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By: Elaf, Valeria, Julia, Maheen
What is sexual harassment and what does it look like?

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for

sexual favours, and other forms of sexual
harassment in the workplace or at school
Sexual harassment can take place in a
are all examples of sexual harassment.
variety of settings. The harasser can be
Sexual harassment does not always have
of any gender and have any type of
to involve sexual behaviour or be directed
relationship with the victim, such as
at a specific individual. Negative
being a direct boss, indirect supervisor,
comments regarding women as a group,
coworker, instructor, peer, or colleague.
for example, could be considered sexual
harassment. Although teasing and
offhand comments are not normally
covered by sexual harassment legislation,
they can be distressing and have a
negative emotional impact.
Some forms of sexual harassment include:

▣ Unwanted touching or physical contact

▣ Requests for sexual behaviors
▣ Physical acts of sexual assault
▣ Feeling pressured to enage with someone sexaully
▣ Unwanted sexaully explict photos, emails, or text messages
▣ Verbal harassment of a sexual nature, including jokes
referring to sexual acts or sexual orinetation

What Is The Difference
Between Sexual Harassment
And Sexual Assault?

Difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault:

Sexual harassment is a broad word that encompasses a wide range of unwanted sexual
attention, both verbal and physical. Sexual assault is defined as sexual contact or
behaviour, which is typically physical, that occurs without the victim's consent. Sexual
harassment often breaches civil laws (you have the right to work or learn without being
harassed), but it is not always a criminal offence, whereas sexual assault usually relates to
criminal activities. Sexual assault can take many forms, including:

▣ Fondling or unwanted sexaul touching

▣ Attempted rape
▣ Forcing a victim to perform sexaul acts, such as oral sex or penetration
of the perpetrators body
▣ Enetration of the victims body, also known as rape

What Is Sexual
What is sexual Misconduct?

Sexual misconduct is an action taken that is considered less offense then sexual assault, and
in some senerios can include harrasement. Sexual misconduct can take place in places such as
the workplace, schools, in restaurants, and even on the streets. Sexual misconduct can
happen between an employee to another, boss to employee or even a stranger to a stranger.
There are many different scenarios that sexual misconduct can take place. There are many
different forms of sexual misconduct. Some of them are:

▣ Rude/sexual remarks and ▣ Sexual harassment

gestures ▣ Non Consensual contact
▣ Sexual threats ▣ Stalking
▣ Voyeurism ▣ Domestic violence
▣ Sharing private images without ▣ Dating violence
consent 7
How Can We Try To Stop Sexual
Assault And Harassment?

How can we try to stop sexual assault and harrassment?

Even though there isn’t a very clear answer for how to stop sexual assault and
harassment there are little things that can be done to prevent it. By educating
teens about consent and how to not push the boundaries or start making a
person uncomfortable. Also, educating teens how to handle it and report it after it
happens will help less attacks like this from happening because the person will
most likely get caught. By always taking any serious accusation like this seriously
like it should it is easier to catch the person and it’s easier for victims/survivors
to speak out and not be afraid to talk about it and help investigations happen. It is
a serious topic and people who go through it deserve a lot of respect.

How Can A Person Seek Help
If They Get Sexually
Assaulted Or Harassed?
How can a person seek help if they get sexaul assaulted or harassed?

First thing to do is tell your parents, close friends, siblings or anyone that
you trust with your personal info. Check out close community support
systems that help with this topic and try to get help or report it to the police
or anyone that can help with this situation. Talk with a person that has been
sexaul assaulted or harassed to see how they handled it and see what more
you can do to try to prevent it in the future or try to prevent it from
happening to other people such as reporting the situation, create distraction,
do what you can do to interrupt the harassment or distract those taking part
in the harassment or guide them through the trauma.

What Is Consent?
What is consent really?

There is a preconceived notion that consent is a concept in which the absence of ‘no’ is given
consent. Consent is the presence of a freely given and informed ‘yes’. Consent is not an assumed
right that can only be taken away by the word ‘no’. Consent is something a person has to ask and
receive permission for. Consent can also be withdrawn at any point and time and this decision
must be respected. There are a few factors that can make it hard for somebody to say ‘no’.

▣ Age difference - Younger people don’t fully understand sex and can be easily
pressured by adults.
▣ Intimidation - Someone being threatened with physical assault and/or a weapon
might feel they have no choice but to say ‘yes’.
▣ Incapacitation - Some people may not have the cognitive ability to consent (coma,
influence of alcohol/drugs)
▣ Power difference - this can be physically13or authority wise
What Can Be Done Further
To Teach The Concept Of
What can be done further to teach the concept of consent?

Many schools that teach about consent talk about consent to sexual intercourse and the
legal definition of consent as well as a few possible scenarios. Consent exists beyond sex. It
applies to all sexual encounters and students should learn about how to express and seek
consent even if they are not yet interested in sex. Consent also applies outside of sexual
contact. It would be beneficial to teach consent as a life skill rather than sexual education.
It is possible to teach young children about consent, “Do you want to hug your friend or
wave goodbye?” Questions as simple as this, giving a child a choice and options is a great
way to introduce the concept of consent. Starting from a young age with everyday things
will make it easier for children to apply it to more serious situations like sex.

How Often Does Sexual
Assault Get Reported And
How often does sexual assault get reported and why?

Unfortunately sexual assault happens alot more then get gets reported. Statistics
tell us that 6/100 cases get reported. In fact 1/4 women in North America get
sexually assaulted at least once in there lifetime. Many people who have to go
through this experience in there life are scared to report it. A Lot of people are
afraid of what will happen when they report what happened to them and others
are afraid what there family would have to say and what would happen to here
reputation. Others are embarrassed that a incident like this happened to them and
they avoid telling people and try to move on with their lives, even though going
through such a disturbing experience can change the way you see everything.

How Bad Is Sexual Assault
In Our Region?
How bad is sexual assault in our region?

There have been many reported cases of women receiving

sexual assault/harrasement in Waterloo region throughout the
years. sexual assault is something that has become so common.
There was a 44% jump in sexual assault cases reported in
Waterloo region (one of the highest reported regions in the
country) in 2018 and it hasn’t gone down since.

Number of sexual assault cases reported in Canada in 2019.


Who Is Affected By Sexual
Who is affected by sexual violence?

Sexual violence crosses all social boundaries, affects people of every age
and cultural background, and has devastating impacts on the lives of
survivors and their families as well as the well-being of society.

1 in 3 1 in 8

Canadian women Canadian men

experience sexual experience sexual
violence 22 violence
Why Are Sexual
Victims/Survivors Afraid To
Talk About Their Experiences?
Why are sexual assault/harassment victims/survivors afraid to talk about their
There is so much stigma around the topic,
and victims who open up are so often If the timing of the victim coming out
invalidated. There are many myths about isn’t ‘right’ there’ll be the question of
sexual assault and harassment that “Why didn’t you come forward sooner?”
contribute in creating this image in or the credibility of their story will be
people’s minds of what SA is and should questioned. It is so so important for
look like. When somebody’s experience of victims to know they are, heard, believed,
SA differs from another’s or even their not alone, and that what happened was
own view, it can make it difficult for them not their fault. It is important to mention
to believe the victims story, therefore that a survivor’s decision to open up
discrediting them. Victim blaming is also about their experience should only be
a huge problem. Some examples of victim based on their readiness to share their
blaming are questions like “What were story.
you wearing?” “How hard did you try to
stop it?” This reinforces the ridiculous
idea that a woman is entirely responsible
for her safety. 24
Things that make survivors and victims feel uncomfortable when in need of help:

-Jokes (even if they are light hearted). It’s a very serious topic that impacts a lot of people in a
very negative way.

-Any disrespect shown towards victims and survivors.

-Scared people will not believe that they went through something like sexual assault or

Another way of preventing sexual assault and harrassment to help it not happen to other
people is by reporting it if you have gone through something like that, because a criminal like
that will probably attack again and that’s a way to stop it from happening to other people. It’s
important to also know to avoid and check anything that is given to you by a stranger and even
people that might be close to you.
+ help

It is recommended that victims and survivors report the incident as soon as possible
while still feeling comfortable so the person who commited the crime can be caught
as soon as possible and justice can happen. There are many 24 hour resources for
people who are going through this so they don’t have to go through it alone. Help is
always available. Waterloo itself has a facility that helps people who are going
through this, a phone number and even an email address. Other organizations like
Kids help phone are the types of organizations that will give you steps if you are not
too sure on what to do and who to talk to. There are people here to help and it’s ok
not too report it right away if t does happen just as long as you’re comfortable at the
current position you are in.

Resources + help credits

Text 686868
Address: 151 Frederick St #300, Kitchener, ON
Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 8 p.m.
300-151 Frederick St., Kitchener, ON N2H 2M2
Phone: (519) 571-0121
Office Phone: 519.571.0121
Carizon Family and Community Services
Tuesdays, 12PM to 6PM (400 Queen St. Email: [email protected]
South, Kitchener) More information, please
call: 519-743-6333
Family Counselling Centre of Cambridge and
North Dumfries
Thursdays, 12PM to 4PM (18 Walnut St.,
Cambridge), For more information, please
call: 519-621-5090

Thank you,

Any questions?


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