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An Initiate’s Guide to the Guilds

The Boros Legion

Designers Editor
Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback Rosa Gibbons

Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC

8302 2nd St NE
Lake Stevens, WA, 98258

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Introduction uplifted and the wicked cast down, and other moral concerns
are merely ways to get around this singular good. Because of
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that
their need for peace and order, some find angels to be stuffy
can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the
and inflexible, and may become drawn into conflict with
city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake
these holy beings over matters they might deem trivial.
to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the
civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica,
the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds, which Zealous Pursuit
constantly jockey with one another for dominance. It’s only Perhaps more than any other creature, angels possess the zeal
natural to want to align yourself with one of these guilds, and common to the Boros and pursue their goals with unstop-
those who insist on remaining “guildless” do so at their own pable drive. They never turn away from their cause and their
peril. But what does it mean to belong to a guild, and, more word is a guarantee that they will see things through to the
importantly, what can your guild do for you? end, or die trying. While this relentlessness can sometimes be
difficult to deal with, it can also inspire likeminded individu-
This book presents a number of new options for player char- als well beyond their normal limits.
acters aligned with the zealous Boros legion. Included are a
new race for a species closely aligned with the guild, two new Angel Names
archetypes that represent the powers and abilities of arche- Angels are born with names bound to their very being by
typal paragons of the guild, and a selection of four new feats some cosmic force. Each angel knows their own name, as
that represent the training, philosophy, and abilities common well as the names of other angels created on the same plane.
to members of the guild. While they share this trait with some powerful beings such as
dragons, they hold little respect for the power of names and
more respect for the purpose they are born.

New Race Male Names: Aziel, Da’na’al, Menithos, Porame, Rastiel,

The following race is closely associated with the Boros legion, Zo’an.
and is suitable for player characters. Female Names: Bethia, Estith, Questia, Thurma, Yuxia.

Battleforce Angel Angel Traits

The greatest members of the legion, Ravnica’s angels hold Your angel character has the following traits.
the positions of highest esteem and influence over the guild. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2,
Supposedly created in the image of the legendary founder of and either your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.
the legion, Razia, the angels of Boros provide leadership and Age: Angels are born into existence fully mature and can live
inspire awe wherever they go. The current leader of the guild for thousands of years, with many claiming to possess true
is an angel, as are nearly all of its most important leaders. immortality. However, because of their lifestyles, most angels
Not all angels hold this high rank and influence, however; die within their first thousand years. Angels are born with
a few, known as battleforce angels, join the fight along with all the knowledge they need to fulfill their purposes, includ-
their mortal counterparts and make a suitable race for player ing speech, language, and, more often than not, proficiency
characters. with weapons. While angels themselves value accomplish-
ment more than the passage of time, the young age of many
battleforce angels can lead to surprise and even distrust with
Divine Origin mortal allies. Angels do not die of old age.
Angels are a symbol of divinity and faith in the eyes of many.
Alignment: Angels on Ravnica are always good-aligned when
While Ravnica’s angels do not serve as messengers or foot
created, and nearly always lawful as well. Because of their
soldiers of any deity (unless they so choose), they can’t deny
intense zeal and idealism, the majority of angels retain this
their very being marks them as something more than mortal.
alignment for their entire life. A very rare few angels have a
Unlike the demons and liches who transcend mortal bounds
crisis of faith and become chaotic or evil-aligned; such indi-
to be something more, angels view their semi-divinity as a
viduals are much maligned and often the subject of zealous
responsibility to those lacking their heavenly status. Because
hunts by other angels and their allies.
of this, they inspire respect and awe, rather than fear, in the
Size: While some angels are significantly larger, the vast
hearts of the common folk, and they are welcome nearly
majority are roughly the same size of humans, though typi-
everywhere they go.
cally on the taller end, with few standing under 6 feet, and
most reaching 7 feet tall. Angels typically have 8- to 10-foot
Paragon of the Legion wingspans, which can make them appear larger. Your size is
Ravnica’s angels embody Razia’s high ideals of peace and Medium.
justice, and understand that such goals can only be achieved Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet. You have a flying speed
through the enforcement of a code of law that supports those of 30 feet. You cannot use your flying speed while wearing
ideas. There are many who look up to angels, turning to them medium or heavy armor. (If your campaign uses the alternate
for advice and inspiration. For most angels, the question of rules for encumbrance, you cannot use your fly speed while
right and wrong simply doesn’t exist; there is only one path: encumbered).
the pursuit of order and harmony, in which the righteous are
Bonus Proficiencies: When you begin play, choose either
weapons or armor. If you choose weapons, you are proficient
Alternate Class Features
The following section presents a number of archetypes and
in any 2 weapons of your choice. If you choose armor, you
alternate class features for characters in the Boros guild.
have light armor proficiency and medium armor proficiency.
If you choose armor, you can use your flying speed while
wearing medium armor. New paladin oath
Halo: Your body is celestial in nature and projects divine
light. You have a nimbus of golden light surrounding your oath of the flamefist (paladin)
body, which sheds bright light to a distance of 30 feet and While flamefists are drawn from many backgrounds, a few
dim light 30 feet beyond that. You can suppress or resume are so devoted to the Boros legion that they swear an oath to
this effect with an action. uphold their ideals, which extends beyond their very lives.
Inspiring Presence: Your divine presence is an inspiration to These flamefists have a divine connection to the holy tenets
others, and you can reveal your angelic glory to instill another of the order and are among the most zealous crusaders,
character with fighting spirit. As a bonus action, you can battling the forces of chaos and hatred in emulation of their
bathe a creature within 30 feet with angelic light, granting the divine patrons.
target 1d6 temporary hit points. At 5th level, and every 5 lev-
els thereafter, the amount of temporary hit points increases Tenets of the Flamefist
by 1d6. You may use this ability a number of times equal to The exact tenets of the oath of the flamefist vary according to
your Charisma bonus (minimum 1) before you must complete the individual legion commanders and angels to whom the
a short or long rest. paladin swears their oath. However, they always embody the
Wrath of Righteousness: Your holy nature allows you ideals of the Boros legion, and any who would call themselves
to guide your attacks with divine power rather than with flamefists would be proud to serve these ideals even without
physical might. You may add your Charisma bonus to attack required tenets.
rolls made with weapons. The damage for the weapon is still Devotion to the Cause. I will uphold the ideals of
dependent on your Strength or Dexterity modifier, as appro- justice and harmony, even if it costs me my life or the lives of
priate for the weapon. others.
Devotion to the Legion. I will obey my command-
ers without hesitation and gladly give my life for the lives of
my companions.

Death Before Dishonor. I will never bring shame to Battle Grace
the legion or tarnish its reputation in the eyes of those I am At 20th level, your zeal for battle and justice is such that you
sworn to protect. can enter a state of divine grace to face down the foes of the
Salvation of the City. I will protect the citizens of legion. As a bonus action, you can assume this state for 1 min-
Ravnica, upholding both the laws and the guild pact. ute; during this time you gain the following benefits.
Trust the Plan. I will not question the orders that
come from above me and will respect the hierarchy of the • The range of your aura of protection and aura of
legion. courage increases to 60 feet.
• Allies within 60 feet gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
Oath Spells and damage rolls. Against fiends and undead, this
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. bonus increases to +2.
• Whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 or fewer hit
Oath of the Flamefist Spells points, you and your allies within 60 feet each gain
Paladin Level Spells 1d10 + your Charisma modifier temporary hit points.
3rd guiding bolt, heroism
5th aid, scorching ray
9th beacon of hope, blinding smite New Ranger Archetype
13th death ward, wall of fire swift blade (ranger)
17th flame strike, geas Swift blades serve the legion as scouts and commandos, seek-
ing out the foes of order and harmony and eliminating them.
Channel Divinity They move swiftly and silently as an advance force, solving
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following many problems before the need to bring in additional troops.
two Channel Divinity options. They also serve to support large forces in operations involving
Gift of Flame. You can touch your holy symbol to a stealth or surprise, giving the legion a key edge in desperate
weapon in order to surround it with holy flame, using your situations. Swift blades often have free spirits and are the
Channel Divinity. The touched weapon counts as magical and most likely of the legion to be non-lawfully-aligned.
deals fire damage instead of its ordinary type. The weapon
deals an additional 1d8 fire damage against a fiend or undead Stealth Specialist
creature. If a fiend or undead creature has resistance to fire At 3rd level, your expertise in infiltration has granted you
damage, the weapon deals radiant damage instead. This effect impressive abilities. You gain one of the following abilities.
lasts for 10 minutes. Fast Stealth. Whenever you take the Dash action,
Radiant Burst. You can present your holy symbol to you can choose to make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide,
summon the power of the angels that guide your guild, call- even if you do not have concealment from creatures you are
ing forth a burst of radiant light. You can use your Channel hiding from. You must end your movement with sufficient
Divinity to deal 1d8 points of radiant damage to all enemies cover or concealment to hide if you wish to remain hidden.
within 30 feet. Fiends and undead suffer an additional 1d8 While you are moving, others can make a Wisdom
damage. Until the end of your next turn, you and your allies (Perception) roll opposed by your Dexterity (Stealth) roll to
gain advantage on attack rolls against creatures damaged in notice your movement; if they fail, they cannot detect the
this way. way in which you move.
Stealth Expert. You gain proficiency and expertise
Strength of the Legion in Stealth, allowing you to add twice your proficiency bonus
You draw strength from your allies and serve as their stalwart on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. Additionally, opponents suffer
bastion in the face of oncoming danger. At 7th level, as long a –5 penalty on passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive
as you are adjacent to 2 or more allies, adjacent enemies can- Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to detect you while
not use the Disengage or Dodge action. Additionally, when you are hidden.
you are adjacent to 2 or more allies and take the Disengage Sudden Strike. Whenever you make an attack with
or Dodge action, your adjacent allies can use their reaction advantage against a creature while hidden, you deal an
to add their proficiency bonus to AC against the next attack additional 1d8 damage. A creature damaged by this attack has
made against them. disadvantage against attack rolls until the beginning of your
next turn.
Fist of Flame
At 15th level, you can use your righteous might to punish the
wicked. Whenever you score a critical hit and deal fire or
radiant damage, you can roll one additional damage dice of
that type. If your attack deals both fire and radiant damage,
you roll one additional dice of each type.

Double Strike Unstoppable
At 7th level, your quick combat tactics make you more lethal At 14th level, your zealous determination and reckless energy
in situations when you can strike quickly and repetitively, allow you to put an end to your enemies in mere moments.
potentially ending conflicts before they arise. You gain one of You gain one of the following abilities.
the following abilities. Blade Dash. You charge past your enemies’
Double Slice. Whenever you use a bonus action to defenses, cutting them to ribbons as you go. You can
attack with your off-hand weapon, you may make an attempt to move through an enemy’s space by succeeding
additional attack with an off-hand weapon. This extra attack on a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check with a DC equal to the AC
otherwise functions normally. of the creature whose space you are moving through. If you
Lethal Speed. Whenever you strike a single target succeed, you may make an attack against that creature as a
with a melee attack more than once in a single round, you bonus action. If the Dexterity (Acrobatics) check fails, your
deal an additional 1d8 damage on the second attack. movement ends.
Penetrating Shot. Whenever you make a ranged Fire Through. Your ranged attacks ignore cover from
attack against a creature you have already damaged with a creatures and half cover from inanimate obstacles.
ranged attack this round, the attack ignores any bonus to AC Fury Strike. Whenever you are hidden from a foe
the target has from armor they are wearing. This has no effect and make an attack with advantage against that creature,
on AC granted by a shield, the unarmored defense class you score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and you roll one
feature, magical armor (such as a mage armor spell), or additional damage dice for the weapon on a successful critical
natural armor. hit.
Reaver’s Strike. Whenever you reduce a creature Crippling Attack. Whenever you damage a creature
to 0 or fewer hit points, you may make an additional attack with a weapon attack, that creature cannot make opportunity
against another creature within range with a held weapon. attacks until the beginning of your next turn.
Zealous Defense. Whenever you use your reaction Incredible Resolve. If you would be reduced to 0 or
to make an opportunity attack, you may make an additional fewer hit points, you may make an attack against a number of
attack against that creature. If you are wielding two weapons, creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier within range. After
you may also make an additional attack with your off-hand making these attacks, you still fall unconscious and begin
weapon using the normal penalties for two-weapon fighting. dying as normal.
If you make an attack with an off-hand weapon while using Relentless Attack. Whenever you score a critical
this ability, you may not use a bonus action on your next turn. hit, you may make an additional attack against that creature.
You do not add your ability score bonus to the damage dealt
Vigilant by the extra attack granted by this feature. You may only
At 11th level, your constant state of heightened alertness make this extra attack once per turn, even if you score
begins to manifest itself in the form of potent awareness that multiple critical hits in a single turn.
keep you apprised of danger. You gain one of the following
Danger Sense. Creatures who are hidden from you
do not gain advantage on attack rolls made against you. New Feats
Heightened Senses. You gain proficiency in The following section presents a number of feats common
Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks, amongst members of the Boros Legion.
and add twice your proficiency bonus in one of these skills.
Scent. As long as your sense of smell is not impaired, Battalion
you can detect invisible creatures within 10 feet. While this You are an expert at attacking with your allies to overcome
reveals the location of invisible creatures, it does not reveal challenges far greater than you could overcome alone, gaining
their precise position or contortion of their body and as such, the following benefits:
attack rolls against such creatures still have disadvantage. A
creature can attempt to mask their scent in order to remain • You have advantage on all weapon attacks against
hidden; however, altering their scent may give away their targets threatened by at least 2 allies.
location on its own. Masking one’s scent requires a minimum • Attacks made against you by creature threatened by
of 1 minute. 3 or more creatures have disadvantage.
Watchfulness. Whenever you detect a hidden • You can use a bonus action to allow an adjacent ally
creature, you can attempt a Charisma (Deception) check to to make an attack against a creature you both threat-
feign as if you do not know where the target is. The target can en; the attacking creature does not add their ability
attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by the result of score bonus to the damage dealt by this attack.
your Charisma (Deception) check; if their check is not
successful, then the next attack you make against the target
has advantage. If the attack was an opportunity attack, the
target loses all remaining movement for the round on a
successful hit.

Mentor Sky Jousting
You are an inspiration to others and can teach them to be You have trained in the art of aerial warfare alongside angels
more effective in the soldiering arts, gaining the following the and sky knights, gaining the following benefits:
• Increase your Charisma score by 1 • While flying or mounted on a flying mount, you have
• As a bonus action, you can grant an adjacent ally advantage on attack rolls against other flying creatures.
advantage on the next attack roll they make. • While flying or mounted on a flying mount, when you
• If you have the bardic inspiration ability, you can deal damage against another creature you can use the
use that ability an additional time before you must Disengage action as a bonus action.
complete a long rest.

Radiant Caster
Your focus on the magical traditions of the Boros legion have
enabled you to cast certain spells with greater accuracy and
efficacy. You gain the following benefits:

• You deal an additional 1d4 points of radiant damage

whenever you deal radiant damage.
• Whenever you deal radiant damage, you may choose
to deal half that damage to another opponent within
30 feet and half the damage to the target originally
damaged by the effect.
• You can choose to heal an ally within 30 feet of
you when you deal radiant damage. This restores a
number of hit points equal to your Charisma modi-
fier + the level of the spell, if applicable. You can use
this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma
modifier before you must complete a long rest.

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