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: ________________________


We are pleased to inform you that, after final evaluation of your work performance last
_________________, _________ based on a series of appraisals conducted during your
probationary stay, it is determined by ______________________________________________,
that the Employee is qualified for a change of employment status, from Probationary to


The stipulation in the Original Agreement relating to the Employee’s employment status
is hereby modified accordingly. All other terms and conditions of employment set our therein,
are still binding the parties.

For facility, the following, unless otherwise specifically modified or stated on a separate
provision or notice, shall remain unchanged:

 Work Description
 Working Hours
 Overtime


As a regular employee, the Employee shall receive a monthly salary of P_____________.


The Employer, subject to the established rules and procedures provided by law, retains
the right to transfer the Employee within its business establishment. In such case, the Employee
shall be given prior notice of the transfer.


The Employee may be required to sign a Training Bond when he/she attends training. In
such cases, the Employee are required to maintain their employment with the company during
the effectivity of the bond. The length of the bond shall depend upon the cost of the training
which the Employee attended. The Employee however has the option to terminate his/her
employment provided he/she pays for the entire cost of his training or the unexpired portion of
the bond, whichever is higher.


The Employee shall not enter into any agreement or contract to perform services,
directly or indirectly, for a company that engages in any business that competes with the
Employer. Nor shall Employee enter into any agreements or contracts to perform any services
with a company which is located within 10 mile radius of the Employer’s office. The Employee is
also prohibited from having relationships with any employee that is under employment of a
direct competitor. Said prohibition shall be effective for One Hundred and Twenty (120) days
from the time Employee’s relationship with the Employer is severed.


The Employee is not allowed to get married with another employee in the Company. In
the event that the Employee gets married with a fellow employee, one of either the Employee
his/her partner will required to resign.


The Employee, upon termination of his/her employment, shall account for and return all
company records, manuals and other documents that are in his/her possession. The Employee
shall also account for and turn-over all company equipment issued to him/her for the use in the
performance of his/her for the use duties and functions.


The Employee is likewise bound by such other provisions not enumerated in this
contract but are expounded in the Human Resource Manual. The provisions will be further
explained, if not yet during his probationary period by a Human Resource Officer.


The Employer may terminate the Employee, subject to due process, for any of the just
and authorized causes provided for by the Labor laws of the Philippines. For instances where
the termination is without just cause, a thirty (30) days’ notice shall be given to the Employee in

Upon termination, the Employee is prohibited from using the Company name to enter
into or perform any public or private transaction for personal gain.

The Employee shall be considered a regular employee on the day following the
expiration of this probationary contract period, or on the date provided below, and after which,
the Employee shall be entitled to all the rights and benefits granted to regular employees.

The rights, benefits, and any other changes arising from the Original Agreement shall be
discussed further below.

This Employment Contract shall be effective on ___th day of ________ 20___.



Name: ____________________________

Signature: _________________________
Date: _____________________________

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