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The Wilcoxon signed-rank is used

Only with independent samples

Only in matched pairs samples
As an alternative to the Kruskal-Wallis test
To test for randomness

Question was not answered

2. Which of the following tests must be two-sided?

Kruskal-Wallis test
Statistics MCQs Tests
Wilcoxon Signed rank test
Runs test
Sign test

Question was not answered

3. The sign test assumes that the samples are MCQs

Have the same mean
None of these MCQs
Question was not answered

4. The Mann-Whitney U test is preferred to a t-test when

Data are paired

Sample sizes are small
The assumption of normality is not met
Samples are dependent

Question was not answered Proba

5. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test compares

Two populations
Three or more populations
A sample mean to the population mean
None of these
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6. The Spearman rank-correlation test requires that the

Data must be measured on the same scale  Basic Statistics (38)
Data at least ordinal scale  Data (1)
Data must be from two independent samples
 Measure of Central Tende
Data must be distributed at least approximately as a t-distribution
 Measure of Dispersion (11
Question was not answered  Measure of Position (4)
 Chart and Graphics (7)
7. When using the Sign test, if two scores are tied, then we  Correlation and Regression An
Count them
 Inverse Regression Analys
Discard them
Depends upon the scores  Logistic Regression (3)
None of these  Model Selection Criteria (1
 Multiple Regression Analy
Question was not answered
 OLS Assumptions (6)
 Partial Correlation (1)
8. The Runs test results in rejecting the null hypothesis of randomness when:
 Pearson's Correlation
There is an unusually large number of runs Coe cient (5)
There is an unusually small number of runs  Regression Diagnostics (3)
Either of the above  Simple Regression Analysi
None of these 
 Design of Experiment (DOE) (7
Question was not answered  Estimate and Estimation (12)
 Estimator Properties (3)
9. Compare to parametric methods, the nonparametric methods are
 Level of Signi cance (2)
Less accurate  Point and Inteval Estimatio
Less e cient
 Heteroscedasticity (20)
Computationally easier
 Generalized Least Squares
(b) and (c) but not (a)
Question was not answered  Introduction (6)
 Remedial Measures of
10. Three brands of co ee are rated for taste on a scale of 1 to 10. Six persons are asked to rate each brand so Heteroscedasticity (4)
that there is a total of 18 observations. The appropriate test to determine if three brands taste equally good is  Test of Heteroscedasticity
 Miscellaneous Articles (19)
One way analysis of variance
 Multivariate Statistics (7)
Wilcoxon rank-sum test
Spearman rank di erence  Advance Multivariate (2)
Kruskal-Wallis test  Introduction to Multivariat
Statistics (2)
Question was not answered  Principal Component Anal
11. In a Wilcoxon rank-sum test  Probability (10)
Ties never a ect the decision  Continuous Probability
Ties always a ect the decision Distribution (2)
Ties within one sample may a ect the decision  F-Distribution (1)
Ties between the two samples may a ect the decision  Discrete Probability Distrib
Question was not answered  Binomial Probability
Distribution (3)
12. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test can be  Introduction to Probability
Upper tailed  Sampling and Sampling
Lower tailed distributions (8)
Either of upper tailed or lower tailed  Short Questions (8)
None of these  Statistical Simulation (4)
 Statistical Softwares (17)
Question was not answered
 Mathematica (3)

13. Which of the following test use rank sums?  Matlab (2)
 Microsoft Excel (3)
F test
 R Language (5)
Chi-square and Sign tests
 Statistical Package for Soc
Runs test
Science (SPSS) (4)
Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon test
 Statistical Tables (2)
Question was not answered  Stochastic Processes (6)
 Markov Chain (1)
14. Comparing the times-to-failure of radar transponders made by rms A, B, and C, based on an airline’s sample  Random Walks (4)
experience with the three types of instruments, one may well call for:  Testing of Hypothesis (14)
A Kolmogorov-Smirnove test  Independent sample t-tes
A Kruskal-Wallis test  Type I error (3)
A Wilcoxon rank-sum test  Type II Error (1)
A Spearman rank-correlation test
 Time Series Analysis and
Forecasting (26)
Question was not answered
 Analysing the Secular Tren
 Autocorrelation (6)
15. To perform a runs test for randomness the data must be
 Detrending (1)
Qualitative  Introduction (5)
Divided into at least two classi cations
Divided into exactly two classi cations
R Frequently Asked Questi
Question was not answered
Backward Deletion Method S
16. The sign test is by Step in R
Less powerful than that of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Performing Linear Regression

More powerful than the pared sample t-test Probability Distributions in R
More powerful than the Wilcoxon signed-rank test Some Descriptive Statistics in
Equivalent to the Mann-Whitney test lm Function in R
Question was not answered

17. If a Chi-square goodness of t test has 6 categories and an N=30, then the correct number of degrees of
freedom is

Thermoanalysis of molten met
Question was not answered Wide range of products for thermoanalysis of m
metals and core sand.
18. The nonparametric equivalent of an unpaired samples t-test is

Sign test
Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Mann-Whitney U test
Kruskal-Wallis test
alternative hypothesis

Question was not answered

Statistics Central Tendency c

19. Which of the following test is most likely assessing the null hypothesis of “the number of violations per Chart and Graph chart and graphics Coe ci

apartment in the population of all city apartments is binomially distributed with a probability of success in any Determination correlation Deci
one trial of $P=0.4” estimation Frequency Distribu

graph Helping Tools

The Kolmogorov-Smirnove test
The Kruskal-Wallis test Heteroscedasticit
The Mann-Whitney test
The Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Homoscedasticity interval estim
Level of Risk Level of Signi cance mean Me
Question was not answered
of central tendency

20. In the Kruskal-Wallis test of $k$ samples, the appropriate number of degrees of freedom is of Dispersion Mea
$K$ of Position Measure of
$ K-1 $
$ \binom{n,k} $
spread median mode Model Sele
Criteria multiple regression null hypothesis
$ n-K $
Value Pearson's Correlation Coe cient Po
Question was not answered Estimate Probability Probability Value P
Random Number Pseudo Random Process

21. When testing for randomness, we can use Regression Regression analysis Sh

Mann-Whitney U test Questions Signi cance level Sim

Sign test
Statistical Simulation
Runs test
None of these Stochastic Processes
testing of hypothesis type
Question was not answered

22. In testing for the di erence between two populations, it is possible to use Recent Posts: GM Statistic
The Wilcoxon rank-sum test Data Mining MCQs – 2
The sign test
Either of the above
Data Mining MCQs – 1
None of the these MCQs Derivatives – 1
Question was not answered
Mathematics of Finance – 2
Mathematics of Finance – 1
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