Nuramirah Juma'at, Nurul Husna BT Mohd Adan:, Nurul Fatin Hidayah Mohd Lazim, Norain Ahmad Nordin

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Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol. 2 No.

1 (2021) 150-155
© Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher’s Office

e-ISSN : 2773-4773

The Production of Enzyme Bio-Cleaner Using

Lemon, Lime and Pineapple through
Fermentation Process

Nuramirah Juma’at *1, Nurul Fatin Hidayah Mohd Lazim1,

Nurul Husna bt Mohd Adan1,, Norain Ahmad Nordin1
Department of Science and Mathematics, Centre for Diploma Studies,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Pagoh Higher Education Hub,
KM1, Jalan Panchor, Pagoh, 84600 JOHOR

Received 11 November 2020; Accepted 01 January 2021; Available online 03 February

Abstract: Enzyme bio-cleaner is a natural cleaning agent that contains specific

quantities and qualities of bacteria along with enzymes and microbial nutrients that
essentially digest chemical and organic waste. The bacteria consumed by this cleaners
are converted into two basic compounds which is carbon dioxide and water. Based on
past research, some of organic waste that have been used to produce enzyme bio-
cleaner were orange and pineapple compared to other fruit waste. The main goal of
this research is to produce a natural cleaning agent from citrus fruit using a different
rate of acidity which is lemon, lime and pineapple through fermentation method. The
waste of this fruits was prepared by cutting and washing using ionized water. A 500
ml of ionized water was mixed with 50g of sugar solution and 150g of fruit waste.
This solution was left at room temperature for 30, 45 and 60 days to identify the
effectiveness of the product. The fermentation was done after the solution filtered and
analysed using Refractometer HI97801 Digital Brix and Benchop Meter HQ440d for
its sugar content and pH respectively. The pH of enzyme bio-cleaner of lemon, lime
and pineapple were found to be 3.84 pH, 4.02 pH and 4.28 pH. Whereas, the sugar
content of the bio-cleaner were The most effective cleaning agent is at range between
2.0 pH to 3.17 pH. The results indicated that lemon waste showed the most
effectiveness among the 3 fruits waste.

Keywords: Fermentation, Enzyme bio-cleaner , Citrus fruits, pH value, Sugar level

1. Introduction
Cleaning products are commonly used in day to day life, whether it be to clean a home, clean
clothes, or for industrial purposes. Most common cleaning products use relatively toxics to health and
environment, mix of chemicals as many such products contain certain ingredients derived from
petrochemicals [1]. This cleaning product releases toxic chemicals, unstable pH and exhibit a slow rate
of biodegradation which can harm the environment [2].

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

2021 UTHM Publisher. All rights reserved.
Juma’at et al., Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021) p. 150-155

Natural products are replacement to toxic petroleum based cleaning products. Examples of natural
cleaning products include fermented fruit solutions. The natural cleaning agents are cheaper and less
harmful to the environment. One of the advantage enzyme based detergents is the level cleaning
properties are par to the synthetic detergents. A solution of fruit enzyme could be favourable for removal
of ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater treatment [3]. Natural cleaning agents also can
ease global warming by minimizing the environmental pollution and safe for the environment by
produce the solution to remove dirt, oil and stain [4]. Thus, this study had led to produce a cleaning
agent which is natural, good for the environment and biodegradable. Enzyme bio-cleaner solution has
been able to act as effective cleaning agent like synthetic cleaning agent in market without contributing
to any pollutions (Ways to Save Energy, 2008). It is because this cleaner has high potential as a
multipurpose cleaning agent from fruit waste such as lemon, pineapple and lime. In term of science,
lime fruit contains a high quantity of citric acid which is the acidity of the fruit is probably in the range
of 1 to 3 pH [5]. Lemon also has a pH value between 2 and 3 which means it is acidic. The pH of the
pineapple is about 3 and 5.2 which means lemon is acidic than pineapple. The weight percent of the
fermented fruit solution used for cleaning can be higher than or equal to 5% fermented fruit solution.
Fermentation is a process that produces chemical change in organic substrates through the action
of enzyme. In terms of biochemistry, fermentation also called as anaerobic process which means the
extraction of energy from carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen. Carbohydrate in the form of sugar
helps in activating the enzyme from fruits. Enzyme bio-cleaner are produced through fermentation
process to creates microorganism that have greater yielding, faster growing, less oxygen and able to use
in medium that have more concentrated. Thus, high sugar content is desirable to provide more energy
for the microorganism to grow and thus increasing the amount of enzyme that is beneficial for its
ceaning properties. This cleaner has a lot of application include usage in home, agriculture, animal
husbandry and many other areas. It is a very excellent household agent such as laundry cleaner and
organic fertilizer. Enzyme bio-cleaner solution also help to control environmental pollution because
this solution does not have any addition of chemical.

The benefits of enzymes bio-cleaner is to improve the stability of sludge and dispose the stain in
dewatering and reduction in biological method [6]. Also, enzyme bio-cleaner can be able to act as a
natural pesticide which reduces the chemical pesticide. Thus, enzyme bio-cleaner can save environment
and replace the synthetic cleaner solution in daily life [4]. It is very effective, safe and specificity in
activity and environmental as well as cheaper preparation method. As a result, enzyme bio-cleaner can
save money by convert kitchen waste such as orange, lemon, and pineapple into natural “homemade
enzyme” cleaner instead of buying expensive and synthetic cleaner agent [2].

2. Materials and Methods

In order in making the production of Bio-Cleaner using lemon, lime and pineapple through
fermentation process are involving many process. The method were involved preparation of material,
preparation of sugar solution and fermentation process, filtration process and analysis.
2.1 Preparation of materials
Three different citrus fruit are using for this research such as lime, lemon and pineapple. The source
of raw materials was chosen based on the availability of the raw materials. For the sugar solution 50
gram of palm sugar is needed. Apparatus that undergoes this process including 9 units of 2000 ml
beaker, 3 units of 250 ml beaker, 3 units of dropper, 3 units of stirrer and 10 pieces of aluminum foil in
a square sizes. For the analysis process required Refractometer HI96801 Digital Brix to read sugar level
and Benchtop Meter HQ440d that is used to measure the acidity of the fermentd solution.

Juma’at et al., Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021) p. 150-155

2.2 Preparation of Sugar Solution and Fermentation Process.

To prepare 500 ml of sugar solution, the palm sugar has been weighed for 50 gram and blended to
obtain a granular-size. It was to increase the rate of solubility in a water solution. Then, the palm sugar
was added into 500 ml of ionized water in a beaker and mixed until it was completely dissolved. The
raw materials that have been weighed earlier were mixed with sugar solution and poured into 9 units of
2000ml beaker. The solutions are put into 9 differents units based on types of fruits and duration of
fermentation process The beakers then were covered with aluminum foil to enable anaerobic process to
occur. All of the solutions were being kept in the dark place at a room temperature (27 °C) within 30,
45 and 60 days.
2.3 Filtration Process
Before analysis, each samples were filtered filter paper to remove all of sediment from the solution
producing a total of 400ml to 500ml of fermented solution from this process.
2.4 Analysis
2.4.1 Refractometer HI96801 Digital Brix for Sugar Analysis
Refractometer HI96801 Digital Brix was used to read the sugar content in the fermented solution
as shown in Figure 1. High sugar content reading has shown that the fermentation process has been
successful. It is because a high sugar value capable to produce a good product of cleaning agent with
superior cleaning capabilities. The procedure to measure the sugar level is by droping the sample
solution by using pipette onto the prism surface and press the button to read the result.

Figure 1: Refractometer HI96801 Digital Brix

2.4.2 pH Analysis

Figure 2 shows the measurement of acidity of the fermented solution using pH Meter. The pH value
was taken to determine the most effective fermented solution that acts as a cleaning agent. The lowest
pH level is a key characteristic of cleaning products. Thus, the characteristics of a good cleaning agent
are those with the lowest pH value.

Figure 2 : pH Meter

Juma’at et al., Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021) p. 150-155

3. Results and Discussion

In this section the results of the study are presented and discussed with reference to the aim of the
study, which was to identify the effectiveness of these cleaning agents by performing a pH meter and a
sugar content test. The first test was run to compare the acidity of all the fermented solutions while the
second test was done to estimate the sugar content for each of the fermented solution. These tests were
being analyzed by using pH Meter and Refractometer HI96801 Digital Brix
3.1 Effect of Sugar in Fermented Solution
Table 1 shows the percentage of sugar detected by refractometer influenced by the total days of
fermentation process. The percentage of sugar in all fermented solutions were decreases and then
increases when the number of days taken for fermentation process increases. At the end of 60 days, the
sugar content obtained from the lemon fermented solution has the highest percentage which is 5.1 %
Brix followed by pineapple (4.3 % Brix) and lime (3.7% Brix). At days 30 the reading is high due to
bacteria that appeared on the fermentation solution thus affected on the readings.
Table 1: Percentage of sugar in fermented solution
Total Days Sugar content (% Brix)

Type of Fruits 30 45 60
Lemon 6.8 3.3 5.1
Pineapple 4.1 3.4 4.3
Lime 3.2 3.1 3.7

Percentage of sugar detected by

refractometer (% Brix)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (days)

lemon pineapple lime

Figure 3: Effect on sugar percentage that caused by the total number of days taken for
fermentation process.
Based on Figure 3, the graph represents the data from Table 1. It shows the effect on
percentage of sugar due to the total days of fermentation process. There are three colorful lines
represent all types of raw materials which is three types of fruits peel. The blue line represents the
pineapple, the green line represents the lemon and the orange line represents lime. As seen, there is
a clear difference of sugar content within 30, 45 and 60 days. The trend of the graph is decreasing
and then increasing with the total days of fermentation. The final percentage of sugar for lemon is
5.1% Brix, followed by pineapple 4.3% Brix and lime 3.7% Brix. It shows that the sugar has
activated the enzymes from the fruit.

Juma’at et al., Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021) p. 150-155

3.2 Effect on pH
Table 2 shows the data on second test which is the total value of pH readings affected by the
total days of fermentation process. The reading of pH meter increases when the amount of days
taken for fermentation process increases. In the end of 60 days, lemon fermented solution has the
lowest pH value among the others which is 3.84 pH. It shows that the acidity of fermented solutions
is increasing along time. The most effective cleaning agent is the one that has an acidic value range
from 2.0 pH to 3.17 pH. Therefore, lemon fermented solution is the one that meets the properties
stated earlier. The pH reading for it solution is 2.35 pH which was taken during the first month of
fermentation process. Thus, it concludes that the lemon fermented liquid from the first month of
fermentation is the most effective cleaning agent with good cleaning properties.
Table 2: Total pH in fermented solution
Total Days pH Value (pH)

Type of Fruits 30 45 60
Lemon 2.35 3.28 3.84
Pineapple 3.09 3.21 4.02
Lime 2.87 3.72 4.28

4. Conclusion
As a conclusion lemon is the best cleaning agent compared to lime and pineaples based on pH meter
and sugar level. Based on the pH level, lemon has a least value of pH number compared to lime and
pineaples from all days. Besides that based on sugar level, lemon has a highest reading compared to
lime and pineapple based on all days. Sugar helps in activating the enzyme from fruits.

The authors would like to thanks Centre for Diploma Study, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
(UTHM) for its support.

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Juma’at et al., Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021) p. 150-155

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