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Role Name Affiliation
Principal Investigator Prof. (Dr.) Ranbir Singh Vice Chancellor, National
Law University, Delhi
Co-Principal Investigator Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai Registrar, National Law
University Delhi
Paper Coordinator Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai Registrar, National Law
University Delhi
Content Writer/Author Dr Manish Singh Dr RML National Law
University, Lucknow
Content Reviewer Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai Registrar & Professor,
National Law University


Items Description of Module

Subject Name Law
Paper Name Research Methodology
Module Name/Title Legal Reasoning
Module Id III

Learning Outcomes
This module provides for legal reasoning. This aims at following learning outcomes:
 To introduce the concept of legal reasoning and its importance.
 To understand the basic components in legal reasoning.
 To understand the role of logical reasoning in law
 To know about the various types of legal reasoning methods in terms of kinds
of arguments.

The Roadmap
1. Introduction.
2. Basic components in legal reasoning
3. Logical reasoning: types and principles
3.1.Types of arguments
3.1.1 Deductive method
3.1.1.a Stages in the deductive method
3.1.1.b Merits and demerits of deductive method
3.1.2 Inductive method
3.1.2.a Merits and demerits of inductive method
3.1.3 Inverse Deductive method
3.1.4 Analogy
3.1.5 Fortiori

1. Introduction

Legal reasoning as a concept is a process of thinking which helps a researcher to

come to decision relating to law. Law is a tool of social control that attempts to
resolve conflicts in the society, to direct current activity while maintaining continuity
with the past, and to control the future by laying down procedures, approaches and
theories. Every decision must be guided and followed by a logical reasoning which
takes into account the past decisions and statutes, the present position of the parties to
the cases, and its own impact on future activity.
2. Basic components in legal reasoning

There are four basic components in legal reasoning which applies to legal process—
logic, Justice, experience and policy.
a. Logic refers to the internal consistency and equal application of the law. It
refers to more than formal logic, formal logic is the science of deriving a
conclusion front stated premises; it is not directly concerned with either true or
false. A person can obtain a false but logically correct conclusion from a false
premise. Therefore, logic prefers to life correct application of precedents and
equal application of law.
b. Justice is to do right between the parties. Philosophical thought is an
ingredient of justice though it is based on evidence.
c. Experience is an important component in legal reasoning. The life of the law
has not been logic; it has been experience. Experience gives power to give
good legal judgments.
d. The last component is the policy. The term ‘policy’ may be used to describe
the process of approaching a problem. Policy is used to mean a scientific
attempt to peer into the future and foresee the consequences of a decision. The
use of this approach requites the individual to put aside die current interests of
the parties and to keep in mind how this decision would affect other persons in

3. Logical reasoning: Types and principles

Among the four components, logical thinking is the core concept of legal reasoning as
scientific generalizations are based on logical explanations. Every science is based on
the principles of logic or reason. Science involves die rules of reasoning or use of
arguments. Arguments are made on the basis of connection, relationship, association,
property, common variable or attribute between things and activities mentioned in the

3.1 Types of Arguments:

Arguments can be:
(i) Deductive;
(ii) Inductive;
(iii) Inverse deductive;
(iv) Analogy; and
(v) fortiori.

3.1.1 Deductive Method

The method of studying a phenomenon by taking some assumptions and deducting

conclusions from these assumptions is known as the deductive method. Deduction is a
process of reasoning from the general to particular or from the universe to individual,
from given premises to necessary conclusions. Deduction is also known as analytical,
abstract and a priori method. It has an abstract approach to the study of science.
Deductive method is a part of the scientific method. It is basically a rational approach
in accordance with the tenets of deductive logic. Deductive logic uses a general
statement as the basis of argument. Core of the common forms of deductive logic is
syllogism, runs like this,
(1) Plants grow in day time
(2) A cactus is a plant
(3) Therefore cactus plant grow in day time
The third statement follows from the first and second statements taken together.
A syllogism consists of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. A major
premise usually states a general rule. In legal arguments, this is generally a statement
of law. A minor premise makes a factual assertion about a particular person or thing
or a group of persons or things. In legal arguments, this is usually a statement of fact.
A conclusion connects the particular statement in the minor premise with the general
one in the major premise, and tells us how the general rule applies to the facts at hand.
In legal arguments, this process is called applying the law to the facts.
Example: to qualify as a victim of rape under criminal law there must (1) be sexual
intercourse with a women; (2) the intercourse must be without her will. (Major
premise; states a rule of law.) Here, the woman had consensual sex. (Minor premise;
makes a statement of fact.) Therefore, the plaintiff cannot be a “victim” of rap under
criminal law. (Conclusion; correctly applies the law to the facts.)
In order for a syllogism to be valid, it must be logically impossible for its premises to
be true and its conclusion to be false. In other words, a syllogism is valid if, given the
truth of its premises, the conclusion “follows” logically such that it, too, must be true.
An argument is not valid simply because its premises and conclusion are all true.
Example: “all teachers are human. Some human are excellent racers. Therefore, some
teachers are excellent racers.”
Explanation: if read apart, each of these statements is true. Teachers are indeed
human. Some human (e.g. athletes) are excellent racers. And as it happens, some
teachers are also good racers. But this argument is not valid. The fact that teachers are
humans and that some humans are excellent racers does not prove anything about the
racing ability of teachers. Based on the information we’re given in the premises, it is
logically possible that no teacher of the world has ever stepped foot in field for
running. Because it is logically possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion
to be false, this argument is not logically valid.
The example above is a fallacious argument.
When researchers propose a study of the causal factors of the delinquencies which are
on the increase and which seems serious to them, they have some general anticipatory
idea as to what to observe and what specific facts in the main would be relevant to
their inquiry, even though they may not have realized these implications, Then, on the
basis of their observation,-they formulate certain single propositions as to die causal
factors of delinquency. That is, they deduce from die complexities of observed
behaviour certain single ideas. In other words, they use a process of reasoning about
the whole observed situations in order to arrive at a particular idea. This process of
reasoning is called deduction or deductive reasoning.
The following example can be cited for the deductive reasoning:
Lombroso, an Italian, observed peculiar physical features among the criminals and by
using the logical deductive thinking formulated the following propositions by taking
his observations into consideration :
(1) Criminals are by birth a distinct type of persons;
(2) They can be recognized by stigma or anomalies such as a symmetrical
cranium, long lower jaw, flattened nose, scanty beard and low sensitivity to pains;
(3) These physical anomalies identify the personality which is predisposed
criminal behaviour; and
(4) Such persons cannot refrain from committing crime unless the
circumstances of life are generally favoured.
Deduction is logical reasoning and if we start with good premises, deduction can
serve scientific research in three ways:
(1) Deduction helps in detecting the questionable assumptions logically
involved in what is believed to be the truth and it multiplies the number of available
hypothesis by formulating the possible alternatives.
(2) The logical deduction of its consequences makes clear the meaning of
any hypothesis.
(3) The process of rigorous deduction is an aid in the attempt to steer clear
of irrelevancies and thus the right principle is found.

3.1.1.a Steps in the Deductive Method

Step 1. The exploration of the problem—An indispensable preliminary to any
investigation is the existence of a definite problem in the mind of the researcher. The
problem must be one of significance for the actual world.
Step 2. Setting up of the hypothesis from assumptions.—He has to select the
assumptions from which the conclusion will be derived. The assumption must be
derived from observation. They must be close to reality. On the basis of suitable
assumptions, hypothesis may be formulated. A hypothesis is a conjuncture, a hunch,
of the possible connection between two phenomena.
Step 3. Theoretical development of the hypothesis—The nature and implications of
the hypotheses have to be carefully analyzed to formulate a theory. This is purely die
deductive part of the process. By logical reasoning we have to deduce the
Deductive explanations consist of two parts, The explanandum and explanans. The
explanandum is the event, problem or thing to be explained and is the conclusion of a
deductive argument. It may be an individual event. The explanans (premise) explain
the explanandum (conclusion). The explanandum is deduced from the explanans. The
deductive explanation has a valid argument because it takes the form of conditional
argument, affirming die antecedent which is a valid form of inference.
Step 4. Verification of theories

3.1.1.b Merits and demerits of deductive method

1. Powerful.—Deductive explanation is very powerful because it makes use of a
valid form of deductive argument where the explanandum must be true if the
explanans are true.
2. Simple method.—From a few basic facts of human nature, a number of inferences
can be drawn by logical reasoning.
3. Substitute for experimentation.—It is not possible for the investigator to conduct
controlled experiments with the legal phenomena in a laboratory. He can, therefore,
fall back upon deductive reasoning.
4. Actual and exact.—The deductive method lends for the generalizations which are
accurate and exact.
1. Requires high degree of logic and reasoning.—Not everyone can use deductive
method successfully and even many experienced researchers have been trapped by
faulty reasoning.
2. Danger of building inapplicable models.—If the researcher confines only to
abstraction, his model may have the elegance and be logically beautiful but it may be
far away from real life.
3. Valid under assumed conditions.—The theories arrived at by deductive reasoning
are valid only under assumed conditions. The assumptions must be valid, if the
theories are to be hold good.
4. Not applicable to all types of studies.—Deductive method can be applicable to
the limited studies only.

3.1.2 Inductive Method

Induction is the most often used method of scientific research. Induction is a process
of reasoning from particular cases to whole group of cases, from specific instances to
general rules. The inductive method is also known as historical, or expirical or a
posteriori method. It may be described as practical approach to the research problems.
It tries to remove the gulf between theory and practice. This method examines various
causes one after another and tries to establish causal relations between them. General
principles are laid down after examining a large number of special instances or facts.
The method is said to be ‘empirical’ because the formulation of principle is made
only after an extensive compilation of the raw data of experience. The data may be
historical or statistical data, The historical instances are qualitative while the
statistical data are quantitative. Generalizations are made after the analysis of data.
Inductive reasoning starts from observable facts from which a generalization is
inferred. Let us take an example:
(1) Man A died
(2) Man B died and so on
(3) All men are mortal.
One comes across the death of so many individuals. On the basis of these observed
facts, one may infer that all human beings are mortal basing on inductive reasoning.
To give an example for inductive reasoning, we can cite the work of Dr. Goring. He
conducted a research on Lombrosian concept that the criminals constitute a distinct
physical type. His making comparison of several thousand criminals and non-
criminals, finds in his investigation that there is no relation between the criminal
behaviour and physical anomalies, which are proposed by Lombroso.
Induction operates on faith that in the basic course of things if for a long time
regularity is evidenced, then it is a Surety enough for the inference that it will
continue in the future.
If the premise and conclusion in the logical case are both known, some probability
relations may be established between them and this may serve as a paradigm of an
inductive inference.
Inductive explanations also have explanandum and explanans. The explanandum is
generally probable, explanandum cannot be deducted from die explanans with
certainty. The explanandum is implied by the explanans. The explanans support or
provide evidence for the explanandum but does not make the latter certain. The
explanans can be true and the explanandum can still be false in the inductive
explanation. Inductive explanations explain either the probability of individual events
or statistical generalizations.
Inductive process examines the particular phenomena and discovers from them the
general law. There are two laws which bind the process of induction, i.e., the law of
universal causation and the law of uniformity of nature; Perfect induction is a method
of arriving at a universal proposition after taking into consideration all the individual
instances of phenomena under Investigation.
Induction argument derives a generalized conclusion on die basis of particulars which
are often empirically derived observations. The premise of an inductive argument
makes die conclusion probable, not certain. The inductive approach relies on the
scientific discovery of facts. One characteristic of inductive argument is that it
establishes a conclusion with a content which goes beyond its premise. Prom the
observation of a sample, an inference is made about a whole population. This la
called the ‘inductive leap’, jumping from the premise, which relates to an observed
sample, to the conclusion which concerns with entire population. The greater the
number or representative units in the premise or observed in the sample, the smaller is
the inductive leap. The premise of an inductive argument does not establish the
conclusion conclusively. The premise of a valid argument maybe true, but the
conclusion may still be false. Its premise only Supports the conclusion but it does not
make the latter certain,
3.1.2. a Merits and demerits of Inductive Method
1. More realistic.—This method is more realistic because it studies the changes in
conditions surrounding the social activities of man and their effect on social activities
are analyzed and displayed,
2. Possibility of verification.—The method is more useful because its propositions
can be tested and verified easily.
3. Proper attention to complexities.—This method lakes full note of the complex
relationship found in actual life and examines them carefully.
4. Dynamic approach.—This method takes into consideration the changeable nature
of assumptions in its analysis. It does n6t consider facts to b>e stable. It is a dynamic
Demerits of Inductive Method
1. It is a difficult method.—This method cannot be used by a beginner or a common
man because it is impossible for an ordinary person to collect facts, study them and
derive some conclusions out of them. The cost is too much for him.
2. Danger of bias.—The propositions obtained through this method are based upon
data collected by investigators. Therefore, there is a danger of investigator’s bias
entering into propositions.
3. Limited scope of verification.—Since the propositions obtained through this
method are based on a few facts, the universal applicability of these propositions is
always in doubt.
4. Limited use in socio-legal studies.—This method is commonly used for lifeless
objects of the physical science. In socio-legal studies, we study a man’s problems. As
such, die method has limited use.
If anyone asks which method is preferred, the answer is both. Prof. Marshall says,
“Induction and deduction are both needed for scientific study as right and left foot for
Larrabee remarks, “If extreme rationalist (Deductionist) is like a spider spinning out
theories from within the extreme, expiricist (Inductionist) is to be an
ant which piles useless heaps of facts. Better than either the spider or an ant is the bee,
which selectively gathers pollen and transforms it into honey, to be a bee one has to
mingle both induction and deduction in intricate way”.
3.1.3 The Inverse Deductive Method
J.S. Mill is the chief advocate of the Inverse Deductive Method. It is a combination of
inductive generalisations obtained by means of the comparative method or by
statistical method, -’with deduction from more ultimate laws. It is a way to arrive at
reality through experiment, observation and conclusion. This method starts with the
use of deduction and then uses the method of induction to find out die reason of die
phenomena, which is under study.
3.1.4 Analogy
Analogy is a process of reasoning between parallel cases. In this method, conclusions
are arrived at by reasoning of resemblance where from partial resemblance or
agreement of two things or issues to each other. J.S. Mill says that “Two things
resemble each other in one or more respects; a certain proposition it true of the one;
therefore it is true of the other.” Case law involves reasoning by analogy. In practice,
die judiciary proceeds on the basis of a number of points of resemblance of relations
or attributes between cases by applying the old rule to the new case.
3.1.5 Fortori
Fortori is another method of reasoning. Fortori provides that if something is
prohibited then it is assumed that anything more obvious is prohibited.

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