Saint Joseph College Criminology Department Maasin City, Southern Leyte

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Saint Joseph College

Maasin City, Southern Leyte


LOCK – defined as mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to

prevent entry to a building or room.

Type of Locks
1. Key – Operated Lock
- It uses some sort of arrangement of internal physical barriers which prevent the lock
from operating unless they are properly aligned. The key is the device used to align
these internal barriers so that the lock may be operated.

PADLOCK – a portable and detachable lock having a pivoted or sliding hasp which
possess through a staple ring, or the like and is made fast or secured.

2. COMBINATION LOCK – a lock that requires manipulation of parts according to a

predetermined combination code of numbers.

3. CARD OPERATED LOCK/CODED LOCK – type of lock that can be opened by

inserting a coded card in a slot in the lock, or by pushing the correct button on the
surface of the lock.

4. ELECTRONIC LOCK – type of lock that can be closed and opened remotely by
electronic means.

- A machine that can be used for identification of humans by their characteristics or
- It is used as a form of identification and access control.
- It is equipped with recording device that can identify the person operating the lock and
the time it was operated.

– defined as the management of keys in a plant or business organization to prevent
unauthorized individual access to the keys.

Change Key - a key to a single lock

Sub-Master Key - a key that can open all locks within a particular area or grouping.
Master Key – a special key capable of opening a series of locks
Grand Master Key – a key that can open everything in a system involving two or more
master key groups. The survey should be undertaken by either suitably trained staff
security personnel, or a fully qualified independent security specialist.
Saint Joseph College
Maasin City, Southern Leyte
No universal checklist can be applied to all sites for survey purposes, as no two facilities
are alike.


1. Written authority should be obtained from proper authority.
2. Previous surveys should be reviewed;
3. An orientation tour should be made;
4. Photographs should be taken of things which will be difficult to describe in a report.
(Only with authority)

After completing the survey an immediate review of the findings should be undertaken
with the plant supervisor so that urgent deficiencies can be addressed.
> A follow-up survey should always be conducted to ensure improvements
> Any survey report including lists of recommendations is incomplete without including a
cost benefit analysis, which is ; “ a direct comparison of the cost of operation of the
security unit and all the existing security measures with the amount of the corporate
assets saved or recovered as well as reduction of losses caused by injuries and lost
production and recommendations have been made”.

-Process of developing methods or procedures or an arrangement of parts intended to
facilitate the accomplishment of a definite objective.
-The process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules
to accomplish the goals.

It is PRE-DETERMINING a course of action;
It is deciding IN ADVANCE what to do, how to do it, and who is to do it.


1. To minimize effects of any incident upon plant and personnel;
2. To keep property and equipment loss at a minimum;
3. To ensure cooperation of all plant departments charged with specific activities of an
4. To ensure appropriate cooperative action by and with outside civic and government


1. Get in touch/coordinate with your Local Civil Authorities. (Tie your programs with
theirs and standardize equipment with them thus creating compatibility.);
2. Visit neighboring Plants/offices (coordinate your activities with theirs.);
3. Survey your plant for possible hazards and take immediate action to lessen or
eliminate them;
Saint Joseph College
Maasin City, Southern Leyte
4. Appoint a disaster Director or Disaster coordinator;
5. Early in the planning stage, present the Program to your Employees and enlist their
active support;
6. Call an organization meeting of Heads of services, employee representatives and key
personnel. (out line purpose of the program and explain how the plant should organize
for protection;
7. Define the Program.


Benefits in testing the plan
>Deficiencies will be uncovered;
>People involved in the implementation of the plan will receive valuable training.

It is defined as the exposure and teaching of employees on security and its relevance to
their work. Security education is conducted to develop security awareness among
employees of the company.
It should cover all employees, regardless of rank or position.

Protection of personnel especially ranking official from any harm, kidnap, and others
act. VIP security is type of personnel security;

POLICE SECURITY PROTECTION GROUP (PSPG) - is mandated by law to provide

physical security provide protective security to government officials, foreign dignitaries,
and private individuals authorized to be given protection and also to vital installations,
and assist the Presidential Security Group (PSG) in securing the President and the
members of the First Family.

PROTECTIVE CUSTODY – state or quality of being secured or freed from danger. It

may also include the various means or device designed to guard a persons and
property against a broad range of security hazard.

THREAT – is an indication of something impending and usually undesirable or

unpleasant, with an intention to inflict evil, injury or damage on another, usually as
retribution or punishment for something done or left undone. It is an expression of an
intention to inflict loss or harm on another by illegal means, and especially by involving
coercion or duress over the person or his welfare.

THREAT ASSESSMENT – the process of investigation/validating the truthfulness of

the existence of threat to an individual.
Saint Joseph College
Maasin City, Southern Leyte
EMERGENCY SITUATION – condition or state that danger has already occurred which
resulted to loss
of life/liberty and/or there is imminent danger or threat to life and property where delay
will endanger or
may cause the loss of life/property.

1. Access List – authenticated list of personnel given to the security allowing entry to a
compound or installation or part thereof;
2. Controlled Area – an area near or adjacent to limited or exclusive areas where entry
is restricted;
3. Dry-run – practical test or exercise of plans or any activity to test its validity, an
operational readiness exercise;
4. Duress Code – type of code system so that security personnel or any employee
when forced by armed men intending to enter an installation can give alarm by the use
of certain words in casual conversation with personnel in the installation.
5. Exclusion Area – a restricted area containing materials or operation of security
6. Restricted area – any area access to which is subject to special restriction control;
7. Security Hazard – Is any act or condition, which may result in the compromise of
information, loss of life, loss or destruction of property or disruption of objectives of the
Saint Joseph College
Maasin City, Southern Leyte

Stated above are different kinds of protective locks. Make a research and print
out sample pictures of the different kinds of protective locks.
Saint Joseph College
Maasin City, Southern Leyte

One of the topics stated above is about Security Planning. For Activity 2 make a
sample Security Plan which shall be used in your home.

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