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Answer Key to Front Office – Semester-III

QPCode :23895 - Paper Details : S0423 / BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HOSPITALITY

STUDIES)(Choice Base (SEMESTER - III) / S2019 / Front Office -III. Date :13-11-2017

Q 1 A. Fill in the Blanks

(i) Guest Checking out before the scheduled date of departure is

known as Understay.
(ii) No Show is a situation where in a guest with room reservation
does not arrive.
(iii) Cash receipt is an acknowledgement towards payment received
in Cash.
(iv) A Night Auditor audits the hotel accounts daily during night.
(v) Burglar alarm is installed in the hotel to detect and monitor theft.

B. Definitions

(i) Explain up gradation of a room.

A. If you upgrade or are upgraded, you change something such as your

air ticket or your hotel room to one that is more expensive.

(ii) Reasons for cancellations of hotel room booking.

A. The following are some of the reasons:

a. Schedule change of business meeting
b. Death in family
c. Flight cancelled
d. Guest decided to stay home
e. Other destination preferred

(iii) What do you understand by pre-authorization in credit cards.

A. A credit card pre-authorization is much like any other charge to a

credit card, except instead of actually debiting funds from the
cardholder you just put a temporary "hold" on the funds that lasts for
5 days. At a technical level, the actual duration of the hold depends
on the merchant classification code (MCC code).

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Once a credit card has been pre-authorized the cardholder cannot
go and spend this money anywhere else.
The merchant must go in and "capture" the funds within the 5 day
period. If they do not, the pre-authorization will expire and the funds
will be released by the card issuing bank back to the cardholder.

(iv.) Explain advance deposit.


When booking a reservation for a hotel room, guest may be asked to

make an advance deposit, which is money paid, usually by check or credit
card, by a guest that is generally equal to one night's lodging fees. The
purpose of the advance deposit is to guarantee a reservation, and the full
amount is applied to the guest's bill upon check-out.

Also known as a guarantee, these advance deposits help hotels, motels,

inns, and other forms of accommodation prepare for guests arrival, budget
finances, and cover costs of last-minute cancellations.

Although not all hotel rooms require an advance deposit, the practice is
becoming more and more commonplace, especially among luxury and
more expensive accommodations like Hilton, Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton,
and Park Hyatt chains.

(v.) Explain Class “A” Fire.

Ans. Class A

Class A Fires consist of ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, trash

or anything else that leaves an ash. Water works best to extinguish a Class
A fire.

C.Match the following:


(i.) 15 or more members – Group reservation

(ii.) Single Ladies – Eva Floor
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(iii.) Up selling – Increases room revenue
(iv.) Accidents – Excessive haste
(v.) Visitor‟s Paid out Voucher – Money paid by the hotel on behalf of
the guest.

Q.2. Answer the following: ( Any three)

A. List down and explain types of reservations

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B.Importance of room reservations to guests.

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C.Explain the procedure of room change in a hotel.


Guest rooms are the most important commodity for the hotel. They form a
large component of the guests overall experience at the hotel. In case the
room does not match the guests expectations the guest may want to
change the room. This is an opportunity for the front desk agent to upsell
and offer a superior/ higher priced room to the guest. However if it is a VIP
guest and the room booked for him is not upto his expectations, he could
be given a higher priced room/ suite for the price of the original room. This
is an upgrade and done at the discretion of the duty manager taking into
consideration that the goodwill gesture will ensure brand loyalty from the
guest and will promote future business.

The hotel may wish to relocate the guest in another room (change the
room) for the following reasons

 By way of upgrade if the guest has been temporarily

accommodated in a room at check-in due to the non-
availability of the room of his choice and is now being
shifted to a superior room on availability.
 If the guest overstays and the hotel has committed
the existing room to the new guest checking in.
 If the hotel has scheduled a spring cleaning for the
 If the room requires maintenance work.

It is important for the guest and the hotel to mutually agree on the
change of room to avoid any discord or unpleasantness.

The guest may want to change his room in the following circumstances

 If the room assigned to the guest is not as per his choice

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 If one or more equipment or facilities in the room are not
working satisfactorily
 If the number of occupants in the room increases or decreases

If the change of room is done in the presence of the guest, it is called

a live move. If its done in the absence of the guest, it as called a dead
The front desk agent calls up the guest informing him politely of the
circumstances for relocating to another room and asking the guest to
keep the luggage ready
The guest calls the front desk requesting for a relocation to another
In both cases the bell boy is sent to the room with the alternate room
keys. The BB will escort the guest to the new room and receive his
approval. If so he will inform the front desk agent(receptionist) and
the Bell Captain of the materialization of the room change. He will
proceed with the transference of luggage. He will fill in the
miscellaneous errand card with the „original room number______
changed to new room number__________, particulars of luggage,
date & time. (the reason for room change is communicated to the Bell
Captain who will mention the same in his „control chart‟) The
receptionist/ cashier checks-out the guest from the original room. The
guest is checked-in into the new room and the folio A/c transferred. If
there is a rate change, the new rate will be applicable.
The receptionist will inform
 Housekeeping
 Room Service/ In Room Dining
 Telephones
 Laundry
 Business centre
 F&B outlets
 The Club Floor reception (if the new room is at the club floor level)
and the floor butler

If the hotel has a PMS with an interface with the POS (POINT OF
SALE) areas, individual room chance slips may not be prepared to be
sent to the above departments. However if the hoteldoes not have

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electronic interconnectivity individual room change slips are made
and sent.
Note :He will inform the HK dept to service the original room so that it
can be available for re-letting unless there is maintenance
requirement in connection to the malfunction/ maintenance of any
electronic/ electrical item of equipment. He will chance that room
status to OOO/UR, inform the DM. This room will be a „red slip‟ room
till the fault is rectified.

D.Explain check-in procedure for Airline crew.

 Ans: Crew (Airline- Layovers/ Cruise lines/ Cargo)- Many hotels take
airline crew business like groups on continuous and consistent

The following steps are needed to follow for the check in procedure:

 Hotels should block crew rooms on higher floor and preferably on the
same floor, away from noise sources, stairwells and elevators. The
rooms should have blackout curtains and quiet heating and air
conditioning systems.
 On the crew‟s arrival, send the bell boys to handle the luggage of the
guest. They should identify the luggage of individual guests and put
the luggage tags as per the rooming list. Then they should transfer
the luggage to the respective rooms using luggage trolleys.
 The front office agent should be ready with a separate crew sign-in
sheet that contains their rank, passport details and signature
column for the crew members to complete the registration
formalities. Handover the GRC‟s and room keys of all the crew
 Meanwhile organize to serve the welcome drink to all crew members
at an appropriate place.
 Once the crew hands over the signed registration cards at the front
desk check if the same are complete .Confirm the requirement of
meal and wake up calls and make a note of the same. And allow
them to proceed to their respective rooms.

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 The front desk agent should ensure unblocked telephones with free
local calls and no long distance access
 The front desk cashier should prepare a master folio for the group
and individual folios for each member of the group after the mode
of payment is settled.
 Circulate the rooming list of the group to all departments-
Housekeeping, telephone, room service etc.

E. Explain any five functions of front office during the “Stay”

of the guest.

Ans. The manner in which the front office staff represents the hotel is
important during the occupancy stage.
1. As the main contact centre for hotel activity, the front office is
responsible for coordinating guest requests. Among those providing
information and supplies to the guests.
2. Front desk should take extra care to respond to the guest on a timely
and accurate manner. The main focus of the front desk staff is to provide
anticipatory service and to meet or exceed the guests expectations. This
will encourage the guest to repeat to the hotel.
3. Security is also a main important concern during occupancy of the guest.
Issues like protection of funds and valuables are among those. The front
desk should also follow the hotel standard operating procedure for handling
the hotel and guest keys, property surveillance, safe deposit boxes, guests
personal property, and emergencies are also important.
4. A variety of charges restaurant charges, telephone, internet, travel desk
etc. during the occupancy stage affect guest and hotel account. Most of
these charges will be posted to the guest account according to front office
posting procedures. And also in most cases the Room charges is the single
largest charge on the guest folio.
5. Other front office financial tasks during the occupancy stage is to verify
the charges posted to the guest account and checking guest accounts
against the credit limit.

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F. Explain the process of accepting or denying a

Ans: Accepting or Denying Request for Reservation

Once the reservation agent has established the availability 0f the room for the guest,

she will either accept or deny the reservation request and conclude the processing of
reservation request. The manner in which the reservation a851stant interacts With

the guest and handles the reservation request goes a long way in determining the

guest‟s impressions of the hotel. _ If rooms are available as per the guest‟s
requirements, the reservation request is accepted. The following details are gathered
from the guest while accepting the reservation:

' Name of the guest

' Designation and company, if corporate guest

' Address and contact details of the guest

Time and mode of arrival

' Reservation classification (confirmed, guaranteed, etc.)

' Caller data (in case of third party reservation)

' Special requirements (baby sitter, no smoking room, garden/ pool facing, Sea facing,
barrier free rooms for a physically challenged guest, interconnecting rooms, etc.)

The hotel should always honour the rate quoted and confirmed to the guest. The
agent should be aware of the following:

' Supplementary charges for extra services or amenities

° Minimum stay requirements in effect for the dates requested

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Special promotions in effect for the dates requested

Applicable currency exchange rates ( For International tourists)

Applicable room tax percentages

Applicable service charges

Once the availability of the room has been ascertained, the hotel blocks a room for the
guest and sends a confirmation letter to confirm the same. The reservation transaction
is allotted a number, known as the confirmation number, Which is mentioned in the
confirmation letter. This alphanumeric code is used to identify and document the
booking. A computerized reservation system automatically generates the confirmation
letter and the same may be sent to the guest‟s mailing address or e-mail.

The reservation department using manual reservation system uses a specially designed
form to record the reservation transactions. This helps prevent any ambiguity in the
information generated during the reservation process. The reservation form contains
information like the personal data of the guest, stay dates,

Applicable service charges:

Once the availability of the room has been ascertained, the hotel blocks a room for the
guest and sends a confirmation letter to confirm the same. The reservation transaction
is allotted a number, known as the confirmation number, Which is mentioned in the
confirmation letter. This alphanumeric code is used to identify and document the
booking. A computerized reservation system automatically generates the confirmation
letter and the same may be sent to the guest‟s mailing address or e-mail.

The reservation department using manual reservation system uses a specially designed
form (Fig. 7.12) to record the reservation transactions. This helps prevent any ambiguity
in the information generated during the reservation process. The reservation form
contains information like the personal data of the guest, stay dates, mode and time of
arrival and departure, number and type of rooms, mode of bill settlement, guarantee
details, special request, etc. Using a reservation form has the following advantages: it
provides a permanent record, it helps to summarize data generated while processing
reservation request, and it enables the management to ascertain the person who
handled the reservation request.

The reservation department may choose to turn down a reservation request in the
following cases:

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-The hotel is fully booked.

-The requested room is not available for the requested duration.

-The guest is blacklisted (i.e. the hotel does not want to accommodate the Guest
for various reasons).

When denying a specific request, the agent should always be polite and helpful)
and should follow the procedure below:

If the requested type of room is not available, apologize and explain to the guest that
this particular room is not available. Try to offer alternative accommodation or dates at
the hotel, and if this is unacceptable for the client, try to offer accommodation in a sister
hotel, if applicable.

If the hotel is fully booked, apologize and explain that the hotel is fully booked. Offer
alternative dates or accommodation at the hotel, or in another hotel of the group, if

Q.3. Answer the following : ( Any three)

A. Draw the format of Allowance voucher and explain.

c) Allowance vouchers: Allowance vouchers can be of 2 types. One type

of allowance is a compensation given to a guest for poor services or
discounts etc. The other type of allowance is a correction to a posting error
on an existing account after the close of business. Any account allowances
must be documented with the use of an allowance voucher. All allowance
vouchers require management approval.

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B. List down do’s and don’t’s while handling complaints.


Although, like every small business owner, you will do your best to keep
customers happy, the fact that you will unfortunately have to deal with a
disgruntled patron every now and then, is virtually unavoidable. But, even
when someone is less than happy with the service or product that your
business has provided – all hope is not lost. Often, there is still a chance
that you can appease the unhappy customer, save your business‟s
reputation, and potentially even win back that person as a future customer.

However, handling customer complaints in the right way is often easier said
than done, so here are some of the most important dos and don‟ts
of dealing with an unhappy customer:
The dos

Stay calm

No matter how rude or even aggressive a complaining customer may

become, it‟s vital that you keep your cool, and remain polite at all times. If
both of you end up losing your tempers, the results could be disastrous,

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and it‟s unlikely that an amicable resolution will be reached. Try to
remember that the customer‟s frustration is not directed at you personally,
and that you should be able to diffuse their aggression by staying calm,
accepting responsibility, and trying your best to understand their situation

Know how to apologise

When a customer expresses their discontent to you, there‟s a good chance

that one of the first thing‟s you‟ll do is apologise. While it may sound simple
enough, this apology is incredibly important, as it can set the tone for the
rest of the conversation, and ultimately affect the outcome. If the customer
doesn‟t feel that you are genuinely sympathetic towards their situation, then
winning them over is going to be all the more difficult. If, however, your
apology is heartfelt and honest, then the customer is more likely to feel that
you‟re on their side, and come to an agreement with you.

Offer a solution

The customer is complaining to you because they want you to resolve their
problem. While it‟s important to sympathise with them and make sure they
know that you understand their situation, you do also have to offer
something in the way of a solution or some kind of remuneration. For
instance, offering them a partial refund, or a discount next time they visit
will make them feel like they have not come away empty handed, and that
you have made up for their initial discontent.

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Follow up

This is particularly important if you receive a complaint online, but can also
be implemented in an offline scenario. After you have reached an
agreement with the unhappy customer and gone your separate ways –
make sure you re-contact them in the near future to ensure your solution
was satisfactory. If online, this could be something as simple as an email or
message through social platform, or it could be a phone call. If you see
them in your business again, and happen to remember them, you can even
bring up the issue face-to-face. This follow up is important as it reinforces
to the customer that you are a responsible and caring business that values
your custom. They may be more likely to write the initial matter off as a
simple mistake.

The don’ts

Break promises

Sometimes, it‟s all too easy to make promises to an upset customer to try
and regain their faith. While this is often an effective way of starting to win
back a customer‟s loyalty, it can also have the opposite effect, if you aren‟t
able to follow through with your pledges. Only make promises and offers
that you are willing to keep, otherwise you risk damaging the relationship
between your business and that customer even more.


Even if you disagree with what your customer is saying, arguing against
them only stands to exacerbate the situation. This doesn‟t mean that you
have to pander to their every whim or let the customer take advantage, but
you should always remember to suggest alternatives tactfully, rather than
directly confront


Even if you think you know where the conversation is going, or even if the
custom is repeating something they‟ve already said – try not to interrupt.
Once again, making the customer feel as if you are listening and

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sympathising with their situation is key to reaching an amicable agreement,
and interrupting their speech is likely to have the opposite effect.

While this may seem like a lot to remember at the same time as trying to
find a solution for a disgruntled customer‟s problem, the most important
thing to bear in mind is being genuine. It doesn‟t matter how much you let
the customer rant, or how many solutions you offer them – if they think they
are not being taken seriously and their complaint handled with honest
concern, chances are they won‟t feel their problem has been solved.

The last thing you want is for the customer to leave your business unhappy,
as not only does this drastically reduce the chances of them returning, but
there‟s also the risk that they may share their bad experience with other
consumers, again diminishing your pool of potential customers. Following
the tips above, and acting with politeness and genuine concern can help
you to resolve complaints effectively, and turn disgruntled customers into
happy ones.

C. Differentiate between Guest and Non-Guest accounts.

Guest Account Non Guest Account
1 Record of all financial Refers to all in house charged
transactions that occur privileges extended to local
between the guest and the businesses or agencies for eg.
hotel when they guarantee a Banquets & conferencing facilities.
reservation or they are These are also created when a
registered at the Front former guest fails to settled his bill at
Office the time of departure & the onus to
retrieving the balance amount shifts
from Front Office to Accounts Dept.
2 These are compiled on a Billed on a monthly basis.
daily basis.
3 Front Office is responsible Bank office or Accounts Dept takes
for its maintenance toe responsibility of account

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D. Explain the Express check out procedure.
Ans: Express check out -

Guests may encounter line at front desk when checking out during
the peak hours (e.g., between 7.30 and 9.30 am). To ease front desk
volume, some FO initiate check out activity before the guest is
actually ready to leave. A common pre departure activity involves
producing and distributing guest folios to guests expected to check
out. FO, HK or Security staff can quietly slip the folio into the
guestroom, while they go for their rounds. By completing such a form,
guest authorises the front office to transfer his or her outstanding folio
to the credit card voucher created during registration. Procedure for
express check-out: The receptionist should inform the guest about
the express check out facility in the hotel If the guest wishes to use
this facility obtain his card during check in Take the impression of the
card on a charge slip and on the express check out slip. 7 The charge
slip is signed by the guest. One copy of the express check out slip is
given to the guest. Explain to the guest that he needs to wrap his
room key in the copy and drop it in the express check out drop box
located in the lobby at the time of his departure. Attach a copy of the
charge slip and express check out sip to the registration card The
lobby manager/duty manager files his copy of express check out slip
as per the check out date. A day prior to the guests check out the
copy of the guest bill is sent to the room with an ECO sticker attached
An ECO rooms list should be printed every morning which is
necessary for monitoring the entire system. The second copy of this
list is given to the bell desk. This system is available only for credit

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card paying guests and is a facility given to those guests who avoid
going physically to the cashier‟s desk at the time of check out for
considerable time saving.

E. Write a brief note on corporate billing/ Bill to company.

Ans: To establish procedures for the approval of Bill to company or direct

Billing privileges for a company or travel agent. And also to outline
procedures for handling Direct Bill accounts.
1. If a company wishes to obtain direct billing or credit facility privileges with
the hotel, then the hotel sales team must first submit a letter of
Authorization for “Bill to company" to the hotel credit manager or to the
financial controller of the hotel along with the signed CVGR letter.
2. The "Letter of Authorisation for Bill to company or Direct Billing" must
contain the following:
 The letter must be on company or travel agent letterhead.
 The letter must include the names of all individuals authorised to sign.
 The name of the individual who will receive and approve the
 The types of charges for which the company had agreed (i.e.,
accommodation charges (room + tax + service charge), sign for all
charges, etc.)
 The correct billing address of the company / travel agent.
 The contact details email / phone / fax number of the company.
3. Copy of these letters are kept on file for future reference. One copy is
sent to Reservations and one copy is sent to the Front Desk.
4. Accounting department then assign an AR (Accounts receivable) ID on
to the company or travel agent profile to enable Bill to AR or Credit
settlement on the PMS.
5. Direct Bill authorisations may be kept on file for companies that make
large numbers of reservations. The credit manager then sends the
statement of account to the company on a timely basis for clearance.

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6. If a company becomes delinquent in payments, it is the responsibility of
the Accounting Office to notify Reservations and the Front Desk that Direct
Billing privileges are black listing such for company.
7. All credit facilities are to be suspended until full payment is received from
the company. At that time the Controller must make the decision as to
whether to re-instate Direct Bill privileges for the company.

F.Neatly draw a format of V.P.O and explain.

Ans: Visitors Paid Out : Paid outs are expenses made by the
hotel on behalf of the guest and the same is later charged to the
Guest room account or Invoice .Eg:- Doctor fees paid , Medicines
purchased , Cash against Credit card , Stamp / Postal charges etc.
While posting a paid out to the guest account or folio a receipt is
printed / generated with a unique serial number in duplicate. One
copy is handed over to the guest and the second copy is kept on
front office or send to accounts.
As this process involves withdrawal of cash from the front office
float staff can sometime misuse with paid out. To avoid this usually
the staff / Front office assistant‟ should get authorisation from the
Duty manager or Front office manager on each paid out which
they generate.
Below you can download few sample copies of Paid out receipts,
Deposit receipt and other types of receipts used in hotel.

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Q.4. Answer the following : ( Any three)

A. Explain Sprinkler system and smoke detectors as a part of fire

fighting equipment.


Sprinkler System: A glass bulb type sprinkler head will spray water into
the room if sufficient heat reaches the bulb and causes it to shatter.
Sprinkler heads operate individually. Note the red liquid alcohol in the glass

A fire sprinkler system is an active fire protection method, consisting of a

water supply system, providing adequate pressure and flowrate to a water
distribution piping system, onto which fire sprinklers are connected.
Although historically only used in factories and large commercial buildings,
systems for homes and small buildings are now available at a cost-effective

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Fire sprinkler systems are extensively used worldwide, with over 40 million
sprinkler heads fitted each year. In buildings completely protected by fire
sprinkler systems, over 96% of fires were controlled by fire sprinklers alone.

Smoke Detectors: A smoke detector is a device that senses smoke,

typically as an indicator of fire. Commercial security devices issue a signal
to a fire alarm control panel as part of a fire alarm system, while household
smoke detectors, also known as smoke alarms, generally issue a local
audible or visual alarm from the detector itself.

B.Importance of Electronic Locking systems in hotels.

Ans. From larger lodging establishments to smaller bed & breakfasts, more
and more businesses in the hospitality industry are starting to use hotel key
cards, that trusty old keys seem outdated. There are practical reasons why
businesses are starting to make the switch to hotel key cards. Here are
several “key” benefits.


One of the major advantages of using hotel key cards is the fact that they
are handy and lightweight. Hotel key cards are lighter and way easier to
use than real keys. Guests can lock and unlock their rooms with a credit
card-sized electronic key that they can put in their wallet or purse.


Guests can check out with their hotel key cards and the hotel‟s system will
automatically record customer information. This saves a great deal of time
and effort, since the hotel staff no longer needs to write down information

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Real keys cost a fairly large budget, especially if you own a larger
establishment. Not to mention the amount it would cost you to rekey a lock
in case your guest loses a key. Opting for hotel key cards ensures the
safety and comfort of your guests without breaking your budget.

Great Branding and Advertising Tool

Having your business name or logo printed on your hotel key cards is a
smart and strategic way to advertise your establishment. Hotel key cards
are fantastic marketing tools to get the word out if you offer services in your
hotel other than lodging such as spa, health club, casino, bar or restaurant.

C.Explain different types of keys used in the hotel.

Ans: Types of Keys used in hotels for effective Key control

The hotel guest room key is normally issued to open only one room for
which it was intended, viz. individualized key for each lock. If the guest
room lock is in shut-out mode the guest room key can neither open it nor
lock from outside of the room.

Below are few types of key configurations used in hotels:

1) Guest Room Key’s

2 ) Master Keys
3) Grand Master
4) Emergency Keys
5) Floor Supervisor Key
6) Guest Room Key

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Master Key:

A master key is designed to open a set of several locks. These locks also
have keys which are specific to each one (the change key) and cannot
open any of the others in the set. Locks which have master keys have a
second set of the mechanism used to open them which is identical to all of
the others in the set of locks.

For example, master keyed pin tumbler locks will have two shear points at
each pin position, one for the change key and one for the master key.

Grand Master:

Key operates all locks in the Hotel. Including laundry and linen rooms.

Emergency Key:

The emergency key opens all guestroom doors, even when they are double
locked. It can be used, for example, to enter a room when the guest needs
help and is unable to reach or open the door. The emergency key should
be highly protected and its use strictly controlled and recorded; it should
never leave the property.

One procedure for emergency keys is to have them locked in a safe or safe
deposit box and signed out by the individual needing one. The log should
be dated and signed by the individual taking the key.

Floor Supervisors Master Key:

Key operates all sections on the floor/ floors supervised by the particular

Housekeeping Staff Master Key:

 Key operates all rooms serviced by particular room maid or

housekeeping staff.
 Important Key Control Procedures:
 Security of keys is essential from the moment they arrive on site.

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 Keys should be stored separately and securely.
 No unauthorized person should be allowed access to any key, either
to examine or handle it, since a photograph or impression can be
taken in few seconds and duplicate subsequently made.
 Keep a log book of all keys signed out.
 Establish protocol for distribution of keys.
 Use keys that do not identify the property‟s name, address, logo, or
room number.
 Perform an annual key audit
 When keys are lost or stolen, the locks should be changed or rotated
to another part of the property.
 Authorized employees should remind guests to return keys at check-
 The loss or suspected compromise of a key should be reported
immediately and, after due investigation, a decision be made as to
whether or not the lock should be changed.
 Place well-secured key return boxes in the lobby, at exit points of the
property, and in courtesy vehicles.

D. Write the importance of Security department in the hotel.

Ans: Role of Security Department

Protect the guests and staff of the hotel, including all of their property.
Secondarily the security departments role in a hotel is to secure the actual
premises, and the property of the Hotel itself.

1. Patrols

-Security guard in hotels must move around to patrol the various parts of a
property. They check the doors and stairwells to make sure the locks are
secure and no danger is lurking. Most hotel managers like to see the
security guard in the lobby, especially

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when large groups arrive and during busy morning and afternoon times to
provide guests with a sense of security.

Guards must patrol outdoors as well as room hallways and activity areas,
such as the pool and spa. Large properties may employ a number of
guards to keep up patrols and maintain communication through radios.

2. Response: Hotel security officers respond to complaints and calls for

help. Whether the guard hears a cry for help or is summoned by the front
desk, she must be prepared to rush to a potentially dangerous scene and
calm the guests or control a situation until the local police can arrive. Hotel
security guards, like most trained security guards, typically do not carry
firearms, though they may have access to weapons if

3. Surveillance

It is typically the role of the security team to purchase, maintain and monitor
security cameras, alarm systems and other electronic surveillance
equipment. One or more
security personnel may be stationed in an office where they can watch the
activity captured by the cameras on television monitors. Working cameras
are great deterrents to crime and can allow one security guard to watch
numerous locations on the property simultaneously.

4. Escort:

The security guard on duty often is called to escort unruly patrons from the
property. Many hotels have bars and nightclubs located on the property
and count on the security
guard to maintain order by directing drunks to taxis or friends for transport
out of the building. Loiterers not registered at the hotel may need an escort
off the property, particularly if they are harassing guests. Security teams
may have a designated holding area in the hotel where they can detain
people against whom the hotel wishes to press charges.

5. Administrative Duties:

Most hotels employ security guards 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Job descriptions for hotel security officers include a requirement for

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flexibility. They must be available to work set shifts and cover alternate
shifts when necessary. After
each shift, the security officer must fill in a report and communicate all
activity he encountered during his working time. A thorough report can alert
next shift to areas that need extra attention.

E. Write the procedure to be followed in an event of a fire.


Building occupants are required by law to evacuate a building when the fire
alarm sounds.

Inform people in the immediate area to evacuate.

Activate the nearest building fire alarm.
Call the Fire Help line if safe to do so. Otherwise, evacuate the building and
call 101 from outside the building.

If the fire is small (wastebasket sized or smaller) and you have been trained
to use a fire extinguisher, you may attempt to extinguish the fire. Make sure
that you have a safe exit from the fire area and use the buddy system.

To use a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym PASS:

P ull the pin.
A im the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
S queeze the handle.
S weep the extinguisher from side to side.
Evacuate the building as soon as the alarm sounds and proceed to the
designated evacuation meeting point.
On your way out, warn others near by.

Move away from fire and smoke. Close doors and windows if time permits.
Touch closed doors; do not open them if they are hot.
If doors are hot, place a wet cloth at the base to keep smoke from entering.
Use stairs only. Do not use elevators.
Move well away from the building and go to your designated meeting point.

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Do not re-enter the building or work area until you have been instructed to
do so by the emergency responders.

Q.5. Answer the following : ( Any three)

A. How do hotels ensure a safe and secure environment for a Single

lady guest.


Safety & Security

Despite India‟s slogan of „Atithi Devo Bhava‟ i.e. Guest is God, in view of
the recent attacks on ladies in the country, its image as a safe tourist
destination has taken a beating. The 2012 Delhi rape case, news reports of
a British tourist having had to jump out of her second floor hotel room‟s
balcony in order to escape from an assault, and a few other similar
unfortunate events have raised the question of the safety of women
travellers in the country. To counter this fear in the minds of lady travellers,
hotels in Pune are taking the following precautions-
 In hotels, where there are no specific floors dedicated to the Single Lady
Travellers, there are other precautions taken, like assigning these guests
rooms near the elevator, so that the lady does not have to travel through a
long corridor to reach her room.
 Rooms are allotted usually on non-smoking and lower floors
 Also, in case of business travellers, single ladies are given a preference
of being given rooms close to where the rest of their team is staying. All the
ladies of that group are given rooms next to each other, avoiding corner
 If a lady is checking in late at night, a female member of the hotel staff
escorts her to her room, after she checks in.
 All the incoming calls are checked and screened, without revealing the
identity of the female guest or her room number.
 There are video door phones fitted, so that the lady can see for herself
who is outside her door, before she opens it.

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B. Explain live move and dead move in room change location.

Ans: The Housekeeping department is informed about the requested

change so as to prepare the room. Once, the room is readied by the
housekeeper, under the supervision of lobby manager/housekeeper, the
luggage of the guest is moved from the first room to the new room by the
bell boys.

When a Room change happen in the presence of the guest, it is called as a

“Live move” and when a room change happens in the absence of the
guest it is called as “Dead Move”.

C. Explain the pre-arrival process for group.

Ans. Pre Arrival ( Either one or two days before group arrival):
1) Duty roster must be prepared accordingly and to be approved by the
Front office manager. (appropriate staffing level should be considered
according to group movements)
2) Read appropriate Group Folder / Contract.
3) Look all arrivals guest profiles, history and special remarks if any.
4) Make note of all relevant guest requirements and special needs.
5) Ascertain arrival and departure time of Group.
6) Cross check the arrival & Departure dates are correctly feed into the
group reservations and also on to Group payment master room.
7) Check all group reservation for Rate code, Room rate picked up, Meal
Packages attached and make sure the instructions are according to the
group contract.
8) Print the rooming list sent by the Travel agent / Company and cross
check the number of persons occupying a room is correct. If required
create sharer reservation according to billing instructions ( For example if
the shares also required a invoice at the time of check out )

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9) Cross check the billing instructions on PMS for all group rooms and
Group payment master.
10) Create Routing instructions on all group rooms to group payment
master ( If the billing instruction is Room + TAX to travel agent ). This will
also help to have a smoother check out experience for the group members
and also cashiers.
11) Print arrival report for the date of group arrival and check room
12) Take note on Room allocation, Special needs, Honeymooners,
wedding anniversaries, birthdays etc.
13) Look for Extra bed and baby cot requirement and send notification via
Traces or email to the house keeping department.
14) Do appropriate room allocation according to the room status and
availability on the PMS.
15) Prioritize group early arrivals and room type requirements, Suite rooms,
Non-smoking, single lady etc.
16) Always ensure that housekeeping / Room service / Engineering is
aware of any special needs for this group. Send a requisition form to this
department and also create a Trace on PMS.
17) Group Welcome letter to be prepared, neatly folded and kept in
18) Call up the group coordinator and reconfirm the arrival time of the
19) Communicate all VIP/Suite room allocations with Guest services.
20) Give requisition form to Room service for group welcome drinks and
cold towel.

D. What will be the first aid for common problems like Cuts and Burns.


Nicks, cuts, scratches and burns. Minor injuries that can occur to any one
of us no matter how careful we are. Minor injuries to the skin that are often

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ignored. But it must be remembered that skin is a vital organ; one that
should not be ignored. Not only is skin the largest bodily organ, it also
keeps the good stuff in and the bad stuff out. So what do you do when you
get a minor injury? If you are like many, you realize a doctor's visit is not
necessary and try to treat the injury yourself. How do you know when to
seek professional treatment? How do you treat injuries that do not require a
doctor's visit?

Cuts: Cuts require immediate professional attention if:

 There is severe bleeding, especially arterial wounds, which literally

pump blood from the body.
 Puncture wounds, such as those caused by a rusty nail or animal
bite. These will require a tetanus booster shot.
 Cuts more than one half inch long and one quarter inch deep, which
will require stitches.

To treat any cuts, first stop the bleeding and then treat to prevent infection.
Place a sterile gauze (or if you do not have any gauze, a clean cloth) over
the wound and hold it until the bleeding stops. Apply pressure continuously.
If the gauze or cloth soaks through, simply place another cloth over the first
and resume the pressure. When the bleeding has stopped, wash the cut
with soap and water, followed by a disinfectant. If the bleeding does not
stop, get professional treatment. After the cut is clean, look for any foreign
object(s) in the cut and remove them. If you do not, a threatening infection
may set in. To aid in keeping the wound clean while it heals, you can cover
it with a bandage. However, if you use a bandage, remember it will need
attention too. Change it twice daily and use an antibiotic cream to prevent
further infection. Keep in mind that wounds exposed to air heal faster. But it
is also very important to keep a wound clean and dry to prevent infection.

Treatment for a scrape is the same, except you do not have to worry about
stopping blood flow as there is very little.


Burns are classified as first, second, or third degree. A first degree burn
causes redness. Blistering is caused by a second degree burn. Charred,
blackened or blanched skin are signs of a third degree burn. Furthermore,
burns can be caused by heat (thermal burns) or by contact with chemicals.
Seek professional, medical treatment for:
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 All third degree burns.
 Second degree burns involving more than one fifth of the body or if
the burn has affected the face, hands, feet, or genitalia.

First aid treatment for a burn involves relief of pain, infection prevention and
treatment or prevention of shock. If a burn begins to blister, cool it by
placing your hand or foot in cold, still (not running) water. You will need to
use an ice pack on any other part of the body. Gently clean the burn and
cover the area with a sterile, non-stick gauze. Change the dressing twice a
day. Never puncture a blister. This just opens the door for infection. Never
use butter, oils, or petroleum jelly on burns.

If the burn is due to a chemical exposure, flush the burned area with
running water for at least 15 minutes. While you flush, remove any
contaminated clothing, especially clothing in the area of the burn. Check
the first aid instructions for the chemical. These are found on the container
and/or Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Treat as specified. Cover the
burn with a clean dressing and call a doctor.

 If a third degree burn is involved, get professional medical treatment

quickly. Call an ambulance first. While awaiting professional help,
make sure any fire is out and/or remove the victim from the burn
DRESSINGS. Treat for shock and make sure the victim is still

Use common sense in all situations. Maintain a well stocked first aid kit and
be familiar with first aid procedures. Being knowledgeable and prepared
may be the smartest first step of all.

E.Explain Check-in procedure for senior citizens.


As more boomers retire, they are not looking to stay put and just read the
newspaper every morning. Many boomers still have some wanderlust left in
them and great health to carry them the distance, so they want to spend
their free time traveling to the places they have always wanted to see.

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Whether traveling to visit family or going on a trip across the world, seniors
prefer to stay in hotels. According to industry research, “About 68% of
grandparents would rather stay in a hotel than with their
grandchildren”. Those seniors who choose to travel expect to be
comfortable along the way, too. While many boomers are financially stable,
they want to give their business to hotels that offer special amenities and
cater to their unique wants and needs. They care less about the savings
offered and more about the comfort of the property.
Your hotel should make the following amendments for senior travelers:
Healthy menus: Offer plenty of options in your menus that consist of
healthy food or food for dietary needs coupled with good surroundings.
Disabled friendly amenities: Arrange accessible entrances for handicaps
and offer wheelchair facilities. (READ: Make Your Property a Disabled
Friendly Hotel)
Exceptional room service: Provide senior citizens with personalized room
services according to their requirements. You can also offer medical
services for their safety.
Bedding and furniture: Provide rooms with high quality mattresses and
bedding. The furniture should be minimal and room should be spacious to
move around.
Noise-free surroundings: Seniors are quite sensitive to loud noise so
make sure you offer them room in a peaceful alley, away from the noises of
the restaurant or children‟s playground. Hotel room telephones can also be
equipped with amplifying options.
Avoid long queues: Make sure you ease out the check-in and check-out
process and let the older guests know who they should contact in case they
encounter any problem. Don‟t bombard them with unnecessary forms.
Medical emergencies: Make sure your hotel is well-equipped with medical
provisions in case of any emergencies.
If your hotel offers high-quality amenities and great customer service, then
you are sure to draw business from seniors. The willingness of staff to help
and cater to seniors will help the hotel be seen in a positive light, and
boomers may even become loyal to the brand. The human resources in
hotels should be well trained to attend to seniors.
F. Differentiate between Upgrade and Upsell.
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Upselling Upgrading
1 Upselling refers to the Upgrading on the other hand refers
efforts of reservations & the to moving a reservation or in house
front desk agents to be able guest to a better accommodation or
to sell a higher priced room a class of service owing to his status
to a guest who might have / prestige or in a bid to make up for
come with a concept of any error made by the hotel.
hiring a comparatively lower
category room.
2 Upselling leads to revenue There is no revenue generation for
generation for the hotel. the hotel on upgradation.
3 Upselling requires skills like Upgrading doesn‟t require such
salesmanship & good skills

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