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Title Radio Corporation of the PH vs Jesus Roa, et al, GR No.

September 30, 1935
Ponente GODDARD, J.
Doctrine Guaranty and Surety
Facts ● Jesus Roa, the principal debtor, became indebted to the PH
Theatrical Enterprise in the sum of P28,400. Later, PH Theatrical
Enterprise assigned all its right and interest in that contract to
the Radio Corporation of the PH

● The contract between PH Theatrical Enterprise and Radio

Corporation contained an accelerating clause stating that in case
the vendee-mortgagor fails to make any of the playments, the
whole amount remaining unpaid shall immediately become due
and payable and this mortgage on the property mentioned as
well as the Luzon Surety Bond may be foreclosed by the vendor-

● Later, Erlanger & Galinger, acting in its capacity as attorney-in-

fact of the Radio Corporation wrote to Jesus Roa stating that it
does not object to the extension requested by the latter to pay
the February installment by the 1st week of April

● However, Roa, et al failed to pay

● An action was instituted by Radio Corporation before CFI which

was granted by the lower court ordering Ramon Chavez, Andes
Roa and Manuel Roa to pay Radio Corporation a sum of money

● Ramon, Andes and Manuel, the guarantors, appealed CFI’s

decision before the Supreme Court alleging that CFI erred in not
finding Jesus Roa having defaulted in the payment of the
installment due on February and that Radio Corporation gave him
an extension of time for the payment of said installment
Issue W/N the extension granted by Radio Corporation, without the consent of
the guarantors, extinguishes their liability not only as to the installments
due at that time but also as to the whole amount of their obligation?
SC Ruling Yes, the extension granted by Radio Corporation extinguishes Ramon,
Andes and Manuel, the guarantors' liability to the whole amount of their

As a rule, an extension of time granted to the debtor by the creditor,

without the consent of the sureties, extinguishes the latter’s liability
however, where a surety is liable for different payments, an extension of
time as to one or more will not affect the liability of the surety for the
others. In the instant case, in view of the fact that under the express
provision of the contract, the whole unpaid balance automatically
becomes due and payable upon failure to pay 1 installment, the act of
Radio Corporation in extending the payment of the installment originally
due on February to April, without the consent of the guarantors,
constituted an extension of the payment of the whole amount of the
indebtedness. Hence, the guarantors’ contention in the instant case that
after default of the payment of 1 installment, the act of Radio
Corporation, the creditor, in extending the time of payment, discharges
them as guarantors, is found correct by the Court. Thus, the Court
reversed CFI’s decision.

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