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• Theodolite - a precise optical instrument

- used to measure horizontal and vertical angles
1. Transit Theodolite – Telescope can be rotated about horizontal axis in the vertical plane
Eg: Everest Theodolite, Wild T2 Theodolite etc.
2. Non-transit theodolites - Telescope cannot be rotated about horizontal axis
Eg: Plain Theodolite, Y- Theodolite etc.


1. Vernier Theodolite – Verniers fitted to read graduated circles for angular measurements
Least count – 20”
2. Micrometer Theodolite – Micrometer microscopes fitted to read graduated circles
Least count – 1”


1. Telescope: It consists of eye-piece, object glass and focusing screw and it is used to
sight the object. Mounted on horizontal axis (trunnion axis).

2. Vertical Circle: rigidly attached to telescope; has graduations from 0-360o or divided into
4 quadrants (measuring 0 – 90o). It is used to measure vertical angles. The line joining zeros is
parallel to the line of sight.

3. A-Frame (Standards): supports trunnion axis of the telescope; Also supports T-frame (or
Index Frame) and vertical circle clamp.

4. Index frame (T-Frame): supports the vernier on the vertical circle. It carries the level
tube called “Altitude Bubble”.

5. Levelling Head: It consists of two parallel triangular plates (called tribrach plates) & three
footscrews. Its uses are
a. To support the main part of the instrument.
b. To attach the theodolite to the tripod.
c. To level the instrument.
6. Spindles: conical arrangements to which upper & lower plates are separately fixed.

Inner spindle – carries upper plate (carries verniers)

Outer spindle – carries lower plate (carries main circular scale)

7. Lower Plate:
• Attached to outer spindle
• Carries main circular scale for horizontal angle measurements. Therefore, lower
plate is also called Scale plate
• It consists of lower clamp screw (for fixing) and tangent screw (for fine

8. Upper Plate:
• carries two vernier scales at diametrically opposite points.
• Supports A-frame
• consists an upper clamp screw and tangent screws

9. Foot Screws: These are used to level the instrument

10. Plate Levels: fixed to upper plate; placed parallel to trunnion axis.

11. Plumb Bob: It is used to center theodolite exactly over the ground station mark.

1. Swinging The Telescope: It means rotating the telescope about its vertical axis in the
horizontal plane. A swing is called right or left according as the telescope is rotated clockwise or
counter clockwise.
• If the telescope is rotated clockwise => Right swing
• If the telescope is rotated anticlockwise => Left swing
2. Transiting the theodolite: Rotating the telescope in the vertical plane, through 180o.
Since Line of sight is reversed in this operation, it is also called “Reversing” or “Plunging”.
3. Horizontal axis (Trunnion axis): axis about which the telescope transits.
4. Vertical axis: axis about which upper & lower plates rotate.
5. Face Left: If face of the vertical circle is to the left side of the observer, then the
observation of the angles taken is known as face left observation.
6. Face Right: If the face of the vertical circle is to the right side of the observation, then the
observation of the angles taken is known as face right observation.
7. Changing Face: It is an operation of bringing the face of the telescope from left to right
and vice-versa.
8. Axis of level tube (Bubble line): Line drawn tangential to the longitudinal curve of the
level tube, at the centre of the bubble. If the bubble is central, then the axis of the level tube is
9. Line of Sight (LOS) or Line of Collimation (LOC): passes through the optic center of
objective lens and intersection of crosshairs of the diaphragm.

10. Axis of the Telescope: It is also known an imaginary line joining the optical center of the
objective lens to the optical center of the eyepiece.

11. Telescope normal: when

• the face of the vertical circle is to the left of observer and
• sighting vane or the bubble of the telescope is above telescope
12. Telescope inverted: when
• the face of the vertical circle is to the right of observer and
• sighting vane or the bubble of the telescope is below telescope
There are three temporary adjustments of a theodolite. These are
1. Setting up the theodolite over a station.
2. Leveling up.
3. Elimination of parallax.
1. Setting Up:
It includes two operations
1. Centering a theodolite over a station: Done by means of plumb bob.
2. Approximately leveling it by tripod legs only: Done by moving tripod legs radially or
2. Leveling Up:
Having centered and approximately leveled the instrument, accurate leveling is done with the
help of foot screws with reference to the plate levels, so that the vertical axis shall be truly
vertical. To level the instrument the following operations have to be done.
1. Turn the upper plate until the longitudinal axis of the plate level is roughly parallel to a
line joining any two of the leveling screws (A & B).
2. Hold these two leveling screws between the thumb and first finger of each hand
uniformly so that the thumb moves either towards each other or away from each other until the
bubble comes to the center.
3. Turn the upper plate through 90º i.e until the axes of the level passes over the position
of the third leveling screw ‘C’.
4. Turn this leveling screw until the bubble comes to the center.
5. Rotate the upper plate through 90º to its original position fig(a) and repeat step(2) till
the bubble comes to the center.
6. Turn back again through 90º and repeat step 4.
7. Repeat the steps 2 and 4 till the bubble is central in both the positions.
8. Now rotate the instrument through 180º. The bubble should be remaining in the center
of its run, provided it is in correct adjustment. The vertical axis will then be truly vertical.
3. Elimination Of Parallax:
Parallax is a condition arising when the image formed by the objective is not in the plane of the
cross hairs. Unless parallax is eliminated, accurate sighting is not possible. Parallax can be
eliminated in two steps.
A. Focussing the Eye-Piece: Point the telescope to the sky or hold a piece of white
paper in front of the telescope. Move the eyepiece in and out until a distant and sharp black
image of the cross-hairs is seen.
B. Focussing the Object: Telescope is now turned towards object to be sighted and the
focusing screw is turned until image appears clear and sharp.


Fundamental lines of Theodolite:
1) Vertical axis
2) Horizontal axis (or Trunnion axis)
3) Line of Sight (or Line of collimation)
4) Axis of plate level
5) Axis of altitude level
Relationship between Fundamental Lines of Theodolite:
1) Axis of plate level must be perpendicular to Vertical axis.
2) Line of Sight must be perpendicular to Horizontal axis.
3) Horizontal axis must be perpendicular to Vertical axis.
4) Axis of altitude level must be parallel to Line of Sight.
5) Vertical circle reading must be zero if Line of Sight is horizontal.
Permanent adjustments of Theodolite:
Permanent adjustments involve setting the essential parts of a Theodolite into their true
positions relatively to each other. This is ensured as long as the relationship between
fundamental lines of the Theodolite hold good.
• The permanent adjustments of a Theodolite are in the following order.
1) Adjustment of plate level
2) Adjustment of line of sight
3) Adjustment of the horizontal axis
4) Adjustment of altitude bubble and vertical index frame
• The object of the permanent adjustments are as follows:
1) Adjustment of plate level – to make vertical axis truly vertical. Hence, if the
instrument is leveled up, the bubble of plate level becomes central.
2) Adjustment of line of sight – to place the intersecting point of horizontal and
vertical crosshairs in the optical axis of the telescope. Thus it involves adjustments
of both horizontal & vertical crosshairs.
3) Adjustment of the horizontal axis – to make horizontal axis perpendicular to the
vertical axis. Hence, the horizontal axis is truly horizontal when the instrument is
4) Adjustment of altitude bubble and vertical index frame – to make Line of Sight
truly horizontal when the altitude bubble is central & vertical circle reading is zero.


To measure the horizontal angle PQR,

• Set up the instrument at Q and perform all temporary adjustments.
• Release all clamps. Turn the upper and lower plates in opposite directions till the zero of
one of the vernier (say A) is against the zero of the scale and the vertical circle is to the
• Clamp both the plates together by upper clamp and lower clamp and bring the two zeros
into exact coincidence by turning the upper tangent screw. Take both vernier readings.
• The reading on vernier B will be 180 degree, if there is no instrumental error.
• Set the telescope in Face Left position.
• Loose the lower clamp and turn the instrument towards point P. Bisect point P accurately
by using lower tangent screw. Check the readings of verniers A and B. There should be
no change in the previous reading.
• Unclamp the upper clamp and rotate the instrument clockwise about the inner axis to
bisect the point R. Clamp the upper clamp and bisect R accurately by using upper
tangent screw. Read both verniers. The reading of vernier A gives the angle PQR directly
while the vernier B gives by deducting 180 degree.
• While entering the reading, the full reading of vernier A (i.e., degrees, minutes and
seconds) should be entered, while only minutes and seconds of the vernier B are
• The mean of the two such vernier readings gives the angle PQR with one face. Change
the face by transiting the telescope and repeat the whole process.

Horizontal angle is measured by any of the following two methods.

1) Repetition Method

• Set up the instrument over ‘O’ and level it accurately.

• With the help of upper clamp and tangent screw, set 0º reading on vernier ‘A’. Note the
reading of vernier ‘B’.
• Release the upper clamp and direct the telescope approximately towards the point ‘P’.
Tighten the lower clamp and bisect point ‘P’ accurately by lower tangent screw.
• Release the upper clamp and turn the instrument clock-wise towards Q. Clamp the upper
clamp and bisect ‘Q’ accurately with the upper tangent screw. Note the readings of
verniers ‘A’ and ‘B’ to get the values of the angle POQ.
• Release the lower clamp and turn the telescope clockwise to sight P again. Bisect P by
using the lower tangent screw.
• Release the upper clamp, turn the telescope clockwise and sight Q. Bisect Q by using the
upper tangent screw.
• Repeat the process until the angle measured (required number of times is 3). The
average angle with face left will be equal to final reading divided by three.
• Change face and make three more repetitions as described above. Find the average
angle with face right, by dividing the final reading by three.
• The average horizontal angle is then obtained by taking the average of the two angles
with face left and face right.

Errors eliminated by Repetition Method:

 Errors due to eccentricity of verniers are eliminated by taking both vernier
 Errors due to inadjustments of line of collimation and trunnion axis are eliminated
by taking both face readings.
 Errors due to inaccurate graduations in horizontal circle are also eliminated by
taking readings at different parts of the circle.
 Errors due to inaccurate bisection of object, eccentric centring etc. are eliminated
due to multiple sightings of objects.
Errors which cannot be eliminated by this method:
 Errors due to non-verticality of vertical axis.
 Errors due to slip and displacement of station signals.
Limit of precision of this method:
 By repeating angular measurements, the operations like sighting, clamping etc.
are multiplied and hence opportunities for error are multiplied.
 Maximum precision is achieved after the 5th or 6th repetition.

2) Reiteration Method (Direction Method)

• Set the instrument over “O” and level it. Now set the Vernier to zero and bisect
point A accurately.
• Loose the upper clamp and turn the Telescope clockwise to point B. Bisect B by
using the upper tangent screw. Read both the Verniers, the mean of the Verniers
will give the angles AOB.
• Similarly, bisect successively C, D etc, thus closing the circle. Read both the
Verniers at each bisection.
• Finally sight to A the reading of the vernier should be the same as the original
setting reading. Repeat the steps 02 to 04 with other face i.e. Face Right. The
average of angles measured with Face Left & Face Right is then computed.

Errors eliminated by Reiteration Method:

 Errors due to eccentricity of verniers are eliminated by taking both vernier
 Errors due to inadjustments of line of collimation and trunnion axis are eliminated
by taking both face readings.
 Errors due to inaccurate graduations in horizontal circle are also eliminated by
taking readings at different parts of the circle.
 Eccentricity of vertical axis is also eliminated.
1) To measure Magnetic Bearing of line
• Setup the instrument over A and level it accurately. The Theodolite shall be provided with
a tubular compass or trough compass.
• Set the vernier to the zero of the horizontal circle.
• Release the magnetic needle and loosen the lower clamp. Rotate the
instrument till magnetic needle points to North.
• Clamp the lower clamp with the help of lower tangent screw. Bring the
needle exactly against the mark in order to bring it in magnetic
meridian. At this stage the line of sight will be along the magnetic
• Now loose the upper clamp and point the telescope towards B. With the
help of upper tangent screw, bisect B accurately and read both the
vernier. The mean of the two readings will be recorded as magnetic
bearing of line. Change the face of the instrument for accurate magnetic
bearing of the line and repeat.
• The mean of the two values will give the correct bearing of the line AB.

2) To prolong a straight line

• 1st Method: Set the instrument at A and sight B accurately. Establish a point C in
the line of sight AB produced. Now shift the instrument to B and sight C. Establish
the point D along the line of sight BC produced. Repeat the process.

• 2nd Method: Set the instrument at B; backsight A; transit the telescope and
establish a point C in the line of sight. Similarly shift the instrument to C and
backsight B; transit the Theodolite to establish point D. Repeat the process.
Note: If the instrument is in permanent adjustment, points B, C, D, …… will be in
the straight line. Otherwise, the points established shall be C’, D’,….. which shall
not be in straight line.
3) To measure deflection angles

• Deflection angle = angle which a survey line makes with the prolongation of the
preceding line. Range from 0-180o.
• It is designated as Left(L) or Right(R), depending on whether the angle is
measured anti-clockwise or clockwise.
• Here, the prolongation of line is performed as above and the horizontal angle is
measured from this to the adjacent surveyline.

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