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8 The initial impact of Green Revolution limited to wheat and only to a few regions because of the
following reasons:

 Green Revolution is a revolution which started in the late 1960s with an aim of achieving self-
sufficiency in the production of grains like wheat and rice.

 The initial impact of Green Revolution was limited to wheat and only to a few regions because initially
only the farmers of Punjab Haryana and Uttar Pradesh by out the modern farming method in India.

 They used tubewells for irrigation and made use of HYV seeds chemical fertilisers and pesticides in

 Capital required for using HYV seeds was very high. Therefore small farmers and many backward
regions could not use the modern techniques.

 Use of HYV seeds require all other modern techniques of cultivation also therefore for initial time it
remained unapproachable in many backward villages and small farmers which work without electricity
or own poor farm distribution.

9. Five reasons as to why farm labourers are considered poor

 Farm labourers are generally landless.

 They have no permanent jobs. They have to look for work on daily basis.
 They are not even paid minimum wages. The minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the
government is ₹ 60 per day, but they get only?
 They have large family.
 They are illiterate, unhealthy and unskilled.

10. Basic requirements for the production of goods and services.

(i) Land: Land is the most important factor of production. It is required for growing crops, building
factories and infrastructure. The first requirement is land. We also need other natural resources such as
water, forests, minerals etc.

(ii) Labour: The second requirement is labour, i.e., people who will do the work. Different production
activities require different types of workers, such as highly educated, skilled or those doing some manual
work. Each worker provides labour necessary for production.

(iii) Physical Capital: The third requirement is physical capital, comprising various inputs required during
production. It has two components. Tools, machines and buildings fall under ‘fixed capital’.
They can be used in production for many years. Raw materials and money in hand are called working
capital. These are used up in production.

(iv) Human Capital: The fourth requirement is the human capital. Knowledge and enterprise are needed
to put together land, labour and physical capital in order to produce an output.

Human capital is the most important requirement of production of goods and services. Because
Human capital is the knowledge and effort that is put into arrange for the other requirements like
land, labor and physical capital to start the production of goods and services.

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