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Norman B. Blumenthal (State Bar #068687)
2 Kyle R. Nordrehaug (State Bar #205975)
Aparajit Bhowmik (State Bar #248066)
3 2255 Calle Clara
La Jolla, CA 92037
4 Telephone: (858)551-1223
Facsimile: (858) 551-1232
6 James R. Hawkins (SB# 192925)
9880 Research Drive, Suite 200
7 Irvine, CA 92618
Telephone: (949) 387-7200
8 Facsimile: (949) 387-6676
9 Attorneys for Plaintiffs
California corporation; FRANK ARIZA,
16 an individual; SHANNON QUINN, an (Class Action)
individual; on behalf of themselves and all
17 persons similarly situated, FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR:
19 v. CODE §17200, (2) FRAUD AND
21 doing business as AT&T,
22 Defendants.
Action Filed: September 3, 2010
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2 QUINN (“Plaintiffs”), on behalf of themselves and on behalf of all persons similarly situated
3 alleges the following on information on belief:
6 1. This is a class action for unfair, unlawful and deceptive business practices and for
7 fraud and deceit brought against Defendant AT&T MOBILITY LLC, a limited liability company
8 doing business as AT&T (“AT&T”). This action is based on Defendant’s business pattern and
9 practice of unfairly, unlawfully and deceptively charging Plaintiffs and every other member of the
10 class for fraudulent and inflated data usage and data transfer. Plaintiffs and similarly situated
11 consumers, have service agreements with AT&T for cellular phone and/or wireless network
12 services. These agreements provide that the consumers will be charged specified amounts for
13 certain data usage and data transfer on AT&T’s cellular phone and/or wireless network. AT&T
14 secretly and deceptively artificially inflates the amounts charged to consumers of AT&T’s cellular
15 phone and/or wireless network through incorrect measurement, which is three to five times higher
16 than the actual data usage and data transfer for the consumer, and then incorrectly bills the consumer
17 for the inflated data usage and data transfer amounts rather than the actual data amount. As a result,
18 AT&T fraudulently represents that the data usage and data transfer for the consumer’s service is
19 higher than the data usage and data transfer actually is, resulting in inaccurate billing and inflated
20 data transfer charges to the consumer.
21 2. At bottom, AT&T’s systems improperly measure data usage and data transfer by three
22 to five times the actual amount. These overcharges are concealed from the customer. This case is
23 a high-tech version of a gas pump meter that incorrectly measures the gallons of gas being pumped
24 and then applies the per gallon charge to the fraudulent measure of gas, so that the consumer pays
25 more than is proper.
26 3. Except as otherwise provided herein, Plaintiffs seek restitution on behalf of all
27 persons in California who paid data transfer charges to AT&T in excess of their normal monthly
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1 data plan during the period beginning four years prior to the filing of this complaint and through the
2 present.
5 4. Defendant AT&T MOBILITY LLC, is a limited liability company with headquarters
6 in Georgia. AT&T MOBILITY LLC conducts business under the name “AT&T”, and is
7 collectively referred to herein as “AT&T” or “DEFENDANT”. AT&T is the party who established
8 and is responsible for the practices alleged herein. DEFENDANT is engaged in the business of
9 providing broadband and other wireless and wireline communications services to mass market,
10 business, government and customers throughout California and the United States, including
11 significant business and operations in this County. AT&T has a nationwide presence in wireline and
12 wireless markets, with millions of Americans connecting to a AT&T network daily. AT&T
13 generated more than $124 billion in 2008 total consolidated operating revenues, and at year-end
14 2008.
15 5. Plaintiff THE GUARDIAN CORPORATION (“GUARDIAN”) is California
16 corporation. GUARDIAN is a consumer with an agreement with AT&T for cellular phone and/or
17 wireless network services. GUARDIAN brings this action individually and on behalf of a class of
18 similarly situated consumers. The claims of GUARDIAN are typical and representative of the
19 claims of the absent members of the Class in that AT&T charged GUARDIAN and all other
20 members of the Class for data usage and data transfer in excess of their actual data usage and data
21 transfer. GUARDIAN and each and every member of the Class paid these charges and thereby
22 suffered a financial injury for which restitution and/or damages from AT&T is required. In this
23 action, GUARDIAN and the members of the Class do not contest the rate charged for data usage
24 and data transfer, instead, GUARDIAN and the members of the CLASS challenge the amount of
25 data usage and data transfer which AT&T attributed to GUARDIAN and the other members of the
26 Class. Finally, there is no federal question at issue in this case, as all questions presented and/or
27 remedies sought are based solely upon state law.
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1 6. Plaintiff FRANK ARIAZA (“ARIAZA”) is an individual residing in California.

2 ARIAZA is an individual with an agreement with AT&T for cellular phone and/or wireless network
3 services. ARIAZA brings this action individually and on behalf of a class of similarly situated
4 consumers. The claims of ARIAZA are also typical and representative of the claims of the absent
5 members of the Class in that AT&T charged ARIAZA and all other members of the Class for data
6 usage and data transfer in excess of their actual data usage and data transfer. ARIAZA and each
7 and every member of the Class paid these charges and thereby suffered a financial injury for which
8 restitution and/or damages from AT&T is required. In this action, ARIAZA and the members of
9 the Class do not contest the rate charged for data usage and data transfer, instead, ARIAZA and the
10 members of the Class challenge the amount of data usage and data transfer which AT&T attributed
11 to ARIAZA and the members of the Class. Finally, there is no federal question at issue in this case,
12 as all questions presented and/or remedies sought are based solely upon state law.
13 7. Plaintiff SHANNON QUINN (“QUINN”) is an individual residing in California.
14 QUINN is a consumer with an agreement with AT&T for cellular phone and/or wireless network
15 services for personal, family or household purposes. QUINN brings this action individually and on
16 behalf of a class of similarly situated consumers. The claims of QUINN are also typical and
17 representative of the claims of the absent members of the Class in that AT&T charged QUINN and
18 all other members of the Class for data usage and data transfer in excess of their actual data usage
19 and data transfer. QUINN and each and every member of the Class paid these charges and thereby
20 suffered a financial injury for which restitution and/or damages from AT&T is required. In this
21 action, QUINN and the members of the Class do not contest the rate charged for data usage and data
22 transfer, instead, QUINN and the members of the Class challenge the amount of data usage and data
23 transfer which AT&T attributed to QUINN and the members of the Class. Finally, there is no
24 federal question at issue in this case, as all questions presented and/or remedies sought are based
25 solely upon state law.
26 8. Collectively, ARIAZA, GUARDIAN, and QUINN are refer to herein as the
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1 9. PLAINTIFFS are unaware of the true names and capacities of the remaining
2 defendants who may be responsible for the alleged conduct in some respect and who therefore may
3 be sued in this action. PLAINTIFFS will amend this complaint when those names and/or capacities
4 become known to PLAINTIFFS. PLAINTIFFS are informed and believe that each of these
5 defendants is in some manner responsible for the events and allegations set forth in this complaint.
6 10. At all material times herein mentioned, each of the defendants was the principal,
7 joint venturer, successor, agent, aider & abettor, and/or employee of each of the remaining
8 defendants and was, at all relevant times, acting within the course and scope of such plan,
9 conspiracy, successorship, joint venture, agency and employment. In doing the things alleged in the
10 causes of actions stated herein, each and every defendant was acting within the course and scope
11 of this agency or employment and was acting with the consent, permission and authorization of each
12 of the remaining defendants. All actions of each defendant as alleged in the causes of action stated
13 herein were ratified and approved by every other defendant or their officers or their managing
14 agents.
17 11. AT&T’s business involves the providing of wireline and broadband services to
18 customers, including individuals, companies, businesses and government entities. To provide these
19 services, AT&T enters into service agreements wherein for a monthly charge, customers have access
20 to AT&T’s cellular phone and/or wireless network services. In the event the monthly charge is not
21 for unlimited data usage and data transfer, and the data usage and data transfer for a customer
22 exceeds a specified amount, the customer is billed additional amounts for that data usage and data
23 transfer. In order to profit at the expense of its customers, AT&T intentionally, knowingly and
24 artificially inflates the data usage and data transfer for these customers such that AT&T represents
25 the data usage and data transfer is an amount that is three to five times the actual data usage and data
26 transfer by the customer. AT&T then bills the customer based upon the inflated data usage and data
27 transfer amount, not the actual data used and transferred by that customer. As a result of this
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1 concealed fraud and deception, AT&T systematically and uniformly bills these customers for more
2 data than was actually used by the customer and these customers being able to otherwise verify the
3 accuracy of the charge without the use of an expert in the field and access to AT&T’s internal
4 engineering reports.
5 12. As a result of the charges by AT&T during the November 2009 through February
6 2010 time period being excessively high. Plaintiff GUARDIAN attempted to discover why their
7 data usage and data transfer was represented by AT&T to higher than expected. GUARDIAN
8 worked with AT&T’s personnel and GUARDIAN’s expert and discovered that the data usage data
9 usage and data transfer used by GUARDIAN was actually much lower than represented by AT&T.
10 Bandwidth reports and AT&T’s internal engineering reports showed that the actual data usage and
11 data transfer by GUARDIAN were, as a matter of corporate policy, being misrepresented by
12 AT&T’s system. As a result, only by using this independent third party expert could the inflated
13 data figures be confirmed. The investigation further revealed that the programs and systems used
14 by AT&T inflated the data usage and data transfer to amounts that far exceeded actual usage.
15 13. As a result of this conduct by AT&T, AT&T was able to systematically bill
16 customers, including the PLAINTIFFS, for data usage and data transfer in excess of true data usage
17 by the customer. AT&T falsely, fraudulently, knowingly and deceptively represented to the
18 PLAINTIFFS and the other members of the Class that the amounts billed for data usage and data
19 transfer, in excess of the normal monthly charge, is the correct amount, when if fact the correct
20 amount is far lower. If the actual data usage was accurately measured and reported by AT&T,
21 customers would either incur lower data usage charges, because the actual data usage was far lower
22 than represented and may not have even exceeded their monthly allocation at all. As a result of this
23 deception, AT&T bills customers for data usage and data transfer which did not occur and AT&T
24 charges these customers substantially more than the amount that is due for their actual data usage.
25 14. The fraudulent inflation of data usage by AT&T is perpetrated using the programs and
26 systems of AT&T which are uniform as to all customers, including the data card used by all
27 customers to access the cellular phone and/or wireless network of AT&T. These fraudulent data
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1 usage and data transfer representations resulting in inflated billing were perpetrated on wireless
2 customers and cellular phone users who incurred data transfer charges in excess of their normal
3 monthly service rate and did not have an applicable unlimited data usage account.
4 15. This action does not challenge the rate of the data usage or data transfer charge, but
5 rather, challenges the accuracy of the mechanism used by AT&T to measure data transfer and usage.
6 PLAINTIFFS contend that AT&T knowingly and intentionally uses a data measuring system that
7 intentionally inflates data usage and data transfer by three to five times the actual data usage and
8 data transfer and results in an incorrect measurement of data. AT&T then uses this fraudulent
9 measure of data to bill customers an inflated amount for data transfer and usage charges in excess
10 of their contracted monthly service charge.
11 16. AT&T’s conduct described herein is similar to business practices condemned in
12 by California law and violations of Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200 which have held that (1) charging
13 more than actual costs is unfair and unlawful; (2) overcharging customers is unfair; (3) one who
14 willfully deceives another is unlawful; (4) selling any commodity in less quantity than he or she
15 represents it to be is unlawful; (5) using a measure or measuring instrument when knowing it to be
16 incorrect is unlawful; (7) representing that a transaction confers an obligation upon the customer to
17 pay a certain amount when in fact it does not is unlawful; and (8) misrepresenting a charge for a
18 service rendered on the basis of measure is unlawful. In sum, only the actual data usage and data
19 transfer may lawfully be billed to the customers of AT&T.
22 17. This Court has jurisdiction over the PLAINTIFFS’ state law class claims pursuant to
23 28 U.S.C. § 1367. The state law class claims are brought as a class action pursuant to Fed. R. Civ.
24 Proc, Rule 23 on behalf of a class that exceeds 100 people, that involves more than $5,000,000 in
25 controversy. Because the citizenship of is Texas, and the Class is comprised of customers in
26 California, at least one member of the class is diverse from that of DEFENDANT. As a result, this
27 Court has original jurisdiction over the state law class claims under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 (CAFA
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1 Jurisdiction). This action is not subject to the jurisdiction of the California Public Utilities
2 Commission or the FCC because this action does not challenge any approved data rates charged by
3 AT&T.
4 18. Venue is proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391 because: (i)
5 DEFENDANT is subject to personal jurisdiction in this District; (ii) DEFENDANT maintains
6 offices or facilities in San Diego County, California; and, (iii) DEFENDANT committed the
7 wrongful conduct against members of the CALIFORNIA CLASS in San Diego County, California.
10 19. The relief sought in this complaint is restitution of the excess data transfer and usage
11 charges imposed by AT&T which were billed in excess of the normal monthly charge to the
12 customer for AT&T services.
13 20. The persons for whose benefit this case is brought consists of thousands of individuals
14 whose claims, except as to amount of restitution, are otherwise identical, in that the amount of
15 restitution to each class member can be calculated by reference to the data transfer and usage
16 charges imposed by AT&T above the normal monthly service charge to the customer. Therefore,
17 the repetitive testimony of each class member at trial would be impracticable, unnecessary, and an
18 inefficient use of judicial resources. Moreover, the exhaustive list of class members is now within
19 the exclusive possession and control of AT&T, and is not now known to Plaintiffs, although the list
20 may readily be obtained using statutory discovery procedures.
21 21. PLAINTIFFS seek certification of the following Class of consumers: “ALL
25 PERIOD.” The class period applicable to this class is the period beginning on the date four years
26 prior to the filing of this complaint to the present. Excluded from the Class are all defendants and
27 all agents, attorneys, and employees of defendants; all members of the California judiciary sitting
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1 in judgment of this case; and, Plaintiff’s attorneys and their employees; and, all other persons within
2 three degrees of consanguinity of the aforenamed defendants, attorneys, employees and judges (the
3 “Class”).
4 22. There are questions of law and fact common to all members of the Class and which
5 predominate over questions involving individual Class members. The common questions include,
6 inter alia, the following:
7 (a) Whether AT&T incorrectly measures data usage or data transfer by its customers;
8 (b) Whether AT&T bills customers for data usage or data transfer in amounts which
9 exceed the actual data usage or data transfer by the customer;
10 (c) Whether AT&T falsely represents on bills to customers that the data usage or the
11 data transfer listed is the actual data usage or data transfer by that customer;
12 (d) Whether AT&T systematically overcharged Class members for data usage or data
13 transfer in amounts which exceed the actual data usage or data transfer by the customer;
14 (e) Whether AT&T’s data measuring practices are unlawful;
15 (f) Whether AT&T’s data measuring practices are unfair to customers;
16 (g) Whether AT&T’s data measuring practices are likely to deceive customers;
17 (h) Whether AT&T’s representations concerning the data usage and data transfer by
18 the customer were false;
19 (i) Whether AT&T’s billing statements to Class members concealed material facts
20 concerning the data usage and data transfer by the customer; and,
21 (j) Whether AT&T’s false representations were intentional and knowing.
22 23. There are no material differences in the substantive laws to be applied to the claims
23 of the Class members because all claims are brought under California law and on behalf of
24 California customers. There is no California law which permits or approves of AT&T’s practices
25 as herein alleged.
26 24. The names and addresses of all Class members entitled to restitution are readily
27 ascertainable from the records of AT&T and can be obtained in discovery.
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1 25. The representative PLAINTIFFS were injured and lost money by the acts of AT&T,
2 and will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class. The PLAINTIFFS have retained
3 counsel competent and experienced in similar class action litigations and other litigations on behalf
4 of the general public.
5 26. The conduct of AT&T with respect to the measuring and billing of data usage and
6 data transfer, as more particularly described above, is uniform and systematic as to all customers in
7 California. AT&T’s conduct is therefore a common unlawful, unfair and deceptive business practice
8 within the meaning of California Business and Professions Code Section 17200 et seq. prohibiting
9 such practices affecting all such customers in the Class. The representations of AT&T with respect
10 to the Class members’ data usage and data transfer, as more particularly described above, is
11 uniformly false and fraudulent as to all customers in California.
12 27. A class action is superior to any other available methods for the fair and efficient
13 adjudication of this controversy. The amount of each individual claim is too small to warrant
14 individual litigation. Even if any group of class members itself could afford individual litigation,
15 such a multitude of individual litigation would be unduly burdensome to the courts in which the
16 individual litigation would proceed. The class action device is preferable to individual litigation
17 because it provides the benefits of unitary adjudication, economies of scale, and comprehensive
18 adjudication by a single court. Finally, class wide litigation will insure that wrong doers do not
19 retain the ill-gotten gains acquired through their wrongful conduct.
20 28. There are no manageability problems with the proposed class action. The Class is
21 limited to California customers and only California law is to be applied. As a result, there are no
22 variations in state laws that would preclude maintenance of a class action.
23 29. As a result of AT&T’s unlawful, unfair, deceptive and/or fraudulent business
24 practices,Class members have been incorrectly charged for data usage and data transfer charges,
25 over and above their normal monthly service charge. AT&T is liable to make restitution of such
26 incorrect charges including interest on the liquidated sum from the date of payment plus interest
27 along with attorneys’ fees and costs as determined by the court. Plaintiff will amend the Complaint
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1 at the time of trial to include any additional consumers who are continuing to be subject to AT&T’s
2 unfair business practices until such time as the practice has been enjoined. Further, Plaintiff reserves
3 the right to supplement the restitution award after trial and until an injunction is issued to include
4 additional persons who have been damaged by the unfair business practice of AT&T.
7 (Unfair Competition - Cal. Business & Professions Code Section 17200)
8 30. PLAINTIFFS incorporate by reference the allegations set forth in the preceding
9 paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.
10 31. California Business & Professions Code §17200 is properly applied to the claims of
11 AT&T customers in California. Business and Professions Code Section 17200 prohibits any
12 “unlawful act or practice.” AT&T engaged in unlawful acts or practices by, inter alia,
13 incorrectly measuring the data usage and data transfer of PLAINTIFFS and other customers, and
14 thereby charging them for data charges which exceeded the amount of their actual data usage and
15 data transfer.
16 32. California Business and Professions Code Section 17200 also prohibits any
17 “fraudulent business act or practice.” Class members were and are likely to be deceived by AT&T’s
18 business practices in connection with data usage and data transfer because consumers are likely to
19 believe that the representations of data usage and data transfer by AT&T in the billing represents
20 the actual data usage and data transfer by the customer. Class members could not have known the
21 true facts because they were not provided with engineering reports from AT&T regarding the data
22 transfer and data usage for their services, which engineering reports when analyzed by an expert can
23 be shown to evidence the incorrect measure of data and representation of data usage by AT&T.
24 33. California Business and Professions Code Section 17200 further prohibits any
25 “unfair... business act or practice.” As detailed in the preceding paragraphs, AT&T engaged in a
26 systematic scheme to inflate the amount of data usage and data transfer of customers on the AT&T
27 cellular phone and wireless networks such that the data amounts represented by AT&T exceeded
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1 the actual data usage and data transfer by three to five times in an attempt to impose inflated data
2 transfer charges on AT&T customers. AT&T’s conduct caused and continues to cause substantial
3 economic injury. Any possible justification for AT&T’s wrongful conduct was, and is, vastly
4 outweighed by the adverse effects of such conduct. AT&T unfairly competes by offering service
5 agreements limiting them to charging for data transfer at specified rates, when in fact AT&T’s
6 system incorrectly measures the data usage in order to inflate the charges to customers, and thereby
7 earn greater profit than the honest competitors who correctly measure data transfer. As a result,
8 Defendants received an unfair competitive advantage through this practice. AT&T’s conduct is also
9 immoral, unethical and in violation of public policy. As a result, Defendants also engaged in unfair
10 business practices prohibited by California Business & Professions Code Section 17200, et seq.
11 34. As a result of Defendants’ unlawful, deceptive or unfair act or practice, Plaintiff and
12 members of the Class have been injured in amounts to be proven at trial, and Defendants must be
13 ordered to reimburse these amounts to PLAINTIFFS and the other members of the Class.
14 35. The PLAINTIFFS were personally victimized by AT&T’s practice and lost money
15 as a result of the alleged practices of AT&T. PLAINTIFFS have standing to bring this claim for
16 violation of Business & Professions Code because, as set forth hereinabove, PLAINTIFFS (a)
17 suffered injury in fact as a result of AT&T’s conduct, (b) lost money as a result of AT&T’s practice,
18 and (c) otherwise comply with the requirements of Section 382 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
21 (For Fraud and Deceit)
22 36. PLAINTIFFS incorporate by reference the allegations set forth in the preceding
23 paragraphs as if set forth herein in full. This cause of action is brought against AT&T. This cause
24 of action is for a direct fraud and concealment by AT&T as herein alleged.
25 37. At all times during which AT&T imposed data usage and data transfer charges,
26 AT&T them, knowingly, intentionally, wilfully, and purposefully deceived PLAINTIFFS and the
27 other members of the Class by (1) making false and fraudulent representations regarding data usage
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1 and data transfer on their wireless and cellular phone bills, (2) concealing from the PLAINTIFFS
2 and the other members of the class the true facts concerning the actual data usage and data transfer
3 by the PLAINTIFFS and the other members of the Class , and (3) fraudulently billed PLAINTIFFS
4 and the other members of the Class for inflated data usage and data transfer charges as alleged
5 herein. AT&T carried out the fraud using a fraudulent measure of data usage and data transfer and
6 made the fraudulent representations and concealments through their monthly billing to the customer.
7 38. At all relevant times to this action, AT&T knew that its representations were in fact
8 false and inaccurate. The true and accurate facts knowingly and intentionally concealed by
9 Defendants, and each of them, were that amounts of data usage and data transfer by the customer
10 were inflated the by three to five times the actual amount. This information was known to the
11 AT&T, and AT&T intentionally withheld this information from PLAINTIFFS and the other
12 members of the CLASS.
13 39. At all times during which AT&T made the above-mentioned representations, AT&T
14 knew that the representations were false, misleading and inaccurate and intended that the
15 representations be repeated and relied upon. AT&T made the representations with the intent to
16 deceive the PLAINTIFFS and the other members of the CLASS, and with the intent to induce
17 PLAINTIFFS and other members of the Class to pay the inflated data usage and data transfer
18 charges. PLAINTIFFS and other members of the Class in fact relied on the false representations
19 of AT&T by paying the data usage and data transfer charges as represented by AT&T.
20 40. The misrepresentations and concealments as herein alleged were material and
21 significant as they increased the amount billed to and the amount paid by the customer. But for the
22 fraudulent representations and concealments of AT&T, PLAINTIFFS and the other members of the
23 Class would not have paid the inflated date usage and data transfer charges.
24 41. PLAINTIFFS and the other members of the Class had no knowledge of the falsity of
25 AT&T’s representations or the concealments, and could not have known due to the conduct of
26 AT&T. In reliance upon such representations, at all times PLAINTIFFS and the other members of
27 the Class reasonably believed that AT&T’s representations of the data usage and data transfer by
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1 the customer was accurate and reflected the actual data usage and data transfer by the customer.
2 AT&T’s fraud and concealments could not have been discovered by the customer, and was only
3 discovered by GUARDIAN in the December 2009 to February 2010 time period after consultation
4 with experts and using internal engineering reports from AT&T, which were not otherwise provided
5 by AT&T to customers.
6 42. PLAINTIFFS and the other members of the Class reasonably relied upon the
7 misrepresentations and were induced to and did in fact pay the inflated charges for data usage and
8 data transfer in connection with wireless and/or cellular phone services. PLAINTIFFS and the other
9 members of the Class would not have paid the data usage and data transfer charges, if they had
10 known and been informed of the true facts concerning their data usage and data transfer and the
11 intentional inflation of the data measurements by AT&T.
12 43. As a direct and proximate result of the forgoing fraudulent and deceitful
13 representations and concealments by AT&T, PLAINTIFFS and the other members of the Class paid
14 excessive data usage and data transfer charges, and sustained, or will sustain injuries and damage
15 as herein alleged, in an amount to be proven at trial. In particular, each Plaintiff and every member
16 of the Class uniformly suffered the same damage in the form of the excessive payment of charges
17 above their normal monthly service charge.
18 44. At all times herein alleged, AT&T acted wilfully, wantonly, with oppression, fraud and/or
19 malice, and with a conscious disregard of the rights of others, including the right of PLAINTIFFS and the
20 other members of the CLASS. Therefore PLAINTIFFS request that the trier of fact, in the exercise of its
21 sound discretion, should award punitive or exemplary damages to PLAINTIFFS and the other members of
22 the CLASS in an amount sufficient to punish AT&T and sufficiently large to be an example to others and
23 to deter AT&T and others from engaging in similar conduct in the future.
27 (For Violations of Civil Code § 1770, et seq.)
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1 45. PLAINTIFFS incorporate by reference the allegations set forth in the preceding
2 paragraphs as if set forth herein in full. This cause of action is brought against AT&T by Plaintiff
3 Shannon Quinn. This cause of action is for violations of the Consumer Legal Remedies Act
4 (“CLRA”) by AT&T as herein alleged.
5 46. Plaintiff Shannon Quinn brings this cause of action on behalf of herself and other
6 consumers similarly situated. For purposes of this cause of action, the consumers similarly situated
7 consists of all consumers in California who are members of the Class alleged herein above (“CLRA
8 Subclass”). The term Consumers is used with the same meaning as in the CLRA definitions. The
9 applicable class period to this cause of action is the date beginning three years prior top the filing
10 of this action and ending on a date to be set by the Court.
11 47. The AT&T services, as described above, were purchased by Plaintiff Quinn and by
12 the other consumers similarly situated in the CLRA Subclass primarily for personal, family, or
13 household purposes. The members of the CLRA Subclass number in the thousands, and therefore
14 are impracticable to bring all members before the Court. The questions of law and fact common to
15 the CLRA Subclass under the CLRA are substantially similar and predominate over the questions
16 affecting individual members. The claims of Plaintiff Quinn are typical of the claims of the CLRA
17 Subclass. Plaintiff Quinn and her counsel will fairly and adequately represent the interests of the
18 CLRA Subclass.
19 48. AT&T violated its statutory duty by orchestrating, controlling and participating in an
20 scheme wherein AT&T artificially inflates the data usage and data transfer for these customers such
21 that AT&T represents the data usage and data transfer is an amount that is three to five times the
22 actual data usage and data transfer by the consumer, and AT&T then bills the consumer based upon
23 the inflated data usage and data transfer amount, not the actual data used and transferred by that
24 consumer, so that the consumer is overcharged.
25 49. AT&T violated its duty under the aforementioned statutes, including but not limited
26 to, Civil Code § 1770(a)(5), by, among other things, making false representations concerning the
27 characteristics and quantities of the data usage and data transfer by the consumer.
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1 50. AT&T violated its duty under the aforementioned statutes, including but not limited
2 to, Civil Code § 1770(a)(9), by, among other things, advertising services with the intent not to sell
3 them as advertised. AT&T advertises that consumers will be charged for data usage and data
4 transfer at a specific amount, but due to the knowing inaccurate measurement of data, AT&T
5 intentionally does not deliver the service as advertised.
6 51. AT&T violated its duty under the aforementioned statutes, including but not limited
7 to, Civil Code § 1770(a)(14), by, among other things, making false representations that the
8 transaction confers obligations on consumers to pay for data usage and data transfer, when in fact,
9 consumers are not obligated to pay for the inflated amounts of data usage and data transfer.
10 52. AT&T violated its duty under the aforementioned statutes, including but not limited
11 to, Civil Code § 1770(a)(16), by, among other things, making false representations that consumers
12 have been supplied with a specified amount of data usage and data transfer, when in fact, the amount
13 actually supplied was uniformly far less due to the inaccurate data measurement by AT&T.
14 53. AT&T’s actions as alleged herein were unfair and deceptive and constituted the
15 concealment, suppression and omission of material facts with the intent that Plaintiff Quinn and the
16 CLRA Subclass would rely upon the false statement through the concealment, suppression and
17 omission of such material facts, all in violation of the applicable Consumer Legal Remedies Act.
18 54. AT&T represented to the Plaintiff and every other member of the CLRA Subclass, at
19 the time of billing, that they had used and transferred data in a specific amount, when in fact the
20 amount of the data actually used and transferred was far less than what was represented.
21 55. These representations were made by AT&T to Plaintiff Quinn and the CLRA
22 Subclass in writing on their monthly billing statements, and each member of the CLRA Subclass
23 relied on the representation by paying the charges on their billing statements. Because the true facts
24 concerning the actual data usage and data transfer were concealed by AT&T and never disclosed,
25 the true facts concerning the data usage and data transfer amounts were not and could not have been
26 known to Plaintiff Quinn or any other member of the CLRA Subclass. AT&T continues to engage
27 in this conduct.
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1 56. When making the representations on the billing statements concerning data usage and
2 data transfer, AT&T intended that the representations be relied upon by all consumers in paying the
3 charges and provided no information to the contrary.
4 57. Plaintiff Quinn and the other members of the CLRA Subclass were injured and
5 suffered damage as a result of the many violations of the Consumer Legal Remedies Act. As a
6 direct and proximate result of the acts and practices alleged above, members of the CLRA Subclass
7 paid AT&T for data transfer and/or usage charges in excess of their normal monthly service charge
8 during the applicable class period. Plaintiff seeks injunctive relief to enjoin these violations of the
9 Consumer Legal Remedies Act.
10 58. Pursuant to Civil Code §1782(d), Plaintiff Quinn will amend this complaint to seek
11 a recovery of damages and other relief for AT&T’s violations of the Consumer Legal Remedies Act
12 on behalf of herself and the CLRA Subclass.
15 WHEREFORE, PLAINTIFFS and the other members of the Class request judgment against
16 Defendants and each of them as follows:
17 1. For an Order certifying this action as a class action;
18 2. For an award of restitution of amounts paid by paid by the PLAINTIFFS and the
19 other members of the Class in an amount to be proven at trial pursuant to Cal.
20 Business & Professions Code § 17203;
21 3. For damages on the second cause of action according to proof;
22 4. For punitive damages on the second according to proof;
23 5. For interest at the legal rate of interest on the foregoing sums;
24 6. For an order declaring the practice of Defendants to be in violation of California law;
25 7. For an order temporarily, preliminarily and permanently enjoining and restraining the
26 Defendants from engaging in unlawful conduct as set forth herein;
27 8. For injunctive relief brought under the provisions of Civil Code § 1770, et seq.;
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1 9. For costs of suit herein incurred;

2 10. For reasonable attorneys’ fees allowed by law; and,
3 11. For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.
By: /s/ Norman B. Blumenthal
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
Case 3:10-cv-01846-WQH -CAB Document 4 Filed 09/21/10 Page 19 of 19


2 The PLAINTIFFS demand a jury trial on issues triable to a jury.
By: /s/ Norman B. Blumenthal
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
10 K:\D\NBB\Araza v. AT&T\p-complaint-AMD-FINAL.wpd


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