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I, Tenjou Yuuya, am being bullied. That’s not a recent development; it’s been
that way for a long time… ever since kindergarten. No matter how much I
asked them to stop, they’d only find it funnier and escalate things, and no
matter how much I told the teacher about it, they wouldn’t help.

On the contrary, they’d even end up saying that I was the one in the wrong.

It would have been fine if I was only mistreated by those guys at school and
the teachers…

but I had reached the point that I didn’t even get any affection from my

Right after I was born, my parents thought I would be a cute child. After all, I
was their firstborn. However, they eventually gave up on those thoughts.

My face only got uglier over time, regardless of what I did. Even though I
only ate a normal amount of food, my body got fatter and fatter. I tried to
exercise, but my weight continued increasing, as if my own body was
ridiculing me. Even though I didn’t change the amount of food I was eating.
[ED: Well there’s your problem]

It may be some kind of illness. By the time that thought occurred to me… the
affection from my parents was completely gone. The reason was my twin
brother and sister had been born.

Unlike me, both of them were beautiful, and my parents showered them with

Their treatment of me completely changed then. The twins would always eat
good fresh food, and I’d only get yesterday’s leftovers. Really, leftovers were

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the best I got, and mostly it was only scraps and things that had expired or

I wasn’t allowed to wash my clothes together with the twins’ because they
said the twins’ clothes would get dirty if I washed them together, and my
clothes would then go unwashed because it would “only waste the water

So, since elementary school, I had always washed my clothes by myself

using the park drinking fountain.

Speaking of clothes, the twins could buy new ones, but I always wore only
tattered clothes. From elementary school to senior high school, my bags were
ratty and tattered, but the twins always had brand new stuff.

The twins were one year younger than me, and for these reasons I had to do a
lot of things myself since I entered kindergarten. I envied them a lot. I didn’t
do anything to deserve this… or did I? No matter how much I tried to appeal
to them, my parents didn’t give me the time of day.

Even at times when I thought I might be sick, I wasn’t allowed to see a

doctor. I thought of it as a blessing that I was able to eat the bare minimum
amount of food, even though the reason was they still cared about their

But there were still people who were kind to me, as well. My grandfather,
who had already passed away, was one of them. He was always traveling
around and would come back with peculiar souvenirs, and was rarely home.
But when he came back, grandpa always loved me, the ugly kid.

That was the only way in which I got much more affection compared to the
twins. Grandpa was considered a freak for flying around the world for so
long and collecting only weird stuff, and my parents were prejudiced against

When I was in elementary school, my grandpa’s house was close, so I always

went out to play there when he was home. Even though my grandpa was
incensed at how I was treated, and appealed to the people around me, my

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appearance and the way people talked about him being a freak caused that to
go nowhere. Such a kind grandfather to me… had already died.

“Yuuya, never give up. Look, it’s alright. Even if it’s hard, if you smile,
happiness will surely come. Someday, you’ll be able to look back at those
people who have done terrible things to you… besides, you still have a long
life ahead of you. Don’t be impatient, but move slowly and steadily in the
right direction. It’s okay, Yuuya, I know you can do it.”

Those were grandpa’s last words. In his will, he gave me the house where he
lived and all of his property. Of course, my parents tried to take it away, but
my grandpa had made thorough arrangements, so they failed. But as a result,
my parents completely abandoned me.

Well, when you think about it, that result was obvious. So I left home and
decided to live in my grandpa’s house. He didn’t have a lot of assets, by any
means, and I didn’t receive any money from my parents, but even so, my
grandpa did have enough money for me to enter an integrated junior high
school and attend senior high school.

Thanks to him, I was able to pay the entrance fee and tuition, but the other
living expenses were strict, with only the money that my grandfather had left
me, and I lived everyday while working part-time jobs.

And now, if I didn’t go quickly, I would be late for my part-time job, but I
was stopped and forcibly taken to the back of the gym. To be perfectly clear
about what was going to happen──

“Know your place, you shitty fat-ass!!”


It was group bullying. I was beaten and kicked many times. I could barely
breathe, and since I didn’t have any money, I always skipped lunch, so the
only thing that came out of my mouth was stomach juices.

After a while, maybe because he got tired of beating me, Takeshi Araki from
my class, the main offender of this bullying, grabbed my hair and lifted my

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face as I was coughing violently.

Araki was the so-called delinquent guy with piercings and blonde hair. He
was also wearing a uniform, and was a member of a delinquent group called
[Red Ogre], which was active around this high school. I cried out from the
way he was handling me.

“Oi, fat-ass. Aren’t you forgetting your place? You’re my sandbag, and I’ll
beat my sandbag whenever I want. That’s your role… so why are you going
home all of a sudden?”

A sharp knee kicked me directly in the face. Blood was streaming from my
nose, and my face was in agony.

“Hey, Araki, do you think maybe you shouldn’t be so hard on his face? If you
hurt him there, everyone can see it, you know?”

“It’s fine. No one’s gonna look at this kind of trash.”

“Kyahahaha! But seriously, this is fun!”

Some flashy looking girls took pictures of me with their smartphones. Araki
seemed to come up with something as he watched, and a wicked grin spread
across his face.

“Oh right, if you’re going to take pictures, why don’t you do it when he’s

“Oh! How nice! In that case, let’s get more people over here.”

“Great, just message everyone you know.”

“Ugh!? S-sto…”

“Shut your fucking mouth, you piece of shit!”

Once again, a kick landed right in my face. My consciousness grew hazy, and
I felt like I could pass out at any moment, but if I did that, I had no idea what
might happen. However, I was still helpless to change anything, and the

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people Araki and the others called had already gathered around.

“Hey hey, you said if I came here, there’d be something fun…”

“I never thought I’d see the face of this garbage here.”

When I managed to look at the cold voice that was suddenly thrown at me,
there stood a very similar brother and sister with well-defined faces. Tenjou
Youta and Tenjou Sora… in other words, my own brother and sister.

Since they were one year younger than me, whenever we came across each
other in middle school, they had reached the point of looking at me with
disdain. This would be my first year in high school, and they were in their
third year of junior high, but maybe there would eventually be a chance for us
to meet.

They normally wouldn’t have any business being here, in the back of this
school building, but Araki might have called them over.

“Ah? Youta, do you know him?”

“Yeah, well. I hate to admit it, but he’s sort of my big brother… that’s what it
should be.”

“Big brother!? Oi oi, seriously!?” Araki looked at me and laughed. “He looks
nothing like you!”

“Well, you know, it’s only a relationship on paper, so I don’t care about him
at all.”

“I see I see… Well, that’s fine. Let’s just have fun today.”

By then, nearly 20 people had gathered around, and Araki started stripping
me naked. I resisted desperately, and begged him to stop, but after he beat me
again, I was completely silenced, and was finally stripped of all my clothes.

Araki laughed triumphantly.

“Oi oi, don’t try to hide it!”

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“What a disgusting body!?”

Words of contempt and condescension poured in from my surroundings.

With regret and embarrassment, I desperately grit my teeth and endured.
Pretty soon, the sound of camera shutters echoed all around, and Araki spoke

“Thank you for gathering here today! Well then, time for the closing act!”

He looked at me and made a demented smile.

“Take this, you fat-ass! Hi-ya!”

I was knocked out by a powerful blow to my jaw. By the time I woke up,
there was no one around, and the moon was already floating in the sky. When
I checked my belongings, they had stolen what little money I had, my
textbook was torn up and thrown away, and muddy water had been poured
onto my clothes.

I wept bitterly on the spot, so overcome with self-pity that it was painful.

Grandpa. What should I do…?

This… was my daily life.

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Chapter 1 – Into A Different World

Overcoming those difficult times, I was now fully enjoying a rare period of
recovery. After the middle school graduation ceremony was over, we went on
a short break before starting high school.

Realistically, I should have had a part-time job during this break, but that was
gone now, because of the group bullying from the other day. Because I was
absent that day, I was fired; obviously it wasn’t possible to go to it. I was
fired from my other part-time job as well, because of all the bruises on my
body. I thought it was unreasonable, and I was frustrated, but I couldn’t do
anything about it.

I wondered if I should do muscle training during this break, even though I

didn’t think it would change anything. I had a lot of things to worry about,
but first I had to find a new part-time job. At any rate, for now, I had a little
time to spare, so I decided to clean this house for the first time in a long time.

I immediately got out a rag and vacuum cleaner and started cleaning the
house. Even though I often did light cleaning, a thorough cleaning revealed a
lot of dirt. My grandpa’s house was quite large, so it would have been
difficult to clean all the rooms properly without an opportunity like this.

…No, I knew the truth. I was doing this to avoid thinking about what had

During a surge of depression, I went to the washbasin to replace the water in

the bucket, and there, like it or not, I could see my face reflected in the
mirror. Thin, small eyes. A huge pig nose with small nostrils. Rounded
cheeks, and although my cheekbones were defined, my whole face was fat,
swollen, and covered in acne and freckles.

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My lips were thick, and covered my crooked teeth. My hair was so thin it felt
like premature baldness. This was my face. A face that doesn’t at all resemble
my parents or those twins. When I looked at it now, the accumulated
resentment inside of me overflowed.

I yelled in rage, and punched the mirror over and over again, desperately
trying to erase the picture in front of me. I kept hitting it long after my fist
was covered in blood.

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Breathing hard, I then grabbed the big bucket and smashed it into the mirror,
breaking it instantly. With the mirror broken, I was able to calm down a little,
but mentally, I was still in a fog. Fragments of the mirror fell onto the floor
and mingled with my blood.

No matter how much I shout, my situation won’t change.

I wanted to undergo plastic surgery if I could. But I couldn’t even come close
to doing that without any money. The fact was, I had to work with all my
strength just to barely earn enough for my living expenses.

In the face of such a sorrowful reality, my heart sank even more. What
exactly do I want to be? I couldn’t see my future anymore. I wouldn’t be able
to find a job properly. Considering how things are now, it was only natural
that I’d never thought about what I wanted to be in the future.

Dream… a dream, huh? Even if I had a dream, it would be meaningless

anyway. I don’t have the ability or the will to make a dream come true…


Frustrated by my powerlessness, I hit the wall forcefully ― and at that



All of a sudden, the wall rotated, like a secret door in a ninja mansion, and
revealed a room I had no idea existed.

“Wh… What the…?”

I’d lived in my grandpa’s house for a long time, and I’d never seen a room
like this before.

“What is this place…”

I had stumbled on a mysterious hidden room. I was cautious at first, but soon

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my curiosity won out, and before I knew it, I was already inside.

“This is…”

As it turned out, this was a room where grandpa put many of the things he
collected when he flew around the world. My grandpa was always traveling
around and coming back with souvenirs, but I didn’t know where he put them
all. I was stunned to realize all of them had been stored in a secret room.

When I was looking in amazement at the goods obtained from all over the
world, I suddenly got a strange feeling.

“Wha― What the hell is this?”

It was a puzzling feeling, one I had never felt before, and it now guided me
through the room. I passed by many things, some of which grandpa had
shown me in the past, and others that were totally new to me.

“…What is that? That mask. It’s frightening, and it kind of looks like a
kijin… hmm? Oh wow… What’s that doll?”

It was like the kijin mask, and a mannequin that was bigger than me. There
were also some basketball-sized red cubes, and although I didn’t know the
principle behind it, there were also some strange stones floating around an
equally strange pedestal.

Apart from that, there was even a coffin that looked like an Egyptian
sarcophagus, the kind that usually contained a mummified pharaoh.

As I walked around, looking at the various objects and artifacts around me, I
started to get that funny feeling again, like something was calling to me. I
continued on, like being led by the hand.

Grandpa… collected all of this…

In the past, he had often boasted about his collection, but I didn’t realize how
great it really was. Memories of a casually cheerful grandpa resurfaced, and it
was almost enough to make me cry again.

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It was grandpa’s collection of items, but it was full of things I had no idea
what the uses were, so it was almost like junk now. If grandpa was still alive,
he would have taught me a lot once more…

“What should I do with all this… hmm?”

Even though I felt a bit uneasy, like something scary would happen if I even
touched these items, my eyes were drawn to one particular item placed at the
very back of the room. It was a door that existed as if it had been pulled out
of the wall. There was a large owl carved on the middle of the wooden door,
and trees carved on the edge of it.

“Did grandpa bring this back, too?”

This door? If he brought this back, where would this door lead to? Well, it’s
just a door anyway, so I should only see the wall behind it, if I open it. But
the moment I saw the door, the strange feeling that I was having grew

“Could it be… from this door?”

I couldn’t recognize anything about the door in front of me, but it demanded
my attention, and my eyes were glued to it.

I wonder if this door was the thing calling me this whole time…

“Is there anything on this door?”

With that in mind, I reached for the door knob and opened it.


It was an unfamiliar room. It’s decorated similar to a log house, with a large
wooden table and chairs, and a wooden closet. Weapons such as swords and
axes were piled up like mountains.

“Huh? Wha-?”

I felt like my head was about to explode upon seeing such an

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incomprehensible situation. Then, something like a translucent board
suddenly appeared in front of me.


Since it appeared so suddenly, I cried out like a wimp and fell on my ass.
However, the translucent board moved with me, and remained at the same
place in my vision.

“W-What is this…”

Feeling flustered, I focused on the translucent board, and saw the text written
on it:

<Skill [Appraisal] has been acquired. Skill [Endurance] has been

acquired. Title [Master of The Door] has been acquired. Title [Master of
The House] has been acquired. Title [Otherworlder] has been acquired.
Title [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] has
been acquired.>


There, something like a message from games was displayed. A-Appraisal?

Endurance? More importantly, a different world?

For now, I got up and went back to my house and checked around the door

“A-As I thought, there’s nowhere to go?”

The only thing behind the door was just the wall of my house. Yet through
the door was an unfamiliar room like in a log house, extending beyond the
other side.

“Seriously, what is this thing…”

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What the heck is this door?

The moment I thought that, the translucent board that had disappeared
suddenly appeared again.

[Door To Another World] :: A door which suddenly appeared on Earth

and leads to some other world. Even the Gods do not know why these
doors appear, or how. The destination is unknown, and once you cross to
a different world, the location becomes fixed. Those who become the
door’s master can manipulate various functions. The door is

How? Suddenly I know all this information about the door. No wait, I
understand it perfectly well, but it’s still absurd! At this point, I finally
calmed down and arrived at the answer.

“Perhaps… it’s the effect of this [Appraisal] skill?”

No, but wait… I’m in the room at my house right now, not in that log house
style room. So… why is that thing still showing up?

“I don’t really get it, but… is there any way I can check the effect of the

The board appeared again when I muttered that, and displayed the following:

[Appraisal] :: Skills to appraise various things.

[Endurance] :: You have acquired great resistance to abnormal states,

mental interference, or physical stress.

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“There it is again…”

I understood it now. I was probably able to examine the door a little while
ago because of this [Appraisal] skill. Even so… this was too far detached
from reality.

“If that’s how it is, can I examine the titles, too?” I muttered, roughly
accepting my present circumstances, and the message appeared as expected.

[Master of The Door] :: The master of the door leading to another world.
You can use the menu function.

[Master of The House] :: The new master of the house where the wise
man is said to have once lived. You have obtained ownership of this

[Otherworlder] :: A person from another world. You will be given a

special growth boost, allowing you to obtain more experience than
normal. It will also be easier for you to learn skills. Level cap has been

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] :: The
person who visited another world for the first time. A distinct title that
makes it easier for you to invent skills and magic compared to the effect
of similar titles such as [Pioneer]. The process of your growth will
proceed in an ideal direction. In addition, you will be able to use [Item


For some reason, despite how amazing it all sounded, it didn’t affect me that

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] seems to be
a superior title compared to [Pioneer], and it also apparently makes me able

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to use [Item Box].

…What’s [Item Box]? And which house is the [Master of The House]
description talking about?

Then I noticed the part of the description of [Master of The Door] that
mentioned a menu function.

“Menu function? What the heck is that… oh, wow!”

Another message was displayed in front of me.

This is…

[Door To Another World]

Owner: Tenjou Yuuya

Functions: <Money Conversion> <Transfer> <Entry Restriction>

That was displayed.

“Money Conversion? Can I convert something into money? And what are
Transfer and Entry Restriction…”

As I asked, the message changed to show detailed descriptions.

[Money Conversion] :: Everything can be converted into money.

[Transfer] :: The door can be summoned to the owner’s current location

at any time.

[Entry Restriction] :: Only those specified by the owner can pass through

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the door.

“It’s more sophisticated than I expected!”

In other words, even if someone finds this place, they can’t go any further. In
addition, if someone were to try to steal this door, it would return to me…

“I honestly don’t know how to use this Money Conversion, but, well, there’s
no downside from having it, so that’s fine for now.”

Honestly, everything I’ve seen until now feels like something you’d see in a
game, so there must be something like a status panel, right? I thought about it
excitedly, and another message appeared.

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None
Level: 1

Magic: 1
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 1
Luck: 1

BP: 0

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box]

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

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It’s hopeless. This thing can’t be serious, all of my stats are 1… even in
school, I never had grades this bad…

Well, somehow I knew where that was coming from. Apart from that, what
was this BP? And [Item Box] was added to my skill column for some

[BP] :: Abbreviation for Bonus Points. When leveling up, you will receive
10 BP, and can assign them to any stat you like. If you are an
otherworlder, you will instead receive 20 BP. If you have the title [Person
Who Visited A Different World For The First Time], you will instead
receive 100 BP.

[Item Box] :: You can manipulate a special region of space that allows
you to store and retrieve things as much as you like. However, it’s not
possible to store living beings. There is no capacity or size limit for things
you want to store.


First of all, I realized I was able to distribute points into my status, and that
was an advantage for me. [Item Box] also functioned like a game’s
inventory, as I understood it. Well, now that I’d confirmed this much, the
only thing left to confirm was…

“That room… that’s right…”

There was nobody in there a while ago, but no matter how I thought about it,
wasn’t that trespassing? So if the other party got angry and attacked, I’d need
to bear with it, wouldn’t I?

I also got the [Master of The House] title, which I’m not sure about; I hadn’t
confirmed anything about it at all…

Fortunately, no one else can go through the door except me, so I should be

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able to manage it somehow if I just run back into my house.

“…Let’s take another look.”

I decided to go back to that room again.

ED: I’m amazed this MC doesn’t seem to recognize a screen or window

when they see one. “Translucent board” my ass.

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Part 2

“There’s no one here… right…?”

I peeked timidly out the door to confirm my surroundings, but as I had hoped,
there were no signs of people. I stepped into the room again, overwhelmed
once more by the sensation of trees and wood all around me.

When I entered the room, I saw a wooden closet next to the desk and chair,
and inside that closet were pairs of slim shirts, trousers, and underwear that
obviously weren’t my size. It was a bit disappointing, since it felt
unexpectedly nice when I touched it.

“Oh, I didn’t notice it until now, but there’s a window in here.”

I approached the window and looked outside. And then…


The area beyond the window was dense with trees. The house I lived in
wasn’t anything like a mountainous area. It was in a residential area, and
normally you could see cars passing by, both in front and behind the lot.
However, this cabin was completely surrounded by forest…

“As I thought, it’s a different world… well, the only other possibility is that
it’s connected to another place on Earth.”

I thought the window might just be a super realistic picture, but when I
opened the window, I had to abandon that thought. Pure air flowed into my
lungs which I couldn’t imagine breathing from a city. I couldn’t hear the
sound of any cars, nor were there any construction noises, just a tranquil

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I closed the window and looked around the room again, and noticed a paper
on the desk.

“What’s this?”

I picked up the paper and tried to read it, but it had strange characters that I
didn’t recognize.

“I can’t read this. Is it a language from this other world?”

Despite my lack of understanding, a message appeared when I stared at the

letter for a few moments longer.

You have acquired the skill [Language Comprehension].

Hey, hey! What’s this useful skill? I appraised it immediately.

[Language Comprehension] :: A skill that grants you the understanding

to read and write in any language.

It was such a useful skill. If this is also effective on Earth, wouldn’t English
be a piece of cake? Anyway, since I’d gotten such a long-awaited skill, I
turned my eyes back to the letter and was able to comprehend the mysterious
script that I couldn’t read before.

To summarize, the previous owner of this house had decided to part with this
cabin, because his life was soon to come to an end. Because he had no
family, if anyone found this house, he would give that person ownership,
along with everything inside the house. The registration of ownership was

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also updated somehow, with the power of magic, such that it wouldn’t be
possible for anyone other than the owner to enter the house.

This was probably because I got the title of [Master of The House], so I
became its owner. From the description of the title, I could understand that a
wise man once lived here, but how amazing was he? Personally, I think it’s
incredible to prevent anyone other than the owner from entering, but was that
a normal thing in this world?

How can I put this? I think I was incredibly lucky that the door connected to
this place… I’m very grateful for that.

“It’s only just now hitting me, but there’s something else: this world also has

No, the situation itself was too unrealistic. Even if it described the existence
of magic, it still didn’t feel like a fantasy world. [ED: He literally just walked
through a magic door…] It surprised me a little, but still, the line about magic
caught my interest. Would I be able to use it too?

“Well, whatever… first of all, I’m relieved to know there’s nobody else in
this house, and that means no one but me will ever come here.”

As soon as I discovered this house was mine, all of my wariness went right
out the window. Since things had turned out like this, I decided to check out
everything in this place…

“Is all this real…?”

There were so many kinds of weapons all over the place. I tried to pick up the
first sword I saw.

“Whoa!? It-It’s heavy…”

Obviously, my physical strength was pretty low, so just holding up a sword is

almost enough to make me fall over. I guess I need to do full-on muscle
training. Well, I used to do that in the past, but I didn’t get any muscle at all
after a whole year.

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“Even so… it’s a splendid sword.”

It was a double-edged sword that gleamed as if it had just been polished, and
the blade clearly reflected my face. The handle was almost completely
undecorated, but there was still something familiar about this sword in my
hand, so much that even an amateur like me could feel it. I immediately tried
using [Appraisal] on the sword, out of curiosity.

[Omni-Sword] :: The pinnacle of all swords. The blade remains shiny

without tarnishing, and the edge is always perfectly sharp. It’s said to be
capable of cutting anything, but that depends on the contractor. Not for
sale. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.


It’s more incredible than I could have imagined! Moreover, I’d signed the
contract before I knew it! Even if you say it’s not for sale, there’s no way I
could sell this kind of thing, right!? It’s too amazing!

Wait, what kind of person was that wise man again? To think he’d just leave
this sword lying around in that disorderly pile of weapons!? Something this
amazing should be handled appropriately…

I was surprised at the wise man who I’d never be able to meet anyway, but I
wanted to give this sword a swing.

“As a man, I should try it out at least once, right?”

I don’t know who I was making an excuse to, but I just wanted to force
someone else to justify my actions… guess that wasn’t really necessary.
Well, since I wanted to check the outside, I timidly opened the front door of
the house.


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Apparently, the land this house was built on was pretty spacious, and the
front area was like a garden. There were also fields to cultivate fruits or

“Is this all included as part of the house?”

If it wasn’t, I couldn’t go out carelessly… but when I wondered about it, a

message appeared.

The inside of the fence surrounding this house is the owner’s land.

Oh, so in other words, no one can even enter this garden! Neat! Now I can go
outside and swing this sword to my heart’s content! I don’t know who you
are, but thank you, Mr. Message!

I went outside in high spirits unbecoming to my age. Then I tried to swing the
heavy sword however I pleased, but…


It was hopeless. The end result was more like me being swung around by the
sword rather than the other way around. I couldn’t even swing it properly…
No, in hindsight, that result was obvious.

I panted. “Well… uh… that was fun…” Even though I couldn’t do anything,
I laid down on the spot, with an odd feeling of satisfaction. Then the message
appeared again in front of me.

You have acquired the skill [Swordsmanship: 1]


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[Swordsmanship] skill!? Just by swinging it around!? Besides that, what was
the number next to it?

When I focused on [Swordsmanship: 1], a detailed explanation was

displayed. That’s the [Appraisal] skill for you.

[Swordsmanship: 1] :: Skills to handle swords. The numbers represent

proficiency, with a highest value of 10.

In other words, was I now a super beginner when it came to handling a

sword? No, I honestly think it’s presumptuous to even call myself a
beginner… Still, is this skill something that can be learned so easily?

“Ah, maybe it’s the effect of the [Otherworlder] title?”

That might be the case.

“Even so, it’s weird that I was able to learn this quickly… what about the
other weapons?”

Inspired by my new curiosity, I put the sword back where it was and went out
into the garden with other weapons. As a result of appraising them one by
one, I started to get the sense that anything I picked up was going to be an
amazing item.

[Absolute Spear] :: The one and only spear that exceeds the Divine
Spear. It’s said that this spear can pierce anything, depending on the
contractor. This spear can’t be broken. If you throw it, it will always hit
the target and will return to your hand. Not for sale. Contractor: Tenjou
Yuuya. [TLN: The kanji is 絶槍. I’m not sure about this name to be honest;
if anyone can come up with a good translation, please let me know.]

[Death Scythe] :: A scythe that could even kill the God of Death. It is said

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to be capable of cutting anything the contractor wants. Any existence cut
by this scythe, no matter how small is it, will give a fatal wound. Not for
sale. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

[Infinity Gauntlet] :: Not only does this increase striking power, this
gauntlet can also be used for protection. One blow is equal to infinite
attacks. Not for sale. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

[Formless Bow] :: The ultimate bow without physical form. Depending

on the contractor’s will, it can produce an infinite number of arrows.
The arrows are said to be capable of shooting through the world. It will
absolutely hit whatever target the contractor desires. Not for sale.
Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

And so on…

Well, there were a considerable number of weapons, but I was able to touch
all of them. Therefore, I only have one impression for everything: All of them
are stupendous. I don’t know why this stuff was just scattered around, and I
don’t know what kind of person the wise man was, but more than that, it’s
amazing that of all people, I’m the contractor. Now, this is my current

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None
Level: 1

Magic: 1
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 1
Luck: 1

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BP: 0

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension]

[Swordsmanship: 1] [Spearmanship: 1] [Scythe Technique: 1] [Hand-to-
Hand Combat Technique: 1] [Archery: 1] [Whip Technique: 1] [Axe
Technique: 1] [Hammer Technique: 1] [Staff Technique: 1] [Club
Technique: 1] …

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

I no longer understand what any of this means. I first noticed this when I was
playing with all the weapons, but it still feels strange. When my face twitched
involuntarily, a message appeared.

You have met the required condition. Integrating all martial arts skills.
You have acquired the skill [True Martial Art: 1]

What’s this [True Martial Art]!? I used [Appraisal] immediately, and it

displayed as follows:

[True Martial Art] :: A state that can only be reached by those who have
learned all weapons and hand-to-hand combat arts. You can master all
weapons and hand-to- hand combat.

But I can’t use it!? It’s impossible, no matter what you think! I was just
swinging those weapons around! However, regardless of my intentions, the
text on my status has been changed, and that massive list of weapon skills has
disappeared, replaced with [True Martial Art].

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Did Mr. Wise Man also have this outrageous skill…? I guess he did. Without
even knowing what was happening, I’d suddenly gotten an incredible bonus.

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Part 3

After that, I tried to tidy up all of the weapons that scattered outside, when I
remembered that I had acquired the [Item Box] skill, and decided to use it.
However, when I tried to use it, I realized I didn’t know how to activate it,
and so I tried to chant [Item Box] in my mind, at which point a black space
suddenly appeared in front of me.

I was quite startled by that, but when I realized I could make it appear or
disappear with just a thought, I threw a ballpoint pen in the house into the
black space. After I tried to make the black space appear and disappear again,
I timidly reached out into the space, and soon the information about the
ballpoint pen flowed into my mind.

After that, I went about my business smoothly, throwing the scattered

weapons one after another into the [Item Box] to tidy up. Of course, I
confirmed that I could freely store and retrieve things from it. It would be
surprising to show it off on Earth.

After I had finished all this testing, I was mentally exhausted, and I went
through the mysterious door with halting steps, back into grandpa’s hidden
room. It’s… not a dream…

When I instinctively looked at it from a distance, my stomach suddenly

grumbled. I checked my watch, and it was right at lunch time. Now that I
thought about it… the other side of that door had the same timeflow as here. I
was grateful for that.

I opened the refrigerator in my house to satisfy my hunger, but it was empty.

“Aw, man… I thought I already bought groceries, but apparently not…”

It was a real drag, but if I ignored it, I’d collapse from hunger, so I picked up
my wallet and decided to go to a nearby convenience store to buy some food.

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Outside, I was exposed to intense sunlight, even though it was still early
spring, and I started sweating immediately.

Yup… it was a result of being fat…

I was already getting tired, but I managed to get to a nearby convenience

store, where I encountered an unpleasant scene.

“Hey hey, it’s okay, isn’t it? Come have tea with us.”

“I already said no, I’ve refused you so many times already! Please, let me

“Don’t say that, darlin’~”

A girl about the same age as me was getting caught up in a group of men that
really stood out. The convenience store I went to was in a residential area
after all, and there were a lot of people walking by. To think that they would
try to seduce a girl out in the open like this, and right in front of a
convenience store, on top of that…

The girl didn’t like it, and tried to get away from the men, but they
persistently surrounded her. When I looked around, there were people in the
area, but everyone pretended not to see them. Finally, one of the men grabbed
her arm.

“Hey, come on, let’s go.”

“It’s okay, nothing bad’s gonna happen.”

“I don’t wanna! Let go of me, please!”

“E-excuse me!”


The men all turned to look at me. Their collective gaze was sharp, and it was
clear they were looking down on me. To be honest, I was terrified, and
wanted to ignore the situation, but if my grandpa was here, he wouldn’t have

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hesitated to help. He was the kind of person who would always help someone
if they were in trouble.

I loved my grandpa, and was proud of him for not changing his beliefs, even
if he was treated like a hypocrite or a weirdo. With that in mind, I spoke up
without even thinking.

“What is it, fat-ass? Do you have business with us or something? Huh?!”

I almost squealed, but kept it under control. “N-no… uh… she… I don’t
think she likes you.”

They almost growled in offense. They ignored the girl and surrounded me

“You making fun of us, huh? You little bastard.”

“No, that’s not what I…”

“Stop nagging, asshole!”

I cried out as one of the men mercilessly punched me in the face. I rolled into
a ball, in so much pain, but the men didn’t let up, and kept kicking me while I
was down.

“Don’t mess with us… you son of a bitch!”

“You disgusting piggy!”

“Die, you fucker!”

My face, my chest, my belly. Every time a sharp kick drove into my body, I
felt like I was going to pass out. Then, abruptly, the men who were so
viciously beating me suddenly stopped and ran off.

“Hey, police are coming!”

“Man, what!? You gotta be kidding!”

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“Someone reported us, let’s scram!”

Apparently, someone reported them to the police, and those men quickly fled
the scene. My whole body was in pain, but not to the point that I couldn’t
endure it. It didn’t seem like anything was broken.

Jeez, I didn’t have to show my usual resistance in a place like this. But
thinking about it again, it’s a little strange. Until now, I usually would have
lost consciousness at a time like this, but now, I managed to stay awake,
though just barely. Could it be that the [Endurance] skill activated? I knew I
was able to use [Appraisal] at home before, but to think I could also use a
skill on Earth as well…

The girl who was being harassed earlier came running over and helped me
get up.

“Are you alright? I’ll call an ambulance right away…!”

“It-it’s okay, it’s okay… it’s okay, so… I don’t need an ambulance…”


“No, really… it’s okay.”

I was moved by the girl being so worried about an ugly person like me, so
enduring the pain, I stood up.


“By all means, lean on my shoulder, I’ll help you walk…”

“N-no, it’s okay… it’s okay already.”


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“It’s really okay now… rather than that, you were getting harassed, weren’t
you? Please be careful from now on.”

I don’t really know what I’m saying, but I got my distance from the girl who
was worried about me. She just got attacked by a man, so she shouldn’t want
to be by a man’s side, right? I think that would be a natural course of action.

Well, it might not matter if she didn’t even recognize me as a man, or as a

human. The police came rushing over while I was having those self-
deprecating thoughts. The police officers were two women and one man, so
the girl might be relieved with this.

“We just got a report…”

“Ah, I was surrounded by a group of men, and this person helped me when I
was in trouble! Therefore…”

The girl explained to the police in detail that I was the only one injured, so it
didn’t seem to matter that much. It was like a weird story that I was the only
one to get hurt. After a short series of questions, the police officer apparently
decided to send the girl home. Then they turned to me.

“We’ll send you home, as well. Where do you live?”

“N-no, it’s okay… I’ll go home by myself, I came here to get groceries…”

“I see… well then, please be careful.”

When the police officers started to take the girl with them, she suddenly
turned to me and bowed her head.

“Thank you for your help this time!”

“Huh? Ah, no, don’t worry about it… I couldn’t do anything, after all.”

“That’s not true! In fact, you made me so happy! Thank you very much. I’ll
be sure to repay you for this.”

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“P-please don’t mind it… W-well then, I’ll take my leave…”

I don’t usually talk to people, but I managed to say that much, and cut off the
conversation to part ways with her.

…I couldn’t look her in the eye at all. In the first place, I rarely talk to
women, and when I do, it’s just a bunch of swearing directed at me. Because
I’ve been through that experience for so long, I have zero defense against
women, mentally.

But that girl, even if maybe she was only being polite, was worried about me.
I thought she was a good girl… ah, a girl like that deserves to be happy.
Thinking like that, before I bought the other things I wanted, I stretched my
legs a little more and went to the supermarket for the groceries, then stopped
at the convenience store again on my way back, before finally going home.

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Part 4

After having lunch and cleaning up the house, I went to the other side of that
mysterious door again, and outside of the room to look over the garden once

“It’s so big… I still can’t believe all of this is mine now.”

No, not only is the garden and the house unbelievable, but also that this is a
different world in the first place. It’s quite mysterious. However, when I
examined the door with the [Appraisal] skill, apparently even God doesn’t
know where it came from. I mean, wouldn’t this imply the existence of God?!
God was here!

I looked around, and suddenly had a terrible chill. My body froze up

instantly, with a suffocating feeling, my breathing came in stops and starts.
Sweat beaded up all over my body, and I was confused for a moment as to
why this suddenly happened before frantically looking around.

At the entrance, which was the boundary between the outside of the fence
and the garden, I saw the culprit of the chill assaulting me. A creature with
the overwhelming aura of a warrior stood there staring at me. Its body was
massive, in excess of two meters in height, and its skin was dark red, as if
smeared with blood. Its bulging biceps were as thick as my fat torso, and its
face resembled an oni, a fictional existence, with the two splendid and sharp
fangs growing from its lower jaw.

In the face of that beast’s imposing glare, what little part of my rational mind
was left tried to activate [Appraisal].

[Bloody Ogre]

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Level: 300

Magic: 100
Attack: 5000
Defense: 5000
Agility: 1000
Intelligence: 500
Luck: 100

I don’t get it. What the hell are these ridiculous stats? All of mine are at 1. In
the first place, isn’t it weird to pit a level 1 like me against a level 300!?

My heart sank further looking at its name. Bloody Ogre… it reminded me of

Araki, my bully; he belonged to a group with a similar name, [Red Ogre].
My confusion only deepened as I read the details of its stats ── and then the
monster roared.

I fell on my butt and almost wet myself, but my last shred of pride wouldn’t
allow that. However, with my terrified self still sitting on the ground and
unable to move, the Bloody Ogre rushed toward me. I was certain that I was
about to die. However…

The ogre grunted as it stopped short, as if blocked by an invisible wall. It

couldn’t enter the yard.


I see… no one but me can enter this property! That’s when I remembered it,
but that still didn’t mean I could do anything about the situation. In fact, the
ogre was still banging his fist against an invisible wall at a frightening speed,
in an effort to enter the yard. Its thunderous roar echoed through the

Just like I couldn’t do anything against it, the ogre also couldn’t do anything
to this house, and continued to uselessly attack it. Somehow, it didn’t seem
like there would be a problem if I just ignored it. In that way, the moment I

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relaxed a little, the Bloody Ogre also stopped attacking and reached for a
nearby tree. After easily uprooting it, the monster threw it towards the house.

I screamed in fear, in spite of myself. Even if living creatures can’t enter,

does that apply to other things!? I was absolutely terrified by the Bloody
Ogre’s assault, but the defensive performance of this house exceeded my
expectations, and even the tree it threw bounced off.

It really can’t do anything against this house.

Both direct and indirect attacks are blocked. At any rate, I came to understand
that the Bloody Ogre was no threat while I was here, but it still didn’t give up
and resumed its attacks. Even if I know it can’t get to me, this wasn’t very
good for my mental health.

Is there anything I can do…

Suddenly a thought occurred to me. “Can my attacks from inside leave the

Right, all external attacks seem to be prevented, but what happens if

something attacks from the inside out? To solve that question, I took out the
[Absolute Spear] from [Item Box].

The reason I took out [Absolute Spear] instead of [Formless Bow] was
actually kind of shameful: I couldn’t draw the [Formless Bow] with my
current physical strength. In spite of that, I was somehow still able to learn

On the other hand, the [Absolute Spear] was heavy, and it seemed
impossible for me to throw it at the Bloody Ogre, but this spear could set its
target, and the target was set, even if it only left my hand by a few
millimeters, it would surely fly into that target, and return to my hand

I had confirmed that much when I played around with all the other weapons,
and tried [Absolute Spear] right after swinging [Omni-Sword]. In that

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“Should I throw it?”

As a kind of experiment, I decided to throw the spear at the ogre, which

continued thrashing around in front of me. Normally, throwing this deadly
weapon at a creature was something I would never do, but the fear of that
monster overrode my usual sensibilities.


My decision made, I held the spear firmly. [Absolute Spear] was a weapon
specifically designed to pierce the enemy, without any gorgeous decorations.
However, it was very easy to use, and even if a super beginner like me held
it, it was a good fit. It was still heavy, though, and I managed to throw it
while staggering.

The Bloody Ogre seemed to go on alert, possibly due to sensing the

intimidating air released from [Absolute Spear]. Even though I threw it with
all my might, it was too heavy to go more than a few centimeters, a lousy
throw. The monster understood what was happening instantly and put up its

However, as if to say that my power wasn’t needed at all, the spear still
reached the Bloody Ogre in another instant, and pierced through its entire
body without slowing down. Groaning its last breath, the Bloody Ogre fell
down with a big hole in its chest, eyes still wide open, as if unable to
comprehend what just happened.

“I… I did it…”

Honestly, saying that now might raise another flag, but there was no need to
worry. The Bloody Ogre’s body dissolved into particles of light, and
disappeared on the spot. My legs turned to jelly, and I found myself sitting on
the ground again.

For some reason, I haltingly started laughing. The feeling of being alive and
the realization that I had killed a living being were mixing together, and all I
could do was smile.

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However, even though I killed something, I wasn’t as shocked as I expected
to be. It was probably fortunate that I didn’t feel it. I was stunned in place for
a while, but I eventually noticed that a bunch of items had fallen on the
ground where the Bloody Ogre died.

I wanted to move to look at it, but my legs still had no strength in them. It
was pathetic. I felt like if I were to move right now, my hips would come
loose, and my knees would just buckle under me.

That was when a message suddenly appeared in front of me.

Level Up


I was dumbfounded once again.

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Part 5

L-Level up…? I was dumbfounded by that sudden message. No, if I can just
calm down for a second, it makes total sense. I’m at level 1 and I defeated a
level 300 enemy. Although my attack power was 1, it might be that the attack
power of [Absolute Spear] was so high that it could overcome even a 300-
level difference.

“This [Absolute Spear] is freaking awesome…”

Moreover, there are still a lot of weapons of the same power level as
[Absolute Spear] on hand. It would be terrifying if I could use them all
effectively… Anyway, it said I leveled up, so what’s different?

I displayed the status and check the changes.

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None
Level: 100

Magic: 1000
Attack: 1000
Defense: 1000
Agility: 1000
Intelligence: 1000
Luck: 1000

BP: 10000

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension]

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[True Martial Art: 1]

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

No, no, no, no… that’s too much. But the enemy was level 300, so is this
normal…? And for every level I gain, all of my stats go up by 10. I don’t
know if that’s normal for this world’s inhabitants.

Even so, it was clear that my BP was very unusual compared to anyone else. I
knew that for sure thanks to the description of [Person Who Visited A
Different World For The First Time].

“I can sort out this BP as I please, right…?”

I could do that, but I was more concerned at the moment about the stuff
scattered around where the Bloody Ogre was. I went to check on that first.

Still trembling, I walked over there step by hesitant step.

“What is this stuff?”

The items I found included some kind of palm sized jewel that was a
mysterious color, and a splendid fang, similar to that which grew from the
Bloody Ogre’s mouth. There was also some dark red, sinister-looking armor.

“Well for now, let’s just take these…”

Thanks to it dying near the gate, I was able to collect them quickly. There
weren’t even that many items, but they had an indescribable… aura? Like,
they were intimidating? Anyway, even an amateur like me could tell these
were amazing items. However, I wouldn’t learn anything else just by looking
at it, so I activated the [Appraisal] skill. I was already starting to activate
them like it was natural.

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[Bloody War Demon’s Great Fang] :: Fangs of the Bloody Ogre. Its
fangs are not particularly massive, but when combined with the Bloody
Ogre’s bite force, it could easily penetrate the skin of any prey. If
processed, it could be made into a sturdy and sharp weapon.

[Magic Stone: Rank B] :: A special ore that can be obtained from

magical beasts. The ranks are, in ascending order: F, E, D, C, B, A, S.
The higher the rank, the more expensive a stone will be.

[Bloody War Demon’s Body Armor] :: A drop from Bloody Ogres, made
from their strong skin and muscle fibers. This armor can’t be scratched
by typical attacks. The wearer’s attack power is modified.

[Bloody War Demon’s Gauntlet] :: A drop from Bloody Ogres, made

from their strong skin and muscle fibers. This gauntlet can’t be
scratched by typical attacks. The wearer’s attack power is modified.

[Bloody War Demon’s Waist Armor] :: A drop from Bloody Ogres,

made from their strong skin and muscle fibers. This gauntlet can’t be
scratched by typical attacks. The wearer’s agility is modified.

[Bloody War Demon’s Leg Armor] :: A drop from Bloody Ogres, made
from their strong skin and muscle fibers. This leg armor can’t be
scratched by typical attacks. The wearer’s agility is modified.

The items were overwhelmingly fantastical. Magic stones and fangs… where
can I, an ordinary person, use these? No wait, I couldn’t even use armor on
modern earth. I didn’t know how to wear it, in the first place. The weapons
might still have a use, and for magic stones, I could only see that their rank
was indicated.

Moreover, the size of the armor didn’t fit me, being a fat guy, and it’s not
possible to equip it. Seriously, how am I supposed to use these?

That said, the body armor was somewhat shaped like the Bloody Ogre’s
abdominal muscles, and overall, the gauntlet was somewhat thorny. The

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waist armor looked just as sharp as the body armor and the gauntlet, and the
red cloak was attached. Even the leg armor was very cool, with the feeling
that its design was adjusted to match the wearer’s legs.

“I managed to collect all this, but… I’m not sure how to use it.”

I got the feeling that it might not have been good to keep postponing the
allocation of BP. With that in mind, I decided to go ahead and distribute the
BP this time.

“Hmm… I can’t use magic even if I raise it, and I’d like to increase my attack
power anyway.”

I originally liked physical combat styles in games, so I just increased my

attack power. (Actually, since I never owned or even played any forms of
entertainment like video games, this was just my own delusion!)

At any rate, that amount of magic was enough, since I couldn’t use it anyway,
and above all, since I was constantly getting bullied, I felt it was a good idea
to also raise my defenses.

“But… even luck…”

Originally, luck, unlike physical strength, wouldn’t go up no matter how hard

you tried, but actually, it was now increasing by the same amount as
everything else when I leveled up. When I thought about that, I was itching to
assign even more points to luck.

“This makes me so excited…”

In the first place, to me, who had never played a game, this situation was
becoming more and more like a game. Of course, I was afraid to face that
killing intent from before, but this strange situation was still fascinating.

Well, my level increased, and my attack power increased, but there were no
other changes in particular. I don’t really care that much, actually ― it just
feels good that I could put points into my stats like in games. I thought
optimistically, and assigned the BP as I wanted.

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And the results…

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None
Level: 100

Magic: 1500
Attack: 3000
Defense: 3000
Agility: 3000
Intelligence: 1500
Luck: 4000

BP: 0

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension]

[True Martial Art: 1]

Title: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

That’s how it was. Magic was something I couldn’t use, and intelligence,
while it would be nice if my pure knowledge would also increase because of
it, if I thought about it like in games, it would only increase the power of
magic, so that’s why I didn’t allocate much to it.

Instead, I tried to improve the balance by raising attack, defense, and agility.

I’m not sure, but it seems unlikely for me to have good luck even if I make a
great effort, so that’s why I assigned most of the remaining points into luck.
Anyway, that’s what I decided.

“…Nothing’s happened, huh?”

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After all, the display was just like in a game, so I didn’t think it would affect
my body, right?

“Well, yeah… anyway, I’m tired. Since so many things happened today, let’s
go home…”

Wait, this was originally inside my house. While having stupid thoughts like
that, I put in a great deal of effort into moving my body (which was no longer
disabled from fear like before), and approached the [Door To Another

Suddenly a message appeared in front of me.

Items can be converted into money. Would you like to cash in [Bloody
War Demon’s Great Fang] [Magic Stone: Rank B] [Bloody War
Demon’s Body Armor] [Bloody War Demon’s Gauntlet] [Bloody War
Demon’s Waist Armor] [Bloody War Demon’s Leg Armor]?


C-Convert into money?

I didn’t know what it meant for a moment, but then I remembered there was a
thing called [Money Conversion] in the door functions I was able to use by
acquiring the title [Master of The Door].

“What will happen… if I use this money conversion?”

I didn’t know, but I certainly had no use for those items. However, I removed
the pieces of armor from the candidates because I might wear them someday,
and used [Money Conversion] on the rest.

[Blood War Demon’s Great Fang] cashed in for 500,000 Yen. [Magic

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stone: Rank B] cashed in for 1,000,000 Yen.


I let out a stupid voice on reflex. Bundles of paper fell from an empty space,
as if to deal me the final blow.

I didn’t understand what was happening. When I looked closely, they were
bundles of ¥10,000 bills. I picked them up in stunned silence and confirmed
the total was indeed the 1.5 million yen displayed in the message.

I used every method I knew of to see if the money was fake, but it was
absolutely authentic. Instinctively, I used the [Appraisal] skill to examine it.

[1.5 Million Yen] :: Obtained by cashing in items from another world.

Genuine ¥10,000 bills created by manipulating information on Earth,
such as serial numbers, so as not to disrupt the global economy.

I was so confused. What was that about manipulating information on Earth!?

No wait, I know it’s genuine! But… I didn’t know how much I could believe
in [Appraisal], but if the contents of the appraisal were true, I had just earned
1.5 million yen.

It may have been vague so far, but I could only think that it had told the truth
so far. In the first place, this door seems to be something that even God
doesn’t know much about, and it wouldn’t be strange that it could manipulate
information on Earth. My brain was fried from all the new information
coming in, and I could hardly think anymore.


“Y-yeah… it’s really 1.5 million yen… What am I supposed to do with it?”

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Well, considering how harsh my life had been so far, I was extremely grateful
for it. I was useless, and I wasn’t smart, either [ED: Yes, we noticed], even
though people said I was a good-for-nothing, and that I should think and act
more carefully. If there’s immediate profit to be had, I’ll go for it easily.


“I’ll accept it.”

But I couldn’t just put it in the bank, so I threw it into [Item Box] with all the
armor. Yes, let’s use it little by little. I’d been given a great shock at the last
minute, and went back home in a daze.

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Chapter 2 – Benefits of Level-Up

Part 1

I’d accumulated a lot of mental fatigue over the course of the day, so I fell
asleep quickly when it was bedtime, but I woke up again from a sudden

“Hmm? Why am I so…?”

My body felt very hot, as if I had a high fever. When I tried to move my
neck, intense pain shot through my entire body. It was so extreme, I
immediately started screaming. The pain wasn’t localized to just the part of
me that moved; absolutely everything hurt.

My body started making weird sounds all over it, like my bones, muscles,
and nerves were shifting and changing… No, it was more like being
transformed at a genetic level while I was awake. The pain continued for
quite a while because of that.

It sounds crazy when I say it like that, but my instincts insisted that my
impression of what was happening was correct.

Unusual groans and growls came out from my mouth. I couldn’t even speak
properly. With one final whimper, I blacked out from the pain.


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“Mmm… huh?”

It was morning. When I woke up, the pain in my body was completely gone,
making the pain from last night seem like a bad dream. My body actually felt
extraordinarily light.

“What even happened last night…”

I didn’t have a clue why I went through that much pain. I only moved my
neck, after all. I was hungry, though, so I got up to make breakfast.


As soon as I stood up, my pants and underwear slipped right off. Moreover,
when I looked down I saw an incredible set of six-pack abs, and my privates
were rather… majestic.


When I touched the abs involuntarily, it certainly felt like I was touching my
own stomach, so it was definitely my body.

There was a long pause before I finally shouted in amazement. What the hell
was this!? Was this really my body!? I ran my hands over my stomach over
and over again, but it really was me, and the other parts… When I touched
my face and head, my acne, ulcers and the like had vanished without a trace,
and even my hair now had a healthy volume to it.

I was dumbfounded by my body suddenly changing so much, but my

stomach growled, so I decided to just go ahead and make breakfast. When I
went into the kitchen, I realized my height had changed, and I almost stopped
again, but I managed to keep going and start cooking.

However, when breakfast was done, I sat in a daze, eating without thinking.
If you asked me how it tasted, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. After finishing, I
took a break to think some more about the changes I just went through.

No matter what perspective I took, I could only conclude that yesterday’s

level-up must have been the cause.

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I remembered that my level had increased, and that thought calmed me down,
so I immediately thought that it was the cause. Other than that, there’s no
other reason for this to happen.

As of yesterday, there was no change aside from leveling up, and what
happened while I slept last night was some kind of growth process, wasn’t it?
It was a dramatic change.

“I wish I had a mirror ― oh, right…”

I was trying to find a mirror to see how I looked now, but right when I said it,
I remembered I broke it yesterday. It was only now that I realized there was
no other mirror in the entire house.

However, even if I couldn’t see how my appearance had changed, there was
no problem so far. My appearance was terrible in the first place, but I didn’t
care how it changed anymore, and I didn’t know what to do about it, either.

Right now, I had more important things to worry about. Specifically…

“I don’t have any clothes…”

Yeah, the only clothes I had didn’t fit my new size. I could still wear my big
jacket for my top clothes, if I wanted to, but I had no idea what to do about
my pants and underwear. They were too big, and no matter how hard I tried,
they would slip down.

I never needed a belt before, so I didn’t have a way to fix it to my waist.

Well, as a last resort, I might be able to manage it with string or something,
but… Either way, I don’t want this situation to continue. It’s very

I can’t go shopping for clothes that fit, nor can I go shopping for food. I can’t
even wear my uniform, it doesn’t fit me anymore either. Oddly enough, high
school uniforms were the same design as junior high school uniforms; you
distinguished them by the color of the name tags distributed every year. So
even my junior high school uniforms wouldn’t possibly be the right size for

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“Seriously, what am I supposed to do now…”

I really started to worry, but then I remembered something.

“Oh yeah, now that I think about it, there were some clothes in that other
house’s closet, right…?”

The house in the other world had a closet, in which there were some clothes
and underwear that were too small to wear at the time.

“I guess I’ll just wear that, then…”

Since I had no other choice, I immediately went through the otherworld door
into the other house, and opened the closet. Some clothes and underwear
were still inside, including a white shirt and black pants. They were simple
clothes, but somewhat modern-looking.

“I’m saved… I can just wear these for now, right?”

It doesn’t mean anything, but for some reason I thought to appraise them.

[Royal Silk Shirt] :: A very soft shirt made of the highest quality royal
silk. Automatically adjusts size according to the body shape of the
wearer. Maintains a comfortable temperature for the wearer. Immune to
dirt. Contains an auto-repair function. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

[Royal Silk Pants] :: Very soft pants made of the highest quality royal
silk. Automatically adjusts size according to the body shape of the
wearer. Maintains a comfortable temperature for the wearer. Immune to
dirt. Contains an auto-repair function. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

“You’re kidding, right?”

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What kind of broken ability is this? Clothes shouldn’t be this incredible.
When I first found this, I was still fat, but with that function, if I wanted to
wear it, I still could have. Whether it’s cold or hot, I’ll be perfectly
comfortable if I wear it, huh? That makes no sense. And it says it won’t even
get dirty? That would bring a huge amount of joy to the housewives of the
world if that was typical.

By the way, I didn’t specifically pick these clothes because of the

explanation, I just felt that they had a strangely elegant atmosphere. I really
just felt it. I don’t have an eye for aesthetics, normally.

Now what about even the clothes treating me as their contractors? Is this
normal in this world? It can’t be, right? I’m sure it can’t. If the clothes have
this ability, how about the underwear? I thought about it, and used appraisal
on the underwear, but it was just an ordinary pair of comfortable underwear,
with no special effects on it. However, as usual, I had become its contractor
as well. By the way, the underwear consisted of black boxers and other black

“It really is perfectly useful, huh…”

No, I don’t think that Mr. Wise Man used it practically like this, but it was a
big help to me. In addition, when I looked in the closet again, there were even
shoes and socks. The socks were comfortable, and its effect was that it
wouldn’t get stuffy. There was a golden spot on the back of it, so it was really
cool. Again, I became its contractor.

But the shoes were even more amazing.

[Dragon God’s Leather Shoes] :: Shoes made from the skin of a dragon
god, the pinnacle of the dragon species. It ignores environmental effects
or features. No matter how much the wearer walks or runs, they won’t
get tired, and the shoes won’t be damaged. The size changes to fit the
wearer. Immune to dirt. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

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I finally found equipment made from a godlike material. So, what should I
even do when I find something like this? As a matter of course, I’m still its
contractor, so really, I’m very grateful, but still… Isn’t it just too much? This
goes far beyond the scope of ordinary shoes, right?

However, these shoes are also glossy bluish-black, and they’re very cool. I
really want to wear them. Actually my foot size had also changed, so I had to
wear it anyway. I got clothes, shoes, and so on, so with that, I could go out
for now.

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Part 2

“Now that I think about it, what’s growing in that field?”

After I got clothes, a moment of curiosity inspired me, so I decided to

examine the property again. I’d finished my spring break homework anyway.
Furthermore, I’d acquired by chance an amount of money that would
normally take me years to earn.

That’s why I had so much free time. Importantly, I’d be busy again when
spring break was over. I left the house and went to check the field.

“Oh… I’m not sure what kind of herbs or vegetables were planted here?”

There were a lot of herbs there likely to be mistaken for weeds, as well as
tomato-like and radish-like vegetables. Since the herbs grew in a neat line, I
could tell they weren’t weeds.

“Hmm? O-oh, so this was for watering it, huh?”

A silver watering can was placed to the right, near the field. It already had
water inside of it.

“…is it possible that this watering can is also something special?”

I appraised it at once…

[Infinite Watering Can] :: Watering Can which contains an infinite

spring of water. The water inside is Holy Water, and even a dead or
dying plant will quickly become healthy with this water. The water is
always perfectly pure and drinkable, and upon imbibing, will not only
recover fatigue throughout the body, but also increase magical power.

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Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

“Turns out I’m already used to this kind of thing.”

Yeah, I predicted it. I completely predicted it would be something like this. I

had already internalized how amazing this place’s original landlord was. The
Wise Man’s capabilities were far beyond my imagination. I felt doubtful that
such a person had really died.

“So? What’s this crop?”

I went ahead and started appraising herbs.

[Complete Recovery Herb] :: Consuming this herb can cure all kinds of
wounds and diseases, even if you are missing limbs or blinded. In
addition, the herb can also function to restore magical power. When
picked, it leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow. This herb exceeds any
legendary-class herb.

“Nope, I actually still haven’t gotten used to it.”

I never thought the effect would be so incredible! This plant alone would put
doctors completely out of business. At any rate, it was good to know that it
was so easy to raise.

“Well then, what else?”

Still feeling a little nervous, I tried to appraise all the crops that were planted.

[Super Power Tomato] :: A tomato that can increase attack power when
eaten. In addition, it will also increase physical strength and energy, and

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reduce fatigue. When picked, it leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow.

[Invincible Pumpkin] :: A pumpkin that can increase defenses when

eaten. In addition, it also has the effect of improving mental stability, and
makes one more resistant to mental attacks and debuffs. When picked, it
leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow.

[Winter Radish of Wisdom] :: A winter radish that can increase

intelligence when eaten. In addition, it makes you better able to cope
with special mind enhancements such as parallel thinking and high-
speed thinking. When picked, it leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow.

[Godspeed Potato] :: A potato that can increase agility when eaten. In

addition, it also enhances visual acuity and perception. When picked, it
leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow.

All right, there’s a lot of things I want to say. These are definitely stat-
boosting items! Just how high was the wise man aiming? And I don’t know
what it means for a plant to leave its seeds behind! Is it like picking the vines
off a potato plant, or something different?

These fantastical vegetables… wait, they just look like the vegetables I know.

“Well, they’re edible, and above all, my stats will increase, so… should I eat

In the first place, if I can eat them, my food costs can be reduced, so I’d be
grateful for that. Just as long as it doesn’t have some kind of strange
medicinal effects, that is.

“What am I supposed to do… it’s only morning and I’m already tired.”

It wasn’t even noon yet, but my mental fatigue was already building up. Well,
it can’t be helped, I thought.

Immediately, I felt an intimidating pressure, like when I met the Bloody Ogre
yesterday. As soon as I turned my eyes in that direction, I saw a pitch black

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slime-like object.

“What’s that?”

I appraised it instinctively:

[Hell Slime]

Level: 200

Magic: 5000
Attack: 1000
Defense: 5000
Agility: 100
Intelligence: 100
Luck: 100

“Are you serious…”

Yesterday was a Bloody Ogre, now it’s a Hell Slime, huh? Well, no matter
how I thought about it, this forest was definitely not a place for beginners,
right? I mean, it makes sense, I don’t think the Wise Man would have lived in
some kind of beginner’s paradise.

However, I was strangely calm, even though it was supposedly the same
pressure as the Bloody Ogre I met yesterday, if you count only its magic and
defensive power. I certainly felt intimidated, but for some reason it wasn’t as
scary as yesterday. I’m still scared, actually, but it’s not enough to turn my
legs to jelly like last time.

It’s not because my level is higher than yesterday, or because this hell slime
is a lower level than the Bloody Ogre. I think it’s because my mental
structure has changed since yesterday.

I’m actually quite scared if I’m being perfectly honest, but I’m grateful to be

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able to think calmly now. As I focused on observing the Hell Slime, it was
struggling to get inside this land like the Bloody Ogre did yesterday.

“No, seriously, creatures in this world are too scary…”

Am I being too forgiving? If it finds a person, it might attack them with all its
might, right? Am I just like that because Earth is too peaceful? [TLN: It
seems he forgot that he constantly getting bullied xD.]

“Well, whatever. I don’t want to leave this land too much, but I’d like to at
least check the area around the house. So I wonder if fighting is really
inevitable like in the current situation…”

Thinking that way, I took out the [Absolute Spear] from [Item Box].

“Huh? I can just hold it normally…”

What’s this? I can hold the [Absolute Spear] with just one hand! Yes, I know
it was actually normal, but still, it was amazing for me. I didn’t think I could
hold the spear with one hand, so I involuntarily swung the spear around on
the spot. Then, although I only casually swung it around, somehow its weight
was quite manageable.

“Good grief, the benefit from leveling is incredible. If I knew about this, I
wouldn’t have bothered with muscle training like before…”

I felt like I was just flailing around since I didn’t know how to use the spear
properly. I wonder what would happen if I looked up how to use a spear in
some book and learned from that?

It wouldn’t be easy, and yet, that’s the way for me to use this spear properly.
Most of all, as a man, it’s a very attractive prospect… Yup, I want to become
stronger, little by little. [ED: It’s a bit late for “little by little” my dude…]

“For that, I have to deal with this first.”

I grabbed the spear again, and decided to throw it like yesterday, though last
time couldn’t even be called a throw.

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I completely dispelled my hesitation, brandish the spear and threw it with one

“No way!?

Immediately, the spear flew at a faster speed than I could have imagined, and
there was a hole in the body of the Hell Slime before I knew it.

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My power seemed to have been even greater than I thought, and I never
would have expected it to fly even faster than the person who threw it could
see. As a matter of course, I was dumbfounded when the spear came back.

The Hell Slime’s body quivered a little, like when the Bloody Ogre was
defeated, and then it disappeared into particles of light. Once again, various
objects appeared scattered where the creature was.

“…Let’s pick those up.”

It was still an unrealistic and bizarre situation, but I was curious about what
dropped, so I immediately headed to the entrance. Wary of the surroundings,
I quickly collected the dropped objects and appraised them.

[Hell Slime Core] :: The heart of the Hell Slime. It’s filled with a huge
amount of magical power, and can be used in the process of creating

[Hell Slime Jelly] :: A coffee-flavored jelly. Consuming it can increase

magical power and defence.

[Magic Stone: Rank C] :: A special ore that can be obtained from

magical beasts.

“Coffee jelly!?

Really, I didn’t think anything was close to coffee jelly among the things that
I’d already gotten. On the contrary, it was a stat-boosting item, just like the
crops of the field! There was also a magic stone this time, too. … Is this
another item that can be converted for a high price?

It would be a lie to say I didn’t expect it. My life was tough, so I wanted
money if I could get it. I didn’t know how to use the Hell Slime Core, so I

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wanted to cash it in if I could. I’ll just bring back the Hell Slime Jelly.

When I was appraising the items that dropped, I noticed I missed one.

“Oh, there was one more thing.”

It was a silver necklace, holding a fashionable crescent moon embedded with

something like a black jewel.

“No way, it’s an accessory!?”

I don’t know, since I’m not familiar with games, but is it normal for these
accessories to drop? Or was that Hell Slime wearing it? If so, it must have
been a fashionable slime. When I thought about it, the Bloody Ogre also
dropped armor and stuff. I was too stunned to think about it at the time, but it
seems normal to not only get materials, but equipment as well.

For now, since it looked nothing like the other items I got from the Hell
Slime, I appraised it.

[Black Moon Necklace] :: Rare drop from Hell Slimes. It can increase
various stats if worn at night. It also collects sunlight and converts it into
magic power, and constantly restores the wearer’s magic power.
Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

It was a rare drop. Well, it didn’t say anything about the slime being
fashionable. Kind of disappointing. But the effect seems quite good. Even if
it’s only at night, it can increase stats, and can also restore magic power.
Though I don’t know how to use magic power anyway. Since it was the first
time I got a rare drop, and I’d never worn a necklace before, I decided to try
equipping it.

“Does it look good on me?”

I wasn’t asking anyone in particular, but only said it involuntarily. It

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wouldn’t have been very suitable for me a couple days ago, but now that I’d
lost a bit of weight, I wanted to believe it looked good on me.

A message appeared while I was distracted with that.

Level Up

You have acquired the skill [Presence Detection]


No, wait a minute. Do I have to taste that severe pain again!? It’s true that the
opponent’s level was higher, and I can understand my level going up, but
even if I recognize that, should I just accept it? I don’t wanna!

I still wanted to escape from reality, even if temporarily, so I checked the


[Presence Detection] :: Makes it possible for you to detect presences.

It was a very simple explanation. In other words, in a manga it would be

something like, “I know you’re there!” I’m just happy that this one was
normal. Like I said before, when I collect items, I have to leave this protected
land, so this could reduce my risk during that window of time. Satisfied with
the new skill, I finally moved on to checking my status.

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None

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Level: 150

Magic: 2000
Attack: 3500
Defense: 3500
Agility: 3500
Intelligence: 2000
Luck: 4500

BP: 5000

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension]

[True Martial Arts: 1] [Presence Detection]

Title: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

It went up quite a bit.

Or rather, isn’t everything just too good? Is that a thing? Well, whatever. It’s
fine, since it’s easy to think about.

“Okay. So, time to allocate BP.”

After thinking about it for a moment, I started spending BP. This was the

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None
Level: 150

Magic: 2000
Attack: 4500
Defense: 4500

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Agility: 4500
Intelligence: 2000
Luck: 6500

BP: 0

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension]

[True Martial Arts: 1] [Presence Detection]

Title: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

Unlike last time, I didn’t allocate BP into magic or intelligence. Instead, I

allocated about 2000 to luck because there I’d gotten something like a rare
drop item just now.

It’s pure speculation, but if my luck stat is high, I might get more of those
rare drop items like before. And it kind of makes me happy to be lucky.
Those were the morning’s events, and by now it was noon, so I went back to
my house at once.


Once I got into the house, a message displayed asking whether to cash in the
items again or not, and I decided to cash in [Magic Stone: Rank C] and
[Hell Slime’s Core].

And then…

[Hell Slime’s Core] cashed in for 500,000 Yen. [Magic stone: Rank C]
cashed in for 500,000 Yen.

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So, I ended up getting a large sum of money again, a total of 1 million yen. It
was almost bewildering to think that I got 2.5 million yen in just two days,
but I managed to get back home to have lunch. In addition, I immediately
tried using the ingredients I got from the field that morning.

The menu this time was “Super Power Tomato salad”, “Invincible Pumpkin
and Winter Radish of Wisdom boiled in soy sauce”, and “Meat and Godspeed
Potato stew”. All these dishes were made with Holy Water from the [Infinite
Watering Can].

The idea for cooking these wasn’t particularly different from tomatoes or
potatoes from Earth, I was only nervous about the taste. However, that ended
up being needless anxiety.


It was surprisingly delicious. My cooking skills were average, so this flavor

could only be coming from the quality of the ingredients themselves. After
finishing the meal, I checked my status, and there were various changes.

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None
Level: 150

Magic: 2500
Attack: 5000
Defense: 5000
Agility: 5000
Intelligence: 2500
Luck: 7000

BP: 0

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension]

[True Martial Arts: 1] [Presence Detection] [Cooking: 1]

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Title: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]
[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

“It really went up!?”

My stat values had risen by 500. In addition, [Cooking] had been added to
the skill list. The reason for my stats increasing and for me to gain skills was
all because I ate the ingredients from different worlds. Somehow, the food
ingredients of the other world are a cheat. It’s so enviable. No wait, I’m the
one who got the benefit of it just now.


I thought about what happened before, and the fact I’d gained the strength to
handle those weapons. I decided to go to a nearby secondhand bookstore to
find something about martial arts.

I didn’t want to go to the library because there were a lot of people, and every
time I went there, I only got an unpleasant gazes from the people there. Since
the secondhand bookstore I was going to now was small, it was perfect for
me, because there wouldn’t be any people.

I finished preparing and left home immediately, going straight to the

secondhand bookstore. There was no sign of people along the way, and even
when I arrived at the bookstore, I was the only customer.

Hmm, where was the martial arts section again…

“Whoa, amazing…”

I eventually found the shelf I was looking for, with a huge amount of books
on martial arts and the martial way. [1] On top of that, there were a wide
variety of books, not only about standard swordsmanship, but also about the

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spearmanship and pole arts I wanted, and even sickle and chain arts and
assassination techniques.

Where am I supposed to use assassination techniques!? That’s scary!

I didn’t know if the library had these kinds of books, but at this rate, I was
sure there were a lot of old books there. As I thought, I didn’t have the
confidence to buy or read everything, so when I was looking at the shelves,
my eyes naturally stopped on some books.

These books were all about those scattered weapons and schools, and weren’t
consolidated, but somehow my instinct seems to whisper to choose them.
Was that the influence of the [True Martial Arts] skill? I wasn’t sure, but it
would be easy to buy a few books and go back, so I bought them without
thinking too much about it and went home.

After that, I immediately read one of the books until I took a break for dinner,
read it some more after dinner, and before I knew it, I got a new skill called
[Fast Reading], and read the whole rest of the book. However, it was already
late at night, so the actual battle would be tomorrow. After taking a bath, I
prepared a futon and went to sleep.

── And then I experienced that terrible pain again, and blacked out.

[1] It was written as “Bujutsu” and “Budō”, google for more information

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Chapter 3 – Otherworlder

Part 1

It’s been one week. I realized yet again that my title and skills have ridiculous
effects, specifically the [Otherworlder] and [Person Who Visited A
Different World For The First Time] titles that I got when I first visited a
new world.

First of all, thanks to the [Otherworlder] title, I can level up easily, and it
applies to all levels; even skill levels go up at a rapid pace… I think. I can’t
say for sure since I don’t know how it compares to other people.

In spite of that, the [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First
Time] title was even more insane. I already thought it was amazing when I
first read its effects, but the higher my level gets, the more I realize how
incredible it is.

Anyhow, in terms of BP gained per level, the difference between me and

normal inhabitants of that world is a factor of ten, and even for other
Earthlings who might visit, it’s a factor of five. That alone was ludicrous.

I’m indeed getting stronger because of the wise man’s house and weapons,
but I felt strongly that this title was giving me something more important.
The title is fantastic, but the skills themselves are actually effective in my
world, which is quite helpful.

For example, the [Appraisal] skill lets me easily obtain information on

everything, such as finding the freshest vegetables at the supermarket, and the
[Language Comprehension] skill lets me read, write, and even speak in

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various foreign languages. I mean it when I say I’m very grateful for that.

The titles and skills sure had the greatest effect, but one of the other things
that happened is related to the food ingredients that were cultivated in the
field. I’ve been eating food that increased my stats, but as soon as I reached a
certain level, my stats stopped going up.

Maybe there’s a limit to how much they can raise my stats. To be honest, it
was weird from the start that eating would make me stronger, so I didn’t
really feel bad about it. Even if it doesn’t increase my stats, the flavor is just
as tasty as ever.

Oh, I also tried the [Hell Slime Jelly], and it really was coffee jelly. Yup, that
was tasty, too. In addition, I also started testing things out with my body.

While referring to the book from the secondhand bookstore, I started

swinging weapons around properly, and since [True Martial Arts] became
level two before I knew it, I found that the skill level would increase from my
actions even if I didn’t kill a monster. When I think that this is also thanks to
the [Otherworlder] title, it brings me a greater understanding of this title’s

At level two of [True Martial Arts], I didn’t really feel any big change
compared to level one, but I felt that my weapons handling had become
slightly sharper. It’s just a feeling, though.

As I began to notice more and more things like this, I was actually starting to
feel quite depressed. The beginning of the next academic year was

If I became a high school student, it meant my environment would change as

well. I had no choice, it would only give me anxiety. No, I’d actually be
excited about my new life during a time I’d usually be anxious, but I didn’t
have the courage to make a high school debut in a high school where I
already knew everyone from junior high. If I did, the bullying will only be
more cruel than before.

I wish I could just explore the other world from now on, but I can’t say that.

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“Sigh… I don’t want it.”

Even though I said I don’t want it, I still need to go to school. I wish I could
be a good-for-nothing, but that would completely end my life… when I think
about it that way, I can’t not go to school.

So, I went to visit a store selling uniforms to replace my current uniforms that
no longer fit.

It’s not unusual to come to buy uniforms at this time of year because the new
school year is about to start, but the people in the shop that sell uniforms
stared at me. I wasn’t leaving my fly open, was I?

Well, as a result of taking the courage to go shopping, I was fortunate there

were only a few people, so I didn’t see anyone I knew. It was good.

Anyway, today I’m determined to… explore the surroundings of the house in
the other world.

It’s scary to think that there’s still a lot of things like Bloody Ogres and Hell
Slimes, but more than that, curiosity has overcome my fear.

I would never have gone out before, but after I leveled up, I’m not sure why,
even I’m confident, but I still had a sense of adventure to act according to my
curiosity. It may be dangerous from the perspective of others, but I was
honestly happy about this change. It helped me think positively.

“This may be careless, but let’s go.”

I was equipped with the [Bloody War Demon Series] equipment, including
the [Blood War Demon’s Body Armor] and the [Bloody War Demon’s
Gauntlet], along with the clothes left by the wise man. When I put them on
as a test, they were perfect for my body. This would have guaranteed some

By the way, when I wore it for the first time, my excitement went up
considerably, it was really cool… Well, I’m a guy, after all, so it can’t be
helped! Because it’s so cool! And just in case, of course, I’ll also bring

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[Complete Cure Herb]. This means I’ll be fine unless I get killed
instantly… well, I might be too optimistic.

I took a deep breath as I approached the entrance of the fence which marked
the border between the garden where I’ve killed two monsters before and the

Weapon? Check. Armor? Check. Recovery grass? Check.

“All right.”

When I decided to do so, I took a step out with my trembling legs. Step by
step, I walked out of my land. And then ──


I managed to get out completely.

The scenery outside should have been the same as when I saw it from inside
the fence, but it looked more colorful in my eyes and I was stunned for a
while. As I gradually began to feel it, I began to walk with a certain step.

Even if I say to explore the surroundings this time, I don’t have the courage
to go too far away, so I will only explore at a distance where I still can see the
house. Someday, I’ll go farther away while considering the house as the

I held the [Absolute Spear] as my weapon, and proceeded while watching

my surroundings. It was the first time I saw the forest’s trees up close, but
they all had leaves I’d never seen before. There were many flowers amidst a
poisonous-looking rainbow of colors, and even flowers that emitted pale

Looking at this really drives home the fact that it’s a different world.

While I was taking in the fantastical sights, I suddenly felt the presence of
creatures. The [Presence Detection] skill must have been working. While
steadying my breathing, I followed the presence of the creature and caught
sight of it.

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It was a child-like creature with green skin, dressed in shabby armor, with
sharp eyes, an aquiline nose, and some awfully sharp fangs lined up in its
mouth. Actually, the Bloody Ogre was more terrible than this. While not
being noticed by the creature, I tried to activate [Appraisal].

[Goblin Elite]

Level: 120

Magic: 100
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1000
Agility: 1500
Intelligence: 100
Luck: 100

I had somehow already guessed it was a goblin. But it wasn’t a normal

goblin, it was an elite. I guessed it was a high class goblin. So enviable. [TL:
Because of his terrible life so far, he even envied a goblin, lol.]

Anyway, how should I put it? I know I’m above it in terms of stats, but… is
this goblin really an enemy? Perhaps in this world goblins and humans are in
a symbiotic relationship.

If that’s the case, I’m the one to blame if I launch an attack here first. A
Bloody Ogre and Hell Slime were the first ones to point their killing intent at
me, and most of all, they tried to break into my yard, so it was easy to tell
they were enemies. This time, I don’t really know. The Bloody Ogre was an
enemy, and honestly, I feel the goblin is probably an enemy as well, but let’s
be careful here.

I wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble and conflict if I could, so I quietly tried

to escape.

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Then I stepped on the tree’s branch under my feet and made a sound. When I
timidly turned to look back at the goblin──

Oh cool, our eyes met. The moment of silence continued. I couldn’t bear to
talk to it with a smile to act as friendly as possible.


It babbled incoherent sounds at me.


As a matter of course, the Goblin Elite rushed in, wielding a shabby sword.

Previously, I would have fallen on my butt, but now I could’ve seen the
movement of the Goblin Elite closely and succeeded in evading it with plenty
of room.

The Goblin Elite looked a little surprised by my dodging movement, the tone
of its babbling reflecting its emotional state, but it immediately attacked again
in order to kill me. I understood now that the goblin was, as I expected, an
enemy. If I knew it was an enemy, I wouldn’t be in the wrong even if I killed
it, so when I brandished the [Absolute Spear], I remembered the contents of
the book I bought.

It did not actually say how to hold a spear.

At the time, I wondered if I had already made a mistake in getting that book,
but as I read on, the objective of the book was apparently to allow the reader
to merely adjust their posture such that you can move more easily, with tips
such as taking care to push it out while twisting when you thrust. That’s the
kind of thing that was written there.

Well, you could summarize it as “twist it while you thrust it” so in that sense,
I appreciated it as a beginner.

As I looked calmly at the attacking Goblin Elite, I could immediately see that

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the Goblin Elite was swinging its sword from one side. In other words, the
head and lower body were full of gaps. Without overlooking it, I remained
calm, using the length of the reach of the spear, twisting it not only with my
arms but also with my whole body.

Then, a spiral wind wrapped around the [Absolute Spear], and pierced the
Goblin Elite’s forehead precisely as intended. It managed to grunt with
surprise. While I only pierced the goblin elite’s forehead, the spiral wind
wrapped around the spear was too powerful, and blew up the Goblin Elite’s
head. When I pulled the spear back, the Goblin Elite’s head had already

As its body staggered a few steps on the spot, it sprayed a tremendous

amount of blood, before eventually disappearing into light particles.


For the first time, I actually felt the sensation of taking a life through the
spear, directly in my hand. But strangely, my mind was calm. In actual fact, it
was a miserable sight that would make me want to empty the contents of my
stomach onto the ground, but I was fine. Of course, there was still the feeling
that I had taken a life, so I understood the importance of that, but my instincts
were saying that if I hadn’t killed it, I would have been killed myself, so I felt
that my mind and body had naturally adapted.

“The drops are… [Magic Stone: Rank D], [High Grade Demon’s Fang],
and [High Grade Demon’s Skin], huh?”

To be honest, the skin was disgusting, and as one might expect, I had no use
for it, so I just threw everything into the [Item Box]. Come to think of it, this
was the first time I moved in armor, but my movement wasn’t hindered at all.
I personally liked it; it was good armor. At first I wanted to avoid fighting,
but considering I was able to check on some things like this, in that sense it
might have been good to fight something.

“Umm… It seems my level didn’t go up.”

I didn’t level up, but it was good that I was able to practice the movement

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from that book against a monster. Moving my body in the garden was fine,
but actual combat was a different story. Regardless of the contents, I was glad
the book was a good purchase.

It was a different world and the opponent was a monster, but Earth’s martial
arts could still be used properly even there, so I hoped I could maintain that
positive momentum.

“Alright, should I just continue exploring?”

Since the level between me and the enemy was close, there was no level up,
but I regained my mind and resumed the search to check around.

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Part 2

“Hah… Hah……!”

A girl was running desperately through the forest. However, the pale white
dress that the girl is wearing, which can be seen as fine quality by anyone,
isn’t suitable for running. Not only that, but the beautiful blonde hair that
looks to be extracted from the sunlight has become dirty while running, and
now has lost its radiance.

Several people who hid their faces behind a hood were chasing behind such a


The girl was running barefoot in the forest with a bad footing.


However, she stumbled over a tree’s root because of the dress that is
unsuitable for running and the forest environment. The mysterious group
couldn’t miss that chance and immediately surrounded the girl. The girl
realizes that there is no longer to escape, but she sharpened her jade eyes and
glares at the group.

“You people! Do you know with whom you’re chasing, I am the first
princess of Alceria Kingdom!?”

The mysterious group exchanged glances at the girl’s bullish attitude while

“Hahahaha! We know that, Lexia Von Alceria.”

“Then why…”

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“Why, you said? Saying such a ridiculous thing. As for what reason you’re
getting attacked… Should I make you remember with your body?”


The girl ─ Lexia became lost for words at what the assailant said.

“You’re a hindrance, you know. You filthy mixed blood!”

“My blood is not dirty…”

“Don’t talk back!”


One of the mysterious people magically created a mass of soil and shot it at
her, who was resolutely appealing. Lexia instantly rolled over the ground, but
his magic power was apparently high, and the impact caused more damage
than expected.


“Quit stalling for time. It’ll be better if you just obediently die from the

“Your escort is pitiful, too, right? As a result of escorting you, they’re getting
attacked by us.”

“They were desperate to let you escape, but aren’t those Knights dead by

The mysterious group threw unpleasant words at Lexia, who was crouching
in pain. Lexia was the first princess, but she was a child born between the
present King and a concubine ─ a slave. More to say, her mother was not a
“Human”. She was a “High-Elf” which has even better appearance among the
excellent appearance of an “Elf”. The King fell in love at the first sight with
such a High-Elf slave and loved her as a concubine, and before long, Lexia
was born.

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However, soon after giving birth to Lexia, her mother died. The king was
very sad and raised Lexia with a worthy of care. But one day, an incident
occurred. High-Elf who originally possessed high magic and Lexia even as a
Half-Human inherited their excellent appearance and magic, and one day her
magical power went out of control. As a result, the first prince who was
nearby was seriously injured.

Fortunately, there were no after-effects left, and he had been healed

completely, but… Lexia was alienated by the queen, the mother of the first
prince, and the nobles which on the first prince faction. Due to her origin of
birth, she has been subjected to various types of harassment behind the
King’s back.

“U… Uhh…”.

She’s grateful to her mother for giving birth to her, and she doesn’t have a
grudge against her father. However, the surroundings attack such a Lexia
mercilessly. Even if she’s from the royal family, it will become misfortune
depending on the circumstances. Lexia had been desperately living before
such an unavoidable reality, but now she is about to be killed like this, she
looks back on her life and tears fall involuntarily.

If she had lived a more normal life… Yes, she had thought about it.

“Now, it will be silly to have an idle-talk and be attacked by monsters. Go die


Lexia could only sob, muffling her voice in this very miserable and helpless
situation. One of the men of the mysterious group tried to shoot his magic
mercilessly toward Lexia ─ it was at that moment.


“What!? Goblin General!?”

Suddenly, a monster attacked the mysterious group. With dark brown skin
and golden eyes like those of reptiles. Bulging muscles, with a height as tall
as an adult man, and wore a fine-quality armor on its body which gave off a

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very intimidating aura. Gushing nasal breath from its big aquiline nose, and
then released a strong swing from its giant sword that was as tall as itself.
The blow was tremendous, and the mysterious group that tried to unleash
their magic at the Goblin General turned into a mass of meat in front of its
giant sword.

The mysterious group cried miserably.

Those who were about to kill Lexia were killed in an instant. Lexia’s
expression was tinged with fear by that fact, and she tried to run away in a
hurry, but she doesn’t have the strength to move her legs. While she was
unable to move, the Goblin General had already annihilated the mysterious
group with its overwhelming power. A large amount of blood and pieces of
flesh were scattered all over the area, and the goblin general was covered in

─ It was an absolute being that cannot be denied.

Before that, Lexia’s body has given up the will to live despite her intentions.
No matter how much she tried to escape, her body won’t listen at all. After it
finished the slaughtering of those mysterious group, the Goblin General
turned its eyes to Lexia, who was tinged with fear and despair. She was shot
by a sharp glance, and finally, even her will to live was lost.


The Goblin General calmly approached the stunned Lexia. And when it
arrived in front of Lexia, it lifted up its giant sword.

The Goblin General roared.

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She will die here without any suffering. With murky thoughts of death, she
watched the sword that slaughtered the mysterious group.



Suddenly, something flew toward the Goblin General. However, the Goblin
General sensed it just before the flying object collided, and prevented it with
the giant sword which had been swung up before. But it wasn’t the only
attack. Further impacts striking the giant sword which had prevented the
flying object. The impact is tremendous, and even the goblin general who
possessed a strong body can’t endure it and is greatly blown away. The
Goblin General turned its gaze which was been filled with anger to the new
intruder as it regained its posture.

The Goblin General cried furiously.

And when Lexia turned her gaze in the same direction as the Goblin General

“Are you alright?”

She found out an elegant young man rushed over in a hurry, with glossy
black hair and eyes that reminiscent of the night sky, which somehow
brought up an atmosphere of a foreign country. Despite the desperate
situation, Lexia for some reason felt a bit reassured the moment she saw the
young man. Thus, because of that feeling of security, her thread of the
tension has broken, and she fainted on the spot.

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Part 3

A few days after fighting the Goblin Elite. my exploration has progressed
considerably, and after getting some useful skills along the way, I don’t need
to put any marks to lead back home anymore. In addition to new skills,
fighting against new monsters has also improved my levels and combat skills.
I cashed in on the items I got and got a good amount of money from it.

And so, this is my current status;

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None
Level: 200

Magic: 5000
Attack: 7000
Defense: 7000
Agility: 7000
Intelligence: 4500
Luck: 7500

BP: 0

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension]

[True Martial Art: 4] [Presence Detection] [Fast Reading] [Cooking: 3]
[Map] [Dodge] [Weakness Detection] [Assimilation]

Title: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

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I grew up more than I expected and was experiencing severe pain while I was
sleeping, but recently I’ve gotten used to it… or rather, it seems that the
severe pain and the noises are gone. I guess it seems the structure of my body
is already complete, huh? It means there’s no way to remodel anymore. But
still, my physical strength is obviously increasing, so it’s probably hasn’t
stopped growing completely yet, well, I don’t actually care about it. I’m
happy as long as it doesn’t hurt anymore.

Also, these are the effect of the new skills;

[Map] :: It will show you the map for places you’ve visited once.

[Dodge] :: It’s easier to avoid the opponent’s attack.

[Weakness Detection] :: Find out your opponent’s weaknesses.

[Assimilation] :: It allows you to become one with nature to erase your

presence and magic signature.

All of them are useful skills, especially thanks to the [Map], my exploration
has become much easier. [Dodge] has somehow made me understand the
timing of the enemy attack, and [Weakness Detection] make me know the
point where I can give a great deal of damage to my opponent.
[Assimilation] is very useful and helpful if I need to hide while scoping out
the state of the monsters, and I mastered these in only a short amount of time.

It’s a great skill for me who had no fighting experience, and thanks to these,
I’ve been able to fight from the front these days. Also, the drop items that I
obtained from the battle were all worth 10 million yen, gotten from [Money
Conversion], I managed it all in the [Item Box]. I don’t have a PC or
anything, but I think it’ll be useful so I wanted to buy one.

Anyway, my high school life has almost started. In other words, those hellish

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days will be started again. Above all, it’ll be very hard for me since it’ll limit
my time to enjoy this unknown world. Of course, I also need to study, but
going to school is still only a pain for me.

“Sigh… Let’s put it aside. I don’t want to think about school since I’m in a
fun place now…”

I know it’s just escapism, but I have to leave anything about school out of my
head now. Exploring this different world has become my daily routine. This
routine will continue until high school begins.

I hold the [Absolute Spear] in my hand now, but in these past few days, I
also fight with other weapons or bare hands, and if you ask me why I keep
holding the spear is simply because handling the spear is suitable for my
character. Though I often use [Omni-Sword] as well.

I wandered through the forest for a while now, but no monsters came out in
particular. Nevertheless, I also appraised the strange mushrooms and nuts
along the way and threw them into the [Item Box]. Sometimes I also cashed
it in, and depending on the effects, I also ate it at home. I can choose the
thing that I want to cash in, that’s why I can also take it back to Earth.

In a sense, this different worlds were food storage for me. By the way, I tried
to eat the [High-Grade Pig Man’s Meat] that I got when I defeated a bipedal
pig monster called [Orc Elite], it was very delicious. There’s no problem to
eat it according to appraisal anyway. That’s why the drop item also becomes
my food and financial source. I was glad that I didn’t have to go shopping
outside thanks to it. I don’t want to waste my time to go outside, after all.

And then, as I was walking through the forest while collecting things, I heard
some violent noises.

“What is that?”

I was surprised by the loud sound and impact, so I proceeded in that direction


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What came into my view was a monster which more prominent than the
Goblin Elite, it stood covered in blood. When I looked closely, there are
scattered things like meat around the goblin that I don’t know what meat it is.
I lost my words involuntarily looking at this tragedy, but I quickly returned
my mind and activated [Appraisal].

[Goblin General]

Level: 200

Magic: 1000
Attack: 9000
Defense: 3000
Agility: 500
Intelligence: 500
Luck: 100

It seems to be the general after the elite. And it’s a monster I that haven’t
seen yet in these past few days. Anyway, my status balance is better than it,
but its attack power is dangerous.

… I don’t know what caused it to rampage like that, but I think it’s better to
just wait-and-see. I want to fight against a monster who has a little more
status and gain more fighting experience. So I decided to leave quietly.



I saw a girl about the same age as me sitting in the direction of the Goblin
General. She’s wearing a dress that looks like somehow from good quality,
and I’m not sure why she is in the forest like this, but anyway, she’s the first
person I’ve ever met in this world. I was supposed to be happy, but not in this

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When the Goblin General lifted its sword, I threw the [Absolute Spear] that I
had in my hand.



The Goblin General instantly noticed it and prevented it with the sword it had
waved at a tremendous speed. I run with all my might in that opportunity, I
put my whole weight in my leg and leaped into the Goblin General’s sword.



The Goblin General flew away greatly because of my blow from full speed.
After landed, I approached the girl while collecting [Absolute Spear] that
came back to my hand.

“── Are you alright?”

The moment I called her, she looked at me and looked surprised, and then she
fell as if her thread had broken.

“Hey, hey, hey!”

Is she dead!? I was impatient, but when I looked again, she’s still breathing,
so she just fainted it seems. While relieved, I felt a tremendous sense of
intimidation, and I quickly turned my eyes at that direction. The Goblin
General is staring at me furiously.

I held the [Absolute Spear] back and faced the Goblin General. We set up
our weapons to each other and look for a chance to attack. However, there
seemed to be no gap in the Goblin General from my view, and I didn’t seem
to give any chance as well, and it seemed as though we didn’t know how to
attack each other.

The Goblin General roared. It finally lost its temper and the ground was
crushed from the force of its step and dragged its huge sword from the side.

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When I saw the attack, my instinct told me that it can’t be prevented, and
then I held the girl who was lying down in a hurry, and took a great distance.
I put the girl down, and then attacked the Goblin General immediately.



But the Goblin General took my blow easily. And then reacting from that
state, it swung its sword with a power that can blow away my very existence.


I was sent flying by that power. But I managed to regain my posture in the air
as I was about to hit the trees, and landed on the tree where I was blown.

“That was dangerous, hey…”

Cold sweat was flowing involuntarily on my body after feeling the power of
the Goblin General. It only has a high attack power, and honestly, I will
definitely lose even if I fight it foolishly. The only way to win is to give it a
sudden blow somehow. Fortunately, I have a better status except for my
attack. I have to take advantage of this status and my weapon as well.

I immediately made the tree as a foothold and charged toward the Goblin
General. It tried to cut me off with its huge sword, and swing it at the timing
when I approached like a baseball batter. If I just stick like this, I will
definitely die. And when I almost bumped into the Goblin General’s sword, I
thrust my [Absolute Spear] to the ground.


The Goblin General’s sword swung in the air as I stopped suddenly. I jumped
up vigorously as I thrust the [Absolute Spear] in a way like a pole vault. As I
moved past the Goblin General, I took out the [Formless Bow] from the
[Item Box] and shot several of an invisible arrow.

However, the Goblin General, who sensed the attack, swung up its huge
sword in the empty air and prevented the arrow. But, in that chance, I landed

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on a tree and threw the [Absolute Spear] that just returned to my hand
toward the Goblin General.


The Goblin General prevented even the attack in a difficult position. But that
was not my only attack. At the same time as throwing the [Absolute Spear],
I leaped toward the Goblin General with the tree as a foothold while holding
the [Omni-Sword] in my right hand.


The Goblin General, who finally noticed me, is desperately trying to prevent

“It’s too late…”

The Goblin General squealed in agony. I cut its body in half with the same
momentum. It slowly falls, and then becomes a particle of light and
disappeared. After confirming that, I turned my eyes to the girl who was still
blacking out.

“What should I do with her…?”

A message appeared in front of me who is seriously confused with this


Level Up

Ah, yeah.


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For the time being, I quickly collect the Goblin General drop items and then
approached the girl. The girl was dressed in high-quality clothes that weren’t
really suitable for a place like this. It’s also my first time to see such pure
clothes. When I was seriously thinking about what to do, I suddenly felt the
presence of someone approaching.

“─ Ma! ── Lexia-sama!”

I can hear human voices as the presence approaching.

I mean, Lexia-sama… is this girl?

Thinking about it, I looked around for a moment and remembered that there
was a rather grotesque scene, such as blood and pieces of meat. … yes, I’m
feeling sick to see it, but it’s not enough to make me vomit. However, if I
meet those who are looking for this girl in such a scene, I can tell that it will
become a misunderstanding…

… Should I just hide?

I hurriedly hid in the nearby bushes and activated my skill [Assimilation].

As soon as I did, some swordsman-like soldiers appeared. While everyone

was wearing a similar armor, a middle-aged man wearing a black cloak from
the top of his armor was speechless to see the surrounding scenery.

“Th-this is…!”

After all, it was correct not to meet these people in this spectacle. Well, I
know that I’m not normal anymore anyway. The soldiers that were searching
finally noticed the girl fainted at the base of a nearby tree.


The soldiers rushed to her to check her safety. One of the soldiers muttered
something, then emitted a pale white light from his right hand and applied it
to the girl’s body.

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Huh… is that magic!? Whoaa, amazing!

As I was excited to see the magic, the soldiers sighed as if they were relieved
from the bottom of their hearts.

“Now that I’ve used recovery magic, the wounds have been healed. It seems
like she’s just fainted now.”

“Haaahh… I felt relieved it was only a minor injury…”

After confirming her safety, the soldiers were relieved, then gently lifted her
and stood up while being careful of the surrounding.

“… I’m curious about what happened here, but it’s bad to stay here for a long
time. Let’s go back for now.”


Everyone replied to the middle-aged knight’s words and quickly walked

away from the place. After confirming it, I then take a breather.

“Phew… I was wondering what to do before, but now I’m glad it was solved
it safely…”

I was pretty confused, but this was my first encounter with someone from
another world… even though I couldn’t talk with them.

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Chapter 4 – Life Changes

Part 1

Today is finally my school entrance ceremony. In the end, during this

holiday, I was just collecting drop items in the other world, so yeah, I didn’t
take any part-time job interviews at all. On the contrary, since it’s possible to
be self-sufficient in that other world house, I almost never leave the house in

Well, fortunately, thanks to continually cashing in the drop items, I have an

amazing amount of money right now, but… it was really frightening, and I
can’t take it out of the [Item Box] carelessly. And these are my current

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None
Level: 233

Magic: 5880
Attack: 7880
Defense: 7880
Agility: 7880
Intelligence: 5380
Luck: 8380

BP: 0

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Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension]
[True Martial Art: 6] [Presence Detection] [Fast Reading] [Cooking: 5]
[Map] [Dodge] [Weakness Detection] [Assimilation]

Title: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

My level is up, including the skills level, and if we talk about the [True
Martial Art] skill, It’ll sometimes make me laugh since I can easily do a
manga-like movement now. The book’s contents I bought for this [True
Martial Arts] was also usable in actual battle.

Well, but I still can’t use magic though.

By the way, as for the Goblin General’s drop items, I found out that it was an
A-class monster since its [Magic Stone] was an A rank. Other than that, I
didn’t get any special or unusual items. But to think that an A rank magic
stone is worth 5 million yen, I was unable to stand up due to surprise because
of it. I can’t go back to that time even if I think back, and on the contrary, the
entrance ceremony is just around the corner now.

“Sigh… It makes me depressed…”

However, I don’t have the option of being absent from school. Moreover, it’s
an entrance ceremony. No matter how much I’m disturbed during the class, I
have to pay for it, and most of all, I couldn’t see the future so I have to do my
best to study.

“… Yup, let’s go.”

No matter how much I tried to inspire myself, in the end, my depression still
didn’t change, and I was leaving home in a newly bought uniform with a
sinking mood.


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… Yeah, what now.

“Hey, hey, that guy…”

“Is he a transfer student?”

“Whoa… his long legs…”

“R-rather, isn’t it really well-shaped?”

“Is he some kind of model?”

“I don’t know, but I’ve never seen such an amazingly handsome guy…”

When I leave the home and go to the school with my depressed mood, I feel
like I’m being watched, it’s not like I’m being overly self-conscious though. I
don’t know why, but I don’t have a propensity of being happy to be watched
like this, so it’s very uncomfortable. No wait, I used to be looked down on in
the past, and what I feel from myself now is still the same, but… I’m not sure
why, somehow, I feel that the kind of gaze is different now. What’s really
going on?

Also, there were times when I was usually messed with on my way to school,
and on a bad day there were times when I got beaten and kicked, assaulted
and my money was taken, but today, such troubles didn’t occur. And without
knowing why people were watching me before I’ve finally arrived at the

At the entrance, a class-division paper was pasted, and there was a huge
crowd and I couldn’t get close to it, but surprisingly, after someone noticed
me they also looked surprised, and whether that surprise was contagious or
not, there were no people in front of me anymore now. Geez, I’m not Moses,
you know.

But, if so many people are using it, I can’t use it either without permission, so
yeah, it’s good for me if they give me the way to check it. As I checked the

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paper, there was Araki name in my class, the main offender of my bullying.
Even though it was mostly the same as junior high school, Still, I thought the
class would change, too. Sigh… I don’t like it…

I couldn’t wipe away my dismay, so I left the entrance and headed straight to
the gym. The entrance ceremony will be held in the gym, and after that, we
supposed to be moved to the new classroom. When I arrived at the gym, the
venue for the entrance ceremony, I was still receiving strange glances from
the people on the surrounding, but strangely, no one was troubling me, and I
was able to come to the entrance ceremony safely.

No, it’s should be just normal.

Anyway, after the end of the entrance ceremony, we’re supposed to be be

given the explanation related to this high school by the homeroom teacher
until lunch break, and the schedule would be ended after that. As I think of
today’s schedule, I get closer to the new classroom, and I just feel more and
more depressed.

Sigh… I really don’t like it.

When I entered the classroom, I was getting an uncertain gaze by the people
in the class, and then I sat in an empty seat trying not to worry about it as
much as possible. Then, Araki suddenly called me out as soon as I sat down
in this new classroom.


“Eh!? W-what is it?”

I tried to look at him timidly after he called me in a suspicious manner.

“Who are you? I haven’t seen your face before. Are you a transfer student?”

“Ehh? Umm… But, I’m Tenjou Yuuya, you know…”

“……. Wha-?”

Araki showed a stupid face which I had never seen before. However, it’s not

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only Araki but for some reason, all of the people in the class have the same

“Stop joking. No matter how I look at you, you’re not like that shitty pig
bastard, you know. You’re a transfer student, aren’t you?”

“N-no, as I said, I’m that person himself…”

“… No, no, no, no, it doesn’t make sense, you know!?”

Araki shouted.

Although I was surprised by his voice, I felt that not only Araki but everyone
in the class has thought the same thing, and everyone had their eyes wide

“Huh? Then what? You bastard… You want to say you’ve done some plastic
surgery, huh?”

“I-I don’t have money for that kind of thing, you know. I just did my best to
diet during the holiday.”

No, I just actually improved my level, but if I think about the battle with the
monsters again, I think it’s okay to say that I have worked hard, right? Even
though I tell him the truth, Araki remained with a stunned expression. When I
looked around involuntarily, everyone also remained stunned. Then, Araki
finally came back to his senses, he tried to say something, but at that moment,
the teacher has come into the classroom, he returned to his seat while clicking
his tongue.


“… Eh?”

It was a lunch break. I was always getting bullied, so I went to the toilet

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which is a quiet place, I wanted to relax slowly at the toilet, but I was stunned
to see myself reflected in the mirror there. It’s rare I was not entangled with
Araki and his gang, and it’s a really peaceful time. Well, I’m a little afraid
since I don’t know how long this peaceful time will last.

No wait, rather than that, it’s about my face reflected in the mirror.

“Is this… really me…?”

In the mirror, there was a face that did not look like me before, showing a
surprised expression. The face which was full of acne before is now smooth
and clean. The thinning-hair in my head before also becomes thick and
smooth. The squared-jaw has become sharp and small, and my thin lips
before have become plump. The nose like a pig has turned straight now. I
touch my face that is completely different from my face before, I touch it to
confirm. Yes, it’s my face now.

I was lost for words.


I shouted unintentionally.

No wait, who is this really!? Me!? Is it really me!?

The complex that has been tormenting me until now is clearly disappeared. I
touch my face again in amazement. And at the same time, I was convinced.

“… If it changes to this extent, everyone will obviously be surprised.”

This may also be a benefit from the level up. My face has become so good
that it’s incomparable than before.

“At this rate, I wonder if people will stop looking at me in disgust.”

It’s difficult to properly evaluate your own face, after all. Above all, I had
hated my face and appearance. But now that I’m at the level that can be
shown to people, honestly, I’m so happy. However, for someone who knew
me before, it may not change their unpleasantness even if my appearance has

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“… I don’t have to walk while looking down like before anymore, do I?”

Now I have a face that can be seen differently from me before. I looked in the
mirror for a while without feeling any reality, but before long, I remembered
that it was a lunch break time and hurried back to the class. My steps at this
time were very light compared to before.


“… I mean, it was so quick…”

This week, there wasn’t anyone who picked a fight with me, including Araki.
They just watched me from distance, and they hadn’t even spoken to me.
Even Araki and his gang are like that, so I thought my change was truly
extraordinary. In addition to such a rarely peaceful time, there was something
nice as well. As I thought, my [Languange Comprehension] skill was really
activated, it made the English class easier, I was not good at English before,
after all.

And today is the long-awaited holiday, I felt like it just came so fast. I have to
enjoy it. Well, since I have to do washing too, it’s also considerably wasted
my time.

“But, it’s just the same clothes all the time…”

The clothes I’m wearing now was something I got in that other world, and I
don’t have any other clothes that match my current body except for uniforms
and gym clothes. I’m not interested in fashion anyway, and I don’t have a
good sense of it in the first place, but it’s not good to just wear the same
clothes all the time. Although I’m washed my former clothes, it doesn’t
change the way it looks, so it’ll still look dirty from other people’s views.

But I’ve never liked going out to town either. Because every time I went to

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town, I’ve always been exposed to looks of contempt, and if I have bad luck,
I’d get entangled with the delinquents and get beaten by them. However,
since I don’t have a PC to do online shopping, I have to go out to the town to
buy the necessity.

“Apart from the ingredients, I’ve run out of some daily necessities.”

I reluctantly got out of the house while sighing, I wouldn’t leave if not for
necessities anyway.

“I absolutely need to buy daily necessity now, apart from that, should I buy
some clothes, too?”

As I heading to the city, I think about the clothes I should buy. I’ve taken out
50,000 yen from the [Item Box] beforehand and put it in my wallet, so I
think, it will be enough.

“Back then, I didn’t have many kinds of clothes to wear, so it was easy to
choose from. But now, it’s just strange to wear the same clothes all the

In the end, I didn’t know where to buy clothes, so I decided to put it aside for
now and go to buy daily necessities first.

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Part 2

“Let’s see… it seems like this is all.”

I had finished buying more daily necessities, which was one of my original
purposes of going to town. There’s a big shopping mall in town, and you can
find most things there, so I’ve been going there to shop for a long time

… Well, because of that, I’ve also been in a lot of trouble, such as entangling
with bad guys or such. And when I go to a place where there are so many
people’s eyes, I don’t feel very good. But this time it’s not like the usual me.
I have a different look, so I don’t have to walk looking down like I was
before. Unlike usual, I’ve gained a little bit of confidence, so I walk looking
at the front now.

“Ne, ne, look at that guy…”

“No way, who is that? An entertainer?”

“He’s handsome and has a good style, he’s seriously extraordinary…”

“Isn’t he too sexy!?”

“Come to think of it, I heard there’s a fashion magazine photoshoot in here


“L-let’s talk to him for a moment.”

“Eh, you serious!?”

When I was walking around while thinking that many people were
whispering around me, I was suddenly called by an unfamiliar woman.

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“Ne, ne, you.”


I thought the ones who called were the delinquents, so I was kinda surprised
at first. Apparently, there was a group of women.

“Right. If you’re free, why don’t you play with us onee-chan here?”

“Ne, is it okay?”

“Eh, ah, umm…”

What is this, a sales trick!?

I was panicked by the call from these unfamiliar women, but I managed to
calm down and try to refuse politely. You see, in this case, I need to make an
apologetic expression so as not to offend the other party! Anyway, I would
pass out now if it was me from before… Probably!

“I’m sorry… I have something to do…”

I tried to show an apologetic look as much as possible, the women who were
amazed for a moment, conversely started to panic this time.

“I-it’s okay, don’t worry about that!”

“Yeah yeah, I’m sorry to bother you!”

The women drew back obediently, it seems my apologetic feeling was

transmitted to them. Thank goodness! I would definitely be either reported or
terribly abused if this was the previous me. I was relieved from the bottom of
my heart and left the place, but I still can hear whispering voices from

“… Did you look at his face before?”

“… It was really dangerous for my heart.”

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“I thought it was cool… His apologetic expression looked like a small

“Anyway, it was dangerous.”

I somehow felt a shiver from my spine. W-what is this?

“W-well, that’s good. Rather than that, I wonder where I can buy clothes…”

I muttered that while walking around the shopping mall. When I came here, I
was checking the men’s fashion floor, but there are a variety of brands so I
don’t know which one I should look at.

“I was living a life that had never thought about fashion before…and I didn’t
have any money either.”

Well, my appearance is also too simple now. I just wearing a white shirt and
black pants, after all. And also the luster bluish-black leather shoes and the
black moon necklace which is the rare drop items that I obtained by defeating
the Hell Slime.

Yeah, thinking about it again, it’s just a simple outfit that is far from
fashionable. Well, I don’t really get that impression because these clothes
themselves are so high quality.

As I walked around the shopping mall, I suddenly heard a yell.

“Hey! How long are you going to keep me waiting!?”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

“It’s not enough with just apologies! I’ve been waiting for more than an hour
in here!? You really have guts to make me wait!?”

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…!”

“Errr… Hikari-san. I don’t really mind it.”

“Miwa-chan! You must not spoil him! It’s not good for the other party if you

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“Y-yes, but…”

“Also, if you hear his reason for oversleeping was because of a hangover,
then there’s no room for apologies anymore… It’s natural for me to be angry!
Compared to that, Miwa-chan is admirable. You’re serious with this even
though you’ve become very famous now… I just want this bastard to follow
you as an example to not always fall behind schedule.”


Looking at the yell direction, a muscular man dressed in a flashy pink shirt
was yelling at a man in a suit with his head down, in a diminished
appearance. Behind them, there’s a woman with loose wavy brown hair,
whose excellent appearance could be seen from a distance, was soothing the
man with a muscular figure.

… What is this chaos?

When I look closely, the muscular man was holding a camera and something
like photography equipment? There are many things like that lined up around
him. Is it some kind of photoshoot? Well, there seems to be a kind of a
celebrity around here, and they might do something like drama or photoshoot
in here.

Actually, there are a lot of ordinary people gathered around here, and I think
there will be something more amazing than just photoshoot. Hmm, is that
woman an actress? When I checked on the situation, it seems that she’s pretty
famous. I don’t have a TV at home, and I practically don’t know about
celebrities, that’s why I don’t know anything about that woman.

“I won’t be able to see the shop over there in this state, let’s look at the other
place, then.”

With that said, I turned my back from the photoshoot area.

“But you also have another schedule, right? Therefore, it will be bad for you,

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so this time I’ll just do it with Miwa-chan alone.”


“There’s no problem, right? I’m a professional, so I’ll be sure to do it! It’s

not like I’m saying I’ll only use one model like this from now on, you know.
Well, of course, I’ll never use someone who likes to be late like this guy


“But I’m in trouble. As for today’s composition, I was thinking of using

another male model at this time with Miwa-chan since it was a product for a
couple… Hey, on this occasion, we might use an acceptable ordinary man in
this shopping mall. You have all the size of clothes, don’t you?” He asked the

“Yes, we have everything.”

“Okay, then… Ah, what about the man over there? Hey! You there!”

Even if I was thinking to see other places, their clothes just look all the same
no matter where I look. Has my sense of fashion become devastating, too?

“Hey you there, the one who seems to be thinking about something!”

… Hmm? What is it, it seems like someone is calling.

When I looking around instinctively, I heard the call from behind.

“Yes, you. The one who’s looking around! Can you wait for a moment?”


I turned back spontaneously, but the muscular man in that flashy shirt looked
at me stunned. Not only the muscular man but also the other staff and the
beautiful girls were looking at me stunned. For a moment, I thought it wasn’t
me, but I don’t know why, there was only me here for some reason, and the
others are in a position to look at me from the distance… Why is it? I don’t

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know why they’re staring at me like that, but it seems like they need
something from me, so I headed towards them.

“Uhm, what happened?”

When I asked the most prominent here, the muscular man, I could’ve seen an
image of a bolt of lightning striking in his background for some reason. Eh,
what’s that. This time, it was me who’s stunned in surprise, and then I
suddenly slapped my both cheeks with my hands to restore my calm.

“You! Would you like to participate in this photoshoot!?”

“………… Huh?”

I could only be dumbfounded.

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Part 3

Why did it become like this?

“Yeees! It looks good! Yes yes! Ah, I want him to have more sexy feelings
here! look sideways, please look sideways!”

It’s not good, I don’t understand at all. I was supposed to come to this
shopping mall to buy clothes and daily necessities, but before I know… I’m in
an awkward situation which is having to be a model. Moreover, I’m not
doing the photoshoot alone, but also with a very beautiful woman.

“Yuuya-kun! Your expression is too stiff! Smile, smile!”

It’s not good even if you said that!

I know that my expression is getting stiffer, I was thinking about what should
I do, and there’s a woman model that will do the photoshoot with me this
time ─ Miwa-san smiled looking at me.

“Yuuya-san. Everyone is also nervous like that for their first time, so you
don’t have to worry about it.”


I took a deep breath once and looked at my appearance again.

Right now I’ve changed from my simple white shirt and black pants to a
white drape shirt and put on a thin black short-sleeved cardigan on top of
that, and wine-red skinny pants. All of these are clothes that I’ve never worn
before, and I was more nervous about this dress itself rather than the

I suddenly noticed that there were many people around me. I guess they’re

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the customer who came to this shopping mall, but now they’re looking at this
photoshoot scene of me and Miwa-san from the distance. Some people have
their smartphones pointed here, so they seem to be taking photos, too.

“Amazing. It’s my first time to see Miwa-chan in person.”

“Yes that’s Miwa-chan, but who’s the boy doing the photoshoot together
with her!? Doesn’t he have a super good style!?

“Isn’t he a model? He’s with Miwa-chan, and above all, he’s so handsome
and stylish…”

“No way!? Then, let’s find out about him when the magazine is released!”

Yup, As I thought, I’ll stand out if doing a photoshoot in a big shopping mall
like this.

“Well, please link your arms for a moment.”


The photographer said that when I was distracted by the surrounding gaze.
But, what’s that link… arms? Err, do I need to stand tall while folding my

As I was in a hurry by the sudden order, Miwa-san gently entwined her left
arm with my right arm.


“Yuuya-san? What’s wrong?”

“Eh, no, n-nothing!”

No, no, it wasn’t just nothing, was it!? Is this what he meant by linking arms?
I surely thought that I just need to fold my arms at that moment. I never had a
chance to get close to a woman, so I became much tenser than before.

N-no, I’m doing photoshoot now. I have to regain my mind as usual

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This photoshoot seems to be for couples, so of course, it’s impossible for me

to do that kind of movement. I can’t afford to be so panicked at this moment!
To begin with, I can’t even imagine a movement like that! Nevertheless, I’ve
calmer than before. Considering this far, it’s good she’s not notice it yet.
No… shit, she noticed.

“Oh my. Yuuya-kun, your expression much more stiffer than before.”

“I-i-i-is that so?! I-i-i-it’s just normal, you know!?

“Yeah. I mean, you’re a little unusual.”

Hikari-san smiled bitterly…

It can’t be helped, you know! Because… Miwa-san’s… ch… chest…!


“It’s hitting me!”


“Ah, i-it’s nothing! Yes!”

I said that unintentionally, but… Miwa-san’s chest is on my arm! It’s on my


Is Miwa-san not aware of it?! I thought so and glancing at her, but she’s just
made an expression like a professional who’s doing a photoshoot now. This
is not a matter of noticing or not. Looking at Miwa-san’s serious yet natural
expression, I became much more calmer. Let’s just put it aside. I have to
concentrate on this photoshoot now.

After diverting my mind, Hikari-san also gave instructions for various other

“Yes, then Miwa-chan, please hug on to Yuuya’s neck.”

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Despite my being surprised again, Miwa-san posed her arms around my neck
without hesitation. It’s not good. Unlike the previous arm, I could feel a lot of
things all over my body now! Although I have diverted my mind, eventually
my expression and body become much stiffer than a little while ago. Then I
tried to calm down while doing other poses, but I was still stiff, after all, so I
had to take a break.


“Thank you very much for your work.”

“Ah, you too, thank you very much.”

“Can I sit next to you?”

“Ah, yes! It’s okay!”

Miwa-san talked to me as she sat on a bench in this shopping mall and took a
breather. When Miwa-san sat next to me, I uttered what I thought honestly.

“Miwa-san, that’s amazing.”


Miwa-san was surprised to hear my sudden compliment.

“I’ve never worn this kind of clothes before… and on the contrary, I lived a
life that had never thought about fashion. So, when I looked at models in the
magazine, I never thought anything in particular. I just experienced it in a
short period of time today and I came to understand how hard it was.”

“It’s because… you’re just not used to it yet! At first, I was just a failure, and
often getting scolded.”

“Even so, I think it’s difficult for me. I didn’t think it would require an
expression too, not just a pose alone.”

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“Ahahahaha… Hikari-san is famous because of his particular focus on facial
expressions in the modeling industry.”

Hikari-san was the muscular man wearing that flashy shirt, and he was also a
photographer. He doesn’t look like that at all.

“Sigh… But I don’t know how to do that.”

As when doing the photoshoot, I was reminded of my useless when I saw

Miwa-san, who is not that old, was able to play an active role so far. I think
it’s also changing my mental little by little, but it’s still a long way to go.
Apparently, she seemed to see my uneasy expression, and she kindly told me;

“Yuuya-san. I think you don’t need to rush it. Just take it slowly… at its own
pace. Be more confident! And I also thought that I was having fun today
because I was able to do a photoshoot with Yuuya-san like this… so I’d be
happy if you would think so, too.”


“Of course, it’s not just about the photoshoot, it’s about enjoying everything,
don’t you think so?”

“… Enjoying… huh?”

Until recently, I couldn’t afford to have fun. I was so desperate to live, and it
was painful and was unbearable every day. But now it’s different. After I
found the door that connects to the other world, I…

“I… Can I enjoy it?”

“Yes, of course!”

When I turned to Miwa-san, she gave me a gentle smile, I noticed that it was
a natural smile.


I heard a strange voice from the distance, but I have no idea what that is.

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Part 4

“Thanks! You’ve been really helpful!”

“N-no problem, I’m glad that I could help, but… Uhm… was it really good?”

After the break, the photoshoot session didn’t resume for some reason. On
the contrary, Hikari-san thanked us with a satisfied face.

… No, wait, if the pro in business said that it was good, it’s safe to say that
there will be nothing to worry about, right? But… I wonder which photos will
be used? I didn’t know since I haven’t seen it yet. When I thought of that,
Hikari-san suddenly gave me a big paper bag.

“Here, take this.”

“Huh? W-what is it? This is…”

I looked at the contents, there was a lot of clothes in it.

“I really want to give you money, but since you’re an amateur, it’s a bit tough
on the office for that. Therefore, I’ll give you these clothes instead, as thanks!
Please be assured, it’s all fitted to your size. I’ve also carefully selected
clothes that look good on you!”

“Eeh!? T-there’s no need for this! It was a good experience for me, too…”

“It’s okay, just accept it! Basically, there will be some kind of reward for
those who work. This is common sense in society, you know.”

“Y-yes… If that’s the case… Uhm… thank you very much.”

When I thanked him, Hikari-san nodded with a smile. He’s a good person. As
I thought so about Hikari-san, Miwa-san also talked to me.

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“Yuuya-san. Thank you very much for your time today.”

“No, it is me who should say so. It was a really valuable experience for me,
and above all… I think that being able to do this with a professional who
worked earnestly will be a good thing for me in the future.”

I told her that with a smile, Miwa-san seemed surprised for a moment, but not
long after, she’s also smiled.

“That was good then! If there’s an opportunity for us to meet again, please
treat me well at the time!”

“Yes, me too, I’ll be cheering on you, Miwa-san!”

Then, when I tried to leave this place with a peaceful atmosphere.

“Sup. I’m late.”

A cool man walked toward us. A blonde hair styled in wax and stylish
piercings on his ears. He was also well dressed, and his atmosphere somehow
felt something like Miwa-san’s. But at the same time, I also felt something
completely different from Miwa-san, but I didn’t know what it was.

I was not sure who he was, but looking at Hikari-san who had been smiling a
little while ago, now has a vein bulging on his forehead.

“This damned kid…!”

His tone is really back to being a man! Making Hikari-san leaked out his
manly tone, who on earth is that guy?

“Umm… Miwa-san. Who’s that guy?” I asked Miwa-san.

“Err… he’s a male model who was supposed to have a photoshoot with me

I was convinced just by Miwa-san’s explanation. I thought there was an

atmosphere that was somehow close to Miwa-san’s, was it because they’re in
the same profession? I was convinced by that, and then the man noticed

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Miwa-san’s presence and approached her while grinning.

“Miwa-chaaan! You have a photoshoot with me today, right? How is it? It

makes you happy, aren’t you?”


“Well, let’s finish this session quickly, and then we’ll go to eat some
delicious food together.”

When the man put his hand on Miwa-san’s shoulder, she was puzzled and I
felt that she didn’t know what to do from her expression.

This is...

“Hey, hey, no worries.”

“Excuse me…” I tried to cut in.


When I called out, the man looked at me annoyingly.

“Who are you? Don’t talk to me. You’re annoying, get out of here!”

Thereupon, even though I only called him, I was somehow abused. Why? I
was dumbfounded for a moment, but I firmly told the man again;

“No, that’s… Miwa-san seems troubled, so I think it’s better for you to step
away from her a little bit.”


“… Huh?”

Miwa-san called my name in a bit of a panic, and the man shoots me a glare.
He took his hand off of Miwa-san’s shoulder and approached me.

“You, who are you talking to?”

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To whom… Well, I actually didn’t know this man is, but… Is he a celebrity?
The man glared at me even harder, it seems he didn’t like my behavior.

“Actually, I don’t understand even if I say it with my own mouth…”


The man suddenly attacked me, to think that it had become a somewhat
dangerous atmosphere.

“That attitude irritated me…!”


I was surprised that I was suddenly attacked, but it was so slow, it was
incomparable to Goblin Elite or Goblin General’s attacks. I also didn’t have
the hobby to be pleased and silent when being attacked, so my body reacted
on its own without me knowing.

I caught the man’s fist that flew toward my face with my right palm, twisted
his arm, took it to my back, and throw him down.



I was attacked by him without me knowing, my body reacted reflexively and

held him down, but… Is it okay? This wasn’t my fault, right? He’s a good-
looking guy, the good-looking guy is usually innocent and I’ll be found guilty
if he complains. well, I’ll just run to a different world at that time!

When I was thinking about silly things in my mind, the man who had been
held to the ground shouted at me.

“Gaah, I was trained in boxing!? How can you do that so easily…!”

Err, I don’t know either.

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In the first place, I don’t know if this man has practiced boxing or not just by
looking at his punch. Or rather, everyone’s punch just looks the same for me,
since they’re all slow compared to the Goblin General…

Well, at the Goblin General’s level, just a single blow from its brute force has
an outrageous power already, it’s not a state that can be reached by ordinary
people even if they learn martial arts. I can fight with those monsters that
have a big physical difference was thanks to my improving skills and stats.

Come to think of it, Miwa-san was panic before maybe because of her
knowing that this guy had learned boxing, I guess? However, to think that she
was emphasizing that, I wonder if this man has only solved anything by force.
Well, in fact, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything before I leveled up.
Yep, when I was weak, I wouldn’t have been sure if I can see the man’s
punch. Or rather, any attack would’ve finished me anyway.

It made me feel somewhat sad.

Hikari-san squatted down looking at the man, and he declared to him with a
very big smile.

“Since you showed a violent, your entertainer’s life will be over. Even if
you’re not an entertainer, it’s normally a crime, you know. What a pity!”

“Wha-?! T-there’s no evidence! Actually, I’m the one who had been

No, you see, I think people around here were watching, but… as I thought,
they’ll choose to be a good-looking guy’s ally, right? Should I prepare to cry

However, I didn’t have to cry. Hikari-san smiled like a devil while flaunting
the camera he was carrying to the man.

“I recorded everything from the beginning until the end, you know ♡.”


The man resisted violently on the spot but finally gave up since my body

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didn’t shudder at all while holding him down, and finally he was taken by the

“Geez… I didn’t think it’d be ended like this at first! But… Yuuya-kun is
very strong, isn’t he? Even though that guy’s looked like that, he was actually
pretty good at boxing.”

“It just happened by chance! Ahahahaha…”

I can’t say anything. I can’t say I was training in a different world, after all.
Anyway, I called Miwa-san.

“Miwa-san, were you alright?”

“Eh? Ah… uh…… Thank you very much!”

Miwa-san was a little surprised when I called her, and she lowered her head,
her cheeks were beet red.

“It’s just like that… don’t mind it! I was just a little confused since you didn’t
say a single word before.”

“Err… I was relieved, because that person had always followed me around,
so it was really helpful!”

Eh, what was that? Scary. Did he even act like a stalker, too?

“It was kind of weird, but again… Thank you very much for today. I hope we
can meet again somewhere.”

“Yes, let’s meet again somewhere!”

“Yuuya-kun, thanks for today!”

As I left the place, I recalled what had happened today. I was suddenly asked
to be a model, I was wondering about what to do, but it turned out to be a
good experience, I was truly glad.

As for the clothes. I got clothes that were chosen directly by a professional in

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the field, so the result was splendid. Anyway… I don’t know what will
happen to that guy but, the entertainment world is actually quite frightening,
huh. I couldn’t help but think so.


“I wonder who he is…”

After Yuuya left, Hikari let out a sigh of admiration.

“A good-looking boy with such great style… I’ve been in the entertainment
world for a long time already, but I’ve never seen someone like him before.
Furthermore, he’s just an amateur…”

“He was really amazing, wasn’t he? I got fascinated by him even though I’m
a man.”

“Oh, you’re right! I mean… he seems to have a charm that can attract

“Well yeah, but since it’s the first time for him to do a photoshoot, he still
looks awkward.”

“But, he also brings a good atmosphere, doesn’t he? So it was amazing!”

The staff who were involved in the photoshoot talked about Yuuya, they
seemed to get lured by Hikari’s words. Hikari smiled bitterly looking at them,
but then seeing Miwa who was preparing to go back home, he approached

“Hey, Miwa-chan. Do you want to check the photos now?”

“Ah, please, is it okay?”

“Of course! Here, you can take a look as much as you want.”

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All the previous photos data had been transferred to a laptop, and so, Miwa
checked the photos from the laptop instead of the camera.

“… When I look at it again, Yuuya-san is really amazing. It’s inevitable that

his expression is still stiff since he isn’t a pro after all, but I feel like I can’t
take my eyes off him, to the point that such a thing isn’t important

“Right? This time we were shooting for a fashion magazine, so the main
focus is about the clothes, but… sure, I was inspired when I looked at his
eyes, you know.”

Yes, originally, for a fashion magazine photoshoot, the main focus must be
about the clothes more than the models themselves. However, in order to
increase the value of the clothes, they’ll use a famous model like Miwa, and
she’s also performed her job perfectly.

But in Yuuya’s case, he was more prominent, it was like he had swallowed
up the clothes itself, even though it should be the main focus.

“Moreover, look at this, I was thinking to retake the photo since Yuuya
stands out too much… But, it can’t be helped, I think it’s like the charm of
the clothes themselves had been raised to the utmost in order to make Yuuya

Yes, he didn’t re-take it although Yuuya was like the main focus, the clothes
themselves become more attractive than before, and as a result, they fulfilled
their purpose.

Miwa smiled bitterly hearing Hikari’s trouble. And then, her eyes stopped at
one photo.

“Eh? This photo…”

“Oh, did you noticed it, Miwa-chan?”

Reflected on Miwa’s eyes is a photo of her and Yuuya chatting during the
break. The photo seemed to be casual just like in an everyday scene,

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however, it looks very natural and that makes them look like a real couple,
and this was originally Hikari’s photography concept.

Miwa in the photo also had a natural and attractive smile, and Yuuya was so
full of charm that it makes one seem to feel drawn into the photo without
realizing it.

“I was thinking to make that photo as the main part this time. It’s really good,
isn’t it?”

“Y-yeah… Yuuya-san in this photo is very… um… charming…”

Miwa herself had been fascinated by Yuuya’s extraordinary appearance from

the first time she met him, but when she saw Yuuya’s photo in front of her,
she felt that her cheeks were heating up naturally.

“Oh my? Oh my, oh my? Miwa-chan, your face is red, you know?”

“Eeeh!? T-that’s not true!?”

Hikari who had noticed the change in Miwa’s expression looked at her with a

“Well, I’ll leave it at that for today.”

“U-uh… is my face really red?”

“It’s like an apple. But now, Miwa-chan is also very attractive, you know.”

“I-is that so?”

Miwa tilted her head looking at Hikari who’s suddenly showing a gentle eye.

“Fufu… Miwa-chan in the photo is also full of charm, it was different from
the usual Miwa-chan. From now on, I think you’ll have a lot of photoshoots,
but don’t forget your expressions and feelings today, okay?”

“Ah… Yes!”

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This photoshoot, which was a valuable experience for Yuuya, also gave
valuable experience to everyone who had been involved in it.

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Part 5

The next day after I helped work as a model. I went home and regretted that I
should have bought something like home appliances other than daily

Anyhow, my TV at home can’t be used anymore. It’s not digital, but an

analog TV. I don’t subscribe to the newspaper, so I wouldn’t know the latest
news without watching TV. There are also some other home appliances that
have already worn out with age.

“I’ve failed… But I need to go to school again today…”

Unfortunately, school starts again today.

“I need money for living, for that, I have to go to a different world… Sigh…
It’s really easier to beat monsters in a different world rather than going to

Even while complaining, I still went to school, I don’t want to be a useless

person anyway. But still, it makes me depressed to think that I should attend
school for another week from today, but when I left home, suddenly someone
called me.

“Hey, you.”


I turned toward the voice, apparently, it was my younger brother, Tenjou

Youta, and his twin sister Tenjou Sora, staring at me.

… Uwaa, I’ve met someone that I don’t want to see. No, I thought we’d see
each other eventually, but you don’t have to come now, you know…

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Even though I was reluctant, but I ask them just in case.

“Umm… what… do you want from me?”

“What, you said? Your behavior is really like that useless big brother of

I don’t know why he said something like that. I was really confused, and then
Sora opened her mouth as if looked down on me.

“Recently, a friend of ours was talking about it. My big brother has become
super handsome. Anyway, I told them it was just a rumor, but they were so
persistent, thus we came here to check it.”


Rumor? Eh, are people talking about me?

“Because of that, we’ve come to check it… you, shitty big brother… What
the hell did you do?”

“What I did…?”

“Stop playing dumb! You have really changed!”

Aah… yep. Surely, my appearance has changed a lot. My body has become
thinner, and my face has changed greatly. But I can’t explain I had changed
because I raised my level in a different world, can I? …And in the first place,
I don’t want to tell these two even if they believe about a different world.

These two not only made fun of me but also to grandfather. I… don’t want to
tell about grandpa’s things to them. Thinking so, I calmed myself, but they
start to talk again, still looking down on me.

“Hmm. After all, you did plastic surgery, right? I can’t believe that to think
you changed your face with plastic surgery. It’s just a fake change, after all.
So, where did you get the money from? Or did you sell your house?

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But, you see, it wasn’t plastic surgery… Nevertheless, maybe my body has
completely changed from the genetic structure, somehow my instinct told me
that. Youta said that plastic surgery is just a fake change, but that’s people’s
effort who are trying to be a little beautiful, at least they’re trying instead of
just giving up.

That Youta, he’s denying it, and making fun of it. Are there a lot of people
who think like Youta? If so… that’s so sad. But, I really thought that, and I
could feel that when you want to polish yourself up to get better.

We were arguing in public, so the people around us were watching with great
interest. It’s embarrassing…

“Whatever. Either way, there’s a part of you, shitty brother, that can’t win
against us.”

“Yeah. You’re an idiot, and even if you think about the future, you don’t
have a future anyway.”

“You can’t study, you’re also bad at sport… After all, you’re an inferior

They completely made fun of me, and I wasn’t able to retort because
everything they said was true, I could do nothing but be silent. Thereupon,
the curious students who were just silently watching at our dispute until now
suddenly became noisy.

“Hmm? What is it?”

Youta and Sora also noticed the commotion, they’re tilted their heads out of
curiosity, and suddenly a limousine stopped near us.



A long limousin that is usually driven by those rich people came out of all of
a sudden. The three of us were lost for words looking at it, and then, the
limousine’s door opened, and then two women appeared from inside. One is

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a very beautiful woman dressed in butler clothes, and the other is ──.

“Tenjou Yuuya-san… right?”


I feel like I had heard her voice somewhere.

She’s dressed in a blazer-type uniform based on white, and how should I say
it, a straight, glossy black hair? Stretched to her waist. She has somehow an
overwhelming aura that is different from the ordinary people, she reminds me
of words of sweet flower and a woman who displayed the feminine virtues of
old Japan.

And I was… I was captivated.

She’s a very beautiful girl, and also, her beauty is different from the model,
Miwa-san. As well as her appearance, I was completely captivated by her
clear eyes and soft atmosphere that stared straight at me.

… Anyway, which uniform is that?

As I was absent-minded unintentionally, Youta suddenly shouted gave me

back my consciousness.

“O-oh, that’s the uniform of ”Ousei Gakuen”!?”


“Ousei Gakuen”

I’ve heard that name before, it was the name of a famous high school, and
after graduation, you can go on to “Ousei University” without having to pass
the entrance exam.

It’s a high school where you can quickly become an elite, to a world
completely different from us. Let alone study, there’s a lot of people who
enrolled in that school to play an active role in every field, and the school
graduates to take the position as a top-level in each field. It’s a high school

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that can be said will secure your future. So everyone aimed and dreamed of
being enrolled in that school.

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… Well, since it was such a school, you will understand if you think for a
moment, it’s not a school for an ordinary person to enter. And so, why a
student from such school to be in a place like this…? The girl in front of me
laughed elegantly as if that thought were described in my expression.

“Fufu. Don’t you remember? I used to be involved with a group of a man at a

convenience store…”

“Eh? A… aaahhh, yeah!?”

I remembered. Sure, I’ve helped a girl from a group of men before… I mean,
I was fully beaten instead. At the time, I wasn’t used to talking to girls so
much that I couldn’t even see her face…

“Did you just remember it?”

“Y-yes. Or rather, how did you know my name…?”

“In order to thank Yuuya-san, I’ve investigated various things while thinking
that it was my impoliteness.”


Investigation… what did she investigate? Well, I don’t think there’s much
information that can be investigated. The girl tilted her head as if curious
about something when I was concerned about what was being investigated.

“Even so… Yuuya-san, did you lost your weight?”

“Eh? Y-yeah.”

I think that it was a change that wasn’t so obvious, but looking at the
reaction of the girl in front of me, maybe, it seems my transformation is really
visible. No, it seems really is.

When I was completely confused, the woman in butler’s clothes quietly

informs the girl.

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“Milady. Let’s put aside the introduction first and proceed to the main

“You’re right!”

With an expression that’s like remembered something, the girl opened her
mouth and saying a ridiculous thing with a smile.

“Yuuya-san ── Why don’t you come to “Ousei Gakuen”?”

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Part 6

I couldn’t immediately understand what she said. I could only be

dumbfounded by her words, while she continued to speak.

“I’m sorry for saying it this late, but my name is Kaori Houjou. And I’m a
student council staff members at “Ousei Gakuen”.”

The girl bowed beautifully ── I was still amazed to see Houjou-san. And,
when I finally returned to my sanity, I squeezed out my voice to ask her.

“U-um… what do you mean me to come to “Ousei Gakuen”?”

For some reason, the woman dressed in butler’s clothing answered my

question, instead of Houjou-san.

“Tenjou-sama. Kaori-sama’s father is the board chairman of “Ousei Gakuen”,

and he has already heard about the story of Tenjou-sama protecting Kaori-
sama from the scoundrels before, and he told me to bring you to our school
without fail.”

“That kind of thing… I was just…”

It can’t be said that I was protecting her. It was just shameful since it was me
who got beaten one-sidedly. However, whether she guessed my feelings,
Houjou-san said with a gentle expression;

“Yuuya-san. You were the only one who moved while other people just
pretended not to look. It isn’t something that just anyone can do. You
certainly protected me.”


I was struck with a genuine feeling of gratitude, and at the same time, I felt

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warm yet a little embarrassed. And then Houjou-san asked me again.

“Therefore, how about it? Do you want to come to our school?”

“…I’m very thankful for the talk so far, I don’t have anything I particularly
excel at. My academic ability to be transferred to “Ousei Gakuen” is also…”

“Oh, that’s ─ ”


The moment Houjou-san tried to say something, Youta who had been silent
until now, cut off her by calling out to her. Despite being interrupted by his
words, Houjou-san responded with a gentle expression.

“What happened?”

“Will you let us enroll?”


Youta said so with a confident expression.

“We’re far better than the guy over there, and it’s definitely better to get us
into that school instead!”

“That’s right! We always keep the top grades in our current school, and it’s
not a mistake to say we’re playing a big role in terms of sport. We also
participate a lot as an assistant in various club activities of the school!”

Sora said so in the form of taking the opportunity to guarantee Youta’s


“Therefore, next year we’ll definitely ─ ”

“I refuse.”

“…… Huh?”

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This time Houjou-san cut off Youta’s words who tried to continue with

“Eh, no, um… what was that just now…?”

“I said, I refuse.”

Youta and Sora are dumbfounded, they never thought they would be turned
down. I also didn’t expect they would be rejected so clearly. In fact, Youta
and Sora are indeed better than me. Even if I was to review or prepare for the
lessons every day, the result wasn’t very good, and it’s also the same with

Youta and Sora who’s not convinced asked Houjou-san again.

“W-why? We’re better than that guy ── ”

“I won’t talk.”


Houjou-san who had a gentle mood and smiling until recently said that
frankly to Youta and Sora in a resolute manner.

“I consider Yuuya-san as my benefactor. Why should I let those who insult

Yuuya-san enroll?”


“Besides, we’ve also investigated your daily behavior.”


Youta and Sora raised their voices in surprise at Houjou-san’s words.

Houjou-san gestured to the woman in butler appearance next to her, and then
the woman informed them indifferently.

“When we invited Tenjou-sama to the “Ousei Gakuen”, we conducted

investigations of his surroundings. Of course, human relationship as well…

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As a result, we found that you have committed extreme cruelty not only to
Tenjou-sama but also to other students. Of course, not only you but many
other students and… Also, we have found that even teachers are oppressing
him as well.”


Youta and Sora were speechless at the woman butler’s words. Of course, me
too. What they had investigated wasn’t only about my name but also human

As I was bewildered, Sora immediately rebutted.

“I-is there any evidence of that?”

“How does the existence of evidence relate to it?”

“That’s because we’re trying to prove our innocence ── ”

“Is that so? Then, let me say it clearly. There is evidence. There’s evidence,
but from our very best view, it doesn’t matter.”

“It doesn’t matter, you said…?”

“It doesn’t matter, does it? We just want to invite Tenjou-sama to the “Ousei
Gakuen”. And from the information we’ve got, we’ve concluded that we
don’t want both of you to enroll. Oh, rest assured. we won’t leak your
information to the media. Well… It may remain as our private report.”

The words of the woman butler, left Sora and Youta no room to argue.
Houjou-san gestured again to the butler woman, and then she bowed
sophisticatedly and returned behind Houjou-san.

“As I was saying earlier, admission to and transferring to our school is not so


“Someone can easily be transferred or transferred to the “Ousei Gakuen” if

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they’re doing good deeds on a regular basis. You can do whatever you like on
your academic ability and other studies. Instead of that, we value humanity.
So it’s impossible for both of you to enter our school.”

Youta and Sora were so desperate. Although this high school mostly consists
of the same student from junior high school, of course, there are also those
who want to go to another high school. These students usually choose a
higher level of a school than their current one.

And looking at Youta and Sora’s reaction, they seemed to be thinking about
going to another school, and maybe the high school they were aiming for was
“Ousei Gakuen”. Sure, since there is such a top-level high school in this
vicinity, it’s inevitable that they aim for such a school. There was no problem
with Youta and Sora’s academic ability, after all.

However, since the student at the school that they were aiming for… since
the board chairman’s daughter told them frankly that it was impossible for
the both of them to enroll, this reaction of them would be inevitable.

Unlike when she was talking to Youta and Sora, Houjou-san turned to me
with her usual gentle expression.

“I’m sorry, the talk has gone wrong… but for the reasons I mentioned earlier,
there’s no problem for Yuuya-san to be transferred to “Ousei Gakuen”.”

“I-I see…”

In a sense, the policy of “Ousei Gakuen” was different. Normally, academic

ability and athletic ability are involved in a lot of things, but for them to say
that it doesn’t matter so clearly…

My face was twitching involuntarily, and then Houjou-san said with a smile;

“Why don’t we go to my school for now? So it won’t be a problem if you talk

to father, no, board chairman, and then decide after that.”

Saying that Houjou-san invited me to the limousine. The butler woman,

knowing what Houjou-san said, already opened the door and was on standby.

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“Ah, Yuuya-san. I mentioned earlier that I wouldn’t disclose any information
about those two, but please be assured that the teachers have already been
disciplined and dismissed.”


What’s reassuring!? I feel only fear in their information-gathering power and

speed of action!? No, I was certainly oppressed by the teachers! Corporal
punishment is a matter of course, and they were telling the whole class to
increase the cruelty.

When I was surprised again at her unexpected words, Houjou-san smiled and
bowed to the dumbfounded Youta and Sora.

“Well then… farewell.”

And, we went to the “Ousei Gakuen” just like that.


The place was noisy after Yuuya and the others left.

“Those people earlier were amazing, weren’t they?”

“As expected of the elite from “Ousei Gakuen”… their aura is really different
from us.”

“The girl and the butler were beautiful!”

“The boy who was talking to them was also very handsome… it was a feast
for the eyes.”

“And also, the two over there… I don’t know what it was, but it seems that
their admission was denied by “Ousei Gakuen”.”

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“Wha-? Well, don’t mind them anyway.”

Youta and Sora, who were said to be doing whatever they please until now,
their faces turned deep red.

“I-I won’t forgive this… making us look like a fool…!”

“Yes, I absolutely won’t forgive this…!”

Youta was staring daggers at the direction in which the limousine had left.

“I’ll definitely make you regret…”

That murmur was diverted by the noise around them.

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Chapter 5 – Ousei Gakuen

Part 1

While I was trying to wrap my head around the rapid development of the
situation so far, I noticed that we had arrived at the front gate of “Ousei
Gakuen”. A splendid thing, that seems to be in a western castle that you can
never think of as a school gate, jumped into my eyes. Not only that but on the
other side of the gate, there were school buildings and vast grounds that were
so large that they could only be seen as a palace.

No, well, um… It’s big.

“Welcome to the “Ousei Gakuen”!”

Houjou-san told that to the dumbfounded me, with a smile. And as I was in a
somewhat dreamy state of mind, she led me through the school gate. It seems
we arrived when homeroom is about to start since I can’t see any students
walking in the corridor except us.

“U-um… Are you alright?” I said.

“What is it?”

“Well… There doesn’t seem to be any students around, it seems the

homeroom has already started…”

As a coward, I was too afraid to be late, so I wondered if it would be okay if

she was late. But rather, on the contrary, Houjou-san laughed elegantly.

“Fufufu. It’s okay. As I said before coming here, the board chairman of this

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school is my father. And also I’ve notified the school beforehand that I would
be late today, so it will be fine.”

“I see…”

It seems like it was only my needless anxiety. It was good then. If she gets
scolded because of me, I’d be truly sorry.

Nevertheless, the board chairman of such a big school, huh… I thought that
Houjou-san’s behavior was elegant, but as I thought, she’s really a rich
person. Elegance? I guess that was indeed something she had. As for me, I’m
overflowing with the poor man’s aura. Oh, come to think of it… I have to stop
by the supermarket on my way home since there’s an egg special sale today.

When I was following Houjou-san while thinking about such a commoners

thought, we arrived in front of the door written as the Chairman’s Office
before I knew it. Houjou-san knocked on the door, then I heard an elegant
man’s voice from the inside.

“Come in.”

“Excuse me.”

“E-excuse me!”

I answered with all of the strength in my body and entered the room
following Houjou-san.

Inside, there was a leather sofa, a suited light-brown table, a desk to do the
duty, which everyone could see them as good quality, and then a cool middle-
aged man sitting in the back of the desk. That man must be Houjou-san’s
father. When I look at him closely, I can feel they look alike somehow. The
man looked surprised for a moment when he saw me as I entered the room,
but he immediately greeted me with a gentle look.

“I’m glad you came. I’m Tsukasa Houjou the chairman of this “Ousei
Gakuen”. Tenjou Yuuya-kun… I’ve heard about you from my daughter,
Kaori. Thank you for saving my daughter.”

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After the polite greeting, he bowed his head, I was flustered and quickly told
him to raise it.

“P-please raise your head! I wasn’t that big of a help…”

“No, no matter what you think, you had certainly taken action at the time.
That’s something to be proud of.”

“That’s right, Yuuya-san. Once again, thank you very much.”

When they told me that, it left me a shameful impression.

“I-I understand.”

“… Thank you.”

They raised their head since I’ve accepted their gratitude. And I asked them
something that was bothering me.

“Come to think of it, why was Houjou-san alone at that time? Don’t she have
an escort or…”

“Yuuya-san, you don’t need to be so formal to call me Houjou-san like that,

please just call me Kaori, honorific or title of honor is unnecessary, you

“Eh!? But…”

“My daughter says she’s good with it, and since you’re in the same age, you
don’t need to be so respectful, do you?”

“Well, I guess you’re right…”

I answered so while thinking that it was awesome, Houjou-san… No, Kaori


“Now Yuuya-kun, about your question earlier, I want Kaori to live a normal
life, and she hasn’t had an escort since she was young.”

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“That’s what I wanted personally. I won’t be able to be independent if there
is always an escort with me, and I don’t need them to find a job too, right?
But because of that one case before, I need to bring her with me now.” Kaori
said while looking at the woman in butler’s appearance.

“I was feeling sorry too, but she’s still my daughter. She’s important to me.”

“I see…”

Rich people have their own troubles too. Especially, a poor man like me is
unlikely to be kidnapped because there won’t be a ransom or shit, but if
you’re rich, you’re at risk. No, I think kidnapping is really dangerous. It was
a seducer at that time, but still, they’re also in the same bad team as Araki and
others belong to, and the security around there can’t be said as good, too.

After talking like that, we finally entered the main subject.

“Well now, I’ve had Yuuya-kun to come this way, but you’ve heard the
reason, haven’t you?”

“Y-yes, I was asked to transfer to this “Ousei Gakuen”.”

The chairman nodded when I answered that.

“That’s right. For me, I’d like you to enroll in this “Ousei Gakuen”… How
about it? Of course, this is also my expression of gratitude for saving my
daughter, so you don’t have to worry about the tuition.”

“That’s! Even so, you didn’t have to go that far…”

“I already told you, didn’t I? She’s my important daughter. This much is


The chairman says that while laughing, Kaori’s cheeks turned red shyly
hearing that. They’re a good father and daughter. It’s really a big difference
from my house.

“So… what would you do?”

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“I… is it okay for me to go to the same school as the geniuses?”

“Ousei Gakuen” is a school that’s so famous that no one doesn’t know about
this school in Japan. That’s why most of the people who play an active part in
Japan and the world are from this school. In other words, a small part of the
chosen existence… A school where the only genius can attend. But, I don’t
have any special skills to be in such a school.

The chairman spoke in a gentle tone, asked me who looks down.

“Yuuya-kun. What kind of person do you think ‘genius’ refers to?”

“Eh? …Someone that can do anything?”

“That’s right. And I think genius is someone who works on things and finds
the right answer and the right effort in a shorter time than others. ─ On the
other hand, you are with other people. If you make an effort, you’re going to
get closer to the truth.”


“Of course, apart from genius, there will be different talents. But it’s not
something you can decide from a young age like you. Try a lot of things,
have fun… it’s still not too late to try. And this school was built because I
want those young people to have a lot of experience. So you don’t have to
despise yourself. From now on, you just need to face yourself slowly.”

The chairman’s words have soaked into my heart. Nobody ever told me like
that except grandfather. No matter what I did, I was compared to Youta and
Sora, and whatever I did, I was labeled incompetent, and after my grandfather
died, I could only accept it. That’s why I was shaken because there’s still
someone who told me like that…

The chairman suggested one thing when various feelings swirled up in me

and made me confused.

“Well, you must be troubled when being told various things so suddenly. So
how about experiencing it, attending this school for just one day today?”

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Suddenly a dumb voice came out of me, but the chairman kept smiling
without concern.

“If you want to experience this school today and decided to enter the school,
I’ll officially welcome you again at the time.”

I was dumbfounded by such a proposal and suddenly heard a knock on the


“It looks like she’s here… Comes in.”


It was a woman to have appeared while saying so. She was a woman wearing
a lab coat with a languid impression, and she was wearing a worn-out shirt
under the coat.

Moreover, since the shirt is plain and it was slipping to her shoulder, the
chest is… Is she properly wearing something under that!? I can’t see the
straps of her bra!? No, it would trouble me if I can see the strap!

The chairman smiled bitterly when I was surprised to see the overall lax
impression of the woman.

“You’re just the same as ever… Yuuya-kun, I want you to have experience
classes in this woman’s class.”

“I see. Well, don’t be so nervous. Sensei will teach you properly.”


I-I wonder if it’s okay. I couldn’t say anything, but when I clogged with the
words, the chairman spoke up in an amazing state.

“… Well, you may have a lot to say, but even though she looks like this and
she has the mindset of a scientist. Her classes are also easy to understand and
are popular with students. That’s why take it easy, don’t be nervous.”

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“That’s right. Sensei is amazing.”

“… It’s good if you can feel at ease.”

This makes me even worried, you know!

Despite all the worries about the atmosphere of the chairman and the woman
in the lab coat, I was going to experience studying in “Ousei Gakuen” today
for a day.

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Part 2

“Okay, take a seat. We just finished homeroom some time ago, but I have one
more message to add.”

One of the students asks at the words of the female teacher.

“Yes yes yes! What message is that?”

“I was just about to say it now.”

“Ah, you’re right. Please continue!”

“What a fast switchover.”

The class was wrapped in a gentle laugh hearing the teacher’s remark. And
then, the teacher floated a meaningful smile.

“Listen well. Today, I’m in charge of someone who will try to get personal
experience in this school, the person will be in this class.”

The moment the teacher said so, the class started to get buzzing.

As one would expect, transfer students and special admittance students are
unusual in any school. Then, the student who asked a question before asks
once again.

“Yes yes yes! Is it a man or a woman?!”

“It’s a man.”

The reaction was clearly divided hearing the teacher’s words just now. The

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boys look blatantly discouraged, the girls are the opposite, they look in high
spirits, and the students start talking to each other about what kind of student
is coming. However, since the boys weren’t that discouraged, they also
started to get excited about the same topic as the girls.

“It’s good to get excited, but I don’t have much time. You’ll have a normal
class after this. Well then, you can come in now.”

After saying that, the teacher looked at the students with a smile.

“Don’t be surprised, okay?”

The students were puzzled by the teacher’s words as if they had a question
mark floating on their heads. Understanding the meaning of the teacher’s
words, Yuuya finally came into the classroom while the students were tilting
their heads.


I ─ Tenjou Yuuya, decided to enter the “Ousei Gakuen” for one day today
after being recommended by the board chairman, and then I was taken by the
teacher who would take care of me and went to the front of a classroom. By
the way, I was walking with Kaori, but because her class is different, we
parted on the way.

…I’m really nervous. However, thanks to that teacher, I was more relaxed
than at the beginning. Anyway, because it’s a super-elite high school, I
thought that the teacher was all strict, but that teacher is super relaxed.

The chairman said she was very good and trusted by her students. I don’t
know if I can endure mentally if the teacher was too strict, though. Whatever
the case, let’s think the teacher that’s in charge of me is a good person.

Aside from that, I need to do greeting from the time I entered the classroom,
right? I was a part-timer worker, so there’s nothing that I can call a hobby…

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Huh? This is fatal to introduce oneself, isn’t it?

T-this is bad… What should I do…

I thought that I was starting to relax, but with this, I started to get nervous

“Hey, you can come in.”

The teacher called me to come in when I was desperately working my head to

think about what I should do.

… Eeii, the future me… will do it somehow!

I didn’t understand what it meant to be someone else’s duty and ended up

doing all the things myself, but I never went to the classroom for something
like this.

Encouraging myself, I enter the classroom.


The first thing I felt when I entered was the students’ gaze. This is not
particularly strange because I have to introduce myself as a trial student.
However, I wasn’t sure what the big surprise that followed after. I stand in
front of the blackboard, wondering why everyone in the class was
dumbfounded with round eyes.

“Ok, then, lightly introduce yourself.”

“Y-yes. My name is Tenjou Yuuya. This time, I’ll participate in this class as
a trial student. Nice to meet you.”

I said that and bowed my head, and the moment I raised my head, no reaction
is returned with everyone still being dumbfounded. Eh, can I cry now? I was
about to cry involuntarily, but the teacher who laughed strangely for some
reason sent out a rescue boat.

“Kukuku… Hey, do you want to be like that forever? Tenjou is troubled. …

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Alright, Tenjou. You sit at the very back of that window.”


Under the teacher’s direction, I sat down at the designated seat and greeted
the student next to me.

“Um… Nice to meet you.”

“Eh? Ah… yeah. …Nice to meet you too.”

The student next to my seat was a female student who somehow got a cool
impression with a short-cut hairstyle. She had a choker around her neck,
but… Isn’t this kind of accessory there prohibited?

Either way, it’s a scene that I can’t see in my school except for the
delinquents. Accessories are forbidden, and of course, you can’t dye your
hair either. However, a lot of students have dyed their hair in this class, and
they also wear fashionable accessories.

When I was thinking about such a thing, the teacher clapped her hands.

“Hey, everyone, come back now. The class is about to start.”

She said so, but it was only a minute after, everyone started to move in


After that, I mixed with other students to experience the class. I thought that I
wouldn’t able to follow the class speed, but it was nothing like that, the class
speed was no different from my school.

However, the content was quite amazing. I was supposed to be taking classes
with the same content that I learned in my school, but the clarity is different. I

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thought it would be boring, but I enjoyed it normally. They devised various
ideas for teaching such as using manga and games as figures of speech.

And what I felt after taking the class was the sense of distance between the
teacher and the students. The sense of distance is exquisite at this school.
Even though they were on good terms, they had a clear line drawn between
the teacher and the student, and I was surprised by them who could do it well.

After such a morning lesson, I am now in the middle of my lunch break.

“Oh, Hyoudou-san. Thank you for the textbook.”

“…Hmm, don’t worry about it.”

Even though I was going to take classes, I had no textbooks, and the cool
impression girl ─ Yukine Hyoudou-san who’s sitting next to me helped me
by showing her textbook.

Hyoudou-san has a short-cut hairstyle with a light blue mesh which was
given a cool impression on her, and her long eyes always look half-open and
sleepy. She wore her school uniform fashionably just like a casual fashion
combined with a choker, she looks like a member of a musical band

At first glance, Hyoudou-san has a difficult atmosphere to talk to, but she was
very kind when I tried to talk with courage. When I thanked Hyoudou-san,
the other students called out to me.

“Hey hey, there’s something I want to ask!”

“Which high school did you attend?”

“Are you learning something?”

“Ah, what about club activities?”

“Hey, hey! Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Could it be that you’re an entertainer?”

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“Ah, eh, um…”

The question from pure curiosity was something I had never experienced
before, and I was at a loss of how to respond.

… After all, transfer students and special admittance students are the subjects
of concern. Though I’m actually a trial student. I don’t detest it, but I was
confused because I didn’t know what to do, and then a boy student calmed
everyone up.

“Hey, hey, you’re troubling Tenjou, you know? It’s still lunchtime, so let’s
calm down for now, okay?”

The boy student was a handsome man with a rather short dyed brown hair
and a friendly smile. He’s much more handsome than my little brother or the
male model who came in at the photoshoot the other day.

Although he had his hair dyed, I didn’t get the impression that he’s a
delinquent, and on the contrary, I got the impression that he was a refreshing

As he spoke up, everyone who asked me a question apologized.

“Ah, I’m sorry!”

“I didn’t intent to do bad things.”

“I’ll ask about you again after school!”

“Ah, yes.”

Everyone apologized and each of them started to move for lunch. Looking at
them, the boy student called me.

“I’m sorry. They’re just interested in you, including me.”

“Eh? Ah, yes. Thank you! Uh…”

“I’m Ryo Igarashi. Ryo is fine. Is it okay if I call you Yuuya, too? Best

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The boy student ─ Ryo said so with a refreshing smile. Whoa… his smile is
dazzling. I was squinted my eyes unintentionally, Ryo tilted his head

“Hmm. What’s wrong?”

“No… It’s just dazzling…”

“Eh? What’s that, saying something strange.”

Ryo smiled even more dazzlingly. Yep, my eyes are going to collapse.

“Ah, yeah. You don’t know where’s the cafeteria of this school is, do you?
Want to go with me?”

“Oh, is that okay?”

“Yeah, you’re not going to say no, are you? Let’s go then!”

What’s with this ikemen. I feel like I’m about to fall in love, but I can’t fall in
love with a guy.

“I’ll take your word then.”

“Yes, can I call another friend?”

“It’s okay.”

I answered so and Ryo called his friend.

“I-I’m Shingo Kurata. N-nice to meet you, Yu-Yuuya-kun.”

It was a boy student who wore glasses and looked timid somehow. …Yep, I
feel a sense of intimacy with him. However, it’s kind of an interesting
combination… I thought that Ryo’s friend would be a sportsman, but Shingo-
kun has an indoor impression. I had such a question, but the mystery was
solved immediately.

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“Hey, Shingo! Did you see “Super Heavy Machinery God Robo” yesterday?”

“I-I saw it.”

“Is that so!? It was the hottest thing right now! Hey, let me know if there are
any other interesting anime or tokusatsu!”

“Y-yes. Of course…!”

Apparently, Ryo had been taught the recommended anime from Shingo-kun.
I mean… He’s an ikemen and a person who has a fondness of sub-culture…
Geez. But I think it’s good.

When I was looking away, Ryo spoke to me.

“Oh, do you watch anime Yuuya? I started watching it recently, but it’s really

…Ryo is a good boy. I was able to realize it in this short time.

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Part 3

“This is the cafeteria of the Ousei Gakuen.”

I was speechless. Ryo brought me to a very large space with a style that was
completely different from the cafeteria I knew. Many round tables and simple
chairs arranged like the terrace of a coffee shop. Students enjoy eating and
chatting at each table.

...My school also has a cafeteria, but it’s a common cafeteria that you can
find everywhere, and it wasn’t this clean either. I was stunned by the sight in
front of me, and then Ryo called out with a laugh.

“Hahahaha! Everyone will be surprised at first! But that’s not all, you know?
Here, look at this.”


The next thing Ryo showed me was the menu table. And when I read it, I was
dumbfounded once again.

First of all, the variety was overwhelming. Japanese, Chinese and Western
foods are commonplace, in addition to that, there were Spain and Russian
cuisine, too… there was international cuisine from all over the world that you
can’t usually eat unless you go to the specialty restaurant. Moreover, dishes
for each religion were prepared as well.

“I-it seems that the dishes here are made by the chefs who worked at a three-
star restaurant.”

“Three stars!?”

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I opened my eyes hearing Shingo-kun’s words. No, no, no. even if I can pay
for it now, I can’t just eat such high-class dishes all the time! I thought that
then Ryo smiled broadly as if he could read what I thought.

“Shall I surprise you more? The food here ── all of them is only for 500


I really had no choice but to be speechless. Eh, is this heaven? You can eat
three-star dishes with just one coin? I don’t know what it means anymore.

“Well, even though it’s only 500 yen, there are certainly students who live
alone and are financially hard up, and so there is a thing called “Student’s
Daily Lunch” prepared for such students.

“Daily lunch?”

“Yeah, you can’t choose the contents since it was changed daily, but the price
is… It’s free.”


I already knew it from the level of classes, but it’s become very clear here.
This school is too different from the others. While listening to Ryo and
Shingo-kun’s words, I decided on a menu and when we received our meal,
we sat down at a nearby seat.

Ryo’s meal is crab tomato cream pasta, and Shingo-kun is a pork cutlet.
Since I heard it was 500 yen, so I decided to try something that seems to be
as expensive as possible, I decided to have a set meal of Japanese black beef
hamburger. Well, no, actually I just want to eat something a little luxurious.

“Alright, let’s eat!”


After the pre-meal greetings, we concentrated on each meal.

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I put the hamburger in my mouth and was frozen by the excessive delicacy.
Hey, what on earth is this? The juices are splashing inside my mouth! It feels
so soft! D-delicious! (T/N: He said “nikujū ga dobā-tte! kuchi no naka de
fuwa-tte! u,umai!)

The hamburger was delicious enough to deprive me of my vocabulary. Ryo

and Shingo-kun were laughing while eating their own foods as they watched
me eating innocently.

“Hey, hey… Take a look!”

“Who is that man…?”

“A transfer student?”

“So cool…”

When I was eating, I suddenly noticed that my surroundings were noisy.

“What happened? It seems to be noisy.”

“Hmm? It was because you’re here, you know?”

“Because I’m here? Oh, it’s because my uniform was different. Looks like I
became too conspicuous…”


“Hmm? What is it?”

“…No, it’s nothing.”

Why, I wonder? I feel that Ryo looked at me as if to say, “Hey, seriously?”

but it seems just to have been my imagination. As we proceed to eat while
having a friendly conversation, Ryo suddenly asked me as if he was just
noticed it.

“Speaking of which, Yuuya, are you taking part in club activity?”

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“This school is very strong in every club, but they’re focusing more on

“Oh, I see…”

“So, if you’re doing club activities at the school you’re currently attending, I
wonder if you’ll also take part in here.”

Obviously, I didn’t do any club activities. It would be difficult if I have to pay

for the club’s expense too, and in the first place, I wasn’t permitted to have
such an adolescent life…

I responded to Ryo with a wry smile.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not doing club activities.”

“He~e? Seriously? It’s unexpected.”

“Then, what about Ryo and Shingo-kun?”

“Me? I’m also in the “going home” club.”

“Eh? I see. I thought you were a member of a sports club…”

Even though it’s just my prejudice, I was surprised because Ryo’s appearance
made me feel like he’s a refreshing sportsman.

Then Shingo-kun told me while laughing.

“R-Ryo-kun is good at various sports, he was invited by the various club at

the beginning of his entry, he was really in great demand at the time.”

“Really!? Then why?”

I asked while thinking that there may be other things he likes, such as manga,
but he answered without hesitation.

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“Hmm… it because I wanted to do a lot of things… maybe?”

“A lot of things?”

“Yeah.. I used to play soccer in junior high school, and went to a fairly good
line… but after I entered this school, I thought playing soccer was good,
however, I wanted to experience various things, and so I just ended up in a
going home club.”

“A-as Ryo-kun’s assistant, I know that he had truly participated in a lot of

different clubs, and I had to follow him as well, and each time he left, he was
leaving with great results.”

“Haha, stop, that’s embarrassing.”

Ryo laughed shyly as he looked really embarrassed. He’s really like a

character in a manga. It’s not a bad thing, he’s a really good guy anyway,
he’s a popular person, too.

“I see… Is that allowed?”

“Yeah. If you join this school, you can have various experiences without
having to do club activities. In that sense, Shingo’s club activities have also

“He~e? What club does Shingo-kun belong to?”

I asked him and he told me while smiling.

“I-I belong to the Game Club.”

“Game Club!? The game, you mean? Video games?”

“That’s right.”

Seriously? …Can you bring a game to this school so openly? I thought that
you can do as you please wearing accessories and hair color, but I wonder if
they’re really allowed to do that…

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I was surprised by the unusual freedom in this Ousei Gakuen, but Shingo-kun
told me the reason.

“O-of course, I can’t do it during class, but you can play games and
smartphones during the break. It would be strictly prohibited in ordinary high
schools. No students are playing around with their smartphones or games
during class, and that’s why even in school, the game club is allowed.”


I could only breathe a sigh of admiration. In other words, this school trusts
students and allows both smartphones and games. But the best part is that the
students are also trying not to betray their trust. Something like that, I was
able to have a very fulfilling lunch by listening to many other surprising

After lunch, I talked a lot with people other than Ryo and Shingo-kun and all
of them looked straight at me. Until now, everyone has looked down on me,
though the students at this school treat me as a human being on an equal
footing. I may look different than I used to, but I was very happy because I
found out that everyone recognized me and looked from inside me.


After school, I visited the chairman’s office and talked with Tsukasa Houjou-

“So, how was this school?”

“…It was amazing. The classes are easy to understand and the facilities are
well-equipped… But what impressed me the most was that the students
seemed to have a lot of fun.” I told the chairman what I honestly thought with
a smile.

Yes, the students at this school were all bright. In my current school,

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everyone was just bored every day. The students who joined club activities
often said “it was dull” or “just want to go home” during classes and breaks
during the day.

But I haven’t heard that word since I came to this school today. No, I’m not
saying that it won’t happen, but I still haven’t heard of it. Everyone seems to
have fun and enjoys this school from the bottom of their heart.

I was able to feel it strongly by today’s experience… And everyone

recognized and accepted this me who was always being bullied. That’s what I
was really happy about. Not only is everyone enjoying themselves, but they
also acknowledge me and see me properly as a person…

To be honest, I really want to be here, at this school. But…

When he heard my words, the chairman nodded in satisfaction.

“Is that so? I’m glad if you said that. …So, how’s it? Why don’t you go to
this school?”

“…Is it really okay for me to be here?”

Am I really worth attending this school? I haven’t found anything I’m good
at or proud of. There’s a better child than me who doesn’t know anything.

Thinking so, the chairman gently said as if he had read what was in my mind.

“Yuuya-kun. Your value is what you decide, and you can also decide for


“And now you know that it’s worth it to go to this school, don’t you? …
That’s what you think, right?

I put a little time thinking of it, and answer, “Yes.”

“But I think you’re worthy to attend this school.”

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Hearing his words, I looked straight at the chairman.

“It’s okay. If you haven’t found your value yet and want to find it… Find it at
this school. You have time anyway.”

I can only be silent, the chairman’s words came straight into my chest.

And then ─

“Err… I’m just like this, but if you don’t mind, please let me attend this

“Of course! We welcome you.”

I was officially attending this Ousei Gakuen.

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Part 4

“I’ll excuse myself.”

“Thank you for your hard work today.”


After received my uniform, I left the chairman’s office. Apparently, Kaori

was waiting in front of it holding her bag.

“It looks like you decided to attend this school.”

“…I’m not confident in myself yet, but I still wanted to go to this school.”

“My father and I are delighted if you think like that.”

I was feeling kind of embarrassed by Kaori’s gentle smile so I forced myself

to change the subject.

“C-come to think of it, why are you here? Ah, do you have any business with
the chairman?”

“No, I actually wanted to do something for Yuuya-san.”

“Oh, me?”

I was surprised by her unexpected reply. She wanted to do something for

me… What is that actually?

“This “Ousei Gakuen” is in the opposite direction from the high school where
Yuuya-san attended before, isn’t it?”

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“Eh? Well…”

“If so, you weren’t familiar with the surrounding area of this school yet, were

…Sure, I didn’t often go out because of my appearance. I basically just buy

the things I need on my way home from school. Therefore, I rarely went in
the opposite direction from the school I attended.

“S-since we have this chance, I was wondering if I could show you around,
Yuuya-san. A-and, besides! I want to thank you again, personally.”

“T-that’s! You’ve already done it, didn’t you? And most of all, It’s already
more than enough to get me to go to this school.”

Really, I got more than I should have. If I have to receive anything more…

While I think that, Kaori opened her mouth again after she feels a little about

“…I mean, It’s because I do want to hang out with Yuuya-san… Do you not
want to?”


“It’s embarrassing, but I didn’t have a chance to hang out with guys…”

“Eeh!? Why?”

“It’s unavoidable, but I think everyone is a little restrained because of my

household and also because of my father’s work… However, I thought
Yuuya-san could be my first one to get close with.”

Kaori said so with lonely expression. I see… I thought it was nice to be rich,
but it looks like there are still some problems that I don’t understand.

Kaori looked at me, anxiously. Seeing her figure like that, the feeling I
unilaterally decided that we’re from a different dimension is suddenly
crumbled. We’re all human, after all.

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I also confided to Kaori while being embarrassed.

“Um… I was also embarassed since I’ve never hung out with a girl either.”


“So, if you don’t mind me like this… Can you show me around?”

“…Yes! There are a lot of delicious things around the school, so let’s go!”

It was a good feeling to see Kaori’s sparkling eyes.


“I hear that after school, students hang out together at the coffee shops and
restaurants around here, is that true?”


There were many shops lined up along this straight wide road. Vehicles are
prohibited here, and not only students from “Ousei Gakuen” but also students
of other schools can be seen as well. In the middle of the road, street trees
and street lights were standing at equal intervals.

“It was such a stylish place…”

“Yes, There are also some shops that sometimes get interviews on TV.”

I see, there are many famous shops for young women. While looking at the
surrounding shops, I suddenly asked her what I was curious about.

“Now that I think about it… How did Kaori know it was me at that time?”


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“Even if I say it myself, but I think I look really different from the time I was
badly beaten by those delinquents, however…”

“Is that so? But you have the same eyes as when you helped me, so I
immediately knew that it was you, you know?”

“Eh, eyes?”


I’m surprised at Kaori, who declared so with a smile.

“Yuuya-san’s appearance may have changed, but his straight, gentle eyes
haven’t changed. That’s why I immediately realized that it was you, Yuuya-

Straight and gentle eyes… I don’t know if I have such eyes, but Kaori seemed
to think me like that. Even though my outward appearance has changed
surprisingly, it appears that rather than on my transformation, Kaori looked
more into my unchanging eyes. From Kaori’s speech, she seemed to be
looking at me; personally, I was pleased.

As we went on with the conversation, Kaori found something.

“Yuuya-san, why don’t we go there?”


In the direction Kaori points out, high school girls are eating crepes

“Crepe shop?”

“Yes! The crepes there are popular, so I wanted to try it once! Let’s go!”

“Eh? Uwaa!”

Kaori, who seemed to be very happy after coming to this place, suddenly
pulled my hand and went to the crepe shop. Perhaps because it has a

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reputation for being delicious, there are quite a few people in line.

“Ne, ne! Look at that.”

“Eh? Whoa! He’s so handsome! Is he alone?”

“Apparently not. Look, there’s a lovely girl next to him.”

“Ah, you’re right. A couple of a handsome man and a beautiful girl, huh? …
I’m so jealous!”

“Yeah. The girl is neat and clean, and the boy is cool…”

“Oh no… it’s so enviable, but more than that, it feels like a feast for my

There are only sweets shops here, and there are many women lined up. Oh,
it’s not strange for a man to line up here, right? I’m anxious about
this. When I was lined up worriedly, Kaori just realized that I was here.

“Ah… aah!? I-I-I’m sorry. I just pulled your hand in reflex…”

“Eh? Ah…aah! I’m also sorry!”

As our face turned bright red, we released our hands vigorously. Kaori and I
were utterly unconscious of it, so we suddenly got embarrassed. The
surroundings were also watching us in such a state.

“… Hey.”

“….What is it?”

“Aren’t those two too cute?”

“… I know, right?”

“”I was honored to see that.””

H-holding a girl’s hand… Uuh… It’s so embarrassing. Was it okay? She

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wouldn’t hate me, would she?

Up to this moment, if my hand touching a girl even for a bit, they will be so
disgusted, and also the things I touched would be treated as filth. Oh, it
makes me want to cry when I remembered that.

I timidly looked at Kaori, she was staring at her hand with a blushing face.

“I-I… This is the first time I’ve held hands with a man other than my father.”


Gaaaaaahhhhhh! It’s embarrassiiiiiiiinnnng!

I fixed my facial expression with all I could and kept a poker face. Otherwise,
I’ll die in shame! My inner thought was growing awfully wild, but
apparently, she didn’t hate me, I was relieved from the bottom of my heart…
As I always thought, Kaori is really kind. But still, I’m sorry that the person
who held her hand for the first time was someone like me.

Meanwhile, it was our turn to see the menu.

“Oh, there’s a lot of things…”

“Everythings looks really delicious! I don’t know what to choose…”

Kaori seemed to be quite troubled, but she eventually chose strawberry creme
crepe, whereas I decided blueberry creme crepe. There were several benches
on the road for people to take a rest, and one of them was empty, so we sat

Speaking of which… This might the first time for me to eat a crepe. I knew
what it looked like and what it was, but I didn’t have a chance to eat it. I
couldn’t buy it because I had no money. Without further ado, we grab a bite
to it, and then we reflexively looked at each other.

“Delicious!” we say in unison.

The sourness of blueberries and sweet fresh cream match exquisitely, and the

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moist dough gently wraps… Yes, I now knew why women love sweets. I’ve
come to like it, too. But if I keep eating it, I might get fat again like before, so
I have to be careful.

“It’s happiness… As I thought, I really liked sweets.”

“Yes. If it’s so delicious like this one, I feel like I want to try and complete all
the flavors.”

If I have a chance to come here again, I’ll try for another taste. I decided to
do so in my mind, then Kaori smiled, offered her strawberry crepe to me.

“Would you like to take a bite?”


T-to takes a bite… Wouldn’t it actually be an indirect kiss!? In contrast to the

panicking me, Kaori gently brought the crepe to my mouth while looking

“Here, it’s delicious, you know!”


I ate it for reflexively…

“How’s it?”

“…It’s delicious.”

My face was heated up that I couldn’t help it, and I honestly can’t feel the
taste properly because it was in such a situation. As I nervously chewing the
crepe, Kaori seemed to notice that it was an indirect kiss.

She looked at her crepe in silence, and at the next moment, she screamed
with a blushing face.

I wonder if she’ll actually hate me this time?

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I looked at her thinking that way, she noticed my gaze and tried to hide her
face, shielding it with her crepe.

“I-I’m sorry… I’m so embarrassed now that I can’t see Yuuya-san…”

“Err… I should be the one to… I’m sorry. You didn’t like it, did you?”

“N-no! I don’t hate it, but… That… I-i-indirect kiss… Um… uhh…”

Phew, that’s really a relief. I’m sorry to make you feel embarrassed, but I’m
glad you didn’t hate it. Once again, I was relieved from the bottom of my
heart, but it seems I was still being puzzled and said something ridiculous.

“Umm… Ah, right! Does Kaori want to eat mine, too? ….Ah.”


What did I just say? She had just felt so embarrassed and what the heck am I
doing…! H-however, I had Kaori shared hers to me, and I really want to
return her the favor…! Dumbfounded by what I said, her face was redder
than before and answered with a tiny voice while looking downward.

“…I…I’ll take it…”


── I don’t really remember the rest after this.

Both me and Kaori were nervous from beginning to end, and after eating the
crepes, I feel dizzy. In the end, she offered to drive me home in her car. Even
in the car, we couldn’t have a conversation and be face to face directly. The
woman in the butler’s clothes who was with Kaori when inviting me to
“Ousei Gakuen” looked at our state with a warm and gentle gaze.

Even until we left, the people around us were actually looking at us with
friendly eyes.


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“It’s nice to be young, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s amusing to be young.”

“They were so cute, right?”

“Yeah, they were so cute.”

“Sigh… That was priceless,” everyone says simultaneously.

We didn’t realize that such a conversation was taking place.

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Part 5

I hung out with Kaori yesterday after having experienced the trial day at
“Ousei Gakuen.” However, I still can’t enter right away today since there’s
still some necessary process for it. On the other hand, I got a day off because
of the transfer procedure from my previous school has done.

Recently, I couldn’t go to the different world, so I decided to go there after a

long time.

“It doesn’t look any different…”

Although it’s been a while, there was no particular change in the house or
garden in the other world. By the way, to work in the different world, I wear
a set of blood war demon armor over my shirt and trousers made of royal
silk. My plan for today was to explore the hinterland of the forest, which I
haven’t explored much of yet. So, I need to prepare recovery medicine for it
as well.

“I have learned the skill [Map] now, so I don’t need to be afraid of getting

I went out to the fence of the house cautiously and began to explore the
forest. I have been exploring the direction straight out of the fence until now.
So today, I’m planning to explore the other side of this house. Come to think
of it; it seems that the path I’ve been exploring until now was leading to the
outside of this forest since I met that girl and those soldiers from that

Yeah, it seems that way since the forest Is getting denser in the direction I am
going now.

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Not only with the [Presence Detection] skill, but I also proceeded while
being wary with everything, and then I noticed the reaction of one living
being. I activated my [Assimilation] skill, and when I approached the
reaction while holding my breath, a huge bear killing its prey and eating it
comes to my sight.

The bear has three atrocious horns growing on its forehead and deep crimson
fur. In addition to jaws and fangs that easily crush the flesh and bones of the
creatures it killed. In terms of size, it’s two times larger than me.

I activated the [Appraisal] skill to look at its status.

[Devil Bear]

Level: 450

Magic: 4500
Attack: 10500
Defense: 6000
Agility: 2000
Intelligence: 3500
Luck: 500

Finally, I met an enemy that has stats more than 10,000. I’m more balanced
if comparing the stats between us, but despite that, its attack power that has
over 10,000 is still troublesome.

…Can I kill it?

I can’t think of that in peaceful Japan, but since I came to this world, I’ve had
that dangerous thought circuit in me. However, I didn’t think that that
thought circuit was scary because I felt it was necessary in order to live in
this world. When I spend time on earth, I don’t have that kind of thing
anyway, so I reckon that that feeling is only limited in this different world.

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In the end, I decided to attack the Devil Bear.

I’ll eventually fight with it anyway, and I don’t know how strong the
monsters in this hinterland is, nor I know where this Devil Bear’s caste is, so
I want to measure a standard of the strength of the monsters here.

I immediately took out [Formless Bow] from the [Item box].

This [Formless Bow] is a bow without a shape. In other words, it’s invisible
to the eye. However, I could recognize it since I got a feeling I firmly held the
bow. Furthermore, I could also generate an invisible arrow, depending on my

I attached an invisible arrow to the bow and aimed it quietly at the Devil Bear
while holding my breath.

And then ──


It was a bull’s eye, the invisible arrow pierced in the Devil Bear’s left eye.
The Devil Bear screamed in agony by the sudden attack. However, as one
would expect from the monsters in the hinterland of the forest, it immediately
noticed me, who was supposed to hiding from the direction where the arrow
flew and stared daggers at me.

“It seems the bow is could only go this far… Well then, the next will be

I took out the [Absolute Spear], which I had been using the most, I
approached the Devil Bear straightaway to give it a sharp blow.



However, the Devil Bear uses its sharp claws to meet my [Absolute
Spear] right from the front. As a result, I was blown away by its attack

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I managed to regain my posture in the air, and as soon as I landed, I took

distance. Sure enough, The Devil Bear seems to have planned to chase me
but turned vigilant due to our range.

The two of us have remained vigilant to each other, but the Devil Bear seems
to lose its patience and is the first one to move.

“Gurururu… Gaaaaaaaaaaahh!”


The Devil Bear is spouting a scorching flame from its mouth. I quickly rolled
over from the spot, trying to avoid it.

…No matter how I think about it now, it was magic, wasn’t it?

The monsters that I’ve fought until now had never used magic, so I was more
than surprised to see the Devil Bear’s flames.

You see, I also want to use magic like this Devil Bear and that soldier. I
guess that’s that, huh? Do I have to wait until I’m thirty? I think I have the
qualities to be a great wizard[1]… Oh my? My eyes are sweating now[2]…

Thinking about such nonsense, I thought again about how to deal with the
Devil Bear’s magic. I feel I’d be just its magic’s prey if I just approach it
carelessly. When I was thinking about my plan, the Devil Bear spouted
another flame, but this time, it made it in a spherical shape and shot it.

I twisted my body and kept avoiding them, but if it stays like this, I’ll just
keep on slowly losing out. Whether it will be the Devil Bear’s magic, or will
it be my stamina which will be exhausted first. To be honest, this guy is a
superior opponent, so I feel that it will be the later.

So when it comes to this, I had no choice but to be careful to feint it and

defeat it in an instant after all, right? I’m not good with tactics yet, so I can
only think of such a simple thing.

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…Eeii, it’s no use to think about it! Let’s try it anyway!

I decided to do so and then ran toward the Devil Bear.


Hereupon, the Devil Bear was spreading the flame like a flamethrower as if it
was saying that it wouldn’t let me approach. Hey, what if there is a fire, huh?
Fortunately, the Devil Bear’s flame doesn’t seem to burn down the trees so it
might be a unique flame. It’s not worth worrying about, and I also understood
that I couldn’t get close to the fire, so I took a back-step just barely at the
scope of the flame’s range.


The Devil Bear made a startling voice at my sudden movement. Ignoring it, I
stepped backward and threw [Absolute Spear] at the same time toward the
Devil Bear.


At first, it seemed that this fellow was going to shoot the [Absolute
Spear] down with its flames but then decided that it was impossible because
of the characteristics of the spear, and instead tried to counter it with its
heinous claws.


Since that fellow decided to oppose it with its claws, that meant that it
wouldn’t use its flames, right? I didn’t miss that opportunity and closed the


The Devil Bear raised its voice in surprise as I approached it at a tremendous

speed but quickly tried to cut me with its sharp claws.


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I thought I wouldn’t be able to get close anymore if I take a distance here, so
I throw a kick with all my might aimed at the Devil Bear’s arm.



I stepped on the ground with all my strength and used my whole body to kick
it while remembering the contents of the book I had bought at the secondhand

As a result, the Devil Bear’s arm was knocked away by my kick and
destroyed its posture. I quickly slipped into the bosom of the Devil Bear, who
became defenseless as it loses its stance. And then I equipped the [Infinity
Gauntlet] on my arm.


While using the kick’s momentum, I throw an attack loaded with my full
power at the Devil Bear’s abdomen.


It’s just one blow. However, it’s combined with the effect of [Infinity
Gauntlet]. The effect is when you hit something, the same powerful attack
will repeatedly occur in the same place.

The only way to prevent it is to defend against that attack or repel it. And the
devil bear had no way to prevent my attack.

The overwhelming series of attacks were repeated indefinitely on the Devil

Bear’s abdomen. Finally, the Devil Bear was blown off vomiting blood from
its mouth, fell, and died behind me. I somehow won in a posture like a
boxing champion with my fist pumped up to the sky.

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“Now, let’s look at the item drops…”

These are the sort of materials dropped by the Devil Bear;

[Red Hair of The Evil Bear] :: The Devil Bear’s fur. Resistant to fire and
very warm, but also has a soft texture.

[Meat of The Evil Bear] :: The Devil Bear’s meat. The meat will be hard
when baked, but very soft when cooked.

[Blood of The Evil Bear] :: The Devil Bear’s blood. Sometimes it is used
as an item for magic tools, but you can also drink it accordingly. It has a
refreshing taste, and it doesn’t smell like iron. This blood also can be
used for dashi soup. You can acquire resistance to flames by drinking it.

“Hey, this blood…”

The drop items I got were a large solid red fur, a large amount of meat
wrapped in mysterious grasses, and a large amount of blood stuffed in a large

“I’m not sure about this resistance to the flames, but… If I can eat it, I’ll use
it for cooking next time.”

Normally, I may be reluctant to use blood for cooking, but I would gladly eat
it if I knew it was edible. There’s nothing wrong with being frugal anyway.

After checking the effect and throwing it into the item box, I turned my eyes
to the rest.

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[Magic Stone: Rank A] :: A special ore that can be obtained from
magical beasts.

[Flame Guitar] Rare drop items that can be obtained from Devil Bear.
Playing with this guitar will make you feel uplifted and passionate. If you
can master it, you’ll be able to manipulate the flames.

“Eh, aside from the magic stone, what the heck is this guitar…”

No, I was a little surprised that the rank of the magic stone was A. The Devil
Bear’s level was high, and it can use magic as well, so I thought it would be
an S-rank monster. However, it’s just an A-rank monster. It has the same
rank as Goblin General.

Thinking it again, I can’t even imagine what kind of monsters the S-rank one

“I guess that’d be okay. Now I don’t know whether this guitar is better than
the magic stone…”

And this guitar also seemed to be a rare drop item, but why a guitar? It
would be better to get accessories like the [Black Moon Necklace], the rare
drop item that I got from the Hell Slime, however…

Besides, I… I’ve only used recorders and keyboard harmonica as musical

instruments. I couldn’t afford to touch other instruments for entertainment or
hobbies, after all. A-and it’s also written that I would be able to manipulate
flames if I can master it… It seems that it’s something different from using
magic, what is it actually?

“…Well, now I have a little extra room… I wonder if I should buy a guitar
textbook for beginners at a bookstore and practice it?”

I’ve never had a hobby before, but it might be a good idea to start something
with this opportunity. When I thought so, a familiar message suddenly

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appeared in front of me.


“Oh, my level went up.”

Yep, the level will be easy to rise if you defeat enemies who have a status
above you. And then I immediately checked my status;

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None
Level: 235

Magic: 5900
Attack: 7900
Defense: 7900
Agility: 7900
Intelligence: 5400
Luck: 8400


Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension]

[True Martial Art: 7] [Presence Detection] [Fast Reading] [Cooking: 5]
[Map] [Dodge] [Weakness Detection] [Assimilation]

Title: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

“I went up two levels.”

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Not only my own level, but the level of [True Martial Arts] also went up.
This is a good sign then. For now, there’s not much BP that I got, so I just
swung it all to my luck stats, and it’s become 8600 now.

“Yosh, then, should I go a little further?”

After checking various things, I stepped back into the forest again.


At the time when Yuuya was exploring the forest, there’s been a significant
occurrence in the entertainment world on earth.

“Hey, did you see that photo?”

“I saw it! That one who’s in the photo with Miwa-chan, right?”

“Who’s that boy? From which agency is he?”

“I really have no idea about that.”

The time when Miwa did a photoshoot together with Yuuya in the shopping
mall became a hot topic in the agency where she belongs. The information
network of the entertainment world cannot be underestimated anyway, and
the man who did a photoshoot with Miwa hasn’t only become a topic in the
agency where Miwa belongs to, but also in the others agencies… In other
words, there was a lot of talk about Yuuya right now, in spite of only a short
amount of time passing since the photoshoot.

And on that matter, not only did the model on the photo, Miwa, become even
more popular but also the photographer, Hikari, who took the photo, has
become a super famous person in the entertainment world.

“Hey, investigate the things about that boy!”

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“What is the boy’s name!?”

“What the hell are the scouts doing now!?”

“We’ll definitely find him!”

The various fashion-related agencies were starting to make a move to scout

Yuuya. And yet even the agency where Miwa belongs to has also asked her
about Yuuya’s name. Still, since it was Yuuya’s personal information, Miwa
decided not to tell them about it. The photographer’s Hikari is also one of the
rare people who wasn’t interested in the agency idea, and he also didn’t tell
Yuuya’s name for the same reason as Miwa.

Therefore, Yuuya’s name was never known by the agency.

Miwa and Hikari, or even Yuuya himself, did not know whether this decision
was good or bad. But, both Miwa and Hikari have conducted it for Yuuya’s
sake, and it wasn’t so relevant because Yuuya himself hadn’t even dreamed
the topic about him had become a hot issue now.

Besides, the current Yuuya is a hikikomori. He only goes out when he’s run
out of his daily necessities or when he goes to the school, and his daily needs
have just been replenished the other day, so it would be even more difficult to
meet him. It’s more fun to spend time in a different world for the current
Yuuya, and unless there’s something happening, he won’t stop exploring in a
different world.

── However, it was only a matter of time before Yuuya was known to


[1]- One of Japanese internet slang which stating that a person can be
endowed with magical powers and become a “wizard” if they reach the age
of 30 without engaging in sexual intercourse.

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[2]- A retarded way to say you are crying.

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Chapter 6 – New Life

Part 1

From this sunny day, I will be attending school as a student of “Ousei

Gakuen”. I was wondering about the transfer procedure, but apparently, the
board chairman had also handled it, so there was almost nothing I could do. I
really feel indebted to him.

Be that as it may, I couldn’t help but to excited to think that I could go to that
“Ousei Gakuen” from now on. However, although I received my uniform, I
don’t have a textbook or P.E uniform yet, so I’m going to receive it
tomorrow. Until then, I’ll have to ask the person next to me to show her
textbooks and just observe during P.E class.

I was attending school while thinking about such things, and students in
uniforms from “Ousei Gakuen” began to come into my sight here and there.

“Hey, hey, that…”

“The person rumored yesterday!”.

“Wait… Isn’t he much more handsome!?”

“Amazing… from which model agency is he?”

“No, I’ve never seen such a handsome model before, you know?”

Hmm… Strangely, their eyes are gathered on me. Is there a problem with my

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I arrived at the school with some anxiety, but, first, I went to greet Tsukasa-
san in the chairman’s office. Then, like yesterday, he welcomes me with a
gentle smile.

“Oh, it looks good on you.”

“I-is that so? Somehow, there were a lot of eyes on me, so I wonder if it
really suits me…”

“Umu… You might have to start with confidence in yourself.”


“No, it’s nothing. Leaving that aside, you’re going to begin your life at this
school from today. As I said yesterday, I couldn’t prepare your textbooks and
P.E uniform until tomorrow. I’m sorry about that.”

“No, no! It’s okay.”

“It saves me if you say that. I’ll get it ready tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, thank you very much.”

After finishing the necessary conversation, the chairman and I chatted a little
bit. And for the last one when it was time to head to the classroom, he told

“If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to tell me. However, there might be
a case where I’m not in school and tell my daughter, Kaori, at that time. I
don’t mind just hearing the story later.”

“Really… thank you very much for everything.”

I bowed my head with a whole lot of gratitude.

“Don’t worry about it. Now, it’s time to go to the classroom. Your new
school life is waiting for you from now on.”


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I bowed once again and went to the classroom where I am going to spend my


“─ Then, Yuuya Tenjou decided to spend another time in this class. It’s been
a while, but everyone should get along, okay?”

“Yes!” said everyone in the class.

My class was the same as before, and Ryo and Shingo-kun looked at me,
waving their hand with a smile.

…It’s amazing. I can’t believe there’s someone who accepts me properly.

I almost cried because of the difference in treatment I got until now, but I
finished a simple greeting and took the same seat as yesterday. And greet
Hyoudou-san in the seat next to me again.

“Hyoudou-san, please take care of me again, umm, I’m sorry, but… I didn’t
get my textbook yet, it should be ready tomorrow, so can you show me yours
again for today?”

“…Hmm, please take care of me, too. Ah yeah, got it, I don’t mind, and you
can just call me Yukine, anyway.”

“Thank you!”

Truly, Hyoudou-san… I mean, Yukine is a good person. I will thank her

again if there is an opportunity for it. And, that’s how I started taking classes
in my new class.


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It was in the afternoon class. After finishing lunch with Ryo and the others, it
was the time for P.E class. Moreover, it will last for two hours. Since I
becomes strangely sleepy after lunch, I’m grateful for this kind of physical
activity class. However, I couldn’t participate because I didn’t have the P.E
uniform, so, I will only observe for now.

In front of me, there was a scene in which Ryo keeping the soccer ball
dribbling it and pulled out many students. By the way, Shingo-kun is in the
same team as Ryo and standing in front of the goal. Yep, I’m also not good at
sports, so I know why he wants to be in that position.

“Wai-! Somebody, go stop Ryooo!”

“No, wait, he has marked by three people, you know!?”

“If with three people aren’t enough, five will do!”

Then, five students rush to Ryo alone, but Ryo is just broadly grinning,
looking at the spectacle as if to ridicule it.

“That’s a bad move, you know? Oops.”

“Geeeeeeee!?” the five students shouted in amazement.

Ryo kicked the ball up with his heels, he let it pass over the heads of five
people, and he himself followed the ball and slipped out between them.

“No… Shingo-kun said Ryo was amazing, but… hey, it wasn’t just a joke,
he’s really amazing…”

“Right? The boys who on his team might be relieved, but the boys who
became his enemy will be desperate.”


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When I involuntarily muttered that, I hear a voice that answered my mutter. I
turned toward the voice in surprise, and there was a cheerful girl with a

“Ah, did I surprise you?”

“Just a little… Uhm…?”

I know the students who are in the same class as me, but I still don’t
remember their names. And, it seemed to have transmitted to the other party,
and the girl said while making an apologetic face.

“Sorry, sorry, you must be wondered about my name, right? …I’m Kaede
Kazama! Nice to meet you, Yuuya-kun.”

“Nice to meet you, too. Kazama-san.”

When I answered so, Kazama-san smiled bitterly.

“You can just call me Kaede, you know! I’ll also call you Yuuya-kun.”

“I-is that so? Alright, then.”

If I think about it, everyone just calls out with a given name… It’s too
friendly. When I thought so, the other girls also came near us and supporting
the boys.

“Do your best, everyone.”

“Go, go, go!”

“Hey, run even more!”

Although I was a little surprised at the scene, I asked Kaede.

“Are the girls taking a break?”

“Yes. That’s why the girls come to see the boy like this. The boys are
different from us in terms of strength, after all!”

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“I see…”

I was convinced by Kaede’s words and shifted my gaze to the field again; the
boys’ morale exploded because the girl had come to see them, and their
movement has improved because of that. You guys are really easy to
understand, oi.

“Yooshaaa! Please look at my brilliant footwork…!”

“No, no, you should look at me instead!”

“That’s also good, but more than that…”

“LET’S STOP RYO!” they said in unison.

Then, unlike before, everyone except the goalkeeper went to stop Ryo.

“Whoa!? W-what is it!?”

“Hand me the ball!”

“No, I’d be the one who’s taking it!”

“Get out of my way! You’re just a hindrance!”

Ryo’s face has to twitch, looking at the opponent’s team rushes to him as the
same as the scene of carnage.

“A-as expected, I won’t be able to handle this much…”


Ryo laughed as the enemy team shouted out a war-cry as they plunged
toward him.

“Oi oi… Football is a team game, you know?”

“HEEEE!?” the enemy’s team shouted in unison.

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Ryo passed the ball he was keeping to one of his teammates.

“AAAAAHHHH!?” they were clamoring as if just realized about it.

“You’re all idiots…”

Everyone, except the keeper, was heading to Ryo, so the enemy space was

The student who received the ball was a smooth blonde ikemen guy.

“Fufufu… It was me who got the ball. You couldn’t win anymore! Look, this
is my special shoot…!”

After he brushed his hair with his hand, he shot the ball with great strength ─
toward here.


“Hey, idiot! Where are you kicking it?”

Ryo said so involuntarily, but he was stunned. However, the ball is

approaching here at a terrible speed at such a time. How much power did he
put into it?

Leaving that aside, the girls, including Kaede, were close to this unexpected
situation, they were unable to move, and some screamed and crouched on the

When I saw it, my body was naturally moving, and when I noticed it…

I stood in front of Kaede, who was on the straight line of the ball and did a
jumping volley aiming at the ball that flew here. Despite the flying ball, my
kick hit beautifully and went straight to the goal that Ryo and his team were
originally aiming for.

And then ──

“N-no way…”

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“T-that’s a goal…”

“Are you serious…”

The ball which flew at an astonishing speed made a beautiful goal. I landed
without difficulty and called out to Kaede, who had dumbfounded behind me.

“Are you okay?”

“…Eh!? Eh, ah, u…un! I’m fine!”

“Is that so? That’s good, then.”

No, I was delighted. Since I went to the different world, my physical abilities
have dramatically improved, and I was able to contain the girls without
harming them.

I wonder if I’ve become pretty strong in here too? This is including with the
man who once disturbed Miwa-san before. Anyway, it was good; I still had
the time to do that. The reason why I was able to move quickly was that I had
a lot of experience kicking and knocked its strong-arm away in the battle with
the Devil Bear.

I was relieved of that, and when I smiled, Kaede’s face turned beet red, but
she immediately shook her face and asked me as if she just remembered

“…Ah!? Yu-Yuuya-kun! What’s that movement just now!? I’ve only seen
such movement in the manga, you know!?”

“Eh? U-um… No matter what it was… I just could do it.”

Recently, learning how to move my body in the different world, I was able to
reproduce the movements I imagined. Well, I had a hard time. My body
moves, but my consciousness couldn’t catch up. Nevertheless, what would
she think when Kaede sees the movement when I fight against the Devil

During such a conversation, the other girls also say thanks to me. Then, Ryo

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came to us.

“I’m sorry, were you all right?”

“Yep, Yuuya-kun protected me.”

“That’s good, then. Or rather, Yuuya, that was really amazing. Isn’t it okay
for you to join the club?”

“Eh!? Yuuya-kun, are you in the going home club!?”


Until now, I’ve barely been able to move because of that damn fat, anyway.

“Yuuya-kun, you don’t look so muscular, though.”


When I remember my old days, Kaede touched my arm and stomach.

“Wow, that’s amazing. I couldn’t tell it from the top of your clothes, but
when I touch it, you have a great muscle! I was surprised by how stiff it

“I-I wonder if it is right?”

“I’m serious, you know. I’m training in the track and field club, but I really
couldn’t get any muscle. Look, it’s soft, isn’t it?”


I was ultimately off guard, and Kaede guided my hand to touch her
stomach. It’s soft… No, it’s not what I mean!

“K-Kaede-san? This is… I think it’s not a good idea to let a boy to touch
your body.”

“Eh? Ah, s-sorry. I was doing it unconsciously.”

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Kaede hurriedly released my arm and pulled her head with her face turning
red. No, I don’t think you’re doing it unconsciously! I think you’re just a little


Suddenly, we heard a loud voice. I turned my face to the voice and saw a
blonde boy who kicked the ball before. Wondering what had happened, he
immediately does dogeza with a flowing movement.

“I’m really sorrrryyyyyyyy!”

I was fascinated by a moment looking at the excessively beautiful dogeza,

Kaede, immediately told him.

“It’s ok. It’s ok. I didn’t get hurt at all!”

“Oh… Will you forgive me…? I will serve you for my whole life…!”

“Eh… No, I don’t need that…”


He’s kind of funny, isn’t he? He’s a student of the type I had never seen
before in high school, but he seemed to be a good boy.

He stood up and said, “Well… You saved me as well. Thank you.” he

thanked me, too.

“Yes, well, I’m glad I could handle it, too. Be careful next time.”

“I’ll be handling it carefully next time!”

Replying to that, he introduced himself as he just recalled it.

“Oh, since you don’t remember my name yet, so I’ll do it again. My name is
Akira Ichinose. I’m the one who’s called [Young Noble of The Ousei

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“No, I’ve never heard of it before.”

Ryo smiled bitterly, hearing my tsukomi.

“As you can see, Akira has some habits, but he’s not a bad guy. Well, it may
take some time for you to get used to his joke.”

“What did you say. I’m very normal, you know? Hey, look at me!”

While saying that he brushed his hair, it might be an action that looks
pretentious if he did it normally, but it suits Akira’s well. He’s amazing.
Indeed, he has a weird habit, but he seems to be a good boy… This school is
really interesting. I can’t think of it in my previous high school. That’s what I
thought again.

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Part 2

After the physical education class, Kaede and the other girls went to the
changing room to change their clothes. Also, the girls from the next class had
already begun to change their clothes there. There is Kaori in it, too, and
Kaede, who acquainted with her, called out to her while changing clothes.

“Ah, Kaori-san! Could it be that your class after this is P.E class?”

“Yeah, how was that?”

Kaede’s eyes shined at the words.

“Listen, listen. The transfer student, Yuuya-kun, is amazing, you know!”

“Eh? Yuuya-san?”

“Yes, yes! Today’s boy’s class was football, but the ball that Akira kicked
flew towards us who were watching. More precisely, the ball happened flew
towards me! I thought, ah, it will hit me! But, Yuuya-kun kicked the ball
back with an amazing movement. Moreover, the ball went straight to the
goal! Wasn’t it amazing!?”

“A-amazing movement, you said?”

The confused Kaori asked Kaede, who spoke with excitement. Then, Yukine,
who dressed next to Kaede, spoke up while taking off her P.E uniform.

“…Hmm. As Kaede said. It’s like in a manga or an anime… It was like a

movement in such a world.”

“Right!? It was really amazing!”

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“Is that so…?”

“It was cool, you know!”

“Yup, yup. I mean… Don’t you feel that he’s like a “Prince”?”

“Oh, I know that. I feel like that kind of atmosphere from Yuuya-kun, too.”

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Following Kaede and Yukine, other girls began to talk about Yuuya. By
looking at the situation, Kaori knew that Yuuya was accustomed to the class
and was relieved. And then, Kaede blurted something out of the blue.

“I wonder if Yuuya-kun has a girlfriend.”

“Eh!? Y-Yuuya-san, has a girlfriend…?”

“Ah, no! I also don’t know the truth, you know? It’s just that he’s so cool.”

“Ah… y-you’re right.”

Kaori, who was surprised hearing Kaede’s words, was relieved by the words
that followed after, but this time she tilted her head in puzzlement as to why
she was relieved after knowing that.

“Ah, if I don’t hurry, the class will start!”

“Really!? Sorry to keep you here.”

“No, don’t worry about it.”

“Do your best in physical education!”

After looking at the clock, Kaede and the others realized that it had been
quite a while, rushed to change their clothes, and immediately jumped out of
the changing room.

“What is this feeling…?” Kaori murmured after Kaede and the others came
out of the room. She was just confused by the emotions she had never
experienced before.


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“…Lexia-sama has returned safely.”

“… What?”

It was at the royal capital “Montres” located in the center of Alceria

Kingdom. A man had received a report in a room at the royal castle located in
that royal capital.

“In other words, you have failed?”

“…That’s what it’s all about.”

“…Tell me more about what happened.”

“Yes… it went well until we separated Lexia-sama from the knights who
escorted her, but the place where she ran to was…”the Great Devil’s Nest”.


The man frowned at the words of the person wearing the hood.

“Great Devil’s Nest… Why did she go into that land?”

“It seems Lexia-sama herself didn’t know that she went to the “Great Devil’s
Nest”, and the people who were on the task were also chasing her too far, and
as a result… they’re all dead.”

“Fool… The monsters of that land are unusually strong. That… Wait, you
mean Lexia survived?”

“Yes… It seems that the escort knights who survived from the attacks of my
brethren protected Lexia-sama.”

“…I don’t understand. They all set their feet in the “Great Devil’s Nest”, but
why was only Lexia is safe and my assassins were killed? Did a monster
attack them? Or did the knights chase them in time and kill the assassins?”

“My apologies, the information I got is only up to there…”

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“Sigh… Useless.”

The person wearing the hood told that apologetically. The man looked down
on him and closed his eyes, but he immediately opened it up and turned a
sharp glance at the hooded figure who was lowered his head in front of him.

“Could it be… Did they tell about my identity?”

“…I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think there’s any concern about that.”

The man then sat on a luxurious chair and poured the glass of liquor that he
had on his hand into his mouth. And then, threw the glass to the person
wearing the hood in front of him.

“You can’t say, you said? Don’t spit out anything silly. Who you think
picked you bastards up and raised you, filthy orphans?”

“… It was Your Highness.”

“Then don’t ever open your mouth about my information even if you
die… Sigh. Considering that there’s no soldier coming here, it seems that
they still do not know about this.”

As the man says, the identities of the people that attacked Lexia weren’t
confirmed yet. It was also because the goblin general had disfigured them to
the point that they cannot be recognized anymore, but above all, they did not
divulge a single word of information about the man, who was their lord, to

“But there’s no doubt that this will make them more vigilant. Lexia’s own
strength is known, but the knights who follow her are also troublesome. Do
you understand?”


“This failure is bigger than you think. If my mistake is known, it will shake
my position…”

The person wearing the hood can only be silent, hearing the man’s words.

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“…Next. If you screw up your next mission… You won’t be of use

“I’ll keep that in mind…”

“Good then, you can leave now.”


Then, the person wearing the hood disappeared from the place as if melting
in the darkness. The man leans his back on the chair, then muttering
something with a disputing mind.

“Dirty blood… Your presence in the royal family… is a hindrance to me…

I’ll definitely kill you next time.”

The muttering had swallowed up in the darkness.


The location has changed, and Lexia is resting in her own bed in the royal
castle of Alceria Kingdom. On Lexia’s side, a middle-aged knight ─ Owen,
asked her with a worried expression.

“Excuse me, Lexia-sama. How is your condition?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

After a mysterious group attacked Lexia, she returned safely to the royal
capital and has reported the matter about the incident. Still, the King couldn’t
make a big move because there was not much information about the
mysterious group.

“…Are you really sure?”

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“…Yes. I don’t want my father to worry about it anymore. I’m safe like this,
so that’s enough.”

Owen realizes that there is no use to asking about her condition for more than
this and decided to asked Lexia for another matter.

“Lexia-sama. Could you tell me what had happened in that Great Devil’s

“I already said it when I woke up, didn’t I? I have no idea about who that
group was or who sent them. And, it was the Goblin General who killed them

“That’s strange. When we rushed there, we didn’t see the Goblin General.
And considering the situation, it’s hard to believe that only Lexia-sama was
being overlooked…”

“Even if you say so…”

While saying that Lexia remembered something, the appearance of a certain

young man crossed her mind even though it’s also a bit vague because of the
shock and the fatigue that she received after attacked by the Goblin General.

“Come to think of it…! I was saved by a man!”

“A man?” said Owen with a wondered expression on his face.

“Yes, he was about the same age as me.”

“As Lexia-sama!? He beat the Goblin General at an age that seemed to have
just come of age…”

Owen was deeply surprised by Lexia’s words. Even for Owen, he could
barely subdue a Goblin Elite alone, and it wasn’t very unthinkable to defeat
the Goblin General that is above it in terms of rank and power. Moreover,
Owen is a talented person so that his name is not only known in this Alceria
kingdom but also other countries.

Unlike in Japan, in this country, one’s could be recognized as an adult at the

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age of fifteen, and it is hard to believe that a young man of that age has a
much higher ability than Owen.

However, Lexia herself was aware of how far her words were from common
sense, so she immediately tried to deny it.

“B-but, it could be what I saw was only a mistake or illusion due to my

despair, yeah, maybe that.”

“No, that’s not true.”


Lexia, who never thought she would also be denied, let out her voice

“Actually, when we perceived Lexia-sama’s presence, there was another

presence near you. However, that presence was disappeared cleanly for some
reason, so I thought that I misunderstood it.”

“W-well then, that man is real…”

“Yes, I don’t know who it is, but he certainly existed. So, how does he look?”

“Well, let me see… A beautiful black hair and black eyes. I kind of feel like
he was like a foreign aristocrat.”

“Black hair and black eyes, huh? It’s certainly rare in this Alceria
Kingdom… Moreover, if he’s a foreign noble, it might be a little


“…No, we can’t find anything, for now, let’s stop speculating things. It’s not
clear why that young man erased his presence, but I think there’s no such
thing as hostility or harm from him, and I think thus far, there’s no need to be
very vigilant about him.”

Owen couldn’t welcome more people targeting Lexia. However, considering

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that he didn’t kill Lexia under those circumstances, he thought it would be
too early to conclude that he was an adversary, so he decided internally to
take the same precautions as the other nobles.

Not knowing about the decision Owen had made, Lexia looked out the
window and sighed.

“I wonder who he was… If I could see him again…”

Lexia breathe out a small sigh again.

“He saved me, and I must thank him immediately!”


Owen raised such a voice at Lexia’s words and had a bad feeling at the same

And yes, that feeling was right.

“I’ve decided. Let’s go to the “Great Devil’s Nest” once again! We may be
able to meet that person again!”

“L-Lexia-sama!? That’s dangerous! And you also just got attacked by


“It’s fine. We’re going to “Great Devil’s Nest”, right? So, no one will come
after me.”

“The problem is with that “Great Devil’s Nest” itself. You’ve just
experienced it yourself, right? That’s very dangerous!”

“Yes. But if you come with me, I’ll be fine, right?”

“Even if I’m with you, the “Great Devil’s Nest” is still a very dangerous
place. First of all, what are you going to say to His Majesty!?”

Owen is undoubtedly strong, but the story changes when it comes to whether
his strength is acceptable in the “Great Devil’s Nest”. He might be able to

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deal with it if a Goblin Elite attacked them, but if it were a Goblin General,
that would be impossible. Before that, he didn’t think that the King would
send out his beloved daughter, who was just attacked.

“It’s okay. I’ll convince father. And it is not good for the royal family to not
express their gratitude after being saved… I want to meet him in person and
say my gratitude!”


“I’ve already decided. I’ve already decided to do so, and I’ll go to my father
right away!”

“P-please wait, Lexia-sama…!”

In the end, Owen couldn’t stop Lexia, and Lexia went to talk directly to her
father, the King.

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Part 3

While the story progressed with Yuuya’s ignorance, Japanese trends were all
about a certain person.

“Hey, did you see this month’s CutieBeauty?”

“I saw it! Who was the boy next to Miwa-chan!?”

“He looks like an ordinary person, but… he’s super cool, isn’t he?”

─Yes, a fashion magazine that uses the photo of the model Miwa and Yuuya
has been released.

There were many subscribers in the magazine in which Miwa, a model

soaring in popularity, was listed in it. They were mostly young women. But,
their eyes were snatched away by Yuuya, who was in a two-shot photo with
Miwa in that magazine.

“That photoshoot was probably done in a nearby shopping mall, but… I

wonder if he’s a local person!?”

“He’s like at the same age as us… most likely a high school student, too,

“Eh!? If so, I’d be super jealous of the girls in the same school as him!”

“I might become a fan…”

“I mean, that smile is dangerous, right? The photographer’s skill is good,


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The subscribers are not only people who don’t know Yuuya but of course,
some people know him, too.

“Eh… This is, Yuuya-kun!?”

“No way, are you serious!?”

“Is he the rumored special admittance student?”

“Yes, yes! He’s in the same class as me, but he’s super cool! He’s so amazing
at the P.E class the other day!”

“Eh, tell me about that in detail!”

“I can’t believe there’s such a handsome guy exist… Honestly, he looks

better than any idol or actor that I’ve seen on TV.”

“Ah, I thought so too!”

“No, you don’t even have to compare it.”

It was well-known to the people of the same “Ousei Gakuen”, but the topic of
Yuuya was also in a particular scene ── .

“─ Miwa-chan!”

“Ah, Hikari-san! Good morning.”

“Good morning. The magazine with a photo of you and Yuuya-kun is selling
greatly now, and it seems to be inundated with orders.”

“Eh!? I-is that right?”

The topic of Yuuya came out again, even among Miwa and Hikari, who had
taken the photoshoot with Yuuya.

“Yes, I’ve been a photographer for quite a long time, but this is the first time
that a magazine that has my photo to be sell this well.”

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“Amazing, Yuuya-san…”

“What are you talking about? Miwa-chan’s popularity has also risen, right?
The director was also laughing a lot when she suddenly got a lot of work to


Miwa smiled bitterly as she imagined the director of the agency they
belonged to.

“But Yuuya-kun is really amazing. Only one photoshoot of him has already
made a lot of noise in society. How’s it? Miwa-chan. Why don’t you ‘attack’
Yuuya-kun now?”

“Eh!? T-that’s impossible! Yuuya-san is indeed very kind, and he had helped
me when that male model harassed me, but… because he’s so cool, he
probably already has a girlfriend.”

“Ara, I don’t know that. But, it’s hard to find such a good boy, so if you get a
chance, try to ‘attack’ him.”

Miwa tried to react to Hikari’s words, but he had gone away just like that, so
she could only mumble.

“Geez, Hikari-san… But if Yuuya-san really doesn’t have a girlfriend ──”

The story was getting bigger and bigger without Yuuya knowing about it.
What will happen to him when he goes to school tomorrow… He doesn’t
know yet.


It’s been a while since I started attending “Ousei Gakuen”, but I felt a lot
more gazes toward me than usual. There were a lot of girls who turned their

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glances at me, too.

“Wa-wait! Isn’t he that man in the magazine!?

“Eh, no way! Isn’t that Ousei Gakuen’s uniform!?”

“He looks cooler than in the photos!”

“Thank God~, I could see him here.”

Some people have pressed their hands together while looking at me for some
reason. Is there someone behind me?! What is that? Scary!? (T/N: Pray

Then, one of the girls who was looking at me spoke to me.



“Can we shake hands?”


S-shake hands? What? This is. What’s with this situation?

I was confused by this unreasonable situation. Then, the other girls who were
looking at me also came to me all at once.

“M-me too, please!”

“Ah, you unfair!”

“Can I take a picture?”

“Please, become my friend…!”

No, wait, I really don’t know why!? Perhaps… they mistook me for
someone? Other than that, I couldn’t think of any other reason why strangers

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would ask me to shake hands, so I hurriedly turned it down.

“S-sorry. Probably you’re mistaking me with someone else! I-I… I have to

go now!”


Feeling a little fear in a situation where I was suddenly surrounded by

strangers, I went to the school to run away. In the school, When I walked in
the corridor, somehow, many students also looked at me while whispering, so
the doubt inside me only expanded. What’s really going on here? …Could it
be, my zipper is open!? …No, it would be strange to ask such a person to
shake hands.

I checked my pants, but there was nothing unusual about it. It would be the
end if I were told that it was weird. In the end, I arrived in the classroom
without knowing anything and sat down in my seat, but then, Kaede came
over to me in excitement.

“Ah, Yuuya-kun, Yuuya-kun! Good morning!”

“Good morning. You’re already in full spirits in the morning huh, anything

“I’m always like this, aren’t I? Rather than that, look at this!”


Kaede suddenly placed a magazine on my desk.

“Here! This page! It’s Yuuya-kun who’s in the picture with Miwa-chan,

“Ah yeah, it’s me. The book has been released, huh…”

Some time ago, I had a photoshoot with a model, Miwa-san, at a shopping


…But when was this picture taken?

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What’s in the magazine was a photo of Miwa-san and I chatting happily on a
bench. However, it’s not a pose that instructed by Hikari-san; this scene

I wonder if it was taken when I was talking about modeling with Miwa-san…
So, that’s why we didn’t take anymore shoot after that, huh? Anyway… I was
laughing naturally in this photo, so in the end, I guess it was good, right?
Other photos were also used, but the photos on the bench were the biggest;
they were used in two facing pages.

Kaede let out a small breath as she was convinced while looking at the
magazine alone.

“Haahh~…… So, it’s really Yuuya-kun, huh. This photo is so good.”

“Really? Thank you. But the photographer’s skill was excellent. And Miwa-
san is amazing, too.”

“No, no, no! It’s because Yuuya-kun is in the photo with that Miwa-san,
that’s why the photo looks amazing!?”

Kaede says so, but if she looked at the scene of the photoshoot, she wouldn’t
be able to say so. My face and body were so tense.

Then, Kaede suddenly pointed at one photo while pouting her cheeks.

“But, isn’t this a little too close?”


The photo that Kaede pointed to was the one pose that Miwa-san hugged me.

“I know it’s a job, but… are you two going out?”

“Eeh!? N-no, we’re not!”

“Hmm… I see… You aren’t dating yet, huh…”

I hurriedly denied it, but looking at Kaede, why did she look somewhat

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relieved? And while I was talking with Kaede, a lot of other students were
also talking while looking at me.

“Look, look, it’s Yuuya-kun!”

“The photos are cool, but still, the difference in experience is still visible.”

“Haahh… I thought he was cool, but I never thought that he would do a

photoshoot alongside with the popular model Miwa-chan…”

“But Yuuya-kun is so kind. I somehow calm down when I see him talking
with Ryo-kun and the others.”

“Tell me more about that!”

“Eh, w-what? You scared me…”

Looking at the classroom, I guess there are a lot of students who saw the
magazine other than Kaede. Wait, did the person who asked me for a
handshake while I was on my way to school had also look at the magazine?

But, did I really give this much impact in just one shot? I’m not a great model
like Miwa-san… If someone wants to shake hands, then they should ask it to
Miwa-san instead.

While I had that thought, Ryo and Shingo-kun entered the class, and as soon
as they found me, they rushed at me with high speed.

“Hey, Yuuya! I knew that you were amazing!”


“Yeah, you were featured on TV!”


I could only let out a dumb voice hearing Ryo’s words. Me… on TV?

“No, no, stop joking. I don’t remember being on TV.”

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“It-it’s true, you know. Who is the man in the photo with Miwa-san, a model
whose popularity is skyrocketing…”


“I’m serious. Here, look!”

Ryo showed me some of the news posted on the video site with his

(── Anyway, who is the man in the photo with Miwa-chan?)

(He’s just like a supernova that suddenly appears.)

(Yes. His appearance is good, but that aura that can be seen even from the
photo is a little different from idols and actors, that elegance isn’t something
that everyone can bring out. I can’t believe it’s just an ordinary person, let
alone a rookie!)

(It’s strange that there hasn’t been any fuss about him until now.)

(The people in the industries also wish to bring him, don’t they?)

(That’s amazing, isn’t it?)

I was mute in amazement, seeing the video. This is… is it really about me?
Not another person?

“…As far as I watched how Yuuya was, I can’t believe it was you…”

“Eh, is that so?”

“B-but, Yuuya-kun, you’re completely frozen…”

I still didn’t understand it, but I remembered what happened this morning.

“…So that’s why I was seen and talked to by so many people this

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As I thought, it was so odd. I don’t believe that one magazine has an
influence on it, and yet, it’s hard to imagine that it would make a situation
where so many people are calling out to me. However, the story would
substantially change if it were featured on a TV like this.

As I watched the video on the smartphone completely dumbfounded, Kaede

told me excitedly.

“It’s amazing. Yuuya-kun has become a hot topic among the girls right now!”

“I don’t know why people get excited by the topic of me like that… After all,
I am nothing, I’m not an active idol either… in the first place, why me?”

The moment I said so, the three people floated an expression as if the
emptiness had pierced them.

“Eh? What’s wrong?”

“U-um, Yuuya? Are you serious about what you just said?”


Hikari-san is really amazing. Other than the photo on the bench, he could
make me look cool in the other photos, too.

“Yu-Yuuya-kun… Isn’t your self-confidence too low?”

“I wonder? I think it’s appropriate, however…”

As everyone says, I think my appearance has changed. But I can’t like

myself. My previous appearance has etched into my brain and can’t be
separated, and I don’t know how many times I wanted to quit that body even
if my appearance changed.

Youta and Sora, which should have the same blood as me, were blessed with
their appearance, and that just makes me more severed. That’s why I don’t
really like myself.

…Well, unlike before, I’ve ranked a little bit from “completely hate” to “I

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don’t like it that much”. This is also thanks to me leveled-up in the different
world. It would be nice if I could build up my confidence little by little, but I
can’t believe my inferiority will suddenly disappear, and I can’t like myself
right away.

With a slightly dark expression on my face, Ryo said to me with a serious


“Yuuya. I don’t know what you had experienced in the past, but what are you
going to do without admitting yourself?”


“That’s why you have to be more confident and honest with yourself!”

“…Can I be confident?”

“It’s okay if you decided that yourself, right?”

“I’m not sure… but it’s okay, isn’t it?”

“I’m not sure if you aren’t sure either…”

“Ryo-kun, you don’t have to worry about the details.” said Kaede.

“I-I’ll help you too. I understand that because I don’t have confidence
myself.” said Shingo-kun.

…This school is really full of warm people. I felt my heart warmed up,
hearing the words of these three people.

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Chapter 7 – One Step of Courage

During the class, I was vaguely looking out the window. The words of Ryo
and the others this morning made me think about various things.

…I have to be more confident, huh?

I was writing the contents on the blackboard instinctively in my notebook

without paying attention to the teacher’s words.

…I should not, and I’m in the class right now, so I have to listen to the
teacher seriously, but… I can’t concentrate.

Looking at the outside, another class was doing the P.E class right now at the
sports ground. And when I looked closely, I could also see Kaori there. I was
looking at such a class scene, and our eyes happened to meet; she waved her
small hand at me. I also shook my hand to her reflexively, but then I
remember that I was in the middle of the classes, I immediately tried to get
my consciousness back on the blackboard.

“── Hey!? What the heck are you all doing!?”

Suddenly the sports ground became noisy. The commotion reaches our
classroom, and not only me but also, but the other students also notice it.

“What’s wrong?”

“What happened?”

When everyone looked out the window, there were men with flashy looks
running around the sports ground on their bikes. There were dozens of them.

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Moreover, every motorcycle was basically a two-seater, and they also held
nailed baseball bats and other dangerous objects in their hands.

The students who were studying on the sports ground panicked, and the
teacher was frantically soothing them, but before they knew it, those flashy
men already surrounded them.

“What are you all doing?”

“You’re annoying, shut up!”

One of the men swung the bat mercilessly to the P.E teacher who approached
to warn them. Since he’s a P.E teacher, he somehow managed to avoid the
attack. Then, several teachers came out of the staff room.

“You guys, continue the study by yourself.”

My class teacher also went out of the classroom in a hurry after telling us to
self-study. However, since everyone was worried, they couldn’t study and
rushed to the window to look at the outside.

“What? What’s going on?”

“Hmm? That demon’s emblem, I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere…”

“I-isn’t that the “Red Ogre’s emblem!?”

“Red Ogre!?”

I was startled by those words. Why is that? Because that’s a group belongs to
Araki, who had bullied me in my previous school. No way… Why are they

When I saw the teachers desperately trying to persuade the delinquents on the
sports ground, there were people I knew among them.

“Wh-… Youta… Sora…?”

I found Youta and Sora standing while smiling behind the delinquents.

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Moreover, when I look carefully, there are also other people who had bullied
me with Araki at first on the list.

I was overcome in surprise and couldn’t understand why were they here, and
then Kaori talked resolutely to the delinquents on the surroundings, even
though she had been encircled.

“What do you want from our school? Sorry, but my father is not in school
right now…”

“What do we want? Of course, to make a mess, it had been decided, you


Kaori’s question wasn’t answered by one of the delinquents but by Youta.


“Oh, you remembered me. I thought the elite-sama had forgotten about me.
But if you do remember, I don’t need to explain it, right?”

“…What would you do with this? The police will be here soon. Why are you
doing this…?”

“But you can’t do anything until they come, can you? We have more people
here than the teachers there. Most of all, we have many hostages here, yes,
it’s you guys!”

Kaori was surprised at Youta’s words. As Youta says, there are only a dozen
or so teachers, and it’s not very good, they wouldn’t be able to deal with all
the members of the “Red Ogre”. Rather, Youta smiled unpleasantly in front
of the teachers, Kaori, and the others, who were not able to move.

A particular muscular man among the delinquents called out to Youta.

“Oi, Youta, are you sure you want to do this? It will be troublesome if the
cops come. If your purpose is the woman there, you can just take her, right?”

“Ah yeah, but… If he’s really here, I’ve also had some business with my
shitty big brother, but that’s fine. Well then, let’s just take that person back.”

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“Yeahhh. Let’s do it flashy when we get back!”

A man with a glint in his eye began to close the distance to catch Kaori.

The teachers tried to stop him, but the other delinquents restrained them.
Besides, they were unable to barge because the delinquents are showing
movement to harm other students.

“Wait, this is horrible!!”

“B-but, what should we do?”

Ryo and the other students feel that it’s a terrible situation, but they also can’t
move frightened by the delinquents.

I… honestly scared, too.

The memories when I had been bullied had flashed back, and my body is still
trembling now. However, while I’m shaking, the delinquents are getting
closer to Kaori.

I… I…

“Hmm? Hey, Yuuya… Are you okay?”

“You look pale, you know?”

“Want to go to the infirmary?”

Looking at me trembling, Ryo and the others showed me how they were
worried from the bottom of their heart. That kind of treatment made me
ashamed of myself. They were concerned, I just trembling and couldn’t

This is, well, isn’t this no different from before I leveled up?

I then remembered Ryo’s words in the morning… I don’t have confidence in

myself, no matter what I do now. No, I don’t want to have one.

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I was scared and was unable to move, even though Kaori is about to be taken
in front of me. What would grandpa say when he saw me like this? When I
first met Kaori, I just made a scared voice. I wasn’t able to help her in a cool
way at that time, and I only unilaterally was beaten.

But… I should have been more proud of myself now. My body has become
stronger, but my heart is getting weaker… I have to apologize to grandpa, to
the different world, too… and above all, to my old self. I can’t immediately
have confidence, but… Still, when I have one someday, I want to be more
proud of myself…!

Then, what should I do now!? That will be ──

“Eh!? Yuuya!?”

“Hey, wait a minute, wha-! Whoa!?”

My body was moving when I thought about that. I put my foot on the
window frame and jumped down…

“Uoooooh!? What are you doing!?”

“Yuuya-kun!? It’s on the fourth floor, you knooowwww!?”

Ryo and Kaede screamed, leaning their body out of the window, looking at
my action jumped down in front of their eyes. However, I landed on the
ground unscathed after a jump-off from the fourth floor.

“Are you alright?! Yuuya!”

“I’m fine!”

“Oh, that’s good then ── that’s not what I mean! Hey, what are you doing!?”

“I’m going to step in for a moment!”

“They’re not like a convenience store!!”

I thought it was terrible for Ryo and the others up there, but I rushed to Kaori

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and the others anyways.

“── Youta, Sora…!”


“… Shitty big brother.”

“What is it, isn’t he saved us the trouble to look for him.”

The teachers, Kaori, and Youta and the others were surprised that I came.
Then, Araki smiled and asked Youta.

“Hey, Youta. This guy, can I do it?”

“Yeah, just do it moderately and then take him together with that girl.”

“Hehehe… It’s been a while, you son of a bitch. I’m going to mess up your
annoying face right now and put it back to what it was.”

Araki said that and surrounded me with the other people who used to bully
me. Each hand is holding a metal bat and a wooden sword.

…I used to be trembling or just being unilaterally done. But I’ve grown and
leveled-up in the different world. I’m no longer afraid of Araki and the
others. I just want to help Kaori and the other students and teachers now…!

“Well, then… First, I’ll beat you with this one-strike…!”

Despite using a metal bat, Araki just swung it with all his might without any
hesitation. The teachers and students around me who saw it screamed.
However, a completely different feeling came to my mind.

…H-huh? Isn’t it too slow?

Immediately after making a big decision, I suddenly amazed before the

attack. Now that I think about it, I heard the male model who was harassed
Miwa-san at the time when I did the photoshoot was a former boxer, but he
wasn’t strong at all. In the end, it was nothing compared to the monsters in

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the different world.

Despite being in a more critical situation than when with the male model,
Araki’s attack didn’t seem to be a threat compared to the monsters in the
different world. Uhm… At any rate, it appears to be safe to receive this
attack, but it might not be so from the perspective of the people who don’t
know the reason… well anyway, it’s bad to take it directly.



I shifted my body upfront to avoid it, Araki opened his eyes for a moment, he
didn’t think that I could avoid it, and immediately wrinkled his brow like he
was displeased.

“You… What are you doing, bastard!”

“Oh, I just don’t want to get hit…”

“Huh? Don’t get cocky… You just avoided it by chance. I’ll get rid of your
impertinent attitude right now…!”

As a matter of fact, Araki swings his metal bat again, but none of it is hitting
me. It doesn’t have the amazing power of Goblin General, let alone the
techniques that have accumulated over many years. An attack that just simply
swings just like that wouldn’t hit me.

“Dammit, dammit, dammit! Stop avoid it!”

“A-Araki? We’ll go, too!”

The other delinquents who were puzzled by Araki’s looks also attacked me
all at once, but even as the number increased, none of them could hit me.
These delinquents other than Araki doesn’t have particularly unique martial
arts nor do they have a superhuman stats.

On the contrary…

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“A-Araki! What are you doing!?”

“Huh!? That guy approached me. It was his fault!!”

He was hitting his ally instead of hitting me. I deliberately moved to a

position where they could beat each other, but this went unexpectedly well.
This technique seems to be usable in the different world, too.

I used to be frightened by Araki and the others, but the fear has wholly
disappeared while avoiding their attacks. If the fear is gone, the rest is just to
do the same as when fighting in the different world. All I have to do is to use
my surroundings and move according to my advantage. This time, the target
to be used is the other delinquents.

Seeing Araki, who has run out of stamina due to striking at the empty air and
friendly fire, the muscular man who was approaching Kaori before, had
become irritated and shouted.

“What are you bastard doing? That’s enough. Hey! You go.”


It was a man who was like a wrestler coming over and pushing Araki and the
others aside. He has dreadlock hair and a lot of piercings, and he has an
unmatched big body compared to the other delinquents.

“Hahaha, that guy was so brutal that he was expelled from the sumo
wrestling industry. Hey, defeat that man quickly.”

“That’s why you were out of luck, brother. Oraa, go to sleep!”

The giant sumo-wrestler man gave me a sharp slap. But…


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I grabbed his wrist, stopped the slap.

“Th-This is!”

I stopped the giant whole might slap, but he began to slap with his other
hand. On the other hand, I let go of his wrist and reciprocate by slapping his
hand, too.



I only slapped it lightly, but because of the overwhelming difference in stats,

my opponent had received a backlash more than I expected.

“S-son of a bitch…”

The giant distanced himself once after the backlash for being slapped and
tried to strike me with his body while showing an angry face. If I’m just an
ordinary person, I would have been blown away. On the contrary, it might
have become a terrible experience since he will get a mount position.
However, I currently caught his body strike right from the front, and hold him
without moving even for one step.


The giant tried to push me while scraping the ground. And then, the muscular
man who instructed him showed an irritation when he saw me still moving.

“Hey! What are you doing!? Don’t play around and kill him!”

“U-usu! …Guuuuu!? Wh-why it’s not moving!?”

He seems to have put more power into it, but my looks haven’t changed at

…Amazing. As a result of fighting directly with the Devil Bear and Goblin

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General, it seems that I won’t be losing by being overmatched against an
ordinary person. I was thinking that while watching the giant, who is
desperately trying to push me away. However, I can’t keep this position
forever, so I put my hand on the giant’s body and tried to lift him slightly.



I lifted him very easily. I reflexively lift him with one hand since it was too
light, but the weight didn’t change at all. And since it was too light, I
spontaneously threw him like a ball.


I played and tossed the giant with just one hand; he just could scream at this
absolutely impossible situation.

“What’s going on with my physical strength…?”

“H-help meeeeee!”



As a result of the giant’s struggling to escape from my palm, I lost control of

him, and the giant flew to the distance with a great force. He fell to the
ground from a considerable height, then fainted with blank eyes.

Everyone is at a loss for words looking at the scene. No, wait, I’m surprised
as well.

I thought I was certainly getting stronger, but it was unthinkable for me to

have this insane strength on the earth, too… It would be too hard to
understand throwing a person just like a baseball ball. But, even though I
gained this strength up to this point, it was still dangerous since I could still
be overwhelmed in the different world; I have to be stronger.

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While I clutched and opened my palm to ascertain the feeling, the muscular
man who had returned to his sanity shouted, getting impatient.

“Hey, you! Get rid of that guy first, before taking care of the teachers!”

“Y-yes!” the delinquents shouted in unison.


The other delinquents who’re keeping the teachers in check gathered and
started targeting me.

…I was ultimately out of hands, right? And even the giant, too… More than
that, it would be troublesome to be involved with the police. No, it may be too
late. Well then, I’ll make them attack each other.


“Hey, move, you’re in my way!”

“You’re the one who’s in my way ── guhaahh!?”

While carefully positioning, I keep avoiding the delinquents’ attacks within a

hair’s breadth, and gradually reduce their number. However, since their
number has decreased, the frequency of them hitting each other would also be
reduced, so I’ll have to move directly soon.

“That’s enough, you guys, step back! I’ll do it myself.”

At last, the muscular man who might be the leader came to me. He probably
couldn’t endure it anymore.

“You bastard… How dare you make fun of us “Red Ogre”, huh!? I’ll kill you
regardless of your relationship with Youta…”

The muscular man standing in front of me, he had blonde hair and was full of
piercings like the giant. He has a flame tattoo or something like that on his
right arm, and a red demon emblem embroidered on the back of his black
jacket. He said such a dangerous thing while cracking his knuckle, and then

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throw his fist aimed at my face.



I responded to it by deflecting the man’s fist with my palm.

“Tch… You son of a bitch…!”

Yep, as one would expect from a leader of a delinquent group, he was hitting
me continuously at a speed that was unmatched by the other delinquent until
now. I can tell that each blow will cause considerable damage to the
ordinary person.

But, I deflected them all with my palm.

“Shit… Do you do some martial arts!?”

I didn’t really learn martial arts, I just read various martial arts books that I
found at the second-hand bookstores, and put it into practice when I fought in
the different world, but even if I say that, he won’t believe me, not that I want
to tell him anyway.

“Stop it and die already…!”

The leader who has been hitting consecutively until now suddenly launch a
sharp kick aiming at my temple. I was thinking about something while
avoiding it.

…The monsters in the different worlds fight instinctively, but when it comes
to human opponents, they are different. The instinctive attack is
unpredictable, but the man’s attack just now is mixed with feints, It’s related
to human strategy. From a close look, I could imagine from the movement of
the man in front of me was probably doing some kind of martial arts.
Although I have real fighting experience against monsters, I only have a little
experience in interpersonal fighting, so it gives me a bit of experience against
this muscular man.

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In some of the martial arts books I bought at the second-hand bookstore, The
writer said he could steal another style technique just by looking when
fighting against them, and I already remembered the movements of this
muscular man regardless of whether I can use them or not.

“T-this guy!”

Perhaps he felt something from my gaze as that was observing him, the man
attacked me even harder, hitting and kicking me using another technique. But
I avoided it all unscathed, and I burned his movement to my eyes.

“You bastaarrrdddd!”

The man took the soil of the ground when realizing that it wasn’t possible to
win by the straightforward attack, and threw it to my face. Thus, my sight is
deprived, showed him a chance for just a moment.

“Go to heeelll!”

The muscular man didn’t miss the moment; he launches his best attack that
he can do aimed at my face. However, my body reacted to the attack, and
while I am in a position to receive his blow, I threw him as if I was carrying a


The man was thrown to the ground vehemently. I won’t give him the time to
rest, and just like the time with the male model, I locked his arm to his back
and held it like that so he couldn’t move.

“Kuh!? Let me go!”

The man’s arm is completely locked, and with his movements sealed, he
desperately tries to escape from my restraint, but my body doesn’t move at
all. Then, the police came, and the delinquents were detained one after
another with the help of the other teachers.

“B-bastard! Let me go!”

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The delinquents continued to curse while being detained by the police. The
muscular man I was holding was also handed over to the police and was
about to be taken away.

“N-no way… That “Red Ogre” is…”

Seeing the delinquents detained in front of them, Youta and Sora looked pale.
I was relieved that most of the delinquents were arrested in this way.

“Shit, shit, shit… Youtaaaaaa! This is because of you…!”

Youta was shrieking in fear, the muscular man who might be the leader of
“Red Ogre” escaped from the police restraint by force, and run toward Youta
as it is. Then, he gripped Youta’s collar, who wasn’t able to move as if his
vigor leaving his hips.

“If you hadn’t planned this, we wouldn’t have had this kind of thing…! You
are absolutely unforgivable…!”

“No, stop it…!”

“H-hey! Let Youta go!”

“Shut up! You’re also guilty!”


Sora insists asked the man to release Youta, but the muscular man’s vigor
completely withered her. And, the man turns his bloodshot eyes to Youta.

“That’s enough. I’ll strangle him to death here and kill you, a shitty woman
in the same way!”

“Oh, ah, ah! No, no, noooo! A-anyone, anyone! H-h-help…!”

The muscular man put his hand on Youta’s neck, who’s crying and shouting
with his face messed up. The police tried to stop it, but while the other bad

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guys were detained, they would start to rampage again, they lack manpower.

And the moment the muscular man tried to strangle Youta, I noticed that my
body was moving.

“Let him go.”


“B… Big brother…?”

I hold the man’s arm and pull it off of Youta’s neck.

“Guuh!? W-what is this power!?”

The leader desperately resisted, but he couldn’t match my power and released
his hands from Youta as is. I pulled the man off of Youta, and he released his
arm obediently.

“Gahakk! Oeekkk!”

“…Are you okay?”

I rubbed Youta’s back, who had been choked off violently and asked him.
Then, Youta muttered at me, stunned.

“W-why… Why, I was…”

“I don’t know why… Well, you’re my little brother, after all.”

He seemed to be very shocked by hearing my words.

“Bastaaarrdddd! Don’t get in my waaayyyy!”

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Without minding the interaction between Youta and me, the muscular man
charged straight to kill Youta.

But ──

“… As I thought, I can’t let you do that to my family.”

“Wh-!? Gahaahh!?”

I closed the distance with the man in an instant and kicked his unprotected
belly as it was. Even though I’m still holding back, the power of the kick
from my leveled-up body was tremendous; the impact penetrated to the back
of the muscular man, I chased after him who was floating in the air and gave
him a roundhouse kick in the air. Then, the man blew away for a few meters,
and when he fell to the ground, his eyes turned white and he blacked out.

Everyone has a loss for words looking at it. After a series of flows, the place
went quiet.

And then ──


Cheers rose from the school building.

“That was awesome!”

“What was that movement!? Isn’t it so cool!?

“Or rather, he wasn’t hit even once by those delinquents attacks!”.

“No, wait, I thought my motor nerves were already amazing when I was in a
physical education class, but I can’t say that anymore…”

“I’ve never seen someone getting blown off like that!”

The students who had been watching the turmoil from the window were

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talking about my action. And then, Kaori was running toward me while I was
watching at the surroundings.

“Yuuya- san! Are you all right!?”

“Ah, yep. I’m okay. What about Kaori, are you okay?”

“Eh? Oh, y-yes! I’m fine as well!”

I briefly looked at Kaori’s whole body, but it seemed that she was not
injured. It’s good then… I was able to help her before something happened to
her. I was relieved from the bottom of my heart, and then Kaori collapsed on
the spot, probably because her thread of tension has broken.

“Are you okay!?”

“Eeeh, I’m sorry… I felt relieved, and then, it’s like my power left me all at

“Big brother…”

While doing such an exchange, Youta and Sora came to me with a sad face.
Kaori, who was looking at them, tried to stand again to protect me, but I told
her to step back.


“It’s okay.”

I smiled to reassure her and faced Youta and Sora.

“Big brother… Why did you do that, even though I… I’ve been bullying

“… Sure, I’ve had a lot of trouble. Seeing you two who are much better than
me, I felt like my heart would break many times. And yet… Yeah, if my
family is in trouble, I have to help them… That’s what I thought.”

From someone else’s perspective, I’m probably a soft-hearted and naive

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person. If I think about what I’ve been through, it can’t be helped usually. I
couldn’t forgive Youta and Sora, either. I can never forgive them for making
a fool of grandpa, and given the many things, I’ve received so far… Various
dark feelings come to mind.

However, it’s still… No matter how sweet it is from the surrounding people
say, this is me. I can’t abandon my family.

After hearing my words, Youta opened his eyes and started to shed tears.

“I… I…! I’m sorry… I am so sorry…!”

Sora was also crying next to Youta, and then, they’re also taken by the police.
While seeing them off, Kaori asked, worrying about me.

“…Was it okay?”


“Yuuya-san must have had a hard time because of those two… So…”

“…Yeah. There’s been a lot of things, and I didn’t forgive them either.”

Kaori fell silent.

“But… It’s okay. Because this is me.”

“Oh… So that’s it.”

Kaori, who felt something in my words, was surprised for a moment and
immediately smiled. And the smile on her face turned into a slightly
mischievous smile.

“Come to think of it… I was helped again.”

“Eh? Ah… Was I able to help properly this time?”

“It’s not just this time. Even before, Yuuya-san helped me properly. Yuuya-
san is my hero!”

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Despite blushing hearing of Kaori’s words, I was delighted that I really
moved to help… I thought that from the bottom of my heart.


The commotion quickly settled. All of the delinquents were detained by the
police and taken to the police station. The commotion seems to have
originated from Youta and Sora, who knew that they were not able to enter
“Ousei Gakuen”.

Each of the members of the “Red Ogre”, including Araki, originally had a
problem with their conduct, so they had been sent to the reform school after
being expelled from their original school, but Kaori more or less helped
Youta and Sora, so they weren’t expelled. But still, it will resonate greatly in
their report and the grades.

It was quite a big fuss, but thanks to the board chairman, there was no
particular trouble in the media.

Speaking of the chairman, when the delinquents came to the school, he

wasn’t in the school because of his work, and when the case was resolved, he
came back immediately. When he discovered that Kaori was in danger again
this time, he showered me with his gratitude as much as he did before. He
showered his gratitude again and again, but I was already delighted that I
could attend this “Ousei Gakuen”… Well, I had no choice but to receive it.

Anyway, in the end, the injured people had been handled… And, the next
day, I was a little afraid to go to school. Regardless of the circumstances of
what had been occurred, I easily kicked people and send him flying like that.
Therefore, when I think about the gaze of fear, even just a little from those
kind people… It’s horrifying.

I arrived in the classroom while thinking that. I timidly opened the class’
door while feeling depressed ──

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“Oh, Yuuya! I was anxious about yesterday, you know?”

“Yuuya-kun! You didn’t get any injury, right? Are you really okay?”

“I-I was really scared just looking at it…”

“Eh? Eh?”

I had no choice but to be perplexed in front of Ryo and the others who had
suddenly come to me. The other classmates also called out to me with a

“Yuuya-kun, you were so amazing yesterday!”

“I can’t believe you could win against that many delinquents, let alone
unscathed… It’s really amazing!”

“I mean, that big guy, you lifted him with just one hand!? How did you do

“In the first place, you jumped off from the fourth floor, didn’t you? Are you
sure you’re okay?”

“Yuuya-kun! By all means, why don’t you come to the aikido club!?”

“No, no, no, It’s better for you to join the judo club!”

“Didn’t you guys see that kick!? So, it has to be my taekwondo club!”

Everyone treated me gently and brightly. I thought everyone might be afraid,

but they all are kinder and warmer than I expected. There was nothing like
before I leveled-up in the different world. I thought that only the different
world would make me feel at ease… That’s not entirely right. I was able to
level up and meet kind people like this.

“Thank you, everyone!”

Leveled-up has really changed my life.

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── In a room in a certain building…

“I finally found you… Yuuya Tenjou…!”

A woman laughs fearlessly in front of a series of Yuuya’s photos spread out

on her desk.

“I can’t let you go with that outstanding talent you have, right?”

Muttering so, the woman stood up and called one of her subordinates.


“Are you calling me, Manager?”

“It’s a job. Please contact this young man.”


The woman smiled deeply when she saw her subordinates leave.

“I’ll be the one who will get him…!”

Looking at the woman, the two people who were invited to this room ─
Hikari and Miwa, looked bewildered. Both of them had tried to hide about
Yuuya somehow, but they failed.

“Manager… What are you going to do when you find Yuuya-kun?”

“No matter what it takes, I’m going to bring him to my agency. With Miwa
and Yuuya-kun, who is now so popular, we’ll be even bigger!”

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“But… We have to think about Yuuya-san’s feelings, too…”

The woman opened her eyes in surprise, looking at Miwa, who told her
opinion, despite her modestness.

“Nonsense, It’s a chance to get into the entertainment world. No one would
refuse this.”

Not only Miwa but also Hikari couldn’t say anything to this woman who says
so with absolute confidence.

“Fufufu… Yuuya Tenjou… I want to see you with my very own eyes as soon
as possible…”


The location has changed, and there was a certain rumor in the Alceria
Kingdom when the person who was trying to make contact with Yuuya

“Hey, did you hear about that?”

“Oh, the thing about Lexia-sama?”

“Yes. It seems that something happened during the last visit, and because of
that, she’s going to go to the Great Devil’s Nest.”

“It’s strange, isn’t it? Speaking of the “Great Devil’s Nest”, it’s a place that
even adventurers can’t get close. There are strong monsters, and there are
also rumors that say that there is material for making elixir in there…”

“It also seems to be a person living in the Great Devil’s Nest, and Lexia-sama
is going to meet that person.”

“Huh!? Do people live in such a place!? Or rather, why is she going to meet

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that person?”

“I don’t know if that’s it, but… If there’s such a person living in there, that
person must be eccentric.”

It was a place that Yuuya didn’t know, and there was no doubt that his very
existence was rumored.


“Well, I think I’ll go to the different world today.”

A little after the things with Youta and the others, I decided to go to the
different world after a while. I’ve been exploring the forest, but I haven’t met
anyone from this world besides the ones from the Goblin General’s battle.

“…Well, I’ll come across them sooner or later.”

Someday, I want to go out of that forest and do some sightseeing in that

world, too. I finished eating and went to the different world.

I’m currently fighting against a monster that would’ve killed me if I met them
in the past. It’s because I became stronger now, and because I think I could
still become stronger, and it’s also training that helps me to spend time in this



For that reason, I encountered a Bloody Ogre along the way, and I was
actively fighting it now. It’s very different from when I met it before.

Stepping in with all its might and making a big fissure on the ground, the
Bloody Ogre shook its strong arms to resist my [Omni-Sword].

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However, I cut its arm, jumped up without killing the momentum, and cut the
Bloody Ogre from its head. At the same time, when I landed with ease, the
Bloody Ogre has became a particle of light and disappeared.

“Phew… Hmm?”

When I was collecting the drop item of the defeated Bloody Ogre, there was a
reaction from my [Presence Detection] skill. However, the reaction is not
only one, but many.

“What is it?”

I was kind of worried about the identity from those presences, I moved while
erased my presence with [Assimilation], and finally reached the target
location ──.



“Shit! To think we would meet a group of Goblin Elites…!”

“What’s wrong with this forest? Even if when only one appear, it’s already

“Don’t just move your mouth. Protect Lexia-sama no matter what!”

Four goblin elites are fighting against the soldiers that I saw in this forest
before. Among them, the middle-aged knight was fighting alone against one
of the goblin elites, but the other soldiers aren’t doing the same, and although
it seems like they are somehow managing to hold them up now, they will
soon be defeated. Honestly, I don’t know the affiliation of those soldiers, and
I don’t know if they are enemies or allies, but I had no choice but to help

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With [Assimilation] activated, I approached one of the goblin elite, and then
swung my [Omni-Sword] and beheaded it as it is.


“W-what the hell is going on…”

By attacking the goblin elite, the [Assimilation] skill was canceled. Still, I
pierced the [Omni-Sword] through the heart of the other goblin elite, I just
flowed without worrying about it.


Then, another goblin elite who returned to its senses attacked me, but I just
calmly watched its movements, it swung its large sword. I shifted my body to
avoid it within a hair’s breadth, I come into its bosom’s as is, right below its
swinging arm, and beheaded it with [Omni-Sword].


“What’s going on…?”

“Is that the person that Lexia-sama talked about?”

I turned my eyes to the last one, the middle-aged knight just pierced it to put
it an end, it seems like my help was not needed.

Well… What am I going to do now?

It’s nice to have helped them quickly, but I don’t know these people very
well… Moreover, the soldiers seem to be somehow wary of me…

It was difficult to speak somehow, and when I was thinking about leaving,
the middle-aged knight called out to me.

“I’m sorry, we are safe, thanks to you. Thank you.”

“Eh!? Oh, no, don’t worry about it. I just happened to pass by…”

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“I see… Could it be, you’re really…”


The middle-aged knight folded his arms as if pondering something, and the
other soldiers began to talk in a whisper.

“S-so he really exists…”

“Then, he?”

“Yes, he actually defeated that number of goblin elites alone…”

“He looks to be about the same age as Lexia-sama…”

“More than that, look at his atmosphere… Is he a noble?”


When I was confused, looking at these soldiers, a girl came out of among


A Goblin General previously attacked this girl. At that time she was muddy,
but now she has a beautiful appearance. The girl opened her eyes widely
when she looked at me, and then──



“──Please marry me.”


She said something outrageous.

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On this occasion, I really want to say thank you very much for buying this

I am the author called Miku. This work was posted on the web novel posting
site “Kakuyomu”, and I received the grand prize in the modern fantasy
category of the contest held on that site. Thus I was able to make it into a
book. I have made a significant addition and correction from what I had
posted on the Web, and I think that the degree of perfection is considerably
higher than the content on the Web.

As I was writing this work, I discovered many things that I had never been
aware of before, and I think I was able to grow a little bit as a writer.
Currently, as a fourth-year student at university, I’m going to graduate from
college next year, and I’m in the process of preparing to make my dream
come true.

Therefore, I’m very sorry to all of you the readers, I think that the content on
the Web should also be updated, but I don’t have much time to do it. I’ll do
my best to update it as soon as possible.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the

people involved — everyone on the selection committee of the Kakuyomu
Web Novel Contest. I was really happy when I won the grand prize. Thank
you for choosing my work.

Editor in charge. Thanks to unfamiliar meetings and lots of advice for

improving the work, I was able to complete the work more than I did on the
Web. Thank you very much. I think that I am still inexperienced and I may
bother you even more, but I hope you can associate with me

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To Kuwashima Rein-sama. Really, thank you very much for drawing the cool
and cute characters. I was really impressed when I received the illustrations.
Please help with it again in the future.

And to all the readers who read this work. I think there are many poor-quality
parts, but I would like to devote myself to making it a little more interesting.

I’m looking forward to seeing you again.

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I got the cheat ability in a different world, and
become extraordinary even in the real world.

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