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Visualizes, represents, and subtracts one-digit numbers with
Learning minuends through 18 (basic facts).
Competencies/ (M1NS-IIg-32.1)
Objectives  Visualizes, represents, and subtracts one-digit numbers
with minuends through 18 (basic facts) using marbles.
KBI: Shows sportsmanship when playing
II. CONTENTS Visualizing, Representing, and Subtracting One-Digit Numbers
With Minuends Through 18
A. References
Learner’s Material Pages 150-152
Textbook Page
Additional Item Bank, pages 58-59 second quarter, flashcards, charts,
Materials marbles, pebbles, straws, rubber bands, popsicle sticks
A. Preliminary Drill
Activity Have a drill on basic addition facts with sums up to 10.

Put the correct symbol on the blank to complete each

number sentence. Use + or - .

1. 8 ___ 4 = 4 4 ____ 4 = 8
2. 9 ___ 5 = 4 5 ____ 4 = 9
3. 12 ___ 10 = 2 2 ____ 10 = 12
4. 6 ___ 7 = 13 13 ___ 7 = 6
5. 8 ___ 4 = 12 12 ___ 8 = 4


Show marbles to the pupils.

Ask: What are these? (if only one- What is this?) What do
you call this/these here in our place? Have you seen
this? Do you have this? Have you experienced playing
this? What kind of game did you play using a marble?
Do you like playing it? (Infuse the KBI of being sports. Tell
something about a marble how it is played.)
B. Developmental Activity 1
Activity Present the problem below.
Ben has 18 marbles. He gave 4 marbles to his friend.
How many marbles did he have left?
Ask: Who has marbles? What does he have? What did he
do with his marbles? What are we looking for? What
are we going to do? How did you know that we are
going to subtract? How many marbles did Ben have?
How many marbles did he give to his friend? How
many marbles were left?
(Call two boys to act as Ben and his friend. Let Ben hold the 18
marbles first and have the pupils count them. Then, let him give
the 4 marbles to his friend. This time, let the pupils count the
remaining marbles on Ben’s hand. Write the solution on the
board. Introduce the terms “minuend, subtrahend, and
difference” and the symbol used in subtraction which is the
minus (-) sign. Emphasize to them that the process of taking
away objects from a set is subtraction. Use also a drawing for
the solution. Using the 18 marbles again, show another
examples like 18 – 8 = ___; 18 – 7 = ___ ; 17 – 10 = ___; 17 – 6 =
___; etc)
Activity 2
Group the pupils into four. Give each group two sets of
objects. Let each group give the number sentence for each and
its difference.
Group I Group II
(pebbles) (popsicle sticks)
( Set B = 5
Set A = 15 Set A = 16 Set B = 4
Group III Group IV
( straws) (rubber bands)

Set A = 17 Set B = 8 Set A = 18 Set B = 7

(Set Standards for group activity first before doing the given
task. Presentation and reporting of each group’s work.)
Activity 3
Visualize and subtract then, write the answer on the blank.

C. Analysis Ask: How did you find the activity? What do you call the
numbers that you subtract? How about the answer in
subtraction, what do you call it? What is the symbol to
indicate subtraction? What do you call the process of
taking away objects from a set?
D. Abstraction Ask: What is subtraction?

(Lead and guide the pupils in making the generalization.)

Subtraction is the process of taking away objects from a set.

E. Application Read and solve.

1. Kiko had 15 balls. He gave 8 balls to his brother Karlo. How

many balls were left?
2. Trisha had 12 lollipops. She shared 8 lollipops among her 4
friends. How many lollipops were left?

F. Assessment Subtract. Write your answer on the blank.

1. 18 – 2 = ___ 4. 10 – 7 = ___
2. 17 – 3 = ___ 5. 8 – 8 = ___
3. 11 – 0 = ___

G. Assignment Remediation

Write the subtraction sentence based from the picture.

Then, give the answer.


Read, analyze, and solve.

1. Tirso bought 16 marbles. He gave 8 marbles to his
brother Tommy. How many marbles were not given
Asked ________
Given ________
Operation ________
Number Sentence _________
Solution ___________________

V. REMARKS/ CPL: 5 ____ 4 ____ 3 ____ 2 ____ 1 ____ 0 ____


Prepared by:

Grade IV Teacher

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