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Line and Staff Aspects of Human Resource Management

In a sense all managers are HR managers as they all get involved in activities like selecting,
training, compensating employees. Yet most firms now days have the HR department headed
by a person with requisite qualifications in behavioural sciences. How do the duties of this
HR manager relate to the line managers? HR duties would be an interesting question to

Line managers manage operational functions that are crucial for the company’s survival.
Staff managers run departments that are advisory or supportive, like purchasing, HRM, and
quality control.

Human resource managers are usually staff managers. They assist and advise line managers
with recruiting, hiring, and compensation. However, line managers still have human resource

Line Manager Is authorized (has line authority) to direct the work of subordinates and is
responsible for accomplishing the organization’s tasks.

Staff Manager: Assists and advises line managers. Has functional authority to coordinate
personnel activities and enforce organization policies.

Line Manager’s Human Resource Management responsibilities

The direct handling of people has always been an integral part of every line manager’s
responsibility, from president down to the lowest-level supervisor. For example, one major
company outlines its line supervisors’ responsibilities for effective human resource
management under the following general headings:

 Placing the right person on the right job.

 Starting new employees in the organization (orientation)

 Training employees for jobs that are new to them

 Improving the job performance of each person

 Gaining creative cooperation and developing smooth working relationships

 Interpreting the company’s policies and procedures

 Controlling labour costs

 Developing the abilities of each person

 Creating and maintaining department morale

 Protecting employee’s health and physical condition

Staff Managers Responsibilities:

Staff managers assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic goals. They do,
however, need to work in partnership with each other to be successful.
Some examples of the HR responsibilities of staff managers include assistance in following
 Hiring,
 Training,
 Evaluating,
 Rewarding,
 Counselling,
 Promoting,
 Firing of employees, and the Administering of various benefits programs

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