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NO : 010/PBJ-PNUP/PT-RRU/X/2009
TANGGAL : 19 Oktober 2009


Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

B.Program studi Teknik Elektronika

1 Basic PLC Trainer LGLS XGT0901 16 Digital input & 16 digital output 8 Unit 13,818,000 110,544,000
Desain kompak, cerdas dan tangguh
Kemudahan bagi pengguna pemula
Dapat melakukan eksperimen sendiri
Dapat mengembangkan aplikasi otomatisasi industri

Memungkinkan untuk menggunakan piranti input/output eksternal

Dapat digunakan untuk komunikasi antar PLC atau PC
2 Automtic Control Trainer Electron - 2 system model builders to simulate system transfer function 1 Unit 143,451,000 143,451,000
- 2 multi-input adder/summing nodes
- Reference generator and function generator

- a. Linear non Linear Process - Electron - 2 system model builders to simulate system transfer function
Controller - 2 multi-input adder/summing nodes
- Reference generator and function generator

- b. Process Controlller Electron The controller is configurable for P, PI, PID operation , with time
constant selectable in range of several decades.

- c. Oven Temperatur Controller Electron - Equipped with four different types of commonly used temperatur
sensors (J-TC, NTC,PTC, Bi-metalic swtch)

- d. DC Motor Speed Control Electron - The module has two small DC motors ganged together. One is
used as the drive mototr and the other as a tachometric feedback
generator.A slot type optical feedback sensor is also mechanically
ganged to a DC motor

- e. Servo Potensiometer System ELECTRON - This module includes a geared DC motor.which operates a screw-
driven mechanism, ganged to the slide of a linear potentionmeter.A
second linear potentiometer allows the setting the refence position.

- f. Light Control Module Electron - It includes a light source (incandescent lamp) and three different
types of sensor (photo-resistance, photodiode, photo-transistor).
Each one is equipped with its oqn interface circuit, to experiment
open and closed loop system in automatic control setup.

- g. Flow Control Module Electron - This module includes one of most commonly used flow sensors,
the rotary vane type flow meter.
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

h.A/D and D/A board for PC Based Control Electron - The trainer is used in conjunction with a PC, and creates an
intelligent interface to the experiment modules, for the purpose
data, pre-setting analog and digital output and sampling input
terminal. It can also be used as a general-purpose microcomputer
system to experiment software developed for automated
system.The microcomputer unit is based around a CMOS
microprocessor of the Z80 family.

3 Tank Level Control Electron - The unit consists of a tank with a LED bar indication of the 1 Unit 18,585,000
liquid level. Inlet and outlets ducts with are conneted to the tank
and have simulated electrovalves, represented by LED lamps.The
flow rate can be manually by means of simulated taps
(potensiometer). An on-board intergrator and A/D coverter
reproduces the resulting tank level.The resulting output signals are
available as PLC input.
4 Reactor Vessel Control Electron 1 Unit 18,585,000
- The loading position is capable of dispensing metal washers into
the belt. An unloading position is provided with a proximity
sensor, which is used to identify the presence of the washer in the
unloadning area. The washer can be unloaded or not as
programmed.Two collecting bins are supplied, one at the output of
the unloader and another at the end of the conveyor belt. 18,585,000

5 Connection Simulation Panel for - Electron - 16 toggle switches for PLC input simulation 1 Unit 17,477,000 17,477,000
PLC Machine - 16 LED indicator for PLC output monitoring
- 16 2mm jacks tied to PLC inputs
- 16 2mm jacks tied to PLC output
- 40 pole flat cable connector to interface the simulator madules
- Auxiliary 24 V power jacks

6 Silo System Electron The simulator includes a loading coveyor belt, a silo and an 1 Unit 15,083,000 15,083,000
unloading coveyor belt. The system can work under manual control
as well as under PLC control.The internal circuits of the board
visual effects of the movement of packs in this simulator.

7 Conveyor Belt System Electron - The loading position is capable of dispensing metal washer into 1 Unit 70,162,000
the belt.An unloading position is provided with a proximity sensor,
which is used to identify the presence of the washer in the
unloading area.Two collecting bins are supplied, one at the output
of unloader and another at the end of the conveyor belt.
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

8 Washing Machine System Electron - The module follows the design philosophy of the other modules, 1 Unit 18,585,000 18,585,000
and consists in the simulation of water supply and drainage,
temperature control, motor speed control and sequential cycling
according to different operation programs.

PID/Fuzzy Logic Control Electron - Universal input for thermocouples, RTD's mA Volt (pre-wired for
9 - PID / FuzzyLogic Controller Electron - 3 Logic inputs 1 Unit 53,469,000 53,469,000
10 - Flame Control System Simulator Electron - Relay ,SSR drive, analog mA or V valve control main output
(pre-wired for Volt) 1 Unit 26,083,000 26,083,000
11 - Oven Control System Simulator Electron - PID or PID + Fuzzy (XF) algorithm 1 Unit 26,083,000 26,083,000
12 - Pressure Control System Simulator Electron - Auto-tune and Expert-tune 1 Unit 26,083,000 26,083,000
- Auto/Man
- Auxiliary relay outputs
- 2 memorized setpoints
- Capability of serial communications with Modbus/Jbus protocol

- Switching power supply 100…240 Vac with low voltage 24 V

output for simulator board

13 Paket Trainer Robot Super Lengkap e-Technology Body robor beroda,sensor api,4 sensor jarak,materi 1 Unit 18,911,000
praktikum,software,roda dan motor,kit mikrokontroller BS2p ,drive
motor DC,servo motor,sesor kompas, mototr stepper,TPA81,sensor
sungut line follwer 18,911,000
- Smart Motor Controller Atmel at892051 - Berbasis SPC006 smart controller AT892051 2 Unit 152,000 304,000
- memiliki interfac I2C dan 4 jalur paralel
- Tiap modul bisa digunakan untuk mengendalikan hingga 2 motor
- Gearbox Tamiya Mobil Tamiya 4 Unit 327,000 1,308,000

- DT-AVR low Cost Micro - Atmel atmege8535 - 8 kbyte flash memory,512 byte SRAM dan 512 byte EEPROM 5 Unit 295,000 1,475,000
( Programmer Mikrokontroler) - Osilator 4 MHz

- Rangkaian reset, tombol manual reset dan brown out detector

14 Buckling Arm Robot Crrus Crawler - Arm Robot 5 DOF Crust Crawer 1 Unit 13,042,000 13,042,000
15 Sensor and Intelligent LN ·     1 x Inductive sensor 1 Unit 80,489,000 80,489,000
·     1 x Capacitive sensor
·     2 x Optical sensors
·     1 x Reflector
·     1 x Sensor testing device for binary sensors
·     1 x 3-component workpiece
·     1 x Universal sensor holder to accommodate cylindrical
sensors M4 - M18
·     1 x Profile bracket
·     1 x Workpiece carrier
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

·     4 x M12 plugs (connector accessories)

·     1 x Connection adapter for M12 plug-in connectors
·     1 x Set of fasteners
·     1 x Set of Allen keys
·     1 x Storage case
16 Solder Uap (blower) Hakko PR801 - Power :100 V - 310 W, 110V - 360 W, 120V-430W, 220C-570W, 2 Unit 10,434,000 20,868,000
230V-630W, 240V - 680W
- Capacity 5 to 20 L/min (max)
- Hot Air temperatur : 100 to 500ºC/200 to 930ºF(Nozzle A1130
- Jig Saw 550 Watt Krisbow Voltage 220Volt/50 Hz 2 Unit 719,000 1,438,000
No load speed 500 - 3000 r/min
Cutting depth Wood 65 mm, Steel 5 mm
17 Eprom Eraser Leap Eprom eraser - Capacity 64pcs 24 pin x0.6" 4 Unit 2,349,000 9,396,000
- U-v tube GL-10.1pc
- Wavelength 2537ºA
- U-V Intensity 5000 Wcm
- Tube Life 4000 hours
-Erasure Timer pre settable up 60 minutes
-Input Power 115/220/240 V /50 Hz
18 Universal Programmer Hilo -Device Support Pin Count:from 8 pins up to over 300 pins 4 Unit 14,919,000 59,676,000
- Device Contact: Default- DIP48 textool
- Max Sockets in parallel : 8 sockets on optional gang
programming module
- Control : 16 bits hight-speed controller with big sized FPGA &
- Interface Port : 1x USB port.
- Data transfer Rate :USB 1.1 : 12 Mb/s, USB 2.0 : 480 Mb/s
- Max sites in parallel :up to 8 via tiered star USB
- Power :100-240 V/ 50W,Frequency 50-60 Hz
19 X-Y recorder (Plotter) Yokogawa - Input, type plug-in module(each unit has a built-in A/D converter) 1 Unit 189,355,000 189,355,000
- number of slots : 8 8 (up to 16 channels)

- Logic inputs : 16 (bbitsx2)

- Max record length Standard : 2.5 MW/CH,50 MW total
/M1 : 10 MW/CH,250 MW total
/M2 : 25 MW/CH,500 MW total
/M3 : 50 MW/CH,500 MW total
- Time axis accuracy :± 0.005%
- Time axis setting range : 500ns-30 sec/div,1 min-30 min/div, 1-
-h12h/div, 1 day-3days/div(up
Acquisition modes : Normal 30 days) Avetrangin, box
, envelope,
- Rate supply voltage : 100 to 120 VAC/200 t0 240 VAC
- Frequency : 50/60 Hz
- Power comsumption : 200 VA-Max
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

- Withstand voltage : 1500 VAC for one minute across power

supply and ground
- Insulation resistance : 10 MΩ or one greater at 500 VDC across
power supply and ground.
20 Power Elektronic Trainer K&H Kl 500 - UJT Experiments 1 Unit 118,165,000 118,165,000
- PUT Experiments
- PUT & SCR Experiments
- SCS Experiments
- UJT & PUT trigger SCR Experiments
- SCR Control DC Motor & DIAC, TRIAC Characteristic

Automatic Control
- Temperature Lamp
Ratio & & Couple
Photo TRIAC &
TouchSpeed Experiments
- Over/Under Voltage Breaker & Flasher Control Experiments
- TRIAC Liquid Level & IC Timer Switch Experiments
- Digital Signal Driver & Zero Voltage Swicth Experiments
- Zero Voltage Swicth Experiments
- SCR Converter Experiments
- SCR Rectifier Experiments
- JFET/MOSFET speed Control Experiment
- IGBT Characteristic & IGBT speed Control Experiments
21 Function Generator GwInstek Gfg8219a - Frequency Range 0.3 Hz-3 MHz 10 Unit 5,223,000 52,230,000
- Amplitude > 10 Vpp (into 50 Ω load)
- Impedance 50Ω±10%
- Attenuator -20dB±1dBx2
- DC Offeset ,-5V - >5V (into 50W load)
- Duty Control 80%:20%:80% to 1 MHz Continue variable
- Display 6 digit LED display
Sine Wave
Distortion ≤ 1 %, 0,3 Hz - 200 kHz
Flatness < 0.3 dB, 0.3 Hz - 300 kHz
< 0.5 dB, 300.Hz - 3 MHz
Triangle Wave
Linier : ≥ 98 %, 0.3 Hz - 100 kHz
≥ 95 %, 100.kHz - 3MHz
Square Wave
Symmetry : ± 2%, 0.3 Kz - 100 kHz
Rise or Fall Time ≤ 100nS a maximum output (ino 50Ω load)
CMOS Output
Level : 4Vpp±1Vpp-14.5Vpp±0.5Vpp adjustable
Rise or Fall Time ≤ 120nS
TTL Output
Level : ≥3Vpp
Fan Out : 20 TTL load
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

Rise or Fall Time ≤ 25nS

Input Voltage : 0V-10V ±1V (100:1)
Input Inpedance : 10kΩ±10%
Output Voltage : to set the voltage between 0V - 2 V as per -
different frequency.
Sweep Operation
Sweep/Manual : Switch selector
Sweep/Rate : 100:1 ratio max and adjustable
Sweep/Time : 0.5 sec- 30 sec adjustable
Sweep/Mode : Lin/Log switch selector
Amplitude Modulation
Depth : 0 - 100%
MOD Frequency : 400 Hz (INT) DC - 1 MHz (EXT)
Carrier BW : 100 Hz - 3 MHz (-3dB)
EXT Sensitivity : ≤ 10 Vpp for 100% modulation
Frequency Modulation
Deviation : 0 - ± 5%
MOD Frequency : 400 Hz (INT) DC - 20kHz (EXT)
EXT Sensitivity : ≤ 10 Vpp for 10% modulation
Frequency Counter
INT /EXT : Switch selector
Range : 0.3 HZ - 2MHz (5Hz - 150MHz EXT)
Accuracy : Time base accuracy ± 1 count
Time base : ±20ppm (23°C±5°C) after 30 minute warm up

Resolution : The maximum resolution is 100 nHz for 1Hz and 1Hz-
for 100 MHZ
Input Inpedance : 1 MW// 150pF
Sensivity : < 35mVrms (5Hz - 100MHz)
< 45mVrms (100MHz - 150MHz)
Power Source :
AC115V/230V±15%, 50/60Hz
Insruction manual x 1, Power cord x 1 GTL-101 x 2
Dimension : & Weight
251(W) x 91(H) x 291(D)mm, approx 2,2 kg

- Power Supply GwInsek gps3303 - Output mode : Voltage 0-30 V (CH1,CH2),5V Fixed (CH3) 5 Unit 7,597,000 37,985,000
Current 0-3A (CH1,CH2),3A Max (CH3)
- AC 100 V/120V/220V(±10%)230V(+10%-6%) 50/60 Hz
Constant Voltage Operation (CH1,CH2)
Line Regulation :≤ 0.01% + 3mV
Load Regulaion :≤ 0.01% + 3mV (rating current ≤3A)
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

≤ 0.02% + 5mV (rating current >3A)

Ripple & Noise : ≤ 1mVrmsm 5Hz - 1MHz
Recovery Time : ≤ 100 µS (50% Load change , Minimum load
Constant Current Operation (CH1,CH2)
Line Regulation :≤ 0.2% + 3mA
Load Regulaion :≤ 0.2% + 3mA
Ripple & Noise : ≤ 3mArms
Tracking Operation (CH1,CH2)
Tracking Error : ≤ 0.5% + 10mV of the CH1
Series Regulation : ≤ 300mV
Load Regulaion :≤ 0.01% + 3mV
Ripple & Noise : ≤ 2mArms, 5 Hz - 1MHz
5 V FIX Output (CH3) Load regulation ≤ 15mV
Current Output 3A
Digital : 3 digits 0.5" LED display
Out On Accuracy : ± (0.5% rgd + 2 digits)
Out Off Accuracy : ± (0.5% rgd + 8 digits)
Chassis and terminal ≥ DC 500V / 20MΩ
Chassis and AC Cord ≥ DC 500V / 30MΩ

Test lead GTL-104 x 2,GL-105 x 1 : European test lead GTL-203 x

1, GTL-204 x 2
Dimension & Weight : 255(W)x145(H)x265(D):Approx 6.3kg

22 Everprecision PCB Prototyping Everprecision - Resolution : 0.005 mm 1 Unit 202,461,000 202,461,000

- Control Axis : X,Y,Z
- Control motor : X,Y,Z / stepper motor
- Max.Travel Speed : 50mm/sec.
- Max.Working Speed : 20 mm/sec
- Min. Trace Width : 4mil
- Drilling : 0.3 -∞mm
- Drilling Performance : 90 Stroke/min
- Tool Change : manual
- Tool Holder : 1/8" Socket
- Tool Length Detec : Auto Tool Length Detect
- Surface Detect : Auto Surface Detect
- Spindle Speed : 35.000 rpm (max)
- Power Comsumption : AC 110/220 V, 200 Watt

Makassar, 19 Oktober 2009

Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

PT. Rimba Raya utama

Ir. Imam Subekti

Direktur Utama
Daftar Barang & Peralatan
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

No Nama Peralatan Merk dan Type Spesifikasi Satuan Volume

1 2 3 4 5 6
A.Program Studi Teknik Lisrik
1 Material Pentanahan arrester & Lokal - Clamp 50 mm2/Split bolt line tap for B27 set 4
Cubicle al : - Kabel Schoen CU 50 mm2
- BC draad 50 mm2/NYY 1 x 50 mm2
- Pipa arde 1,5" x 3 mtr
2 Kabel & Accs:
- Fuse cut-out Bosung 24 kV (out door ) bh 3
- Kabel XLPE 3 x 50 mm2 mtr 20
Rated Voltage : 1.8 / 3 kV up 18 / 30 kV
Copper or Aluminium Conductor
- Kabel XLPE Supreme,Kabelindo,Kabel
Metal, Tranka 1 x 50 mm2 mtr 21
Rated Voltage : 1.8 / 3 kV up 18 / 30 kV
Copper or Aluminium Conductor
- Kawat AAAC Sutrado 50 mm2 mtr 50
All Aluminium Conductor or Aluminium Alloy
- Kabel Twisted Sutrado 4 x 25 mm2 mtr 65
Rated Voltage : 600 / 1000 Volt
Copper or Aluminium Conductor
XLPE Insulation
- End Mof Outdoor Raychen 150-240 mm2 set 1
- End Mof Indoor Raychen 150-240 mm2 set 1
- End Mof single core Raychen 1 x 5 mm2 set 6
- End Mof Indoor Raychen 3 core set 2
- Kabel Schoen Lokal AI/Cu 150 mm2 bh 16
- Pipa Pelindung Lokal GIP dia 4"x 5000 mm btg 3
- Stainless steel strap Lokal 0,7 x 20 mm mtr 25
- Yokes for stainless steel strap Lokal Standard bh 12
- Link Lokal 25 x 25 mm bh 12
- Travers dudukan arrester Lokal Lokal btg 1
- Travers dudukan fuse cut-out Lokal 20 kV btg 1
- Travers dudukan Panel TR Lokal Lokal set 1
- Tiang Beton Lokal 10 mtr / 200 daN ( BSP ) btg 6
- Tiang Besi Lokal 10 mtr / 200 daN ( BSP ) untuk tupang tekan btg 1
- Tupang Tarik Lokal Lokal set 2
Lokal UNP 80x50x5x2000 mm hot dip galvanis bh 6
- Isolator Tarik Utp lin lipi 20 kV set 2
Class ANSI
Main Dimention (mm) D (165); H (139.7)
Creepage Distance / mm : 177,8
Power - frequency Puncture Voltage / KV : 80
Power - Frequency DRY / kV : 60
Power - Frequency WET / kV : 30
Critical - Impulse Positive / kV : 100
Critical - Impulse Negative / kV : 100
Test Voltage to ground / kV : 7,5
Maximum RIV at 1000 KHz / kV : 50
Electromechanical Load / kg : 4500
Mechanical Impact Strenght / kg : 100
Time Load Test value / kg : 2700
- Isolator afspan Utp lin lipi 20 kV set 6
ANSI Class 57
Dry Arcing Dictance mm : 165
Cantilever Strenght, KN : 12,5
Usual Line Voltage, kV : 25
Low Frequency Dry Flashover KV :80
Daftar Barang & Peralatan
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

No Nama Peralatan Merk dan Type Spesifikasi Satuan Volume

Low Frequency Wet Flashover KV :60
Critical Impulse Flashover Pos KV : 130
Critical Impulse FlashoverNeg KV : 165
Test Voltage to Ground KV :15
Maximum RIV at 1000 KHz μV : 100
- Isolator tumpu Utp lin lipi 20 kV bh 12
ANSI Class 57
Dry Arcing Dictance mm : 165
Cantilever Strenght, KN : 12,5
Usual Line Voltage, kV : 25
Low Frequency Dry Flashover KV :80
Low Frequency Wet Flashover KV :60
Critical Impulse Flashover Pos KV : 130
Critical Impulse FlashoverNeg KV : 165
Test Voltage to Ground KV :15
Maximum RIV at 1000 KHz μV : 100
- Strain clam Lokal Aluminum bh 6
- Cross arm clevis + socket eye Lokal Galvanized bh 6
- Ball Clevis + socket eye Lokal Galvanized bh 6
- Bare binding wire Lokal 20 mm2 mtr 20
- Double arming bolt Lokal 5/8" x 350 mm bh 12
- Mur baut Lokal 5/8" x 250 mm bh 4
- Mur baut Lokal 1/2" x 50 mm bh 6
- H type connector Wika 150-150 mm2 bh 9
- Pentanahan pipa arde lengkap Lokal Galvanized btg 1
- Kawat BC Sutrado 50 mm2 mtr 65
- Pentanahan pipa arde lengkap Lokal dia.2" btg 2
- Penambahan sound proof Lokal Lokal ls 1
3 Lightning Arrester Bosung 20 kV btg 3
4 Panel TR 3 jurusan PML 5 kW set 1
5 Panel AMF-ATS PML 25 kVA unit 1
6 Governar diesel Deutz Speed : 15000 1/min unit 1
Output : 26,5 kW

7 Power Quality Meter 1 / 3 phase Ge INPUT unit 2

Conversion : True RMS 64 samples/cycle
CT input : 1 A and 5 A secondary
Burden ; 0,2 VA
20 x CT for 1 sec, 100 x CT for 0,2 sec
Full scale : 150% of CT
Frequency : up to 32nd harmonic
Accuracy : ± 0,2 % of full scale,true RMS
Conversion : True RMS 64 samples/cycle
VT pri/sec : Direct or 120 - 72.000:69 - 240
Input range: 20 - 600 VAC
Full scale : 150/600 VAC autoscaled
Burden : < 0,1 VA
Frequency : up to 32nd harmonic
Accuracy : ± 0,2 % of full scale,true RMS
Type : Dry contact
Resistance : 1.000 Ź max ON resistance
Voltage : 24 VDC @ 2 mA
Duration : 100 ms minimum
Range : 4 -20 mA
Accuracy : ± 1 % of full scale
Relay Output : Programmable 4 -20 mA
Internal burden resistance : 250 Ź
Range : 4
Daftar Barang & Peralatan
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

No Nama Peralatan Merk dan Type Spesifikasi Satuan Volume

Min pulse width : 150 ms
Min off time : 200 ms
Accuracy : ± 1 % of full scale reading
Parameters : +ve kWh,-ve kvarh,-ve kvarh,kVAh
Interval : 1 - 65000 in steps of 1
Pulse width : 100 -2000 ms in steps of 10 ms
Min pulse interval : 500 ms
COM1/COM2 type : RS485 2 wire, half duplex
COM3 type : RS 232, 9 PIN
Baud rate : 1200-19200 bps
Protocol : MOdBus RTU and DNP 3.0 level 2
Funstions : Read / write setpoints
Read actual values
Execute commands
Control Power
Input : 90 - 300 VDC, 70 -265 VAC 50/60 HZ
Power : 10 VA nominal 20 VA maximum
Holdup : 100 ms typical @ 120 VAC/VDC
Comunication converter F485 GE Versalite simple design in a self - contained unit
8 unit 3
Simplifies communication between IEDS,
computer and other equipment
Direct or modem communications
Electrically isolated for reliable communication in
noisy environments.
Up to 57.600 bps communication rae.
Operates with multimode fiber sizes
120 or 220 VAC adapter supply terminals accept
external 9 VAC/VDC source
Two mounting configurations
Internal switches for selecting signal conversion
For conversion between RS232, RS485 and fiber
optic signal.
Fiber optic communication for data transmission
in noisy environments
9 Serial to ethernet converter (Mulinet) Ge Ethernet : Version 2.0 /IEEE 802.3 bh 2
10 baseT:RJ45 connection
10 baseF:820 nm, multi-mode
Fiber-optic with ST connector.
Protocol : ModBus TCP /IP
Installation : Configuration through EnerVista
setup software
DC power ; 90 to 300 VDC
AC power : 90 0 264 VAC 50/60 HZ
Dimensions : 6.6" x 3.98" x 1.46"
10 Software LabView National Instrument BASIC unit 1
Easy-to-use graphical development environment
Tight integration with a wide range of
measurement hardware
Rapid user interface development for displaying
live data
Multiple communication options (TCP/IP, UDP,
serial, and more)
Limited signal processing, analysis, and math
Support for Windows Vista/XP/2000
Daftar Barang & Peralatan
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

No Nama Peralatan Merk dan Type Spesifikasi Satuan Volume

A.2 Peralatan K3
1 Peralatan K3 :
- Kaca mata pengaman (safety - Catu Clear lenses, delivered in pouch bh 10
google) Protection against UV radiation and ejections of
solid particles. Grilamid frame in orange Softflex.
Anti-scratch, anti-impact and anti-chemical
product treatments.
Caution: Do not use for welding operations
- Pelindung pendengaran (hearing - MSA Comfortable ear pads ensure all-day wearing bh 10
protector) without fatigue,and the durable design provides
protection in tough,dirty environments.
Lightweight at just 8.0 ounces.
- Sabuk Pengaman (safety belt) Catu 2 fall arrest attachment point: set 5
a. Pro electric full body fall arrest dorsal and sternal. Automatic
harness buckles of the belt and leg
loops. Elastic shoulder straps.
Padded leg loops. A work
positioning belt, with a
comfortable and lightweight
pad. 2 buckles of work
positioning Belt. Leg loops and
shoulder straps adjustable.
Polyamide straps.
Tools holders.
3 sizes : S, M, XL. Delivered in
a protective bag with a users
manual. Weight: 2.7 kg.
b. Tether rope with energy - Catu Tether rope in polyamide Ø14 mm.
absorber Length: 1.50 m
c. Tether rope equipped with a - Catu The tether rope is intended to
tension device ensure that operators are held in
position when working at a
height. This tether rope must be
associated with a harness belt.
Ends sewn to form an attachment
and protected with a plastic
girdle. Static resistance: 15 kN.
Polyamide Ø 15 mm.
- Sarung tangan 20 kV (20 kV - Catu Insulating rubber gloves conform to international bh 10
glove) IEC-60903 standard.
To satisfy the requirements of this standard, they
are subjected
to dielectrical, mechanical resistance and ageing
The acceptance levels for mechanical tests are
The tests are especially aimed at checking
the tensile strength and elongation at break,
the mechanical puncture test and tension set.
Our gloves are made of latex especially treated to
obtain high
dielectric characteristics; they are individually
tested and
delivered in sealed plastic bags.
26 500 Volt
- Sepatu pengaman alas karet 35 - Catu Made from elastomer bh 10
kV. canvas support,
very flexible and resistant.
Anti-perforation stainless
steel sole and shell.
Anti-slip sole.
Protection against step
and touch hazardous
Daftar Barang & Peralatan
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

No Nama Peralatan Merk dan Type Spesifikasi Satuan Volume

potential gradients.
60 x 210 x 460 mm - Weight: 0.730 kg
Add sizes: 39-40/41-42-43/44-45-46/47.
- Topi Pengaman (safety helmet) Catu Electrically insulating helmets for use on bh 10
voltage installations. Safety industrial helmet,
safety helmet for electrical use, especially
designed to maximize wearer's comfort.
Standard sizes 53 to 63. Leather trim
21 cm along the inside for added
comfort. Multiple adjustments for a
perfect fit - headband: adjustable in
3 mm increments. Built-in cushion for
optimum ventilation.
Safety chin strap: fastenings
to shell tear resistant.
Weight: 0.300 kg.
- Sackle stop ( Telescopic & - ABChance Max. length: 9 m bh 1
Disconnec Telescopic Sticks ) Chance Tools are dependable and rugged.
Designed to meet the rigorous electrical
and mechanical demands of daily use by
crews. Chance foam-core fiberglass poles
are tested to the equivalent of 100kV per
foot before they go into a hot-line tool.
With Chance, you have the toughest,
longest lasting, most dependable hot-line
tools in the industry
- Kotak P3K (untuk 10 orang) Lokal Untuk 10 orang set 2
A.3 Peralatan Laboratorium
- Power Meter, THD Alarming Schneider PM810 bh 1
- Relay 2 Contact 220 VAC Schneider RXM2AB2P7 bh 2
- Socket Relay Schneider RXZES108M bh 2
- MCB 3 Pole 16 A Schneider 25831 bh 1
- MCB 2 Pole 16 A Schneider 25817 bh 1
- Rel Simetris Schneider S63900 bh 1
- Training Kit Motor Starter TC1 bh 1
- Motor AC 3 Phasa 2 HP TC2 bh 1


Breaker + Thermal Overloads 2.2 KW Schneider GV2-ME10 bh 1
Contactor 4 KW Coil 220 VAC Schneider LC1-D09M7 bh 1
Push Button Start - Stop & Indikator Schneider XAL-D363M bh 1
1GV2-L14 Schneider Breaker 4 KW bh 1
LC1-D18M7 Schneider Star Contactor 4 KW, 220 VAC bh 1
LC1-D18M7 Schneider Delta Contactor 4 KW, 220 VAC bh 1
LC1-D18M7 Schneider Line Contactor 4 KW, 220 VAC bh 1
LAD-S2 Schneider Timer bh 1
LRD-14 Schneider Thermal Overload Relay 4 KW bh 1
XAL-D363M Schneider Push Button Start - Stop & Indikator bh 1


Altiver 71, 2,2 KW, 1 Phasa Schneider ATV71HU30M3 bh 2
Altiver 71, 2,2 KW, 3 Phasa Schneider ATV71HU22N4 bh 2
Heater Udara 3 Phasa, 5 kW Win 5 kW bh 2
A.4 Computer dan LCD
- Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E7400 2,80 Ghz,
1 PC Dekstop HP pavilon slimline 3Mb L2 Cache, - Unit 2
s3881d 1066MHz FSB, EM64T, Execute Disable Bit, EIST
- Nvidia Nforce 630i Chipset
- 2048 MB DDR2 PC2-6400/800 MHZ
- 320 GB Serial ATA Hard Drive at 7200 rpm
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Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

No Nama Peralatan Merk dan Type Spesifikasi Satuan Volume

- Nvidia Gforce 9300GE 3D PCI Express
Graphics card
- 15 in 1 digital media reader
- Wireless LAN 802 11b/g
- Integrated intel High Definition Audio, 5.1
Surroud Sound
- Super Multi SATA Drive with Lightscribe
Technology, Double -
Layer (8,5 GB)
- Pal TV Tuner, over-the-air DVB-T Dig
Television receiver with -
Personal Video Recorder Functionality
- Media Center Remote Control
- Low Profile Multimedia Cordlee Keyboard (2,4
GHz), Cordless
Optical 2 button scroller mouse
- (18,5 " Wide Screen LCD Monitor)
- Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium
2 Laptop Compaq presario - Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T6400 -2.0 GHz Unit 2
Cq20-320tu - 1024MB DDR2
- 250 GB HDD (5400 rpm)
- 12, 1 " WXGA Wide Bright View Display
- Super Multi DVD + RW DL
- Integrated 802.11 a/b/g
- Integrated HP Web Cam
- Bluetooth
- Microsoft Windows Vista Premium
- Bag
- 1 Years Warranty
3 LCD Projector Toshiba Tlp-xe30 - Projection System : DLP Technology 2 unit
- Native Resolution : XGA (1024 x 768)
- Brightness : 3000 ANSI lumens
- Contrast Ratio : 600 : 1
- Aspect Ratio : 4,3
- Projection Lens :
Standard Lens, 1.2 x manual zoom/manual
F/f (mm), F= 1.6 - 1.89,f = 18.6 - 22.3 mm
- Lamp Type :
Light Source : 220W  
Lamp Life : Up to 2000 hours (up to 3000
hours in Eco mode)
- Input Connectivity :
1 x D-sub 15-pin (dual use for analog
RGB/component video)  
1 x RCA for composite video, 1x S-Video  
1x stereo mini-jack  
- Speaker : 1.0 Monaural
- Remote Control : Available
- Video Compatibility : NTSC, PAL, SECAM
- Max.Distance : 3.8 ft
- H-Sync Range : 16 -106kHz
- V-Sync Range : 50 - 85Hz
- Power Supply : AC: 100 - 240V, 50/60Hz
- Power Consumption : 320 W
- Dimension : 11.3" x 3.6" x 9.7" (W x H x D)
- Weight : 6.2 lbs (2.8 kg)
4 Bracket LCD - Aptus - Load Cafacity: 44 lbs (20 kg) 2 unit
Projector - Material : Stell
- Weight: ± 3 kg
- Metel case: black color
5 Layar Gantung Fokus Projection manual wall screen 84" x 84" dia 2 unit
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Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

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Attractive and pratical spring-roller screen
- Metal case with dove white color, simple slim
line design
- Durable construction with matching sturdy

- Black masking border to assure best video image

- Inner aluminum axle to assure no deform surface
after longtime use
- Patented design eliminates friction between
viewing surface and metal part
6 UPS Ica 602b - Capacity: 1200/600 VA/W Max 2 unit
- AC IN :
Voltage: 160 - 250 V
Current: 3,4 A (Max, Load & Charger)
Frequency: 50 ± 5 % Hz
Protection: Fuse Slow Blow 6,3A
Internal Battery: 2 x 12V, 7AH, (SLA Battery
*) Battery Bank)
Eksternal Battery: 2 x 12V, Max, 40AH
Protection: Fuse 40A
Wave Form: Synthesized Sinewave (PWM)
Voltage: 220 ± 5% V
Frequency: 50 Hz
Efficiency: ˃80 %
Type: Constant Voltage
Voltage: 27.2 V
Current: 1,5 A (Maximun)
Transfer Time: ≤ 4 ms
Backup Time: 10 min (Without ext, Battery,
Nominal Load)
Indicator: Led Buzzer (Refer to table status
Operating Tempretature: 0 - 40 °C
Dimension: 401 x 260 x 170 mm (D x W x H)
Weight: 21 kg (*)Withuot Internal Battery)

B.Program studi Teknik Elektronika

1 Basic PLC Trainer LGLS XGT0901 16 Digital input & 16 digital output 8 Unit
Desain kompak, cerdas dan tangguh
Kemudahan bagi pengguna pemula
Dapat melakukan eksperimen sendiri
Dapat mengembangkan aplikasi otomatisasi
Memungkinkan untuk menggunakan piranti
input/output eksternal
Dapat digunakan untuk komunikasi antar PLC
atau PC
- 2 system model builders to simulate system
2 Automtic Control Trainer Electron transfer function 1 Unit
- 2 multi-input adder/summing nodes
- Reference generator and function generator

- 2 system model builders to simulate system

- a. Linear non Linear Process - Electron transfer function
Controller - 2 multi-input adder/summing nodes
- Reference generator and function generator
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Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

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- b. Process Controlller Electron The controller is configurable for P, PI, PID

operation , with time constant selectable in range
of several decades.

- c. Oven Temperatur Controller Electron - Equipped with four different types of commonly
used temperatur sensors (J-TC, NTC,PTC, Bi-
metalic swtch)

- d. DC Motor Speed Control Electron - The module has two small DC motors ganged
together. One is used as the drive mototr and the
other as a tachometric feedback generator.A slot
type optical feedback sensor is also mechanically
ganged to a DC motor

- e. Servo Potensiometer System ELECTRON - This module includes a geared DC motor.which

operates a screw-driven mechanism, ganged to the
slide of a linear potentionmeter.A second linear
potentiometer allows the setting the refence
- f. Light Control Module Electron - It includes a light source (incandescent lamp) and
three different types of sensor (photo-resistance,
photodiode, photo-transistor). Each one is
equipped with its oqn interface circuit, to
experiment open and closed loop system in
automatic control setu

- g. Flow Control Module Electron

- This module includes one of most commonly
used flow sensors, the rotary vane type flow meter.

h.A/D and D/A board for PC Based Electron

- The trainer is used in conjunction with a PC, and
creates an intelligent interface to the experiment
modules, for the purpose data, pre-setting analog
and digital output and sampling input terminal. It
can also be used as a general-purpose

3 Tank Level Control Electron - The unit consists of a tank with a LED bar 1 Unit
indication of the liquid level. Inlet and outlets
ducts with are conneted to the tank and have
simulated electrovalves, represented by LED
lamps.The flow rate can be manually by means of
simulated taps (potens

4 Reactor Vessel Control Electron 1 Unit

- The loading position is capable of dispensing
metal washers into the belt. An unloading position
is provided with a proximity sensor, which is used
to identify the presence of the washer in the
unloadning area. The washer can be unloaded or
not as progr

5 Connection Simulation Panel for - Electron - 16 toggle switches for PLC input simulation 1 Unit
PLC Machine - 16 LED indicator for PLC output monitoring
- 16 2mm jacks tied to PLC inputs
- 16 2mm jacks tied to PLC output
- 40 pole flat cable connector to interface the
simulator madules
- Auxiliary 24 V power jacks

6 Silo System Electron 1 Unit

The simulator includes a loading coveyor belt, a
silo and an unloading coveyor belt. The system
can work under manual control as well as under
PLC control.The internal circuits of the board
visual effects of the movement of packs in this
Daftar Barang & Peralatan
Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

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7 Conveyor Belt System Electron 1 Unit

- The loading position is capable of dispensing
metal washer into the belt.An unloading position is
provided with a proximity sensor, which is used to
identify the presence of the washer in the
unloading area.Two collecting bins are supplied,
one at the o

8 Washing Machine System Electron 1 Unit

- The module follows the design philosophy of the
other modules, and consists in the simulation of
water supply and drainage, temperature control,
motor speed control and sequential cycling
according to different operation programs.

PID/Fuzzy Logic Control Electron - Universal input for thermocouples, RTD's mA

Volt (pre-wired for Volt)
9 - PID / FuzzyLogic Controller Electron - 3 Logic inputs 1 Unit
10 - Flame Control System Simulator Electron - Relay ,SSR drive, analog mA or V valve control
main output (pre-wired for Volt) 1 Unit
11 - Oven Control System Simulator Electron - PID or PID + Fuzzy (XF) algorithm 1 Unit
12 - Pressure Control System Simulator Electron - Auto-tune and Expert-tune 1 Unit
- Auto/Man
- Auxiliary relay outputs
- 2 memorized setpoints
- Capability of serial communications with
Modbus/Jbus protocol
- Switching power supply 100…240 Vac with low
voltage 24 V output for simulator board

13 Paket Trainer Robot Super Lengkap e-Technology Body robor beroda,sensor api,4 sensor jarak,materi 1 Unit
praktikum,software,roda dan motor,kit
mikrokontroller BS2p ,drive motor DC,servo
motor,sesor kompas, mototr stepper,TPA81,sensor
sungut line follwer
- Smart Motor Controller Atmel at892051 - Berbasis SPC006 smart controller AT892051 2 Unit
- memiliki interfac I2C dan 4 jalur paralel
- Tiap modul bisa digunakan untuk mengendalikan
hingga 2 motor DC
- Gearbox Tamiya Mobil Tamiya 4 Unit
- 8 kbyte flash memory,512 byte SRAM dan 512
- DT-AVR low Cost Micro - Atmel atmege8535 byte EEPROM 5 Unit
( Programmer Mikrokontroler) - Osilator 4 MHz
- Rangkaian reset, tombol manual reset dan brown
out detector
14 Buckling Arm Robot Crrus Crawler - Arm Robot 5 DOF Crust Crawer 1 Unit
15 Sensor and Intelligent LN ·     1 x Inductive sensor 1 Unit
·     1 x Capacitive sensor
·     2 x Optical sensors
·     1 x Reflector
·     1 x Sensor testing device for binary sensors

·     1 x 3-component workpiece

·     1 x Universal sensor holder to accommodate
cylindrical sensors M4 - M18
·     1 x Profile bracket
·     1 x Workpiece carrier
·     4 x M12 plugs (connector accessories)
·     1 x Connection adapter for M12 plug-in
·     1 x Set of fasteners
·     1 x Set of Allen keys
·     1 x Storage case
16 Solder Uap (blower) Hakko PR801 - Power :100 V - 310 W, 110V - 360 W, 120V- 2 Unit
430W, 220C-570W, 230V-630W, 240V - 680W
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Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

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- Capacity 5 to 20 L/min (max)
- Hot Air temperatur : 100 to 500ºC/200 to
930ºF(Nozzle A1130 used)
- Jig Saw 550 Watt Krisbow Voltage 220Volt/50 Hz 2 Unit
No load speed 500 - 3000 r/min
Cutting depth Wood 65 mm, Steel 5 mm
17 Eprom Eraser Leap Eprom eraser - Capacity 64pcs 24 pin x0.6" 4 Unit
- U-v tube GL-10.1pc
- Wavelength 2537ºA
- U-V Intensity 5000 Wcm
- Tube Life 4000 hours
-Erasure Timer pre settable up 60 minutes
-Input Power 115/220/240 V /50 Hz
-Device Support Pin Count:from 8 pins up to over
18 Universal Programmer Hilo 300 pins 4 Unit
- Device Contact: Default- DIP48 textool
- Max Sockets in parallel : 8 sockets on optional
gang programming module
- Control : 16 bits hight-speed controller with big
sized FPGA & CPLD
- Interface Port : 1x USB port.
- Data transfer Rate :USB 1.1 : 12 Mb/s, USB 2.0 :
480 Mb/s

- Max sites in parallel :up to 8 via tiered star USB

-- Input,
Power type
:100-240 V/ module(each
plug-in 50W,Frequency unit50-60
has a Hz
19 X-Y recorder (Plotter) Yokogawa in A/D converter) 1 Unit
- number of slots : 8 8 (up to 16 channels)

- Logic inputs : 16 (bbitsx2)

- Max record length Standard : 2.5 MW/CH,50
MW total
/M1 : 10 MW/CH,250 MW
/M2 : 25 MW/CH,500 MW
/M3 : 50 MW/CH,500 MW
- Time axis accuracy :± 0.005%
- Time axis setting range : 500ns-30 sec/div,1 min-
30 min/div, 1-h12h/div, 1 day-3days/div(up 30
- Acquisition modes : Normal , envelope,
Avetrangin, box averange
- Rate supply voltage : 100 to 120 VAC/200 t0
240 VAC
- Frequency : 50/60 Hz
- Power comsumption : 200 VA-Max
- Withstand voltage : 1500 VAC for one minute
across power supply and ground
- Insulation resistance : 10 MΩ or one greater at
500 VDC across power supply and ground.
20 Power Elektronic Trainer K&H Kl 500 - UJT Experiments 1 Unit
- PUT Experiments
- PUT & SCR Experiments
- SCS Experiments
- UJT & PUT trigger SCR Experiments
- SCR Control DC Motor & DIAC, TRIAC
Characteristic Experiments
- Automatic Control Lamp & TRIAC Control
-Speed Experiments
Temperature Ratio & Photo Couple & Touch
Control Experiments
- Over/Under Voltage Breaker & Flasher Control
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Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

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- TRIAC Liquid Level & IC Timer Switch
- Digital Signal Driver & Zero Voltage Swicth
- Zero Voltage Swicth Experiments
- SCR Converter Experiments
- SCR Rectifier Experiments
- JFET/MOSFET speed Control Experiment
- IGBT Characteristic & IGBT speed Control
21 Function Generator GwInstek Gfg8219a - Frequency Range 0.3 Hz-3 MHz 10 Unit
- Amplitude > 10 Vpp (into 50 Ω load)
- Impedance 50Ω±10%
- Attenuator -20dB±1dBx2
- DC Offeset ,-5V - >5V (into 50W load)
- Duty Control 80%:20%:80% to 1 MHz Continue
- Display 6 digit LED display
Sine Wave
Distortion ≤ 1 %, 0,3 Hz - 200 kHz
Flatness < 0.3 dB, 0.3 Hz - 300 kHz
< 0.5 dB, 300.Hz - 3 MHz
Triangle Wave
Linier : ≥ 98 %, 0.3 Hz - 100 kHz
≥ 95 %, 100.kHz - 3MHz
Square Wave
Symmetry : ± 2%, 0.3 Kz - 100 kHz
Rise or Fall Time ≤ 100nS a maximum output (ino
50Ω load)
CMOS Output
Level : 4Vpp±1Vpp-14.5Vpp±0.5Vpp adjustable
Rise or Fall Time ≤ 120nS
TTL Output
Level : ≥3Vpp
Fan Out : 20 TTL load
Rise or Fall Time ≤ 25nS
Input Voltage : 0V-10V ±1V (100:1)
Input Inpedance : 10kΩ±10%
Output Voltage : to set the voltage between 0V - 2
V as per -
different frequency.
Sweep Operation
Sweep/Manual : Switch selector
Sweep/Rate : 100:1 ratio max and adjustable
Sweep/Time : 0.5 sec- 30 sec adjustable
Sweep/Mode : Lin/Log switch selector
Amplitude Modulation
Depth : 0 - 100%
MOD Frequency : 400 Hz (INT) DC - 1 MHz
Carrier BW : 100 Hz - 3 MHz (-3dB)

EXT Sensitivity : ≤ 10 Vpp for 100% modulation

Frequency Modulation
Deviation : 0 - ± 5%
MOD Frequency : 400 Hz (INT) DC - 20kHz
EXT Sensitivity : ≤ 10 Vpp for 10% modulation
Frequency Counter
INT /EXT : Switch selector
Range : 0.3 HZ - 2MHz (5Hz - 150MHz EXT)
Accuracy : Time base accuracy ± 1 count
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Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

No Nama Peralatan Merk dan Type Spesifikasi Satuan Volume

Time base : ±20ppm (23°C±5°C) after 30 minute
warm up
Resolution : The maximum resolution is 100 nHz
for 1Hz and 1Hz-
for 100 MHZ
Input Inpedance : 1 MW// 150pF
Sensivity : < 35mVrms (5Hz - 100MHz)
< 45mVrms (100MHz - 150MHz)
Power Source :
AC115V/230V±15%, 50/60Hz
Insruction manual x 1, Power cord x 1 GTL-101 x
Dimension : & Weight
251(W) x 91(H) x 291(D)mm, approx 2,2 kg

- Output mode : Voltage 0-30 V (CH1,CH2),5V

- Power Supply GwInsek gps3303 Fixed (CH3) 5 Unit
Current 0-3A (CH1,CH2),3A Max (CH3)
- AC 100 V/120V/220V(±10%)230V(+10%-6%)
50/60 Hz
Constant Voltage Operation (CH1,CH2)
Line Regulation :≤ 0.01% + 3mV
Load Regulaion :≤ 0.01% + 3mV (rating current
≤ 0.02% + 5mV (rating current >3A)
Ripple & Noise : ≤ 1mVrmsm 5Hz - 1MHz
Recovery Time : ≤ 100 µS (50% Load change ,
Minimum load 0.5A)
Constant Current Operation (CH1,CH2)
Line Regulation :≤ 0.2% + 3mA
Load Regulaion :≤ 0.2% + 3mA
Ripple & Noise : ≤ 3mArms
Tracking Operation (CH1,CH2)
Tracking Error : ≤ 0.5% + 10mV of the CH1
Series Regulation : ≤ 300mV
Load Regulaion :≤ 0.01% + 3mV
Ripple & Noise : ≤ 2mArms, 5 Hz - 1MHz
5 V FIX Output (CH3) Load regulation ≤ 15mV
Current Output 3A
Digital : 3 digits 0.5" LED display
Out On Accuracy : ± (0.5% rgd + 2 digits)
Out Off Accuracy : ± (0.5% rgd + 8 digits)
Chassis and terminal ≥ DC 500V / 20MΩ
Chassis and AC Cord ≥ DC 500V / 30MΩ
Test lead GTL-104 x 2,GL-105 x 1 : European test
lead GTL-203 x
1, GTL-204 x 2
Dimension & Weight :
255(W)x145(H)x265(D):Approx 6.3kg

22 Everprecision PCB Prototyping Everprecision - Resolution : 0.005 mm 1 Unit

- Control Axis : X,Y,Z
- Control motor : X,Y,Z / stepper motor
- Max.Travel Speed : 50mm/sec.
- Max.Working Speed : 20 mm/sec
- Min. Trace Width : 4mil
- Drilling : 0.3 -∞mm
- Drilling Performance : 90 Stroke/min
- Tool Change : manual
- Tool Holder : 1/8" Socket
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Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

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- Tool Length Detec : Auto Tool Length Detect

- Surface Detect : Auto Surface Detect
- Spindle Speed : 35.000 rpm (max)

- Power Comsumption : AC 110/220 V, 200 Watt

C.Program Studi Teknik Konversi Energi
1 Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter Parrr6400 1 Unit
Expanded System Precision Classification
Including the following 0,1 % Class
1. Calorimeter Tests Par Hour : 6 s/d 8
2. Printer Jaket Type :
3. Bomb Head Assembly Isoperibol, Water Jacket
4. Spare Parts kit oxygen Fill : Automatic
5. Installation & Training Bucket Fill : Automatic
Bomb Wash : Automatic
Bom Model Options :
1138, 250mL Alloy 20
1138CL, 250mL Alloy G30
Balance Comunication
RS 232 C Port
Printer Communication
RS 232 C Port
Dimension (cm)
42w x 46d x 5 1h

2 Digital Scales Ohauss Capacity : 100 kg 1 Buah

Readabilty : 0,05 kg
Easy two buton operation
Stability Indicator
Auto Zero Tracking
Batery Saving Auo-Off Timer
3-Way mouning bracket
Scale, 220lb x 0,1 lb/100kg

3 Split-phase motor Delorenzo Power : 1,1 kW 1 Buah

Voltage : 220 V
Current : 7,7 A
Speed : 2820 rpm, 50 Hz

4 Universal Motor Delorenzo Power : 0,3 kWac / 0.55 kWdc 1 Buah

Voltage : 170 Vac / 190 Vdc
Current : 6 Aac / 4.5 Adc
Speed : 3300 rpm, 50 Hz

5 Repulsion Motor Delorenzo Power : 0,23 kW 1 Buah

Voltage : 220 V
Current : 3,4 A
Speed : 2900 rpm, 50 Hz

6 Three -fhase two speed asynchonous moto

Delorenzo Power : 0,9/1,1 kW 1 Buah
Voltage : 380 V
Current : 2,5/3,3 A
Speed : 1420/2830 rpm, 50 Hz

7 DC motor compound excitation Delorenzo Power : 1,1 kW 1 Buah

Voltage : 220 V
Speed : 3000 rpm
Excitation : 160 V / 0,25 A

8 DC Generator compound exitation Delorenzo Power : 0,75 kW 1 Buah

Voltage : 220 V
Current : 3,4 A
Speed : 2820 rpm, 50 Hz
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Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Listrik Teknik Elektronika dan Teknik Konversi Energ
Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang Tahun Anggaran 2009

No Nama Peralatan Merk dan Type Spesifikasi Satuan Volume

Excitation : 190 V / 0,25 A

9 Moving iron ammeter (5A) Delorenzo Scale : 50 divisions 20 Buah

Range : 5 A
Accuracy class : 1,5

10 Moving iron voltmeter Delorenzo Scale : 50 divisions 4 Buah

Range : 125-250-500V
Range changeoverswitch
Accuracy class : 1,5

11 Speed control of ac motors Delorenzo Power : 1,5 kW 1 Buah

Maximum output voltage : 3 x 220 V adjustable
Rated curren : 7 A
Output frequency : 0 to 240 Hz

V/F ratio : constant up to he basic frequency,

constant voltage operation for higher frequencies.
Direc current braking.
Protection against minimum/maximum supply
voltage, thermal protection and limitation of the
output current.
Power Supply : 1 x 220 V + N, 50/60 HZ
Start/delta starer for the three-phase squirrel-cage
12 Star/Delta starter Delorenzo induction motor 1 Buah

13 DC Gauss Meter Integrity design idr 309T Range settings : 2, 20, 200, 2000 Gauss 1 Buah
Bandwidth : 68 Hertz @ 3 dB
Case Material : High Impact Syrene
Dimension : 5,8" x 3,6" x 2,5"
Power Consumption : 200 mW
Battery Life : At least 10 hours with 9V alkaline
Weight : 11 oz (312 grams)
Sensor Probe : High Linearity Hall Generator
(Transverse or Axial)

Makassar, 19 Oktober 2009

PT. Rimba Raya utama

Ir. Imam Subekti

Direktur Utama

No. Program Studi Harga

1 Teknik Listrik Rp 1,048,738,000

2 Teknik Elektronika Rp 1,351,293,000

3 Teknik Konversi Energi Rp 997,869,000

Rp 3,397,900,000

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