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Founded in 1964, the Armando Alvarez Group is composed of different

companies which  when combined  make us  the leading polyethylene film
and sheet manufacturer in Spain and one of the first in Europe. Our annual
production is around 300,000 tones.

Thanks to the companies’ interrelation, all of our customers’ demands and

requirements can be taken care of, our goal being to create and develop new
products, working under ISO Quality Systems.

Sotrafa SA is a manufacturer belonging to the Armando Álvarez Group, a leader in

polyethylene film and sheet processing in Europe. Sotrafa has a wide experience in
several sectors and is present in more than 46 countries.
Since 2005 Sotrafa has manufactured and supplied more than 40 million square
meters of geomembrane for many applications, both hydraulic and environmental.
Our range of geomembranes are manufactured under the Quality Certification
ISO 9001, comfortably complying with the quality standards required by current
regulations in each market:
• European Standards: UNE-EN 13361:2005 (water reservoirs) //
UNE-EN 13362:2006 (irrigation channels) // UNE-EN 13491:2006
(tunnels and underground works) // UNE-EN 13492:2006 (landfills
and liquid waste) // UNE-EN 13493:2006 (landfills and solids). And
quality labels like ASQUAL.
• Standards GRI GM13 HDPE Geomembranes, smooth and structured.
Manufacturing our products, we only use top brand resins that are 100% virgin.
Depending on the thickness, Sotrafa guarantee a perfect performance of the
geomembrane for 10 years.



Sotrafa Alvatech 5002 HDPE Geomembrane is a

waterproofing sheet made of high density polyethylene,
smooth both sides. With a specific formulation which
improves the welding performance, emphasizing its
mechanical properties and chemical resistance.
The Flat-die extrusion (cast) uses the latest technology
and provides excellent control of thickness and surface
uniformity (with a  slight relief  that favours  product
installation on site).
The sheet is available in two widths; 5,8  m  and
7,5 m. Using 7.5 m wide optimizes installation costs and
quality control on site, reducing the number of welds  by
more than 20% over a width of six meters.



The HDPE Geomembrane Alvatech Fix is a high density

polyethylene sheet, structured on one or two faces,
with an important quantity of spikes (57.000 spikes/
m2). The spike height is greater than 0,8 mm, giving a
better friction coefficient on an inclined land with steep
Our main difference is to produce a 7,5 m width
structured geomembrane which allow us to optimize
the installation costs by reducing the amount of welding
on site.
It is mainly used in landfills and water reservoirs that
have steep slopes (greater than 30º) and also as a
security element to facilitate the escape of people or
animals that accidentally fall into the reservoir.


The LLDPE Geomembrane (Alvatech LLDPE), is a

waterproofing sheet, manufactured with a specific
formulation based on Linear Polyethylene that provides
high flexibility and welding properties. It is used in
landfill sealing, floating covers etc in general, and
works that require a waterproofing barrier with greater
stability than HDPE.
The product is available also structured: ALVATECH
LLDPE FIX, structured on one or two faces, in 7,5m
width. It gives a high friction coefficient for inclined
land with steep slopes.



The VLDPE Geomembrane (Alvatech VLDPE), is a

waterproofing sheet, manufactured with a formulation
based on Very Low Density Polyethylene, emphasizing
its excellent welding properties and high flexibility. The
sheet is even more flexible than the LLDPE.
It is applied on very irregular surfaces, improving its
adaptation. It is especially effective in landfill sealing,
underground works, ornamental ponds, roof gardening
and reservoir perimeter curbs for example.
Waterproofing with polyethylene geomembranes has some advantages over other kinds of
waterproofing such as:
• High Chemical resistance: probably the polymer with the highest resistance to acid
attack, alkalis, organic and inorganic solvents.
• High Mechanical resistance in a wide range of temperatures.
• Durability: many studies show that life expectancy of geomembranes is over 100
years, even exposed to weather conditions.
• Possibility of checking the tightness of the welds.
• The use of large sheet widths reduces the number of welds on site.
• Flexibility and versatility in a wide range of applications.
• Competitive prices of product and installation.

Irrigation projects in agriculture, golf courses, snow reservoirs for producing artificial snow, power plants,
and other industrial applications.

Leaching of minerals, for metallic (Au, Ag, Cu,…) and non metallic mining (I, Li,…) and used to contain 
acids used in mineral leaching which can otherwise produce soil contamination.
Municipal urban waste, manure from livestock farms, industrial tanks.

Irrigation in agriculture projects, water transfers…

Fish Farms
Floating Covers
In order to reduce reservoir’s evaporation and deodorize waste ponds that emit toxic gases.

Environmental Works
• Land decontamination • Second containment barriers for oil and gas projects.
• Evaporation ponds • Leaching pads
• Sewage plants • Seaports dredging.

Underground Works
• Tunnels
• Foundations waterproofing, to avoid
dampness and as a barrier against
radon gas.
High Density Polyethylene Waterproofing Geomembrane

ALVATECH 5002 is manufactured by SOTRAFA SA (El Ejido, Almería), a company of the Armando Alvarez Group.

ALVATECH 5002 is a High-Density Polyethylene liner, available in 5,8m and 7,5m and manufactured with the last cast system technology.

SOTRAFA certifies that HDPE Geomembrane (ALVATECH 5002) satisfactorily meets Standard GRI GM-13.


PROPERTIES UNIT Geo. 0.75 Geo. 1.0 Geo. 1.5 Geo. 2.0 Geo. 2.5 Geo. 3.0 Method

Thickness (minimum average) 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00

mm ASTM D 5199
• Lowest individual of 10 values - 10% -10% -10% -10% -10% -10%

Density with Carbon Black g/cm3 ≥ 0.940 ≥ 0.940 ≥ 0.940 ≥ 0.940 ≥ 0.940 ≥ 0.940 ASTM D 1505

Yield Strength (1) kN/m 12 ( 11) 16 ( 15) 24 ( 22) 32 ( 29) 40 ( 37) 48 ( 44)

Break Strength (1) kN/m 23 ( 20) 30 ( 27) 45 ( 40) 60 ( 53) 75 ( 67) 90 ( 80)
ASTM D 6693
Yield Elongation (1) % 13 ( 12) 13 ( 12) 13 ( 12) 13 ( 12) 13 (12) 13 (12)

Break Elongation (1) % 730 ( 700) 800 ( 700) 800 ( 700) 800 ( 700) 800 ( 700) 800 ( 700)

Tear Resistance (1) N 100 ( 93) 145 ( 125) 215 ( 187) 290 ( 249) 365 ( 311) 435 ( 374) ASTM D 1004

Puncture Resistance (2) N 340 (≥240) 440 (≥320) 550 (≥480) 670 (≥640) 830 (≥800) 980 (≥960) ASTM D 4833

Stress Crack Resistance (SP-NCTL) h  500 ASTM D 5397

Carbon Black

Carbon Black Content % 2-3 ASTM D 4218

Carbon Black Dispersion Category 1-2 ASTM D 5596

Oxidative Induction Time (3)

Standard OIT  100 ASTM D 3895

--- or ---

HPOIT  400 ASTM D 5885

OVEN AGING AT 85 º C (3) ASTM D 5721

Standard OIT - % retained after 90 days  55 ASTM D 3895


--- or --- retained

HPOIT - % retained after 90 days  80 ASTN D 5885

% ASTM D7238
High Pressure OIT - % retained after 1600 retained  50 ASTM D5885

(1) Both directions (machine direction and cross machine direction) (2) Both sides. (3) Sotrafa reserves the right to test the antioxidant content with different
oxidative induction time methods.

All the values are nominal. Those values between parentheses are the minimum ones required by the norm GM-13.

We manufacture HDPE, LLDPE and VLDPE geomembranes with thickness between 0,75mm and 3mm, smooth or structured sheets.

This Information is provided for reference purposes only. The values are not guaranteed. SOTRAFA is not responsible for improper use of this information or for the final
use of the product if that use is not the normal application of the geomembrane. This information is subject to change without prior notice. Please contact SOTRAFA for
any updated information.

SOTRAFA, S.A., El Ejido (Almería) Spain,

Telf: 0034 950 40 56 00 Fax: 0034 950 40 56 21 [email protected]

GM-Re.5 February-19

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