is able to adjust various settings for the currently configured, the electronic controls draw just under 1
camera remotely such as sharpness, brightness and contrast. A. The microcontroller used to control the motors typically
An image captured by the camera is shown in Figure 7. draws 55 mA during operation, measured during testing. The
single-board computer typically draws between 700 and 1,000
4.3 Ultrasonic proximity sensors mA (FAQs – Raspberry Pi, 2014). These calculations include
The Arduino also handles the data from two ultrasonic the power needed for the video camera and wireless antenna.
proximity sensors located on the front and back sides of the
robot. The ultrasonic sensors detect objects in the path of the 4.5 Teleoperation and operator control
robot and provide data to calculate the distance to the object. Once the robot is attached to the line, the operator controls
The software alerts the operator of an object. If the operator the robot from the ground. The device’s teleoperation system
does not respond, the microcontroller stops the motors once it includes wireless communication between the operator and
detects that the object’s distance is less than 25 cm. the robot using a wireless local area network. The operator is
The sensor works by transmitting a 40 kH ultrasonic burst able to control the speed and direction of the robot, the speed
and providing an output pulse that corresponds to the length of the scrub brush and the video transmission. As the robot
Downloaded by Professor Javad Mohammadpour At 13:09 31 January 2017 (PT)

of time it takes to receive an echo (Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, crawls along the cable, it provides the operator with a view of
2013). It measures distances ranging from 2 to 3 m. the line by transmitting a live video feed. By using commercial,
Considerations for using this type of sensor include off-the-shelf hardware and well-established communication
interference, object material, object positioning and air protocols, teleoperations with the robot are low-cost, reliable
temperature. Using ultrasonic waves eliminates interference and robust.
from bright sunlight and any electromagnetic interference The RPi acts as the main interface between the ground
from the high voltage lines. operator and the robotic device. Once the operator powers on
the system, the operator can use a laptop, tablet or cell phone
4.4 Power supply to connect to the device’s wireless network. Once connected
Different batteries provide power to various components to the wireless network, the operator can use a Web browser to
of the robot. Two identical batteries power the motors, one for access the video camera and use a terminal to control the
the motion of the robot and one for the brush. They provide motors.
the voltage and current necessary for the motors to move the Currently, the operator controls the robot’s movements by
robot down the line and to drive the brush. The rechargeable logging into the RPi via a terminal on a laptop. A screen shot
batteries are rated at 18 V and weigh 0.9 kg. Additionally, they of the control computer can be seen in Figure 8. The
are standard power-tool batteries which can be swapped out command line interface provides a menu with options to move
and easily charged. They slide out of the case and plug into a the robot in a forward or reverse direction with two speed
charger. Linemen have the option of using a vehicle charger settings, stop the device, turn on or off the line brush, check
with the batteries. This allows battery charging in the field. the motor battery voltage, brush battery voltage or set the
The battery takes approximately 60 min to fully charge. cruising speed of the device. If the device detects an object
within a certain distance, an alert is sent to the operator along
with the distance to the obstacle. If the device crosses a certain
Figure 7 An image taken from the camera as the device moves threshold distance from the obstacle, the microprocessor
down the line on the test bed sends a command to stop the motors. To simplify the
teleoperation user interface even more, these commands are
being added to the video streaming website to group the
control all in one place.
Designing the RPi as a wireless access point and providing
a website as the graphical user interface reduce costs

Figure 8 A screen shot of the control computer showing the web

page with the live streaming video and the control terminal

Power line robotic device Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Rebecca Miller, Farshid Abbasi and Javad Mohammadpour Volume 44 · Number 1 · 2017 · 75–84

associated with auxiliary equipment and operator training. 5. Testing and experimental results
Connecting to a wireless network and loading a web page are
We built a test bed to validate the efficacy of the robotic device
common skills requiring minimal training. Another advantage
in a laboratory setting. The device, shown in Figure 9, is
to this set up is with the device used to connect to the robot,
connected to the cable in the test bed. A 4.5 m of cable
which is not limited to proprietary equipment. A common suspended several feet off the ground acts as the test bed. The
off-the-shelf laptop, tablet or smart phone can connect to the cable obtained is specifically used by the local power company.
robot without specialized hardware or software. It is an all-aluminum conductor, stranded, with an outer
Using existing, standard network protocols from the diameter of 46.3 mm. The approximate weight of the cable is
application layer down to the physical layer assures a robust 3.53 kg/m, and the approximate rated strength is 19,000 kg.
and reliable data connection (Winfield and Holland, 2000). The actual length of the cable navigable by the robot is 3 m.
The connection must be able to handle high data rates to By attaching the cable to two movable bases, the tension and
stream video while also providing dependable connectivity to sag in the cable are adjustable, which mimics the sag in actual
the motor control system. The wireless antenna has a power lines. All testing conducted thus far has been with
throughput of up to 150 Mbps for both upstream and varying sag of 10-30° from horizontal. The robot performed
downstream data transmission when using the 802.11n well with no slippage even at 30° sag.
wireless standard. The antenna is also capable of operating Our testing proved the robot’s mobility and its ability to
with the 802.11b/g standards, with maximum throughputs of overcome wide diameter splices. During testing, we designated
Downloaded by Professor Javad Mohammadpour At 13:09 31 January 2017 (PT)

11 and 54 Mbps, respectively. different voltages for different operating modes. We set normal

Figure 9 The robotic device attached to the cable (a), a top view of the robotic device attached to the cable (b) and the robot on the test bed
cable (c)

Power line robotic device Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Rebecca Miller, Farshid Abbasi and Javad Mohammadpour Volume 44 · Number 1 · 2017 · 75–84

cruise speed by supplying the motors with approximately 12 V. communication, with motor control achieved at a distance of
Although each battery is rated at 18 V, measured voltage at the 193 m from the robotic device.
terminals of the battery, when fully charged, ranged between The test was conducted outdoors in a remote location,
19.25 and 20.84 V. By using PWM, we set the operating voltage which reduced any interference from other 2.4 GHz 802.11
at 62.5 per cent of the full voltage of the battery to achieve a signals. One additional wireless network on the 2.4 GHz band
supply voltage of 12.8 V. At this voltage, the robot travels at the was detected during testing; however, it was a very weak signal
speed of 6 cm/s. and on a separate channel with no overlap.
Two different devices were used to connect to the robot
5.1 Power test control system, an off-the-shelf laptop with an Intel Centrino®
First, to test the power consumption, speed and mobility of the Advanced-N 6,205 wireless antenna and a smartphone/iPhone 4
robot, we set the controller to record the current and motor with a Broadcom BCM4329 antenna. The devices were kept
battery voltage. We then performed tests at different speeds with within a line of sight with the control box, with some vegetation in
the cable sag set to 15°, 25° and 30° from horizontal. the surrounding area but not obstructing the line of sight. For initial
Figure 10 shows a plot of the power the robot consumes as range tests, the control box and connecting ground control devices
it starts at one end of the cable, crawls to the other end and were kept stationary. The weather was clear, with a temperature of
stops (forward direction) and a plot of the power as the robot 15.5° C.
travels in reverse, returning to its starting position (reverse Full control with streaming video was achieved on the laptop
direction), at the three different settings. The data show that at a maximum distance of 110 m with a measured signal strength
Downloaded by Professor Javad Mohammadpour At 13:09 31 January 2017 (PT)

the power increases as the robot travels along the cable. This of ⫺56 dBm. At this distance, the smartphone could connect to
increase in power is attributed to the extra work required to the wireless network and load the control web page but
travel up the slope in the cable. experienced packet loss when attempting to stream the video. At
a distance of 193 m, both the laptop and smartphone could load
5.2 Wireless network range test the control website but not stream video.
The device uses IEEE802.11b/g/n wireless communication to
connect with the control operator on the ground. It acts as a 6. Future work
server, allowing the operator to communicate with it using any Through designing, testing and operating the robot, we have
wireless device and by providing the right credentials. Tests determined several important changes and new features we
conducted outdoors showed a greater than expected range for plan to add to the robot in the future.

Figure 10 Power measured as the device traversed the test bed in both the forward and reverse directions with the test bed cable set to (a)
15°, (b) 25° and (c) 30° sag

Power line robotic device Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Rebecca Miller, Farshid Abbasi and Javad Mohammadpour Volume 44 · Number 1 · 2017 · 75–84

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Corresponding author
Industry (CARPI), 2nd International Conference on, Zurich, Javad Mohammadpour can be contacted at: javadm@
pp. 114-119.

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