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Extra High Voltage (EHV) Disconnector and Earth

Switch Standard
Version 1.0, June 2018

Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd (ABN 24 167 357 299)

Action Name and title Date
Prepared by Michael Verrier, Senior Asset Strategy Engineer June 2018
Santosh Dhakal, Asset Engineer June 2018
Reviewed by

Authorised by Darryl Munro, Asset Strategy Team Leader June 2018

Review cycle 30 months

This document is the responsibility of the Asset Strategy Team, Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd, ABN 24 167 357
299 (hereafter referred to as "TasNetworks") .
Please contact the Asset Strategy Leader with any queries or suggestions.

• Implementation All TasNetworks staff and contractors.

• Compliance All group managers.

Minimum Requirements
The requirements set out in TasNetworks ’ documents are minimum requirements that must be complied
with by all TasNetworks team members, contractors, and other consultants.
The end user is expected to implement any practices which may not be stated but which can be reasonably
regarded as good practices relevant to the objective of this document.

© Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd 2014

Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd (ABN 24 167 357 299)

EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

Record of revisions
Section number Details

Entire doc Copied over verbatim from superseded Transend to TasNetworks template.
Updated Transend to TasNetworks document reference numbers where known
including Australian Standards.

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

Table of contents

Responsibilities............................................................................................................................................. 2

Minimum Requirements...............................................................................................................................2

List of tables..................................................................................................................................................5

List of figures.................................................................................................................................................6

1.4.................................................................................................... Certificate of conformance
1.5............................................................................................................................ Precedence
1.7............................................................................................................................. References
1.7.1.......................................................................................................TasNetworks standards
1.7.2.................................................................................................................. Other standards

2.................................................................................................................................... Service conditions


3................................................................................................................................Design requirements
3.1....................................................................................................................... General design
3.2...................................................................................................................Earthing switches
3.3......................................................................................................Interlocking requirements
3.4........................................................................................................................Post insulators
3.5............................................................................................................Primary line terminals

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

3.6...................................................................................................................Auxiliary switches
3.7......................................................................................Local control and operating cubicles

4..................................................................................................................................Other requirements
4.1..............................................................................................................General construction
4.3........................................................................................................................... Special tools
4.4................................................................................................Documentation requirements

5.1...............................................................................................................................Type tests
5.2..........................................................................................................................Routine tests


7..................................................................................... Data for asset management information system


8.........................................................................................................Maintenance procedures and plans


9...................................................................................................Information to be provided with tender



11.............................................................................................................................................Hold points

12......................................................................................................................Pantograph disconnectors

List of tables
Table 1......................................................................................... Parameters for disconnectors

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

List of figures
Figure 1.............................................................................................................Earth switch flag

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

1 General

1.1 Purpose
To define the requirements from extra high voltage (EHV) disconnectors (hereafter referred to as
disconnectors) and earth switches, under the responsibility of Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd (hereafter
referred to as TasNetworks ).

1.2 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture, construction, testing at
manufacturer’s works, secure packaging, supply, transportation and delivery to site, with complete
documentation, of disconnectors and earth switches.

1.3 Objective
TasNetworks has developed this standard for disconnector and earth switch design, manufacture,
construction, testing and delivery to ensure:
(a) that relevant Australian legal requirements are met;
(b) ensure the requirements of the National Electricity Rules are met;
(c) ensure personnel and public safety;
(d) ensure ease of operation and maintenance;
(e) ensure reliability and continuity of power supply to the electricity transmission system; and
(f) support the implementation of TasNetworks’ strategic performance objectives.

1.1 Certificate of conformance

A certificate of conformance with this standard must be submitted to TasNetworks prior to any new
disconnector or earth switch being put into service in TasNetworks’ system, The certificate of conformance
must be duly supported with documents, drawings, test results, test reports, test certificates, completed
check lists and other documents as applicable. Where TasNetworks has approved deviation to specific
requirements of this standard, all such approvals must be included with the certificate of conformance.
TasNetworks will supply blank forms for certificate of conformance, to be completed by the Contractor.
The disconnector or earth switch will be accepted only after TasNetworks has accepted the certificate of

1.2 Precedence
Any conflict between the requirements of the standards, codes, specifications, drawings, rules, regulations
and statutory requirements or various sections of this standard and other associated documents must be
brought to the attention of TasNetworks for resolution.

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

1.3 Deviation
Special approval for a deviation to this standard may only be accorded if it does not reduce the quality of
workmanship, or does not deviate from the objective or intent of the standard. A request for a deviation
must follow a designated procedure that involves approval from TasNetworks . Deviations, if any, must be
specifically requested and require approval in writing by TasNetworks prior to award of Contract.

1.4 References
As a component of the complete specification for a system, this standard is to be read in conjunction with
other standards and documents as applicable. In particular, this includes the project specifications and the

1.4.1 TasNetworks standards

Extra High Voltage Post Insulator Standard R574184
Extra High Voltage Disconnector and Earth Switch Information to be provided R5864915
with Tender
Extra High Voltage Disconnector and Earth Switch Deliverables R586491
Operational & Equipment Earthing Standard Drawing, Earthing Termination NET-0177-00002/003
Stations for Steel & Concrete Structures
Operational Earthing Standard Drawing, Operational Earthing Equipment NET-0177-00002/006
Structure Attachments Details
Substation Standard Outdoor Switchyard Operator Earthmat Assembly and TSD-SD–809–0002–004
NGK 110 kV Post Insulator (Cat. No. DA-108051MM) NGK drawing S-135818
NGK 220 kV Post Insulator (Cat. No. 8A-108101MM) NGK drawing S-135819

2 Service conditions
Service conditions shall not exceed the limits stated in AS/NZS 62271.1 Clause 2, together with the
particulars of the system stated in Table 1 of this standard.
Specific environmental conditions for particular works will be stated in the project specifications.

3 Design requirements
All disconnectors and earth switches must comply with the requirements within Table 1 of this standard, the
requirements detailed in AS 62271-102 and other applicable Australian and International Standards. Where a
conflict exists, the most onerous requirement shall apply.
Any specific design, installation, operation and maintenance criteria for particular works will be stated in the
project specifications, such as physical mounting arrangement (side-to-side or end-to-end), operating
mechanism (motorised or manual) or with/without integral earth switch.

Table 1 Parameters for disconnectors

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

Sr. No. Parameter Unit Value

1. Nominal system voltage (Vn) kV 110 220
2. Highest voltage kV 123 245
3. Power frequency withstand voltage kVrms 230 460
4. Lightning impulse withstand voltage (LIWV) kVpeak 550 1050
5. Normal voltage variation (criteria for %Vn ±10
equipment design)
6. Frequency Hz 50
7. Normal operating frequency excursion Hz 48.8 to 52
8. Power system frequency range Hz 44.5 to 52
9. Normal combined voltage and frequency % ± 10
variation (criteria for equipment design)
10. Number of phases - 3
11. Minimum ambient air temperature °C minus 10
Particulars of disconnector and earth
12. Number of poles (mechanically coupled) - 3
13. Installation - Outdoor
14. Insulation medium - Air
15. Rated short-time withstand current kA 40
16. Rated peak withstand current kA 108
17. Rated short-time s 1
18. Rated current, continuous A 2000 3150
19. Primary terminal palm type (AS 62271-301) 8 9
20. Rated bus-transfer current (AS 62271-102) A 1600 1600
21. Rated induced current switching class - A (AS 62271-102)
22. Mechanical endurance class (disconnector) - M1 (AS 62271-102)
23. Electrical endurance class (earth switch) - E0 (AS 62271-102)
24. Neutral earthing - solidly earthed
25. Rated supply voltage of heater circuit Vac 240
26. Rated supply voltage of auxiliary (motor), Vdc 125
indication and interlocking circuits
27. Rated supply voltage range of auxiliary Vdc 87.5 Vdc – 137.5 Vdc
(motor), indication and interlocking circuits
28. Contact rating of auxiliary switches at 125 A 4
29. Degree of protection by enclosure IP 54

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

Sr. No. Parameter Unit Value

30. Mode of operation (manual or motorised) - Motorised
31. Minimum phase-phase clearance mm Refer to project specifications
32. Phase spacing mm Refer to project specifications
33. Mounting configuration - Refer to project specifications
34. Height of support structure mm Refer to project specifications
35. Commutating contacts fitted Yes/No No
(unless specified in the project
specifications for use in
bus-transfer current switching

3.1 General design

Disconnectors must:
(a) be a double-break design, unless otherwise stated in the project specifications;
(b) have all three poles mechanically coupled, unless otherwise stated in the project specifications;
(c) be motorised and capable of being controlled locally at the disconnector or remotely, via a supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.
(d) have a local control switch and a REMOTE-OFF-LOCAL control selector switch provided within a
lockable disconnector control cubicle to meet the following functions:
(i) when switched to LOCAL, control from the local control switch must be enabled and remote
close and open circuits must be disabled;
(ii) when switched to REMOTE, all external open and close circuits are enabled and all circuits to
the local control switch must be disabled;
(iii) when switched to OFF, all local and remote open and close circuits must be disabled; and
(iv) position indication of control switch and control selector switch must be capable of being
provided to SCADA, with an additional normally-open (NO) and normally closed (NC) contact
provided on both switches.
(e) be provided with a miniature circuit breaker (mcb), or overload relay and contactor, on motor supply
circuit, if applicable, complete with any lock fittings to allow the mcb or relay to be securely locked
and tagged in the open position;
(f) be provided with slide-link disconnect terminals for effective isolation of all external d.c. circuitry. The
slide-link disconnect terminals must be Weidmuller type WTL 6/1, Phoenix type URTK/S or equivalent.;
(g) be capable of manual operation within the maximum force limits defined in section 5.105 of AS
62271-102, which states that the force needed to operate a disconnector or earthing switch shall not
be higher than 60 N with a possible peak of 120 N during a maximum of 10 per cent of the total
required revolutions;
(h) be supplied with 70 mm2, or equivalent, flexible earth connections with crimp lugs enabling all
operating handles to be connected to the switchyard earthing system; and
(i) be supplied with integral support structures. Support structures must be constructed with galvanized
steel and conform to relevant Australian Standards for steel structures and welding. The support
structure must include brackets for operational earthing points to be connected on each side of the
disconnector. The brackets must be ‘Mark 5’ (as per drawing NET-0177-00002/006) to allow the

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

purchaser to install ‘Type 10’ operation earthing connection points, as detailed in


3.1 Earthing switches

Where stated in the project specifications, disconnectors must be supplied equipped with integral earthing
switches. A free-standing earth switch may also be specified. Earthing switches must:
(a) conform to the requirements detailed in AS 62271-102 for ‘normal service conditions’;
(b) have a short-circuit current withstand capability equivalent to the rated short-time withstand current
capacity of the associated disconnector;
(c) have earthing switch blades that allow connection of a copper conductor for direct bonding to the
substation earthing system;
(d) be designed such that the earth switch arms cannot not swing from an open to a closed position, or a
closed to an open position, in the event of a failure of the operating mechanism.
(e) have a lockable operating handle 1200 mm above ground level. The earth switch must not require a
manual static effort of more than 250 N to operate the operating handle. A peak value of 450 N is
acceptable during the initial 15° rotation;
(f) be supplied with 70 mm2, or equivalent, flexible earth connections with crimp lugs enabling all
operating handles to be connected to the switchyard earthing system; and
(g) be supplied with a visible, corrosion proof, 300 mm x 200 mm flag securely fitted to the top half of
each of the earth switch arms, comprising 50 mm diagonal black stripes on a yellow background,
similar to Figure 1.

Figure 1 Earth switch flag

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

3.1 Interlocking requirements

(a) The disconnector mechanism must include a solenoid interlock to allow electrical interlocking with its
associated circuit breaker/s to prevent making or breaking of load. An energising pushbutton must be
provided for manual operation.
(b) A free standing earth switch must include a solenoid interlock to allow electrical interlocking with its
associated disconnectors or enclosure access gates. An energising pushbutton must be provided for
manual operation.
(c) The disconnector or earth switch (where fitted) must be capable of being padlocked in both the open
and closed positions.
(d) The disconnector must be mechanically interlocked with its integral earthing switch (where fitted)
such that the:
(i) earth switch can only be closed when all poles of the disconnector are open; and
(ii) disconnector can only be closed when all poles of the earth switch are open.
(e) The disconnector must be electrically interlocked with its integral earthing switch (where fitted) such
that the disconnector can only be closed, in either local or remote mode, when all poles of the earth
switch are open.

3.1 Post insulators

The project specifications will state if post insulators are to be provided by the supplier or by the purchaser.
(a) If the disconnector supplier is to provide post insulators, the light-grey glazed porcelain insulators
must conform to document Extra High Voltage Post Insulators Standard, R574184
(b) If the purchaser is to supply the post insulators, then the disconnectors must be designed to allow the
use of the following post insulators:
(i) for 220 kV disconnectors, NGK Post Insulators Cat. No. 8A-108101MM (see attached NGK
drawing number S-135819); or
(ii) for 110 kV disconnectors, NGK Post Insulators Cat. No. DA-108051MM (see attached NGK
drawing number S-135818).

3.1 Primary line terminals

Disconnector must be provided with:
(a) aluminium primary terminals of a type as listed in Table 1 of this specification, with horizontal
orientation, to AS 62271-301; and
(b) primary terminals that have minimum mechanical terminal load ratings as defined in table 3 of AS

3.1 Auxiliary switches

Disconnectors and earthing switches must be fitted with an auxiliary switch to provide indication and
interlocking functions. It must be possible to fit additional switches to the disconnector and earthing switch if
required. The auxiliary switch must:
(a) comply with the requirements of Clause 5.4 of AS/NZS 62271.1;
(b) be simple and robust, capable of easy adjustment at site, readily accessible and capable of maintaining
their adjustment for long periods. All springs must be rust proof;

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

(c) for disconnectors, have available for external wiring at least eight (8) spare normally-open (NO)
contacts and eight (8) spare normally-closed (NC) contacts; and
(d) for earth switches, have available for external wiring at least four (4) spare normally-open (NO)
contacts and four (4) spare normally-closed (NC) contacts;
(e) be capable of a contact arrangement of make-before-break; and
(f) be suitably insulated to prevent tracking and moisture absorption.

3.1 Local control and operating cubicles

Local control and operating cubicles must:
(a) be of a lockable type, constructed from high quality stainless steel (minimum grade 304) or Aluminium
sheet metal panels of sufficient thickness and bracing to provide torsional rigidity;
(b) have doors and covers providing ready access to all operating components for inspection and
maintenance purposes. Door(s) must open to an angle of 120 degrees, and have stays fitted to
prevent free swing;
(c) be weather, vermin and dust proof and must have provisions to avoid formation of water pools;
(d) have a minimum degree of protection to IP 54;
(e) have a removable gland plate at the bottom of the cubicle to allow entry of all cables. The gland plate
must be a minimum of 2 mm thick and suitable for drilling on site;
(f) have thermostatically controlled space heaters with cut-off control switches to prevent moisture
condensation. The heaters and thermostats must be:
(i) suitable for single phase 230 V, 50 Hz AC system operation;
(ii) rated to withstand temperatures of 100 °C;
(iii) capable of continuous service for the entire life of the unit;
(iv) easily accessible and easily replaceable; and
(v) supplied with appropriate settings and a recommended settings sheet for each installed
heater and thermostat combination.

4 Other requirements

4.1 General construction

All equipment associated with the disconnector assembly must be designed to avoid pockets in which water
can collect.

4.2 Earthing
(a) Frames of all equipment supplied must be provided with reliable earth connection points and comply
with relevant Australian Standards.
(b) All connections to earth must comply with requirements of AS/NZS 3000 and be designed to provide a
firm connection for the entire life of the equipment.
(c) Disconnectors must be supplied with operator earth mats, as per drawing TasNetworks’ Substation
Standard Outdoor Switchyard Operator Earthmat Assembly and Details Drawing,

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

TSD-SD-809-0002-004 (note: the purchaser will arrange connection from the operator earth mat to
the switchyard earthing system).
(d) Earthing terminals must be suitable for connecting copper earthing strip size 40 mm x 6 mm using as a
minimum 2 x 12 mm bolts with 40 mm centres.

4.1 Special tools

Any special tools required for the operation or maintenance of the disconnector and earth switch (where
fitted) must be provided.

4.2 Documentation requirements

(a) Dimensional plan and section drawings for the disconnector and earth switch and any associated
accessories must be produced and submitted for approval by TasNetworks . The drawings must show
the final outline dimensions, total mass, details of insulator, primary and earth terminals, support
structure attachment points, lifting lugs, operating rods and adjustments, other fittings and
accessories, and the materials utilised.
(b) Separate rating and nameplate drawings must be produced and submitted for approval by
TasNetworks .
(c) Separate schematic and wiring diagrams, with label details must be produced and submitted for
approval by TasNetworks .
(d) Details on packaging and handling the equipment during transport and erection must be provided and
submitted for approval by TasNetworks .
(e) Operation and maintenance manual must be provided and submitted for approval by TasNetworks .
(f) Separate construction drawings must show the mounting structures and all detail required to install
the equipment, including minimum clearances in air (between poles and to earth), isolating distances,
rated static and dynamic mechanical terminal loads.
(g) All documents and drawings must be clear, legible and free from errors or omissions.
(h) All documents and drawings must be in the English language ONLY.
(i) Only SI system of units can be used. Units must be stated for all values.
(j) Scales, where used, must be as per the applicable Australian Standards.
(k) All drawings that are made to scale must include a scale block.
(l) Electronic copies of drawings must be supplied on CD-rom in the AutoCad Release 14 format.
(m) Only information relevant to the supplied disconnector and earth switch, if fitted, must be shown in
the documentation and drawings.

4.1 Nameplates
(a) The disconnectors must be provided with nameplates that are:
(i) legible and in the English language;

• permanently and indelibly marked;

• securely fixed in position;

• weather proof and corrosion-proof;

• made of stainless steel or a material of equal durability; and

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

• readable from ground level.

(b) In addition to the actual device ratings and detailed requirements of Table 4 of AS 62271-102, the
following information must be included on the disconnector nameplate:
(i) Purchaser: Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd; and
(ii) Purchaser’s Contract Number: refer to project specifications.

5 Testing
(a) All components of the disconnector and earthing switch (where fitted) must be duly tested in
accordance with applicable Australian and International standards. Where tests are optional in the
standards, it will be considered that these tests are required by TasNetworks , unless otherwise
requested by Contractor and agreed in writing by TasNetworks before the award of Contract.
(b) All test reports must be forwarded to TasNetworks for approval and acceptance. The tests will be
considered as completed only after approval and acceptance of test results by TasNetworks in writing.
A list of the tests to be conducted on disconnectors and earthing switches (where fitted) is given

5.1 Type tests

(a) Type tests are intended to prove the soundness of design of the disconnector and earthing switch
(where fitted) and its suitability for operation under the conditions detailed in the project
specifications. Type tests must be carried out before delivery. A certified test report, detailing the
results of such tests along with the procedures followed, must be provided to TasNetworks . These
tests must have been applied to a disconnector and earthing switch (where fitted) of identical design
to that offered, or on a design which does not differ from that offered in any way which might
influence the properties to be confirmed by the type test.
(b) Where such tests have already been performed, a copy of the type test reports that qualifies for the
exemption from conducting these tests must be provided with the tender.
(c) Type tests for each type of disconnector and earth switch must be performed to relevant Australian
and International Standards and must include all mandatory and optional type tests. Where type tests
differ from the requirements under the relevant Australian and International Standards, the
Contractor/Supplier must detail and submit a list of non-conformances to TasNetworks for

5.1 Routine tests

(a) Routine tests must be conducted on the complete system to prove quality of manufacture and
conformance with the relevant performance requirements of the applicable standards. Splitting of
routine tests into separate stages for individual components of the system is not acceptable. Routine
testing must be performed at the manufacturer’s works prior to delivery.
(b) Procedures for routine tests and supporting documentation must be submitted to TasNetworks for
approval and acceptance. Routine tests must not be conducted unless the routine test procedures
have been accepted and approved by TasNetworks .
(c) Routine tests for each disconnector and earth switch must be performed to relevant Australian and
International Standards, and must include a control wire check. Where routine tests differ from the
requirements under the relevant Australian and International Standards, the Contractor/Supplier must
detail and submit a list of non-conformances to TasNetworks for consideration.

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

6 Packaging
(a) The supplier is responsible for ensuring adequate packaging is provided to minimize the risk of
damage to equipment during delivery. The packaging must be suited to the particular methods of
delivery and provide protection against damage from all foreseen hazards.
(b) Details of packaging methods must be submitted to TasNetworks for review.

7 Data for asset management information system

(a) TasNetworks maintains a comprehensive ‘Asset Management Information System’ (AMIS) that
contains all design, test results and the condition of all TasNetworks assets. The AMIS also contains
maintenance regimes for all assets.
(b) The supplier must provide the information required to maintain the currency of AMIS for each asset in
standard forms. TasNetworks will provide the forms to the selected supplier. Forms are required to be
filled in for all new assets.

8 Maintenance procedures and plans

(a) Detailed maintenance procedures covering the entire life of the disconnector and earth switch must
be provided, including installation, commissioning, maintenance and decommissioning procedures.
(b) Adjustment procedures and diagrams must be provided.
(c) Blank inspection and test plans for commissioning, maintenance and routine testing, for use by
TasNetworks maintenance personnel, must be provided.

9 Information to be provided with tender

Requirements for information to be submitted as part of the tender are outlined in document R5864915.

Requirements for disconnector and earth switch deliverables are outlined in document R586491.

11Hold points
The hold points for disconnector and earth switch include:
(a) ‘Critical design information documentation’ must be submitted 4 weeks after receipt of letter of
acceptance for TasNetworks’ review, comments and approval prior to procurement of equipment.
(b) ‘Detailed design documentation’ must be submitted prior to manufacturing of equipment, for
TasNetworks’ review, comment and approval.
(c) ‘Inspection and Test Plan’ must be submitted three months prior to any testing of equipment, for
TasNetworks’ review, comment and approval.
(d) ‘Invitation to witness testing’ must be submitted two weeks prior to any testing of equipment.

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EHV Disconnector and Earth Switch Standard

(e) Complete updated design documentation and operations and maintenance manuals must be
submitted one week prior to ‘Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)’ for TasNetworks’ preparation to
attend FAT, if required.
(f) Final training manuals must be provided at least two weeks prior to delivery of the EHV disconnector
and earth switch, for use by the training team.
(g) FAT results must be submitted to TasNetworks for approval with any non-conformances identified and
rectified prior to shipment.
(h) All as-built documentation, operation and maintenance manuals, test results and test certificates must
be submitted to TasNetworks and be accepted by TasNetworks prior to acceptance of equipment.
(i) Information for AMIS pertaining to design information, test results and maintenance regimes must be
submitted to TasNetworks prior to acceptance of equipment.
(j) Certificate of conformance must be submitted to TasNetworks prior to acceptance of equipment.
(k) Inspection of each EHV disconnector and earth switch (where fitted) after delivery is required by
TasNetworks prior to acceptance of equipment. The supplier is required to witness inspections of
equipment after delivery to TasNetworks . The supplier may elect to appoint its representative to
attend inspections after delivery.

12Pantograph disconnectors
If specified in the project specifications, pantograph disconnectors, without integral earth switch, shall be
supplied with the following requirements in addition to the existing requirements of the standard:
(a) be supplied with fixed contact and mounting hardware for connection to a solid bus arrangement. The
diameter and height of the solid bus will be stated within the project specifications;
(b) be mechanically coupled for application at 123 kV, with one operating mechanism;
(c) be mechanically phase segregated for application at 245 kV, with one operating mechanism per
(d) if mechanically phase segregated, be supplied with a suitably sized, stainless steel or Aluminium,
lockable marshalling/control box to provide:

• a common point for connection of inter-phase and external cabling to control boxes for all three poles;

• a single point for local (motorised) control of all three phases; and

• a single point for local control selector switch (remote-off-load).

(e) mechanically phase segregated, have a separate auxiliary switch per pole; and
(f) if mechanically phase segregated, provide an out-of-step alarm after a short time delay.

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