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Test: Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Specialist Assessment

Private Cloud Appliance Initial Configuration

(Answer all questions in this section)
1. Which statements about Resetting Password best practices for Private Cloud
Appliance are correct?

Resetting passwords must be the first task during initial configuration. (*)
Must use identical password for same type of security service. (*)
Apply data center password policy to security services in Private Cloud Appliance.
Should use different passwords for different security services. (*)
Dashboard UI is the only tool to reset passwords for security services in Private
Cloud Appliance.

2. Which sequence is correct to be performed by Field Engineers to power on a PCA


Rack PDUs, Internal Storage, First Management Node, Second Management Node
Rack PDUs, First Management Node, Internal Storage
Rack PDUs, Internal Storage, First Management Node (*)
Rack PDUs, Internal Storage, First Management Node, Second Management Node, Compute
Rack PDUs, Fabric Interconnect, Internal Storage, First Management Node

3. Which credential is correct to login PCA Dashboard UI since firmware release


admin/Welcome1 (*)

4. Which network settings MUST be assigned during initial configuration?

External IPs for both management nodes (*)

External NTP Provider (*)
External DNS Servers
Hostname for management nodes
Shared external IP for management cluster (*)

5. Which tasks are NOT expected to be performed during Private Cloud Appliance
initial configuration?

Upload ISO images and Templates into Oracle VM solution (*)

Reset passwords for Dashboard UI in Private Cloud Appliance
Create additional physical LUNs in internal ZFS Storage Appliance (*)
Configure NTP client for Management Nodes in Private Cloud Appliance
Assign external IP addresses for Private Cloud Appliance

6. Which URLs can be used to access PCA Dashboard UI during initial configuration? (*) (*) (*)

7. Which components will be started by First Management Node in Private Cloud


Internal Storage
Internal Switches
Compute Nodes (*)
Second Management Node (*)

8. Which statements about PCA Dashboard UI are correct?

PCA Dashboard UI is a service only runs on current master Management Node. (*)
PCA Dashboard UI is the centralized tool for managing and monitoring a single
Private Cloud Appliance deployment. (*)
Role-based delegated administration is NOT supported by PCA Dashboard UI. (*)
Same management functions as PCA Admin CLIs have been implemented in PCA Dashboard

9. Which credentials can be managed through Dashboard UI?

MySQL DB password of Oracle VM Manager deployment (*)

ILOM root password of an individual Compute Node
Password to protect SSL keystore of Oracle VM Manager
Admin password of Dashboard UI (*)
root password of the Internal ZFS Storage Appliance (*)

10. Which tab view in PCA Dashboard UI can be leveraged to monitor hardware
components in Private Cloud Appliance?

Hardware View (*)

System View

Connect external storage

(Answer all questions in this section)
11. To enable connectivity to Network Attached Storage (NAS) in data center, a
Network Cloud is created with ports (4:2, 5:2) in Ethernet Modules. Which
connections from the PCA System to external switches (Switch A, Switch B) can
ensure HA of the topology?

(4:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch B, (5:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch A; (4:2)
in Fabric Connect B -> Switch A, (5:2) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch B (*)
(4:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch A, (5:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch B; (4:2)
in Fabric Connect B -> Switch A, (5:2) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch B
(4:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch B, (5:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch A; (4:2)
in Fabric Connect B -> Switch B, (5:2) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch A
(4:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch A, (5:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch A; (4:2)
in Fabric Connect B -> Switch B, (5:2) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch B
(4:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch A, (5:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch B; (4:2)
in Fabric Connect B -> Switch B, (5:2) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch A (*)
(4:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch B, (5:2) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch B; (4:2)
in Fabric Connect B -> Switch A, (5:2) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch A

12. To manage an IB-based ZFS Storage Appliance from OVM Manager in a PCA System,
which interface can be selected as backend of the management data link in the ZFS

port0 in IB HCA
net0 (*)

13. Which configuration rules are correct for connecting ZFS Storage Appliances
with InfiniBand interfaces to a PCA System?

A PCA System can only connect to limited number of ZFS Storage Appliance with
InfiniBand interfaces. (*)
IP settings for InfiniBand interfaces on ZFS Storage must be in a preserved range
defined by the PCA System. (*)
ZFS Storage must be configured with dual controllers, which have a dual-port IB HCA
on each controller. (*)
InfiniBand interfaces on storage controllers must connect to InfiniBand Switches in
Base Rack of the PCA System.
A Network Cloud must be created and provisioned to each Compute Node to enable
connectivity to the ZFS Storage.

14. When planning storage for a PCA deployment, which resources can be leveraged to
store data for a production Oracle RAC solution in default Tenant Group?

External FC LUNs which are provisioned to Compute Nodes in default Tenant Group (*)
External iSCSI LUNs which are provisioned to Management Nodes in the PCA System
OVM Repositories which are presented to the server pool by firmware
External iSCSI LUNs which are provisioned to Guest Domains that will host the
Oracle RAC solution (*)
An OVM Repository that is created from a NFS share which can be mounted on all
server nodes in the PCA System

15. To leverage FC-SAN storage in data center, which sets of connections from a PCA
System to external FC Switches (Switch 1, Switch 2) can establish a HA topology?

Cloud C -> Switch 1, Cloud D -> Switch 2 (*)

Cloud C -> Switch 2, Cloud D -> Switch 2
Cloud A -> Switch 1, Cloud B -> Switch 2 (*)
Cloud A -> Switch 1, Cloud B -> Switch 1

16. Which technologies can be leveraged to control resource access from a PCA
System to external FC Storage?

LUN Mask (*)

User-based Access Control
Port-based FC Zoning (*)
WWN-based FC Zoning
17. In a PCA deployment, a new Network Attached Storage (NAS) will be used to
expand storage capacity of the PCA System. Service endpoint of the NAS is A Network Cloud is created as following for enabling network
# pca-admin create-network 'NAS_Network' host_network '10:1, 11:1' 10.1.100
However, some Compute Nodes in the PCA System can not discover storage resources in
the NAS. Identify possible causes of the issue.

Mis-configuration of IP routing in those Compute Nodes (*)

Forgot to add iSCSI initiators of those Compute Nodes into the LUN mask
configuration of the NAS (*)
The uplink (10:1) on Fabric Interconnect A in the PCA System is broken
Forgot to provision the Network Cloud to those Compute Nodes (*)
Forgot to mark Storage Role of the datalinks in those Compute Nodes

18. Two Admin Servers have been configured in a PCA System. Administrators can
manage an external FC storage through OVM Manager. However one Admin Server can not
discover physical LUNs created in the FC storage. Which statements can explain this

vHBAs are not provisioned to the Admin Server. (*)

Plugin component in the Admin Server is mis-configured.
FC uplinks from the PCA System are disconnected from external FC switches.
LUN mask configuration in the FC storage prevent the server from accessing those
storage resources. (*)
Management connection from the Admin Server to the FC storage is broken.

19. A new NAS storage is installed to provision resources for Guest VMs in a
Tenant Group (TG1) which currently contains two servers ovcacn05r2, ovcacn06r2.
Data Service Endpoint in the NAS storage is IP addresses for NAS
clients in Guest VMs must be in subnet, and gateway is

The ports (4:3) in IO Modules are selected as uplinks connecting the NAS storage.
Which CLIs must be executed to configure vNICs for servers in the Tenant Group?

# pca-admin add network-to-tenant-group 'TG1_NAS_Network' 'TG1' (*)

# pca-admin create-network 'TG1_NAS_Network' host_network '4:3' 10.1.100
# pca-admin create-network 'TG1_NAS_Network' external_network '4:3' (*)
# pca-admin add network 'TG1_NAS_Network' ovcacn05r2; pca-admin add network
'TG1_NAS_Network' ovcacn06r2

20. When connecting a PCA System to FC Switches (Switch 1, Switch 2) in data

center, uplinks in Cloud A are connecting to Switch 1, which connections from other
three Storage Clouds can ensure maximum reliability of the topology?
(0/1) Points
Cloud B -> Switch 2, Cloud C -> Switch 1, Cloud D -> Switch 1
Cloud B -> Switch 1, Cloud C -> Switch 2, Cloud D -> Switch 2
Cloud B -> Switch 1, Cloud C -> Switch 1, Cloud D -> Switch 2
Cloud B -> Switch 2, Cloud C -> Switch 2, Cloud D -> Switch 1 (*)
Cloud B -> Switch 2, Cloud C -> Switch 1, Cloud D -> Switch 2 (*)
Sorry, that's not correct. Please review the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance:
Connect External Storage module and try again.
21. Identify storage devices that can be used as external storage resources for a
Private Cloud Appliance deployment?

Any storage array with 10GB Ethernet interfaces (*)

Any storage array with 16Gb Fibre Channel interfaces (*)
Any storage array with QDR InfiniBand interfaces
Any storage array with 1GB Ethernet interfaces (*)
Any storage array with SAS-3 interfaces

22. FC Modules are just installed into an existing PCA System to enable
connectivity to external FC storage resources. Which CLIs need to be executed to
provision Virtual HBAs to a Compute Nodes ovcacn32r1?

# pca-admin add network "Cloud_A" ovcacn32r1

# pca-admin create network "Cloud_A"
# pca-admin configure vhbas ovcamn05r1 ovcamn06r1 (*)
# pca-admin configure vhbas ovcacn32r1 (*)

23. To manage external storage devices from a PCA System, Admin Servers need to be
configured in the Oracle VM solution. Compute Nodes can be picked from the
following list:

Rack1_ServerPool : ovcacn07r1, ovcacn08r1, ovcacn09r1, ovcacn10r1, ovcacn11r1,

Rack2_ServerPool : ovcacn07r2, ovcacn08r2, ovcacn09r2, ovcacn10r2, ovcacn11r2,
Unassigned Servers : ovcacn13r1, ovcacn14r1, ovcacn26r1, ovcacn27r1, ovcacn28r1

Which servers can be used as Admin Servers for the PCA solution?

All servers in Rack1_ServerPool

ovcacn08r1, ovcacn09r1
ovcacn07r1, ovcacn07r2 (*)
ovcacn12r2, ovcacn28r1 (*)

24. A Network Cloud with ports (10:3, 11:3) is created dedicatedly to enable
external NAS connectivity. Two external Ethernet Switches (Switch A, Switch B) are
deployed to ensure redundancy. The port (10:3) in Fabric Connect A is connected to
Switch A, which additional connections are required to enable HA of the topology?

(10:3) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch B (*)

(11:3) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch B
(11:3) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch A
(10:3) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch A
(11:3) in Fabric Connect A -> Switch B (*)
(11:3) in Fabric Connect B -> Switch A (*)

25. A Compute Node in an Expansion Rack can not boot properly after upgrade. An OS
reprovisioning has to be done to restore the server. Which tasks must be performed
to put the server back to work?

Clear maintenance mode of the Compute Node

Present repositories previously assigned to the Compute Node (*)
Migrate some running guest VMs to the Compute Node
Execute the CLI: # pca-admin add server <node name> <tenant group name> (*)
Restore previous customization, including virtual IO devices and OS tuning, for
dom0 of the Compute Node (*)

26. Which tasks must be performed before upgrading a Compute Node in a PCA System?
Backup OS configuration of dom0 in the Compute Node (*)
Unpresent all repositories from the Compute Node
Migrate all running guests to other Compute Nodes (*)
Execute the CLI: # pca-admin remove server <node name> <tenant group name> from
current master Management Node
Configure a YUM repository by administrators

27. Which guidelines should be followed when performing Compute Nodes upgrade for a
PCA System?

Upgrade only a single Compute Node in a server pool at any time (*)
Backup configuration and running Guest VMs on a Compute Node before upgrade
Put Compute Node back to work after it is successfully upgraded (*)
Only upgrade Compute Nodes in a PCA System when firmware upgrade is done (*)
Upgrade a Compute Node immediately after it is added into a PCA System

28. When delivering PCA firmware upgrade services for a customer, after executing
the CLI # pca-admin update appliance install_image, you notice that the current
master Management Node is rebooted automatically. What can be implied from this

The current master Management Node will retake the master role after the upgrade
completes successfully.
The current backup Management Node has been updated successfully. (*)
The current master Management Node will boot from network device net0. (*)
The current backup Management Node is now the new master Management Node. (*)

29. Which CLIs can be leveraged to check current firmware release of a PCA System?

# /usr/sbin/pca-diag version (*)

# cat /etc/redhat-release
# /usr/sbin/pca-admin diagnose software
# /usr/sbin/pca-admin show version (*)

30. Which statements about firmware patches for Private Cloud Appliance are

Firmware patches must be uploaded into an external HTTP or FTP site that can be
accessed from Management Nodes directly.
Firmware patches will be released in a single ISO file. All new software components
for Private Cloud Appliance will be included.
Firmware patches need to be downloaded for a PCA System is firmware dependent. (*)
Customers can download firmware patches from Oracle Support website after signing
the PCA System Support contract. (*)

31. Which tasks must be performed after a Compute Node in a PCA System is upgraded?

Migrate unassigned guest VMs to the Compute Node (*)

Perform health check of the Compute Node (*)
Clear maintenance mode of the Compute Node (*)
Present repositories previously assigned to the Compute Node
Execute the CLI: # pca-admin add server <node name> <tenant group name>

32. Which statements about upgrading a PCA System are correct?

Upgrading a PCA System will refresh software components in firmware. (*)
It is recommended to upgrade a PCA System immediately after initial configuration.
There will be little impact to the running guests during the upgrade process. (*)
Built-in tool enables upgrading all software components together in a single step.

33. Which statements about upgrading firmware for a PCA System are correct?

Management activities will be prohibited when firmware upgrade task is running. (*)
Firmware upgrade will refresh management services in the management cluster and
sometimes firmware of system components. (*)
After firmware patch is uploaded into a Management Node, it is extracted into
software repository in the internal ZFS Storage. (*)
For the Management Cluster, current master node will be upgraded first then current
backup node.

34. You are delivering PCA firmware upgrade services, the CLI # pca-admin update
appliance get_image is successfully launched. Which CLI should be executed next?
# pca-admin show task (*)
# pca-admin update appliance install_image (*)
# pca-admin backup
# pca-admin delete lock all_provisioning (*)
# pca-admin update compute-node

35. Which statements correctly describe that Private Cloud Appliance is an

integrated platform?

Hardware components including Rack, Server, Storage and Switch are selected and
configured carefully. (*)
System firmware can be refreshed with a single package from Oracle Support website.
All system components must be pre-installed at factory and shipped to customer's
data center as a single system.
Software components are implemented as the system firmware which drives bootstrap
and configuration of a PCA System. (*)

36. Which statements correctly describe the fact of Private Cloud Appliance?

An Oracle Engineered System which implements optimized general-purpose Oracle VM

platform (*)
Fully virtualized system with built-in software defined networking (SDN) for
ultimate flexibility (*)
Previously known as Virtual Compute Appliance which has been evolving for
generations (*)
Enable Rapid Application Deployment (RAD) with pre-built templates (*)
Out-of-box private cloud solution with easy Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
integration (*)
37. Which features of Private Cloud Appliance can help to reduce overall cost for

Allow to manage all software licenses by virtual cpus allocated to guest VMs
Can leverage existing external network and storage resources (*)
System can be upgraded with most recent firmware release (*)
Converged infrastructure to reduce cost in integration, management and support (*)
Great IO Flexibility with built-in Oracle Virtual Networking solution

38. Which scenario is best fit for Private Cloud Appliance solution?

Consolidation of ISV or home grown applications running on Linux and Windows (*)
Consolidation of multiple Oracle Database instances
Consolidation of multiple mission critical applications that demand highest
reliability and extreme performance
Consolidation of multiple applications deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server 12c

39. Which statements about the benefits of Oracle's Converged Infrastructure are

Apply best practice at all levels (*)

Single-call support for the whole system (*)
Lower initial purchase cost of the system
Built-in system management & orchestration services (*)
Reduce deployment time and cost with integrated design (*)

40. Which features can help to reduce deployment complexities of Private Cloud
Appliance solution?

Offers centralized, productivity tool for management and orchestration (*)

Allow external connectivity to existing network and storage resources
Single point of contact for support (*)
One hour from power-on to production (*)
Ability to grow computing capacity on business demand

Private Cloud Appliance Management Tools

(Answer all questions in this section)
41. Which statements about object-based management and monitoring in Oracle VM
Manager are correct?

A job defines transaction boundary for all contained actions. The state of job can
indicate running or completion status of the job. (*)
Objects in Oracle VM Manager can be monitored based on event or performance. (*)
All management tasks in Oracle VM Manager must be wrapped as jobs. A single job can
group multiple management actions. (*)
Performance monitoring is only available for Oracle VM Server object. You can
define rules to determine health status for Oracle VM deployment.
An event can be recorded by Oracle VM Manager when state of an object is changed.
The severity will be used to mark the importance of the event. (*)

42. Which statements about OVM Manager CLI in Private Cloud Appliance are correct?
OVM Manager CLI can work seamlessly with OVM Manager UI because they both run on
same core services. (*)
OVM Manager CLI implements a customized interactive shell and need to install a
special client on administrators' workstation.
OVM Manager CLI service can be customized to enable password and key based
authentication. (*)
OVM Manager CLI is a bundled management service in Oracle VM Manager so that Oracle
will provide official support. (*)

43. In case you want to create a new VM network (myNetwork_s5p2) for all
configured Compute Nodes by leveraging unused port 2 on Ethernet Modules at slot 5,
which of the following CLIs combined can help you to implement the task?
# pca-admin add-network myNetwork_s5p2 <node name> (*)
# pca-admin add-network myNetwork_s5p2 external_network '5:2'
# pca-admin list compute-node (*)
# pca-admin create-network myNetwork_s5p2 <node name>
# pca-admin create-network myNetwork_s5p2 external_network '5:2' (*)

44. Which CLI can be used if you want to see detail information of the Compute Node
(ovcacn30r1) in Private Cloud Appliance?

# pca-admin show compute-node ovcacn30r1 (*)

# pca-admin show compute-node --filter-column "Compute_Node" --filter "ovcacn30r1"
# pca-admin list compute-node --filter-column "Compute_Node" --filter "ovcacn30r1"
# pca-admin list compute-node ovcacn30r1

45. Which URLs are valid management service endpoints of Oracle VM Manager in a
Private Cloud Appliance deployment which external IP for the Management Cluster is (*)
ssh:// (*)

46. You are installing Private Cloud Appliance for one of your customers. During
installation a Compute Node (ovcacn08r1) shown in the Dashboard UI has never been
successfully discovered by the OVM Manager. Choose the CLIs to find possible
reasons and to fix the issue in case of whole server need to be replaced.

1. # pca-admin diag software

2. # pca-admin show compute-node ovcacn08r1
3. # pca-diag vmpinfo servers='ovcacn08r1'
4. # pca-node-db delete name=ovcacn08r1
5. # pca-admin reprovision compute-node ovcacn08r1"
(1/1) Points
2,3,4 (*)
47. Which statements about PCA Management CLIs are correct?

PCA Admin CLI can run on both Management Nodes with identical functions.
PCA Management CLIs are firmware release dependent. Since firmware release 2.1.1,
most previous single-function tools are consolidated into PCA Admin CLI tool. (*)
PCA Admin CLI provides more comprehensive management functions than those available
in Dashboard UI. (*)
PCA Management CLIs are collection of scripts deployed on both Management Nodes.
Those scripts implement system management capabilities for Private Cloud Appliance.
Administrators can execute a single management command in Linux shell or multiple
management commands in an interactive session with PCA Admin CLI. (*)

48. When performing backup for Private Cloud Appliance, you can leverage following

1. # pca-admin list task

2. # pca-admin show task
3. # pca-admin list config-error
4. # pca-admin rerun config-task
5. # pca-admin delete config-error
6. # pca-admin backup

which CLI sequences will possibly lead to a confirmed successful backup?

(0/1) Points
6,1,3,4,5 (*)
6,1,6,2 (*)
6,2 (*)

49. Which statements about Managed Objects in Oracle VM Manager are correct?

All management and monitoring functions in Oracle VM Manager are implemented based
on objects. (*)
Each object is uniquely identified by an internal ID in Oracle VM Manager. Also a
human readable name can be assigned for each object. (*)
All objects including metadata are stored centrally in Oracle VM Manager
Oracle VM Manager defines all manageable targets as objects. Different object types
have special attributes and operations. (*)

50. Which statements about System Diagnostic for Private Cloud Appliance are

Both stand-alone diagnostic tool and Health Check function in PCA Admin CLI will
generate report as files that can be sent to Oracle Support Engineers for
Both stand-alone Appliance Diagnostic tool and Health Check function in PCA Admin
CLI can be leveraged. (*)
Stand-alone Appliance Diagnostic tool will collect diagnostics data from Private
Cloud Appliance. (*)
Health Check function in PCA Admin CLI will run test against various aspects in
Private Cloud Appliance. (*)
System Diagnostics for Private Cloud Appliance are used for troubleshooting and
support purposes. (*)

EIS Installation Best Practices Online Assessment

(Answer all questions in this section)
51. Why is the rate of temperature change when acclimatizing systems such an
important factor as described in the EIS methodology?

Variations in temperature should not exceed the approved gradient of approximately

2° C (4° F) per hour, because ignoring this may could lead to long-term damage
(hair-cracks) on the boards (*)
Variations in temperature do not have as big an impact as do Service contract
considerations for how long an installation will take
It is actually not relevant or important
Systems should be warmed up and powered ON as quickly as possible to optimize the
installation project timeline

52. What are two cautions that should be acknowledged when acclimatizing a system?

The maximum positive or negative temperature gradient that is permitted for multi-
layer<br>boards is approximately 2° C (4° F) per hour. (*)
Avoid unpacking items inside the computer centre (dust/dirt contaminating filters
Powering ON the system will speed the acclimatization process as the heat from the
system will accelerate its warming
Once powered on the temperature is no longer an issue, as internal cooling systems

53. What tasks occur during the operational handover phase of the EIS methodology?

Collate the EISdocV4 documents pertaining to this customer installation, and

product documentation for handover (*)
Provide the customer the 20% installation service rebate that is required after a
successful installation
Obtain customer signatures to successful close project
Document the serial number for the system(s) installed, as well as any comments
pertaining to the installation

54. When should the Site-Audit be performed?

As soon as possible, and certainly prior to delivery of the system (*)

Prior to the completion of the sale, in order to ensure that the customer’s
location is viable
As soon as the product has been delivered to the customer
After the system has been acclimatized and is ready for unpacking at the customer

55. Which four documents are included as part of the Operational Handover?

Installation and Configuration Plan

Site Audit Report (*)
System Documentation
Test Procedures Plan
EIS Checklist for the System installed
MOS Internal Documentation
56. What are the four key points covered in each test topic of the Test Procedures

Objective (*)
Test Result

57. Which four objectives are primary goals for an EIS Site Audit?

Determine installation needs for the System, including such assessments as: the
suitability of access routes to the installation location, such as doors,
elevators, floor strengths and ramps (*)
Determine the availability of required electrical power to run and maintain the
System (*)
Determine how frequently system backups will be completed
Determine the floor weight load capacity at the location where the System will be
installed (*)
Determine the environmental conditions at Customer's site including temperature,
humidity, cleanliness and such other assessments as are determined to be necessary
in Oracle's sole discretion (*)
Determine how many logical domains need to be configured on the system

58. Name two functions for the EIS-DVD during the Installation and Configuration of
Oracle Hardware and Software step in the EIS methodology?

Provides installation assessment and diagnostic tools (*)

Contains required patches and firmware for most installations
Used as a back-up for complete documentation sets that are on
Provides an excellent tool as a leave behind utility for customers

59. What are three factors that influence how long a system (server, storage,
engineered system) will require to be acclimatized after delivery to a customer,
before power can be applied without causing damage?

temperature (*)
data center space

60. If the customer has asked for some customization of their installation, how is
testing for that accomplished? Choose all responses that apply.

Testing above and beyond the Covered System Tests are at the sole discretion of
Oracle and/or the Partner installer
Additional tests can be inserted into the Test Procedures plan (*)
Not all installation actions need testing
Oracle is automatically responsible for any non-standard installation procedure,
regardless of whether they were agree to as part of the Installation and
Configuration Plan
Incorrect! Please review the course content and try again.

61. What should you do with the EIS checklist when an installation project is

Remove the EIS checklist and other confidential Oracle Intellectual Property from
the customer datacenter (*)
Post the EIS checklist and Test Procedures Plan to My Oracle Support under your
customer’s account
Leave the EIS checklist with the customer so that they can re-install when they
need to
Crumple the checklist and throw it in the customer wastepaper bin

62. What three documents are typically used as part of the EIS Planning and
Preparation stage in the installation process?

Site Audit Report (*)

Project Schedule
Test Procedures Plan
Installation and Configuration Plan
Acclimatization Report
Operational Hand-off Form

63. What should partners do before first using ESISdocV4? (Select two)

Review the “EISdoc V4 Getting Started Cookbook” and “Success with EISdoc V4
Cookbook” (*)
Review Oracle product overview documentation
Submit their EIS Test Procedure Plan outcomes
Review the Openoffice presentation on EISdoc V4 found on the EIS Planning &
Documentation web page

64. What if the customer has their own labeling methodology that differs from the
recommended one from EIS?

Redo cabling throughout the datacenter to meet the EIS standard

Ignore the customer’s standard and use the EIS standard
Follow the customer's standard for cable labeling provided it meets with EIS
requirements for identification and port location. (*)
Submit a Service Request for Oracle approval on use of the customer labeling and
routing methods

65. What are two activities that take place during the System Test step of the EIS

Electrical grounding and environmental assessment

On Solaris-based systems, Oracle's Explorer Data Collector will be run and the
results evaluated with ORAS/CLI from the EIS-DVD (*)
Application installation, configuration, and testing
Tests specified in the Test Procedures Plan Plan will be carried performed

66. Which three statements are true about EIS?

EIS stands for “Enterprise Installation Standards” (*)
EIS is a methodology designed to address issues before, during and after the actual
hands-on installation of Oracle systems (*)
EIS stands for “Enterprise information Standards”
EIS evolved from the field, is sustained by those closely involved with the field,
and is intended to assist the field (*)
EIS is a quick and dirty process for expediting Oracle system installations

67. When should you review deliverables and why?

EIS deliverables are an interim checklist to ensure that at the mid-way point of an
installation the project remains on track.
EIS deliverables are used as a last step in the installation process to ensure the
installer provided everything that is required
Ideally EIS deliverables would be reviewed at the very start of an installation
project, as they clearly define scope, roles and responsibilities, and project
deliverables (*)
EIS deliverables are included in the Oracle system shipping and packaging documents
near the start of an installation

68. What are three types of configuration information typically documented in an

Installation Configuration Plan?

Power cord specifications

System documentation and guidelines
General and Management Network Configuration
Boot Disk Layout
IO cards and controllers
System host names (*)

69. Why should you typically complete the Installation Configuration Plan and
create your Test Procedures Plan at the same time?

As you work through the system configuration process with your customer, you should
state how you will test key items in the system’s configuration for having been
successfully completed. (*)
You should create the Test Procedures Plan after you have completed the system
installation and configuration.
Test Procedures plan is a standard document used in all generic system

70. Which three responses are true regarding EISdoc v4?

Is an OpenOffice-based set of documentation that includes planning for

installations of Oracle equipment and some software (*)
Is accessible to customers and end-users of Oracle hardware and software
Is available on the partner Enterprise Installations Standards web page and on the
Contains documents matched to the steps in the EIS Methodology
Is a free guide to configuring Oracle software

71. Assuming a SPARC T5 Server installation on which you install Solaris 11, what
EIS documentation, at a minimum, is it recommended that you bring to support you in
the installation project?
EIS Installation Checklist for Solaris 11 OS
EIS Installation Checklist for SPARC T5 (*)
EIS Installation Checklist for Common Array Manager
EIS Installation Checklist for Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36

72. What are two statements that are true about EIS checklists?

Checklists are publicly available on

EIS installation checklists are intended to guide the installer through the
installation in a logical and consistent manner (*)
Checklists are a valuable tool to share with customers so they know how to install
systems themselves
Checklists are intended as guidelines for properly trained installers and are NOT a
substitute for appropriate product training.

73. Name three of the problems that EIS was created to overcome?

Lack of formal agreement with customers as to outcome of an installation (*)

Oracle hardware shipping best practices for on-time delivery
Standards for delivery of replacement parts for Oracle hardware
Poor communication/use of Best Practices (*)
Inconsistent installations: Customers buying identical servers for two locations
were dismayed to find different patch levels, firmware versions etc. (*)

74. What are three items in the EIS Site-Audit Report are documented for all Oracle

IP Address requirements
Operating System requirements
Access Route requirements (*)
Operating Environment and Cooling requirements
Facility Power requirements

75. What are Oracle Standard System Installations (OSSI)?

Advanced professional services offered by IBM Global Services

Installation Services sold by Oracle Advanced Customer Support (*)
Field Delivery Support Services offered through certified partners
Installation Services sold by 3rd party service providers

76. What is the purpose for the Operational Handover step in the EIS Methodology?

Perform system testing and diagnostics

Documents the installation and configuration of Customer's system(s) (*)
Documents how to use the EIS documentation and standards
Used to negate responsibility for any ongoing System issues

77. What two activities are accomplished during Installation Task Planning step in
the EIS Methodology?

System unpacking and acclimatization

Review the timeframe options for delivery of the service
Organization of the team who will actively work the Installation (*)
Communicate schedule for installation to the customer (*)
Networking and system component cabling

78. You are assigned to an installation project in France in February to install 5

new SPARC T5 servers. The servers, in their original packaging, are sitting in the
customer’s loading dock with a temperature of 8 degrees C (46 degrees F). The
customer’s data center is 20 degrees C (68 degrees F). What is the recommended next
step in acclimating these systems?

Unpack the servers and store in the loading dock

Move the systems (still packed) into a room with a similar environment to the data
center (*)
Move the systems (still packed) into the data center
Unpack the servers and store in the data center

79. What is the primary purpose of the EIS-DVD?

The EIS-DVD is a tool that is provided to installation partners as a give-away to

The EIS-DVD is to help installers of Oracle/Sun products perform consistent
installations in an efficient manner. (*)
The EIS-DVD is an annually released product which support all hardware
installations, and documents all bugs and issues that have been logged during the
prior year
The EIS-DVD is used for on-the-job tutorials on how to install Oracle servers and

80. What should you do if you believe you have found an error in an EIS checklist?

Assume that the EIS team is already aware and the next version of the checklist
will be updated
Submit your concerns to My Oracle Support
Email Larry Ellison and recommend changes
Follow the feedback method on the last page of every checklist: email SUPPORT-
[email protected] (*)

81. What is the primary purpose of the”Basic Solaris” standard?

Defines a method for achieving a consistent installation for Oracle Servers with
Solaris OS (*)
Specifically describes how to install Solaris on non-SPARC hardware
Describes how to install legacy versions of Solaris on systems that need to support
backward compatible applications
Differentiates between Linux and Solaris installation processes on dual-boot
82. Which Oracle products are covered by EIS Checklists – select all that apply.

ERP applications
OS and Cluster-related Software
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Servers (*)
Engineered Systems
83. Why are EIS deliverables relevant for Partner installations too?

EIS deliverables describe the amount of time, materials and deliverables are in
scope for a standard installation (*)
EIS deliverables provide flexibility when customers want to make ad-hoc
configuration changes
When partners use the EIS deliverables and submit documentation to that effect,
their customer gets a 25% discount on support
Advanced Customer Services mandates that Partners use the EIS methodology for

84. Why should you use the EIS methodology to guide your installation process?

Using the proven EIS methodology will provide step-by-step installation guidelines,
help guarantee a quality installation, make your life easier, and ensure customer
satisfaction (*)
Larry Ellison has mandated using EIS
Installation processes are very lengthy, the EIS methodology is quick and dirty
The EIS methodology provides a 20% discount on Support Services if you install your
customers’ hardware or software using it

85. Which two EIS documents are most useful during the Installation and
Configuration of Oracle Hardware and Software step?

Installation Configuration Plan (*)
EIS Checklist
Site-Audit Report
Operational Handover Agreement

86. Why it is important to do Installation planning, rather than just asking the
customer as you work through the installation process? (Select three)

Pricing for Installation Services is less expensive if planning in not included

Planning leads to more thoughtful consideration for a predictable outcome of the
installation process (*)
Support Services will not engage on services requests if no installation planning
was done
Customer technical contact may not be readily available (*)
Continuing interruptions can detract from the professionalism of your work, and
lead to customer dissatisfaction (*)

87. For safety awareness with respect to grounding, if a system has been modified
after the manufacturer's assembly process, what three recommendations does the EIS
Grounding Standard make?

Check whether the modification involved any power supplies, distribution units or
wiring? (*)
If modifications involved any power supplies, distribution units or wiring, did
qualified personnel verify that the modification was was correct and did they test
the system to ensure that it doesn't pose any safety hazard?
If qualified personnel did not test the safety of the modified system then proper
testing should be requested before Oracle and/or partner personnel will work on the
Determine whether the local electrician can support the installation process
If the temperature is below 60 degrees F., warm the room first before power ON

88. What is the main purpose of the EIS methodology?

To provide a foundational methodology for front line support triage by Help Desk
To use best practices to support standard field delivery and break/fix services by
To enable customers to install and service Oracle hardware and software.
To use best practices, standards, methodologies and continuous process improvement
to ensure consistent, efficient, supportable and high quality product installations
globally (*)

89. What three typical activities are done during the Project Initiation phase of
the EIS Methodology?

Details about the project are identified and documented, for example, is this a
single system installation or a complex, multi-product installation (*)
Details about the customer are determined and documented (*)
System delivery occurs, and the project commences
The EIS Site-Audit is scheduled (*)
System configuration details are documented.

90. What four tasks are typically happening at the EIS Planning and Preparation
stage in the installation process?

Begin work on Project Schedule

Compile EIS planning documents
Unpack and power ON systems
Cable and install systems into custom rack
Notification of Customer Installation project (*)
Identify Installation team – Oracle Installation Coordinator, Project Manager,
Customer Point of Contact, others as needed

91. What is the primary goal of the Installation and Configuration of Oracle
Hardware and Software step in the EIS methodology?

Hardware cabling , wiring and Power ON

System acclimatization, installation, and basic configuration (*)
Managing transition from Installation phase to Field Service issue recording
Troubleshooting software configuration issues

92. According to the EIS methodology, when issues are uncovered during the Site-
Audit, who should be notified?

Installation coordinator if applicable

Oracle sales management
Customer point of contact (*)
Oracle Premier Support

93. What is found on the EIS-DVD? Select all the apply.

Sales and presales technical training on Oracle systems

Tools to help verify the quality of the installation (e.g. ORAS/CLI)
Selected Oracle/Sun Software
Scripts that assist during the installation (*)
A complete set all configuration files for every Oracle server, storage system and
Engineered system

94. What are the two primary objectives for the Installation Configuration Planning
step of the EIS methodology?

Oracle/Partner confirms power and cooling requirements for system installation

Oracle/Partner and Customer will determine and mutually agree upon the hardware and
software installation requirements which will be documented in the Installation and
Configuration Plan (*)
Tests that will be performed during the Systems Testing will be defined. (*)
Customer provides walk-through of installation site

95. What is the mission statement for use of the Enterprise Installation Standards?

To drive the ongoing development and usage of Enterprise Installation Standards

(EIS), resulting in consistent, high quality, and cost effective installations that
speed time to deployment and provide the foundation for enhanced stability and
performance. (*)
To drive consistent best practices for Oracle Services field delivery
To use a methodology for support service that is from the field, created by the
field for the Field.
To manage communication and resolution of Services Requests in a timely and
customer-friendly manner

96. Who is involved in the Project Initiation phase?

Partner point of contact (*)

3rd party Service Provider
Customer point of contact (*)
Oracle Installation Coordinator or Project Manager (if applicable) (*)
Oracle Financing contact

97. What do EIS deliverables define?

EIS deliverables describe detailed process steps for each phase of the installation
EIS deliverables are the documents that are left behind with customers after an
installation service is performed
EIS deliverables are the Customer Support Identifiers that customers use for field
delivery service after an installation has completed
EIS deliverables give a high level description of the scope of the EIS activities
for each product or product family (*)

98. Why do the EIS Standards recommend that external cables between Oracle
hardware, such as servers, storage devices, network devices and ports be clearly

Labeling is not an EIS best practice

Cable routing should be done with rubber bands for ease of reconfiguration
Service requests for field diagnostics will not be accepted unless cables are
For ease of maintenance it should be unambiguously clear from the label on each
cable, where the cable has to be attached (*)

Private Cloud Appliance Physical Installation

(Answer all questions in this section)
99. Which statements about stabilizing and grounding a PCA System are correct?

Stabilizing with Mounting Brackets can make system more stable but has more
restricted requirements to installation location. (*)
For a fully loaded Private Cloud Appliance, only stabilizing with Mounting Brackets
is allowed.
If customers want to move a PCA System to different locations, the PCA System
should be stabilized with Leveling Feet. (*)
The PDUs in system racks can provide necessary grounding for the Private Cloud
Appliance through power cords. (*)
Grounding cable from racks is optional to provide extra safety. (*)

100. Which statements about cabling a PCA System are correct?

Power cords can be routed from top or bottom of each rack to work with different
data center environment. (*)
Power cords from PDUs are pre-loaded in the PCA System, however matched receptacles
must be prepared by customer's data center. (*)
Network cables from the PCA System should connect to network switches in data
center. (*)
Both 10Gb and GbE switches can be supported for Ethernet Connections.
Before connecting network cables to the PCA System, the brackets at back of both
Fabric Interconnect must be removed first. (*)

101. Which components should be included inside the Server Upgrade Kits for Private
Cloud Appliance?

Rack mounting kits (*)

Power cords and network cables
Cable Management Arm (CMA)
Oracle x86 server (*)
Installation manual and instructions (*)

102. Which action are NOT correct when unpacking and moving a PCA System to
installation location?

Push from both sides of racks to move it to installation location

Unpack racks at a location where is flat and can support total weight of the
Recycle packaging of the PCA System properly to protect environment
Throw away mounting brackets of racks because they are useless after installation
Move racks from shipping pallet carefully to avoid rocking or tilting

103. Which docs & tools need to be prepared before installing a PCA System?

EIS Install Checklist for Private Cloud Appliance (*)

Screwdrivers and wrenches (*)
Cage nuts and tools (*)
Slide Rail Kits
Rack Installation Tools including Rack Door keys and side panel remove tool (*)

104. Which factors of a customer's data center need to be checked before deploying
a PCA System?

Installation Location (*)

Security Requirements, including identifications and entry permission
Power and Cooling facility (*)
Environmental Conditions, including temperature, humidity and altitude (*)

105. In a PCA deployment, both Ethernet and FC modules are configured in the PCA
System. Before installing the PCA System, which preparations are mandatory to
enable connectivity to data center fabrics?

Transceivers on FC Modules and Ethernet Modules

DNS Servers in data center
Cables to FC Modules and Ethernet Modules (*)
NTP Servers in data center (*)
IP settings for dual Management Nodes and Management Cluster (*)

106. Please select the correct sequence of actions to install a new Compute Node
into Private Cloud Appliance.

1. Remove front & rear rack doors

2. Remove filler panel of the RU to install the Compute Node
3. Install rack doors
4. Install the server on the rack
5. Install Cable Management Arm
6. Connect pre-configured power cords and network cables
(1/1) Points
2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6
2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3
1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3 (*)

Private Cloud Appliance Architecture

(Answer all questions in this section)
107. Which statements about system racks in a PCA System are correct?

Power cords and network cables are pre-loaded for those populated nodes only.
Base Rack is always required in a PCA system to deploy critical system components.
Expansion Racks are optional to add more computing and storage capacity to an
existing PCA system.
All system components are installed at fixed position, and unpopulated RUs are
installed with filler-panels. (*)
All racks in a PCA System use uniform Sun Rack II 1242 cabinet. However customers
can choose among different PDU options for their needs. (*)

108. Which components are building blocks of Oracle Fabric Interconnect?

Network Express Module

Management Module (*)
Mid-plane (*)
IO Module (*)
Fabric Board (*)

109. Which statements about Oracle VM Server for x86 in a PCA System are correct?

DomUs in Oracle VM Server for x86 are domains running real workload for customers.
Dom0 in Oracle VM Server for x86 is a special domain installed and launched with
the hypervisor. (*)
Oracle VM Server for x86 is deployed in all server nodes in a PCA System.
Oracle VM Server for x86 is rooted from open-source Xen community. (*)
Hypervisor in Oracle VM Server for x86 virtualizes critical resources including
CPU, Memory and IO for all domains.

110. Which statements about switch node deployment in a PCA System are correct?

Switch Nodes are configured identically in all racks of a PCA System.

All Switch Nodes are installed at the top of each rack for optimized cabling and
easy maintenance.
All Switch Nodes are configured in pair to improve reliability. (*)
Network connections to components inside same rack are pre-cabled at factory. (*)
Three types of Switch Nodes, Ethernet, IB and Fabric Interconnect, are configured
in Private Cloud Appliance. (*)

111. Which statements about internal storage in a PCA System are correct?
ts about internal storage in a PCA System are correct?
The storage inside Private Cloud Appliance is fully-redundant for high reliability.
The storage inside Private Cloud Appliance is a customized ZFS Storage Appliance
for Oracle Engineered Systems. (*)
The storage inside Private Cloud Appliance can attach disk enclosures in Expansion
Racks to expand storage capacity.
The storage inside Private Cloud Appliance is used as the "system" disk and not
recommended for storing guest VM's data. (*)
The storage inside Private Cloud Appliance can provide data services via both 10G
Ethernet and QDR InfiniBand interfaces.

112. Which statements about Software-Defined Fabric feature in Oracle Virtual

Networking solution are correct?

A PVI creates a software domain which isolates network configuration and switching.
Software-Defined Fabric is ideal for cloud deployment with the isolation nature.
PVI implementation does not use any existing network protocol like VxLAN so that
can simplify network planning. (*)
Software-Defined Fabric, aka. Private Interconnect (PVI), is based on the virtual
IO device implementation that terminates in a Fabric Board. (*)
External switches in customers data center can help to route network traffic across
multiple PVIs.

113. Which statements about Fabric Interconnect in Oracle Virtual Networking

Solution are correct?

Mid-plane connects all components in Fabric Interconnect together through built-in

connectors and grids. (*)
IO Modules have uplinks which can be used to enable external connectivity.
Customers can order any type of IO Module at any time.
Fabric Board in Fabric Interconnect provides IB switching capability for connected
server nodes and configured IO Modules. (*)
Fabric Interconnect is core of Oracle Virtual Networking solution. One or more such
devices form Oracle SDN Environment. (*)
Management Module enables external management from CLI or Fabric Manager. (*)

114. Which statements about management tools in PCA system firmware are correct?

Management tools are deployed in both Management Nodes, however can only be
executed from current active Management Node.
Management tools are designed to manage Private Cloud Appliance as an integrated
platform. (*)
Management tools consume all management services on each system component via the
Ethernet-based internal management fabric.
Web-based and CLI-based tools are available, both provide identical functions.
Common libraries and configuration databases are implemented for management tools.

115. Which statements about Virtualization Runtime in a PCA System are correct?

Virtualization Runtime in Private Cloud Appliance will provision virtual resources

directly to Guest VMs.
Virtualization Runtime contains Server Virtualization, Network Virtualization and
Storage Virtualization solutions.
All virtualization solutions are configured automatically by system firmware. (*)
Virtualization Runtime can be managed with PCA Admin CLI tool in firmware. (*)

116. Which statements about Software-Defined IO Device feature in Oracle Virtual

Networking solution are correct?

Two backend implementations are supported in Fabric Interconnect. Both

implementations support vNIC and vHBA devices.
Software-Defined IO Device implementations in Oracle Virtual Networking use a
split-device model. (*)
Backend of virtual IO device instances are implemented in Fabric Interconnect. (*)
Frontend of virtual IO device instances are powered by a special kernel driver in a
supported OS. (*)
Communications between frontend and backend of a virtual IO device are wrapped
inside IB packets. (*)

117. Which statements about data fabric in a PCA System are correct?

Uplinks from InfiniBand Switches in each Expansion Rack are reserved to maximize
throughput. (*)
Server and Storage nodes in each rack connect to InfiniBand Switches in same rack.
The fabric is configured with end-to-end fully-redundant topology. (*)
The fabric enables communications between Server and Storage nodes. (*)
InfiniBand Switches in each Expansion Rack need to connect with InfiniBand Switches
in Base Rack to extend the fabric.

118. Which statements about Oracle VM Manager in Oracle VM solution are correct?

Management Server in Oracle VM Manager is deployed in an Oracle WebLogic Server

instance. (*)
Oracle VM Manager is a JavaEE-based application solution that can be used to manage
one or more server pools. (*)
Management Server in Oracle VM Manager implements core management logic and various
management services. (*)
Oracle VM Manager Repository in Oracle VM Manager uses a MySQL DB instance deployed
either locally or remotely.
Oracle VM Manager Repository in Oracle VM Manager stores metadata of objects in
Management Server. (*)

119. Which network interfaces in system components are used to enable integrated
management architecture of a PCA System?

ib0, ib1 in Compute Nodes (*)

SERIAL MGMT in Fabric Interconnect
net0 in Management Nodes (*)
ib0, ib1 in Storage Controllers
NETMGT in Rack PDUs (*)

120. Which statements about management & provisioning fabric in a PCA System are

Forward and Reverse Supply Chain

Ethernet Switches in each Expansion Rack need to connect with Ethernet Switches in
Base Rack directly to extend the fabric. (*)
The fabric allows to manage and monitor all system components from bare-metal. (*)
Dual Ethernet Switches in each rack are interconnected to build a single fully-
redundant switch.
The fabric enables automatic discovery, provisioning and configuration for Compute
Nodes. (*)

121. Which statements about dom0 in Oracle VM Server for x86 are correct?

Dom0 has privileges to control all physical resources from bare-metal server.
Dom0 is a customized Oracle Linux instance. (*)
Dom0 implements management services that control virtual resources and life-cycle
of all guest domains (domUs). (*)
Oracle VM Agent daemon running inside Dom0 enables centralized management from
Oracle VM Manager. (*)

122. Which statements about System Bootstrap Service in Private Cloud Appliance are

System Bootstrap Service will setup Management Cluster with discovered system
resources at initial power on. (*)
System Bootstrap Service is implemented as a system service in Management Nodes.
System Bootstrap Service is installed and configured in both Management Nodes at
System Bootstrap Service will start Management Nodes automatically. Administrator
has to power on Compute Nodes manually.
System Bootstrap Service will launch required system services at every power on.

123. Which statements about Node Automation Service in Private Cloud Appliance are

Node Automation Service is a group of customized system services that interact with
Compute Nodes to implement automation. (*)
After a Compute Node is powered on, it can be discovered, provisioned and
configured automatically by Node Automation Service.
Node Manager is a component created to drive the automation process based on
defined State Machine for Compute Nodes. (*)
A set of utilities in Management Nodes will be leveraged to configure Compute
Nodes. (*)
Node DB is a central repository to store state and other information of discovered
Compute Nodes. (*)

124. Which statements about server node deployment in a PCA System are correct?

Management Nodes are pre-installed at factory, however all Compute Nodes can be
installed at customer's site.
Customers can expand memory capacity of a Compute Node with Memory Upgrade Kits.
All Compute Nodes inside same rack must be configured with identical model.
Compute Nodes can be deployed in any rack to provide pooling virtual resources for
guest domains. (*)
Dual Management Nodes are identically configured in Base Rack to deploy management
services in firmware. (*)

Private Cloud Appliance System Configuration

(Answer all questions in this section)
125. Which file must be modified if a system service in Management Nodes need to be
registered as a managed service in the Bootstrap Service?

/var/lib/ovca/ovca-system.conf (*)

126. Which IO Module Configuration in Fabric Interconnect are valid in a PCA


Upper F1-15 (2*Quad 10G Ethernet Module, 2*Dual 8Gb FC Module), Lower F1-15 (2*Quad
10G Ethernet Module, 2*Dual 8Gb FC Module)
Upper F1-15 (2*Quad 10G Ethernet Module), Lower F1-15 (2*Quad 10G Ethernet Module)
Upper F1-15 (4*Quad 10G Ethernet Module), Lower F1-15 (4*Quad 10G Ethernet Module)
Upper F1-15 (4*Quad 10G Ethernet Module, 2*Dual 8Gb FC Module), Lower F1-15 (4*Quad
10G Ethernet Module, 2*Dual 8Gb FC Module) (*)
Upper F1-15 (4*Quad 10G Ethernet Module), Lower F1-15 (4*Quad 10G Ethernet Module,
2*Dual 8Gb FC Module)

127. Which bonding port in a Compute Node is NOT created over virtual IO devices
provisioned from Fabric Interconnect?

bond1 (*)

128. Which statements about Management Cluster in Private Cloud Appliance are

Two Management Nodes are configured with identical services. (*)

Management Cluster is setup by using OCFS2 DLM mechanism. (*)
Only a single Management Node is active and run management services and cluster
virtual IPs. (*)
First Management Node will take over the master role when it rejoins the cluster.
All shared files are stored in an OCFS2 file system which is mounted onto both
Management Nodes.

129. Which statements about Oracle VM Server Configuration in a PCA System are

Two disk partitions are created on local hard drive. The smaller one is for
installing Oracle VM Server software, the larger one is for creating a local OVM
repository. (*)
Oracle VM Server software is provisioned and configured automatically by firmware.
Customers can update Oracle VM Server software with latest Oracle VM Server ISO
image from Oracle Support website.
Virtual CPU and virtual memory in dom0 are pre-configured depending on hardware
resources in the Compute Node. (*)

130. Which statements about IO Clouds and PVI Clouds in Private Cloud Appliance are

Both IO Clouds and PVI Clouds support vNIC and vHBA devices.
IO Clouds and PVI Clouds are pre-configured in Private Cloud Appliance. Customers
are NOT allowed to make any manual modification.
PVI Clouds are created for defining virtual IO devices in a private fabric. A PVI
Cloud must be defined against an IB subnet in a SDN environment. (*)
Network Cloud and Storage Cloud are two supported IO Clouds which can be
differentiated by type of IO Modules in the definition. (*)
IO Clouds are created for defining virtual IO devices that can connect to external
fabrics. Uplinks from IO Modules must be selected in an IO Cloud definition. (*)

131. Which network devices in a Management Node are provisioned from Fabric

eth5, eth5B (*)
eth4, eth4B (*)
ib0, ib1

132. Which statements about Oracle VM Server Pool Configuration in Private Cloud
Appliance are correct?

Server pools and server membership of any server pool can only be managed with PCA
Admin CLI tool. (*)
A default server pool is pre-configured in a PCA System. Administrators can not
delete or rename the default server pool. (*)
PCA System enforces that all Compute Nodes in a server pool must be with same
A server pool is uniquely mapped to a Tenant Group in the PCA System. (*)
Every Compute Node will be added into a server pool when discovered by Node
Automation Service.

133. Which statements about Oracle VM Storage Resource Configuration in Private

Cloud Appliance are correct?

Resource provisioning of the internal ZFS Storage is differentiated by types of

server nodes. (*)
An iSCSI LUN is provisioned automatically in the internal ZFS Storage when a new
Tenant Group is created. (*)
An active-standby cluster is configured with dual controllers in the internal ZFS
Storage. (*)
All Compute Nodes in a PCA System are automatically provisioned with two
repositories when discovered.
Internal ZFS Storage is registered as an iSCSI Storage. ZFS-specific plugin is used
to enable central management from OVM Manager.

134. Which network interface in storage controllers can be leveraged to access ILOM
service of the internal ZFS Storage?

net0 (*)

135. If you want to manage the Compute Node ovcacn28r1 in a PCA System, which IP
address can be used to access ILOM service of the Compute Node? (*)

136. A guest VM need to communicate with services outside the PCA System over a
defined VLAN. Which network interface can be used as the backend for the vNIC in
the guest VM?

bond4 (*)

Enable ASR Services

(Answer all questions in this section)
137. Which statements about installing ASR Manager software for Private Cloud
Appliance are correct?

ASR Manager software package can be available from internal software repository or
download from (*)
ASR Manager software is a Java-based solution which requires at least Java Runtime
release 7. (*)
ASR Manager software only needs to be installed on current master Management Node.
ASR Manager software will be registered as a system service in Management Node. (*)

138. Which statements about configuring ASR services for Private Cloud Appliance
are correct?

A direct Internet connection is the pre-requisite for configuring ASR services for
Private Cloud Appliance. (*)
ASR services will be configured mostly by qualified field engineers from Oracle and
partners but sometimes even allow customers do the configuration themselves.
Configuring ASR services is recommended to be done when Private Cloud Appliance is
first time installed for the customers. (*)
Configuring ASR services for Private Cloud Appliance includes two steps which are
deploying stand-alone ASR Manager in the Management Cluster and activating ASR
Assets in PCA. (*)

139. Which folder in ASR Manager 5.x deployment should be moved to the shared
internal storage?

/var/opt/asrmanager (*)

140. Which tasks are required after ASR Manager software is installed on Management
Nodes in Private Cloud Appliance?

Start ASR Manager service in both Management Nodes.

Register ASR Manager as a managed service in ovca service. (*)
Move configuration and log folder of ASR Manager service to a location in internal
ZFS Storage Appliance. (*)
Stop and disable ASR Manager service in both Management Nodes. (*)

141. Which system component inside Private Cloud Appliance has an embedded ASR
Manager inside?

Server Nodes
Fabric Interconnect
PDUs in the Rack
InfiniBand Switches
ZFS Storage Appliance (*)

142. Following is the snapshot of the configuration file of ovca service before
registering ASR Manager as a additional managed service.

foundational_services: ovmm_mysql

Which location in the "foundational_services" section is correct for the ASR

Manager service to be registered?

Before tinyproxy service

After all existing services
As the first service
Any location in the service list (*)
After tinyproxy service

143. Which component in ASR Architecture will monitor hardware component and
generate Service Requests (SRs) when failure conditions are detected?

ASR Manager (*)

My Oracle Support
ASR Assets
ASR Infrastructure

144. Which statements about Automatic Service Request are correct?

All hardware components in Private Cloud Appliance can be monitored with ASR
The goal of ASR is to help to resolve hardware component failure in customers data
center faster. (*)
ASR was initially created by Sun for Sun Hardware. It has been extended to support
Oracle Engineered System. (*)
ASR is an integrated solution which includes hardware design, software services and
backend support infrastructure at Oracle. (*)

145. Identify correct pre-requisites that enable sending Service Requests (SRs)
from embedded ASR Manager in internal ZFS Storage Appliance to service team at

ASR Manager service in Management Nodes

A light-weight HTTP proxy service (tinyproxy) in Management Nodes (*)
A SMTP daemon in data center is configured as relay for "phone-home" feature in
internal ZFS Storage Appliance
A valid System Support Contract and MOS Account for Private Cloud Appliance (*)
A Direct Internet Connection from internal ZFS Storage Appliance

146. To activate server nodes and switches nodes in Private Cloud Appliance as ASR
assets, which IP address should be used as destination of ASR Manager service in
the Management Nodes? (*)
External shared IP for the Management Cluster

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