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Tamayo, Maria Alexandra D.


4000 BCE
1. What do you think would change if the Sumerians did not invent the wheel?
If the wheel had never been invented the world would definitely not be the same. We'd
still be riding on horseback and there would be no planes, jets, cars, bikes, or
motorcycles for us to travel in different places.
2. To whom can you compare the impact of the travel of Queen Hatshepsut to the
travelers today? (Example: travel bloggers, celebrities, etc.)
For me the impact of travel for travelers today are the travel vloggers because today’s
generation, a lot of millennials are now using social media as a platform for giving
various information about their countries, their experiences in traveling around the
world which can attract tourist to visit a certain country.
2700 BCE
1. What do you think is the significance of the buildings that the pharaohs built in 2700
BCE to the present context?
 The pyramids represented the belief that life after death existed, and that the afterlife
was just a continuation of the current life. It may have also represented their wealth in
resources, which allowed the construction of greater buildings.
2. What are the (3) great pyramids at Giza?
 The Pyramid of Menkaure, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Great Pyramid of Khufu.
Early Roads (1600 to 1200 BCE)
What do you think is the impact of the invention of heavy wagons during the Early Roads in our
present times?

 I think heavy wagons are invented for carrying heavy loads such as goods, metals,
military equipments and etc. So, in our generation, trucks are built for heavy load
purposes such us delivering heavy objects from one place to another.
The Silk Road
What can you say about Marco Polo? What impact do you think he has on millennial travelers?

 Marco Polo is known for traveling along the Silk Road to China, where he explored and
documented much of Asia not yet explored by Europeans. Since Marco Polo traveled a
lot during his time, the millennial travelers wanted to explore more and experience
other culture and stuffs and sometimes people travel because of curiosity and that’s the
reason why a country is being recognized not by just their tourist spots, but also the
The Classical World
What is the impact of the Olympic Games to tourism in the Classical World compared to the
present time?

 Olympic Games is one of those being conducted to honor Zeus, the God of Greek
mythology through athletic competitions. The crowds watched sports such as disc-
throwing, running, and the long jump. This event being held represents unity, pride and
elite athleticism around the globe compare to the present time where Olympic Games
serves as a tourism flow and
Early Beginnings
How did entertainment Impact Asia Minor's tourism during the Early Beginnings?

 In Asia Minor, many tourists would come in a single season to watch and be entertained
by the acrobats, animal acts, jugglers, magicians, and prostitute who filled the streets
and also Ephesus, an ancient Greek city become the trading center.
Early Ships
To whom can you compare the ship traders during this time to the present time?

 I compare ship traders to shipping in our present time because shipping is the life blood
of the global economy where intercontinental trade, the bulk transport of raw
materials, and the import/export of affordable food and manufactured goods is being
carried using cargo ships and other vessels. Seaborne trade continues to expand,
bringing benefits for consumers across the world through competitive freight costs.
What do you think is the impact of the euro centricity of writings about the history of tourism
to China's tourism now?

 Tourism has become an important contributor to the domestic economy in China since
the beginning of reform and opening in the early eighties. The Chinese tourism market
has transformed into one of the world's most-watched inbound and outbound tourist
markets. Tourism in China has boomed because of its abundant tourist attractions and
enhanced tourist environment. More and more foreign tourists are finding China is an
ideal travel destination. A continued increase in foreign tourists is expected for the next
What is the impact of the navigation system that the Polynesians created to the tourism
industry now?

 Navigation system or the GPS tracking system is profitable for the travel
and tourism industry. However, the system renders the precise real-time location details
along with real-time maps, fuel data, speed, and traffic updates.
How do you think King Richard II's requirement to travelers affect traveling today?

 During the Dark Ages travelling is really dangerous and for security purposes, King
Richard II required pilgrims to carry permits which affect the traveling today which
a passport is used to verify one's country of citizenship. If traveling outside your country,
it is used to regain entry into your country of citizenship. Passports include your photo,
name, birth date, gender and physical characteristics.
The Grand Tour
How does the Grand Tour impact tourism today?

 From its aristocratic origins and the permutations of sentimental and romantic travel to
the age of tourism and globalization, the Grand Tour still influences the
destinations tourists choose and shapes the ideas of culture and sophistication that
surround the act of travel.
What difference did the railroads in America make for the tourism industry?

 Railroads serves as transportation to have an easier access to travel in different places.

Rail transport could be a valuable solution to growing tourism, speeding up commuter
trips and offering more options for travelers and potential visitors. Rail transport can
operate similar to airlines and also rail transport can be run by artificial Intelligence.
History in Tourism

Time Person or Place Involved Event

4000 BCE Sumerians The Sumerians invented the
Queen Hatshepsut wheel making them the
founder of travel business.
2700 BCE The pharaohs Pyramids, the Sphinx and
burial tombs are built.
Early Roads The military, government and The wheel led to the
caravans development heavy wagons
to improve the roads.
The Silk Road Marco Polo Marco Polo was part of those
who passed the silk route.
The Classical World Herodotus The Olympic Games is made
to honor Zeus through his
athletic competition.
Herodotus is the “Father of
Early Beginnings Ephesus Ephesus became the
important trading center.
Early Ships Phoenicians Phoenicians are the great
sea traders. They act as a
middleman for their
neighbors, purveyed raw
materials and finished goods.
Chinese Trevor Sofield The Emperors of China had
ministers for travel 4,000
years ago well before the
imperial Rome and
Polynesians Polynesians from the Society Navigation was accomplished
Islands by observing the position of
the sun and stars, ocean
swells, clouds and bird
Europeans King Richard II During this period travelling is
dangerous. King Richard II
required pilgrims to carry
permits also known as
The Grand Tour Diplomats, scholars, and The Grand Tour’s purpose is
businesspeople for educational experience
degenerating to simple
pursuit of pleasure.
Americans Americans Early travel was on foot,
horseback, small boat or
canoe. Then, the construction
of railroads was popularized.

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