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(CLIENT”S FULL NAME AND/OR COMPANY NAME), a corporation registered under

the laws of the Philippines/ of legal age, resident of the Philippines with (BUSINESS
INC., a corporation registered under the laws of the Philippines with an address at 8C
Chico Street, Verdant Acres Subdivision, Pamplona Tres, Las Pinas City to perform all
work ("Work") in connection with and is set forth in the Plans and Specifications
furnished by the architectural firm and other Contract Documents hereafter specified.


Whereas, the parties agreed to enter into a contract to design and this document shall
serve as the basis of their Agreement. As such the parties wish to memorialize in writing
their understandings pursuant thereto.


Contract Documents consists of this AGREEMENT, the Amendments, if there’s any,

Exhibits, Change Orders, Progress Report, Schematic Drawings, including addenda
relating thereto. All of the foregoing Contract Documents are incorporated by reference
and made a part of this Agreement (all of said documents, including this Agreement,
sometimes being referred to herein as the "Contract Documents" and sometimes as the
"Agreement"). A copy of the Contract Documents shall be maintained by ARVIDERE
CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. at the Project site at all times during the
performance of the Work.

In case of any inconsistency or conflict among the provisions of the Agreement and any
other terms and conditions of any documents comprising the Contract Documents, the
provisions of the Agreement shall control. Concerning the Contract Documents, the
of precedence shall be as follows: 1) the Agreement, including Amendments and
Exhibits; 2) Change Orders; 3) Work Directive Changes. The Contract Documents listed
above represent the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto, and
supersede prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral.

Section 2. SCOPE OF WORK

A. General Responsibility

Generally, ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. will provide all planning,

design, and architectural services required for the proper design and for all other
services necessary for the completion of the Project design.

B. Responsibility with respect to Design

In fulfilling its obligations under this Section, ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION

ENTERPRISE INC. shall employ Architects of the appropriate specialties for proper
preparation of the Project drawings and specifications, including structural, mechanical,
electrical, civil and such other specialties as are reasonably required. All such
professional services shall be performed by appropriately Philippine licensed personnel.
ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. takes responsibility for the proper
performance of such architectural services.

The ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall prepare and the client
shall approve the following:

a) 2D Architectural Drawings (Exhibit B) and necessary documents for application

of Building Permit, Developer Requirements and Bank Loan Applications

b) Develop Preliminary Schematic Drawings subject for approval by the owner.

c) Prepare a 3D Rendered Exterior Perspective (Exhibit C)

d) Upon owner/client’s approval, the firm shall prepare the following:

 Signed and sealed Architectural Sheets (Exhibit D)

 Signed and sealed Structural Sheets (Exhibit E)
 Signed and sealed Electrical Sheets (Exhibit F)
 Signed and sealed Plumbing and Sanitary Sheets (Exhibit G)

e) Cross-check and review the plans and selections with the client/owner prior to
printing of Blueprints.

f) Provide ten (10) sets of Blueprints (Exhibit H) for client/owner’s copy, Site copy,
Bank and other necessaries which require copies of the said blueprint.

 All drawings/files shall be signed and sealed by duly licensed

 Accomplishment of all drawings /services/requirements shall be one (1)
year upon acceptance of the contract with acceptable margins and delays
which may be caused by unforeseen events or force majeure.

The following are also the services that will be rendered by the firm:

1. Provide three (3) sets of Bill of Materials. (Exhibit I)

2. Provide three (3) sets of Architectural Specifications. (Exhibit J)

Note: As these working Drawings and Specifications are being completed, the Firm will
keep the client/owner advised of the effects of any requested changes on the Contract
Time Schedule and/or the Guaranteed Maximum Price (“GMP”). Construction of the
Project shall be in accordance with these Drawings and Specifications as approved by
the client/owner and documents incorporated in the exhibits. The Drawings and
Specifications shall remain the property of ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE
INC. and may not be used by the client/owner to other projects without the written
consent of the Firm.

3. Accommodate the owner/client in the selection of the necessary contractors,

subcontractors and suppliers (i.e. General Contractor, Glass and Window
Supplier, Roofing and lights Supplier, Soft Furnishing Makers and the like) to be
able to perform the works needed.

4. Help in the selection of the best construction materials to utilize the working
5. Conduct weekly site visits during the construction period to assure the quality of
work and the accomplishment made within the agreed timeline.

6. Regularly update modifications based on Change Order made by the owner or

based on on-site changes encountered subject to prior approval by the
owner/client before implementation.

7. Provide Monthly Accomplishment Report to update the owner/client of the

progress and development of the construction. (Exhibit K)

8. Provide three (3) sets of As-Built Plans upon completion and turn over of the
Project as a requirement for the Occupancy Permit.

9. Supervise in the selection of interior furnishings, furniture and appliances, as the

case maybe.


ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall obtain and assign to the

owner/client all express warranties given to ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION
ENTERPRISE INC. or any subcontractors by any material men supplying materials,
equipment or fixtures to be incorporated into the Project. ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION
ENTERPRISE INC. warrants to the owner/client that any materials and equipment
furnished under the Contract Documents shall be new unless otherwise specified, and
that all Work shall be of good quality, free from all defects and in conformance with the
Contract Documents.

ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. further warrants to the owner/client

that all materials and equipment furnished under the Contract Documents shall be
applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance
with the instructions of the applicable manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers or
processors except as otherwise provided for in the Contract Documents. If, within one
(1) year after substantial completion and acceptance, any Work is found to be defective
or not in conformance with the Contract Documents, ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION
ENTERPRISE INC. shall correct it promptly after receipt of written notice from the
ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall also be responsible for and
pay for replacement or repair of adjacent materials or Work, which may be damaged as
a result of such replacement or repair. These warranties are in addition to those implied
warranties to which the owner/client is entitled as a matter of law.

Any additional Works based on a Change Order which has been accepted and
approved by the owner/client within the construction period shall be included within the
warranty. However, additional works requested which are not agreed within the contract
and the appendices included shall be subject to an additional cost, hence, is not
covered by the warranty provided in this Section. A Certificate of Completion (Exhibit L)
and Certificate of Warranty (Exhibit M) shall be provided upon the completion of the
project signed by the owner/client and the respective Architect and Project Manager.


Time is of the essence in the performance of the Work under this Agreement.
ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall commence the Work within
______ calendar days from the Commencement Date, established in each Phase’s
Notice to Proceed. No Work shall be performed at the Project site prior to such
Commencement Dates.

ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall provide forty-eight (48) hours

notice prior to beginning the Work. The Work shall be substantially completed within
________ ( ) calendar days from the Commencement Date. The Work shall be fully
completed and deemed ready for final completion within _________ ( ) calendar days
from the Substantial Completion Date. The Contract Time shall be the time period from
the Commencement Date to the date of final completion totaling _______ ( ) calendar
days (herein "Contract Time").

When any period of time is referenced to by days herein, it shall be computed to

exclude the first day and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such
period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made by law a legal holiday, such day
shall be omitted from the computation, and the last day shall become the next
succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.

In consideration of the faithful performance by ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION

ENTERPRISE INC. of the covenants in this Agreement to the full satisfaction and
acceptance of (NAME OF CLIENT/OWNER) agrees to pay, or cause to be paid, to
ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement the amount for the Project (herein referred to as Contract Amount)
_________________________________________________ (P _________________).

The fee for the services stated above shall be _____________________________

(P__________________) based on the approved design of the project. Any work or
change requested which are not within the scope of work agreed upon in the contract
shall be charged or billed separately when made by your request and/or approval.

Computation of Payment

Upon signing of the contract and proposal (10%)


Upon submission of the following (15%)

 Preliminary Plans/Schemes
 Exterior Perspective

Upon Completion of the following (30%) Php45,000.00

 Revisions based on owner/client’s request
 Complete Set of Working drawings needed for blueprinting
 Signed and Sealed Documents
 Bill of Materials
 Architectural Specifications

During the construction phase (35%) Php52,500.00

 Weekly Site Supervision billed based on the work
progress accomplishment

Upon turn over and submission of (10%) Php15,000.00

 Signed and sealed As-Built Documents
Total Payment Php150,000.00


The owner/client agrees to pay the Firm in one of the methods set forth below (check

_____ a. Cash Payment

 Full Payment
 By installment (depending on the agreed terms by the parties)
_____b. Check

 All check payments shall be addressed to ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION


_____c. Online Bank Transfer

 Account Number :00729-5-04862-4

Section 7. NOTICES

A. All notices required or made pursuant to this Agreement by ARVIDERE

CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. to (name of owner/client) shall be in
writing and delivered by hand or by mail, postage pre-paid, return receipt
requested, addressed to the following:

8C Chico Street, Verdant Acres Subdivision,

Pamplona Tres, Las Pinas City

B. All notices required or made pursuant to this Agreement by (name of ower/client)

and shall be delivered by hand or by mail, postage pre-paid, return receipt
requested, addressed to the following:
Either party may change its above noted address by giving written notice to the other
party in accordance with the requirements of this Section.


No modification or change to the Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the parties
unless in writing and executed by the party or parties intended to be bound by it or by a
written Change Order approved by both parties.


Subject to other provisions hereof, the Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure
to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties to the Agreement.


The following documents are expressly agreed to be incorporated by reference and

made a part of this Agreement.

Exhibit A: General Terms and Conditions

Exhibit B: 2D Architectural Drawings
Exhibit C: 3D Rendered Exterior Perspective
Exhibit D: Architectural Sheets
Exhibit E: Structural Sheets
Exhibit F: Electrical Sheets
Exhibit G: Plumbing and Sanitary Sheets
Exhibit H: Blueprints
Exhibit I: Bill of Materials
Exhibit J: Architectural Specifications
Exhibit K: Monthly Accomplishment Report
Exhibit L: Certificate of Completion
Exhibit M: Certificate of Warranty

Section 11. EXCLUSIONS

Architectural Consultancy DOES NOT include the following:

a. Building Permit or Occupancy Permit Application. The owner shall be solely liable
for the cost of application of permits other fees required. The Company will
provide advanced payments but are reimbursable to the owner subject to 30% of
the cost which shall serve as a processing fee.

b. Lot Survey Plan. Geodetic or Relocation survey is to be conducted by a

Registered Geodetic Engineer. The Company may provide for payments which
shall be reimbursed by the owner without any processing fees.

c. Interior Design Perspectives. An interior design perspective may be rendered by

the Architect at the rate of Php10,000.00 per image/room.


The services agreed and stated above shall be performed by the firm in good faith and
with all expertise required by law. However, the firm shall not be liable for the
performance, quality or timely completion made and accomplished by other contractors,
subcontractors or suppliers which are not signatories of the Project and/or was hired by
the owner/client. Moreover, the firm shall not be held liable for any changes made to the
Project by the owner/client without prior written notice to the Architect.


The owner/client shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon
seven (7) calendar days. Written notice to ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE
INC. shall be made. In the event of such termination for convenience, ARVIDERE
CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC’s recovery against the owner/client shall be
limited to that portion of the Contract Amount earned through the date of termination,
together with any retainage withheld and reasonable termination expenses incurred, but
the Firm shall not be entitled to any other or further recovery against the owner/client,

but not limited to, damages or any anticipated profit on portions of the Work not


The Agreement shall be interpreted under and its performance governed by the laws of
the Philippines, and the Parties stipulate venue for matters relating to the subject of this
Agreement shall be in the principal place of business of ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION


Each of the Parties hereto agrees and represents that the Agreement comprises the full
and entire agreement between the parties affecting the Work contemplated, and no
other agreement or understanding of any nature concerning the same has been entered
into or will be recognized, and that all negotiations, acts, work performed, or payments
made prior to the execution hereof shall be deemed merged in, integrated and
superseded by the Agreement.

Section 16. COPYRIGHT

All drawings, specifications, sample boards which are made and use as instruments of
the services rendered by the Firm shall be the exclusive property of ARVIDERE
CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. which reserves the right of copy of the said items
as granted by Republic Act No. 8293 or also known as the Intellectual Property Code of
the Philippines. Hence, is only for your use on the agreed Project by both parties and for
no other purpose. Any reproduction or reuse of the said materials without the written
consent of the Architect is prohibited.


Should any provision of the Agreement be determined by a court to be unenforceable,

such a determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other section or
part thereof.

Arch. Jimsean F. Villa Del Rey

Project Architect

Signature over printed name of Client/Owner



A.1. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete

project (or portion thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract
Documents. Any work, materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the
Contract Documents as being required to produce the intended result shall be supplied
whether or not specifically called for. When words which have a well known technical or
trade meaning are used to describe work, materials or equipment, such words shall be
interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Reference to standard specifications,
manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association or to the laws or
regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Project, whether
such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard
specification, manual, code, law or regulation in affect at the time the Work is
performed, except as may be otherwise specifically stated herein.

A.2. If during the performance of the Work ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION

ENTERPRISE INC. discovers a conflict, error or discrepancy in the Contract
Documents, ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. immediately shall report
same to the owner/client in writing and before proceeding with the Work affected
thereby shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from the ARVIDERE
CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC.’s Architect/Engineer. The Company shall take
field measurements and verify field conditions and shall carefully compare such field
measurements and conditions and other information known to ARVIDERE
CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. with the Contract Documents before
commencing any portion of the Work.

A.3. Drawings are intended to show general arrangements, design and extent of Work
and are not intended to serve as shop drawings. Specifications are separated into
divisions for convenience of reference only and shall not be interpreted as establishing
divisions for the Work, trades, subcontracts, or extent of any part of the Work. In the
event of a discrepancy between or among the drawings, specifications of other Contract
required to comply with the provision which is the more restrictive or stringent
determined by its

Architect/Engineer. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all anchors, bolts, screws,

fittings, fillers, hardware, accessories, trim and other parts required in connection with
any portion of the Work to make a complete, serviceable, finished and first quality
installation shall be furnished and installed as part of the Work, whether or not called for
by the Contract Documents.


B.1. Unless waived in writing by the owner/client, during the Construction Phase
ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall complete and submit to the the
owner/client on a weekly basis a daily log of the company’s work for the preceding week
in a format approved by the latter. The weekly log shall document all activities of
ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. at the Project site including, but not
limited to, the following:

 Weather conditions showing the high and low temperatures during work hours,
the amount of precipitation received on the Project site, and any other weather
conditions which adversely affect the Work;

 Soil conditions which adversely affect the Work;


and subcontractor's personnel;


subcontractor's personnel present and working at the Project site, by subcontract
and trade;

 All equipment present at the Project site, description of equipment use and
designation of time equipment was used

 Description of Work being performed at the Project site;

 Any unusual or special occurrences at the Project site;

 Materials received at the Project site; and

 A list of all visitors to the Project site.

The weekly log shall not constitute nor take the place of any notice required to be given
ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. to the owner/client pursuant to the
Contract Documents.

B.2. ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall maintain in a safe place at

the Project site one record copy of the Contract Documents, as well as all drawings and
other submittals and all written interpretations and clarifications issued by the
owner/client, in good order and annotated to show all changes made during
construction. The annotated drawings shall be continuously updated by the ARVIDERE
CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. throughout the prosecution of the Work to
accurately reflect all field changes that are made to adapt the Work to field conditions,
changes resulting from Change Orders, Work Directive Changes and Field Orders.

B.3. ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall keep all records and
supporting documentation which concern or relate to the Work hereunder for a minimum
of five (5) years from the date of termination of this Agreement or the date the Project is
completed, whichever is later.


C.1. ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall diligently pursue the

completion of the Work and coordinate the Work being done on the Project by its
Architect/Engineer, subcontractors and material men, as well as coordinating its Work
with all work of others at the Project Site, so that its Work or the work of others shall not
be delayed or impaired by any act or omission of ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION
ENTERPRISE INC. The Company shall be solely responsible for all construction
means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures, as well as coordination of all
portions of the Work under the Contract Documents.


delayed in the prosecution of or completion of the Work as a result of unforeseeable
causes beyond the control of the company, and not due to its fault or neglect, including
but not restricted to acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of government, fires,
floods, epidemics, strikes or lockouts, ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE
INC. shall notify the owner/client in writing within forty-eight (48) hours after the
commencement of

such delay, stating the cause or causes thereof, or be deemed to have waived any right
which the company may have had to request a time extension.


D.1.The owner/client shall have the right at any time during the progress of the Work to
increase or decrease the Work. Promptly after being notified of a change, ARVIDERE
CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall submit an itemized estimate of any cost or
time increases or savings it foresees as a result of the change. Except in an emergency
endangering life or property, or as expressly set forth herein, no addition or changes to
the Work shall be made except upon written order of the owner/client, and the
owner/client shall not be liable to the company for any increased compensation without
such written order. No officer, employee or agent of owner is authorized to direct any
extra or changed work orally.

D.2. A Change Order, in the form agreed upon by the parties, shall be issued and
executed promptly after an agreement is reached between ARVIDERE
CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. and the owner concerning the requested
changes. The company shall promptly perform changes authorized by duly executed
Change Orders. The Contract Amount shall be adjusted in the Change Order in the
manner as the owner/client and the company shall mutually agree.

D.3. In the event a requested change results in an increase to the Contract Amount, as
to design the amount of the increase shall be based upon the standard hourly billing
rates, according to classification of ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC.’s
Architect/Engineer plus expenses to be charged at actual cost. As to the construction,
the amount of the increase shall be limited to the ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION
ENTERPRISE INC.’s reasonable direct labor and material costs and reasonable actual
equipment costs as a result of the change (including allowance for labor burden costs)
plus a maximum ten percent (10%) markup for all overhead and profit. In the event such
change Work is performed by a Subcontractor, a maximum ten percent (10%) markup
for all overhead and profit for all Subcontractors' and sub-subcontractors' direct labor
and material costs and actual equipment costs shall be permitted, with a maximum five
percent (5%) markup thereon by the ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC.
for all of its overhead and profit, for a total maximum markup of fifteen percent (15%).
All compensation due the company and any Subcontractor or sub-subcontractor for field
and home office overhead is included in the markups noted above.


E.1. A Claim is a demand or assertion by one of the parties seeking an adjustment or

interpretation of the terms of the Contract Documents, payment of money, extension of
time or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract Documents. The term
"Claim" also includes other disputes and matters in question between owner/client and
company arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents. The responsibility to
substantiate a Claim shall rest with the party making the Claim.


writing to the owner within seventy-two (72) hours after the first day of the event giving
rise to such Claim or else the company shall be deemed to have waived the Claim.
Written supporting data shall be submitted to the owner within fifteen (15) calendar days
after the occurrence of the event, unless the owner grants additional time in writing, or
else the company shall be deemed to have waived the Claim.

E.3. ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall proceed diligently with its
performance as directed by the owner, regardless of any pending Claim, action, suit or
administrative proceeding, unless otherwise agreed to by the owner in writing. The
owner/client shall continue to make payments in accordance with the Contract
Documents during the pendency of any Claim.


All permits and licenses necessary for the prosecution of the Work shall be procured
and paid for by the owner/client.


ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. shall be considered in material

default of the Agreement and such default shall be considered cause for the
owner/client to terminate the Agreement, in whole or in part, as further set forth in this
Section, if the company:
(1) fails to begin the Work under the Contract Documents within the time specified

(2) fails to properly and timely perform the Work as directed by the Agreement or as
provided for in the approved Progress Schedule;

(3) commits errors or omissions in the performance of the architectural/engineering

design or inspection services;
(4) performs the Work unsuitably or neglects or refuses to remove materials or to
correct or replace such Work as may be rejected as unacceptable or unsuitable;

(5) discontinues the prosecution of the Work;

(6) fails to resume Work which has been suspended within a reasonable time after
being notified to do so;

(7) becomes insolvent or is declared bankrupt, or commits any act of bankruptcy;

(8) allows any final judgment to stand against it unsatisfied for more than ten (10) days;

(9) makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors;

(10) fails to obey any applicable codes, laws, ordinances, rules or regulations with
respect to the Work;

(11) materially breaches any other provision of the Contract Documents.


Upon receipt of written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance
and upon receipt of a final Application for Payment, the owner shall promptly make such
inspection and, if it finds the work acceptable and fully performed under the Contract
Documents, shall promptly issue a final Certificate of Completion, stating that, on the
basis of observations and inspections, the Work has been completed in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and that the entire balance
found to be due the company is due and payable. The final payment shall not become
due and payable until ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. submit the
Certificate of Completion and Certificate of Warranty.



PROJECT: ____________________________________________________________

PRINCIPAL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________

OWNER: ______________________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR: ________________________________________________________

DATE: ________________________________________________________________

This is to certify that ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. have completed

and accomplished all scope of works under the Agreement and all the Contract
Documents incorporated therein. And that all punch list items for both PLUMBING and
ARCHITECTURAL works agreed upon in the Project are accomplished within the

Moreover, all additional works made through a Change Order or requests which are not
within the terms agreed upon by the parties are completed and passed the inspection

Arch. Jimsean Villa Del Rey Mr/Mrs. _____________

Arvidere Architecture Services Full Name of Owner

Acknowledged by:

Engr. Jonathan A. Adarme Arch. Michael P. Temporal

Project Manager Project Architect



PROJECT: ____________________________________________________________

PRINCIPAL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________

OWNER: ______________________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR: ________________________________________________________

DATE: ________________________________________________________________

This is to certify that ARVIDERE CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE INC. will provide a

one (1) year warranty period which shall commence from the date of acceptance of the
owner and upon signing the Certificate of Completion by the parties. All contractor work
defects shall be rectified within the warranty period.

Moreover, any additional works through a Change Order that has been accepted and
approved shall be included in the warranty period. However, any additional works
requested which are over and above the scope of work specified in the contract shall be
charged as an additional cost in case any rectification shall be made and shall be
deemed outside the scope of the warranty period.

Arch. Jimsean Villa Del Rey Mr/Mrs. _____________

Arvidere Architecture Services Full Name of Owner

Acknowledged by:

Engr. Jonathan A. Adarme Arch. Michael P. Temporal

Project Manager Project Architect

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