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How To Make Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is the soup that favorites by most of people, besides the delicious
taste it also has many benefit for our body. If we want to learn about how to
make chicken soup, we need to follow these following steps of recipe:


350 grams chicken chunk


2 potatoes

5 stalks celery

1 red tomato

1 cup of water

2 spoons of cooking oil for sauteing


5 onions

2 garlic

3 candlenuts

½ teaspoon of pepper
½ tablespoon of salt

½ teaspoon of sugar


1. Combine the chicken and water. Clean the chicken then drain it.

2. Turn on the stove, stir-fry the spices and cooking oil.

3. Add water and wait until it boiling, then add the chicken.

4. While chicken is simmering, prepare the vegetables: peel the carrots and
potatoes. Chop into a few chunks.

5. Add the vegetables to the soup.Roughly 30 minutes then add tomato and

6. Turn off the stove and chicken soup is ready to be served.

How To Make Apple Juice

Apple is a fruit that rich of vitamin A which is very useful for the
healthy of eyes. So, it is important for us to consume apple regularly.
Besides can be eaten directly, apples can also be consumed by making
it into juice. Here are the steps on how to make apple juice.


an apple

½ glass of water

½ glass of ice pack

2 tablespoons of sugar


1. Peel the apple and clean it.

2. Cut the apple into pieces and put them into juicer.

3. Add water, ice and sugar.

4. Turn on the juicer. Roughly 30 seconds then turn off.

5. Pour the juice into glass and apple juice is ready to drink.
How to Make Spicy Fried Rice


 2 cups of cooked rice

 5 chilies or more (depends on your spicy level)
 1 clove of garlic
 2 onions
 2 tablespoons of butter
 1 egg, slightly beaten
 Soy sauce
 Salt

Steps of cooking hot fried rice:

1. First, puree the garlic, onion, and chilies with the help of pestle,
or you can use blender as an alternative way.
2. Next, heat the butter on frying pan and wait for a while until it’s
3. Then, pour the puree seasoning and stir-fry.
4.  After that, add the slightly beaten egg and mix it well.
5.  Next, add salt and soy sauce.
6.  Pour the cooked rice and mix them well.
7.  Check the taste whether it’s tasty enough or not, add salt if
it’s less salty.

8.  Finally, the spicy simple fried rice is ready to serve.

Cara Membuat Nasi Goreng Pedas


 2 mangkuk nasi
 5 cabai atau lebih (tergantung tingkat kepedasan)
 1 siung bawang putih
 2 bawang merah
 2 sendok makan mentega
 1 telur
 Kecap
 Garam

Cara Memasak Nasi Goreng Pedas:

1. Pertama, haluskan bawang putih, bawang merah, dan cabai dengan ulekan, atau kamu
bisa menggunakan blender sebagai cara alternatif.
2. Selanjutnya, panaskan mentega di wajan dan tunggu hingga meleleh.
3. Lalu, masukkan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan dan tumis.
4.  Setelah itu, tambahkan telur yang telah dikocok lepas dan aduk merata.
5.  Selanjutnya, tambahkan garam dan kecap.
6.  Masukkan nasi dan campur merata.
7.  Cek rasa apakah sudah enak apa belum, tambahkan garam jika kurang asin.

8.  Akhirnya, nasi goreng pedas sederhana siap untuk disajikan.

How to Make A Glass of Avocado Juice


 1 avocado (make sure it is ripe enough)

 1 cup of milk
 Sugar or honey (optional)


1. Cut the avocado in half vertically and remove the seed with a knife then
scoop out the pulp.
2. Put the avocado pulp into a blender.
3. Add some milk
4. To sweeten it, you can also add some sugar or honey.
5. Blend it for about 5-10 minutes until all the ingredients are mixed perfectly
6. Pour the juice into a glass and your avocado juice is ready to d
Cara Membuat Segelas Jus Alpuket

Alpukat baik untuk menurunkan kolesterol dan juga merupakan antioksidan kuat yang bisa
melindungi mata kita. Untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya, dengan simple kita bisa memakan
alpukat yang sudah matang atau minum jusnya. Membuat jus alpukat sangat sederhana.
Dengan bahan sederhana yang kamu temukan di dapur, kamu bisa melakukannya sendiri di
rumah. Kumpulkan bahan-bahan yang tercantum di bawah dan ikuti langkah-langkahnya.


 1 alpukat (pastikan sudah cukupmatang)

 1 cangkir susu
 Gula atau madu (opsional)


1.  Potong alpukat menjadi setengah secar vertikal dan buang bijinya dengan pisau lalu
keluarkan dagingnya.
2. Masukkan daging alpukat ke dalam blender.
3. Tambahkan susu.
4. Untuk mempermanisnya, kamu juga bisa menambahkan sedikit gula atau madu.
5. Blender sekitar 5-10 menit sampai semua bahan tercampur sempurna.
6. Tuangkan jus ke dalam gelas dan jus alpukat kamu siap untuk diminum

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