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This will tackle the different methodologies and procedures used by the researcher in

doing his research study. It includes research design through the use of descriptive survey

method, the research locale wherein the study conducted. It also includes the instruments used

in collecting and gathering the data, as well as the statistical tools used in interpreting and

analyzing the data.

Research Design

The study is a descriptive-quantitative research. As a descriptive research, it is concerned

with the prevailing or existing status of the present study. In this method, the researcher aims to

determine the Problems Encountered by the Barangay Tanod During Night Time Patrol to

Prevent Crime. For quantitative research, statistical operations will be used to concretize its

results. According to Manuel and Mendal (1998), descriptive research involves the description,

recording, analysis and interpretation of the present nature, composition of processes of

phenomena. The term descriptive research refers to the type research question, design, and data

analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential

statistics try to determine cause and effect. This type of question asked by the researcher will

ultimately determine the type of approach necessary to complete an accurate assessment of the

topic at hand. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics

about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequency,

averages, and other statistical circulations. To achieve the aim of the study, purposive quota

sampling method to the focused barangay tanods of selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon will

be initiated. Selected twenty-five 50 baragay tanods will be responding on the survey

questionnaire designed to collect the quantitative data. The aforementioned instrument will

explain the purpose of the study and provide the consent form of the participants. The instrument

will be divided into 3 parts. Each parts is described on the research instruments.

Research Locale

The researcher conducted his research in the following barangays in Pagbilao, Quezon.

namely; Barangay 1, Barangay 2, Barangay 3, Barangay 4, Barangay 5, Barangay 6, Barangay 7

and Barangay 8. The researcher chose these barangay because he is a resident of Pagbilao and he

may feel at ease to communicate well with the barangay tanods of the following barangays

mentioned above.


A total of 50 barangay tanods will be the respondents of the study. They will be

described according to their demographic profile such as age, gender, years of service, and

educational attainment. The respondents will be required to respond to the survey questionnaires

made by the researcher. There are no negative items. Scores were taken for overall score of an


Sampling Procedure

The aim of the study is to determine The Problems Encounter by the Barangay Tanods in

Night Time Patrol to Prevent Crime. In choosing the respondents, a purposive quota sampling

technique will be used. As the term implies, the sample will contain people who meet a certain

criteria- Barangay tanods of selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon.

Research Instrument

The instrument will be divided into 3 parts. Part 1 will contain questions related to

respondents’ demographic profile that includes age, gender, and years of service and educational

attainment. Part 2 will seek how serious are the problems encountered by the Barangay Tanod in

crime prevention. They will answer the questions using a 4-point Likert-type scale ranging from

“very serious” to “not serious at all.” Part 3 of the survey will ask the respondents to know

activity plan which can be proposed to enhance the effectiveness of Barangay Tanod in Crime

Prevention. They will respond to the questions using a 4-point Likert-type scale ranging from

“Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.”

Data Gathering Procedures

To gather and measure information on the variables presented in this research, a

systematic quantitative data collection will be employed. Quantitative data collection is

numerical in nature and can be mathematically computed. This research will use the Likert scale

to respond on the standardized self-administered survey questionnaires. Thus, it is convenient to

implement and the effects can be measured. In choosing the respondents, a purposive quota

sampling technique will be used. Research instruments will include demographic questions to

help respondents to start comfortably. After administering the questionnaires with utmost

confidentiality, the data gathered will be organized, summarized, interpreted, and generalized.

First, the data will be organized to check for completeness and accuracy. Data will be entered by

hand and by computer (excel spreadsheet) to compute the frequencies, percentage, mean, mode,
median, range, standard deviation, variance, ranking and cross tabulation. Second, information

will be interpreted through fair and careful judgments. Next, the scope and limitations of the

study will be explicitly reported through graphical representations to show and give overview of

the data. Finally, findings and conclusions will be presented and supported by relevant theories

and researches.

Statistical Treatment

Since the study is a descriptive research, some descriptive statistics will be used like frequency

and percentage distribution of the statistical needed in certain problems depend upon the nature

of it.

To solve the problem presented in the study, the researcher will use the following statistical


1. Percentage. It will be used in describing the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of birth year and age and gender. The percentage formula can be defined as the result of the

quotient of the number of responses (ƒ) divided by the total number of the respondents (n)

multiplied by one hundred, in mathematical terms:

P= x 100

2. Weighted Value. It was used in determining the value of each scale per statement. The

formula for weighted value can be defined as the product of the frequency (ƒ) and scale (x), in

mathematical terms:

WV =fx
3. Total Weighted Value. It was used in determining the final value of each item in the

questionnaire. The formula can be defined in the summation of the weighted values (WV) per

item, in mathematical terms:


4. Weighted Mean. It will be used in determining the final weight of each item in the

questionnaire. The formula for mean can be defined as the summation of the frequency (ƒ) and

scale (x) divided by the total number of the respondents (n), in mathematical terms:


5. General Weighted Mean. It will be used in determining the final weighted mean of all the

items in each part in the questionnaire. The formula for general weighted 22 | Page mean can be

defined as the summation of weighted means (WM) divided by the total number of items (n). In

mathematical terms:

∑ WM

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