Dimensioning Objectives: A. Technique of Dimensioning

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Dimensioning Engineering Drawing and Plans



After studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to:
 Use conventional dimensioning techniques to describe size and shape accurately on an
engineering drawing.
 Create and read a drawing at a specified scale.
 Correctly place dimension lines, extension lines, angles, and notes.
 Dimension circles, arcs, and inclined surfaces.
 Apply finish symbols and notes to a drawing.
 Dimension contours.
 Use standard practices for dimensioning prisms, cylinders, holes, and curves.
 List practices for dimensioning a solid model as documentation.
 Identify guidelines for the dos and don’ts of dimensioning.

5.1 Elements of a Good Dimensioning

Dimensions are given in the form of distances, angles, and notes regardless of the dimensioning
units being used. For both CAD and hand drawing, the ability to create good dimensioned drawings
requires the following:

a. Technique of dimensioning
The standards for the appearance of lines, spacing of dimensions, size of arrowheads, and so
on, allow others to read your drawing. A typical dimensioned drawing is shown in Figure 5.1.

Fig 5.1. A Drawing Dimensioned in Millimeters

b. Placement of dimensions

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Dimensioning Engineering Drawing and Plans

Use logical placement for dimensions according to standard practices so that they are legible,
easy to find, and easy for the reader to interpret.

c. Choice of dimensions
The dimensions you show affect how your design is manufactured.
Keep in mind:
 The finished piece.
 The function of the part in the total assembly.
 How you will inspect the final part to determine its acceptability.
 Production processes.
Also, remember the following points:
 Give dimensions that are necessary and convenient for producing the part.
 Give sufficient dimensions so that none must be assumed.
 Avoid dimensioning to points or surfaces inaccessible to the worker.
 Do not provide unnecessary or duplicate dimensions.
d. Tolerance
Tolerance is the total amount that the feature on the actual part is allowed to vary from what
is specified by the drawing or model dimension.

Tolerance can be specified generally by giving a note on the drawing such as:



Another method of specifying tolerance is illustrated in the title block shown in Figure 5.2.

Fig 5.2. A Title Block Specifying Tolerances (Courtesy of Dynojet Research, Inc.)

e. Geometric Breakdown
Engineering structures are composed largely of simple geometric shapes, such as the prism,
cylinder, pyramid, cone, and sphere.

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Dimensioning Engineering Drawing and Plans

One way to consider dimensioning of engineering structures involves two basic steps:

1. Give the dimensions showing the sizes of the simple geometric shapes, called size

2. Give the dimensions locating these elements with respect to one another, called location
dimensions. Note that a location dimension locates a 3D geometric element and not just a
surface; otherwise, all dimensions would have to be classified as location dimensions.

5.2 Lines used in Dimensioning

 Dimension Line
A dimension line is a thin, dark, solid line terminated by an arrowhead, indicating the direction
and extent of a dimension (Figure 5.3).

Fig 5.3 Dimension lines.

 Extension Line
An extension line is a thin, dark, solid line that extends from a point on the drawing to which a
dimension refers (5.4).

Fig 5.4 Extension lines.

 Centerline
A centerline is a thin, dark line alternating long and short dashes. Centerlines are commonly used
as extension lines in locating holes and other symmetrical features (5.5).

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Fig 5.5 Centerlines.

5.2 Using Dimension and Extension Lines

 Dimension lines and extension lines should follow the guidelines shown in Figure 5.6a. The
shorter dimensions are nearest to the object outline.
 Dimension lines should not cross extension lines, as in Figure 5.6b, which results from placing
the shorter dimensions outside.
 Note that it is perfectly satisfactory to cross extension lines (Figure 5.6a), but they should not be
shortened (Figure 5.6c).
 A dimension line should never coincide with or extend from any line of the drawing (Figure
5.6d). Avoid crossing dimension lines wherever possible.

Fig 5.6 Dimension and Extension Lines

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 Dimensions should be lined up and grouped together as much as possible, as in Figure 5.7a, and
not as in Figure 5.7b.

Fig 5.7 Grouped Dimensions

 In many cases, extension lines and centerlines must cross visible lines of the object (Figure 5.8a).
When this occurs, gaps should not be left in the lines (Figure 5.8b).

Fig 5.8 Crossing Lines

 Dimension lines are normally drawn at right angles to extension lines, but an exception may be
made in the interest of clarity, as in Figure 5.9.

Fig 5.9 Oblique Extension

5.3 Arrowheads

 Arrowheads, shown in Figure 5.10, indicate the extent of dimensions.

 They should be uniform in size and style throughout the drawing, not varied according to the size
of the drawing or the length of dimensions.
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 Sketch arrowheads freehand so that the length and width have a ratio of 3:1.
 The length of the arrowhead should be equal to the height of the dimension values (about 3 mm
or 18″ long).
 For best appearance, fill in the arrowhead, as in Figure 5.10d.
 Figure 5.11 shows the preferred arrowhead styles for mechanical drawings.

Fig 5.10 Arrowheads

Fig 5.11 Order of Preference for Arrow Styles

Tip: When you are drawing by hand and using the arrowhead method in which both strokes are directed
toward the point, it is easier to make the strokes toward yourself.

5.4 Leaders

 A leader is a thin, solid line directing attention to a note or dimension and starting with an
arrowhead or dot.
 A leader should be an inclined straight line drawn at a large angle, except for the short horizontal
shoulder (about 3–6 mm or 18–14″) extending from the center of the first or last
line of lettering for the note.
 A leader to a circle should be a radial line, which is a line that would pass through the center
of the circle if extended. Figures 5.12a–d shows examples of leader lines.
 Use an arrowhead to start the leader when you can point to a particular line in the drawing, such
as the edge of a hole.
 Use a dot to start the leader when locating something within the outline of the object, such as an
entire surface (see Figures 5.12e and f).

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Fig 5.12 Leaders

5.4 Direction of Dimension Values and Notes

 All dimension values and notes are lettered horizontally to be read from the bottom of the sheet,
as oriented by the title block.
 Figure 5.13 shows the direction for reading dimension values. The exception is when
dimensioning from a baseline as in coordinate dimensioning.
 Then dimension figures may be aligned with the dimension lines so that they may be read from
the bottom or right side of the sheet as shown in Figure 5.14.
 In both systems, general notes on the sheet and dimensions and notes shown with leaders are
always aligned horizontally to read from the bottom of the drawing.

Fig 5.13 Unidirectional Dimension Figures

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Fig 5.14 Rectangular coordinate dimensioning may show values reading from the
right. (Reprinted from ASME Y14.5M-1994 (R2004), by permission of The
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.)

5.5 Dimension Units

Dimension values are shown using metric or decimal-inch values. When a note stating ALL
OTHERWISE NOTED is used in the title block to indicate the measurement units, no units are
needed with the dimension values. When indicating dimensions:

 Millimeters are indicated by the lowercase letters mm placed to the right of the numeral, as in
12.5 mm.
 Meters are indicated by the lowercase m, as in 50.6 m.
 Inches are indicated by the symbol ″ placed slightly above and to the right of the numeral.
 Feet are indicated by the symbol ′ similarly placed. It is customary in feet-inch expressions to
omit the inch mark.

Fig 5.15 Millimeter Dimension Values

5.5 Rules for Dimension Values

 Make all decimal points bold, allowing ample space.

 When the metric dimension is a whole number, do not show either a decimal point or a zero.
 When the metric dimension is less than 1 mm, a zero precedes the decimal point.
 When the decimal-inch dimension is used on drawings, a zero is not used before the decimal
point of values less than 1 in.

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 Typical values are shown to two decimal places even when they represent a whole number (e.g.,
use 2.00 instead of 2).
 Correct decimal-inch dimension values are shown in Figures 5.16a–e.

Fig 5.16 Decimal-Inch Dimension Values

5.6 Dimensioning Symbols

A variety of dimensioning symbols are used to replace traditional terms or abbreviations (see
Figure 5.17). The symbols are preferred because:

(1) they take less space in the drawing and

(2) they are internationally recognized and therefore do not have translation issues if the part is
manufactured in a country where a different language is spoken.

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5.17 Form and Proportion of Dimensioning Symbols (Reprinted from ASME Y14.5M-1994 (R2004), by
permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. All rights reserved.)

5.7 Rules for Placing Dimensions Properly

 Never letter a dimension value over any line on the drawing; if necessary, break the line.
 In a group of parallel dimension lines, the dimension values should be staggered, as in Figure
5.17a, and not stacked up one above the other, as in Figure 5.17b.

Fig 5.18 Staggered Numerals, Metric

 Do not crowd dimension figures into limited spaces, making them illegible. There are techniques
for showing dimension values outside extension lines or in combination with leaders (Figure
5.19). If necessary, add a removed partial view or detail to an enlarged scale to provide the
space needed for clear dimensioning.

Fig 5.19 Fitting Dimension Values in Limited Spaces

(Metric Dimensions)

 Place dimensions between views when possible, but attached to only a single view. This way it is
clear that the dimension relates to the feature, which can be seen in more than one view.
 When a dimension must be placed in a hatched area or on the view, leave an opening in the
hatching or a break in the lines for the dimension values, as shown in Figure 5.20b.

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Fig 5.20 Dimensions and Section Lines

 Dimensions should not be placed on a view unless it promotes the clarity of the drawing, as
shown in Figure 5.21. In complicated drawings such as Figure 5.21c, it is often necessary to
place dimensions on a view.

Fig 5.21 Place dimensions on view only when clarity is enhanced.

 Avoid dimensioning to hidden lines (see Figure 5.22).

Fig 5.22 Placement of Dimensions

 Do not attach dimensions to visible lines where the meaning is not clear, such as the dimension
20 in the top view shown in Figure 5.23b.

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 Notes for holes are usually placed where you see the circular shape of the hole, as in Figure
5.23a, but give the diameter of an external cylindrical shape where it appears rectangular. This
way it is near the dimension for the length of the cylinder.
 Give dimensions where the shapes are shown—where the contours of the object are defined—as
is shown in Figure 5.23.
 Locate holes in the view that shows the shape of the hole clearly.

Fig 5.23 Place dimensions where the contours of the object are defined.

5.8 Dimensioning Angles

 Methods of indicating angles are shown in Figure 5.24.

 Angles are dimensioned by specifying the angle in degrees and a linear dimension, as shown in
Figure 5.24a.
 Coordinate dimensions can also be given for two legs of a right triangle, as shown in Figure
 The coordinate method is better when a high degree of accuracy is required. Variations in
degrees of angle are hard to control because the amount of variation increases with the distance
from the vertex of the angle.

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Fig 5.24 Dimensioning Angles

5.9 Dimensioning Arcs

 A circular arc is dimensioned in the view where its true shape in seen by giving the value for its
radius preceded by the abbreviation R (Figure 5.25).
 The center is marked with small crosses to clarify the drawing, but not for small or unimportant
radii or un-dimensioned arcs.
 When there is room enough, both the radius value and the arrowhead are placed inside the arc. If
not, the arrowhead is left inside but the value is moved outside, or both the arrowhead and value
are moved outside.
 When section lines or other lines are in the way, the value and leader can be placed outside the
sectioned or crowded area.
 For a long radius, when the center falls outside the available space, the dimension line is drawn
toward the actual center, but a false center may be indicated and the dimension line “jogged” to it
(Figure 5.25f).

Fig 5.25 Dimensioning Arcs

5.10 Fillets and Rounds

 Individual fillets and rounds are dimensioned like other arcs.

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 Fillets and rounds are often numerous on a drawing, and they usually are some standard size,
such as metric R3 and R6, or R.125 and R.250 when using decimal-inch dimensions.
 In this case, give a general note in the lower portion of the drawing, such as:


ALL FILLETS AND ROUNDS R5.11 Size Dimensioning: Prisms

 Front and top views are dimensioned as shown in Figures 5.26a and b.
 The height and width are usually given in the front view, and the depth in the top view.
 The vertical dimensions can be placed on the left or right, usually inline.
 Place the horizontal dimension between views as shown and not above the top or below the front
 Front and side views should be dimensioned as in Figures 5.26c and d.
 An example of size dimensions for a machine part made entirely of rectangular prisms is shown
in Figure 5.27.

Fig 5.26 Dimensioning Rectangular Prisms

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Fig 5.27 Dimensioning a Machine Part Composed of Prismatic Shapes

5.12 Size Dimensioning: Cylinders

 Cylinders are usually dimensioned by giving the diameter and length where the cylinder appears
as a rectangle.
 If the cylinder is drawn vertically, give the length at the right or left, as in Figures 5.28a and
 If the cylinder is drawn horizontally, give the length above or below the rectangular view, as in
Figures 5.28c and d.

Fig 5.28 Dimensioning Cylinders

 Do not use a diagonal diameter inside the circular view, except when clarity is improved.
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 Using several diagonal diameters on the same center becomes very confusing.
 The radius of a cylinder should never be given, because measuring tools, such as the micrometer
caliper, are designed to check diameters.
 Holes are usually dimensioned by means of notes specifying the diameter and the depth, as
shown in Figure 5.29, with or without manufacturing operations.

Fig 5.29 Use of ∅ in Dimensioning Cylinders

5.13 Size Dimensioning: Holes

 Figure 5.30 shows standard symbols used in dimensioning holes.

 The order of items in a note corresponds to the order of procedure in the shop in producing the
 The leader of a note should point to the circular view of the hole, if possible. When the circular
view of the hole has two or more concentric circles, as for counterbored, countersunk, spotfaced
or tapped holes, the arrowhead should touch the outer circle.
 Draw a radial leader line, that is, one that would pass through the center of the circle if it were

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Fig 5.30 Dimensioning Holes

 Figure 5.31 shows good and bad examples of radial leader lines.

Fig 5.31 Good and Bad Examples of Radial Leader Lines

 Countersunk, counterbored, spotfaced, and tapped holes are usually specified by standard
symbols or abbreviations, as shown in Figure 5.32.
 Two or more holes can be dimensioned by a single note and by specifying the number of holes,
as shown at the top of Figure 5.32.
 It is widely acceptable to use decimal fractions for both metric or inch drill sizes, as shown in
Figure 5.32b.
 Metric drills are all in decimal sizes and are not designated by number or letter.
 Specify only the dimensions of the holes, without a note listing whether the holes are to be
drilled, reamed, or punched, as shown in Figures 5.32c and d.

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Fig 5.32 Standard Symbols for Hole Dimensions

5.14 Finish Marks

 A finish mark is used to indicate that a surface is to be machined, or finished, as on a rough

casting or forging.
 To the patternmaker or diemaker, a finish mark means that allowance of extra metal in the rough
workpiece must be provided for the machining.

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 As shown in Figure 5.33, three styles of finish marks, the general symbol ∨, the new basic
symbol , and the old symbol are used to indicate an ordinary smooth machined surface.
 Figure 5.33c shows a simple casting having several finished surfaces.
 In Figure 5.33d, two views of the same casting show how the finish marks are indicated on a
 The finish mark is shown only on the edge view of a finished surface and is repeated in any other
view in which the surface appears as a line, even if the line is a hidden line.
 Older drawings may contain the previous style of surface finish symbol shown in Figure 5.33e.

Fig 5.33 Finish Marks

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5.34 Correct and Incorrect Marks Showing Dimensions to Finished Surfaces. The point of the
symbol should be directed inward toward the body of metal similar to a tool bit, not upside
down, as is shown in part b.

5.15 Dos and Don’ts of Dimensioning

1. Each dimension should be given clearly so that it can be interpreted in only one way.
2. Dimensions should not be duplicated, nor should the same information be given in two different
ways—except for dual dimensioning—and no dimensions should be given except those needed
to produce or inspect the part.
3. Dimensions should be given between points or surfaces that have a functional relation to each
other or that control the location of mating parts.
4. Dimensions should be given to finished surfaces or important centerlines, in preference to rough
surfaces, wherever possible.
5. Dimensions should be given so that it will not be necessary for the machinist to calculate, scale,
or assume any dimension.
6. Dimension features should be attached to the view where the feature’s shape is best shown.
7. Dimensions should be placed in the views where the features dimensioned are shown true shape.
8. Dimensioning to hidden lines should be avoided wherever possible.
9. Dimensions should not be placed on a view unless clarity is promoted and long extension lines
are avoided.
10. Dimensions applying to two adjacent views should be placed between views, unless clarity is
promoted by placing some of them outside.
11. The longer dimensions should be placed outside all intermediate dimensions so that dimension
lines will not cross extension lines.
12. In machine drawing, all unit marks should be omitted, except when necessary for clarity; for
example, 1″ VALVE or 1 mm DRILL.
13. Don’t expect production personnel to assume that a feature is centered (as a hole on a plate), but
give a location dimension from one side. However, if a hole is to be centered on a symmetrical
rough casting, mark the centerline and omit the locating dimension from the centerline.
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14. A dimension should be attached to only one view, not to extension lines connecting two views.
15. Detail dimensions should line up in chain fashion.
16. A complete chain of detail dimensions should be avoided; it is better to omit one. Otherwise add
a reference to the overall dimension by enclosing it within parentheses.
17. A dimension line should never be drawn through a dimension figure. A figure should never be
lettered over any line of the drawing. The line can be broken if necessary.
18. Dimension lines should be spaced uniformly throughout the drawing. They should be at least 10
mm (.38″) from the object outline and 6 mm (.25″) apart.
19. No line of the drawing should be used as a dimension line or coincide with a dimension line.
20. A dimension line should never be joined end to end with any line of the drawing.
21. Dimension lines should not cross, if avoidable.
22. Dimension lines and extension lines should not cross, if avoidable. (Extension lines may cross
each other.)
23. When extension lines cross extension lines or visible lines, no break in either line should be
24. A centerline may be extended and used as an extension line, in which case it is still drawn like a
25. Centerlines should not extend from view to view.
26. Leaders for notes should be straight, not curved, and point to the center of circular views of holes
wherever possible.
27. Leaders should slope at 45°, 30°, or 60° with horizontal, but may be made at any convenient
angle except vertical or horizontal.
28. Leaders should extend from the beginning or the end of a note, with the horizontal “shoulder”
extending from midheight of the lettering.
29. Dimension figures should be approximately centered between the arrowheads, except in a stack
of dimensions, where they should be staggered.
30. Dimension figures should be about 3 mm (.13″) high for whole numbers and 6 mm (.25″) high
for fractions.
31. Dimension figures should never be crowded or in any way made difficult to read.
32. Dimension figures should not be lettered over lines or sectioned areas unless necessary, in which
case a clear space should be reserved for the dimension figures.
33. Dimension figures for angles should generally be lettered horizontally.
34. Fraction bars should never be inclined except in confined areas, such as in tables.
35. The numerator and denominator of a fraction should never touch the fraction bar.
36. Notes should always be lettered horizontally on the sheet.
37. Notes should be brief and clear, and the wording should be standard in form.
38. Finish marks should be placed on the edge views of all finished surfaces, including hidden edges
and the contour and circular views of cylindrical surfaces.
39. Finish marks should be omitted on holes or other features where a note specifies a machining
40. Finish marks should be omitted on parts made from rolled stock.
41. If a part is finished all over, all finish marks should be omitted and the general note FINISH ALL
OVER or FAO should be used.
42. A cylinder is dimensioned by giving both its diameter and length in the rectangular view, except
when notes are used for holes. A diagonal diameter in the circular view may be used in cases
where it increases clarity.
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43. Manufacturing processes are generally determined by the tolerances specified, rather than
specifically noted in the drawing. When the manufacturing process must be noted for some
reason—such as for dimension holes to be bored, drilled, and reamed—use leaders that
preferably point toward the center of the circular views of the holes. Give the manufacturing
processes in the order they would be performed.
44. Drill sizes should be expressed in decimals, giving the diameter. For drills designated by number
or letter, the decimal size must also be given.
45. In general, a circle is dimensioned by its diameter, an arc by its radius.
46. Diagonal diameters should be avoided, except for very large holes and for circles of centers.
They may be used on positive cylinders for clarity.
47. A diameter dimension value should always be preceded by the symbol ∅.
48. A radius dimension should always be preceded by the letter R. The radial dimension line should
have only one arrowhead, and it should pass through or point through the arc center and touch
the arc.
49. Cylinders should be located by their centerlines.
50. Cylinders should be located in the circular views, if possible.
51. Cylinders should be located by coordinate dimensions in preference to angular dimensions where
accuracy is important.
52. When there are several rough, noncritical features obviously the same size (fillets, rounds, ribs,
etc.), it is necessary to give only typical (abbreviation TYP) dimensions or to use a note.
53. When a dimension is not to scale, it should be underscored with a heavy straight line or marked
54. Mating dimensions should be given correspondingly on both drawings of mating parts.
55. Pattern dimensions should be given in two-place decimals or in common whole numbers and
fractions to the nearest 116″.
56. Decimal dimensions should be used for all machining dimensions.
57. Cumulative tolerances should be avoided where they affect the fit of mating parts.


F. E. Giesecke, et. al. (2016). Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics, 5th Ed. Pearson Education,
Inc., Publishing as Prentice Hall.

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