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(12) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10, 066 ,043 B2
Stayton et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep . 4 , 2018
(54 ) W -FUNCTIONALIZED POLYMERS. 7 ,000, 004 B2 3 /2006 Tsuji
JUNCTION - FUNCTIONALIZED BLOCK 7, 033, 607 B2 4 / 2006 Trubetskoy
COPOLYMERS , POLYMER 7 , 081, 503 B2 7 /2006 Tsuji
7 ,094, 810 B2 8 / 2006 Sant
BIOCONJUGATES , AND RADICAL CHAIN 7 , 098, 032 B2 8 /2006 Trubetskoy
EXTENSION POLYMERIZATION 7, 217 ,776 B1 5 / 2007 Mallapragada
7 ,374 , 778 B2 5 / 2008 Hoffman
(71 ) Applicants :University of Washington, Seattle, WA 7 , 510, 731 B2 3 /2009 Ranger
(US); PhaseRx, Inc., Seattle, WA (US ) 7, 524 ,680 B2 4 /2009 Wolff
7 ,718,193 B2 5 /2010 Stayton
7 ,737,108 B1 6 /2010 Hoffman
(72 ) Inventors: Patrick S . Stayton , Seattle , WA (US); 8 , 367, 113 B2 2 /2013 Gu
Allan S . Hoffman , Seattle , WA (US ); 2001/0007666 A1 7 /2001 Hoffman
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Snohomish , WA (US ) 2004 /0162235 AL 8/ 2004 Trubetskoy
2005/ 0220880 A1 10 /2005 Lewis
(73 ) Assignees : University of Washington, Seattle , WA 2005/ 0260276 AL 11/ 2005 Yang
2006 /0134221 A1 6 / 2006 Geall
(US ); PhaseRx, Inc., Seattle , WA (US) 2006 /0165810 Al 7 / 2006 Discher
2006 /0171980 Al 8 /2006 Helmus
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2006 /0235161 A1 10 /2006 Heller
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2007 /0003609 A1
2007 /0010632 A1
1/ 2007 Collin -Djangone
1/ 2007 Kaplan
U . S . C . 154(b ) by 0 days . 2007 /0037891 Al 2 /2007 Esfand
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(21) Appl. No.: 15/428,063 2007 /0110709 Al 5 /2007 Ranger
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U . S . Patent Sep . 4 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 8 US 10 ,066 ,043 B2

Fig . 1A

m + +
+ + + + +

Fig . 1B

U . S . Patent Sep . 4 , 2018 Sheet 2 of 8 US 10, 066,043 B2


? ? (

- -

? ? -

? ? )
? -

U . S . Patent - Sep . 4 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 8 US 10 ,066 ,043 B2


ID D (

( )

- -

U . S . Patent Sep . 4 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 8 US 10 ,066 ,043 B2

Fig. 2A Fig . 2B
4,1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7

???????? ? ??
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Chemical Shift (ppm )

Fig . 3A Fig . 3B
www.twit er

Awnt ?3.8???
3.6 3.4 3.2
Chemical Shift (ppm )
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Chemical Shift (ppm )
U . S . Patent Sep . 4 , 2018 Sheet 5 of 8 US 10 ,066 ,043 B2

Fig . 4A Fig . 4B
| A)
....... PDMAEMA-AM **.. ... PDMAEMA-AM -STY

RIIntensity RIIntensity
. .. . . *

15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
Retention Volume (mL ) Retention Volume (mL)

Fig . 5A Fig . 5B
1A) . .. PDMAEMA -AM

RIorUVIntensity Absorance . . . . . ..
15 20 25 30 300 320 340 360 380
Retention Volume (mL) Wavelength (nm )
U . S . Patent Sep . 4 , 2018 Sheet 6 of 8 US 10 ,066 ,043 B2

Fig . 6A
- RI
A .............. UVUV
. . . ..

15 20 25 30 35
Elution Volume (mL)

Fig . 6B

- ewwm RI
.. .. .. . UV
- . . - - -

. . .. .

15 20 25 30 35
Elution Volume (mL)
U . S . Patent Sep . 4 , 2018 Sheet 7 of 8 US 10 ,066 ,043 B2


SiRNA -*
- )

( -
Fig pn

Fig )
( -
* )
E -
( slevaSiRNA
Fig pn
Fig Fig
. ~
U . S . Patent Sep . 4 , 2018 Sheet 8 of 8 US 10 ,066 ,043 B2

Fig . 8
[Scheme 1 ] 0 N
S .
Rington N - X

x = CH2CH,NH, CF, co
R ' = C (CH )CNC,H CO,H
www = polymer chain ( e . g . I

[Scheme 2 ]
[2 . 1 ] initiation
initiator — i M , M P:
[2 . 2 ] reversible chain transfer/propagation
Prii + Sy SR Kadd Pn- SQ SR ke PnS- S + R *
Mke ? K-add ? N

[2. 3 ] reinitiation
-MM , M . Puno
[2 .4 ) reversible (degenerate ) chain transfer/propagation
Pm + SY S - PnPm -So S - Pn Pm SS
- +Pni
Mke ? I Mke
[2.5] termination
P + P ^ 4 . dead polymer

[Scheme 3 ]
[3.1] PT + ME Keq pn+ 1
(32) OR
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
W - FUNCTIONALIZED POLYMERS , erization using RAFT CTAs based on xanthates, dithio
JUNCTION - FUNCTIONALIZED BLOCK esters, dithiocarbamates and trithiocarbonates, can be
COPOLYMERS , POLYMER reduced with primary amines ( 26 - 28 ) or NaBH4 ( 12 , 13 ) to
BIOCONJUGATES , AND RADICAL CHAIN result in a thiol end group. Although conjugation to thiols
EXTENSION POLYMERIZATION 5 have been described ( 11, 13 , 14 , 26 , 29 - 35 ) such reactions
typically involve undesirable reaction conditions. U .S . Pat.
CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED No . 6 , 919 ,409 to Charmot et al. discloses W - functionaliza
APPLICATIONS tion of RAFT polymers by chain extension with function
alized monomers ; however, the disclosed approach includes
This application is a continuation of U . S . patent applica- 10 cleavage of the thiocarbonylthio control transfer agent,
tion Ser. No . 13 / 133 , 355 , filed Aug. 22 , 2011 , which is the thereby precluding further CTA -mediated radical polymer
national stage of International Patent Application No . PCT/ ization , and thus limiting polymer architecture flexibility .
US2009 /067193 , filed Dec . 8 , 2009, which claims priority Generally known approaches for preparing end - functional
from U .S . Patent Application Ser. No .61/ 120 , 756 , filed Dec . 16. RAFT polymers are also limited with respect to certain
8 , 2008 , the entire contents of each of which are incorpo functional groups such as amine functional groups . Moad et
rated herein by reference in their entirety . al., report for example that polymers with primary or sec
REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS ondary amine functionality cannot be prepared directly by
RAFT polymerization , because these groups undergo facile
This application claims priority from U .S . patent applili .- 2020 reaction with thiocarbonylthio compounds . (See Moad et al.,
cation Ser. No . 61/ 120 , 756 , filed Dec . 8 , 2008 , the entire The Chemistry of Radical Polymerization , 2d Ed., p . 538
contents of which is incorporated herein by reference in its 540 Elsevier (2006 ); See also WO 1998/001478 ). Indirect
entirety. approaches using RAFT agents with latent (protected ) amine
functionality are known. (Id .)
STATEMENT AS TO FEDERALLY SPONSORED 25 Further approaches for preparing functionalized polymers
RESEARCH such as w - functionalized RAFT polymers are needed which
overcome the various shortcomings of existing approaches.
This invention was made with U .S . Government support
under Contract Number RO1EB002991 awarded by the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
National Institutes of Health . The U .S . Government has 30 Polymeric compounds having spatially controlled biocon
certain rights in the invention .
jugation sites are effected through selective functionaliza
FIELD OF THE INVENTION tion involving w -terminal chain extension of polymer chains
by radical polymerization , such as reversible addition - frag
The present invention is directed to polymeric compounds 35 mentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization .
and to compositions comprising polymeric compounds, Polymeric compounds of the invention comprise w -func
including w - functionalized polymers and junction -function- tionalized polymer chains, in which the w - functionalization
alized block copolymers and polymer conjugates . The pres - is effected by incorporation of chain extension monomers
ent invention is also directed to methods involving radical having one or more functional groups. Hence, polymeric
chain extension polymerization suitable for preparing such 40 compounds of the invention comprise at least one polymer
compounds and compositions, and to uses of such polymeric chain and an associated w -terminal chain extension moiety ,
compounds and compositions . where such chain extension moiety comprises one or more
chain extension residues ( e . g ., monomeric residue ( s ) derived
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION from radical chain -extension polymerization of the chain
45 extension monomer ). The chain extension monomer ( s ), and
Controlled ( living ) radical polymerization approaches the corresponding chain extension residue (s) can include
such as nitroxide -mediated polymerization (NMP) ( 1 ) , atom one or more reactive functional groups ( optionally protected
transfer radical polymerization (ATRP)( 2), and reversible or masked by one or more labile protecting or masking
addition - fragmentation chain transfer polymerization groups ). Improved approaches for preparing such polymeric
(RAFT)(3 , 4 ) are known in the art for preparing polymers 50 compounds involve chain extension of a polymer chain , P ” ,
having relatively narrow molecular weight distributions and via reversible addition - fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)
advanced architectures. Polymers can be derived from polymerization to form a chain extension moiety ( E * ) at the
diverse monomers via RAFT polymerization in both organic W -end of the polymer chain , in which :
and aqueous conditions (5 - 11 ) . Polymers derived from such (i) the extent incorporation of chain - extension monomers
radical polymerization approaches can be telechelic poly - 55 is limited — such that the resulting chain extension
mers — with distinct a and w functionalities. Polymer con moiety comprises a limited number (e .g ., notmore than
jugates have been prepared from telechelic polymers via 20 , preferably not more than 10 , e . g ., ranging from 1 to
coupling to various moieties of interest ( 12 - 17 ). 10 ) of chain extension residues, E ;
Approaches for preparing end - functionalized polymers ( ii ) one or more of the chain - extension residues includes
are known . For example , polymers having functionalized 60 a functional group , and preferably a reactive amine
end groups have been prepared using ATRP by modifying functional group ; and /or
the initiator (18 , 19 ), or using RAFT by modifying the chain ( iii ) the w - terminal end of the chain -extension moiety
transfer agent (CTA ). For example, RAFT CTA ’s are known includes a chain transfer moiety , — Y , where the chain
with functional leaving groups, RE (16 , 17 , 20 - 23 ), or transfer moiety can be operable for further RAFT
alternatively with functional activating groups, Z (24 , 25 ). 65 polymerization (i.e., has a living character ), or alterna
Post -polymerization functionalization of polymers is also tively , where the chain transfer moiety can be cleaved
known . For example , polymers prepared by radical polym or derivatized post- polymerization .
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
In preferred embodiments of the various aspects of the residue , preferably a reversible addition - fragmentation
invention , the combination of the aforementioned attributes chain transfer (RAFT) residue , for example and preferably
can include the attribute of (i) limited chain extension , where a thiocarbonylthio moiety having a formula — SCES) Z ,
the chain extension moiety (E * ) comprises only the limited where Z is an activating group , Y * is a chain transfer residue
number of chain extension residues, E , and preferably is 5 derivative , for example and preferably a moiety derived
derived from reversible addition - fragmentation chain trans - from cleavage of or derivatization of (e . g ., functionalization
fer (RAFT) chain extension reaction using a non -homopo - of) the thiocarbonylthio moiety, Y , and PM is a second
lymerizable monomer, as further described below , such polymer chain ( preferably derived from radical polymeriza
attribute being combined with at least one of, and preferably tion ).
both of the attributes of: (ii) chain extension using mono- 10 In a second general embodiment of the first aspect of the
mers which include functional groups such as amine func invention , polymeric compounds of the invention can
tional groups ; and (111) chain extension which results in include polymer bioconjugate compounds which comprise a
inclusion and viability of a chain transfer residue which is polymer having a Formula IIA ( as described above ), where
operable as living chain transfer moiety - effectively pro one or more E is a chain extension residue comprising one
viding a macromolecular chain transfer agent (macro -CTA ). 15 ormore bioconjugate moieties, Q , covalently linked thereto ,
Advantageously, such approaches allow for the prepara e .g ., through a linking moiety , L . Generally, such polymeric
tion of polymer chains which can be selectively function compounds can include polymer (bio )conjugate compounds
alized at the w -terminal end thereof. The living character of which comprise a polymer having a formula IA :
the chain transfer moiety at the w - end allows for further
radical polymerization to prepare block copolymers which 20
are junction - functionalized , and optionally also w - end func (IA )
tionalized . The approach can be effected with various chain p " + E7; + Ft Et, Y,Y * or Pn ]
extension monomers, including monomers (e . g ., N - substi
tuted maleimides ) that can accommodate a variety of reac
tive functional groups ( e . g ., amine functional groups ). The 25
availability and versatility of such reactive functional groups
provides opportunities for effective bioconjugation , and
thereby affords polymer conjugates such as polymer bio wherein P ” is a first polymer chain (preferably derived from
conjugates , with a (bio ) conjugate moiety linked to the radical polymerization ), E is an independently selected
polymer chain through one or more chain extension resi - 30 chain extension residue, j, k and 1 are each independently
selected integers, where j ranges from 0 to 9, k is 21 , 1 ranges
dues . The universality and substantial flexibility of RAFT
radical polymerization further enhances the applications of from 0 to 9 , and the sum j + k + 1) is s20 , and preferably , the
such approaches . Hence , among the aspects of the invention sum (i+ k + 1) is s10 , L is a linking moiety, Q is a biomolecular
disclosed and claimed herein are polymeric compounds such 5. agent (e .g ., such as a polynucleotide) covalently bonded to
as functionalized polymers and polymer (bio )conjugates 35 E through L , and each of Y, Y * and PM are as described
above in connection with the first general embodiment of the
with substantial architectural diversity . first aspect of the invention . The biomolecular agent is a
Generally , therefore , among the aspects of the invention
biologically relevant moiety, preferably selected from a
are polymeric compounds . The polymeric compounds one
or more polymer chains and one eric
or more chain extension therapeutic agent, a targeting agent, a diagnostic agent and
moieties . Preferably, the polymeric compounds include 40 an Inanalytical
compounds include 40 agent.
a third general embodiment of the first aspect of the
w - functionalized polymers , and junction - functionalized
block copolymers . Block copolymers can include both junc invention , the polymeric compounds of the invention
tion -functionalized and/or w - functionalized block copoly include the polymeric compounds of Formula IA and For
mers . The polymeric compounds can include amine-func mula IIA as described above , where the chain extension
tionalpolymeric compounds. The polymeric compounds can 45 residue
te , E Ecomprises
one or more functional groups, and
comprises a reactive amine functional group
include macromolecular chain transfer agents (macro
CTA 's), including w -functionalized macro -CTA ' s for radi (e. g., a primary amine or a secondary amine ) or a corre
cal polymerization . The polymeric compounds include poly sponding ammonium salt thereof.
mer conjugates. The polymeric compounds can include In a fourth general embodiment of the first aspect of the
W -conjugated polymer conjugates and junction -conjugated invention
50 the polymeric, polymeric compounds of the invention include
block copolymer conjugates . Block copolymer conjugates compounds of Formula IA and Formula IIA as
can include both junction -conjugated and /or w - conjugated described above , where the polymeric compound comprises
block copolymer conjugates . The polymeric compounds can a chain transfer agent residue , Y. Preferably , such a poly
include biopolymer conjugates, such as polynucleotide meric compound can be a macromolecular chain transfer
polymer conjugates. agent — a macro -CTA - e.g ., where Y is capable of further
The present invention is directed in a first aspect to reversible addition - fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)
compounds comprising polymeric compounds . polymerization ( e.g .,have a living character ), and preferably
In a first general embodiment of the first aspect of the in substantially isolated form . Preferably, the polymeric
invention , polymeric compounds of the invention caner compound can be a macromolecular chain transfer agent in
include polymer compounds which comprise a polymer so60 substantially
SUD isolated form having a formula IIIA ,
having a formula IIA PM - (E ) - Y (IIIA ),
PP-(E )x-[Y,Y * or D" ] (IIA), where each of P ", E , k and Y is as described above in
where P ” is a first polymer chain (preferably derived from connection with Formula IIA or Formula IA ( e. g., including
radical polymerization ), E is an independently selected 65 where E is a chain extension residue comprising one ormore
chain extension residue, k is an integer ranging from 1 to 20 , bioconjugate moieties , Q , covalently linked thereto , e . g.,
preferably ranging from 1 to 10 , Y is a chain transfer agent through a linking moiety, L ).
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
In a fifth general embodiment of the first aspect of the Y * and P " is as described above in connection with Formula
invention , polymeric compounds of the invention include IIA or Formula IA (e .g ., including where E is a chain
the polymeric compounds of Formula IA and Formula IIA as extension residue comprising one or more bioconjugate
described above , where the polymeric compound comprises moieties, Q , covalently linked thereto , e .g ., through a linking
a block copolymer comprising two or more polymer blocks 5 moiety , L ), or as described above in connection with each of
( e. g ., discrete polymer chains), typically separated by one or the various the general embodiments of the first aspect, and
more chain extension moieties , (E * ). Generally, the poly - any subembodiments thereof.
meric compounds of the invention can comprise an In a third general embodiment of the second aspect of the
A - ( E * )- B block copolymer or an A -( E * ) - B block copolymer invention , the compositions can include polynucleotide
conjugate , comprising a first block A of the copolymer 10 containing compositions, where such compositions include
defined by the first polymer chain , P ” , and a second block B a polymeric compound and a polynucleotide associated
of the copolymer defined by the second polymer chain , PM , therewith , where the polymeric compound is a polymer
and a chain extension moiety ( E * ) comprising one or more compound or a polymer (bio conjugate of the first aspect of
chain extension residue (s ), E . Preferably, the second block B the invention ( including any of the general embodiments of
can be different from (e .g ., have a different chemical com - 15 the first aspect, and any subembodiments thereof).
position or different arrangement of atoms and/or different In a fourth general embodiment of the second aspect of
physical properties from ) the first block A . Preferably, such the invention , the compositions can include polynucleotide
a polymeric compound can be an A - (E * ) -B block copolymer containing compositions, where such compositions com
having a formula IVA prise a polymeric compound and a polynucleotide associated
p”-(E);-PM 20 therewith , the polymeric compound comprising a polymer
(IVA ), having a formula IIA
where each of P” , E , k and P " is as described above in P” -(E )x-[Y ,Y * or PM ] (IIA ),
connection with Formula IIA or Formula IA (e.g ., including
where E is a chain extension residue comprising one ormore where each of P " , E , K , Y, Y * and P " is as described above
bioconjugate moieties, Q , covalently linked thereto , e .g ., 25 in connection with Formula IIA or Formula IA (e .g ., includ
through a linking moiety, L ). ing where E is a chain extension residue comprising one or
In a sixth general embodiment of the first aspect of the more bioconjugate moieties, Q , covalently linked thereto ,
invention , polymeric compounds of the invention include e.g ., through a linking moiety, L ), or as described above in
the polymeric compounds of Formula IA and Formula IIA as connection with each of the various the general embodi
described above , where the polymeric compound comprises 30 ments of the first aspect, and any subembodiments thereof.
a polymer compound wherein the chain extension moiety Generally with regard to either of the third or fourth
( E * ) consists of one chain extension residue , E . Preferably, general embodiments of the second aspect of the invention
such chain extension moiety ( E * ) comprising a singular ( including any subembodiments thereof), the polynucleotide
chain extension residue, E , is derived from reversible addi- can be covalently linked to the polymeric compound ( e. g.,
tion - fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) chain extension 35 covalently bonded to a chain extension residue , E , of one or
reaction using a non -homopolymerizable monomer , as fur more of the chain extension moieties, (E * ), in each case
ther described below . Generally , the polymeric compounds through an independently selected linking moiety, L ), or
of the invention can comprise a polymer having a formula alternatively can be associated with the polymeric com
VA pounds through non -covalent interactions with the poly
PN-E -[ Y or Y * ] (VA ),
40 meric compound (e.g ., through ionic interactions therewith ).
Generally in this regard , the polymeric compounds of such
where each of P" , E , Y and Y * is as described above in compositions can preferably comprise at least one mem
connection with Formula IIA or Formula IA ( e . g ., including brane disruptive polymer chain ( e . g ., a pH sensitive polymer
where E is a chain extension residue comprising one or more having membrane disrupting activity at endosomal pH ) .
bioconjugate moieties, Q , covalently linked thereto , e . g ., 45 Generally in this regard , the polymeric compounds of such
through a linking moiety , L ). compositions can preferably comprise at least polymer chain
In a seventh general embodiment of the first aspect of the which is hydrophobic. Generally in this regard , the poly
invention , polymeric compounds of the invention include meric compounds of such compositions can preferably com
polymeric compounds prepared by a methods which prise at least one polymer chain which includes a plurality
includes the methods of the fourth aspect of the invention 50 of monomeric residues having a first chargeable species, the
( described below ), including any general embodiments first chargeable species being anionic at serum physiological
thereof (and including all subembodiments thereof). pH , and being substantially neutral or non -charged at an
The present invention is directed in a second aspect to endosomal pH . Generally in this regard , the polymeric
compositions comprising polymeric compounds. compounds of such compositions can preferably comprise a
In a first general embodiment of the second aspect of the 55 block copolymer, the block copolymer comprising a first
invention , the compositions comprise polymeric compounds membrane disruptive polymer chain defining a first block A
of the first aspect of the invention , including any of the of the copolymer, and a second polymer chain defining a
general embodiments of the first aspect, and any subem second block B of the copolymer. Generally in this regard ,
bodiments thereof. the polymeric compounds of such compositions can prefer
In a second general embodiment of the second aspect of 60 ably comprise a block copolymer, the block copolymer
the invention , the compositions can comprise a polymeric comprising a first hydrophobic polymer chain defining a first
compound comprising a polymer having a formula IIA block A of the copolymer and which includes a plurality of
P -(E );-[Y,Y * or pm ] monomeric residues having a first chargeable species, the
(IIA ), first chargeable species being anionic at serum physiological
in an amount of at least about 30 % ,preferably at least about 65 pH , and being substantially neutral or non -charged at an
40 % , preferably at least about 50 % by weight ( relative to endosomal pH , and a second polymer chain defining a
total weight of the composition ), where each of P " , E , K , Y , second block B of the copolymer. Generally, in the regard of
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
block copolymer embodiments, the block copolymer can molecular chain transfer agent having a formula P ” — Y
comprise a second polymer chain defining a second block B where Y is SCES) Z , and Z is activating group , and (ii)
of the copolymer which includes a plurality of monomeric subsequently reacting a chain extension monomer, E , in the
residues having a cationic species at serum physiological presence of an activated radical and the macromolecular
pH , wherein the polynucleotide is associated with the block 5 chain transfer agent under chain extension conditions to
copolymer through non - covalent interactions between the form a chain - extension adduct having a formula P " - ( E ) - Y ,
polynucleotide and the cationic species of the second block where k is an integer ranging from 1 to 10 .
B of the copolymer. Generally in this regard , the polymeric In a second general embodiment of the fourth aspect, the
compounds of such compositions can comprise one or more invention includes preparing a polymeric compound by
targeting moieties covalently bonded to the polymeric com - 10 radical polymerization , including ( i) reacting one or more
pounds ( e . g ., covalently bonded to a chain extension residue monomers in the presence of an activated radical and a chain
E of one or more of the chain extension moieties , ( E * ) , in transfer agent comprising a thio - cabonyl-thio moiety under
each case through an independently selected linking moiety, polymerization conditions to form a macromolecular chain
L ) . Generally , in this regard , such targeting moiety can be a transfer agent having a formula P ” — Y where Y is SCS )
ligand having affinity for one or more receptors effective for 15 Z , and Z is activating group, the macromolecular chain
mediating endocytosis. Each of the aforementioned general transfer agenthaving a polydispersity index , Mw /Mn, of less
features of the third or fourth general embodiment of the than 1.5 , and (ii) subsequently, reacting a chain extension
second aspect of the invention can be used in various monomer, E , in the presence of an activated radical and the
combinations and permutations, and are expressly contem - macromolecular chain transfer agent under chain extension
plated in each possible combination and permutations. 20 conditions to form a chain - extension adduct having a for
The present invention is directed in a third aspect to mula P ” - ( E ) . - Y , where k is an integer ranging from 1 to 10 ,
pharmaceutical compositions comprising polymeric com the chain - extension adduct having a polydispersity index ,
pounds. Mw /Mn, of less than 1.5 , and where the polydispersity index
In a first general embodiment of the third aspect of the of the chain - extension adduct, P ” -( E ). - Y , differs from the
invention , the pharmaceutical compositions comprise poly - 25 polydispersity index of the macromolecular chain transfer
meric compounds of the first aspect of the invention , includ - agent, p — Y , by not more than 10 % .
ing any of the general embodiments of the first aspect (and In a third general embodiment of the fourth aspect, the
any subembodiments thereof ), and one or more pharmaceu invention includes preparing an A - ( E * ) -B polymer by radi
tically acceptable excipients. cal polymerization , themethod comprising ( i) reacting a first
In a second general embodiment of the third aspect of the 30 set A of one or more monomers in the presence of an
invention , the pharmaceutical compositions comprise com - activated radical and a chain transfer agent comprising a
positions of the second aspect of the invention , including thio - cabonyl- thio moiety under polymerization conditions to
any of the general embodiments of the second aspect ( and form a macromolecular chain transfer agent having a for
any subembodiments thereof), and further comprise one or mula P ” — Y where Y is SCS )Z , and Z is activating group ,
more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients . 35 ( ii) reacting a chain extension monomer , E , in the presence
In a third general embodiment of the third aspect of the of an activated radical and the macromolecular chain trans
invention , the pharmaceutical compositions comprise a fer agent under chain extension conditions to form a chain
polymeric compound comprising a polymer having a for extension adduct having a formula P " -( E )k - Y , where k is an
mula IIA integer ranging from 1 to 10 , and (iii) reacting a second set
40 B of one or more monomers in the presence of an activated
PN -(E)x-[Y,Y * or PM ] ( IIA ), radical and the chain - extension adduct under polymerization
and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient, where each of conditions to form an A - E -B polymer having a formula
P ”, E , K , Y , Y * and P " is as described above in connection P” -(E )K-Pm — Y, the second set B of one or more monomers
with Formula IIA or Formula IA ( e. g., including where E is being the same as or different from the first set A of one or
a chain extension residue comprising one or more biocon - 45 more monomers.
jugate moieties, Q , covalently linked thereto , e. g., through a The present invention is directed in a fifth aspect to
linking moiety, L ), or as described above in connection with methods of using such polymeric compounds and compo
each of the various the general embodiments of the first sitions .
aspect , and any subembodiments thereof. In a first general embodiment of the fifth aspect, the
The present invention is directed in a fourth aspect to 50 polymeric compounds or compositions of the first, second or
methods for preparing a polymeric compound . third aspects of the invention are used as diagnostic agents .
In a first general embodiment of the fourth aspect, the In a second general embodiment of the fifth aspect, the
invention involves preparing polymeric compounds of the polymeric compounds or compositions of the first , second or
first aspect of the invention , including any of the general third aspects of the invention are used as therapeutic agents .
embodiments of the first aspect ( and any subembodiments 55 In a third general embodiment of the fifth aspect, the
thereof), by a method which includes radical polymeriza - polymeric compounds or compositions of the first, second or
tion , and preferably involves reversible addition - fragmenta third aspects of the invention are used as analytical agents.
tion chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. Generally in this In a fourth general embodiment of the fifth aspect, the
regard , the chain extension moiety (E * ) is prepared using polymeric compounds or compositions of the first, second or
radical chain extension polymerization , and preferably 60 third aspects of the invention ( e .g ., polynucleotide -polymer
involves reversible addition -fragmentation chain transfer conjugates and the polynucleotide - containing compositions )
(RAFT) polymerization . Preferably , for example , the poly - can be used for intracellular delivery of polynucleotides
meric compounds can be prepared by a radical polymeriza such as interfering RNAi (e .g., small interfering RNA
tion method which comprises (i ) reacting a first set A of one ( siRNA ) . Generally , in this regard , the cells can be in - vitro
or more monomers in the presence of an activated radical 65 cell. Generally in this regard , the cells can be in - vivo cells.
and a chain transfer agent comprising a thio -cabonyl-thio Various features of the invention , including features
moiety under polymerization conditions to form a macro - defining each of the various aspects ofthe invention, includ
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
ing all general embodiments thereof, and any subembodi- STY block copolymer ( Example 3 ) and the corresponding
ments thereof, can be used in various combinations and PDMAEMA-AM macro -CTA (Example 2A ) (FIG . 4B ).
permutations with other features of the invention . Features FIG . 5 (A , B ) illustrates experimental analytical data
and advantages are described herein , and will be apparent relating to chain extended polymers conjugated to amine
from the following Detailed Description . 5 reactive pyrene dye (“ P ” ), including RI and UV traces of
PDMAEMA - AM - P following pyrene conjugation (Example
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 4A ) (FIG . 5A ) and UV absorbance of unmodified (non
conjugated ) PDMAEMA - AM (Example 2A ) ( showing lim
FIG . 1 ( A - D ) illustrates various schematic representations ited UV absorbance due to the trithiocarbonate moiety on the
of polymeric compounds of the invention . FIGS. 1A and 1B 10 chain end) and of pyrene - conjugated pDMAEMA -AM -P
illustrate a schematic representation of telechelic polymeric (Example 4A ) (exhibiting significantly increased absorp
compounds (e.g ., derived from RAFT polymerization ), tionFIG) (FIG . 6
. 5B ) .
( A , B ) illustrates experimental analytical data ,
including polymer bioconjugates comprising a polymer relating to chain
chain , a chain extension moiety (shown comprising *a 15 including RI andextended UV
polymers conjugated to folic acid ,
traces of pDMAEMA-b -DMAEMA/
maleimide chain extension residue ), and a biomolecular BMA/ PAA - AM before conjugation to folic acid (Example
agent (shown as solid oval shape ) covalently linked thereto , 2B ) (FIG . 6A ), and RI and UV traces of pDMAEMA -b
where the chain extension moiety is at the w - terminal end of
DMAEMA /BMA /PAA after the addition of folic acid ( Ex
the polymeric compound (FIG . 1A ), or at a junction between ample 5 ) (FIG . 6B ).
a first block A and a second block B of the polymeric 20 FIG . 7 ( A -G ) illustrates various schematic representations
compound (FIG . 1B ). In the depicted embodiments, the of polymeric compounds of the invention including polymer
- R moiety as shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B can be a chain compounds adapted for non -covalent association with poly
transfer agent leaving group , R ' (e .g., a carboxylate group ), nucleotides (e. g., siRNA ) via interactions comprising ionic
and the — Y moiety as shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B can be a interactions (FIGS. 7A , 7B ), and including polymer com
chain transfer residue, Y (e .g ., a trithiocarbonate ), or alter - 25 pounds adapted for covalent bioconjugation with polynucle
natively (not shown ) a derivative thereof, Y * ( e. g ., a thiol) . otides (e . g ., siRNA ) through one or more extension moieties
FIG . 1C illustrates a representative schematic of various (E * ) at the w -end thereof (FIGS. 7C , 7D , 7E , 7F ). In each
polymeric compounds (e .g ., derived from RAFT polymer case the polymeric compound can further comprise one or
ization ), each including one or more polymer chains and one more targeting moieties ( represented by a triangle ) (e . g ., a
or more chain extension moieties (E * ) at the w - terminal end 30 ligand effective for mediating receptor-mediated endocyto
of the polymeric compound and /or at one or more junctions sis) ( FIGS . 7B , 7D , 7F, 7G ). In some embodiments the
between polymer chains. In the depicted embodiments, each polymeric compound comprises a plurality of polymer
polymer chain can be a block of a block copolymer com - chains , a plurality of chain extension moieties, and/ or a
pound . FIG . 1D illustrates a representative schematic of plurality ofbioconjugate moieties linked to the chain exten
various polymeric compounds (e .g ., derived from RAFT 35 sion moieties, and optionally one or more a targeting moiety
polymerization ) including polymer bioconjugates, each (FIGS. 7E , 7F , 76 ).
including one or more polymer chains, one or more chain FIG . 8 illustrates various reaction schema, including (i) an
extension moieties ( E * ) at the w -terminal end of the poly example of a synthetic pathway for maleimido chain exten
meric compound and / or at one or more junctions between sion polymerization using a trithiocarbonate chain transfer
polymer chains, and one or more bioconjugate moieties , Q 40 agent (Scheme 1), ( ii ) a set of sequences which include
( shown as an oval shape ), each covalently linked to a chain addition -fragmentation equilibria which are characteristic of
extension moiety . In the depicted embodiments , each poly - reversible addition - fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)
mer chain can be a block of a block copolymer bioconjugate polymerization , as described in Moad et al., The Chemistry
compound of Radical Polymerization , 2d Ed ., p . 503 - 505, Elsevier
FIG . 2 ( A , B ) illustrates experimental analytical data 45 (2006 ) (Scheme 2 ), and sequences schematically represent
regarding chain extension of a DMAEMA polymer chain ing the addition of propagating polymer radicals ( e.g ., P ” .,
prepared by RAFT radical polymerization (Example 1A ), P™ .) to chain extension monomers (e.g., M ) in a RAFT
with N -( 2 - aminoethyl) maleimide trifluoroacetate (“ AM ” ) chain -extension polymerization (Scheme 3 ).
as a chain extension monomer (Example 2 ), including Various aspects of the figures are described in further
" H -NMR (main , FIG . 2A ) of pDMAEMA after chain exten - 50 detail below , in connection with the Detailed Description of
sion with AM , and a triplet at d = 3 .77 (inset, FIG . 2B ) that the Invention .
results from the addition of AM to the polymer chain .
FIG . 3 (A , B ) illustrates experimental analytical data DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
regarding chain extension of a NIPAM polymer chain pre INVENTION
pared by RAFT radical polymerization (Example 1C ) with 55
N - (2 - aminoethyl)maleimide trifluoroacetate (“ AM ” ) as a Polymeric compounds having spatially controlled biocon
chain extension monomer (Example 2 ) , including ' H -NMR jugation sites are described in detail herein . Such com
spectrum (main FIG . 3A ) of pNIPAM following chain pounds are realized using selective w - terminal chain exten
extension with AM . The inset (FIG . 3B ) shows the triplet at sion of polymer chains by radical polymerization , such as
d = 3 . 15 that results from the addition of AM to the polymer 60 reversible addition - fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)
chain and the quartet at d = 3 .31 that indicates the presence of polymerization .
intact RAFT chain transfer residues , Y . Polymeric compounds of the invention comprise w -func
FIG . 4 ( A , B ) illustrates experimental analytical data , tionalized polymer chains , in which the w - functionalization
including GPC traces showing the molecular weight distri - is effected by incorporation of chain extension monomers
bution of a pDMAEMA polymer chain (Example 1A ) and a 65 having one or more functional groups . Hence , polymeric
PDMAEMA -AM chain - extended polymer compound (Ex - compounds of the invention comprise at least one polymer
ample 2 ) (FIG . 4A ), and GPC traces of a pDMAEMA -AM - chain and an associated w -terminal chain extension moiety ,
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
where such chain extension moiety comprises one or more biomolecular agent (shown as solid oval shape) covalently
chain extension residues (e . g .,monomeric residue ( s ) derived linked to the chain extension moiety , and a second polymer
from radical chain -extension polymerization of the chain chain covalently bonded to the chain extension moiety and
extension monomer ). The chain extension monomer (s), and defining a second block B of the block copolymer. As
the corresponding chain extension residue (s ) can include 5 shown , a chain transfer moiety , _ Y , can be coupled to
one or more reactive functional groups (optionally protected W -end of the second polymer chain , and can be capable of
by one or more labile protecting groups). Improved further radical polymerization . As shown, the a -end of the
approaches for preparing such polymeric compounds first polymer chain can comprise for example a leaving
involve chain extension of a polymer chain , P , via revers
ible addition -fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polym - 10 Such leaving group , from
group , R ' , derived
R " ,
the RAFT chain transfer agent.
can optionally also be function
erization to form a chain extension moiety ( E * ) at the w -end alized , as known in the art .
of the polymer chain , in which : The invention can include polymeric compounds with
( i) the extent incorporation of chain - extension monomers
is limited — such that the resulting chain extension various polymer properties and polymer architectures,
moiety comprises a limited number (e.g ., not more than 15 including with respect to the polymer chains (e .g., chemical
20 , preferably notmore than 10 , e.g., ranging from 1 to nature , physical properties , macrostructural architecture ,
etc .) and with respect to arrangement of chain extension
10 ) of chain extension residues , E ;
( ii ) one or more of the chain - extension residues includes moieties ( E * ) ( e.g., chemical nature, number, location , spa
a functional group , and preferably a reactive amine tial density , etc. ). With reference to FIG . 1C , for example ,
functional group; and / or various polymeric compounds can include one or more
( iii ) the w -terminal end of the chain -extension moiety polymer chains and one or more chain extension moieties
includes a chain transfer moiety , — Y , where the chain ( E * ) at the w - terminal end of the polymeric compound
transfer moiety can be operable for further RAFT and /or at one or more junctions between polymer chains. In
polymerization (i. e ., has a living character ), or alterna the depicted embodiments , each polymer chain can be
tively , where the chain transfer moiety can be cleaved os 25 considered as a block of a block copolymer compound . In
or derivatized post-polymerization . FIG . 1D various polymeric compounds are polymer biocon
In preferred embodiments of the various aspects of the jugates, each including one or more polymer chains, one or
invention , the combination of the aforementioned attributes more chain extension moieties ( E * ) at the w - terminal end of
can include the attribute of (i ) limited chain extension , where the polymeric compound and/ or at one or more junctions
between polymer chains, and one or more bioconjugate
the chain extension moiety (E * ) comprises only the limited 30 moieties
number of chain extension residues, E , and preferably is to a chain, Q extension
(shown as an oval shape ), each covalently linked
moiety . In the depicted embodiments,
derived from reversible addition - fragmentation chain trans each polymer chain can be considered as a block of a block
fer (RAFT) chain extension reaction using a non -homopo copolymer bioconjugate compound . Although represented
lymerizable monomer, as further described below , such in FIGS. 1C and 1D as linear polymeric compounds, the
attribute being combined with at least one of, and preferably 35 polymeric compounds of the invention can also include
both of the attributes of: (ii) chain extension using mono branched polymeric , crosslinked polymeric , star polymeric ,
mers which include functional groups such as amine func
tional groups; and (iii) chain extension which results in or other macromolecular structures. Advantageously , and as
inclusion and viability of a chain transfer residue which is discussed in further detail below , the polymeric compounds
of the present invention can include the many various
operable as living chain transfer moiety - effectively pro - 40 architectural
viding a macromolecular chain transfer agent (macro -CTA ). polymers derived structures known in the art in connection with
Polymeric Compounds from controlled ( living) radical polymer
In the various aspects of the invention disclosed or ization approaches , such as RAFT polymerization .
claimed herein ( including each aspect of the invention and Generally , therefore , polymeric compounds of the inven
each general embodiment thereof) the compounds of con the
the 4545 tion can include polymer compounds which comprise a
invention (or compositions including such compounds) can poly polymer having a formula IIA
comprise a polymeric compound. The polymeric compound PN-(E )x-[Y,Y * or pm ]
can be a polymer compound or a polymer conjugate . ( IIA ),
With reference to FIG . 1A for example , the polymeric wherein P ” is a first polymer chain (preferably derived from
compound can comprise a polymer bioconjugate comprising 50 radical polymerization ), E is an independently selected
a polymer chain , a chain extension moiety ( shown compris - chain extension residue , k is an integer ranging from 1 to 20 ,
ing a singular maleimide chain extension residue) at the preferably ranging from 1 to 10 , Y is a chain transfer agent
w -terminal end of the polymer chain , and a biomolecular residue , preferably a reversible addition - fragmentation
agent (shown as solid oval shape ) covalently linked to the chain transfer (RAFT) residue , for example and preferably
chain extension moiety . As shown , a chain transfer moiety, 55 a thiocarbonylthio moiety having a formula — SCE= S ) Z ,
— Y , can be coupled to the chain extension residue and be where Z is an activating group , Y * is a chain transfer residue
capable of further radical polymerization . As shown, the derivative , for example and preferably a moiety derived
a - end of the polymer chain can comprise for example a from cleavage of or derivatization of ( e. g ., functionalization
leaving group , — R , derived from the RAFT chain transfer of) the thiocarbonylthio moiety, Y, and PM is a second
agent. Such leaving group , R ' , can optionally also be 60 polymer chain (preferably derived from radical polymeriza
functionalized (e .g., can comprise one or more functional tion ).
groups such as a carboxylate group ), as is known in the art . Generally, polymeric compounds of the invention can
In FIG . 1B for example, the polymeric compound can include polymer bioconjugate compounds which comprise a
comprise a block copolymer bioconjugate comprising a first polymer having a Formula IIA (as described above), where
polymer chain defining a first block A , a chain extension 65 one or more E is a chain extension residue comprising one
moiety (shown comprising a singular maleimide chain or more bioconjugate moieties, Q , covalently linked thereto ,
extension residue) at the w -end of the first polymer chain , a e. g., through a linking moiety , L . Generally , such polymeric
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
13 14
compounds can include polymer (bio )conjugate compounds
which comprise a polymer having a formula IA : (E2 )

(IA ) 5
p" + E7; Et Et, Y ,Y * or PM ]

10 and the polymer (bio )conjugate can preferably comprise a

wherein P ” is a first polymer chain (preferably derived from polymer of Formula IC ,
radical polymerization ), E is an independently selected
chain extension residue , j, k and 1 are each independently (IC)
selected integers , where j ranges from 0 to 9 , kis > 1 , 1 ranges 15 R4 R1
from 0 to 9 , and the sum (j + k + 1) is s20 , and preferably, the pr + E3 H E37, Y ,Y * or PM ],
sum (i+ k + l) is s10 , L is a linking moiety, Q is a biomolecular
agent covalently bonded to E through L , Y is a chain transfer
agent residue , preferably a reversible addition - fragmenta
tion chain transfer (RAFT ) residue , for example and pref- 2
erably a thiocarbonylthio moiety having a formula SC
ES) Z , where Z is an activating group , Y * is a chain transfer
residue derivative , for example and preferably a moiety
derived from cleavage of or derivatization of (e.g., func
tionalization of) the thiocarbonylthio moiety, Y , and P " is a where Q is covalently bonded through L to R ' , and R is a
second polymer chain (preferably derived from radical substituent pendant from at least one of R2. R3 or the
polymerization ). optional ring structure including R2 and R ? , where each of
In preferred embodiments , E is a chain extension residue R ', R², R *, R4, and each R are independently selected and
of Formula E1, 30 are as described in connection with Formula E2 (below ), and
where each of P ” , j, k , 1, Q , L , Y, Y * and PM are as described
in connection with the polymer (bio ) conjugate compound of
(E1) Formula IA .
In preferred embodiments E can be a chain extension
35 residue of Formula E3 ,


and the polymer (bio )conjugate can preferably comprise a
polymer of Formula IB , -


(IB ) and the polymer (bio ) conjugate can preferably comprise a
polymer of Formula ID ,
p +E + * E3 +, Y, Y* or PM ],
( ID )
prit - Y , Y * or PM

where Q is covalently bonded through L to R2, R3 or an ?


optional ring structure including R2 and R , where each of

R ', R ?, R3 and R are each independently selected and are as of
described in connection with Formula E1 (below ), and
where each of P ", j, k , 1, Q , L , Y , Y * and PM are as described where Q is covalently bonded through L to R? , and R is a
in connection with the polymer (bio )conjugate compound of substituent pendant from a nitrogen atom ( e .g ., from an
Formula IA . 65 amine functional group ) included within least one of R², R3
In preferred embodiments E can be a chain extension or the optional ring structure including R2 and R3, where
residue of Formula E2, each of R ', R ?, R ?, R4, and each R are independently
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
15 16
selected and are as described in connection with Formula E3 chain extension moiety (E * ) comprising a singular chain
(below ), and where each of P " , j, k , 1, Q , L , Y , Y * and PM are extension residue , E , is derived from reversible addition
as described in connection with the polymer (bio )conjugate fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT ) chain extension reac
compound of Formula IA . tion using a non -homopolymerizable monomer, as further
With reference to the polymeric compounds of any of 5 described below . Generally , the polymeric compounds of the
Formula IA , IB , IC or ID , in each case j, k and 1 are each invention can comprise a polymer having a formula VA
independently selected integers , and in preferred embodi PN-E -[ Y or Y * ] (VA ),
ments: (i) j ranges from 0 to 4 , k is > 1 , 1 ranges from 0 to
4 , and the sum (j+ k + 1) is <5 ; alternatively (ii) j ranges from where each of P ", E , Y and Y * is as described above in
0 to 2 , k is > 1 , 1 ranges from 0 to 2 , and the sum ( + k + 1) is 10 connection with Formula IIA or Formula IA (e. g ., including
< 3 ; or alternatively, (iii ) j is 0, k is 1, and 1 is 0 . where E is a chain extension residue comprising one ormore
In polymeric compounds of the invention , including the bioconjugate moieties , Q , covalently linked thereto , e. g.,
polymeric compounds of Formula IA and Formula IIA as through a linking moiety, L ).
described above , the chain extension residue , each E can In polymeric compound compounds of the invention ,
preferably comprise one or more independently selected 15 including polymeric compounds of Formula IA and Formula
functional groups ; in preferred embodiments , the chain IIA as described above , the polymeric compound can com
extension residue, E , can preferably comprise a reactive prise a polymer compound or a polymer (bio )conjugate, in
amine functional group ( e. g., a primary amine or a second - each case comprising an A - (E * )- B block copolymer having
ary amine) or a corresponding ammonium salt thereof. a formula IVE
In polymeric compounds of the invention , including the 20
polymeric compounds of Formula IA and Formula IIA as P»-(E )x-PM -(E), (IVE ),
described above , the polymeric compound can comprise a where P ” is a first polymer chain derived from radical
chain transfer agent residue , Y . Preferably, such a polymeric polymerization , the first polymer chain defining a first block
compound can be a macromolecular chain transfer agent of the copolymer , each E is an independently selected
( e .g ., where Y is capable of further reversible addition - 25 chain extension residue , k is an integer ranging from 1 to 10 ,
fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization ; e . g ., 1 is an integer ranging from 0 to 10 , Pm is a second polymer
has a living character ). Preferably , the polymeric compound chain derived from radical polymerization , the second poly
can be a macromolecular chain transfer agent in substan - mer chain defining a second block B of the copolymer, and
tially isolated form , the macromolecular chain transfer agent ( E * ) represents a chain extension moiety comprising the
having a formula IIIA , 30 extension residue( s ). Optionally , at least one biomolecular
agent, Q , is covalently bonded to a chain extension residue
P”-(E )x- Y ( IIIA ),
E of one or more of the chain extension moieties, ( E * ), in
where each of p” , E , k and Y is as described above in each case through an independently selected linking moiety,
connection with Formula IIA or Formula IA (e. g ., including L .
where E is a chain extension residue comprising one or more 35 The polymeric compounds as described and as variously
bioconjugate moieties, Q , covalently linked thereto , e .g., exemplified herein are preferred , and can be generally used
through a linking moiety , L ). with any aspects , embodiments and approaches described
In polymeric compounds of the invention , including the herein .
polymeric compounds of Formula IA and Formula IIA as In the various aspects of the invention disclosed or
described above, the polymeric compound can comprise a 40 claimed herein (including each aspect of the invention and
block copolymer comprising two or more polymer blocks each general embodiment thereof) the compounds of the
( e.g ., discrete polymer chains), typically separated by one or invention (or compositions including such compounds) can
more chain extension moieties, ( E * ). Generally , the poly comprise one or more polymer chains and one or more chain
meric compounds of the invention can comprise an extension moieties . Such polymer chains and chain exten
A - ( E * )- B block copolymer or an A - ( E * ) - B block copolymer 45 sion moieties can be derived from radical polymerization .
conjugate , comprising a first block A of the copolymer Preferably, in each case , such polymer chains and /or chain
defined by the first polymer chain , P ” , and a second block B extension moieties can be independently derived from con
of the copolymer defined by the second polymer chain , PM , trolled (or living ) radical polymerization in a method com
and a chain extension moiety (E * ) comprising one or more prising polymerizing in the presence of a chain transfer
chain extension residue (s ), E . Preferably , the second block B 50 agent (CTA ), as described more fully herein below .
can be different from ( e .g ., have a different chemical com - Chain Extension Moiety
position or different arrangement of atoms and / or different Generally, each chain extension moiety , represented by
physical properties from , the first block A . Preferably , such ( E * ) , comprises a limited number of chain extension resi
a polymeric compound can be an A -( E * ) - B block copolymer dues , E . Each chain extension residue can be a monomeric
having a formula IVA 55 residue derived from radical chain - extension polymerization
P ”-(E);-PM of a chain extension monomer. Preferably, the chain exten
(IVA ), sion residue(s ), E , can be derived from reversible addition
where each of P " , E , k and PM is as described above in fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT ) chain extension reac
connection with Formula IIA or Formula IA (e . g ., including tion using a non -homopolymerizable monomer, as described
where E is a chain extension residue comprising one ormore 60 below .
bioconjugate moieties , Q , covalently linked thereto , e .g., Generally , and with further reference to FIGS. 1A through
through a linking moiety , L ). 1D , for example , a polymer or a polymer conjugate can
In polymeric compounds of the invention , including the comprise one or more chain extension moieties, ( E * ), where
polymeric compounds of Formula IA and Formula IIA as each chain extension moiety comprises a limited number,
described above , the polymeric compound can comprise a 65 preferably not more than 20 , more preferably not more than
polymer compound wherein the chain extension moiety ( E * ) 10 , and most preferably not more than 5 chain extension
consists of one chain extension residue , E . Preferably, such residues, E , and where each chain extension residue is a
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
monomeric residue derived from radical chain - extension chain extension monomers with little or no homopolymer
polymerization of a monomer. In some embodiments , each izability under chain extension reaction conditions, gener
chain extension moiety , ( E * ) , comprises not more than 3 , not a lly referred to herein as a non -homopolymerizable mono
more than 2 , or not more than 1 ( singular) chain extension mers or as monomers which do not substantially
residue(s ), E , and where each chain extension residue is a 5 homopropagate . With reference to Scheme 2 .2 , Scheme 2 . 4
monomeric residue derived from radical chain -extension and Scheme 3 . 2 of FIG . 8 , such non -homopolymerizable
polymerization of a monomer. Hence , generally for any monomers can be characterized with respect to the propa
chain extension residue characterized by formula -( E )K- gation rate constant, ky , under chain extension polymeriza
( e. g ., the polymeric compounds comprising polymers of any tion reaction conditions. Reference herein to “ non -homopo
of Formula IA , Formula IIA , Formula IIIA , Formula IVA , 10 lymerizable” or to " little to no homopolymerizability ” or to
Formula IVB , Formula IVC , Formula IVD , Formula IVE , " does not substantially homopropagate” can mean that the
Formula IVF, and Formula VA ), k is preferably an integer propagation rate constant, k , (L /mol/sec .) of the monomer is
ranging from 1 to 5 , or an integer ranging from 1 to 3 , or k less than 2000 under chain extension conditions, preferably
is 1. For any chain extension residue characterized by less than 1500 , and preferably less than 1000 ; and in some
formula - ( E ) ,- ( e .g ., for Formula IVE , Formula IVF ), the 15 embodiments , the propagation rate constant, k , ( L /mol/ sec . )
subscript 1 is generally preferably an integer ranging from 1 of the monomer can be less than 500 , less than 300 , or less
to 5, ranging from 1 to 3 , or 1 is 1 . than 200 . Preferably, therefore , each chain extension moiety
Generally , each chain extension residue can be indepen - ( E * ) can comprise one or more chain extension residue ( s ),
dently selected . Typically, the one or more chain extension E , which are monomeric residue ( s ) derived from radical
residues of a certain particular chain extension moiety are 20 polymerization (preferably via RAFT polymerization of a
the same (i.e ., are derived from the same chain extension polymerizable monomer having a propagation rate constant,
monomer ). In some instances , however , chain extension ofky , less than about 2000 under chain extension polymeriza
a polymer chain could be effected using two or more chain tion reaction conditions, preferably less than 1500, and
extension monomers in a selected stoichiometric ratio to preferably less than 1000 under chain extension conditions;
form a chain extension moiety comprising a random distri- 25 and in some embodiments , the propagation rate constant , k ,
bution of the two or more chain extension residues. Further, of the monomer can be less than 500 , less than 300 , or less
each of any two chain extension moieties may have chain than 200 , in each case under chain extension conditions .
extension residue ( s ) which are the same or different (i.e ., Generally, reliable values for propagation rate constant, k , ,
may be derived from the same or different chain extension for many common monomers are known in the art. (See ,
monomers ) as compared between chain extension moieties. 30 e. g ., Beuermann et al., Prog . Polym . Sci., 27 , 191 (2002)) .
Generally , any chain extension moiety of the invention Values for propagation rate constant, k , , can also be deter
can be a terminal chain extension moiety , for example mined by approaches known in the art, as generally
covalently bonded to the w - end of a first polymer chain (an described in Moad et al., The Chemistry of Radical Polym
W -terminal chain extension moiety ). Alternatively , the chain erization , 2d Ed., pp. 216 -218 , Elsevier (2006 ), including
extension moiety can be a junctional chain extension moiety , 35 preferably pulsed laser photolysis approaches (See Beuer
for example covalently bonded between two polymer mann et al., Id ., See Moad et al., Id .).
chains - e . g ., bonded to the w - end of a first polymer chain With reference to Scheme 3 of FIG . 8 , such non -homopo
and to the a - end of a second polymer chain . lymerizable monomers can additionally or alternatively be
Generally, any chain extension moiety of the invention characterized based on the ceiling temperature, Tc, associ
( e . g ., a terminal chain extension moiety or a junctional chain 40 ated with homopropagation of the chain extension monomer
extension moiety ) can optionally be a conjugating chain (Scheme 3 . 2 , FIG . 8 ). Without being bound by theory not
extension moiety, covalently liked to one or more (biologi- expressly recited in the claims, the homopropagation of
cally relevant ) bioconjugate moieties ( e .g ., through a linking polymer radicals, e . g ., P ” ., with ethylenically unsaturated
moiety ). chain extension monomers , M , has a thermodynamic basis
In one approach , for example, the chain extension resi- 45 as a reversible reaction (Scheme 3 .1 , FIG . 8 ). The extent of
dues , E , of the invention can preferably comprise one or depropagation increases with increasing temperature (e.g .,
more substituent groups, preferably at least one of which can due to entropic effects ) and therefore . The ceiling tempera
comprise a ( one or more ) functional group . In polymer ture , T ., is the temperature at which the rate of propagation
conjugates of the invention, a biomolecular agent (moieties ) and depropagation become equal. Generally, below Tc, there
can be covalently bonded to the functional group ( s ) of such 50 can be expected a net propagation of polymerization ; above
substituent group (s) through a linking moiety . The linking Tc, there can be expected a net depolymerization . Ceiling
moiety can be a chemical bond , or can include a moiety temperature, Tc, and the propagation /depropagation equilib
comprising one or more covalently bonded atoms, as dis - rium constant (Keq , Scheme 3 . 1 , FIG . 8 ) can be measured by
cussed below . studying the equilibrium between chain extension monomer
Hence , a polymer compound or a polymer conjugate can 55 and polymer, or alternatively can be calculated at various
comprise zero , one or more terminal chain extension moi- temperatures given values of enthalpy (AH , ) and entropy
eties , zero , one ormore junctional chain extension moieties, (ASR) of propagation , for example using the relationships of
and additionally or alternatively zero , one or more conju - Equations 1 . 1 and 1 .2 :
gating chain extension moieties, provided preferably how
ever, that such polymer compound or such polymer conju - 60 Keq =exp (AH /RT- AS / R)= 1/[MF ]eg (Eqn .1. 1)
gate comprises at least one chain extension moiety which is T .= AH ,/(AS,+R In [MF ]) (Eqn . 1.2 ),
either a terminal chain extension moiety or a junctional
chain extension moiety, and in each case , can optionally also as generally described in Moad et al ., The Chemistry of
be a conjugating chain extension moiety. Radical Polymerization , 2d Ed ., pp . 213 -216 , Elsevier
Preferably, the chain extension residues, E , are derived by 65 (2006 ). Preferably, in the context of the various aspects of
radical polymerization , and preferably reversible addition the invention (including all general embodiments thereof) ,
fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization , from chain extension monomers preferably have a ceiling tem
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
19 20
perature, Tc, of less than about 200° C ., or less than about ( a -) butylacrylamides, where preferably in each case the
175° C ., or less than about 150° C ., and in some embodi N -substituent ( s ) are each independently selected unsubsti
ments less than about 125° C ., or less than about 100° C . For tuted or substituted CZ -C4 alkylmoiety. For example , more
context, and without limitation , Moad et al., Id ., report specific chain extension monomers can be selected from
ceiling temperatures , Tc, of various monomers suitable as 5 among a -alkyl acrylonitriles such as ( a - )methacrylonitrile ,
chain extension monomers within the context of the present ( a -)ethylacrylonitrile, ( a -) propyl acrylonitrile, and ( a -)
invention , for example such as methylmethacrylate (MMA ) butyl acrylonitrile .
having a T .- 200° C ., methacrylonitrile (MAN ) having a Examples of preferred chain extension monomers which
T - 200° C ., and a -methylstyrene (AMS ) having a T . - 30° are ethylenically unsaturated , a - substituted monomers
Generally, chain extension monomers having relative low include a -methyl substituted monomers , such as without
propagation rate constant, k , , can be selected by considering limitation methacrylic acid (MAA ), methyl methacrylate
various factors , including for example the relative activation (MMA ), ethyl methacrylate (EMA ), n -butyl methacrylate
energies associated with ,such (nBMA), i-butyl methacrylate (aBMA), 2 - ethylhexyl meth
polymerization reactions andmonomers
the relativein chain
of the 15 acrylate (EHMA), glycidyl methacrylate (GMA ) and meth
resulting propagating radicals in chain extension polymer acrylonitrile (MAN ). Examples of preferred chain extension
ization reactions. Generally , and without limitation due to monomers which are ethylenically unsaturated , a -substi
variable exceptions, a lower propagation rate constant, k ,, is tuted monomers include d -ethyl substituted monomers, such
favored with relative increased activation energies and rela - as without limitation methyl ethylacrylate (MEA ) .
tively increased stability of propagating radicals . 20 With reference to the various polymeric compounds of the
Generally , chain extension monomer can include ethyl- invention as disclosed herein , and in particular for example
enically unsaturated monomers which are substantially non with reference to the polymeric compounds comprising
homopolymerizable under the chain extension reaction con polymers of any of Formula IA , Formula IIA , Formula IIIA ,
ditions . Formula IVA and Formula VA , preferred chain extension
Suitable chain extension monomers can be selected , for 25 residues , E (derived by radical polymerization from corre
example, from amongmonomers having an a - H substituent sponding chain extension monomers ), can include those
(e .g., styrene (S ), butadiene (B )). certain chain extension residues of any of Formula E1,
Suitable chain extension monomers of the invention can Formula E2, and Formula E3 :
be generally and , and preferably from among ethylenically
unsaturated monomers having an a - alkyl, a - carboxylic 30
acid , a - carboxylate ( acid ester ) or other a -substituents . For (E1)
example , suitable chain extension monomers can include
acrylic monomers , acrylate monomers , acrylamide mono
mers , and acrylonitrile monomers which are a -substituted
with a hydrocarbyl moiety , for example with an a - alkyl, 35
a -carboxylic acid , or a -carboxylate (acid ester ) moiety. (E2)
Preferably, in each case , such a - substituent moiety is a R4
C1 -C12 hydrocarbyl moiety , C7- C , hydrocarbyl moiety , a
C1-C6 hydrocarbyl moiety, or a C1-C4 hydrocarbyl moiety .
Preferably in each case such a -substituent moiety is pref- 40
erably a C ,- C12 , C , -C3, C2-C6, or C ,- C4 moiety which is
selected from an a -alkyl, a -carboxylic acid , or a - carboxy
late ( acid ester ) moiety. Generally , and without limitation py (E3)
due to variable exceptions, the propagation rate constant, kp,
tends to decrease with increasing length or steric bulk of 45
such a -substituent moieties .
For example , more specific chain extension monomers
can be selected from among a - alkyl acrylic acids such as ?

( a - )methacrylic acid , ( a - )ethylacrylic acid , ( a -) propy

lacrylic acid , and (a -)butylacrylic acid . For example, more 50
specific chain extension monomers can be selected from
among alkyl A -alkylacrylates such as alkyl (a -)methacry Generally , for each of Formula E1, Formula E2 and
lates, alkyl ( Q -)ethylacrylates, alkyl (a -)propylacrylates, and Formula E3 independently : R ', R ?, R3 and R4 are each
alkyl (a -)butylacrylates, where preferably in each case the independently selected from the group consisting of hydro
ester alkyl moiety is preferably an unsubstituted or substi- 55 gen , hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, hetero -hydrocar
tuted C , -C4 alkylmoiety . Generally , and without limitation byl and substituted hetero - hydrocarbyl, where optionally R ?
due to variable exceptions, the propagation rate constant, k ,, and Rºare in a covalent ring structure . Preferably, for each
tends to increase with increasing length of the ester alkyl formula , the aforementioned hydrocarbyl, substituted hydro
chain . For example , more specific chain extension mono - carbyl, hetero -hydrocarbyl and/ or substituted hetero -hydro
mers can be selected from among a - alkylacrylamides ( in - 60 carbyl, can in each case be a C , -C2o moiety , C -C16 moiety
cluding a -alkylacrylamides , N - alkyl a - alkylacrylamides or C -C12 moiety, C ,- Cg moiety, a C , -Co moiety , or a C ,- C4
N ,N -dialkyl a - alkylacrylamides ) such as (optionally amide - moiety . Preferably, for each formula , the aforementioned
substituted N – H -alkyl or N ,N -dialkyl) (a -)methacrylam - hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, hetero -hydrocarbyl
ides, (optionally amide-substituted N - H - alkyl or N , N - di- and /or substituted hetero -hydrocarbyl, can in each case be a
alkyl) (a -)ethylacrylamides, (optionally amide-substituted 65 carbocyclic , substituted carbocyclic , heterocyclic , substi
N - H -alkyl or N , N - dialkyl) ( a - )propylacrylamides , and tuted heterocyclic , an aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, or
(optionally amide -substituted N - H -alkyl or N ,N -dialkyl) substituted heteroaryl, or fused multi -ring structures com
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
21 22
prising one or more of the foregoing. For Formula E2 ,R? is alkynyl, C , -C , allenyl, C7-C , alkoxy, C7-C , alkyl thio ,
a substituent pendant from at least one of R², R or the C -Cg ether, C -Cg carboxylic acid , C -Cg carboxyl
optional ring structure including R2 and R ', and preferably ester, C7 -C , amide , C1- C , nitrile , C1- C , ketone, C . -C ,
the R $ substituent comprises one or more functional groups . aldehyde, C7- C , acyl halide, C1- C , acid anhydride,
For Formula E3, R is a substituent pendant from a nitrogen 5 C -C16 carbocyclic , C , -C16 heterocyclic, C , -C16 aryl,
atom ( e. g., from an amine functional group ) included within C2 -C16 aralkyl, C .- C16 aralkenyl, C ,- C16 aralkynyl,
least one ofR2, R3 or the optional ring structure including R² C1-C16 aryloxy, C .- C16 alkaryl, C1- C16 heteroaryl,
and R ' , and preferably , the R substituent comprises one or C ,-C16 heteroaralkyl, C7-C16 heteroaralkenyl, C7 -C16
more functional groups. Preferably, for each formula , the heteroaralkynyl, C .-C16 heteroaryloxy, and C -C16
aforementioned optional ring structure including R² and R3 10 alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or unsubsti
can include carbocyclic , substituted carbocyclic , heterocy tuted ),
clic , substituted heterocyclic , aryl, substituted aryl, het each R2 is independently selected from the group consist
eroaryl, substituted heteroaryl, or fused multi-ring structures
comprising one or more of the foregoing . ing of hydrogen , C , -C , alkyl, C , -C , alkenyl, C .- C ,
Preferably, for each of the chain extension residue( s ) of 15 alkynl, C . -C , allenyl, C , -C , alkoxy, C , -C , alkyl thio ,
Formula E1 , Formula E2 , and Formula E3 considered inde C - Cg ether , C . -C , carboxylic acid , C7 -C carboxyl
pendently , and in each case considered without stereospeci ester , C . -C , amide, C1- Cg nitrile, C7- C ketone, C -C ,
ficity, and also for each of the polymer (bio )conjugate aldehyde, C , -C , acyl halide , C , -C , acid anhydride,
compounds of Formula IB , Formula IC and Formula ID C7-C16 carbocyclic , C7 -C16 heterocyclic, C ,- C16 aryl,
considered independently : 20
20 C7 -C16 aralkyl, C7 -C16 aralkenyl, C ,- C16 aralkynyl,
each R is independently selected from the group consist C1-C16 aryloxy, C1- C16 alkaryl , C7 -C16 heteroaryl,
ing of hydrogen , and C , - C20 moiety selected from C7 -C16 heteroaralkyl, C7 -C16 heteroaralkenyl, C , -C16
hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, hetero -hydrocar heteroaralkynyl, C7- C16 heteroaryloxy , and C , -C16
byl, substituted hetero - hydrocarbyl, which can also alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or unsubsti
include a carbocyclic , substituted carbocyclic , hetero - 25 tuted ),
cyclic , substituted heterocyclic , an aryl, substituted each R3 is independently selected from the group consist
aryl, heteroaryl, or substituted heteroaryl, or fused ing of hydrogen, C .-C , alkyl, C -Cg alkenyl, C -Cg
multi- ring structures comprising one or more of the alkynl, C1- C , allenyl, C1- C , alkoxy , C7 -C , alkyl thio ,
foregoing, C - Cg ether , C . -C , carboxylic acid , C . -C , carboxyl
each R2 is independently selected from the group consist - 30 ester, C7-C , amide, C .- Cg nitrile, C7 -C , ketone, C .- Cg
ing of hydrogen , and C . -C20 moiety selected from aldehyde, C7 -C , acyl halide, C .- C , acid anhydride,
hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, hetero -hydrocar C , -C16 carbocyclic, C , -C16 heterocyclic , C ,- C16 aryl,
byl, substituted hetero -hydrocarbyl, which can also C1- C16 aralkyl, C1- C16 aralkenyl , C1-C16 aralkynyl,
include a carbocyclic, substituted carbocyclic, hetero C2 -C16 aryloxy, C - C16 alkaryl , C ,- C16 heteroaryl,
cyclic , substituted heterocyclic , an aryl, substituted 35
aryl, heteroaryl, or substituted heteroaryl, or fused C7 -C16 heteroaralkyl, C7-C16 heteroaralkenyl, C . -C16
multi -ring structures comprising one or more of the heteroaralkynyl, C , -C16 heteroaryloxy, and C7 -C16
foregoing, alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or unsubsti
each Rºis independently selected from the group consist tuted ),
ing of hydrogen , and C , -C2, moiety selected from 40 provided that when R² and Rºare in a covalent ring
hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, hetero -hydrocar structure , then considered together, such ring structure
byl, substituted hetero -hydrocarbyl, which can also can be a C - C , moiety selected from carbocyclic ,
include a carbocyclic , substituted carbocyclic , hetero substituted carbocyclic , heterocyclic , substituted het
cyclic , substituted heterocyclic , an aryl, substituted erocyclic , aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, or substi
aryl, heteroaryl, or substituted heteroaryl, or fused 45 tuted heteroaryl, or fused multi- ring structures com
multi-ring structures comprising one or more of the prising one or more of the foregoing , and
foregoing, each R * is independently selected from the group consist
provided that when R2 and R3 are in a covalent ring ing of hydrogen , C .- C , alkyl , C , -C , alkenyl, C ,- C ,
structure , then considered together, such ring structure alkynl, C7- C , allenyl, C . -C alkoxy , C . - C , alkyl thio ,
can be a C1 -C24 moiety selected from carbocyclic , 50 C1- Cg ether , C . -Cg carboxylic acid , C . -C , carboxyl
substituted carbocyclic, heterocyclic, substituted het ester, C , -Cg amide , C ,-Cgnitrile , C7 -C , ketone , C7-C ,
erocyclic , aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, or substi aldehyde , C .- C , acyl halide , C .- C , acid anhydride,
tuted heteroaryl, or fused multi-ring structures com C - C16 carbocyclic, C7-C16 heterocyclic , C7- C16 aryl,
prising one or more of the foregoing, and C7 - C16 aralkyl, C7 - C16 aralkenyl, C7-C16 aralkynyl ,
each R4 is independently selected from the group consist- 55 C1 -C16 aryloxy , C1 -C16 alkaryl, C -C16 heteroaryl,
ing of hydrogen , and C -C20 moiety selected from C7 -C16 heteroaralkyl, C7 -C16 heteroaralkenyl, C7 -C16
hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, hetero -hydrocar heteroaralkynyl, C7- C16 heteroaryloxy , and C , -C16
byl, substituted hetero -hydrocarbyl, which can also alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or unsubsti
include a carbocyclic , substituted carbocyclic , hetero tuted ).
cyclic , substituted heterocyclic , an aryl, substituted 60 Preferably, for each such R ', R², R3 and R + considered
aryl, heteroaryl , or substituted heteroaryl, or fused independently
multi-ring structures comprising one or more of the each R ' is independently selected from the group consist
foregoing. ing of hydrogen , C . -C , alkyl, C7- C , alkoxy, C . - C ,
Preferably , for each such R ', R², R3 and R4 considered carboxylic acid , C . - C , carboxyl ester, C . - C , amide ,
independently : 65 C1- Cg nitrile , C .-C , acid anhydride, C7 -C16 carbocy
each R ' is independently selected from the group consist clic , C7 -C16 heterocyclic , C1- C16 aryl, C7 -C16 aralkyl,
ing of hydrogen , C .-C , alkyl, C .-C , alkenyl, C - C C1- C16 aryloxy, C .-C16 alkaryl, C2-C16 heteroaryl,
US 10, 066 ,043 B2
23 24
C7 -C16 heteroaralkyl, C7-C16 heteroaryloxy, and eroaryl (in each case substituted or unsubstituted ) and
C7 -C16 alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or fused multi-ring structures comprising one or more of
unsubstituted), the foregoing,
each R ’ is independently selected from the group consist - and
ing of hydrogen , C1- C , alkyl, C1- C , alkoxy, C1- C , 5 each R4 is independently selected from the group consist
carboxylic acid , C , -Cg carboxyl ester, C1- C , amide , ing of hydrogen , C7 -C , alkyl, C . - C , alkoxy, C7- C ,
C ; -C nitrile , C ,- C , acid anhydride, C7 -C16 carbocy carboxylic acid , C ,- Cg carboxyl ester, C7 -C , amide ,
clic, C , -C16 heterocyclic , C1- C16 aryl, C7 -C16 aralkyl, C1- Cg nitrile , C . -C , acid anhydride ( in each case sub
C - C16 aryloxy, C7- C16 alkaryl, C , -C16 heteroaryl, stituted or unsubstituted ) .
C7 -C16 heteroaralkyl, C7 -C16 heteroaryloxy, and 10 Preferably , for each such R ', R2, R and R4 considered
C1- C16 alkheteroaryl ( in each each case
case substituted
substituted or
01 independently :
unsubstituted ), each R ' is independently selected from the group consist
each R? is independently selected from the group consist ing of hydrogen , C1 - C , alkyl, C1-C6 carboxylic acid ,
ing of hydrogen , C . - C , alkyl, C , -C , alkoxy, C7 -C ,
carboxylic acid , C . -Cg carboxyl ester, C7 -C amide, 15 C - Co carboxyl ester , and C -C amide ( in each case
C , -Cg nitrile , C -C , acid anhydride , C . -C16 carbocy substituted or unsubstituted ),
clic , C7 -C16 heterocyclic , C7 -C16 aryl, C , -C16 aralkyl, each R ’ is independently selected from the group consist
C -C16 aryloxy , C7-C16 alkaryl, C7 -C16 heteroaryl, ing of hydrogen , C .- C . alkyl, C , -C6 carboxylic acid ,
C1- C16 heteroaralkyl, C1 -C16 heteroaryloxy, and C -Co carboxyl ester, and C1-Cd amide, C7 -C12 carbo
C -C16 alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or 20 cyclic, C1-C12 heterocyclic, C1-C12 aryl, C7 -C12
unsubstituted ), aralkyl, C1- C12 aryloxy, C1- C12 alkaryl, C1-C12 het
provided that when R2 and R3 are in a covalent ring eroaryl , C7 -C12 heteroaralkyl, C7- C12 heteroaryloxy,
structure , then considered together, such ring structure and C -C12 alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or
can be a C . -C , 6 moiety selected from carbocyclic , unsubstituted),
substituted carbocyclic , heterocyclic , substituted het - 25 each R * is independently selected from the group consist
erocyclic , aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, or substi ing of hydrogen , C .- C . alkyl, C .- C carboxylic acid ,
tuted heteroaryl, or fused multi- ring structures com C , -Co carboxyl ester, and C , -C amide , C , -C12 carbo
prising one or more of the foregoing , and cyclic, C . - C12 heterocyclic , C7- C12 aryl, C7-C12
each R * is independently selected from the group consist aralkyl, C1-C12 aryloxy, C1 -C12 alkaryl, C1-C12 het
ing of hydrogen , C .- C , alkyl, C7- C , alkoxy, C7 -C , 30 eroaryl , C ,-C12 heteroaralkyl, C7 -C12 heteroaryloxy,
carboxylic acid , C7-C , carboxyl ester, C , -C , amide, and C - C12 alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or
C - Cg nitrile , C .- C , acid anhydride , C , -C16 carbocy unsubstituted ),
clic , C , -C16 heterocyclic , C7- C16 aryl, C7 -C16 aralkyl, provided that when R2 and R3 are in a covalent ring
C2-C16 aryloxy, C -C16 alkaryl, C -Cig heteroaryl, structure, then considered together , such ring structure
C -C16 heteroaralkyl, C7- C16 heteroaryloxy, and 35 can be C7 -C12 carbocyclic , C , C12 heterocyclic , C7 -C12
C1 -C16 alkheteroaryl C7 -C heteroaryl, C7-C16 het aryl, C -C12 alkaryl, C , -C12 heteroaryl, C , -C12 alkhet
eroaralkyl, C1 -C16 heteroaryloxy, and C1-C16 alkhet eroaryl (in each case substituted or unsubstituted ) and
eroaryl ( in each case substituted or unsubstituted ). fused multi -ring structures comprising one or more of
Preferably , for each such R ', R ?, R3 and R4 considered the foregoing ,
independently : 40 and
each R ' is independently selected from the group consist each R * is independently selected from the group consist
ing of hydrogen , C . -C , alkyl, C . -C , alkoxy, C7 -C , ing of hydrogen , C .- C . alkyl, C , -Co carboxylic acid ,
carboxylic acid , C , -Cg carboxyl ester, C .- C amide , C1-C6 carboxyl ester, and C , -C . amide (in each case
C , -C , nitrile , C7- C , acid anhydride ( in each case sub substituted or unsubstituted ).
stituted or unsubstituted ), 45 Preferably , for each such R ', R2, R3 and R4 considered
each R² is independently selected from the group consist independently :
ing of hydrogen , C . -C , alkyl, C .- C , alkoxy, C - C each R ' is independently selected from the group consist
carboxylic acid , C7-C , carboxyl ester, C , -C , amide, ing of hydrogen , C , -C4 alkyl, C . -C4 carboxylic acid ,
C1- C , nitrile , C .- C , acid anhydride, C1 -C16 carbocy C -C4 carboxyl ester, and C . -C4 amide (in each case
clic, C ,- C16 heterocyclic, C , -C16 aryl, C7 -C16 aralkyl, 50 substituted or unsubstituted ),
C7 -C16 aryloxy, C7 -C16 alkaryl, C1- C16 heteroaryl , each R² is independently selected from the group consist
C7 - C16 heteroaralkyl, C7 -C16 heteroaryloxy, and ing of hydrogen , C .- C . alkyl, C , -C6 carboxylic acid ,
C1- C16 alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or C1- C6 carboxylate (ester), and C . -C . amide ( in each
unsubstituted ), case substituted or unsubstituted ),
each R is independently selected from the group consist - 55 each R is independently selected from the group consist
ing of hydrogen , C .- C , alkyl, C , -C , alkoxy, CZ C --CC ,. ing of hydrogen , C .- C . alkyl, C , -Co carboxylic acid ,
carboxylic acid , C7 -C , carboxyl ester, C7 -C , amide, C , -Co carboxylate (ester ), and C . - C . amide ( in each
C , -C , nitrile , C7- C , acid anhydride , C7 -C16 carbocy case substituted or unsubstituted )
clic , C1- C16 heterocyclic, C7 -C16 aryl, C , -C16 aralkyl, provided that when R² and R3 are in a covalent ring
C1- C16 aryloxy, C1- C16 alkaryl, C , -C16 heteroaryl, 60 structure , then considered together, such ring structure
C1- C16 heteroaralkyl, C7 -C16 heteroaryloxy, and can be C1- Cg carbocyclic , C , -C , heterocyclic, C , -C ,
C7 -C16 alkheteroaryl ( in each case substituted or aryl, C7 -C , alkaryl, C ,- C , heteroaryl, C7- C , alkhet
unsubstituted), eroaryl ( in each case substituted or unsubstituted ) and
provided that when R2 and R3 are in a covalent ring fused multi -ring structures comprising one or more of
structure, then considered together, such ring structure 65 the foregoing,
can be C1-C16 carbocyclic, C1- C16 heterocyclic , C , -C16 each R * is independently selected from the group consist
aryl, C7 -C16 alkaryl, C .-C16 heteroaryl, C7-C16 alkhet ing of hydrogen , C1- C4 alkyl, C , -C4 carboxylic acid ,
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
25 26
CZ - C4 carboxyl ester, and C . - C4 amide ( in each case nyl, benzoic acidyl, biphenyl, clorobenzyl, nitrobenzyl, par
substituted or unsubstituted ). acetamol, phenol, phenacetinyl, picric acidyl, salicyclic
Generally , for each of Formula E1, Formula E2 and acidyl, and trinitrotoluenyl.
Formula E3 , at least one of the independently selected R , In such preferred embodiments where R2 and R3 are in a
R2, R3 and R4 is other than hydrogen . (Each such R1, R2, R3 5 covalent ring structure , then considered together , such ring
and R4 is otherwise selected as described in the various structure can be a heterocyclic moiety ( substituted or unsub
embodiments and subembodiments herein ). stituted ), generally including heterocyclic moieties such as
heteroalicyclic moieties and heteroaromatic moieties ( in
Generally , for each of Formula E1, Formula E2 and each case substituted or unsubstituted ). Preferred heterocy
Formula E3 , at least two of the independently selected P2R ',
R2, R3 and R * are other than hydrogen . (Each such R ', R ?,' 10 clic
moieties can include saturated or unsaturated heterocy
moieties (in each case substituted or unsubstituted ).
R3 and R4 is otherwise selected as described in the various For example , heterocyclic moieties can include saturated
embodiments and subembodiments herein ). nitrogen - containing heterocyclic moieties such as arizidinyl
Generally , for each of Formula E1, Formula E2 and ( ethylene imine), azetidinyl ( 1 , 3 propylene imine ), pyrro
Formula E3 , at least three of the independently selected R '·, 15 lidinyl (tetrahydropyrrole ), imidazolidinyl (tetrahydroimi
R ?, R3 and R4 are other than hydrogen . (Each such R1, R² , dazole ), thiazolidinyl, oxazolidinyl, isoxazolidinyl, piperidi
R3 and R4 is otherwise selected as described in the various nyl , piperazinyl, and oxazinyl (in each case substituted or
embodiments and subembodiments herein ). unsubstituted ). As described below , in some embodiments,
Generally, for each of Formula E1, Formula E2 and the substituents can include acylmoieties. In some embodi
Formula E3 , at least one of the independently selected R ', 20 ments, the substituents can include two acyl moieties such
R ?, R and R4 is hydrogen , and at least two of the indepen that the ring structure comprises an imidyl ( imide) moiety ,
dently selected R ', R², R3 and R are other than hydrogen . C (O )NR 'C ( O ) - , where R ' is hydrogen , hydrocarbyl or
( Each such R1, R2, R3 and R4 is otherwise selected as substituted hydrocarbyl.
described in the various embodiments and subembodiments For example , the heterocyclic moieties alternatively can
herein ). 25 include unsaturated nitrogen - containing heterocyclic moi
Generally , for each of Formula E1 . Formula E2 and eties such as pyrrolyl, imidazolyl, thiazolyl, isothiazolyl,
Formula E3 , at least two of the independently selected R ', oxazolyl , isoxazolyl, triazolyl (e. g., 1,2,3 - triazolyl, or e.g .,
R ? , R3 and R + are hydrogen , and at least two of the inde (1,4 -diazinyl),),pyrimidinyl
1,2 ,4 - triazolyl dithiazolyl, tetrazolyl, pyridinyl, pyrazinyl
( 1,3 - diazinyl), pyridazinyl ( 1,2
pendently selected R1, R², R3 and R4 are other than hydro
gen . (Each such R ', R2, R3 and R4 is otherwise selected as 30 4 -triazinyl, e. g., 1, 3 ,5 - triazinyl(e).,g.and
das 30 diazinyl ), thiazinyl, triazinyl , 1,2 ,3 - triazinyl, e .g., 1 ,2 ,
described in the various embodiments and subembodiments 4 -tetrazinyl, e.g ., 1,2 ,4 ,5 - tetrazinyl) (intetrazinyl each case
(e .g ., 1 ,2 ,3 ,
herein ). or unsubstituted ).
Generally in preferred embodiments , for each of Formula
E1 , Formula E2 and Formula E3, the substituents R2 and R3 35 or For example, heterocyclic moieties can include (saturated
unsaturated ) imidyl- containing heterocyclic moieties.
are in a covalent ring structure, and each of R1, R2 , R3 and Such heterocyclic moiety can comprise an imidyl (imide )
R4 are independently selected as described in the various moiety , for example as represented by a formula — C ( O )
embodiments and subembodiments herein . NR 'C (O ) - where R ' is hydrogen , hydrocarbyl or substi
In such preferred embodiments where R2 and R3 are in a tuted hydrocarbyl. Preferred imidyl- containingmoieties can
covalent ring structure , then considered together, such ring 40 include as non -limiting examples maleimide or phthalimide
structure can be a carbocyclic moiety ( substituted or unsub - residues (i.e .,moieties derived from chain extension polym
stituted ) , generally including non -hetero cyclic moieties erization of maleimide and phthalimide chain extension
such as ( non -hetero ) alicyclic moieties and (non -hetero ) monomers , respectively ) (in each case substituted or unsub
aromatic moieties ( in each case substituted or unsubsti- stituted ) .
tuted ). Preferred carbocyclic moieties can include saturated 45 For example , heterocyclic moieties can include saturated
or unsaturated alicyclic moieties, for example , such as oxygen -containing heterocyclic moieties such as ethylene
cycloalkanes, cycloalkenes, or cycloalkynes in each case oxide, oxetanyl (1 ,3 propylene oxide), dioxetanyl (e. g., 1,2
substituted or unsubstituted ). dioxetanyl, e.g ., 1 ,3 dioxetanyl, tetrahydrofuranyl, dioxola
For example , carbocyclic moieties can include saturated nyl, oxazolidinyl, isoxazolidinyl, tetrahydropyranyl, oxazi
carbocyclic moieties such as monocyclic or multicyclic 50 nyl, and dioxanyl ( e.g ., 1,2 -dioxanyl, e.g ., 1,3 -dioxanyl, e.g .,
( e. g ., bicyclic ) cycloalkyl moieties, for example cyclopro - 1 -4 - dioxanyl) (in each case substituted or unsubstituted ).
pyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, and decalin ( in For example , the heterocyclic moieties alternatively can
each case substituted or unsubstituted ). include unsaturated oxygen - containing heterocyclic moi
For example, carbocyclic moieties can include unsatu - eties such as oxirenyl, furanyl, oxazolyl, isoxazolyl, pyranyl,
rated carbocyclic moieties such as monocyclic or multicy - 55 dioxinyl (e.g ., 1, 2 -dioxinyl, e .g ., 1,4 -dioxinyl) ( in each case
clic (e.g ., bicyclic ) cycloalkenyl moieties, for example substituted or unsubstituted ).
cyclopropenyl, cyclobutenyl, cyclopentenyl, cyclohexenyl, For example , heterocyclic moieties can include saturated
1 ,3 -cyclohexadienyl, 1, 4 -cyclohexadienyl, cycloheptenyl, sulfur- containing heterocyclic moieties such as thiiranyl
1,5 -cyclooctadienyl, and cyclooctynyl ( in each case substi- (ethylene sulfide ), thietanyl, dithietanyl ( e. g., 1,2 -dithieta
tuted or unsubstituted ). 60 nyl, e .g ., 1, 3 -dithietanyl), tetrahydrothiophenyl, dithiolanyl
For example , carbocyclic moieties can include aromatic ( e.g ., 1, 2 - dithiolanyl, e .g ., 1,3 -dithiolanyl), thiazolidinyl,
(non -hetero ) carbocyclic moieties, for example benzyl, phe - thianyl, and dithianyl (e .g ., 1 ,2 - dithianyl, e. g ., 1, 3 - dithianyl,
nyl, naphthalenyl, phenanthrenyl, anthracenyl, triphenyle e.g ., 1,4 -dithianyl) ( in each case substituted or unsubsti
nyl, pyrenyl, naphthacenyl, and chrysenyl, among others (in tuted ).
each case substituted or unsubstituted ). Preferred substituted 65 For example , the heterocyclic moieties alternatively can
aryl moieties can include for example and without limitation include unsaturated sulfur - containing heterocyclic moieties
toluenyl , xylenyl, ethylbenzenyl ,mesitylenyl, durenyl, anili such as dithieteyl, thiophenyl ( thiofuranyl), dihydrothiophe
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
27 28
nyl (dihydrothiofuranyl), thiazolyl, isothiozolyl , dithiazolyl, imidyl , nitrile, pyridyl, hydrazide, hydroxyl, carboxyl, ester,
thiinyl (thiapyranyl), and thiazinyl, (in each case substituted acyl, halo , sulfide , di-sulfide , thio , thiol, and alkenyl.
or unsubstituted). Preferably, each such R is independently selected and
Generally in especially preferred embodiments, for For - preferably comprises hydrogen or a C1-C , moiety selected
mula E3 , the substituents R2 and R3 are in a covalent ring 5 from alkyl, substituted alkyl, carbocyclic , substituted car
structure , each of R1 and R4 are independently selected as bocyclic, heterocyclic, substituted heterocyclic, aryl, substi
described in the various embodiments and subembodiments multi tuted aryl, heteroaryl , or substituted heteroaryl, or fused
herein , and R2 and R3 are in a heterocyclic ring structure . ing, and - ring structures comprising one or more of the forego
The heterocyclic ring structure can include, for example, in each case such C -Cg moiety optionally having
saturated nitrogen -containing heterocyclic moieties such as such functionala reactive functional group (masked or unmasked ), where
arizidinyl ( ethylene imine), azetidinyl ( 1 ,3 propylene imine ), primary , secondary group can be selected from amino ( e .g .,
pyrrolidinyl ( tetrahydropyrrole ), imidazolidinyl (tetrahy hydrazide , hydroxyl),, carboxyl ammonio , imidyl, nitrile , pyridyl,
, ester , acyl, halo , sulfide,
droimidazole ), thiazolidinyl, oxazolidinyl, isoxazolidinyl, di- sulfide, thio , thiol, and alkenyl .
piperidinyl, piperazinyl, and oxazinyl ( in each case substi 15 Preferably , each such R is independently selected and
tuted or unsubstituted ). Alternatively , the heterocyclic can preferably comprises hydrogen or a C -Cg moiety selected
include unsaturated nitrogen -containing heterocyclic moi from alkyl, substituted alkyl, carbocyclic , substituted car
eties such as pyrrolyl, imidazolyl, thiazolyl, isothiazolyl, bocyclic, heterocyclic, substituted heterocyclic , aryl, substi
oxazolyl, isoxazolyl, triazolyl (e. g., 1,2, 3 - triazolyl, or e .g., tuted aryl, heteroaryl, or substituted heteroaryl, or fused
1, 2 , 4 -triazolyl), dithiazolyl, tetrazolyl, pyridinyl, pyrazinyl 20 multi -ring structures comprising one or more of the forego
( 1,4 -diazinyl), pyrimidinyl ( 1,3 -diazinyl), pyridazinyl (1,2 ing, and in each case such C , -Cg moiety having one or more
diazinyl ), thiazinyl, triazinyl (e .g., 1,2,3 - triazinyl, e .g., 1,2, reactive functional groups (masked or unmasked ) selected
4 -triazinyl, e. g., 1, 3, 5 -triazinyl), and tetrazinyl (e .g., 1,2 ,3 , from amino (e. g., primary , secondary ), ammonio , imidyl,
4 -tetrazinyl, e .g ., 1 ,2 ,4 ,5 -tetrazinyl) ( in each case substituted nitrile, pyridyl, hydrazide , hydroxyl, carboxyl, ester, acyl,
or unsubstituted ). Alternatively , the heterocyclic can include 25 halo , sulfide , di- sulfide , thio thiol, and alkenyl.
(saturated or unsaturated ) imidyl- containing heterocyclic Preferably, each such R is independently selected and
moieties , for example as represented by a formula - C ( O ) preferably comprises hydrogen or a C , - C moiety selected
NR C (O ) - where R ' is hydrogen , hydrocarbyl or substi - from alkyl, substituted alkyl, carbocyclic , substituted car
tuted hydrocarbyl. Preferred imidyl- containing moieties can bocyclic , heterocyclic , substituted heterocyclic , aryl, substi
include as non - limiting examples maleimide or phthalimide 30 tuted aryl , heteroaryl, or substituted heteroaryl, or fused
residues (i.e., moieties derived from chain extension polym multi -ring structures comprising one or more of the forego
erization of maleimide and phthalimide chain extension ing, and in each case such C ,- Cg moiety having one or more
monomers, respectively ) ( in each case substituted or unsub - reactive functional groups (masked or unmasked ) selected
stituted ). from amino ( e. g., primary, secondary ) and ammonio
Preferably, for each of the chain extension residue( s ) of 35 Preferably , each such R is independently selected and
Formula E2 and Formula E3 , considered independently , and preferably comprises a biomolecularmoiety , Q , as described
also for each of the polymer (bio )conjugate compounds of herein .
Formula IC and Formula ID considered independently , and Preferred chain extension monomers can be monomers
further for each of the chain extension monomers M1 which form chain extension residues of Formula E1, For
through M19 described below , each R is independently 40 mula E2 or Formula E3 , as described herein , during chain
selected and preferably comprises hydrogen or a C , -C20 extension polymerization .
moiety selected from hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, Preferred chain extension monomers (from which pre
hetero -hydrocarbyl, substituted hetero -hydrocarbyl, which ferred chain extension residues, E , are derived by radical
can also include a carbocyclic , substituted carbocyclic , polymerization ) can include , for example, maleimide ,
heterocyclic , substituted heterocyclic , an aryl, substituted 45 N -substituted maleimides , ( including but not limited to ,
aryl, heteroaryl, or substituted heteroaryl, or fused multi N -phenylmaleimide, N -methylmaleimide , N - ethylmaleim
ring structures comprising one or more of the foregoing , and ide , N -benzylmaleimide , N -propylmaleimide, N -(4 -ethyl
in each case such C1-C20moiety optionally having a reactive phenyl)maleimide, N -(4 -acetylphenyl) maleimide, N - (para
functional group (masked or unmasked ), where such func tolyl) -maleimide , N -cyclohexyl maleimide N -dodecyl
tional group can be selected from amino (e. g., primary, 50 maleimide, N -tert -butyl maleimide, N - isopropylmaleimide,
secondary ), ammonio , imino , amido, imidyl, nitrile , azo , N -(2 -hydroxyethyl) maleimide, N -(3 -hydroxypropyl)
azido , cyano, cyanato , isocyanato , isothiocyanto , hydrazide , maleimide, and various N -aminoalkyl, such as N -( 2 -amino
nitro , nitroso , nitrosooxy, pyridyl, hydroxyl, alkoxy, car ethyl) maleimide , N -(2 - aminopropyl) maleimide , and N -( 3
boxyl, ester, acyl, halo , haloformyl, phosphino , phosphoric , aminopropyl) maleimide ), maleic anhydride , maleic acid ,
phospho , sulfide, di-sulfide , thio , thiol, sulfonyl, sulfo , sulfi - 55 fumaric acid , maleic esters ( including but not limited to ,
nyl, alkenyl, alkynl, allenyl, and silyl. di-n - butyl maleate , di-n -amyl maleate, diethyl maleate ,
Preferably , each such R is independently selected and diisoamylmaleate , dimethyl maleate , diphenylmaleate , and
preferably comprises hydrogen or a C -C12 moiety selected di-n -propylmaleate ), fumaric esters ( including but not lim
from hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, hetero -hydrocar- ited to , di- n - amyl fumarate , diethyl fumarate , diisoamyl
byl, substituted hetero -hydrocarbyl, which can also include 60 fumarate , diisobutyl fumarate , diisopropyl fumarate, dim
a carbocyclic , substituted carbocyclic , heterocyclic, substi ethyl fumarate , diphenyl fumarate , and di-n -propyl fumar
tuted heterocyclic , an aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, or ate ), allyl and methallyl compounds, ( such as (meth )allyl
substituted heteroaryl, or fused multi-ring structures com sulfonate , (meth )allylglycidylether, (meth ) alkylvinylether,
prising one or more of the foregoing, and in each case such (meth )allylbutyl ether, (meth )allylethyl ether, and (meth )
C -C12moiety optionally having a reactive functional group 65 allylmethyl ether), vinyl ethers, vinyl sulphonates , vinyl
(masked or unmasked ), where such functional group can be phosphonates , 1, 3 - butadiene derivatives , itaconic acid
selected from amino (e. g., primary, secondary ), ammonio , derivatives ( including but not limited to , di-n -butyl ester,
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
29 30
diethyl ester, dimethyl ester and dicyclohexyl ester ), alpha- In embodiments, therefore , the moiety — Y in the various
alkylstyrene , alpha -ethylacrylate, cis and trans stilbene, and compounds of the invention is a chain transfer residue . The
other monomers which are substantially non -homopolymer chain transfer residue , — Y , can preferably be a thiocarbo
izable under chain extension conditions . nylthio moiety having a formula — SCES)Z , where Z is an
The chain extension monomers of the immediately pre - 5 activating group . The activating group , Z , can be — X (R ) a
ceding paragraph can optionally be substituted (before use in where X is selected from the group consisting of O , N , C and
a chain extension polymerization reaction ). For example , toS , R2 is an activating substituent, and a is an integer equal
1, 2 or 3 , corresponding to the valency of X . For example ,
such chain extension monomers can be substituted with any where X is O , the chain transfer residue, — Y , can be
R moiety as described in connection with Formula E2 or 10 represented by a formula SCCS )OR ? (xanthates ). In
Formula E3 . For example , bis-functional maleimides can be another embodiment
used . For example , such chain extension monomers can be residue , — Y , can be ,represented where X is N , the chain transfer
substituted with any biomolecular moiety, Q , as described NR2R22 (dithiocarbamates ). In bya afurther formula SCS )
herein . where X is C , the chain transfer residue, — Y, can be
Particularly preferred chain extension monomers ((from Irom 15 represented by a formula SCC= S ) RZR22R23 (diothio
which preferred chain extension residues, E , are derived by esters ). In an additional embodiment, where X is S , the chain
radical polymerization ) include monomers shown in Table 1. transfer residue, — Y , can be represented by a formula
With respect to chain extension monomers represented by SCGS) SR ? (trithiocarbonates). In each case the activat
Formulas M1 through M19 in this table , each R ' can be ing substituents, R2, R21 , R22 , R23 are not narrowly critical,
independently selected and can be as described in connec - 20 and are generally selected from hydrogen , substituted or
tion with Formula E2 or Formula E3. In the chain extension unsubstituted hydrocarbyl, and substituted or unsubstituted
monomers represented by Formulas M16 , M17 , M18 and hetero -hydrocarbyl. Generally, activating substituents, R2,
M19 , each Q1 is independently selected from aryl, substi - R21, R22, R23 are known in the art, including as described
tuted aryl, heteroaryl, substituted heteroaryl, preferably above in connection with RAFT agents . As known in the art,
where each such ( substituted or unsubstituted ) aryl or ( sub - 25 for example , two or more of such activating substituents
stituted or unsubstituted ) heteroaryl comprises from one to R21, R22 , R23 can be linked in a cyclic or heterocyclic
three ring structures, each such ring structure comprising moiety . One or more of such activating substituents RZ1,
from three to seven atoms, and each Q2 is independently R22 , R23 can represent one bond of a double bond .
selected from aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, substituted Various RAFT chain - transfer agents are known for use in
heteroaryl, preferably where each such (substituted or 30 controlled (living) radical polymerizations, including vari
unsubstituted ) aryl or (substituted or unsubstituted ) het - ous xanthates , dithiocarbamates , diothioesters and trithio
eroaryl comprises from one to three ring structures, each carbonates. See for example ,Moad et al., The Chemistry of
such ring structure comprising from three to seven atoms. Radical Polymerization, 2d Ed ., Tables 9 . 10 to 9 . 18 at pp .
Preferably , for the chain extension monomers of Formulas 508 to 514 , Elsevier (2006 ), which is incorporated herein by
M16 ,M17 , M18 and M19 , with respect to each of Q1 and 35 reference . The various chain transfer residues, — Y , and
Q2, a substituted aryl can preferably be an R -substituted various activating groups, Z , are apparent therefrom .
aryl, and a substituted heteroaryl can preferably be an Chain Transfer Residue Derivative ( Y * )
R®-substituted heteroaryl, where each R is independently Compounds of the invention , including for each of the
selected and can be as described in connection with Formula various aspects and embodiments thereof, can include a
E2 or Formula E3 . 40 chain transfer residue derivative , — Y * , on the w - terminal
Preferably, with respect to chain extension monomers end of a chain - extended polymer ( e. g . in a compound
represented by Formulas M1 through M19 in Table 1, each comprising PN -( E ) - Y * ). The chain transfer residue deriva
R can be independently selected and preferably comprises tive can be derived from a compound comprising a chain
a C , -C4 amine (e.g ., primary, secondary ) and ammonium transfer residue, — Y, derived from radical polymerization .
salts thereof. 45 The chain transfer residue, — Y , can be derived from con
Preferably, with respect to chain extension monomers trolled (living ) radical polymerization of a chain extension
represented by Formulas M1 through M19 in Table 1, each monomer under chain extension conditions.
R can be independently selected and preferably comprises Preferably, the chain transfer residue derivative , Y * , is a
a reaction functional group selected from amino (e. g., pri - moiety other than a radical moiety, and is derived from
mary , secondary ) and ammonio . 50 cleavage of or derivatization of the chain transfer residue Y .
Chain Transfer Residue, — Y Various approaches are known for cleaving and/ or deriva
Compounds of the invention , including for each of the tizing the chain transfer residue , Y . See for example , Moad
various aspects and embodiments thereof, can include a et al., The Chemistry of Radical Polymerization , 2d Ed ., pp .
chain transfer residue , — Y , on the w -terminal end of a 538 to 539 , Elsevier (2006 ), which is incorporated herein by
chain - extended polymer (e . g . in a compound comprising 55 reference . See also U . S . Pat. No. 6 ,619 ,409 to Charmot et
P ” - (E )K - Y ). The chain transfer residue can be derived from al., which discloses cleavage of the thiocarbonylthio control
radical polymerization . The chain transfer residue can be transfer agent. The various chain transfer residue deriva
derived from controlled (living ) radical polymerization of a tives, — Y * , resulting from such known approaches are
chain extension monomer under chain extension conditions. apparent therefrom .
Such controlled radical extension reactions can be effected 60 In some embodiments , the chain transfer residue deriva
for example in the presence of a chain transfer agent (CTA ) tive , Y * is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen
such as a RAFT agent ( e .g ., Y - R ' ) or such as a macro -CTA and — SH .
( e.g., p? — Y ). The chain -transfer residue, — Y, is typically Polymer Chains
covalently bonded to a chain extension moiety of a chain - Generally, the various polymer chains included as con
extended polymer on the w - end thereof (also referred to as 65 stituentmoieties of the compounds of the invention , gener
the living end of the chain extension moiety when included ally represented by P ” , pm , Po, etc ., can comprise one or
in a macro CTA ) . more repeat units — monomer residues — derived from radi
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
cal polymerization , preferably from reversible fragmenta - (RAFT) agent. Typically , as another example , a polymer
tion - addition chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization , of one chain , P ” , derived from controlled radical polymerization
or more polymerizable monomers . such as RAFT polymerization may further comprise a chain
Generally, each polymer chain , P " , P " , Pº, etc., can be a transfer residue covalently coupled with the w -end thereof .
homopolymer (derived from polymerization of one single 5 As described further below (in connection with RAFT
type of monomer having essentially the same chemical polymerization ), such polymer chains (or such compounds
composition ) or a copolymer ( derived from polymerization of the invention ) can comprises a chain transfer residue,
of two or more different monomers having different — Y , which is a thiocarbonylthio moiety having a formula
chemical compositions ). Polymer chains which are copoly . — SC (ZS) Z , where Z is an activating group . Typical RAFT
mers can be a random copolymer chain or a block copolymer 10 chain transfer residues are derived from radical polymeriza
chain (e . g ., diblock copolymer chain , triblock copolymer, tion in the presence of a chain transfer agent selected from
etc ). Any given block copolymer chain (e . g . P ” , Pm , Pº, etc .) xanthates, dithiocarbamates, dithioesters , and trithiocarbon
can be conventionally configured and effected ( e. g ., without ates.
inclusion of chain extension residue (s )) according to meth - Further aspects of the polymer chains, P ” , P " , Pº , etc., are
ods known in the art. 15 disclosed in the following paragraphs, including preferred
Generally, each polymer chain , P ” , PM , P , etc ., can be a polymerizable monomers from which the repeat units of the
linear polymer , or a non - linear polymer. Non - linear poly polymer chains are derived .
mers can have various architectures, including for example Generally , and preferably , the polymer chains , PP , PM , P ,
branched polymers, star -polymers, dendrimer polymers, and etc can comprise repeat units derived from ethylenically
can be cross- linked polymers , semi- cross - linked polymers , 20 unsaturated monomers. The term “ ethylenically unsaturated
graft polymers , and combinations thereof. Various polymer monomer " is defined herein as a compound having at least
architectures are advantageously achieved with a high one carbon double or triple bond. The non -limiting examples
degree of control by the controlled (living ) polymerization of the ethylenically unsaturated monomers are : an alkyl
methods such as RAFT polymerization . (alkyl)acrylate , a alkyl methacrylate , an alkylacrylic acid , an
Generally , a polymer chain , P ” , PM , P , etc ., can be a 25 N -alkylacrylamide , a methacrylamide , a styrene , an ally
prepared by controlled (living ) radical polymerization, such lamine , an allylammonium , a diallylamine, a diallylammo
as reversible addition - fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT ) nium , an n - vinyl formamide , a vinyl ether, a vinyl sulfonate ,
polymerization . Such methods and approaches are generally an acrylic acid , a sulfobetaine, a carboxybetaine, a phos
known in the art, and are further described herein . Alterna phobetaine, or maleic anhydride.
tively, a polymer chain , Pp , Pm , Pº, etc., can be a prepared 30 In various embodiments , any monomer suitable for pro
by conventional polymerization approaches, including con - viding the polymer chains , P ", P " , P , etc described herein
ventional radical polymerization approaches. In such cases , is used . In some embodiments ,monomers suitable for use in
before chain extension according to the present invention , the preparation of polymers chains provided herein include ,
the polymer chains can be covalently modified to include a by way of non -limiting example , one or more of the fol
chain transfer moiety ( e . g ., — SCS ) Z , where Z is an 35 lowing monomers :methylmethacrylate , ethyl acrylate , pro
activating group) at the w -end of the polymer chain , thereby pyl methacrylate (all isomers), butyl methacrylate (all iso
forming a macromolecular chain transfer agent (macro mers ), 2 -ethylhexyl methacrylate , isobornyl methacrylate ,
CTA ) effective for controlled ( e. g., RAFT) chain extension . methacrylic acid , benzylmethacrylate, phenylmethacrylate ,
Generally , a polymer chain , P ”, P " , Pº , etc ., is prepared by methacrylonitrile , alpha -methylstyrene , methyl acrylate ,
a method other than by stepwise coupling approaches 40 ethyl acrylate , propyl acrylate (all isomers), butyl acrylate
involving a sequence of multiple individual reactions (e . g ., (all isomers ), 2 - ethylhexyl acrylate , isobornyl acrylate ,
such as known in the art for peptide synthesis or for acrylic acid , benzyl acrylate , phenyl acrylate , acrylonitrile ,
oligonucleotide synthesis ). Preferably, a polymer chain , P " , styrene , acrylates and styrenes selected from glycidylmeth
P " , Pº, etc ., is a non -peptidic polymer chain (consists of a acrylate, 2 -hydroxyethyl methacrylate, hydroxypropyl
polymer other than an amino acid polymer ). Preferably, a 45 methacrylate (all isomers ), hydroxybutyl methacrylate (all
polymer chain , P " , P " P , etc., is a non - nucleic acid polymer isomers ), N , N - dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate , N , N - di
chain (consists of a polymer other than a nucleic acid ethylaminoethyl methacrylate, triethyleneglycol methacry
polymer. For clarity, notwithstanding and without prejudice late, itaconic anhydride, itaconic acid , glycidyl acrylate ,
to the foregoing two sentences , the biomolecular agent, Q , 2 -hydroxyethyl acrylate, hydroxypropyl acrylate (all iso
of the invention can be an amino acid polymer ( e.g., a 50 mers ), hydroxybutyl acrylate (all isomers ), N ,N - dimethyl
peptide ) or a nucleic acid polymer (e.g ., an oligonucleotide ). aminoethyl acrylate , N ,N -diethylaminoethyl acrylate , trieth
Preferably , a polymer chain is not polyethylene glycol yleneglycol acrylate , methacrylamide, N -methylacrylamide ,
(PEG ) or polypropylene glycol (PPG ) . N ,N - dimethylacrylamide, N -tert -butylmethacrylamide ,
Generally, polymer chains, P ”, PM , Pº , etc ., prepared by N -n -butylmethacrylamide , N -methylolacrylamide, N -eth
controlled ( living ) radical polymerization , such as reversible 55 ylolacrylamide, vinyl benzoic acid (all isomers ), diethylam
addition - fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymeriza inostyrene (all isomers ), alpha-methylvinylbenzoic acid (all
tion , may include moieties other than the monomeric resi- isomers ), diethylamino alpha-methylstyrene (all isomers ),
dues (repeat units ). For example , and without limitation , p -vinylbenzenesulfonic acid , p - vinylbenzene sulfonic
such polymer chains may include polymerization process - sodium salt, trimethoxysilylpropyl methacrylate, triethox
dependent moieties at the a - end or at the w - end of the 60 ysilylpropyl methacrylate , tributoxysilylpropyl methacry
polymer chain . Typically , for example , a polymer chain , P ” , late , dimethoxymethylsilylpropyl methacrylate , diethoxym
derived from controlled radical polymerization such as ethylsilylpropylmethacrylate , dibutoxymethylsilylpropyl
RAFT polymerization may further comprise a radical source methacrylate, diisopropoxymethylsilylpropyl methacrylate ,
residue covalently coupled with the a -end thereof. For dimethoxysilylpropyl methacrylate , diethoxysilylpropyl
example , the radical source residue can be an initiator 65 methacrylate, dibutoxysilylpropyl methacrylate, diiso
residue, or the radical source residue can be a leaving group , propoxysillpropyl methacrylate, trimethoxysilylpropyl acry
- R " , of a reversible addition - fragmentation chain transfer late , triethoxysilylpropyl acrylate , tributoxysilylpropyl acry
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
33 34
late , dimethoxymethylsilylpropyl acrylate, units may be disposed in a purely random , an alternating
diethoxymethylsilylpropyl acrylate , dibutoxymethylsilyl random , a regular alternating, a regular block or a random
propyl acrylate, diisopropoxymethylsilylpropyl acrylate, block configuration unless expressly stated to be otherwise .
dimethoxysilylpropyl acrylate , diethoxysilylpropyl acrylate , A purely random configuration, for example , may have the
dibutoxysilylpropyl acrylate , diisopropoxysilylpropyl acry - 5 form : X - X - y -z -x -y - y -z - y -z -z -Z . . . An exemplary alternating
late , vinyl acetate , vinyl butyrate , vinyl benzoate , vinyl random configuration may have the form : X -y -X - Z -y -x -y -z
chloride, vinyl fluoride , vinyl bromide , maleic anhydride, y -x -Z . . . , and an exemplary regular alternating configura
N -arylmaleimide, N -phenylmaleimide , N -alkylmaleimide, tion may have the form : X -y -Z-x -y -Z -X -y -z . . . An exemplary
N -butylimaleimide, N -vinylpyrrolidone, N - vinylcarbazole , regular block configuration may have the following general
butadiene , isoprene , chloroprene , ethylene, propylene , 1,5 - 10 configuration : . . . X - X -x - y - y - y - z -z - Z- X -X -X . . . , while an
hexadienes, 1,4 - hexadienes , 1, 3 -butadienes , 1 ,4 -penta - exemplary random block configuration may have the general
dienes , vinylalcohol, vinylamine , N -alkylvinylamine , ally - configuration : . . . X -X - X -Z -Z - X -X - y - y -y - y - Z - Z - Z - X -X -Z
lamine, N -alkylallylamine , diallylamine , Z -Z - . . . In a gradient polymer, the content of one or more
N - alkyldiallylamine , alkylenimine, acrylic acids, alkylacry monomeric units increases or decreases in a gradient manner
lates, acrylamides , methacrylic acids , alkylmethacrylates, 15 from the end of the polymer to the end. In none of the
methacrylamides , N -alkylacrylamides, N -alkylmethacryl preceding generic examples is the particular juxtaposition of
amides, styrene, vinylnaphthalene , vinyl pyridine, ethylvi individual constitutional units or blocks or the number of
nylbenzene, aminostyrene , vinylimidazole, vinylpyridine, constitutional units in a block or the number ofblocks meant
vinylbiphenyl, vinylanisole, vinylimidazolyl, vinylpyridi nor norah should they be construed as in any manner bearing on or
nyl, vinylpolyethyleneglycol, dimethylaminomethylstyrene, 20 limiting the actual structure of block copolymers forming
trimethylammonium ethyl methacrylate , trimethylammo the polymeric carrier of this invention .
nium ethyl acrylate , dimethylamino propylacrylamide , trim As used herein , the brackets enclosing the constitutional
ethylammonium ethylacrylate , trimethylammonium ethyl units are notmeant and are not to be construed to mean that
methacrylate , trimethylammonium propyl acrylamide, the constitutional units themselves form blocks. That is, the
dodecyl acrylate , octadecyl acrylate , or octadecyl methacry - 25 constitutional units within the square brackets may combine
late monomers , or combinations thereof. in any manner with the other constitutional units within the
In some embodiments , polymer chains can be derived block , i.e ., purely random , alternating random , regular alter
from certain specific monomers and combinations of mono - nating, regular block or random block configurations . The
mers , for example , for use in connection with various block copolymers described herein are , optionally , alternate ,
embodiments , such as for uses associated with polynucle - 30 gradient or random block copolymers .
otide -containing compositions. Such preferred polymer A “monoblock polymer” is a synthetic product of a single
chains are described below . polymerization step . The term monoblock polymer includes
Generally , polymer chains, P ” , PM , P , etc . can include a copolymer such as a random copolymer (i. e. a product of
repeat units derived from functionalized versions of the polymerization of more than one type of monomers ) and a
aforementioned monomers . A functionalized monomer, as 35 homopolymer (i. e . a product of polymerization of a single
used herein , can include a monomer comprising a masked type of monomers ).
(protected ) or non -masked ( unprotected ) functional group , Preparation of Chain -Extended Polymeric Compounds
e. g. a group to which other moieties can be attached fol - Via Chain Extension Polymerization
lowing the polymerization . The non -limiting examples of As noted above , the various aspects of the invention
such groups are primary amino groups , carboxyls, thiols, 40 disclosed herein comprise one ormore polymer chains , P ” ,
hydroxyls , azides, and cyano groups. Several suitable mask - PM , P , etc ., and one or more chain extension moiety ( E * ).
ing groups are available ( see , e. g ., T . W . Greene & P . G . M . Generally, a chain extension moiety of the various aspects of
Wuts, Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis ( 2nd edition ) the invention is prepared by a radical chain extension
J . Wiley & Sons, 1991. P . J. Kocienski, Protecting Groups, polymerization method . Preferably , such chain extension
Georg Thieme Verlag, 1994 ). 45 polymerization is based on a controlled (living radical chain
As used herein , a “ block” copolymer refers to a structure extension polymerization method such as reversible addi
comprising one or more sub -combination of constitutional tion -fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization .
or monomeric units. In some embodiments, the block copo - Methods for preparing polymer chains by RAFT polym
lymer is a diblock copolymer. A diblock copolymer com - erization are described below , and are generally applicable
prises two blocks; a schematic generalization of such a 50 for the chain extension polymerizations , as described herein .
polymer is represented by the following: [AaBbCc . . . Polymeric compounds of the invention can be generally
]m - [XxYyZz . . . ] n , wherein each letter stands for a represented herein for discussion of the methods as a poly
constitutional or monomeric unit , and wherein each sub - mer having a formula IIA
script to a constitutional unit represents the mole fraction of
that unit in the particular block , the three dots indicate that 55 P”-(E)x=[Y,Y * or pm ] ( IIA ),
there may be more (there may also be fewer) constitutional (as described above ). Such polymeric compounds can be
units in each block and m and n indicate the molecular prepared as follows.
weight of each block in the diblock copolymer. As suggested Generally , a polymeric compound of Formula IIA can be
by such schematic representation , in some instances , the prepared by a method which includes (i) providing a mac
number and the nature of each constitutional unit is sepa - 60 romolecular chain transfer agent having a formula P ” - Y
rately controlled for each block . The schematic is notmeant where — Y is the moiety — SCES) Z , and Z is activating
and should not be construed to infer any relationship what - group , and (ii) reacting a chain extension monomer, E , in the
soever between the number of constitutional units or the presence of an activated radical and the macromolecular
number of different types of constitutional units in each of chain transfer agent under chain extension conditions to
the blocks. Nor is the schematic meant to describe any 65 form a chain - extension adduct having a formula P " -( E ) - Y ,
particular number or arrangement of the constitutional units where k is an integer ranging from 1 to 20, preferably from
within a particular block . In each block the constitutional 1 to 10 .
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
35 36
In preferred approaches, a polymeric compound of For- be prepared by radical polymerization approaches , prefer
mula IIA can be prepared where the extension moiety ( E * ) ably by reacting a first set A of one or more monomers in the
has a limited number of chain extension residues for presence of an activated radical and a chain transfer agent
example where in Formula IIA , k is an integer notmore than comprising a RAFT chain transfer moiety (e .g ., a thio
20 , preferably not more than 10 , preferably not more than 5 , 5 cabonyl-thio moiety ) under polymerization conditions to
preferably not more than 3 and most preferably k is 1 . Such form the macro -CTA . Such approach is advantageously
polymeric compound can be prepared for example , by a consistent with known approaches for preparing polymer
method which includes (i ) providing a macromolecular chains by controlled (living ) radical polymerization , such as
chain transfer agent having a formula Pr — Y where Y is reversible addition -fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)
SCES )Z , and Z is activating group and the macromolecu - 10 polymerization .
lar chain transfer agent having a polydispersity index , Alternatively, the macro -CTA for use in chain extension
Mw /Mn, of less than 1. 5 , and (ii) reacting a chain extension can be based on a polymer chain , P " , P™ , Pº , etc ., prepared
monomer, E , in the presence of an activated radical and the by conventional polymerization approaches , where such
macromolecular chain transfer agent under chain extension polymer chain has been covalently modified to include a
conditions to form a chain - extension adduct having a for - 15 chain transfer moiety ( e . g ., SC S ) Z , where Z is an
mula P " -( E )K - Y, where k is an integer ranging from 1 to 20 , activating group ) at the w -end of the polymer chain , thereby
preferably from 1 to 10 , preferably 1 to 5 , preferably 1 to 3 forming a macromolecular chain transfer agent (macro
and most preferably 1, and where the chain -extension adduct CTA ) effective for controlled (e. g ., RAFT) chain extension .
has a polydispersity index , Mw /Mn, of less than 1.5 . These approaches can be effected with various chain
Preferably, chain extension polymerization is effected so 20 extension monomers , as described above in connection with
as to preserve the relatively narrow polydispersity of the the chain extension moieties ( E * ), including using mono
parent polymer — themacromolecular chain transfer agent as mers which do not substantially homopropagate under chain
recited in the immediately -preceding paragraph . Preferably, extension polymerization conditions, and preferably also
for example the polydispersity index of the chain - extension using monomers ( e .g ., N -substituted maleimides ) that can
adduct, P ” -( E ). - Y , differs from the polydispersity index of 25 accommodate a variety of reactive functional groups (e . g .,
the macromolecular chain transfer agent, P? — Y , by not amine functional groups ). The availability and versatility of
more than 10 % . Preferably, the polydispersity index of the such reactive functional groups provides opportunities for
chain -extension adduct, P” -( E )x- Y, differs from the polydis effective bioconjugation , and thereby affords polymer con
persity index of the macromolecular chain transfer agent, jugates such as polymer bioconjugates , with a (bio ) conju
P ” — Y , by not more than 5 % . 30 gate moiety linked to the polymer chain through one or more
Asnoted , the chain extension monomers and correspond - chain extension residues, as described below .
ing chain extension residues resulting from the chain exten Generally, chain extension polymerization conditions can
sion reaction can provide polymer chains which are selec - be controllably varied to achieve an intended limited chain
tively functionalized at the w -terminal end of the chain . extension , for example and preferably to achieve incorpo
Further, the living character of the chain transfer moiety 35 ration of from 1 to 20 , preferably from 1 to 10 monomeric
at the w -end allows for further radical polymerization to residues by chain extension polymerization with a chain
prepare block copolymers which are junction - functional- extension monomer in a process involving little or no
ized , and optionally also w - end functionalized . For example , homopolymerizability . Such conditions include for a
diblock or higher-ordered block copolymers can be prepared selected chain extension monomer, as non -limiting
having where the polymeric compound comprises a polymer 40 examples, temperature , pressure, atmosphere, ratios of start
compound or a polymer (bio )conjugate , in each case com - ing components used in the polymerization mixture and
prising an A -(E * )- B block copolymer (where (E * ) represents reaction time. The chain extension polymerization can be
a chain extension moiety comprising the extension residue carried out in any suitable manner, including , e . g ., in solu
(s )), the block copolymer having a formula IVE tion , dispersion , suspension , emulsion or bulk .
45 Generally , chain extension polymerization processes
P -(E )x- PM -(E ); ( IVE ), described herein optionally occur in any suitable solvent or
where P " , E , k , 1, pm are each as described above in mixture thereof. Suitable solvents generally include those
connection with Formula IVE , and where optionally , at least described herein in connection with polymerization gener
one biomolecular agent, O , is covalently bonded to a chain ally , below . Notably , depending on the selection of chain
extension residue E , as likewise described above . Such 50 extension monomer , the value of homopropagation rate
di-block or higher -order block copolymers can be prepared constant, k , , can be influenced by reaction solvent, as is
by radical polymerization methods which include (i) pro - known in the art . For example , larger solvent effects have
viding a macromolecular chain transfer agent having a been reported for monomers which are ionizable (i.e .,
formula P ” — Y where Y is SC (FS )Z , and Z is activating chargeable ), involve precipitation polymerization and /or
group , ( ii) reacting a chain extension monomer , E , in the 55 include hydroxy or amide groups . Solvent effects can be
presence of an activated radical and the macromolecular seen in combination with other effects, such as concentration
chain transfer agent under chain extension conditions to of chain extension monomer in polar solvents (e .g., water ).
form a chain - extension adduct having a formula P ” -( E ). - Y , Generally, chain extension polymerization described
where k is an integer ranging from 1 to 10 , and reacting a herein can be effected at temperature effective for the chain
second set B of one or more monomers in the presence of an 60 extension reaction , preferably to achieve incorporation of
activated radical and the chain - extension adduct under from 1 to 20 , preferably from 1 to 10 monomeric residues by
polymerization conditions to form an A - ( E * ) - B polymer chain extension polymerization with a chain extension
having a formula P -( E ); - PM - Y, the second set B of one or monomer in a process involving little or no homopolymer
more monomers being the same as or different from the firstizability . Temperatures can be varied based on and in con
set A of one or more monomers . 65 sideration of other reaction aspects , including for example
Generally , in any such methods of the invention , the selections as to solvent, monomer (or comonomers ) being
macromolecular chain transfer agent of formula P — Y can polymerized (or copolymerized ), chain transfer agent, heat
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
37 38
transfer ( exotherm control) , reaction kinetics, and reaction polymerization with a chain extension monomer in a process
thermodynamics . Typical temperature ranges can generally involving little or no homopolymerizability . Generally ,
include those described herein in connection with polymer - molar ratio of CTA :Initiator can generally include those
ization generally , below . Notably, however, and without described herein in connection with polymerization gener
being bound by theory not expressly recited in the claims, 5 ally , below .
the propagation of polymer radicals, e. g ., P ” ., with ethyl- Generally, the chain - extension reaction processes
enically unsaturated chain extension monomers has a ther- described herein can be effected for various reaction times
modynamic basis as a reversible reaction (e . g ., See Scheme effective to achieve incorporation of from 1 to 20 , preferably
3 . 1, FIG . 8 ); such that an overall propagation rate constant from 1 to 10 monomeric residues by chain extension polym
can be a temperature - influenced variable . For example , as 10 erization with a chain extension monomer in a process
temperature is increased , the entropically - favored depropa- involving little or no homopolymerizability .Generally , reac
gation reaction becomes increasingly favored , thereby tion times can generally include those described herein in
resulting in more limited chain extension propagation . This connection with polymerization generally , below .
is expected especially for certain preferred chain extension The aforementioned aspects and other factors known in
monomers ( e . g ., alpha - substituted acrylate monomers or 15 the art can be used to effect the chain extension polymer
alpha - substituted acrylamide monomers ). ization reaction of interest. See generally , for example ,
Generally , the chain - extension reaction processes Moad et al., The Chemistry of Radical Polymerization, 2d
described herein can be effected at a pressure effective for Ed., Elsevier (2006 ), which is incorporated herewith in this
the chain extension reaction , preferably to achieve incorpo - regard .
ration of from 1 to 20 , preferably from 1 to 10 monomeric 20 Polymerization , Generally
residues by chain extension polymerization with a chain Generally, the various polymer chains included as con
extension monomer in a process involving little or no stituentmoieties of the compounds of the invention , gener
homopolymerizability . Generally, reaction pressure ranges ally represented by P” , PM , Pº, etc. can be prepared in any
can generally include those described herein in connection suitable manner. Suitable synthetic methods used to produce
with polymerization generally , below . 25 the polymers provided herein include , by way of non
Generally , polymerization processes described herein can limiting example , cationic , anionic and free radical polym
be effected under a reaction atmosphere effective for the erization . In certain embodiments, polymer synthesis is
chain extension reaction , preferably to achieve incorporation performed neat or in any suitable solvent. Suitable solvents
of from 1 to 20 , preferably from 1 to 10 monomeric residues include , but are not limited to , pentane, hexane, dichlo
by chain extension polymerization with a chain extension 30 romethane , chloroform , or dimethyl formamide (DMF ). In
monomer in a process involving little or no homopolymer - certain embodiments , the polymer synthesis is performed at
izability. Generally, reaction atmosphere can include those any suitable reaction temperature, including, e.g ., from
described herein in connection with polymerization gener about - 50° C . to about 100° C ., or from about 0° C . to about
ally, below . 70° C .
Generally, the chain -extension reaction processes 35 Preferably the polymer chains (as well as the chain
described herein can be effected at various molar ratios of extension moieties, ( E * ) as described above ) are prepared by
chain transfer agent (living chain transfer moieties or the means of a free radical polymerization . When a free
groups ) to chain extension monomer effective for the chain radical polymerization process is used , (i) the monomer, ( ii )
extension reaction , preferably to achieve incorporation of optionally, the co -monomer, and (iii ) an optional source of
from 1 to 20 , preferably from 1 to 10 monomeric residues by 40 free radicals are provided to trigger a free radical polymer
chain extension polymerization with a chain extension ization process . In some embodiments , the source of free
monomer in a process involving little or no homopolymer - radicals is optional because some monomers may self
izability . For example , polymerization can be effected with initiate upon heating at high temperature . In certain
a molar ratio of chain transfer agent (groups ) to monomer instances, after forming the polymerization mixture, the
ranging from about 1 : 1 to about 1 , 000 , preferably from 45 mixture is subjected to polymerization conditions. Polym
about 1 :5 to about 1: 750 , and most preferably from about e rization conditions are those conditions that cause at least
1 : 10 to about 1 :500 ; In some embodiments, such molar ratio one monomer to form at least one polymer, as discussed
can range from about 1 :50 to about 1 :400 , or from 1 : 75 to herein . Such conditions are optionally varied to any suitable
about 1 :400 . level and include, by way of non - limiting example, tem
Generally , the chain - extension reaction processes 50 perature , pressure , atmosphere , ratios of starting compo
described herein can be effected at concentrations ofmono - nents used in the polymerization mixture and reaction time.
mer( s ) in the solvent effective for the chain extension The polymerization is carried out in any suitable manner,
reaction , preferably to achieve incorporation of from 1 to 20 , including , e .g ., in solution , dispersion , suspension , emulsion
preferably from 1 to 10 monomeric residues by chain or bulk .
extension polymerization with a chain extension monomer 55 In some embodiments , initiators are present in the reac
in a process involving little or no homopolymerizability. tion mixture . Any suitable initiator is optionally utilized if
Generally , monomer (s ) concentration can generally include useful in the polymerization processes described herein .
those described herein in connection with polymerization Such initiators include, by way of non - limiting example , one
generally , below . Notably, however,monomer(s ) concentra - or more of alkyl peroxides , substituted alkyl peroxides , aryl
tion can have an impact on propagation rate constant, 60 peroxides, substituted aryl peroxides , acyl peroxides, alkyl
especially in polar solvents , as noted above . hydroperoxides , substituted alkyl hydroperoxides , aryl
Generally , the chain - extension reaction processes hydroperoxides, substituted aryl hydroperoxides , het
described herein can be effected at various molar ratios of eroalkyl peroxides, substituted heteroalkyl peroxides, het
chain transfer agent (living chain transfer moieties or eroalkyl hydroperoxides, substituted heteroalkyl hydroper
groups ) to initiator effective for the chain extension reaction , 65 oxides, heteroaryl peroxides , substituted heteroaryl
preferably to achieve incorporation of from 1 to 20 , prefer - peroxides, heteroarylhydroperoxides , substituted heteroaryl
ably from 1 to 10 monomeric residues by chain extension hydroperoxides, alkyl peresters , substituted alkyl peresters,
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
39 40
aryl peresters, substituted aryl peresters , or azo compounds. a formula R ? SCCS )NRR2R22 . A preferred CTA can
In specific embodiments, benzoylperoxide (BPO ) and /or alternatively be selected from dithioester compounds (where
AIBN are used as initiators . X is C ), e.g ., represented by a formula R ’ SCES) C
In some embodiments , polymerization processes are car - R2R22R23. A further preferred CTA can be selected from
ried out in a controlled ( living) mode. Preferred controlled 5 trithiocarbonate compounds (where X is S ), e . g ., represented
(living) polymerization processes include reversible addi- by a formula R - SCES )SRC. The activating substituents ,
tion - fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization R ?, R21, R22, and R23 are not narrowly critical , and are
processes. The universality and substantial flexibility of generally independently selected from hydrogen , substituted
RAFT radical polymerization further enhances the applica - or unsubstituted hydrocarbyl, or substituted or unsubstituted
tions of such approaches. Hence , among the aspects of the 10 hetero - hydrocarbyl. Generally, activating substituents, R ? ,
invention disclosed and claimed herein are polymeric com - R1, R22, and R23 are known in the art, including as
pounds such as functionalized polymers and polymer (bio ) described and shown below in connection with RAFT
conjugates with substantial architectural diversity. chain -transfer agents . As known in the art, for example , two
In preferred embodiments , Reversible Addition -Fragmen - ormore of such activating substituents R21, R22 , and R23 can
tation chain Transfer or RAFT is used in synthesizing 15 be linked in a cyclic or heterocyclic moiety . One or more of
polymer chains from ethylenic monomers , and preferably is such activating substituents R21 , R22, and R23 can represent
also applied for chain extension reactions of the invention . one bond of a double bond .
RAFT is a controlled ( living ) polymerization process . RAFT Various RAFT chain -transfer agents are known for use in
comprises a free radical degenerative chain transfer process controlled (living ) radical polymerizations , including vari
In some embodiments , RAFT procedures for preparing a 20 ous xanthates , dithiocarbamates , diothioesters and trithio
polymer described herein employs a chain transfer agent carbonates . ). See for example ,Moad et al., The Chemistry of
(CTA ). In some embodiments , the chain transfer agents are Radical Polymerization , 2d Ed ., Tables 9 . 10 to 9 . 18 at pp .
thiocarbonylthio compounds such as, without limitation , 508 to 514 , Elsevier ( 2006 ), which is incorporated herein by
dithioesters, dithiocarbamates, trithiocarbonates and xan ce .
thates to mediate polymerization by a reversible chain 25 Generally, the chain transfer agent (CTA ) can be a mac
transfer mechanism . In certain instances , reaction of a romolecular chain transfer agent (macro -CTA ). For
polymeric radical with the C = S group of any of the example , a chain -transfer moiety , Y , of a RAFT chain
preceding compounds leads to the formation of stabilized transfer agent can be incorporated onto the w - end of a
radical intermediates. Typically , these stabilized radical polymer chain , P ” , to form a macro -CTA comprising a
intermediates do not undergo the termination reactions typi- 30 polymer compound, and represented by a formula P — Y .
cal of standard radical polymerization but, rather , reintro - (In such case , the polymer chain , P " , can effectively function
duce a radical capable of re -initiation or propagation with as a leaving group , R ' , of the macromolecular chain transfer
monomer, reforming theC S bond in the process . In most agent. ) Significantly , additionally or alternatively , a chain
instances, this cycle of addition to the C — S bond followed transfer moiety, Y , of a CTA can be incorporated onto the
by fragmentation of the ensuing radical continues until all 35 W -end of a chain -extended polymer chain , P -( E )k , to form
monomer has been consumed or the reaction is quenched a macro -CTA comprising a polymer chain and a chain
Generally , the low concentration of active radicals at any extension moiety , and represented by a formula P - ( E ) - Y .
particular time limits normal termination reactions. (In such case, the chain -extended polymer chain , P ” - (E ), can
Generally, polymer chains and /or chain extension moi effectively function as a leaving group , R ' , of the macro
eties can be independently derived in a method comprising 40 molecular chain transfer agent.) As used herein , k is an
polymerizing in the presence of a reversible addition - frag - integer ranging from 1 to 20 , preferably from 1 to 10 .
mentation chain -transfer (RAFT ) agent. Such RAFT agents As incorporated into a compound of the invention , such as
can generally have the formula Y - R " , where R is a leaving into a chain - extended polymer (e.g ., P " -( E )K - Y ), the moiety,
group, typically coupled to a chain -transfer moiety, Y , — Y , is referred to as a chain transfer residue. Hence , in the
through a relatively weak covalent bond . Typically , Y can be 45 context of compounds of the invention derived from radical
a chain -transfer moiety capable of reversible addition - frag - polymerization , — Y can be a chain - transfer residue. The
mentation chain transfer. For example, Y can form a radical chain transfer residue can be derived from controlled (liv
intermediate moiety , — Y . — , generated from or in the pres - ing ) radical polymerization of a chain extension monomer
ence of a radical moiety (e .g ., such as an initiator radical ical under chain extension conditions . Such controlled radical
( e . g ., derived from an initiator such as 17, AIBN , etc .) under 50 extension reactions can be effected for example in the
initiation reaction conditions , or such as a propagating presence of a chain transfer agent (CTA ) such as a RAFT
polymer chain radical, Pp., under radical polymerization agent ( e. g., Y - R ) or such as a macro -CTA ( e. g., P ” — Y ).
conditions ). See generally , FIG . 8 , Scheme 2 . The chain - transfer residue , — Y, is typically covalently
In generally preferred embodiments , the chain transfer bonded to a chain extension moiety of a chain -extended
agent (CTA ) can comprise a thiocarbonylthio moiety. For 55 polymer on the w -end thereof (also referred to as the living
example, the CTA can comprise a thiocarbonylthio moiety , end of the chain extension moiety when included in a macro
- SC ( S ) — , covalently bonded to an activating group , Z , CTA ).
and to a leaving group , -R ' . Such CTA can be represented In embodiments, therefore , the moiety — Y in the various
for example , by a compound having the formula R - SCES) compounds of the invention is a chain transfer residue . The
Z . The activating group , Z , can be — X (R )a where X is 60 chain transfer residue , — Y , can preferably be a thiocarbo
selected from the group consisting of O , N , C and S , R2 is nylthio moiety having a formula — SC (= S )Z , where Z is an
an activating substituent, and a is an integer equal to 1, 2 or activating group. The activating group , Z , can be — X (R ) a
3 , corresponding to the valency of X . For example, a where X is selected from the group consisting of O , N , C and
preferred CTA can be selected from xanthate compounds S , R2 is an activating substituent, and a is an integer equal
(where X is O ), e .g ., represented by a formulaR SC ( S ) 65 to 1, 2 or 3 , corresponding to the valency of X . For example ,
OR ? . Another preferred CTA can be selected from dithio - where X is O , the chain transfer residue, — Y , can be
carbamate compounds (where X is N ), e.g ., represented by represented by a formula — SCES)OR ? (xanthates ). In
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
41 42
another embodiment, where X is N , the chain transfer acetic acid , formic acid , hexane, cyclohexane, benzene ,
residue, — Y , can be represented by a formula — SC ( S ) toluene, dioxane , methylene chloride , ether ( e . g., diethyl
NR R22 (dithiocarbamates ). In a further embodiment, ether ), chloroform , and ethyl acetate . In one aspect, the
where X is C , the chain transfer residue , — Y , can be solvent includes water, and mixtures of water and water
represented by a formula — SCES)CR RC R4S ( diothio - 5 miscible organic solvents such as DMF.
esters ) . In an additional embodiment, where X is S , the chain Generally, polymerization processes described herein can
transfer residue , — Y , can be represented by a formula be effected at temperature effective for the polymerization
- SCES )SR ? (trithiocarbonates ). In each case the activat reaction . Temperatures can be varied based on and in con
ing substituents , R2, R21, R22, or R23 are not narrowly sideration of other reaction aspects, including for example
critical, and are generally selected from hydrogen , substi - 10
tuted or unsubstituted hydrocarbyl, and substituted or unsub selections as to solvent, monomer (or comonomers ) being
polymerized (or copolymerized ), chain transfer agent, heat
stituted hetero -hydrocarbyl. Generally , activating substitu
ents, R ?, R21, R², or R23 are known in the art, including as transfer ( exotherm control) , reaction kinetics , and reaction
thermodynamics . Typical temperature ranges can generally
described above in connection with RAFT agents . As known is include a temperature
in the art, for example, two or more of Such activating
such activating 15 ranging from about 2° C . to about
substituents R21, R22 , or R23 can be linked in a cyclic or 200° C ., preferably from about 20° C . to about 110° C ., and
heterocyclic moiety . One or more of such activating sub in some embodiments from about 40° C . to about 90° C ., and
stituentsR1, R22, or R23 can represent one bond of a double or Generally
from about 50° C . to about 80° C .
, polymerization processes described herein can
bond .
Various approaches are known for cleaving and/or deriva - 20 be effected at a pressure effective for the polymerization
tizing the chain transfer residue , Y , to form a chain transfer reaction . Generally , reaction pressure is not narrowly criti
residue derivative . See for example, Moad et al., The Chem cal, and can be at ambient pressure of about 1 atm or at
istry of Radical Polymerization , 2d Ed ., pp . 538 to 539, higher pressures ( e.g ., ranging from 1 atm to about 10 atm )
Elsevier (2006 ), which is incorporated herein by reference . or a lower pressure (e .g ., below 1 atm ).
See also U . S . Pat. No. 6 ,919 ,409 to Charmot et al., which 25 Generally , polymerization processes described herein can
discloses cleavage of the thiocarbonylthio control transfer be effected under a reaction atmosphere effective for the
agent. polymerization reaction . For example, polymerization can
Although RAFT agents are preferably employed , other be effected under an inert gas atmosphere (eg.. Ar. N .) , or
controlled ( living ) radical polymerization methods are also under ambient atmosphere .
suitable in connection with the invention . See for example , 30
Moad et al., The Chemistry of Radical Polymerization , beGenerally , polymerization processes described herein can
Elsevier (2006 ), which is incorporated herein by reference . ( living chain attransfer
effected various molar ratios of chain transfer agent
moieties or groups ) to monomer effec
In particular, atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP )
and stable free radical polymerization (SFRP ) approaches tive for the polymerization reaction . For example, polym
are suitable . See Moad et al., Id .
ar 35 erization can be effected with a molar ratio of chain transfer
Generally , polymer chains can have a low polydispersity agent (groups) to monomer ranging from about 1:1 to about
index (PDI) or differences in chain length . Polydispersity 1 :10,000 , preferably from about 1:5 to about 1: 5000 , and
index (PDI) can be determined in any suitable manner, e . g ..
most preferably from about 1: 10 to about 1: 2000 In some
by dividing the weight average molecular weight of the embodiments , such molar ratio can range from about 1 : 10 to
polymer chains by their number average molecular weight. 40 about 1 : 1500 .
The number average molecule weight is sum of individual Generally, polymerization processes described herein can
chain molecular weights divided by the number of chains. be effected at concentrations of monomer( s ) in the solvent
The weight average molecular weight is proportional to the ranging from about 5 % to about 95 % by weight, preferably
square of the molecular weight divided by the number of from about 10 % to about 90 % solids, by weight, and in some
molecules of that molecular weight . Since the weight aver - 45 embodiments , from about 20 % to about 80 % solids, by
age molecular weight is always greater than the number weight, in each case relative to total weight of solution .
average molecular weight, polydispersity is always greater Generally , polymerization processes described herein can
than or equal to one. As the numbers come closer and closer be effected at various molar ratios of chain transfer agent
to being the same, i.e ., as the polydispersity approaches a (living chain transfer moieties or groups) to initiator effec
value of one, the polymer becomes closer to being monodis - 50 tive for the polymerization reaction . For example , polym
perse in which every chain has exactly the same number of e rization can be effected with a molar ratio of chain transfer
constitutional units . Polydispersity values approaching one agent ( groups ) to initiator ranging from about 12 to about
are achievable using radical living polymerization .Methods 50 : 1 , and preferably from about 1 : 1 to about 40 : 1 , and in
of determining polydispersity , such as, but not limited to , some embodiments from about 2 : 1 to about 30 : 1.
size exclusion chromatography , dynamic light scattering , 55 Generally, polymerization processes described herein can
matrix -assisted laser desorption / ionization chromatography be effected for various reaction times effective for the
and electrospray mass chromatography are well known in polymerization reaction . For example, the polymerization
the art. In some embodiments , block copolymers of the can be effected over a reaction time period ranging from
polymeric compounds provided herein have a polydispersity about 0 .5 hr to about 96 hr, preferably from about 1 hour to
index (PDI) of less than 2 .0 , or less than 1 .5 , or less than 1. 4 , 60 about 72 hours , more preferably from about 1 hour to 36
or less than 1.3 , or less than 1.2 hours , and in some embodiments from about 2 hours to 24
Generally , polymerization processes described herein hours , or from about 3 hours to about 12 hours.
optionally occur in any suitable solvent or mixture thereof. Generally , the aforementioned aspects and other factors
Suitable solvents include water, alcohol ( e . g ., methanol, known in the art can be used to effect the polymerization
ethanol, n - propanol, isopropanol, butanol), tetrahydrofuran 65 reaction of interest. See generally , for example ,Moad et al.,
( THF ) dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO ), dimethylformamide The Chemistry of Radical Polymerization , 2d Ed ., Elsevier
(DMF ), acetone , acetonitrile, hexamethylphosphoramide , (2006 ), which is incorporated herewith in this regard .
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
43 44
Biomolecular Agent preferably not more than about 500 Daltons. In preferred
In certain of the various aspects of the invention disclosed embodiments, the small organic molecules can be an agonist
or claimed herein ( including certain embodiments of each or an antagonist for a biological receptor. In preferred
aspect of the invention ) the compounds of the invention (or embodiments, the small molecule can be a signaling mol
compositions including such compounds ) can comprise a 5 ecule . As non - limiting examples which can independently
polymer conjugate . The polymer conjugate can comprise be selected in preferred embodiments , small molecules can
one or more polymer chains, one or more chain extension include alkaloids, glycosides, lipids, flavonoids, non -ribo
moieties and a biomolecular agent covalently linked to the somal peptides , polyketides, phenazines, phenols, steroids ,
chain extension moiety . terpenes, pyrroles, etc .
Generally , the biomolecular agent is a biologically rel- 10 Hence , provided in certain embodiments herein is a
evant moiety . The biomolecular agent can be, for example , polymer bioconjugate comprising at least one therapeutic
a therapeutic agent, a diagnostic agent, a targeting moiety , or agent, at least one diagnostic agent, at least one targeting
an analytical agent . A biomolecular agent can be a thera - agent, at least one analytical agent or a combination thereof.
peutic agent (i.e., a therapeutic moiety ) having biological Such bioconjugate agents can be covalently coupled to the
activity and being effective for therapeutic or prophylactic 15 polymer chain , P ” , through a covalent bond directly to the
treatment of a disease condition . A biomolecular agent can extension moiety , or indirectly through a linking moiety .
be a targeting agent (i.e., a targeting moiety ) effective for In some embodiments, a polymer bioconjugate comprises
mediating enhanced site - specific directive to a polymeric two or more bioconjugate moieties , Q , covalently linked to
compound or composition of the invention . A biomolecular one or more , or preferably to two or more chain extension
agent can be a diagnostic agent (i.e . a diagnostic moiety ) 20 moieties ( E * ) .
effective for evaluating or determining a disease condition . In some embodiments , the biomolecular agent is a thera
The diagnostic agent can have biological activity relevant to peutic agent.
the disease conditioned being evaluated or determined . The In some embodiments , for example , a polymer bioconju
diagnostic agent can have an affinity for a biological mol- gate comprises a first biomolecular agent which is a first
ecule . The diagnostic agent can be used to evaluate or 25 therapeutic agent and a second biomolecular agent which is
determine, for example , the presence or absence of, or the a second therapeutic agent. In some embodiments, for
relative extent or concentration of a biological molecule example , a polymer bioconjugate comprises a first biomo
which is an indicator the disease condition being evaluated lecular agent which is a therapeutic agent and a second
or determined . A biomolecular agent can be an analytical biomolecular agent which is a targeting moiety . In specific
agent (i. e ., an analytical moiety ) effective for evaluating or 30 preferred embodiments , the first therapeutic agent is a poly
determining a biologicalmolecule. The analytical agent can nucleotide which is an active pharmaceutical, and the sec
have biological activity relevant to the biological molecule ond therapeutic agent is an (another ) active pharmaceutical.
being evaluated or determined . The analytical agent can In certain embodiments , provided herein is a polymer bio
have an affinity for a biological molecule. The analytical conjugate comprising at least 1 - 5 , 5 - 250 , 5 - 1000 , 250 - 1000 ,
agent can be used to evaluate or determine , for example , the 35 at least 2 , at least 5 , at least 10 , at least 20 , or at least 50
presence or absence of, or the relative extent or concentra therapeutic agents. In some embodiments, provided herein is
tion of a biological molecule . a composition comprising a plurality of polymer bioconju
In some preferred embodiments ( including certain gates as described herein , wherein the plurality of polymer
embodiments of each aspect of the invention ), the biomo- bioconjugates comprise , on average , at least 1 - 5 , 5 - 250 ,
lecular agent can be a biological molecule . A biological 40 5 - 1000 , 250 - 1000 , at least 2 , at least 5 , at least 10 , at least
molecule can include biologically active macromolecules , 20 , or at least 50 therapeutic agents.
such as polynucleic acids ( e . g., (poly deoxyribonucleic In certain embodiments , at least one or more polymer
acids, (poly )ribonucleic acids, etc .), polyamino acids (e.g ., chains, P ” , comprises an endosomalmembrane destabilizing
peptides , proteins), polysaccharides (e.g., disaccharides, tri polymer. Such embodiments can be especially adapted for
saccharides ), polyaminoglycosides, and mimetics of the 45 use in connection with intracelluar delivery of therapeutic
foregoing. Preferred polyamino acids can be hormones , agents . In such embodiments , for example , a polymeric
enzymes , or antibodies or antibody fragments. Preferred compound of the invention can comprise one or more
polynucleic acids can be genomic agents such as DNA or polymer chains, P ” , which comprise an endosomal mem
RNA which interact with various aspects related to the brane destabilizing polymer (e .g., a homopolymer, a random
expression of proteins from genes in cells . For example , the 50 copolymer or a block copolymer ), a chain extension moiety
polynucleotide can be a gene expression modulator, or a and one or more therapeutic agents coupled to the chain
knockdown agent. Alternatively for example, the polynucle extension moiety. Further preferred aspects of such embodi
otide can be a siRNA , RNAi, miRNA, or shRNA . As another ments are described hereinafter .
example, the polynucleotide can be an antisense oligonucle In certain embodiments , a conjugate of one or more
otide or an aptamer. For example , the polynucleotide can be 55 therapeutic agent (e. g., oligonucleotide) with a polymeric
a dicer substrate . In especially preferred embodiments, the compound (e .g., a block copolymer compound ) provided
polynucleotide can be a siRNA . The polynucleotide can be herein is prepared according to a process comprising the
a mammalian expression vector. The polynucleotide can be following two steps : ( 1 ) activating a modifiable end group
an agentwhich recombines with and corrects an endogenous ( for example, 5'- or 3 '-hydroxyl or ) of an oligonucleotide
gene sequence in a human . In somepreferred embodiments , 60 using any suitable activation reagents , such as but not
the biological molecules can be an agonist or an antagonist limited to l- ethyl-3, 3 -dimethylaminopropyl carbodiimide
for a biological receptor. (EDAC ), imidazole , N - hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) and
In some preferred embodiments ( including certain dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC ), HOBt (1 -hydroxybenzo
embodiments of each aspect of the invention ), the biomo- triazole ), p - nitrophenylchloroformate , carbonyldiimidazole
lecular agent can be a smallmolecule such as a small organic 65 (CDI), and N , N -disuccinimidyl carbonate (DSC ); and ( 2 )
molecule or metallo -organic molecule , preferably having a covalently linking a block copolymer to the end of the
molecular weight of not more than about 1000 Daltons, oligonucleotide. In some embodiments, the 5 - or 3'-end
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
45 46
modifiable group of an oligonucleotide is substituted by In some embodiments , the biomolecular agent can be a
other functional groups prior to conjugation with the block targeting moiety adapted for interaction with other com
copolymer. For example , hydroxyl group ( OH ) is option - pounds of interest , e . g ., such as a one or more therapeutic
ally substituted with a linker carrying sulfhydryl group agents . Such bioconjugate moieties can effect interaction
SH ), carboxyl group ( COOH ), or amine group 5 with one or more therapeutic agent and/ or polymers that
( NH2). have an affinity for one another , such as biotin - streptavidin ,
In yet another embodiment, an oligonucleotide compris - arylboronic acid -salicyihydroxamic acid , leucine zipper or
ing a functional group introduced into one or more of the other peptide motifs , ionic interactions between positive and
bases ( for example , a 5 - aminoalkylpyrimidine ), is conju - negative charges on the polymeric compound and therapeu
gated to a polymeric compound ( e . g ., block copolymer ), 10 tic agent, or other types of non - covalent chemical affinity
provided herein using an activating agent or a reactive linkages . For example , an affinity binder pair, such as
bifunctional linker according to any suitable procedure . A biotin / avidin pair used for preparation of biomolecular com
variety of such activating agents and bifunctional linkers is plexes , is optionally employed for non - covalent attachment
available commercially from such suppliers as Sigma, of biotin -modified therapeutic agent to avidin -modified
Pierce , Invitrogen and others . 15 polymeric compounds. Additionally , in some embodiments ,
In some embodiments , the therapeutic agent is a proteina - a double - stranded polynucleotide is associated with ( e . g .,
ceous agent. Polypeptide functional groups that are usually complexed to ) a polymeric compound of the invention . In
involved include but are not limited to amino , hydroxy, thiol, some embodiments , a polymeric compound can be non
or carboxyl groups . Such groups can be present as a terminal covalently associated (e .g ., non -covalently complexed ) with
group or present on the amino acid side chains. In some 20 a nucleic acid minor groove binding agent or an intercalating
embodiments, the proteinaceous therapeutic agents are engi- agent which itself is attached ( e. g ., covalently ) to an exten
neered to contain non -natural amino acids comprising spe - sion moiety of a polymeric compound .
cial functional groups for formation of site -specific conju - In specific instances, the polymeric compounds provided
gates, e .g ., azido groups for conjugation via “ click ” herein are useful for delivery of therapeutic agents to spe
chemistry. 25 cifically targeted cells of an individual. In certain instances,
In some embodiments , a biomolecular agent provided in the efficiency of the cell uptake of the polymeric compounds
connection with the polymeric compounds of the invention is enhanced by incorporation of targeting moieties cova
can be a diagnostic agent. lently bonded to the polymeric compounds. In the context of
In alternative embodiments, diagnostic agents (such as cell uptake, a targeting moiety (targeting agent) is an affinity
described above ) can be non -covalently associated with the 30 reagent which recognizes the surface of a cell ( e. g ., a select
polymeric compounds provided herein by complexing with cell). In some embodiments , targeting moieties recognize a
a chelating residue (e . g ., a carboxylic acid residue ) incor- cell surface antigen or bind to a receptor on the surface of the
porated into one or more polymer chains . In some embodi- target cell. Suitable targeting moieties include, by way of
ments , a radiolabeled monomer (e .g., a 14C -labeled mono non - limiting example , antibodies , antibody - like molecules ,
mer ) is incorporated into the polymeric compounds. In some 35 or peptides , such as an integrin -binding peptides such as
embodiments, a polymeric compound associated with a RGD - containing peptides , or smallmolecules, such as vita
diagnostic agent comprises a targeting moiety . mins, e .g., folate, sugars such as lactose and galactose , or
In each of such foregoing embodiments , the diagnostic other small molecules . Cell surface antigens include a cell
agent can be a diagnostic imaging agent, e. g., an agent useful surface molecule such as a protein , sugar, lipid or other
in imaging the mammalian vascular system which includes 40 antigen on the cell surface . In specific embodiments, the cell
but is not limited to position emission tomography (PET ) surface antigen undergoes internalization . Examples of cell
agents, computerized tomography (CT) agents , magnetic surface antigens targeted by the targeting moieties of the
resonance imaging (MRI) agents , nuclear magnetic imaging polymeric compounds provided herein include , but are not
agents (NMI), fluoroscopy agents and ultrasound contrast limited , to the transferrin receptor type 1 and 2 , the EGF
agents . Such diagnostic agents include radioisotopes of such 45 receptor,HER2 /Neu , VEGF receptors, integrins , NGF, CD2 ,
elements as iodine (I), including 1231 , 1251, 1311, etc., barium CD3, CD4 , CD8, CD19 , CD20 , CD22 , CD33 , CD43, CD38 ,
(Ba), gadolinium (Gd), technetium ( Tc ), including 99Tc, CD56 , CD69, and the asialoglycoprotein receptor.
phosphorus (P ), including 31P, iron (Fe),manganese (Mn ), Targeting moieties can be covalently attached , in various
thallium ( TI), chromium (Cr), including si Cr, carbon ( C ), embodiments , to a polymeric compound ( e .g ., block copo
including 14C , or the like, fluorescently labeled compounds, 50 lymer compound ), preferably for example through a side
or their complexes , chelates , adducts and conjugates. In chain of a chain extension residue monomeric unit , or
other embodiments , the diagnostic agent is a marker gene otherwise incorporated , preferably in each case where the
that encode proteins that are readily detectable when chain extension moiety is provided at a terminal end of a
expressed in a cell (including, but not limited to , - galacto - polymeric compound or between two polymer chains of a
sidase , green fluorescent protein , luciferase , and the like ) 55 polymeric compound . Attachment of the targeting moiety to
and labeled nucleic acid probes (e .g ., radiolabeled or fluo - the polymer chain can be achieved in any suitable manner,
rescently labeled probes ). e . g ., by any one of a number of conjugation chemistry
In certain embodiments , polymeric compounds described approaches including but not limited to a linking moiety as
herein comprise at least one targeting moiety (e. g., a moiety described below .
that targets a specific cell or type of cell), for example as a 60 In alternative embodiments , targeting ligands are attached
biomolecular agent, Q , as described above . to a monomer residue of the polymer chain , and the resulting
In some embodiments , the bioconjugate moiety can be a compound is then used in the polymerization synthesis of a
targeting moiety , having a specific affinity for one or more polymer (e .g ., block copolymer ) as described herein . In
biological receptors or other compounds or cell surfaces of some embodiments, targeting moieties are covalently
interest. In some preferred embodiments , a targeting moiety 65 bonded to a block of a first block copolymer, or to a block
can be a ligand having affinity for one or more receptors of a second block copolymer. In some embodiments , the
effective for mediating cell uptake, e.g ., via endocytosis . targeting moieties are attached to the sense or antisense
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
47 48
strand of siRNA covalently bound to non -covalently asso boxyl-sulfhydryl linkers , carboxyl -carbohydrate linkers ,
ciated with a polymeric compound . In certain embodiments , carboxyl-hydroxyl linkers, carboxyl -carboxyl linkers , sulf
the targeting agent is attached to a 5' or a 3 ' end of the sense hydryl-carbohydrate linkers, sulfhydryl-hydroxyl linkers ,
or the antisense strand . sulfhydryl-sulfhydryl linkers , carbohydrate -hydroxyl link
In specific embodiments , the polymeric compounds pro - 5 ers , carbohydrate - carbohydrate linkers , and hydroxyl -hy
vided herein are biocompatible . As used herein , "biocom - droxyl linkers . In specific embodiments , “ click ” chemistry is
patible ” refers to a property of a polymer characterized by it , used to attach the bioconjugate such as a targeting ligand to
or its in vivo degradation products , being not, or at least the polymeric compounds ( e. g ., a block copolymer ) as
minimally and /or reparably , injurious to living tissue ; and/ or provided herein ( for example of “ click ” reactions, see Wu,
not, or at least minimally and controllably , causing an 10 P.; Fokin , V . V . Catalytic Azide - Alkyne Cycloaddition :
immunological reaction in living tissue . With regard to salts, Reactivity and Applications. Aldrichim . Acta 2007, 40 ,
it is presently preferred that both the cationic and the anionic 7 - 17 ). A large variety of conjugation chemistries are option
species be biocompatible . As used herein , " physiologically ally utilized (see, for example, Bioconjugation , Aslam and
acceptable” is interchangeable with biocompatible . In some Dent, Eds, Macmillan , 1998 and chapters therein ). In some
instances, the polymer chains used therein ( e .g ., block 15 embodiments , conjugation is also performed with pH - sen
copolymers ) exhibit low toxicity compared to cationic lip - sitive bonds and linkers , including, but not limited to ,
ids . hydrazone and acetal linkages . Any other suitable conjuga
In some instances , one or more of the polymer chains tion method is optionally utilized as well, for example a
(e .g ., block copolymers ) utilized in polymeric compounds large variety of conjugation chemistries are available (see ,
described herein comprise polyethyleneglycol (PEG ) chains 20 for example, Bioconjugation , Aslam and Dent, Eds, Mac
or blocks with molecular weights of approximately from millan , 1998 and chapters therein ).
1, 000 to approximately 30 ,000 . In some embodiments , PEG Polynucleotide -Containing Compositions and Uses
is conjugated to polymer ends groups , or to one or more Thereof
pendant modifiable group present in a polymeric compound As described herein , the polymeric compounds of the
provided herein . In some embodiments , PEG residues are 25 invention can comprise polynucleotide (s ) or can be a con
conjugated to modifiable groups within the hydrophilic stituent component of compositions comprising polynucle
segment or block (e.g., a shell block ) of a polymer (e.g., otide(s ). The polynucleotides can be covalently bonded to
block copolymer ) of a polymeric compound provided (e. g., as biomolecular agent), or non -covalently associated
herein . In certain embodiments , a monomer comprising a with the polymeric compounds of the invention . Such com
PEG residue is co -polymerized to form the hydrophilic 30 pounds and compositions are especially suitable for delivery
portion of a polymer chain of a polymeric compound of polynucleotides (e.g ., RNAi) into a cell , in - vitro , or
provided herein . in - vivo in an individual in need thereof.
Linking Moiety Generally , the compositions can include polynucleotide
Generally, the biomolecular agent can be linked to the containing compositions, where such compositions com
chain extension moiety through one or more linking moi- 35 prise a polymeric compound and a polynucleotide associated
eties . therewith , the polymeric compound comprising a polymer
The linking moiety can be a covalent bond . having a formula IIA
The linking moiety can be a multifunctional (e. g., di
functional) moiety, such as a hydrocarbyl, substituted hydro P” -(E )x-[Y,Y * or pm ] (IIA ),
carbyl, hetero - hydrocarbyl or substituted heterohydrocarbyl, 40 where each of P " , E , k , Y , Y * and PM is as described above
in each case comprising two or more reactive functional in connection with Formula IIA or Formula IA (e . g ., includ
groups . In some embodiments , the linking moiety comprises ing where E is a chain extension residue comprising one or
a cleavable bond , e . g . a bond that is unstable and /or is more bioconjugate moieties, Q , covalently linked thereto ,
cleaved upon changes in certain intracellular parameters e .g ., through a linking moiety , L ),
( e .g ., pH or redox potential) . For example, the linking 45 In some embodiments , the polynucleotide can be cova
moiety can be a disulfide linking moiety L . For example , the lently linked to the polymeric compound . For example , the
linking moiety can be an acid -labile linking moiety L . In polynucleotide can be covalently bonded to a chain exten
some preferred embodiments , the linking moiety L can s ion residue, E , of one or more of the chain extension
comprise at least one bond which is acid labile at an moieties , ( E * ) , in each case through an independently
endosomal pH . 50 selected linking moiety , L . Without limitation , as depicted in
In some embodiments , a biomolecular agent ( e . g ., an FIG . 7C through FIG . 76 , for example , compounds and
oligonucleotide ) is conjugated to an extension moiety of the compositions of the invention can comprise a polymeric
polymeric compound by a suitable chemical conjugation compound comprising a polynucleotide ( shown as RNAi)
approach . In some embodiments, the covalentbond between conjugated to an extension residue, (E * ), of a polymer
an extension moiety and a biomolecular agent can be 55 having a formula IIA , e . g ., through a linking moiety , L (not
optionally , non -cleavable , or cleavable. In certain embodi shown ). In some depicted embodiments (FIGS. 7D , 7F , 7G ),
ments , a precursor of one or more RNAi agent (e. g. a dicer the polymeric compound further comprises one or more
substrate ) is attached to the polymeric compound by a targeting moieties ( e . g ., shown as triangles ) covalently con
non - cleavable bond . In some embodiments , one or more jugated thereto , for example through an extension moiety
RNAi agent is attached through a cleavable bond . In certain 60 ( E * ) or through another functional group (e .g., an a -end
embodiments, the cleavable bonds utilized in such approach functional group as shown in FIG . 7D ).
include, by way of non- limiting example, disulfide bonds In some embodiments , the polynucleotide can be associ
(e .g ., disulfide bonds that dissociate in the reducing envi- ated with the polymeric compounds through non -covalent
ronment of the cytoplasm ). interactions with the polymeric compound (e .g ., through
Linking moieties can include, for example , amine-car- 65 ionic interactions therewith ). For example , the polymeric
boxyl linkers, amine -sulfhydryllinkers, amine -carbohydrate compounds of Formula IIA can comprise a polymer chain (s )
linkers , amine -hydroxyl linkers, amine-amine linkers, car- which includes one ormore monomeric residues adapted for
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
49 50
non -covalent association with a polynucleotide . In one non copolymer, and a polynucleotide associated therewith ,
limiting approach , for example , the polymeric compounds where the block copolymer comprises one ormore polymer
can comprise a polymer chain ( s ) which include one or more chains, P ” , which comprise an endosomal membrane desta
monomeric residues having cationic (chargeable ) species . bilizing polymer. For example, in one orientation , the block
Such polycationic character provides a basis for non -cova - 5 copolymer can preferably comprise a first polymer chain
lent association , which includes ionic association , with defining a first block A of the copolymer, and a second
polynucleotides. Without limitation , as depicted in FIG . 7A membrane disruptive polymer chain defining a second block
and FIG . 7B , for example , a polymeric compound compris - B of the copolymer. For example , the block copolymer can
ing a diblock copolymer can have a polynucleotide (shown comprise a first polymer chain defining a first block A of the
as RNAi) associated therewith by ionic interactions with at 10 copolymer, and a second polymer chain defining a second
cationic block of the copolymer. In one depicted embodi- block B of the copolymer which includes ( i) a plurality of
ment (FIG . 7B ), the polymeric compound further comprises hydrophobic monomeric residues, and ( ii ) a plurality of
one or more targeting moieties (e . g ., shown as a triangle ) monomeric residues having a first chargeable species , the
covalently conjugated thereto , for example through an first chargeable species being anionic at serum physiological
extension moiety ( E * ). As an example , such polymeric 15 pH , and being substantially neutral or non - charged at an
compound can associate with a mammalian expression endosomal pH . For example , in an alternative orientation ,
vector DNA and complex the DNA . the block copolymer can preferably comprise a first mem
In some embodiments, the polymeric compound -poly - brane disruptive polymer chain defining a first block A ofthe
nucleotide complex is charge neutralized (e. g ., the one or copolymer, and a second polymer chain defining a second
more polymer chains of the polymeric compound and the 20 block B of the copolymer. For example, the block copolymer
polynucleotide are substantially charge neutralized , consid can comprise a first polymer chain defining a first block A
ered as a whole ). Depending on the length of the polynucle - of the copolymer and which includes (i) a plurality of
otide , the length of the polycationic polymer chain (s ) can be hydrophobic monomeric residues, and ( ii) a plurality of
adjusted to provide charge neutralization for the polynucle monomeric residues having a first chargeable species, the
otide of interest. In some instances , charge -neutralization 25 first chargeable species being anionic at serum physiological
can be achieved or further tuned by addition of cations pH , and being substantially neutral or non - charged at an
and /or polycations into a formulation comprising the poly - endosomal pH , and a second polymer chain defining a
meric compounds. second block B of the copolymer.
In certain embodiments , including in combination with Further in connection with the immediately foregoing
either of the aforedescribed embodiments in which poly - 30 block copolymer embodiment, a polynucleotide can be
nucleotides are covalently bonded to ( e.g., as biomolecular covalently linked to the polymeric compound , for example
agent), or are non -covalently associated with the polymeric covalently bonded to a chain extension residue , E , of one or
compounds of the invention , the polymeric composition can more of the chain extension moieties , ( E * ) — including for
comprise at least one or more polymer chains, P ", which example to a junctional chain extension moiety between the
comprise an endosomal membrane destabilizing polymer. 35 first block A and the second block B , or to a terminal
Generally in this regard , the polymeric compounds of such extension moiety ( e .g ., located at the w -terminal end of the
compositions can preferably comprise at least one mem - polymeric compound .
brane disruptive polymer chain ( e .g ., a pH sensitive polymer Alternatively, and further in connection with the forego
having membrane disrupting activity at endosomal pH ). ing block copolymer embodiment, a polynucleotide can be
Preferably in this regard , for example , the polymeric 40 non - covalently associated with the polymeric compound , for
compounds of such compositions can preferably comprise at example through interactions with the second block B of
least polymer chain which is hydrophobic. Preferably in this such polymeric compound . For example , in this regard the
regard , the polymeric compounds of such compositions can block copolymer can comprise a second polymer chain
preferably comprise at least one polymer chain which defining a second block B of the copolymer which includes
includes a plurality of monomeric residues having a first 45 a plurality of monomeric residues having a cationic species
chargeable species, the first chargeable species being anionic at serum physiological pH , wherein the polynucleotide is
at serum physiological pH , and being substantially neutral or associated with the block copolymer through non - covalent
non -charged at an endosomal pH . interactions between the polynucleotide and the cationic
Preferably, in this regard , for example , the polymeric species of the second block B of the copolymer.
compounds of such compositions can preferably comprise at 50 Generally , including in combination with either of the
least one polymer chain which includes (i) a plurality of aforedescribed embodiments in which polynucleotides are
hydrophobic monomeric residues, and ( ii) a plurality of covalently bonded to ( e. g ., as biomolecular agent), or are
monomeric residues having a first chargeable species, the non - covalently associated with the polymeric compounds of
first chargeable species being anionic at serum physiological the invention , and in the various embodiments for various
pH , and being substantially neutral or non -charged at an 55 polymer chains ( e . g ., the aforementioned block copolymer
endosomal pH . example ), the polymeric compounds of such compositions
In some embodiments, membrane destabilizing block can further comprise one or more targeting moieties cova
copolymers provided herein are membrane destabilizing at lently bonded to the polymeric compounds ( e . g ., covalently
any suitable pH . In some embodiments , the membrane bonded to a chain extension residue E of one or more of the
destabilizing block copolymers are membrane destabilizing 60 chain extension moieties , ( E * ), in each case through an
( e . g ., in an aqueous medium ) at an endosomal pH . In some independently selected linking moiety, L ) . Generally , and
embodiments , the membrane destabilizing block copoly - preferably in this regard , such targeting moiety can be a
mers are membrane destabilizing (e .g ., in an aqueous ligand having affinity for one ormore receptors effective for
medium ) at a pH of about 6 .5 , or lower, about 5 . 0 to about mediating endocytosis .
6 . 5 , or about 6 .2 , or lower. 65 Especially preferred are such embodiments which include
As a general, non -limiting example , a composition can
one or more polymer chains, P ” , comprising an endosomal
comprise polymeric compounds which comprise a block membrane destabilizing polymer, and / or comprising a con
US 10, 066 ,043 B2
jugate moiety , Q , which is a targeting moiety which is a Y is a divalent linker and is selected from the group
ligand having affinity for one or more receptors effective for consisting of a covalent bond , (1C - 10C )alkyl and (6C
mediating endocytosis. These embodiments can be espe 10C )aryl;
cially adapted for use in connection with intracelluar deliv wherein tetravalent carbon atoms of Al- A4 that are not
ery of therapeutic agents , such as polynucleotides. In such 5 fully substituted with R - R and Yº — Y4 are completed
embodiments , for example , a polymeric compound of the with an appropriate number of hydrogen atoms;
invention can comprise one or more polymer chains, P ” ,
which comprise an endosomal membrane destabilizing R !!, R12, R13 ,R14 ,R15 ,R?, R7 and R8 are independently
polymer (e.g., a homopolymer, a random copolymer or a selected from the group consisting of hydrogen , — CN ,
block copolymer ), and one ormore chain extension moieties alkyl, alkynyl, heteroalkyl, cycloalkyl, heterocy
(E * ). In one approach , one or more polynucleotides can be cloalkyl, aryl and heteroaryl, any of which may be
covalently coupled to the chain extension moiety , as optionally substituted with one or more fluorine atoms;
described . In an alternative approach , one or more poly Q and Q2 are residues which are positively charged at
nucleotide can be non - covalently associated with the poly - 15 physiologic pH , including but not limited to amino ,
meric compound , as described . alkylamino , ammonium , alkylammonium , guanidine ,
In any of the aforementioned embodiments, the compo imidazolyl , and pyridyl.
sition can comprise a plurality of the polymeric compounds Q? is a residue which is negatively charged at physiologic
in a micellic assembly . Such micellic assembly can comprise pH , but undergoes protonation at lower pH , including
a core defined by an association of the first hydrophobic 20 but not limited to carboxyl, sulfonamide , boronate ,
polymer chains, P ” , of the plurality of polymeric com phosphonate, and phosphate group ;
pounds, and a shell defined by the second polymer chains, m , n , p , q and r denote molar proportions of monomeric
P " , of the plurality ofpolymeric compounds. The polynucle units in a given block , and wherein
otides of interest can be covalently bonded to (e.g., as m + n =1;
biomolecular agent ) to one or more of the polymeric com - 25
pounds of themicellic assembly , or alternatively, polynucle p + q+r= 1;
otides can be non - covalently associated with the polymeric v and w signify molecular weight of each block , and
compounds of the micellic assembly , in each using wherein
approaches as described herein . In some such embodiments,
the micellic assembly can be a nanoparticle (e .g., a micelle ) 3030 v is from about 5 to about 25 kDa; and ,
comprising a core, a shell and one or more polynucleotide . w is from about 5 to about 50 kDa.
Preferably, the polynucleotide is not in the core of the In certain embodiments , the block copolymer is a diblock
micellic assembly. copolymer, having the chemical formula ( at normal physi
In specific embodiments , the block copolymer (e.g.,mem - 35 ological pH ):
brane destabilizing block copolymer ) is a diblock copoly
mer, having the chemical formula:
[ [A°R ]m - 1 - [AR'], — ...1 - lp
[A ?]p — 1 — [A ]]q - 1 — [A +], –
R11 -
R13 R14 R15 40 LV2 V3 y4
- A -/ — F - [A ?], - / — [A ], - / — [A4],
04 E
VO - w

wherein, :
45 Where
wherein : A ', A ', A², A3 and A4 are selected from the group
A°, A ', A², A3 and A4 are selected from the group consisting of C - , C — C — , - C (O )(CR7R18), C
consisting of C - , C — C — , C (O )(CRÓR ?) ,C (0 ) O - , - O (CR ??R18), C (0 ) and O (CR !?R18), O ;
(O )O - , - O (CRÓR ?) , C (0 ) and O ( CRÓR ?), O ; wherein ,
wherein , 50 a is 1 - 4 ;
a is 1 -4 ; b is 2 -4 ;
b is 2 - 4 ; R®, R ?.R8, R ’,R10,R11,R12,R13,R14,R15,R16, R ??, and
Yº and Y4 are independently selected from the group R18 are independently selected from the group consist
consisting of hydrogen , (1C - 10C )alkyl, (3C -6C )cy ing of hydrogen , ( 1C -5C )alkyl, (3C -6C ) cycloalkyl,
cloalkyl, O ( 1C - 10C ) alkyl, O ( 2C -50C )heteroalkyl, 55 (5C - 10C )aryl, (4C - 10C )heteroaryl, any of which may
C (O )O ( 1C - 10C )alkyl, C (O )O (2C - 100C )heteroalkyl, be optionally substituted with one or more fluorine
C (O )NR $ ( 1C - 10C )alkyl, C (O )NR8 (2C -100C )het atoms ;
eroalkyl, (5C - 10C )aryl, (4C - 10C )heteroaryl, any of
which is optionally substituted with one or more fluo Yº and Y4 are independently selected from the group
rine , cyano or azido groups ; consisting of hydrogen , ( 1C - 10C )alkyl, ( 3C -6C )cy
Y and Y2 are divalent linkers and are independently cloalkyl, O - 1C - 10C )alkyl, C (O ) O ( 1C - 10C ) alkyl
selected from the group consisting of a covalent bond , and phenyl, any of which is optionally substituted with
(1C - 10C ) alkyl-, - C (O )O (2C - 10C ) alkyl-, OC (O ) one or more fluorine groups ;
( 1C - 10C ) alkyl-, - O (2C - 10C )alkyl- and - S (2C - 10C ) Yl and Y2 are independently selected from the group
alkyl- — C (O )NR®(2C - 10C ) alkyl, (5C - 10C )aryl, (4C - 65 consisting of a covalent bond , ( 1C - 10C )alkyl-, - C (O )
10C )heteroaryl, any of which is optionally substituted O ( 2C - 10C ) alkyl-, OC (O )( 1C - 10C ) alkyl-, - O (2C
with one or more fluorine , cyano or azido groups; 10C )alkyl- and S (2C - 10C )alkyl-;
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
53 54
Yz is selected from the group consisting of a covalent a ble species are at least 50 % , at least 60 % , at least 70 % , at
bond , ( 1C - 5C )alkyl and phenyl; wherein tetravalent least 80 % , at least 85 % , or at least 95 % negatively charged
carbon atoms of A1 - A4 that are not fully substituted at about physiological pH ( e. g., at a pH of about 7 .4 ). In
with R11 _ R15 and Yº — Y4 are completed with an specific embodiments, these first chargeable species, units
appropriate number of hydrogen atoms; are charged by loss of an H + , to an anionic species at about
Z is a physiologically acceptable counterion , neutral pH . The pKa of the first chargeable species can be
m is 0 to about 0 .49; such that at a different pH , the first chargeable species , of the
n is about 0 .51 to about 1. 0 ; wherein first block are species that are at least 20 % , at least 30 % , at
m +n = 1 least 40 % , at least 50 % , at least 60 % , at least 70 % , at least
p is about 0 . 2 to about 0 .5 ; 10 80 % , at least 85 % , or at least 95 % neutral or non -charged at
q is about 0 .2 to about 0 .5 ; wherein : a slightly acidic pH ( e . g ., a pH of about 6 .5 , or less ; about
p is substantially the same as q ; 6 . 2 , or less ; about 6 , or less ; about 5 . 9 , or less ; about 5 .8 , or
ris o to about 0 .6 ; wherein p + q + r = 1 less ; or at about an endosomal pH ).
v is from about 5 to about 25 kDa; and , The first chargeable species or group is , by way of
w is from about 5 to about 50 kDa. 15 non - limiting example , a carboxylic acid , anhydride , sulfo
In some embodiments : namide , sulfonic acid , sulfinic acid , sulfuric acid , phosphoric
Al is — C — C acid , phosphinic acid , boric acid , phosphorous acid , or the
Yl is - C (O )OCH CH2 = ; like . Similarly, in certain embodiments, a first chargeable
R is hydrogen ; monomeric residue comprises a carboxylic acid , anhydride ,
R7 and R8 are each - CHz; and, 20 sulfonamide , sulfonic acid , sulfinic acid , sulfuric acid , phos
R12 is CHz. phoric acid , phosphinic acid , boric acid , phosphorous acid ,
In some embodiments : or the like.
A2 is — C — C — ; In some embodiments, the anionic chargeable species is
Y2 is C (O )OCH CH2 = ; any organic or inorganic acid residue that is optionally
R9 is hydrogen ; 25 present, either as a protected species , e .g ., an ester, or as the
R10 and R16 are each CHz; and, free acid , in the selected polymerization process. In some
R13 is CHz. embodiments , the anionic chargeable species is a weak acid ,
In some embodiments , such as but not limited to the following groups: boronic acid ,
A3 is — C — C — sulfonamide , phosphonic acid , arsonic acid , phosphinic
R14 is CH CH CH — ; 30 acid , phosphate , carboxylic acid , Xanthenes, tetrazole or
Y® is a covalent bond ; and their derivatives ( e . g . esters ). In certain embodiments mono
Z is a physiologically acceptable anion . mers such as maleic - anhydride , (Scott M . Henry , Mohamed
In some embodiments: E . H . El-Sayed , Christopher M . Pirie , Allan S . Hoffman , and
A4 is — C — C — ; Patrick S . Stayton pH -Responsive Poly (styrene- alt -maleic
R15 is selected from the group consisting ofhydrogen and 35 anhydride ) Alkylamide Copolymers for Intracellular Drug
- CHz; and , Delivery . Biomacromolecules 2006 , 7 , 2407 - 2414 ) are used
Y4 is - C (O )O (CH2) 2CHz. for introduction of first chargeable species by post- polym
In some embodiments , erization hydrolysis of the maleic anhydride monomeric
Aºis C — C — units .
Rll is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen and 40 A preferred first chargeablemonomeric residue is derived
( 1C - 3C ) alkyl; and , from a (C2- C5 )alkylacrylic acid monomer. In specific
Yº is selected from the group consisting of - C (O )O ( 1C - embodiments , a chargeable species that are anionic at nor
3C )alkyl. mal physiological pH are carboxylic acids such as , but not
In some embodiments, m is 0 . In some embodiments, r is limited to , 2 -propyl acrylic acid or, more accurately, the
0 . In some embodiments , m and r are both 0 . 45 constitutional unit derived from it , 2 -propylpropionic acid ,
In some embodiments , a polymeric compound can be a CH C (( CH2) 2CH3)(COOH ) (PAA ).
membrane destabilizing block copolymer compounds, as The second chargeable species of the first polymer chain
described herein , and can comprise a first polymer chain can be a Bronsted base . The second chargeable species of the
defining a first block of the copolymer , and a second first polymer chain are at least 20 % , at least 30 % , at least
polymer chain defining a second block of the copolymer. 50 40 % , at least 50 % , at least 60 % , at least 70 % , at least 80 % ,
Such first polymer chain can includemonomeric residues at least 85 % , or at least 95 % positively charged at about
having at least one first chargeable species, and monomeric physiological pH ( e.g ., at a pH of about 7 .4 ). In specific
residues having at least one second chargeable species . Each embodiments , these second chargeable species are charged
of the first chargeable species, and the second chargeable by addition of an H * , to a cationic species . The pKa of the
species, is charged or chargeable to one of either anionic 55 second chargeable species can be such that at a different pH ,
species or cationic species . In some embodiments, the the second chargeable species are at least 20 % , at least 30 % ,
polymeric compound can optionally comprise at least one at least 40 % , at least 50 % , at least 60 % , at least 70 % , at least
additional non - chargeable and / or hydrophobic species. The 80 % , at least 85 % , or at least 95 % positively charged at a
variable chargeable species provides an opportunity to tune slightly acidic pH (e .g ., a pH of about 6 .5 , or less ; about 6 .2 ,
the charge profile of the first block of the copolymer. 60 or less ; about 6 , or less ; about 5 . 9 , or less ; about 5 .8 , or less ;
For example , such first polymer chain can be a random or about endosomal pH ).
copolymer block which comprises at least one anionic The second chargeable species can be, in some embodi
chargeable species, at least one cationic chargeable species, ments, an amine (including , e.g ., non - cyclic and cyclic
and optionally at least one additional non -chargeable and /or amines ), for example , as an amine moiety of a monomeric
hydrophobic species . 65 residue .
The first chargeable species of the first polymer chain can A preferred second chargeable species of the first polymer
be a Bronsted acid . In some embodiments, the first charge - can be a monomeric residue comprising an amine, such as
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
55 56
a monomeric residue derived from a monomer selected from membrane destabilizing block copolymers is heteropoly
N ,N -di(C , -C .)alkyl- amino( C . - C . )alkyl-ethacrylate , N ,N -di meric . In specific embodiments , a heteropolymeric second
(C .- C .) alkyl-amino (C .- C .)alkyl-methacrylate , or N ,N -di block comprises cationic chargeable monomeric units and
(C7 -C . ) alkyl-amino (C7 -C .)alkyl-acrylate. In some embodi- non -chargeable monomeric units .
ments, the second chargeable monomeric unit can comprise 5 The chargeable monomeric residue of the second block
a nitrogen heterocycle , e.g . an imidazole, a pyridine, a can be a Bronsted base . The chargeable species of the second
piperidine, a pyrimidine, or the like . polymer chain defining the second block of the membrane
The second chargeable species, which is cationic at physi- destabilizing block copolymers are species that are at least
ological pH species, can be nitrogen -containing species such 20 % , at least 30 % , at least 40 % , at least 50 % , at least 60 % ,
as ammonium , - NRR 'R " , guanidinium ( NRCGNR 'H ) * 10 at least 70 % , at least 80 % , at least 85 % , or at least 95 %
NR " R "" , including canonical forms), wherein the R groups positively charged at aboutneutral pH (e . g ., at a pH of about
are independently hydrogen , alkyl, cycloalkyl or aryl or two 7 .4 ). In specific embodiments , these chargeable species in
R groups bonded to the same or adjacent nitrogen atomsmay the second block are charged by addition of an H " , to a
be also be joined to one another to form a heterocyclic cationic species . The pKa of such chargeable species can be
species such as but not limited to pyrrole , imidazole , pyrimi- 15 such that, the chargeable species , in the second polymer
dine, or indole . chain are species that are at least 20 % , at least 30 % , at least
In some embodiments, the first and /or second chargeable 40 % , at least 50 % , at least 60 % , at least 70 % , at least 80 % ,
species is present in a zwitterionic monomeric units (i.e ., at least 85 % , or at least 95 % positively charged at a slightly
wherein an anionic and a cationic chargeable species are acidic pH ( e .g ., a pH of about 6 .5 , or less ; about 6 .2 , or less ;
present in the same monomeric unit) . 20 about 6 , or less ; about 5 .9 , or less ; about 5 . 8 , or less ; or about
The first block comprises at least one non- chargeable endosomal pH ).
species . In some embodiments, the non -chargeable species In certain embodiments , the chargeable species or group
is a hydrophobic species ( e. g., comprises a hydrophobic of the second block is an amine ( including, e. g., non -cyclic
group ) . In certain embodiments , the hydrophobic group has and cyclic amines ).
a o value of about 1, or more ; about 2 , or more ; about 3 , or 25 Apreferred chargeable monomeric residue of the second
m ; about 4 , or more; about 5 , or more ; or the like. block is a monomeric residue comprising an amine , such as ,
The non - chargeable monomeric residues of the first chain by way of non - limiting example , a monomeric residue
can be for example , a (C2- Cg)alkyl- ethacrylate , a (C2-C ) derived from a monomer selected from N , N -di(C ,- C6)alkyl
alkyl-methacrylate , or a ( C , -C2) alkyl- acrylate . amino ( C - C )alkyl - ethacrylate , N , N - di( C , CA Jalkyl- amino
In some embodiments , the first block of the block copo - 30 (C . -C . )alkyl-methacrylate , or N ,N - di( C , -C )alkyl- amino
lymer comprises a plurality of hydrophobic species . In ( C , - C Jalkyl-acrylate . In some embodiments , the chargeable
certain embodiments, the hydrophobic monomeric unit is a monomeric unit of the second block is a monomeric unit
vinyl substituted aromatic or hereoaromatic compound . In comprising a nitrogen heterocycle , e .g ., an imidazole or
further specific embodiments, hydrophobic monomers are pyridine.
alkyl (alkyl)acrylates. In specific embodiments , the hydro - 35 The chargeable species of the second polymer chain ,
phobic monomer is a styrene derivative. which can be cationic at physiological pH , can be nitrogen
The first block of the membrane destabilizing block species such as ammonium , — NRR ' R " , guanidinium
copolymer can have a number average molecular weight ( NRCC= NR 'H ) NR " R "" , including canonical forms)
(Mn ) of about 2 ,000 dalton to about 250 , 000 dalton ; about wherein the R groups are independently hydrogen , alkyl,
5,000 dalton to about 100 ,000 dalton ; about 5,000 dalton to 40 cycloalkyl or aryl or two R groups bonded to the same or
about 50,000 dalton ; or about 10 ,000 dalton to about 50 ,000 adjacent nitrogen atomsmay be also be joined to one another
dalton . to form a heterocyclic species such as but not limited to
The second polymer chain defining a second block of a pyrrole, imidazole, or indole . In some embodiments , the
membrane destabilizing block copolymer described herein second block is a nucleic -acid binding polyamide , an inter
can be hydrophilic . In some embodiments , the second block 45 calator, or a duplex - or triplex - forming oligonucleotide.
of a membrane destabilizing polymer described herein can The chargeable species of the second polymer chain can
be hydrophilic and can be charged at an approximately be present in a zwitterionic monomeric units (i.e ., wherein
physiological pH , e.g. pH 7.4 . In specific embodiments , the an anionic and a cationic chargeable species are present in
second block of the membrane destabilizing polymer com - the same monomeric unit).
prises at least one chargeable species . In specific embodi- 50 The second block can be cationic at or near physiological
ments, the chargeable species is charged or chargeable to a pH ( e .g ., the pH of circulation human plasma). In some
cationic species . In other specific embodiments , the charge - embodiments , the second block comprises a polycation . In
able species is charged or chargeable to an anionic species . some embodiments , the second block is attached to a thera
In other embodiments, none of the monomeric residues peutic agent (e. g., a polynucleotide , such as siRNA ) which
comprise charged species. 55 is a polyanion comprising x anions, and the polycationic
The second polymer chain of the second block of one or second block comprises about 0 .6 x , about 0 .7 .x , about 0 .8
more of the membrane destabilizing block copolymers can X , about 0 .9 x , about 1.0 x , about 1 .1 x cations, or more. In
be polycationic at about neutral pH (e . g ., at a pH of about specific embodiments , the therapeutic agent ( e . g ., a poly
7 .4 ). nucleotide, such as siRNA ) is polyanionic comprising x
The second block of one or more of the membrane 60 anions, and the polycationic second block comprises about
destabilizing block copolymers can be a homopolymeric 0 .7 .x cations, or more .
block . In certain embodiments, a homopolymeric second In an alternative approach , the second polymer chain
block comprises cationic chargeable monomeric units, defining the second block of the membrane destabilizing
wherein some of the cationic chargeable monomeric units block copolymer can be non - charged and hydrophilic at
are cationic and wherein others of the cationic chargeable 65 about neutral pH (e .g ., at a pH of about 7 .4 ). In certain
monomeric units are non -charged . In further or alternative embodiments, the hydrophilic second block is free or sub
embodiments, the second block of one or more of the stantially free of chargeable groups. In some embodiments,
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
57 58
a non -charged hydrophilic second block comprises or is In specific instances , provided herein are the polymers
polyethylene glycol (PEG ), polyethylene oxide (PEO ), poly (e.g ., block copolymers including membrane destabilizing
(alkylene oxide ) or the like . block copolymers ) of the following structure :
The polymer chain defining the second block of the
membrane destabilizing block copolymer can have a number 5 Q -[D ,-X ,];-[B « — P,-Dela -w [Structure 1 ]
average molecular weight (Mn ) of about 1, 000 dalton to
about 200 , 000 dalton ; about 3 , 000 dalton to about 100 ,000 Q -[B_ — P,- Dela-[D -X.]3-0 [Structure 2]
dalton ; about 5 ,000 dalton to about 50 ,000 dalton ; about wherein x , y, z, s and t are the mole % composition
5 ,000 dalton to about 25 , 000 dalton ; or about 5 ,000 dalton (generally , 0 - 50 % ) of the individual monomeric units D
to about 20 ,000 dalton . 10 (DMAEMA ), B (BMA ), P (PAA ), and a hydrophilic neutral
In certain embodiments, the second block of the mem - monomer ( X ) in the copolymer polymeric compound , a and
brane destabilizing block copolymer comprises a function - b are the molecular weights of the blocks, In certain embodi
alizing group ( e. g ., a solubilizing group ). In specific embodi- ments , x is 50 % , y is 25 % and z is 25 % . In certain
ments, the functionalizing group is a polyethylene glycol embodiments, x is 60 % , y is 20 % and z is 20 % . In certain
(PEG ) group. In certain embodiments , the second block 15 embodiments, x is 70 % , y is 15 % and z is 15 % . In certain
comprises a polyethylene glycol (PEG ) groups, chains or embodiments , x is 50 % , y is 25 % and z is 25 % . In certain
blocks with molecular weights of approximately from 1 ,000 embodiments , x is 33 % , y is 33 % and z is 33 % . In certain
to approximately 30 , 000 . In some embodiments, the PEG is embodiments , x is 50 % , y is 20 % and z is 30 % . In certain
a part of ( e. g ., incorporated into the second block chain . In embodiments , x is 20 % , y is 40 % and z is 40 % . In certain
certain embodiments , the PEG is incorporated into the 20 embodiments , x is 30 % , y is 40 % and z is 30 % . In some
second block chain during polymerization . In some embodi
se embodiments , a block of a copolymer compound can have
ments, the second block of one or more of the membrane a molecular weight of about 2 ,000 KDa to about 30,000
destabilizing block copolymers is PEG . In certain embodi- KDa , about 5 ,000 KDa to about 20 ,000 KDa, or about 7 ,000
ments, provided herein are micellic assemblies comprising a KDa to about 15 ,000 KDa. In specific embodiments, a block
firstmembrane destabilizing block copolymer with a poly - 25 can be about 7 ,000 KDa, 8,000 KDa, 9 , 000 KDa, 10 ,000
cationic second block , and a second membrane destabilizing KDa, 11,000 KDa, 12 ,000 KDa, 13 ,000 KDa, 14 ,000 KDa,
block copolymer with a PEG second block . In certain or 15 ,000 KDa. In other embodiments, a polymer chain
embodiments, one or more monomeric units of the second described herein can define a block having a molecular
block are substituted or functionalized with a PEG group . In weight of about 10 , 000 KDa to about 50 ,000 KDa, about
some embodiments, PEG is conjugated to block copolymer 30 15 , 000 KDa to about 35 ,000 KDa, or about 20 , 000 KDa to
ends groups , or to one or more pendant modifiable group about 30 ,000 KDa.
present in polymeric compound provided herein . In some As described in certain embodiments , a second block of
embodiments , PEG residues are conjugated to modifiable a block copolymer can comprises a plurality a cationic
groups within the hydrophilic segment or block (e .g ., a chargeable species, for example, dimethylaminoethylmeth
second block ) of a polymer ( e . g ., block copolymer) of a 35 acrylate (DMAEMA ) . Thus, in some embodiments , the
polymeric compound provided herein . In certain embodi- structure of such a polymeric segment is represented by the
ments, a monomer comprising a PEG residue is co -polym - Structure 3 :
erized to form the hydrophilic portion of the polymer
forming the polymeric compound provided herein . Q?-[BMAZ-PAA,-DMAEMA,]- Q2 [Structure 3 ]
In certain embodiments, a polymeric compound can be a 40 wherein Q , and Q2 in the above designation denote other
block copolymer. In one orientation , the block copolymer polymer blocks or end group functionalities, and wherein x ,
can comprise a first polymer chain , P ” , which can preferably y, and z are the mole % composition (generally, 0 - 50 % ) of
include poly (DMAEMA ) (e .g ., as a first block of the block the individual monomeric units . In certain instances , the
copolymer), a second polymer chain , Pm , which can pref- individualmonomeric units serve individual and synergistic
erably include a random copolymer comprising monomeric 45 functions. For example , polypropyl acrylic acid , which
residues derived from polymerization of BMA , DMAEMA comprises both anionic species and hydrophobic species ,
and PAA ( e. g ., as a second block of the block copolymer ), with a pKa value of “ 6 . 7 is hydrophilic above a pH of about
and a chain extension (E * ) comprising one or more chain 6 .7 and is increasingly hydrophobic below a pH of about 6 .7 ,
extension residue (s ), E , between the first chain , P " , and the where the carboxylates become protonated . In certain
second chain , PM , where k is an integer ranging from 1 to 20 , 50 instances , increasing the hydrophobicity of the local envi
preferably 1 to 10 , as described herein . For example , poly r onment, for example , by increasing the mole % of the
(BMA/DMAEMA /PAA ) can be prepared by copolymeriz - predominantly hydrophobic monomer unit BMA in the
ing BMA, DMAEMA , and PAA in the presence of a RAFT block raises the PAA pKa and results in protonation of PAA
CTA (e .g ., ECT) and a radical initiator. In an alternative at a higher pH , that is, the PAA containing block becomes
orientation , the block copolymer can comprise a first poly - 55 more membrane destabilizing at a higher pH and thus more
mer chain , P ”, which can preferably include a random responsive to smaller acidic changes in pH below physi
copolymer block comprising monomeric residues derived ological pH - 7 .4 . In some instances , protonation of PAA
from polymerization of BMA , DMAEMA and PAA (e .g ., as results in a large increase in hydrophobicity and subsequent
a first block of a block copolymers ), a second polymer chain , conformational change to a form with membrane destabi
P " , which can preferably include poly (DMAEMA ), and a 60 lizing properties . A third monomeric unit in the above
chain extension (E * ) comprising one or more chain exten - described polymer block is the cationic species, for example
sion residue ( s ), Ej between the first chain , P " , and the second DMAEMA, which , in some instances, serves multiple func
chain , PM , where k is an integer ranging from 1 to 20 , tions, including but not limited to the following. When
preferably from 1 to 10 , as described herein . For example ,
matched in equivalentmolar amounts to the anionic species
poly (DMAEMA ) can be prepared by polymerizing 65 of PAA , it creates charge neutralization and the potential for
DMAEMA the presence of a RAFT CTA ( e . g ., ECT) and a forming electrostatic interactions that can contribute to the
radical initiator. stability of the hydrophobic core of a micelle structure
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
where either Q? or Q2 in the above structure is a hydrophilic bility of the copolymer, aid in micelle formation , carry a
homopolymer block , for example poly -DMAEMA . therapeutic agent, destabilize a cellular membrane or other
In general, when the polymer is a multiblock polymer, it biological target, or a combination of two or more thereof.
is preferred that at least one of the polymer block (s ) be a The copolymer may optionally possess further additional
copolymer block and , stillmore preferred that at least one of 5 polymeric blocks that amplify the function of the copoly
polymer block ( s ) be a random copolymer block . Thus, form ers of the present invention , or which introduce other
example, for certain applications it is generally preferred functionalities or properties to the copolymer. In each of the
that the polymer contains a hydrophobic block that is a forgoing embodiments , the polymer preferably contains a
random copolymer block comprising two or more compo - chain extension moiety, (E * ), at the junction between two of
sitionally distinct monomeric residues. When the polymer 10 the blocks.
additionally comprises a hydrophilic block , the hydrophilic In some embodiments , a composition comprising a poly
block or the hydrophobic block may be a random copolymer meric compound of the invention and a polynucleotide ( e. g .,
block comprising two or more compositionally distincta 200 +mer ) associated therewith can be provided in an
monomeric residues; in this embodiment, the hydrophilic appropriate buffer and added directly to cells in an in - vitro
block , the hydrophobic block or both of the hydrophobic and 15 culture . Expression of the transfected gene or cDNA in the
hydrophilic blocks may be a random copolymer block resulting cells can be readily measured by including in the
comprising two or more compositionally distinct mono mammalian expression vector an expression cassette driving
meric residues. Additionally, when the polymer comprises at an indicator gene such as luciferase, chloramphenicol acetyl
least two compositionally distinct hydrophilic blocks, the transferase or GFP. These genes are readily available and
hydrophobic block or at least one of the hydrophilic blocks 20 reporter assays are described .
may be a random copolymer block comprising two or more In some embodiments , the compositions comprising poly
compositionally distinct monomeric residues ; in this meric compounds and therapeutic agents ( e . g ., oligonucle
embodiment, at least one of the hydrophilic blocks, the otides or siRNA ) are delivered to cells by endocytosis.
hydrophobic block or each of the hydrophobic and hydro - Intracellular vesicles and endosomes are used interchange
philic blocks may be a random copolymer block comprising 25 ably throughout this specification . Successful therapeutic
two or more compositionally distinct monomeric residues. agent ( e . g ., oligonucleotide or siRNA ) delivery into the
Additionally, when the polymer comprises at least two cytoplasm generally has a mechanism for endosomal escape.
compositionally distinct hydrophobic blocks, at least one of In certain instances, the compositions comprising polymeric
the hydrophobic blocks may be a random copolymer block compounds and comprising therapeutic agents ( e. g ., oligo
comprising two or more compositionally distinct mono - 30 nucleotide or siRNA ) provided herein are sensitive to the
meric residues. In each of these embodiments , the polymer lower pH in the endosomal compartment upon endocytosis .
comprises at least one chain extension moiety , (E * ), at the In certain instances, endocytosis triggers protonation or
junction between two of the copolymer blocks. charge neutralization of anionically chargeable species (e.g .,
Advantageously, when the polymer is a multiblock copo propyl acrylic acid units ) of the polymer chain , resulting in
lymer, each of the blocks may possess somewhat different 35 a conformational transition in the polymeric compounds. In
characteristics or provide a somewhat different function to certain instances , this conformational transition results in a
the polymer. For example , in one embodiment, the polymer more hydrophobic membrane destabilizing form which
is a multiblock polymer comprising a hydrophilic block , a mediates release of the therapeutic agent ( e . g ., oligonucle
hydrophobic block and , optionally, one or more additional otide or siRNA ) from the endosomes to the cytoplasm . In
hydrophilic and /or hydrophobic polymeric blocks with a 40 those compositions comprising polymeric compounds and
chain extension moiety , (E * ), at the junction between two of comprising siRNA, delivery of siRNA into the cytoplasm
the blocks. For example , the polymer may have a therapeutic allows its mRNA knockdown effect to occur . In those
agent attached ( covalently or non - covalently ) to a block compositions comprising polymeric compounds and com
thereof (hydrophilic or hydrophobic ) and the polymer may prising other types of oligonucleotides , delivery into the
comprise a hydrophobic membrane destabilizing block with 45 cytoplasm allows their desired action to occur .
a chain extension moiety , E * , between two of the blocks. By In some embodiments , polymeric compounds provided
way of further example , the polymer may be a multiblock herein are used for gene therapy . The treatment of diseases
polymer comprising a hydrophilic block (optionally pos- and disorders by gene therapy generally involves the transfer
sessing, for example, a targeting moiety ) and at least one of new genetic information into cells . “Gene therapy vec
additional compositionally distinct hydrophilic block . The 50 tors ” comprise the new genetic material to be delivered ,
additional hydrophilic block ( s ) may be used , for instance , to which is , optionally, in a mammalian expression vector. The
contribute water solubility to the copolymer, to aid in uses of polymeric compounds of the invention include
micelle formation , to enhance the targeting of the copolymer delivery of DNA sequences for gene replacement, inhibition
to a cellular or other biological target, to shield a therapeutic of gene expression, gene correction or gene augmentation ,
agent that is associated with the copolymer, or a combination 55 or the introduction of genes to have some other desired
of two or more thereof . Optionally , the polymer may contain effect, such as the modulation of immune responses . Inhi
an additional, compositionally distinct hydrophilic block , bition of gene expression is accomplished in any suitable
that complements the other hydrophilic blocks by providing manner, including , by way of non - limiting example , by
a property or function not provided by the other hydrophilic expression of gene cassettes in cells which express shRNAS
blocks ; for example , the additional hydrophilic block may 60 or other RNAi agents .
be used to provide means for attaching a therapeutic agent, In some embodiments , the non - covalent association (e . g .,
contribute water solubility to the copolymer, aid in micelle complex ) between the polymeric compound and therapeutic
formation , further target the copolymer to a cellular or other agent (e.g., oligonucleotide or siRNA ) forms at a preferred
biological target, shield a therapeutic agent that is associated charge ratio as compared between a polymer chain which is
with the copolymer, or a combination of two or more 65 polycationic under relevant physiological conditions and the
thereof. Alternatively , or additionally , the polymer may therapeutic agent ( e. g ., oligonucleotide or siRNA ), where
comprise, a hydrophobic block to decrease the water solu - preferably such charge ratio ranges from between 1:1 and
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
61 62
16 :1 . In specific embodiments , the complex forms at the a polynucleotide which silences a gene which is expressed
charge ratio of 2 : 1, 4 : 1 or 8 : 1 . In other words , in some in a specific tissue or organ , including, but not limited to
embodiments, the ratio of the number of cationic charges lung, pancreas , liver, kidney , ovary , muscle , skin , breast,
present in the polymer chain of the polymeric compound to colon , stomach , and the like .
the number of anionic charges present in the therapeutic 5 In some embodiments , the oligonucleotide agent silences
agent (e . g ., oligonucleotide or siRNA ) can be a preferred one or more of the following genes : the PDGF beta gene,
value, e.g ., ranging from about 1: 1 to about 16 : 1 , about 2 : 1 and thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for
to about 8 : 1 , about 4 : 1 to about 12 : 1 , about 2 : 1 , about 4 : 1 , a disorder characterized by unwanted PDGF beta expres
or about 8 : 1. In some embodiments , an siRNA is charge - sion , e . g ., testicular and lung cancers ; an Erb - B gene ( e. g .,
neutralized by a polycationic polymer chain of a polymeric 10 Erb - B - 2 or Erb - B - 3 ), and thus can be used to treat a subject
compound . For example , in some specific embodiments, a having or at risk for a disorder characterized by unwanted
20 - base pair polynucleotide (e. g ., oligonucleotide or siRNA ) Erb - B expression , e. g., breast or lung cancer; the Src gene ,
comprising 40 negative charges at physiologic pH is asso - and thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for
ciated (e. g ., complexed ) with polymer chain of a polymeric a disorder characterized by unwanted Src expression , e. g.,
compound which is a block copolymer comprising a poly - 15 colon cancers ; the CRK gene, and thus can be used to treat
DMAEMA block (80 monomeric units in length , MW = 11 , a subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized by
680 ) with a pKa of about 7. 4 . At this pH , polyDMAEMA unwanted CRK expression , e .g ., colon and lung cancers; the
contains 40 negative charges, thereby resulting in a poly - GRB2 gene, and thus can be used to treat a subject having
nucleotide-polymer chain association ( e.g ., complex ) that is or at risk for a disorder characterized by unwanted GRB2
substantially net neutral in charge. In certain instances , 20 expression , e . g ., squamous cell carcinoma; the RAS gene ,
avoiding a large number of excess positive charges helps to and thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for
reduce in vitro and in vivo toxicity . In some embodiments, a disorder characterized by unwanted RAS expression , e. g .,
a therapeutic agent (e.g ., oligonucleotide or siRNA ) spon - pancreatic , colon and lung cancers , and chronic leukemia ;
taneously associates with a positively charged cationic poly - the MEKK gene, and thus can be used to treat a subject
mer chain of a polymeric compound , as provided herein . 25 having or at risk for a disorder characterized by unwanted
In some embodiments, the polymeric compounds pro - MEKK expression , e. g ., squamous cell carcinoma, mela
vided herein are useful in treating a subject at risk for or noma or leukemia ; the JNK gene, and thus can be used to
afflicted with disorders associated with and / or caused by treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized
high plasma levels or cholesterol, apolipoprotein b , and /or by unwanted JNK expression , e . g., pancreatic or breast
LDL cholesterol, e . g . hypercholesterolemia . The treatment 30 cancers ; the RAF gene , and thus can be used to treat a
comprises providing a composition comprising a polymeric subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized by
compound and a therapeutic agent (e .g ., an oligonucleotide unwanted RAF expression , e.g ., lung cancer or leukemia ;
agent), wherein the therapeutic agent silences ( e . g ., by the Erk1 /2 gene , and thus can be used to treat a subject
cleavage ) a gene or a gene product which promotes such having or at risk for a disorder characterized by unwanted
condition . In some embodiments the therapeutic agent 35 Erk1/ 2 expression , e .g ., lung cancer ; the PCNA (p21 ) gene,
silences proprotein convertase subtilisin /kexin type 9 and thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for
( PCSK9) gene responsible for regulation of low density a disorder characterized by unwanted PCNA expression ,
lipoprotein (LDLR ) levels and function , and thus polymeric e . g ., lung cancer ; the MYB gene, and thus can be used to
compounds comprising such therapeutic agents are used to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized
treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized 40 by unwanted MYB expression , e . g ., colon cancer or chronic
by unwanted PCSK9 expression , e .g ., disorders associated myelogenous leukemia ; the c -MYC gene , and thus can be
with and/ or caused by high plasma levels or cholesterol, used to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder
apolipoprotein b , and /or LDL cholesterol, e . g . hypercholes - characterized by unwanted C -MYC expression , e . g .,
terolemia . In some embodiments , the polymeric compounds Burkitt 's lymphoma or neuroblastoma; the JUN gene , and
deliver PCSK9- silencing RNAi agent ( e . g ., siRNA ) to a cell 45 thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a
expressing PCSK9 . In some embodiments , the cell is a liver disorder characterized by unwanted JUN expression , e. g .,
cell . ovarian , prostate or breast cancers ; the FOS gene , and thus
In some embodiments , the polymeric compounds pro - can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder
vided herein are useful in treating a subject at risk for or characterized by unwanted FOS expression , e . g ., skin or
afflicted with unwanted cell proliferation ( e . g ., malignant or 50 prostate cancers ; the BCL - 2 gene , and thus can be used to
nonmalignant cell proliferation ). The treatment comprises treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized
providing a composition comprising polymeric compounds by unwanted BCL -2 expression , e. g., lung or prostate can
and a therapeutic agent ( e . g ., an oligonucleotide agent ), cers or Non -Hodgkin lymphoma; the Cyclin D gene, and
wherein the therapeutic agent can silence (e .g., by cleavage ) thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a
a gene or a gene product which promotes unwanted cell 55 disorder characterized by unwanted Cyclin D expression ,
proliferation ; and administering a therapeutically effective e .g ., esophageal and colon cancers ; the VEGF gene , and thus
dose of the polymeric compounds to a subject ( e. g., a human can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder
subject.) In some embodiments, the therapeutic agent is a characterized by unwanted VEGF expression , e . g., esopha
polynucleotide ( e . g ., an oligonucleotide) which is homolo - geal and colon cancers ; the EGFR gene , and thus can be used
gous to and can silence ( e . g ., by cleavage ) a gene. 60 to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder character
In certain embodiments , the gene is but is not limited to ized by unwanted EGFR expression , e . g ., breast cancer ; the
a growth factor or growth factor receptor gene, a phos - Cyclin A gene, and thus can be used to treat a subject having
phatase , a kinase , e . g ., a protein tyrosine, serine or threonine or at risk for a disorder characterized by unwanted Cyclin A
kinase gene, an adaptor protein gene , a gene encoding a G expression , e . g ., lung and cervical cancers ; the Cyclin E
protein superfamily molecule , or a gene encoding a tran - 65 gene, and thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk
scription factor. In some instances , a composition compris for a disorder characterized by unwanted Cyclin E expres
ing polymeric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises sion , e.g., lung and breast cancers; the WNT-1 gene , and thus
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
63 64
can be used to treat a subjecthaving or at risk for a disorder In some embodiments the oligonucleotide agent silences
characterized by unwanted WNT- 1 expression , e.g ., basal one of the following fusion genes : mLL fusion genes, e. g.,
cell carcinoma; the beta -catenin gene, and thus can be used mLL -AF9, and thus can be used to treat a subject having or
to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder character at risk for a disorder characterized by unwanted mLL fusion
ized by unwanted beta - catenin expression , e . g ., adenocarci- 5 gene expression , e . g ., acute leukemias; the BCR / ABL fusion
noma or hepatocellular carcinoma; the c -MET gene , and gene, and thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk
thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a for a disorder characterized by unwanted BCR /ABL fusion
disorder characterized by unwanted c -MET expression , e . g ., gene expression , e . g ., acute and chronic leukemias ; the
hepatocellular carcinoma; the PKC gene, and thus can be TEL / AML1 fusion gene , and thus can be used to treat a
used to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder 10 subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized by
characterized by unwanted PKC expression , e .g ., breast unwanted TEL / AML1 fusion gene expression , e. g ., child
cancer ; the NFKB gene , and thus can be used to treat a hood acute leukemia ; the EWS/ FLI1 fusion gene , and thus
subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized by
unwanted NFKB expression , e . g ., breast cancer ; the STAT3 can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder
gene , and thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk 1515 characterized
na by unwanted EWS/FLI1 fusion gene expres
for a disorder characterized by unwanted STAT3 expression , sion , e .g ., Ewing Sarcoma; the TLS /FUS1 fusion gene , and
e . g ., prostate cancer; the survivin gene , and thus can be used thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a
to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder character disorder characterized by unwanted TLS/FUS1 fusion gene
ized by unwanted survivin expression , e .g ., cervical or expression , e.g ., Myxoid liposarcoma; the PAX3/FKHR
pancreatic cancers ; the Her2 /Neu gene, and thus can be used 20 fusion gene, and thus can be used to treat a subject having
to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder character or at risk for a disorder characterized by unwanted PAX3 /
ized by unwanted Her2 /Neu expression , e.g., breast cancer ; FKHR fusion gene expression , e.g., Myxoid liposarcoma;
the topoisomerase I gene , and thus can be used to treat a the AML1/ETO fusion gene , and thus can be used to treat a
subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized by subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized by
unwanted topoisomerase I expression, e. g., ovarian and 25 unwanted AML1/ETO fusion gene expression, e.g ., acute
colon cancers; the topoisomerase II alpha gene, and thus can leukemia .
be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder I n some aspects herein the composition comprising poly
characterized by unwanted topoisomerase II expression , meric compounds and a therapeutic agent provide therapeu
e . g ., breast and colon cancers . tic agents for treating a subject, e . g ., a human , at risk for or
In other embodiments the oligonucleotide agent silences 30 afflicted with a disease or disorder that may benefit by
mutations in one of the following genes : the p73 gene , and
thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a angiogenesis
The treatment
inhibition e . g ., cancer or retinal degeneration .
comprises providing a composition compris
disorder characterized by unwanted p73 expression , e . g ., ing polymeric compounds and a therapeutic agent compris
colorectal adenocarcinoma; the p21 (WAF1 /CIP1) gene,oranda 25 ing an oligonucleotide agent
ing anis homologous to and /or, wherein
thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a 35 agent said oligonucleotide
disorder characterized by unwanted p21 (WAF1/CIP1) a gene which mediates angiogenesis , (,,byVEGF
can silence cleavage ,
expression , e .g ., liver cancer; the p27 (KIP1) gene, and thus
can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder VEGF -R2 or a gene encoding signaling proteins for these
characterized by unwanted p27 (KIP1) expression , e . g., liver receptors ' pathways ); and administering a therapeutically
cancer ; the PPMID gene, and thus can be used to treat a 40 effective dosage of said polymeric compounds comprising
subject having or at risk for a disorder characterized by the oligonucleotide agent to a subject, e . g ., a human subject.
unwanted PPM1D expression , e .g ., breast cancer; the RAS In some embodiments the oligonucleotide agent silences
gene , and thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk one of the following genes : the alpha v - integrin gene , and
for a disorder characterized by unwanted RAS expression , thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a
e . g ., breast cancer ; the caveolin I gene, and thus can be used 45 disorder characterized by unwanted alpha V integrin , e . g .,
to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder character - brain tumors or tumors of epithelial origin ; the Flt- 1 receptor
ized by unwanted caveolin I expression , e . g ., esophageal gene, and thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk
squamous cell carcinoma ; the MIB I gene, and thus can be for a disorder characterized by unwanted Flt - 1 receptors ,
used to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder e .g ., cancer and rheumatoid arthritis; the tubulin gene , and
characterized by unwanted MIB I expression , e . g ., male 50 thus can be used to treat a subject having or at risk for a
breast carcinoma (MBC ); MTAI gene , and thus can be used disorder characterized by unwanted tubulin , e.g., cancer and
to treat a subject having or at risk for a disorder character retinal neovascularization .
ized by unwanted MTAI expression , e .g ., ovarian carci. In some aspects the composition comprising polymeric
noma; theM68 gene, and thus can be used to treat a subject compounds and a therapeutic agent comprising oligonucle
having or at risk for a disorder characterized by unwanted 55 otide agents provided herein relate to a method of treating a
M68 expression , e.g ., human adenocarcinomas of the subject infected with a virus or at risk for or afflicted with a
esophagus , stomach , colon , and rectum . disorder or disease associated with a viral infection . The
In some embodiments the oligonucleotide agent silences method comprises providing a polymeric compounds com
mutations in tumor suppressor genes, and thus can be used prising an oligonucleotide agent, wherein said oligonucle
as a method to promote apoptotic activity in combination 60 otide agent is homologous to and / or can silence , e . g ., by
with chemotherapeutics . In some embodiments the in the cleavage, a viral gene or a cellular gene which mediates viral
tumor suppressor gene is selected from one or more of the function , e .g ., entry or growth ; and administering a thera
following tumor suppressor genes: the p53 tumor suppressor peutically effective dose of said oligonucleotide agent to a
gene, the p53 family member DN - p63, the pRb tumor subject, e . g ., a human subject.
suppressor gene, the APC1 tumor suppressor gene, the 65 In some embodiments, composition comprising poly
BRCA1 tumor suppressor gene , the PTEN tumor suppressorm eric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprising an
gene . oligonucleotide agent are useful in treatment of subjects
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
65 66
infected with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV ) or at risk embodiments the expression of a human gene that is
for or afflicted with a disorder mediated by HPV, e .g., required for HSV replication is reduced .
cervical cancer. In some embodiments, the composition comprising poly
In some embodiments , the composition comprising poly - meric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an
meric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an 5 oligonucleotide agent useful for treating patients infected by
oligonucleotide agent silencing expression of a HPV gene is the West Nile Virus or at risk for or afflicted with a disorder
reduced . In some embodiments, the HPV gene is selected mediated by West Nile Virus . In some embodiments, the
expression of a West Nile Virus gene is reduced . In other
from the group of E2, E6 , or E7 . preferred embodiments , the West Nile Virus gene is selected
In another embodiment the expression of a human gene * 10 from the group comprising E , NS3, or NS5. In some
that is required for HPV replication is reduced . embodiments the expression of a human gene that is
In some embodiments , the composition comprising poly
meric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an required for West Nile Virus replication is reduced .
In some embodiments, the composition comprising poly
oligonucleotide agent useful in treating patients infected by meric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an
the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV ) or at risk for or 15 oligonucleotide agent useful for treating patients infected by
afflicted with a disorder mediated by HIV , e.g ., Acquired the Human T Cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV ), or a disease
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS ). In some embodi or disorder associated with this virus , e. g ., leukemia or
ments , the expression of an HIV gene is reduced . In other myelopathy. In some embodiments, the expression of a
embodiments, the HIV gene is CCR5 , Gag , or Rev . In some HTLV gene is reduced . In some embodiments, the HTLV1
embodiments the expression of a human gene that is 20 gene is the Tax transcriptional activator. In some embodi
required for HIV replication is reduced . In some embodi ments, the expression of a human gene that is required for
ments , the gene is CD4 or Tsg101. HTLV replication is reduced .
In some embodiments, the composition comprising poly - In some aspects , the composition comprising polymeric
meric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an oligo
oligonucleotide agent useful for treating patients infected by 25 nucleotide agent useful for treating a subject infected with a
the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV ) or at risk for or afflicted with pathogen , e. g., a bacterial, amoebic, parasitic , or fungal
a disorder mediated by HBV , e. g ., cirrhosis and hepatocel - pathogen . The method of treatment comprises providing a
lular carcinoma. In one embodiment, the expression of a composition comprising a polymeric compound and com
HBV gene is reduced . In other embodiment, the targeted prising an oligonucleotide agent, wherein said oligonucle
HBV gene encodes one of the groups of the tail region of the 30 otide is homologous to and/or can silence , e.g ., by cleavage
HBV core protein , the pre - cregious (pre -c ) region , or the of a pathogen gene or a gene involved in the pathogen ' s
cregious ( c ) region . In other embodiments a targeted HBV growth ; and administering a therapeutically effective dose of
RNA sequence is comprised of the poly ( A ) tail. In some said oligonucleotide agent to a subject , e . g ., a human sub
embodiments the expression of a human gene that is ject. The target gene can be selected from a gene involved
required for HBV replication is reduced . 35 in the pathogen ' s growth , cell wall synthesis , protein syn
In some embodiments, the composition comprising poly - thesis , transcription , energy metabolism , e.g., the Krebs
meric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an cycle , or toxin production .
oligonucleotide agent useful for treating patients infected Thus, in some embodiments , the composition comprising
with , or at risk for or afflicted with a disorder mediated by polymeric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an
a virus selected from the following viruses : the Hepatitis A 40 oligonucleotide agent useful for of treating patients infected
Virus (HAV ); Hepatitis C Virus (HCV ) ; any of the group of by a plasmodium that causes malaria . In some embodiments ,
Hepatitis Viral strains comprising hepatitis D , E , F, G , or H ; the expression of a plasmodium gene is reduced . In other
the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV ); the herpes Cyto - embodiments , the gene is apical membrane antigen 1
megalovirus (CMV) ; the herpes Epstein Barr Virus (EBV ) ; (AMA1) . In some embodiments , the expression of a human
Kaposi' s Sarcoma-associated Herpes Virus (KSHV ) ; the JC 45 gene that is required for plasmodium replication is reduced .
Virus (ICV ); myxovirus (e . g ., virus causing influenza ), In some embodiments , the composition comprising poly
rhinovirus ( e . g., virus causing the common cold ), or coro - meric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an
navirus ( e . g ., virus causing the common cold ) ; the St. Louis oligonucleotide agent useful for treating patients infected by
Encephalitis flavivirus; the Tick - borne encephalitis flavivi- Mycobacterium ulcerans, Mycobacterium tuberculosis ,
rus ; the Murray Valley encephalitis flavivirus; the dengue 50 Mycobacterium leprae , Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococ
flavivirus; the Simian Virus 40 (SV40 ); the encephalomyo cus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Chlamydia pneu
carditis virus (EMCV ) ; the measles virus (MV ); the Vari moniae , Mycoplasma pneumoniae , or a disease or disorder
cella zoster virus (VZV ) ; an adenovirus ( e . g . virus causing associated with any of these pathogens. In some embodi
a respiratory tract infection ); the poliovirus ; or a poxvirus (a ments, the expression of a bacterial gene and /or a human
poxvirus causing smallpox ). In some embodiments the 55 gene that is required for the replication of these bacteria is
expression of a human gene that is required for the replica - reduced
tion of these viruses is reduced . In some embodiments , the diseases treated by the com
In some embodiments , the composition comprising poly - positions comprising polymeric compounds provided herein
meric compounds and a therapeutic agent comprises an may be systemic or present in a specific tissue, e .g ., the lung,
oligonucleotide agent useful for treating patients infected by 60 skin , liver, breast, kidney, pancreas , CNS , or the like. In
the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV ) or at risk for or afflicted certain aspects, the oligonucleotide silences a gene which
with a disorder mediated by HSV, e . g ., genital herpes and mediates or is involved in a metabolic disease or disorder,
cold sores as well as life - threatening or sight-impairing e .g ., diabetes , obesity , and the like. In certain embodiments ,
disease, e.g ., mainly in immunocompromised patients . In the oligonucleotide silences a gene which mediates or is
some embodiments, the expression of a HSV gene is 65 involved in a pulmonary disease or disorder, e . g ., chronic
reduced . In other embodiment, the targeted HSV gene obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD ), cystic fibrosis, or
encodes DNA polymerase or the helicase -primase. In some lung cancer. In someaspects herein , the compositions com
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
prise polymeric compounds and comprise an oligonucle - In certain aspects , the composition comprising polymeric
otide agent useful for and /or related to a method of treating compounds and a therapeutic agent provided herein com
a subject, e.g., a human , at risk for or afflicted with a disease prise an oligonucleotide agent capable of cleaving or silenc
or disorder characterized by an unwanted immune response , ing more than one gene . In these embodiments the oligo
e . g ., an inflammatory disease or disorder or an autoimmune 5 nucleotide agent is selected so that it has sufficient homology
disease or disorder. The method comprises providing com to a sequence found in more than one gene, e.g . a sequence
position comprising a polymeric compound and comprising anconserved between these genes . Thus in some embodiments
oligonucleotide agent targeted to such sequences effec
an oligonucleotide agent, wherein said oligonucleotide agent tively silences the entire collection of genes.
is homologous to and / or can silence , e.g ., by cleavage , a 10 In some aspects , the composition comprising polymeric
gene which mediates an unwanted immune response ; and
administering said oligonucleotide agent to a subject, e .g ., a prise two or and
compounds a therapeutic agent provided herein com
human subject. In some embodiments, the disease or disor the oligonucleotidetypes
more of oligonucleotide agents wherein
agents silence different genes of the
der is an ischemia or reperfusion injury , e . g ., ischemia or same disease or different diseases
reperfusion injury
repernusion injury associated with acute
associated with acute myocardial infarc- 15 Pharmaceutical Compositions .
myocardial intar
tion , unstable angina , cardiopulmonary bypass , surgical Compositions comprising polymeric compounds pro
intervention e .g ., angioplasty , e.g ., percutaneous translumi vided herein ( e.g., those associated with one or more thera
nal coronary angioplasty , the response to a transplanted peutic agent, such as one or more oligonucleotide ) are
organ or tissue , e . g ., transplanted cardiac or vascular tissue ; optionally provided in a pharmaceutical composition ( e. g .,
or thrombolysis. In other embodiments, the disease or dis- 20 pharmaceutically acceptable composition ) comprising the
order is restenosis , e .g., restenosis associated with surgical polymeric compound and a pharmaceutically acceptable
intervention e .g ., angioplasty , e . g., percutaneous translumi excipient. In some embodiments , the compositions compris
nal coronary angioplasty . In other embodiments , the disease ing polymeric compounds provided herein can be adminis
or disorder is Inflammatory Bowel Disease, e .g ., Crohn t ered to a patient in any suitable manner, e . g ., with or
Disease or Ulcerative Colitis . In some embodiments , the 25 without stabilizers , buffers, and the like, to form a pharma
disease or disorder is inflammation associated with an ceutical composition . In some embodiments , the composi
infection or injury . In other embodiments , the disease or tions comprising polymeric compounds provided herein are
disorder is asthma, allergy , lupus , multiple sclerosis, diabe - formulated and used as tablets , capsules or elixirs for oral
tes , e . g ., type II diabetes , arthritis , e . g ., rheumatoid or administration , suppositories for rectal administration , ster
psoriatic . In certain embodiments the oligonucleotide agent 30 ile solutions, suspensions for injectable administration , and
silences an integrin or co - ligand thereof, e .g ., VLA4, any other suitable compositions.
VCAM , ICAM . In other embodiments the oligonucleotide Provided are pharmaceutically acceptable formulations of
agent silences a selectin or co - ligand thereof, e. g ., P -selectin , the compositions comprising polymeric compounds com
E -selectin ( ELAM ), I- selectin , P - selectin glycoprotein - 1 prising at least one therapeutic agent described herein . These
(PSGL - 1 ) . In certain embodiments the oligonucleotide agent 35 formulations include salts of the above compounds, e. g .,
silences a component of the complement system , e.g., C3, acid addition salts, e.g ., salts of hydrochloric , hydrobromic ,
C5, C3aR , C5aR , C3 convertase , and C5 convertase . In acetic acid , and benzene sulfonic acid . A pharmacological
some embodiments the oligonucleotide agent silences a composition or formulation refers to a composition or for
chemokine or receptor thereof, e .g ., TNFI, TNFJ, IL - 11, mulation in a form suitable for administration , e .g ., systemic
IL - 1 ), IL - 2, IL - 2R , IL -4 , IL -4R , IL -5 , IL -6 , IL -8 , TNFRI, 40 administration , into a cell or patient, including for example
TNFRII, IgE , SCYA11, and CCR3. In other embodiments a human . Suitable forms, in part, depend upon the use or the
the oligonucleotide agent silences GCSF, Gro1, Gro2, Gro3, route of entry, e . g ., oral, transdermal, or by injection . Thus ,
PF4 ,MIG , Pro -Platelet Basic Protein (PPBP ), MIP - 11,MIP - in specific embodiments wherein the compositions compris
1J, RANTES, MCP - 1, MCP -2 , MCP -3 , CMBKR1, ing polymeric compounds comprises and is delivering a
CMBKR2, CMBKR3, CMBKR5 , AIF - 1, or 1- 309 . 45 polynucleotide , the formulation is in a form that does not
In some aspects, the composition comprising polymeric prevent the compositions comprising polymeric compounds
onucle and , more specifically , the polynucleotide (e.g., oligonucle
compounds and a therapeutic agent comprise an oligonucle
otide agent useful for treating a subject, e . g ., a human , at risk otide or siRNA ) from reaching a target cell with the poly
for or afflicted with a neurological disease or disorder. The nucleotide intact and /or functional. For example , in certain
method comprises providing a compositions comprising 50 embodiments , pharmacological compositions injected into
polymeric compounds and an oligonucleotide agent, the blood stream are soluble and /or dispersible . Moreover,
wherein said oligonucleotide is homologous to and/ or can pharmaceutical compositions described herein are, prefer
silence , e . g ., by cleavage , a gene which mediates a neuro - ably , non -toxic . In some embodiments , wherein a composi
logical disease or disorder ; and administering a therapeuti tions comprising polymeric compounds described herein is
cally effective dose of said oligonucleotide agent to a 55 administered for therapeutic benefit, a therapeutic effective
subject, e . g ., a human . In some embodiments the disease or amount of the compositions comprising polymeric com
disorder is Alzheimer Disease or Parkinson Disease. In pounds comprising a therapeutic agent (e.g., a polynucle
certain embodiments the oligonucleotide agent silences an otide , such as an siRNA ) is administered . In an exemplary
amyloid - family gene, e .g ., APP ; a presenilin gene , e .g ., embodiment, a therapeutically effective amount includes an
PSEN1 and PSEN2, or 1- synuclein . In other embodiments 60 amount of compositions comprising polymeric compounds
the disease or disorder is a neurodegenerative trinucleotide sufficient to provide about 10 mg or less of siRNA per kg of
repeat disorder , e . g ., Huntington disease , dentatorubral pal individual.
lidoluysian atrophy or a spinocerebellar ataxia, e.g ., SCAL, In some embodiments, pharmaceutical compositions
SCA2 , SCA3 (Machado - Joseph disease ), SCA7 or SCA8. In comprising a compositions comprising polymeric com
some embodiments the oligonucleotide agent silences HD , 65 pounds, which comprise a therapeutic agent ( e .g ., a poly
DRPLA , SCA1, SCA2, MJD1, CACNL1A4 , SCA7, or nucleotide , such as an siRNA ), are administered systemi
SCAS . cally . As used herein , “ systemic administration ” means in
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
69 70
vivo systemic absorption or accumulation of drugs in the sions are formulated according in any suitable manner, e. g.,
blood stream followed by distribution throughout the entire using dispersing agents , wetting agents and/ or suspending
body. Administration routes which lead to systemic absorp agents . The sterile injectable preparation is , optionally, a
tion include, without limitation : intravenous, subcutaneous, sterile injectable solution, suspension , or emulsion in a
intraperitoneal, inhalation , oral, intrapulmonary and intra - 5 nontoxic parenterally acceptable diluent or solvent, for
muscular. In some embodiments , the compositions compris example , as a solution in 1, 3 -butanediol. Among the accept
ing polymeric compounds are administered topically. able vehicles and solvents that are optionally employed are
In some embodiments , the compositions are prepared for water, Ringer ' s solution, U . S .P . and isotonic sodium chlo
storage or administration and include a pharmaceutically
effective amount of the therapeutic agent comprising com - 10 ride solution . In addition , sterile , fixed oils are convention
ally employed as a solvent or suspending medium . For this
positions comprising polymeric compounds in a pharma purpose any bland fixed oil is optionally employed including
ceutically acceptable carrier or diluent. Any acceptable
carriers or diluents are optionally utilized herein . Specific synthetic mono- or diglycerides . In additional embodiments ,
fatty acids such as oleic acid are used in the preparation of
carriers and diluents and are described , e .g ., in Remington 's
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mack Publishing Co ., A . R . 1515 comprising
injectables .. polymeric
InIn aa specinc
specific embodiment , the compositions
en are suspended
compounds in a carrier
Gennaro Ed ., 1985 . For example , preservatives, stabilizers ,
dyes and flavoring agents are optionally added . These fluid comprising 1 % (w / v ) sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
include sodium benzoate , sorbic acid and esters of p -hy - and 0 . 1 % (v /v ) Tween 80 .
droxybenzoic acid . In addition , antioxidants and suspending In some embodiments , the injectable formulations are
agents are optionally used . As used herein , the term “phar- 20 sterilized , for example , by filtration through a bacteria
maceutically acceptable carrier” means a non -toxic , inert retaining filter, or by incorporating sterilizing agents in the
solid , semi- solid or liquid filler, diluent, encapsulating mate - form of sterile solid compositions which are optionally
rial or formulation auxiliary of any type. Some examples of dissolved or dispersed in sterile water or other sterile inject
materials optionally used as pharmaceutically acceptable a ble medium prior to use .
carriers are sugars such as lactose , glucose , and sucrose ; 25 In certain embodiments , compositions for rectal or vagi
starches such as corn starch and potato starch ; cellulose and nal administration are suppositories . Suppositories are
its derivatives such as sodium carboxymethyl cellulose , optionally prepared by mixing the composition comprising
ethyl cellulose , and cellulose acetate ; powdered tragacanth ; the polymeric compound and the therapeutic agent as pro
malt; gelatin ; talc ; excipients such as cocoa butter and vided herein with suitable non - irritating excipients or car
suppository waxes; oils such as peanut oil, cottonseed oil; 30 riers such as cocoa butter , polyethylene glycol, or a sup
safflower oil; sesame oil; olive oil; corn oil and soybean oil; pository wax which are solid at ambient temperature but
glycols such as propylene glycol; esters such as ethyl oleate liquid at body temperature and therefore melt in the rectum
and ethyl laurate ; agar ; detergents such as Tween 80 ; buff- or vaginal cavity and release the compositions comprising
ering agents such as magnesium hydroxide and aluminum polymeric compounds.
hydroxide ; alginic acid , pyrogen -free water ; isotonic saline ; 35 Suitable solid dosage forms for oral administration
Ringer ' s solution ; ethyl alcohol; and phosphate buffer solu include , by way of non - limiting example , capsules , tablets ,
tions, as well as other non - toxic compatible lubricants such pills, powders , and granules. In such solid dosage forms, the
as sodium lauryl sulfate and magnesium stearate , as well as compositions comprising polymeric compounds and com
coloring agents, releasing agents , coating agents , sweeten - prising a therapeutic agent (e .g., oligonucleotide) are mixed
ing, flavoring and perfuming agents , preservatives and anti - 40 with at least one inert, pharmaceutically acceptable excipi
oxidants can also be present in the composition , according ent or carrier such as sodium citrate or dicalcium phosphate
to the judgment of the formulator. In some embodiments, the and /or a ) fillers or extenders such as starches, lactose ,
pharmaceutical compositions provided herein are adminis - sucrose , glucose , mannitol, and silicic acid , b ) binders such
tered to humans and /or to animals , orally, rectally, parent- as , for example , carboxymethylcellulose, alginates, gelatin ,
erally, intracistemally , intravaginally , intranasally , intraperi- 45 polyvinylpyrrolidinone , sucrose , and acacia , c ) humectants
toneally, topically (as by powders, creams, ointments, or such as glycerol, d ) disintegrating agents such as agar-agar,
drops ), bucally , or as an oral or nasal spray . calcium carbonate , potato or tapioca starch , alginic acid ,
In various embodiments , liquid dosage forms for oral certain silicates , and sodium carbonate , e ) solution retarding
administration include pharmaceutically acceptable emul- agents such as paraffin , f) absorption accelerators such as
sions, microemulsions, solutions, suspensions, syrups, and 50 quaternary ammonium compounds , g ) wetting agents such
elixirs . In addition to the active ingredients (i. e., polymeric a s , for example , cetyl alcohol and glycerolmonostearate , h )
compounds -oligonucleotide complexes provided herein ), absorbents such as kaolin and bentonite clay , and i) lubri
the liquid dosage forms optionally further contain inert cants such as talc , calcium stearate , magnesium stearate ,
diluents or excipients , such as by way of non-limiting solid polyethylene glycols, sodium lauryl sulfate , and mix
example, water or other solvents, solubilizing agents and 55 tures thereof. In the case of capsules, tablets , and pills , the
emulsifiers such as ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl dosage form may also comprise buffering agents.
carbonate , ethyl acetate , benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate, Solid compositions of a similar type are also optionally
propylene glycol, 1, 3 -butylene glycol, dimethylformamide , employed as fillers in soft and hard - filled gelatin capsules
oils (in particular, cottonseed , groundnut, corn , germ , olive , using such excipients as lactose ormilk sugar as well as high
castor, and sesame oils ), glycerol, tetrahydrofurfuryl alco - 60 molecular weight polyethylene glycols and the like .
hol, polyethylene glycols and fatty acid esters of sorbitan , In some embodiments , the solid dosage forms of tablets ,
and mixtures thereof. Besides inert diluents , the oral com - dragees, capsules , pills , and granules are prepared with
positions optionally also include adjuvants such as wetting coatings and shells such as enteric coatings and other
agents, emulsifying and suspending agents , sweetening, suitable coatings . They optionally contain opacifying
flavoring, and perfuming agents . 65 agents . In certain embodiments, they are of a composition
In some embodiments , injectable preparations, for that they release the active ingredient (s ) only , or preferen
example, sterile injectable aqueous or oleaginous suspen - tially, in a certain part of the intestinal tract, optionally, in a
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
delayed manner. Examples of suitable embedding compo circumstance occurs and instances where it does not. For
sitions include, by way of non -limiting example , polymeric example , the phrase " optionally substituted hydrocarbyl”
substances and waxes . means that a hydrocarbyl moiety may or may not be sub
Solid compositions of a similar type are optionally stituted and that the description includes both unsubstituted
employed as fillers in soft and hard - filled gelatin capsules 5 hydrocarbyl and hydrocarbyl where there is substitution .
using such excipients as lactose or milk sugar as well as high The term “ alkyl” as used herein refers to a branched or
molecular weight polyethylene glycols and the like . unbranched saturated hydrocarbon group typically although
Dosage forms for topical or transdermal administration of not necessarily containing 1 to about 24 carbon atoms, such
an inventive pharmaceutical composition include , by way of as methyl, ethyl, n - propyl, isopropyl, n -butyl, isobutyl,
non -limiting example, ointments , pastes, creams, lotions, 10 t-butyl, octyl, decyl, and the like, as well as cycloalkyl
gels, powders , solutions, sprays , inhalants , or patches. In groups such as cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl and the like . Gen
some embodiments , the compositions comprising polymeric erally , although again not necessarily, alkyl groups herein
compounds and therapeutic agent provided herein are contain 1 to about 12 carbon atoms. The term “ lower alkyl”
admixed under sterile conditions with a pharmaceutically intends an alkyl group of one to six carbon atoms, preferably
acceptable carrier and , optionally, one or more preservative , 15 one to four carbon atoms. “ Substituted alkyl” refers to alkyl
one or more buffer, or a combination thereof ( e .g ., as may be substituted with one or more substituent groups, and the
required ). Ophthalmic formulation , ear drops, and eye drops terms" heteroatom - containing alkyl" and " heteroalkyl” refer
are also contemplated as being within the scope of this to alkyl in which at least one carbon atom is replaced with
invention . a heteroatom .
Ointments, pastes, creams, and gels provided herein 20 The term “ alkenyl” as used herein refers to a branched or
optionally contain , in addition to the compositions compris - unbranched hydrocarbon group typically although not nec
ing polymeric compounds and therapeutic agent provided essarily containing 2 to about 24 carbon atoms and at least
herein , excipients such as animal and vegetable fats, oils , one double bond , such as ethenyl, n -propenyl, isopropenyl,
waxes, paraffins, starch , tragacanth , cellulose derivatives, n -butenyl, isobutenyl, octenyl, decenyl, and the like . Gen
polyethylene glycols , silicones , bentonites , silicic acid , talc , 25 erally , although again not necessarily, alkenyl groups herein
and zinc oxide , or mixtures thereof. contain 2 to about 12 carbon atoms. The term “ lower
Powders and sprays optionally contain , in addition to the alkenyl” intends an alkenyl group of two to six carbon
compositions comprising polymeric compounds and thera - atoms, preferably two to four carbon atoms. “ Substituted
peutic agent provided herein , excipients such as lactose , talc , alkenyl” refers to alkenyl substituted with one or more
silicic acid , aluminum hydroxide , calcium silicates , and 30 substituent groups, and the terms “ heteroatom - containing
polyamide powder, or mixtures of these substances . In some alkenyl” and “ heteroalkenyl” refer to alkenyl in which at
embodiments , sprays additionally contain customary pro - least one carbon atom is replaced with a heteroatom .
pellants such as chlorofluorohydrocarbons. The term “ alkynyl” as used herein refers to a branched or
Transdermal patches have the added advantage of pro - unbranched hydrocarbon group typically although not nec
viding controlled delivery of a compound to the body. Such 35 essarily containing 2 to about 24 carbon atoms and at least
dosage forms are made in any suitable manner , e .g., by one triple bond, such as ethynyl, n -propynyl, isopropynyl,
dissolving or dispensing the microparticles or nanoparticles n -butynyl, isobutynyl, octynyl, decynyl, and the like . Gen
in a proper medium . Absorption enhancers are optionally erally , although again notnecessarily, alkynyl groups herein
used to increase the flux of the compound across the skin . contain 2 to about 12 carbon atoms. The term “ lower
The rate can be controlled by either providing a rate con - 40 alkynyl” intends an alkynyl group of two to six carbon
trolling membrane or by dispersing compositions compris - atoms, preferably three or four carbon atoms. “ Substituted
ing polymeric compounds and therapeutic agent provided alkynyl” refers to alkynyl substituted with one or more
herein in a polymer matrix or gel. substituent groups, and the terms “ heteroatom - containing
In some aspects of the invention , the compositions com - alkynyl” and “heteroalkynyl” refer to alkynyl in which at
prising polymeric compounds ( s ) provide some properties 45 least one carbon atom is replaced with a heteroatom .
( e. g .mechanical, thermal, etc . ) that are usually performed by The term “ alkoxy ” as used herein intends an alkyl group
excipients, thus decreasing the amount of such excipients bound through a single, terminal ether linkage ; that is, an
required for the formulation . " alkoxy" group may be represented as O -alkyl where
As used herein , the following phrases can have the alkyl is as defined above . A “ lower alkoxy" group intends an
ascribed meanings, unless otherwise apparent from the con - 50 alkoxy group containing one to six , more preferably one to
text. As used in this specification and the appended claims, four, carbon atoms. The term “ aryloxy ” is used in a similar
the singular forms “ a ," " an ” and “ the ” include plural refer - fashion , with aryl as defined below .
ents unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. In describ - Similarly , the term “ alkyl thio ” as used herein intends an
ing and claiming the present invention , the following ter - alkyl group bound through a single , terminal thioether
minology will be used in accordance with the definitions set 55 linkage ; that is , an “ alkyl thio ” group may be represented as
out below . The word “ about” generally means approxi S -alkyl where alkyl is as defined above . A “ lower alkyl
mately the value as stated , and includes , both generally and thio " group intends an alkyl thio group containing one to six ,
specifically the exact value as stated . more preferably
TIP one to four, carbon atoms.
As used herein , the phrase “ having a formula ” or “ having The term “ allenyl” is used herein in the conventional
a structure ” is not intended to be limiting and is used in the 60 sense to refer to a molecular segment having the structure
same way that the term " comprising” is commonly used . CH = C = CH ,. An " allenyl” group may be unsubstituted
The term “ independently selected from the group consisting or substituted with one or more non - hydrogen substituents .
of” is used herein to indicate that the recited elements , e .g., The term “ aryl” as used herein , and unless otherwise
R groups or the like , can be identical or different. specified , refers to an aromatic substituent containing a
"Optional” or “ optionally ” means that the subsequently 65 single aromatic ring or multiple aromatic rings that are fused
described event or circumstance may or may not occur, and together, linked covalently, or linked to a common group
that the description includes instances where said event or such as a methylene or ethylene moiety . The common
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
73 74
linking group may also be a carbonyl as in benzophenone, is to be interpreted as “ substituted alkyl, substituted alkenyl
an oxygen atom as in diphenylether, or a nitrogen atom as in and substituted alkynyl.” Similarly , " optionally substituted
diphenylamine . Preferred aryl groups contain one aromatic alkyl, alkenyl and alkynyl” is to be interpreted as " optionally
ring or two fused or linked aromatic rings, e. g., phenyl, substituted alkyl, optionally substituted alkenyl and option
naphthyl, biphenyl, diphenylether, diphenylamine, benzo - 5 ally substituted alkynyl.”
phenone, and the like. In particular embodiments , aryl As used herein the term “ silyl” refers to the — Siz Z2 Z3
substituents have 1 to about 200 carbon atoms, typically 1 to radical, where each of Z , Z2 , and Z is independently
about 50 carbon atoms, and preferably 1 to about 20 carbon selected from the group consisting of hydrido and optionally
atoms. “ Substituted aryl” refers to an aryl moiety substituted substituted alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, alkaryl,
with one ormore substituent groups, (e . g., tolyl,mesityl and 10 heterocyclic , alkoxy, aryloxy and amino.
perfluorophenyl) and the terms “ heteroatom -containing As used herein , the term “ phosphino ” refers to the group
aryl” and “ heteroaryl” refer to aryl in which at least one — PZ Z² , where each of Z ' and Z2 is independently selected
carbon atom is replaced with a heteroatom . from the group consisting of hydrido and optionally substi
The term “ aralkyl” refers to an alkyl group with an aryl tuted alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, alkaryl, hetero
substituent, and the term “ aralkylene” refers to an alkylene 15 cyclic and amino .
group with an aryl substituent; the term “ alkaryl” refers to an The term “ amino " is used herein to refer to the group
aryl group that has an alkyl substituent, and the term — NZ z , where each of Z ' and Z ? is independently selected
“ alkarylene” refers to an arylene group with an alkyl sub from the group consisting of hydrido and optionally substi
stituent. tuted alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, alkaryl and het
The terms " halo ” and “ halogen ” are used in the conven - 20 erocyclic.
tional sense to refer to a chloro , bromo, fluoro or iodo The term “ thio " is used herein to refer to the group — SZ ,
substituent. The terms “ haloalkyl," " haloalkenyl” or where Z is selected from the group consisting of hydrido
“ haloalkynyl” (or “ halogenated alkyl,” “ halogenated alk - and optionally substituted alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl,
enyl,” or “ halogenated alkynyl” ) refers to an alkyl, alkenyl aralkyl, alkaryl and heterocyclic .
or alkynyl group , respectively, in which at least one of the 25 As used herein all reference to the elements and groups of
hydrogen atoms in the group has been replaced with a the Periodic Table of the Elements is to the version of the
halogen atom . table published by the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics ,
The term “ heteroatom -containing” as in a “heteroatom - CRC Press, 1995, which sets forth the new IUPAC system
containing hydrocarbyl group ” refers to a molecule or for numbering groups.
molecular fragment in which one or more carbon atoms is 30 Aliphatic or aliphatic group : the term “ aliphatic” or
replaced with an atom other than carbon , e. g., nitrogen , " aliphatic group ” , as used herein , means a hydrocarbon
oxygen , sulfur, phosphorus or silicon . Similarly , the term moiety that may be straight- chain (i.e ., unbranched ),
" heteroalkyl” refers to an alkyl substituent that is heteroa - branched , or cyclic ( including fused , bridging , and spiro
tom -containing , the term "heterocyclic ” refers to a cyclic fused polycyclic ) and may be completely saturated or may
substituent that is heteroatom -containing , the term “ het - 35 contain one or more units of unsaturation , but which is not
eroaryl” refers to an aryl substituent that is heteroatom - aromatic . Unless otherwise specified , aliphatic groups con
containing, and the like . When the term " heteroatom -con - tain 1 -20 carbon atoms.
taining” appears prior to a list of possible heteroatom - Aryl or aryl group: as used herein , the term “ aryl” or “ aryl
containing groups , it is intended that the term apply to every group” refers to monocyclic , bicyclic , and tricyclic ring
member of that group . That is, the phrase " heteroatom - 40 systems having a total of five to fourteen ring atoms,
containing alkyl, alkenyl and alkynyl” is to be interpreted as wherein at least one ring in the system is aromatic and
" heteroatom - containing alkyl, heteroatom - containing alk - wherein each ring in the system contains three to seven ring
enyl and heteroatom - containing alkynyl.” atoms.
“ Hydrocarbyl” refers to univalent hydrocarbyl radicals Charge Neutralized : As used herein , a “ charge neutral
containing 1 to about 30 carbon atoms, preferably 1 to about 45 ized” means a particle having a Zeta potential that is
24 carbon atoms, most preferably 1 to about 12 carbon between + 10 to 130 mV, and / or the presence of a first
atoms, including branched or unbranched , saturated or number (z ) of chargeable species that are chargeable to a
unsaturated species , such as alkyl groups, alkenyl groups, negative charge ( e . g ., acidic species that become anionic
aryl groups, and the like. The term “ lower hydrocarbyl” upon de-protonation ) and a second number (0 .5 .z ) of charge
intends a hydrocarbyl group of one to six carbon atoms, 50 able species that are chargeable to a positive charge ( e . g .,
preferably one to four carbon atoms. “ Substituted hydrocar - basic species that become cationic upon protonation ).
byl” refers to hydrocarbyl substituted with one or more Heteroalkyl: the term " heteroalkyl” means an alkyl group
substituent groups, and the terms " heteroatom - containing wherein at least one of the backbone carbon atoms is
hydrocarbyl” and “heterohydrocarbyl” refer to hydrocarbyl replaced with a heteroatom .
in which at least one carbon atom is replaced with a 55 Heteroaryl: the term " heteroaryl” means an aryl group
heteroatom . wherein at least one of the ring members is a heteroatom .
By “ substituted ” as in “ substituted hydrocarby1," " substi- Hetero -hydrocarbyl: the term " hetero -hydrocarbyl”
tuted aryl,” “ substituted alkyl,” " substituted alkenyl” and the means a hydrocarbyl moiety wherein at least one of the
like , as alluded to in some of the aforementioned definitions, backbone carbon atoms is replaced with a heteroatom .
is meant that in the hydrocarbyl, hydrocarbylene, alkyl, 60 As used herein , a “ chargeable species” , “ chargeable
alkenyl or other moiety, at least one hydrogen atom bound group” , or “ chargeable monomeric unit " is a species , group
to a carbon atom is replaced with one or more substituents or monomeric unit in either a charged or non - charged state .
that are groups such as hydroxyl, alkoxy, thio , phosphino , In certain instances, a “ chargeable monomeric unit ” is one
amino, halo , silyl, and the like. When the term " substituted ” that is converted to a charged state ( either an anionic or
appears prior to a list of possible substituted groups, it is 65 cationic charged state ) such as by the addition or removal of
intended that the term apply to every member of that group . an electrophile (e . g ., a proton (H * ), for example, in a pH
That is, the phrase " substituted alkyl, alkenyl and alkynyl” dependent manner ). The use of any of the terms " chargeable
US 10 , 066 ,043 B2
75 76
species", " chargeable group " , or " chargeable monomeric Micellic Assembly : As used herein , a “ micellic assembly ”
unit" includes the disclosure of any other of a “ chargeable includes a particle comprising a core and a hydrophilic shell,
species” , “ chargeable group” , or “ chargeable monomeric wherein the core is held together at least partially, predomi
unit” unless otherwise stated . A “ chargeable species” that is nantly or substantially through hydrophobic interactions.
“ chargeable to an anion ” or “ chargeable to an anionic 5 Micelle: As used herein , a “ micelle” includes a particle
species” is a species or group that is either in an anionic comprising a hydrophobic core and a hydrophilic shell. In
charged state or non -charged state, but in the non -charged certain instances, as used herein , a “ micelle ” is a multi
component, nanoparticle comprising at least two domains ,
state is capable of being converted to an anionic charged the
state , e. g., by the removal of an electrophile , such as a protonas 10 coreinner domain or core , and the outer domain or shell. The
is at least partially, predominantly or substantially held
( H + ). A “ chargeable species” that is “ chargeable to a cation ”
or “ chargeable to a cationic species ” is a species or group together center of
by hydrophobic interactions, and is present in the
the micelle. As used herein , the “ shell of a micelle”
that is either in an cationic charged state or non - charged is defined as non - core portion of the micelle .
state , but in the non -charged state is capable of being Nucleotide /Polynucleotide : As used herein , the term
converted to a cationic charged state , e . g ., by the addition of 15 “ nucleotide ” refers to a nucleic acid or a nucleic acid
an electrophile , such as a proton ( H + ) . “ Chargeable mono residues ( e .g . nucleotides and /or nucleosides ) of a poly
meric units ” described herein are used interchangeably with nucleotide. A polynucleotide is a nucleic acid polymer
" chargeable monomeric residues” . comprising two or more nucleotides.
Heteroatom : the term “heteroatom ” means an atom other Oligonucleotide gene expression modulator : as used
than hydrogen or carbon , such as oxygen , sulfur, nitrogen , 20 herein , an “ oligonucleotide gene expression modulator " is
phosphorus, boron , arsenic , selenium or silicon atom . an oligonucleotide agent capable of inducing a selective
Hydrophobic species: “ hydrophobic species” , as used modulation of gene expression (e . g ., increase or decrease ) in
herein , is a moiety such as a substituent, residue or a group a living cell by mechanisms including but not limited to an
which , when covalently attached to a molecule , such as a antisense mechanism or by way of an RNA interference
monomer or a polymer increases the molecule 's hydropho - 25 (RNAi)-mediated pathway which may include (i) transcrip
bicity or serves as a hydrophobicity enhancing moiety. The tion inactivation ; (ii) mRNA degradation or sequestration ;
term “ hydrophobicity ” is a term of art describing a physical ( iii ) transcriptional inhibition or attenuation or (iv ) inhibition
property of a compound measured by the free energy of or attenuation of translation . Oligonucleotide gene expres
transfer of the compound between a non -polar solvent and sion modulators include virtually any regulatory RNA , such
water (Hydrophobicity regained . Karplus P . A ., Protein Sci., 30 as but not limited to antisense oligonucleotides , miRNA ,
1997, 6 : 1302 - 1307 .) A compound 's hydrophobicity can be siRNA , RNAi, shRNA, aptamers and any analogs or pre
measured by its log P value , the logarithm of a partition cursors thereof.
coefficient (P ), which is defined as the ratio of concentra Oligonucleotide knockdown agent: as used herein , an
tions of a compound in the two phases of a mixture of two "oligonucleotide knockdown agent” is an oligonucleotide
immiscible solvents , e . g . octanol and water. Experimental 35 species which can inhibit gene expression by targeting and
methods of determination of hydrophobicity as well as binding an intracellular nucleic acid in a sequence -specific
methods of computer -assisted calculation of log P values are manner. Non -limiting examples of oligonucleotide knock
known to those skilled in the art. Hydrophobic species of the down agents include siRNA, miRNA , shRNA , dicer sub
present invention include but are not limited to aliphatic , strates, antisense oligonucleotides, decoy DNA or RNA ,
heteroaliphatic , aryl, and heteroaryl groups . 40 antigene oligonucleotides and any analogs and precursors
Inhibition : The terms " inhibition ," " silencing," and thereof.
" attenuation ” as used herein refer to a measurable reduction As used herein , the term “ oligonucleotide” refers to a
in expression of a target mRNA or the corresponding protein polymer comprising 7 - 200 nucleotide monomeric units . In
as compared with the expression of the target mRNA or the some embodiments , “ oligonucleotide ” encompasses single
corresponding protein in the absence of a knockdown agent. 45 and or double stranded RNA as well as single and/ or double
“ Knockdown" , or the reduction in expression of the target stranded DNA .
mRNA or the corresponding protein , can be assessed by Furthermore, the terms “ nucleotide ”, “nucleic acid,"
measuring the mRNA levels using techniques well known in “ DNA,” “ RNA," and/ or similar terms include nucleic acid
the art such as quantitative polymerase chain reaction analogs , i.e . analogs having a modified backbone, including
(qPCR ) amplification , RNA solution hybridization , nuclease 50 but not limited to peptide nucleic acids (PNA ), locked
protection , northern blotting and hybridization , and gene nucleic acids (LNA ), phosphono- PNA , morpholino nucleic
expression monitoring with a microarray ; and in the case of acids, or nucleic acids with modified phosphate groups ( e. g .,
proteins by techniques well known in the art such as phosphorothioates, phosphonates, 5 '- N - phosphoramidite
SDS - PAGE, antibody binding, western blot analysis, immu- linkages). Nucleotides can be purified from natural sources ,
noprecipitation , radioimmunoassay or enzyme-linked 55 produced using recombinant expression systems and option
immunosorbent assay (ELISA ), fluorescence activated cell ally purified , chemically synthesized , etc . As used herein , a
analysis and immunocytochemistry . “ nucleoside” is the term describing a compound comprising
Membrane Destabilizing: As used herein , “ membrane a monosaccharide and a base . The monosaccharide includes
destabilizing” refers to the ability of a polymer to either but is not limited to pentose and hexose monosaccharides .
directly elicit a rift in a cellular membrane structure or to 60 The monosaccharide also includes monosaccharide mimet
weaken the membrane such that other factors can complete ics and monosaccharides modified by substituting hydroxyl
the disruption so as to permit substances to enter a cell or a groups with halogens, methoxy, hydrogen or amino groups ,
cellular organelle or to exit the cell or organelle . Means of or by esterification of additional hydroxyl groups. In some
assessing themembrane- destabilizing properties of the poly - embodiments , a nucleotide is or comprises a natural nucleo
mers of this invention are well- known to those skilled in the 65 side phosphate ( e . g . adenosine , thymidine, guanosine, cyti
art and include , without limitation , such an in vitro tech - dine, uridine, deoxyadenosine , deoxythymidine , deox
nique as pH dependent red blood cell lysis. yguanosine, and deoxycytidine phosphate ). In some
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
77 78
embodiments, the base includes any bases occurring natu Dicer Substrate : a " dicer substrate ” is a greater than 25
rally in various nucleic acids as well as other modifications base pair duplex RNA that is a substrate for the RNase III
which mimic or resemble such naturally occurring bases. family member Dicer in cells. Dicer substrates are cleaved
Nonlimiting examples of modified or derivatized bases to produce approximately 21 base pair duplex small inter
include 5 -fluorouracil, 5 -bromouracil, 5 -chlorouracil, 5 -io - 5 fering RNAs (siRNAs) that evoke an RNA interference
douracil , hypoxanthine, xanthine , 4 -acetylcytosine , 5 -( car effect resulting in gene silencing by mRNA knockdown .
boxyhydroxylmethyl)uracil, 5 - carboxymethylaminomethyl As used herein , a " substantially non - charged ” includes a
2 -thiouridine, 5 -carboxymethylaminomethyluracil , Zeta potential that is between + 10 to 130 mV, and /or the
dihydrouracil , beta- D -galactosylqueosine, inosine, N6 -iso
pentenyladenine , 1 -methylguanine, 1-methylinosine , 2 ,2- di - 10 presence of a first number (2 ) of chargeable species that are
chargeable to a negative charge (e. g., acidic species that
methylguanine, 2 -methyladenine, 2-methylguanine, 3 -meth become anionic upon de - protonation ) and a second number
ylcytosine , 5 -methylcytosine , N6 -adenine ,
7 -methylguanine , 5 -methylaminomethyluracil , (0 .5 .z ) of chargeable species that are chargeable to a positive
5 -methoxyaminomethyl-2 -thiouracilthyluracil
, - D -manno charge ()e..g ., basic species that become cationic upon pro
beta5 -methoyu
sylqueosine, 5'-methoxycarboxymethyluracil , 5 -methoxyu - 1515 tonation
racil. 2 -methylthio -N6 - isopentenvladenine, uracil- 5 - oxy Therapeutic agent: As used herein , the phrase " therapeutic
acetic acid , wybutoxosine, pseudouracil, queosine , agent” refers to any agent that, when administered to a
2 -thiocytosine, 5 -methyl-2 - thiouracil , 2 - thiouracil , 4 -thio subject, organ , tissue, or cell has a therapeutic effect and /or
uracil, 5 -methyluracil , uracil-5 - oxyacetic acid methylester , elicits a desired biological and/or pharmacological effect.
uracil- 5 -oxyacetic acid , 5 -methyl- 2 -thiouracil, 3 -(3 -amino- 20 Therapeutically effective amount: As used herein , the
3 - N -2 - carboxypropyl)uracil, 2 -aminoadenine , pyrrolopy - term “ therapeutically effective amount” of a therapeutic
rimidine, and 2 ,6 - diaminopurine. Nucleoside bases also agentmeans an amount that is sufficient, when administered
include universal nucleobases such as difluorotolyl, nitroin to a subject suffering from or susceptible to a disease ,
dolyl, nitropyrrolyl, or nitroimidazolyl. Nucleotides also disorder, and /or condition , to treat, diagnose , prevent, and /or
include nucleotides which harbor a label or contain abasic , 25 delay the onset of the symptom ( s ) of the disease , disorder,
i.e. lacking a base , monomers . A nucleic acid sequence is and / or condition .
presented in the 5 ' to 3 ' direction unless otherwise indicated . References cited herein , and other references include the
A nucleotide can bind to another nucleotide in a sequence following:
specific manner through hydrogen bonding via Watson
Crick base pairs. Such base pairs are said to be complemen - 30 1 )Hamer
( Georges, M . K ., Veregin , R . P . N ., Kazmaier , P . M ., and
, G . K . ( 1993) Narrow Molecular-Weight Resins by
tary to one another. An oligonucleotide can be single a Free- Radical Polymerization Process. Macromolecules
stranded , double - stranded or triple -stranded . 26 , 2987 -2988 .
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Wang, J. S ., and Matyjaszewski, K . ( 1995 ) Controlled
Radical Polymerization - Atom - Transfer Radical
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plexes . J Am Chem 117 , 5614 - 5615 .
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is substantially complementary to a target RNA .
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refers to an oligonucleotide which can mediate inhibition of 40 route to block copolymer and other polymers of complex
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" short interfering RNA ” or “ siRNA ” refers to an RNAi 45 C . L ., Moad , G ., Rizzardo , E ., and Thang , S . H . ( 1999 )
agent comprising a nucleotide duplex that is approximately Living free- radical polymerization by reversible addition
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S242 - S242 . The following Examples demonstrate various aspects of
(41) Convertine , A . J., Benoit, D . S . W ., Duvall, C . L ., the invention , including polymer chain extension using
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Release In Press. compounds and polymer bioconjugates. The Examples,
Hoffman ., AA .. SS ., and
(42 ) Flanary, S ., Hoffman and Stayton
P . S .. ((2008
2008 )) however, are not intended to be limiting .
Antigen delivery with poly (propylacrylic acid ) conjuga EXAMPLES
tion enhances MHC - 1 presentation and T -cell activation .
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(43 ) Narain , R .,Gonzales, M ., Hoffman , A . S ., Stayton , P . S ., In the following examples, N -substituted maleimido chain
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ization of the free- radical homopolymerization of 40 fluorescent dye (Example 4 ) and with folic acid (Example 5 )
N -methylmaleimide. Macromolecules 23 , 1979 - 1983 . at conjugation efficiencies of 86 and 94 % , respectively.
(50 ) Caulfield , M . J., and Solomon, D . H . (1999 ) Studies on With further reference to Scheme 1 (FIG . 8 ), the triflate
polyimides : 2 . Formation of high molecular weight poly salt of N -(2 -aminoethyl)maleimide (AM ) was used to intro
(N -(hydroxyphenyl) maleimides ). Polymer 40 , 1251 duce primary amine functionality on the w -end of polymer
1260 . 45 chains. (Example 1 ). The incorporation of a chain extension
(51 ) Ferritto , M ., and Tirrell, D . A . ( 1992 ) Poly (2 -Ethyl- residue was determined using 1H -NMR . ( Example 2 ). FIG .
acrylic Acid ). Macromolecular Syntheses 11 , 59 -62. 2 shows the spectrum of a chain extended PDMAEMA - AM
(52 ) Li, M ., De, P., Gondi, S . R ., and Sumerlin , B . S . (2008) macro -CTA . The emergence of the triplet at d = 3 .77 corre
End group transformations of RAFT- generated polymers sponding to the (NCH ,CH , ) group in AM and the absence
with bismaleimides: Functional telechelics and modular 50 of free vinyl peaks at d = 6 .8 shows that AM is incorporated
block copolymers . J Polym Sci Pol Chem 46 , 5093 -5100 . into the PDMAEMA polymer and not present as a contami
(53 ) Jeong , J. H ., Kim , S . H ., Kim , S . W ., and Park , T . G . nating monomer. By comparing the PDMAEMA (CO , CH )
(2005) In vivo tumor targeting of ODN - PEG - folic acid peak area at d = 4 .1 to the AM peak area at d = 3 .77 , and using
PEI polyelectrolyte complex micelles. J Biomater Sci the molecular weight of pDMAEMA determined by GPC
Polym Ed 16 , 1409 - 19 . 55 (Example 1 ), the number of AM residues incorporated into
(54 ) Song, E ., Zhu , P., Lee , S . K ., Chowdhury , D ., Kussman , each polymer chain is calculated at 1.02 (P1, Table 2 ). This
S ., Dykxhoorn , D . M ., Feng, Y., Palliser, D ., Weiner, D . result demonstrates the addition ofa single amine- functional
B ., Shankar, P.,Marasco , W . A ., and Lieberman , J. (2005 ) maleimide to the w - end of the polymer chain .
Antibody mediated in vivo delivery of small interfering The applicability of functionalizing polymer chains by
RNAs via cell -surface receptors. Nat Biotechnol 23 , 709 - 60 such chain extension approach was demonstrated beyond
17 . methacrylic polymers . Experiments using poly (N -isopropy
(55) Hilgenbrink , A . R ., and Low , P . S . (2005 ) Folate lacrylamide ) (PNIPAM ) showed that acrylamido polymers
receptor-mediated drug targeting : From therapeutics to were likewise functionalized by maleimido chain extension .
diagnostics . Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 94 , 2135 FIG . 3 shows the 1H -NMR spectrum of a chain extended
2146 . 65 DNIPAM -AM macro -CTA . The triplet at d = 3 .15 corre
(56 ) Bae , K . H ., Lee , Y ., and Park , T. G . (2007) Oil- sponds to the (CH2CH2NH2) group in AM and the spectrum
encapsulating PEO -PPO -PEO /PEG shell cross-linked is free of vinyl peaks, indicating incorporation of AM into
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
83 84
the pNIPAM polymer. The number of AM residues incor ample 4 ) Briefly, amine reactive 1 -pyrenebutanoic acid
porated into each polymer was determined to be 0 .97 (P3 , succinimidyl ester (PNHS) was used to label PDMAEMA
Table 2 ) by comparing the pNIPAM methine peak area AM , and the amountof pyrene conjugated was evaluated by
(NHCH (CHS)2 ) at d = 3 .81 to the AM peak area at d = 3 . 15 and GPC and UV spectroscopy following purification . FIG . 5A
using the molecular weight ofpNIPAM determined by GPC . 5 shows normalized RI and UV traces for pyrene -labeled
Moreover, the AM peak area can be compared directly to the PDMAEMA - AM . Upon reaction with PNHS , an intense UV
(SCH ,CHZ) peak from the Z - group of the CTA at d = 3 . 31 , signal was observed with polymer elution that was not
indicating that the CTA and AM are present on the polymer present in unconjugated pDMAEMA -AM , indicating that
in a 1 : 1 ratio . Calculation of the degree of polymerization the pDMAEMA - AM chains were successfully labeled with
based on the pNIPAM methine peak and the CTA peak at 10 pyrene . FIG . 5B shows the UV absorbance spectra of
8 = 3 .31 yields the degree of polymerization expected from pyrene -labeled PDMAEMA -AM and unlabeled
GPC measurements , providing further evidence that pNI- PDMAEMA- AM , illustrating the significant increase in
PAM has been successfully functionalized by a single AM absorptivity that occurred upon pyrene addition . The per
residue and that functional CTA moieties are retained on the centage of pDMAEMA -AM chains conjugated to pyrene
polymer chain end . 15 was determined to be 86 . 1 % (P1, Table 2 ) by comparing the
The chain extension conditions did not result in changes UV peak area associated with polymer elution to a calibra
to the molecular weight distribution of the polymer under - tion curve. Similarly, PNHS was also used to label the
going extension . FIG . 4A shows the RI traces for primary amine located at the maleimido - junction of the
PDMAEMA and PDMAEMA - AM (P1, Table 2 ) following DMAEMA and STY block segments in PDMAEMA -AM
chain extension . No apparent shift in the peak elution 20 STY (P2, Table 2 ). The degree of conjugation to this
volume results from chain extension , consistent with the polymer was 44 % ; steric effects of the large styrene block
addition of a single monomer to the chain end , and no may have reduced the conjugation efficiency .
change was observed in the calculated Mn (8 , 100 g /mol) Further demonstration of bioconjugation to an amine
upon chain extension . Moreover, no peak broadening is functional maleimido chain extension residues was effected
exhibited in the RI traces, as would be expected if significant 25 using folic acid and the AM chain -extended PDMAEMA
polymer-polymer coupling or formation of homomaleimide b -DMAEMA/BMA /PAA block copolymer. (Example 5 ) .
polymer fragments were to occur (Mw /Mn= 1. 21 and 1. 26 Folic acid is a targeting ligand, mediating greater internal
before and after chain extension , respectively ). Similarly, no ization for cells that express or over- express the folic acid
significant changes in molecular weight distribution were receptor (55, 56 ). FIG . 6A shows the RI and UV GPC traces
observed after chain extension of PNIPAM (Mn = 8 ,000 30 of the unmodified copolymer while FIG . 6B shows the RI
Mw /Mn = 1 . 16 , and Mn = 8 ,000 Mw /Mn= 1. 17) or the block and UV GPC traces of the copolymer- folate conjugate . The
copolymer PDMAEMA -b - DMAEMA/BMA/PAA (Mn = 19 , unmodified copolymer shows negligible UV absorbance at
400 Mw /Mn= 1.42, and Mn= 19 ,500 Mw /Mn= 1. 45 ) (P4 , 363 nm (FIG . 6A ), while an intense UV signal was associ
Table 2 ) . ated with polymer elution in the case of the copolymer -folate
The absence of substantial aminolysis of the chain trans - 35 conjugate (FIG . 6B ). The degree of folate conjugation to the
fer agent and / or chain transfer residue via side reaction was copolymer was determined by comparison to a calibration
demonstrated . GPC traces provided no evidence of polymer curve of free folic acid , and found to be 94 % ( P4 , Table 1) .
coupling following chain extension (Example 1 ) . Also , an Notably , such efficient conjugation reactions here were
additional chain - extended PDMAEMA -AM was prepared conducted under relatively moderate conditions — for less
for use as a macro -CTA in a subsequent styrene polymer - 40 than 24 hours at room temperature and relatively low
ization (Mn = 10 ,600 , Mw /Mn = 1 . 14 ) (Example 3 ). The living stoichiometric ratios .
character of the macro -CTA was demonstrated by subse - The preparation of biotin -conjugated polymers was effec
quent block formation using the pDMAEMA -AM macro - tively demonstrated using two general approaches : ( i) one
CTA to polymerize styrene and form the block copolymer approach involved conjugation of a biomolecular moiety to
PDMAEMA -AM -STY, without yielding polymers with 45 the chain - extended polymer - after chain extension polym
broad or multi-modal molecular weight distributions (e . g ., erization ; and (ii ) the other approach involved a chain
as would have been expected in the presence of non - extension polymerization reaction using a chain extension
functional macro -CTA ). FIG . 4B shows RI traces for the monomer to which the biomolecular moiety was conju
pDMAEMA - AM macro -CTA and for the triblock polymer gated — before chain extension polymerization . Specifically ,
obtained by block polymerization , PDMAEMA - AM -STY 50 in one example , the polymer bioconjugate , PNIPAM - AM
( P2 , Table 2 ). A clear shift in the retention volume of the Biotin , was prepared by conjugation of biotin -NHS to chain
polymer was observed following polymerization , and the extended polymer (NIPAM -AM ) ( Example 6A ). In another
molecular weight distribution of the triblock polymer was example, the polymer bioconjugate , PDMAEMA- AM -Bio
characteristically narrow (Mn = 20 ,300 and Mw /Mn = 1. 11 ). tin , was prepared by chain extension polymerization using
These results are consistent with an absence of significant 55 biotin -maleimide monomer (Example 6B ) . Both approaches
aminolysis of the CTA . Further evidence is demonstrated by were effective for preparing biotin - conjugated chain -ex
examination of the 1H -NMR spectrum of pNIPAM - AM , tended polymers .
shown in FIG . 3. This spectrum shows the methylene peak Polymer chains (or compositions such as polynucleotide
from the Z - group of the CTA at d = 3 .31. The ratio of this containing compositions comprising such polymer chains )
peak area to the methine peak area in chain - extended PNI- 60 can be evaluated for effectiveness as a pH - sensitive, mem
PAM -AM is the same as the corresponding ratio in the brane disruptive polymer (Example 7 ). For example , under
parent PNIPAM , indicating that no detectable aminolysis of one , non -limiting, standard applicable for example for
the CTA occurs during chain -extension . screening of polymer chain candidates, a polymer or poly
Further experiments confirmed that the functional amine mer composition can be considered to be a pH responsive
groups introduced to the polymer chains by chain -extension 65 membrane -disruptive if the polymer or polymer composi
were reactive and available . A fluorescent dye was used as tion is substantially non -hemolytic at pH 7 . 4 and becomes
a model compound for imaging agent conjugations. (Ex increasingly more hemolytic at the lower pH values (e .g .,
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
85 86
correlating to pH values associated with endosomes ) and at study. As an example of typical conditions, the [CTA ]/[1.]
higher concentrations of polymer. ratio was 10 :1 , the [CTA ]/ [M ] ratio was 1 : 150 , and the
Materials and General Methods monomer was 50 wt % in N , N -dimethylformamide (DMF).
All reagents were purchased from Sigma- Aldrich and The polymerization was conducted at 60° C . for 7 hours . The
used without further purification unless otherwise noted . 5 molecular weight and polydispersity were 8 ,100 g/mol and
Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA ), butyl 1 .21 respectively . All DMAEMA polymers were isolated by
methacrylate (BMA ), and styrene were purified by vacuum precipitation in an 80 /20 v /v pentane /ether mixture, fol
distillation . N -isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM ) was recrystal- lowed by repeated cycles of dissolution in ether and pre
lized from hexanes . Propylacrylic acid (PAA ) was synthe
sized as previously published (51). Unless noted otherwise , 110 cipitation
overnight .
in pentane. The polymer was dried under vacuum
Molecular weights distributions were determined
the primary radical source used in all polymerizations was by gel permeation chromatography (GPC ).
2 ,2 -azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN ), which was recrystallized
from methanol. All polymerizations were conducted under Example 1B .
N , atmosphere .
RAFT Chain Transfer Agent. The trithiocarbonate CTA 15 Synthesis of
ethyl cyanovaleric trithiocarbonate (ECT) was synthesized
as previously described (41 ), and used as the CTA in all Poly (DMAMEA )- b -DMAEMA/PAA/BMA Block
RAFT polymerizations . Briefly, the synthesis of the chain Copolymer
transfer agent (CTA ), 4 -Cyano -4 - ( ethylsulfanylthiocarbo
nyl) sulfanylpentanoic acid ( ECT), utilized for the following 20 The block copolymer p (DMAMEA -b -DMAEMA/BMA/
RAFT polymerizations, was adapted from a procedure by PAA ) was prepared following previously described proto
Moad et al., Polymer. 2005 . 46 ( 19 ): 8458 -68 . Briefly , ethane cols (41) . Briefly , a PDMAEMA macro CTA (M , = 9 ,000
thiol (4 .72 g , 76 mmol) was added over 10 minutes to a g/mol, M . / M = 1 .30 ) was employed for the polymerization
stirred suspension of sodium hydride (60 % in oil) ( 3. 15 g, 79 of the copolymer block using a [CTA ]/[1. ] ratio of 10 :1 and
mmol) in diethyl ether ( 150 ml) at 0° C . The solution was 25 a [CTA ]/[ M . ] ratio of 1 : 250 in DMF at 40 wt % monomer.
then allowed to stir for 10 minutes prior to the addition of The composition of the feed was 40 mol % butylmethacry
carbon disulfide (6 .0 g , 79 mmol). Crude sodium S - ethyl late (BMA ), 30 mol % propylacrylic acid (PAA ) and 30 mol
trithiocarbonate (7 . 85 g , 0 .049 mol) was collected by filtra - % DMAEMA. 2 ,2'-azobis (4 -methoxy -2 ,4 -dimethylvale
tion , suspended in diethyl ether ( 100 mL ), and reacted with ronitrile ) (170 ) was the radical source , and the polymeriza
Iodine (6 . 3 g , 0 .025 mol). After 1 hour the solution was 30 tion time was 18 hours at 30° C . The block copolymer was
filtered , washed with aqueous sodium thiosulfate , and dried isolated by multiple precipitations in an 80 /20 v /v pentane
over sodium sulfate . The crude bis ( ethylsulfanylthiocarbo - and ether mixture , followed by precipitation in pentane.
nyl) disulfide was then isolated by rotary evaporation . A
solution ofbis -( ethylsulfanylthiocarbonyl) disulfide (1. 37 g , Example 1C .
0 .005 mol) and 4 , 4 '- azobis ( 4 - cyanopentanoic acid ) (2 . 10 g , 35
0 .0075 mol) in ethyl acetate (50 mL ) was heated at reflux for Synthesis of Poly (NIPAM )
18 h . Following rotary evaporation of the solvent, the crude
4 -Cyano - 4 ( ethylsulfanylthiocarbonyl) sulfanylpentanoic The polymer chain poly (NIPAM ) was obtained by RAFT
acid (ECT) was isolated by column chromatography using polymerization based on previously published conditions
silica gel as the stationary phase and 50 :50 ethyl acetate 40 (52 ) using a [CTA ]/[I. ] ratio of 20 : 1, a [CTA ]/ [M ] ratio
hexane as the eluent. of 1 : 100, and the monomer was 33 wt % in p -dioxane . The
The polymers in this study were characterized by gel polymerization was conducted at 70° C . for 120 minutes .
permeation chromatography using three Tosoh TSK -GEL pNIPAM was isolated by repeated cycles of precipitation
columns (TSK -a3000 , a3000 , 44000 ) connected in series to into ethyl ether, followed by dissolution in acetone , and
a Viscotek GPCmax VE2001 and Viscotek RI and UV 45 dried under vacuum overnight
detectors (VE3580 and VE3210 respectively ) (Viscotek ,
Houston Tx ). The mobile phase was HPLC - grade DMF Example 2
containing 0 . 1 wt % LiBr. Molecular weight distributions
were determined relative to a series of poly (methyl meth Chain Extension with Maleimide Chain Extension
acrylate ) standards. Characterization of polymer- folate con - 50 Monomer for Preparation of Poly (DMAEMA)
jugates was performed on an HP Agilent 8453 UV - vis (AM ), Poly (DMAMEA ) -b -DMAEMA/PAA /BMA
spectrophotometer. All NMR spectroscopy was done on a (AM ), Poly (NIPAM )-(AM )
Bruker DRX499 system in D20 .
Maleimide chain extension was performed at 60° C . in
Example 1 55 DMF for 16 hours using N - (2 - aminoethyl)-maleimide trif
luoroacetate (AM ) as the monomer and poly (DMAEMA),
Synthesis of Polymer Chains Using RAFT poly (NIPAM ) or poly (DMAEMA -b -DMAEMA/BMA )
Polymerization PAA ) as the macro -CTA (Scheme 1 ). The polymerizations
were conducted with a CTA V/ [ 1, 1 ratio of 10 : 1 and a
Example 1A . 60 [CTA ]/ [ M ] ratio of 1 : 100 . The polymerization solution
was 60 wt % solvent . As an example polymerization , 400 mg
Synthesis of Poly (N ,N - dimethylaminoethyl PDMAEMA (49 umol) and 1. 26 g AM (4 .9 mmol) were
methacrylate) (PolyDMAEMA ) polymerized with 0 .81 mg AIBN (4 . 9 umol) in 2 .5 g DMF.
H -NMR was used to confirm that the macro -CTAs were
The polymer chain poly (DMAEMA) was obtained by 65 free of residual monomer prior to chain extension in order to
RAFT polymerization using experimental conditions appro - eliminate the possibility of copolymerization during
priate to target the various molecular weights used in this maleimide chain extension .
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
87 88
Chain extended PDMAEMA- AM was isolated by six calibration curve was generated by injectingmultiple known
cycles of precipitation in an 80 /20 solution of pentane /ether. concentrations of pyrene on the GPC column and plotting
Between precipitations , the polymer was redissolved in their corresponding UV peak areas at 338 nm . The concen
acetone and separated from any insoluble AM by centrifu tration of pyrene associated with the polymers was subse
gation and filtration through 0 . 2 um syringe filters . Follow - 5 quently determined by comparison of the polymer conjugate
ing precipitation , a solution of pDMAEMA - AM was pre - UV peak area (a = 338 ) to the pyrene calibration curve. The
pared in deionized water (DI) and the polymer was further UV peak area of the unlabeled polymers was used to account
purified from residual AM monomer using two PD - 10 for the contribution of the RAFT CTA to the absorption at
desalting columns (Amersham , Piscataway N .J. ) in series, 338 nm while maintaining constant RI peak area between
and lyophilized . Chain extended PNIPAM -AM was purified 10 the two samples.
from AM by running the reaction mixture through two
PD - 10 columns following 1 :2 dilution in DI, then Example 5
lyophilized . The extent of AM chain extension was deter
mined using ' H -NMR and the molecular weight distribution Conjugation of Folic - Acid to Chain -Extended
was characterized by GPC . 15 Polymer Chains (Via Extension Moieties )
Example 3 Folic acid was activated with dicyclocarbodiimide (DCC )
in dry dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO ) at a molar ratio of 1 : 1 . 1
Synthesis of Poly (DMAEMA )-(AM )-STY Block for 60 minutes at 4° C . A solution of pDMAEMA- b
Copolymer Using RAFT Polymerization 20 DMAEMA /BMA /PAA that had been chain extended with
N -( 2 - aminoethyl)maleimide and TEA ( 1: 1 mol ratio with
Chain extended PDMAEMA -AM was used as a macro PAA and AM ) in DMSO (PDMAEMA - b -DMAEMA/BMA /
CTA for the polymerization of styrene (PDMAEMA -AM PAA -AM ) was added to the activated folate solution ( 10 : 1
STY ) in order to demonstrate retention of functional RAFT folate :polymer ratio ), and reacted overnight at room tem
chain ends . The [CTA , ]/[I. ] ratio was 10 : 1, the [CTA . ]/[M ] 25 perature . The polymer- folate conjugate was purified by
ratio was 1: 250 , and the monomer was 50 wt % in DMF. The extensive dialysis in water, then lyophilized . The remaining
polymerization was conducted at 60° C . for 24 hours, and folic acid was separated from the lyophilized conjugate
the polymer was isolated by precipitation in 80 /20 v / v using a series of 5 PD - 10 desalting columns until no further
pentane/ether as previously described . reduction in folic acid absorbance (a = 363 nm ) was observed
30 in the column flow - through . The purified polymer- folate
Example 4 conjugate was dried by lyophilization , and the amount of
folate present in the conjugate was determined by UV
Conjugation of Pyrene Dye to Polymer Chains absorbance relative to a standard curve of free folic acid . No
Through Extension Moieties (Fluorescent Labeling ) shift in the folate absorbance spectrum was observed as a
35 result ofconjugation to the polymer.UV measurements were
Amine functionalized PDMAEMA - AM and done in phosphate buffered saline (PBS ), pH = 7 .4 . Concen
PDMAEMA - AM -STY were labeled with 1 -pyrenebutanoic trations of the polymer- folate conjugate were between 0 . 1
acid succimidyl ester (PNHS ) ( Invitrogen ). PDMAEMA - and 1 mg/mL.
AM ( 75 mg, 10 umol) was dissolved in 1 mL of anhydrous
DMF. Subsequently , diisopropylethylamine (123 mg, 0 . 96 40 Example 6
mmol) was added at 2 - fold molar excess relative to the
number of DMAEMA residues to ensure removal of the Preparation of Biotin - Conjugated Chain -Extended
triflate salt from the PDMAEMA -AM primary amine . After Polymers
60 minutes, PNHS (20 mg, 70 umol) was added to the
solution at 7 - fold molar excess relative to the number of 45 Example 6A .
PDMAEMA -AM chains, and the reaction was allowed to
proceed in the dark at room temperature for 18 hours under Conjugation of Biotin to Chain -Extended Polymer
anhydrous conditions. At the end of the reaction time, free Chains (NIPAM -AM )
PNHS was precipitated from solution by the addition of 4
mL ofDI water and separated by centrifugation . The super - 50 In this example, the polymer bioconjugate , pNIPAM -AM
natant was filtered through a 0 . 2 um syringe filter, eluted Biotin , was prepared by conjugation of biotin -NHS to chain
through 2 PD - 10 desalting columns, and dried . The sample extended polymer (NIPAM -AM ). The polymer pNIPAM
was then dissolved in 2.5 mL of 50 % v /v DI/DMF, and ( 10 ,500 g/mol) was chain extended with 2 -aminoethyl
eluted through 2 additional PD - 10 columns in series, and maleimide (AM ), yielding pNIPAM -AM functionalized
frozen and lyophilized . The percent conjugation was deter - 55 with 1 primary amine per chain . Subsequently , a PNIPAM
mined by GPC using online UV and RI detectors. biotin conjugate was prepared by reacting the AM chain
pDMAEMA -AM -STY was labeled using a similar pro extended polymer with NHS -Biotin . To a solution of 650 mg
cedure , but PNHS was added at 50 fold molar excess to PNIPAM -AM polymer in 1 mL of anhydrous DMSO , 4 mg
compensate for the increased steric hindrance of the amine diispropylethylamine were added (5xmol excess relative to
caused by the presence of the styrene block . Following 60 NIPAM ) in order to remove the trifluoroacetate salt from the
labeling, the reaction mixture was added to 50 mL anhy- PNIPAM -AM chain extended amine. After 2 hours, 21 mg
drous ether causing the precipitation of PNHS , which was biotin NHS ( 10xmol excess relative to NIPAM ) was added
removed by centrifugation . PDMAEMA - AM -STY was sub - to the solution . The reaction was purged with dry nitrogen .
sequently precipitated from the ether by the addition of 50 After 24 hours reaction , PNIPAM -biotin was purified by
vol % pentane and recovered by centrifugation 65 diluting the reaction mixture with 2 .5 mL of distilled H2O
To determine the concentration of pyrene associated with and running the reaction mixture through 2 PD - 10 desalting
PDMAEMA - AM or PDMAEMA -AM -STY, a linear pyrene columns in series.
US 10,066 ,043 B2
89 90
The degree of biotinylation was determined by NMR in Polymer or polymer composition is tested at several
D20 by comparing the peak areas at d = 4 .3 and 8 = 4 .5 which concentrations. For example for a polymer/siRNA complex ,
are characteristic of the ANCHCHS — and 25 nM siRNA is added to polymer at 1: 1 , 2 : 1, 4 : 1 and 8 : 1
- NCHCH2S - ) groups in biotin to the pNIPAM methine charge ratios (same polymer concentrations for polymer
peak at d = 3.8 using the molecular weight of pNIPAM . The 5 alone). Solutions of polymer alone or polymer -siRNA com
degree of biotinylation was also determined using a HABA plexes are formed at 20x final assayed concentration for 30
Avidin assay ( Sigma) according to manufacturer' s proto minutes and diluted into each RBC preparation . Two differ
cols. The results are shown in Table 3 . ent preparations of polymer stock are compared for stability
of activity at 9 and 15 days post preparation , stored at 4° C .
Example 6B . 10
from day of preparation . RBC with polymer alone or poly
mer/siRNA complex are incubated at 37° C . for 60 minutes
Chain Extension of DMAEMA Using and centrifuged to remove intact RBC . Supernatants are
Biotin -Conjugated Maleimide Monomer transferred to cuvettes and absorbance determined at 540
nm . Percent hemolysis is expressed as A540 sample/ A540 of
In this example , the polymer bioconjugate , PDMAEMA - 1 % Triton X - 100 treated RBC ( control for 100 % Lysis ).
AM - Biotin , was prepared by chain extension polymerization The various examples herein are to be considered illus
using biotin -maleimide monomer. The polymer trative , and not defining the scope of the invention .
PDMAEMA (8 ,700 g /mol) was chain extended with biotin
maleimide (Pierce ) as the chain extension monomer. The 20 TABLE 1
PDMAEMAmacro -CTA was prepared from 4 g DMAEMA .
The [CTA0 ]/ [Mo] ratio was 1: 168 , the [CTA0 ]/[ lo ] ratio was Chain extension monomers.
10 : 1, the polymerization was 50 wt % in DMF and the (M1)
reaction time was 7 hours at 60° C . The polymerization was
conducted under a N , atmosphere using AIBN as a free - 25
radical source . For biotin -maleimide chain extension , 200
mg PDMAEMA (23 umol ) was used as the macro -CTA for Ps
the chain extension polymerization of biotin -maleimide. The
[CTA0 ]/[Mo] ratio was 1: 16 , the [CTA0]/[lo ] was 20 : 1, and
the polymerization was conducted for 18 hours at 60° C . The 30
polymerization solution was prepared by combining first
dissolving the biotin -maleimide in 2 mL DMSO . The 0=
PDMAEMA macro -CTA and the AIBN were dissolved in 2
mL DMF. The solutions were combined and the reaction R 02 TORS (M3)
vessel was purged with N , prior to polymerization . 35
pDMAEMA - biotin was purified using multiple PD - 10 col
umns in series . R502C (M4)
The degree of biotinylation was determined by NMR in
D2O by comparing the peak area at S = 4 .5 to the
PDMAEMA methylene peak at d = 4 . 0 using the molecular 40 CO2R5
weight of DMAEMA . The degree of biotinylation was also
determined using a HABA /Avidin assay (Sigma) according (M5)
to manufacturer' s protocols . The results are shown in Table
(M6 )

Example 7
Evaluation of Membrane Destabilizing Activity of
Polymer Chains (M7)
Polymer chains are evaluated for effectiveness as a pH
sensitive, membrane disruptive polymer chain as follows.
Generally , a pH responsivemembrane destabilizing activ
ity is assayed by titrating a polymer or a polymer compo (M8)
sition (i.e ., a polymer chain (alone) or a polymer chain 55
non - covalently complexed or covalently conjugated to a
polynucleotide such as siRNA ) into preparations of human (M9)
red blood cells (RBC ) and determining membrane-lytic
activity by hemoglobin release ( absorbance reading at 540 RS
nm ). Three different pH conditions are used to mimic 60
endosomal pH environments ( extracellular pH = 7 .4 , early 97- C02R5 (M10 )
endosome= 6 .6 , late endosome= 5 . 8 ). Human red blood cells
(RBC ) are isolated by centrifugation from whole blood b
collected in vaccutainers containing EDTA . RBC are COURS
washed 3 times in normal saline, and brought to a final 65 z = 0 , 1, 2 , 3
concentration of 2 % RBC in PBS at specific pH (5 .8 , 6 .6 or
7 .4 ).
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
91 92
TABLE 1 -continued TABLE 1-continued
Chain extension monomers. Chain extension monomers.
( M11 )
5 (M17)

? R5

Az CO2R5 (M12 ) L (M18)

RS ?
z = 0 , 1 , 2, 3
( )

Molecular weight distributions, degree of chain extension and degree of conjugation .
% AM % Conjugation Efficiency
# Polymer M , M / M , ^ Extension Pyrenea Folate
P1 PDMAEMA -AM 8100 1. 26 102
1. 17 97

P4 pDMAEMA -b -DMAEMA/BMA/PAA 19500 1 . 45 - |

" Determined by GPC

Determined by 'H -NMR
Determined by UV spectroscopy

TABLE 1 -continued 40
Chain extension monomers . Degree of biotinylation for biotin-conjugated
chain - extended polymers. a, b
(M14 )
_ Biotin /Chain
45 Polymer Mn Method NMR HABA

NIPAM -AM 10 ,500 NHS ester 0 .8 0 .5

DMAEMA 9 , 700 Ch. Ext. 4. 3 1.7
a Polymer bioconjugate ( PNIPAM - AM -Biotin ) prepared by conjugation of biotin -NHS to
chain -extended polymer (NIPAM - AM ).
50 Polymer bioconjugate (PDMAEMA-AM -Biotin ) prepared by biotin -maleimide chain
extension polymerization .

R5 (M15 )
The invention claimed is :
1 . A method for preparing a polymer, the method com
prising :
(a ) providing a macromolecular chain transfer agent hav
ing a formula P? — Y, wherein P ” is a first polymer
chain , Y is a chain transfer residue having a formula
60 SCES )Z , and Z is an activating group , and
(b ) reacting a chain extension monomer and the macro
(M16 ) molecular chain transfer agent under reversible addi
tion - fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) chain exten
sion conditions to form a polymer having a formula
65 P ” -(E )x- Y, wherein k is an integer ranging from 1 to 20 ,
and wherein chain extension residue E has a formula
US 10 ,066 ,043 B2
9393 94
formula P " -(E )K- Y differs from the polydispersity index of
(E3) the macromolecular chain transfer agent by not more than
10 % .
11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the polydispersity
5 index of the polymer of formula P " -( E ), - Y differs from the
polydispersity index of the macromolecular chain transfer
agent by not more than 5 % .
12 . The method of claim 1, wherein RS comprises (ii ) the
functional group covalently coupled to the biomolecular
agent through the linking moiety .
wherein 13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the biomolecular
R and R4 are each hydrogen , agent isis selected
R ?, N — R , and R ", together form an N -substituted imidyl agent select from the group consisting of a therapeutic
moiety represented by the formula - C (O )NR5C ( 0 ) agent and a targeting moiety.
and 15 14 . The method of claim 12 , wherein the biomolecular
Rºis a C . -C ., moiety comprising (i ) a functional group or agent is selected from the group consisting of a polynucleic
( ii) a functional group covalently coupled to a biomo- acid , a polyamino acid , a polysaccharide , and a small
lecular agent through a linking moiety , wherein the
C -C20 moiety is selected from the group consisting of 15 . A method for preparing a polymer, the method com
hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocarbyl, hetero -hydrocar- 20 prising :
byl, substituted hetero -hydrocarbyl, carbocyclic, sub ( a ) providing a macromolecular chain transfer agent hav
stituted carbocyclic , heterocyclic , substituted heterocy ing a formula P Y , wherein P ” is a first polymer
clic , aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, substituted chain , Y is a chain transfer residue having a formula
heteroaryl, and fused -multiring structures comprising SCES)Z , and Z is an activating group , and
one or more of the foregoing, and wherein the func - 25 (b ) reacting a chain extension monomer and the macro
tional group is selected from the group consisting of molecular chain transfer agent under reversible addi
amino, ammonio , imino , amido , imidyl, nitrile , azo , tion -fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT ) chain exten
azido , cyano , cyanato , isocyanato , isothiocyanto , sion conditions to form a polymer having a formula
hydrazide , nitro , nitroso , nitrosooxy, pyridyl, hydroxyl, P ” -( E ). - Y , wherein k is an integer ranging from 1 to 20 ,
alkoxy, carboxyl, ester, acyl, halo , haloformyl, phos - 30 and wherein chain extension residue E has a formula
phino , phosphoric , phospho, sulfide, disulfide, thio , E3
thiol, sulfonyl, sulfo , sulfinyl, alkenyl, alkynl, allenyl,
and silyl.
2 . The method of claim 1, further comprising (E3)
(c ) reacting a set of one or more monomers and the 35 R4
polymer of formula P " -( E )K - Y under RAFT polymer
ization conditions to form a polymer having a formula
P " -( E )K-PM — Y, wherein PM is a second polymer chain . .

3 . The method of claim 1, further comprising preparing -

the macromolecular chain transfer agent of formula P — Y 40

before step (a ).
4 . The method of claim 3, wherein preparing the macro wherein
molecular chain transfer agent comprises reacting a first set R1 and R4 are each hydrogen ,
A of one or more monomers and a chain transfer agent
comprising a thio -carbonyl-thio moiety under RAFT polym - 45 R ?moiety , N - RS, and R3, together form an N -substituted imidyl
represented by the formula - C ( O )NR C (O ) - ,
erization conditions. and
5 . The method of claim 4 , further comprising R® is a C , -C20moiety comprising a primary or secondary
( c ) reacting a second set B of one or more monomers and
the polymer of formula P " - ( E ) , - Y under RAFT polym amine , wherein the C ,- C20 moiety is selected from the
erization conditions to form a polymer having a for- 50 group consisting of hydrocarbyl, substituted hydrocar
mula P " -( E ). - P ” — Y , wherein P " is a second polymer byl, hetero - hydrocarbyl, substituted hetero -hydrocar
chain . byl, carbocyclic , substituted carbocyclic , heterocyclic ,
6 . The method of claim 5 , wherein the second set B of one substituted heterocyclic, aryl, substituted aryl, het
eroaryl, substituted heteroaryl, and fused -multi- ring
or more monomers is different from the first set A of one or structures comprising one or more of the foregoing , and
more monomers . 55 ( c ) conjugating a biomolecular agent to the polymer of
7. The method of claim 1, further comprising cleaving the formula P ” - (E ).- Y utilizing the primary or secondary
chain transfer residue Y to yield a chain transfer residue amine .
derivative , Y *
8 . Themethod of claim 7 , wherein Y * is selected from the 16 . The method of claim 15 , wherein the biomolecular
group consisting of hydrogen and SH . agent is selected from the group consisting of a therapeutic
9. Themethod of claim 1 , wherein k is an integer ranging agent 17 .
and a targeting moiety .
The method of claim 15 , wherein the biomolecular
from 1 to 10 . agent is selected from the group consisting of a polynucleic
10 . The method of claim 9 , wherein each of the macro acid , a polyamino acid , a polysaccharide , and a small
molecular chain transfer agent and the polymer of formula
P ” -(E )K - Y has a polydispersity index , M . /Mn, of less than molecule .
1.5 , and wherein the polydispersity index of the polymer of * * * * *

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