Detailed Lesson Plan in Science III

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science III

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the Grade III pupils will be able to achieve the following task with at
least 75% proficiency.

A. Name the following animals and their habitat.

B. Perform actively in the given activities.

C. Appreciate the value of caring and loving the animals.

II. Subject matter

A. Topic: The animals (mga hayop)

B. Textbook: Science 3 (kagamitan ng mag-aaral) pages 57-59

C. Materials: Projector, PowerPoint presentation, instructional material

D. Values integration: Love the animals

III. Procedure: (7 E’s)

Strategy Teachers activity Pupils activity

1.Elicit Last time we discussed about The sense organ of a human
what? being

How many sense organs a There are five senses

human being has?

And what are this five senses? Sense of sight, smell, touch,
hear, taste
Very good

2.Engage Who among you here have

animals at home?

I have here a short story about


The story entitles Bantay and


(the teacher will read the story)

What is the story all about? The story is all about friendship
and forgiveness.
Who are the leading characters? Bantay and Tagpi.

What kind of animals are bantay

and tagpi? They are both dog

Where we did we often times

see dogs? In the houses and streets

Very good

We can see animals every day

3. Explore and everywhere, right class? Yes, Ma’am.

They are living in different


Why are they living in different

habitat? Because some of them are
living on the land, air and water.
All right

Not all animals are safe, because

some animals are dangerous to
live with us, but they can be

There are different ways on how

to take care of animals

Remember that animals can be

also best friend Yes, Ma’am.

Where we did often see

4. Explain animals?
At home, street, farm, and
Why not all animals are safe?
Because some animals are very
Can you give me examples of
animals that are dangerous?
Lion, tiger, snake, shark, wolf,
How about animals that are safe crocodile, bears.
to be with?
Dogs, cats, chicken, pigs, goats,
Very good! carabao, horses, and cows.
5. Elaborate a. (The teacher will post
pictures of animals in
the surroundings) (The pupils will do as told)

Observe the pictures on
the board write the
names of the following

B. (The teacher will post

a picture again of
animals from other
1. Can you name
Class, please get one
6. Evaluate whole sheet of paper
and answer the
following questions.

1. Have you seen this

animal and in their
2. What are this
3. Where can you find
these animals?
4. Can you describe
their habitat?

Identify the following

7. Extend animals base on their
habitat and
(dangerous and safe)
habita characteristics

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Fill in the table below.

Animals Habitat Characteristics






V. Assignment

Bring picture of animals that are rarely seen in the Philippines.

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