Materi Pembelajaran Dan LKPD 3.1 - Self Introduction

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(RPP 1)
Pertemuan 1.
a. Mentioning your name
 Hi! I’m Rudy Hartono. You can call me Rudy.
 Hello, my name is Dita Kusnasih. My friends call me Tia.
 My name is Tony Curtis. What is your name?
 My name is Rini Ismail. Just call me Rini.
Formal Expressions:

 May I introduce myself? My name is Rudi Hartono. You can call me

 Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dita Kusnasih. At home, they call
me Tia.
 Let me introduce myself. My name is Robert Andrews.
b. Mentioning your occupation
 I am a student of SMA Negeri 3 Kupang
 I am an architect.
 I work for United Bank.
c. Talking about your place of origin
 I am from Sabu.
 I come from East Java.
 I was born in Jakarta, but I grew up in Kupang.
d. Talking about your address
 I live in Oepura.
 I live at 25 Rambutan Street, Kupang.
 My address is 25 Rambutan Street, Kupang.
e. Talking about your family
 I live with my parents in Kupang.
 I don’t have any brothers, but I have three sisters and I’m the youngest.
 I don’t have any brothers or sisters.
 I am the first son in my family.
f. Talking about your hobby
 I like cooking very much.
 Travelling is my hobby.
 I go swimming twice a week.
 In the evening, I often play my guitar.
g. Referring to your phone number
 You can contact me at . . . .
 My phone number is . . . .

Materi 1
There are some expressions that used to ask about self-introduction. Especially,
when we meet people, friends or someone we can ask them by saying:

 What is your name?

 What is your surname/ last name?
 Do you have a nickname?
 What do you do?
 Where do you work?
 Do you like your job?
 Why do you like your job?

 How many brothers and sisters do you have?

 How old are you? When were you born?
 Where are you from?
 Where did you graduate from?
 What is your address?
 What is your phone number?
 What is your e-mail address?

Materi 2.
Menyebutkan pertanyaan yang mungkin di peroleh untuk menyebutkan informasi
yang di sebutkan oleh guru
1. Hi. My name is David.
2. You can call me Anne.
3. My phone number is …
4. Are you a doctor?
5. You’re really amazing
6. How do you do?
7. Hello. I’m Alice
8. I don’t think we’ve met
9. Good morning
10. No, I’m an Engineer


When you introduce yourself to others, what do you usually tell them about
yourself? The first thing will commonly do is telling your name, your complete

name; the first name and the last name/surname/family name. Then you will tell
people your nickname, the way you want someone to call you.
E.g. Hello, my name is Ronald Jefferson/ Everybody calls me Ron.
In English, we use a full name or a family name. use a full name, first
name or short name (nickname) without a title.
“I’m Ronald Jefferson.” Not “I’m Jefferson”/ “I’m Ronald.” (or “I’m Ron”)
“Hello, Mrs. Jefferson.” (not “Hello, Mrs. Susan.” or “Hello Mrs. Sue”)
“Hello, Miss. Jefferson. Hello, Jefferson.”
In Indonesia, people tend to address a person by using the first name. this may
happen because most Indonesian do not have family names. Therefore, Indonesian
people rarely call a person by their first names.

English Indonesia
A: Hello, my name is David Hasselhoff. A : Hmm... nama saya Rudi
B: Oh, hello Mr. Hasselhoff. Nice to Wijanarko
meet you. B : Oh, halo, Pak Rudi. Apa kabar?
A: Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Miller. A: Kabar baik.
B: Just call me David, and what should I B: Kapan tiba di Jakarta?
call you, Mrs. Miller? A: Tadi pagi dengan pesawat
A: You can call me Sue. pertama.

If you want to address Indonesian people in English, then you should follow the
rules of English vocative.

English Indonesia
A: My name is Rudi Wijanarko. A: My name is Rudi Wijanarko.
B: Oh, hello, Mr.Rudi. How are you? B: Oh, hello, Mr.Rudi. How are you?
A: I’m fine, thanks. A: I’m fine, thanks.
B: What about you, Mr.Budi? B: what about you, Budi?
A: I’m fine too, thanks. A: I’m fine too, thanks.

Materi 3.
Pronouns replace nouns. A different pronoun is required depending on two
elements: the noun being replaced and the function that the noun has in the
sentence. In English, pronoun only take the gender of the noun

Example of subject pronouns
 I am 16.
 You seem lost.
 Jim is angry, and he wants Sally to apologize.
 This table is old. It needs to be repainted.
 They don’t like pancakes.

Example of object pronouns.

 Give the book to me.
 Rachid received a letter from her last week.
 Don’t be angry with us.

Example of possessive pronoun.

 The bag is mine.
 Yours is not blue.
 That car is ours.
 Theirs is parked in the garage.

Example of the Possessive adjective.

 This is my book and that is your book.
 His car is red and our car is blue.
 Rudi has a beautiful bicycle. Its color is black.

Pertemuan 2.
Look at the picture.
• What do you think they are doing?
• Where does it take place?
• Why do you think so?
Check your answer with your friends

Picture 1.5

The following is an example of a conversation between Edo and Slamet who meet
for the first time in a party like in picture 1.5. They introduce themselves to each
other to know their acquaintance better. Read the dialog silently first. Pay
attention to how to introduce self. Discuss the expressions used with your
classmate sitting next to you. Then act out pretending to be Edo
and Slamet who introduce themselves to each other.

Pertemuan 1
Orally, answer some questions given by the teacher below!
What is your parent’s job?
Task 1.
Matching pictures below!

1 2 3

4 5

Dentist Farmer Photographer

Doctor Pilot Architect
Teacher Student Receptionist

Task 2.
Underline all pronouns that you can find.
Text 1: an email from Hannah
Hello, Alia! Let me introduce myself. My name is Hannah.
I know your name from my friend, Caroline. She told me that you sent her an
email telling her that you would like to have more pen pals from the US. I’d really
like to be your E-pal. You sound really cool!
I guess I’d better tell you something about myself first. I’m 16 years old and I
attend Thomas Edison High School here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
I have two brothers and two half sisters and I’m the middle child. My father died
a few years ago so my mother runs the house and the family business. My father
was a barista. I have lots of hobbies. I like music – mostly classical music and folk
music – but I don’t play an instrument. I like sports, especially tennis and
basketball. At school, I’m in the basketball team and I spend most of my extra-
curricular time playing basketball. I’m into animals very much. My sister and I
have three dogs. They need lots of attention as you can imagine. My favorite
subjects at school are art and geography. I think I’d like to become a park ranger
when I graduate, perhaps work for the National Parks Service.
I don’t like reading but I love drawing and painting. How about you? Please drop
me a line, Alia! Can’t wait to hear from you!

Text 2: a letter from Saidah

Assalamu’alaikum Alia,
It was very interesting to read your letter about yourself and your hometown. I
would really like to be your pen friend.
I’m a sixteen-year-old school student from Johor Bahru in Malaysia. Actually, I
attend an Islamic boarding school just outside the city but my family lives in
Kuala Lumpur. My eldest sister is a medical doctor. My younger brother is an
elementary school student.
My favorite subjects are social sciences. I like history very much; it helps me to
know more about how different countries existed in the past. At school we are

supposed to use English at all times, so we have become quite fluent although
sometimes we slip back into Malay, which is our mother tongue.
As for hobbies, I’m really into songs and music. My favorite boy band is One
Direction. My favorite Malay singer is, of course, Siti Nurhaliza. I also like
watching movies, especially comedies. The actor I like best is Tom Cruise.
I’m really into books. I like reading novels and short stories. I like some writers in
English, like JK Rowling, and Indonesian writers too, like Andrea Hirata and
Ahmad Fuadi. My dream, when I’m older, is to be a writer of science fiction
I’d really love to come to Indonesia someday, especially to the magnificent Raja
Ampat in Papua. What about you, do you want to visit my country?

Task 3.
Fill in the blanks with the right words.
A. Subjective Pronouns:
1. ____ (Me/I) come to Yogyakarta every month.
2. ____ (His/He) spends the weekend playing guitar.
3. ____ (They/Them) told me that they sent an e-mail to each other every day.
4. ____ (We/ours) plan to visit Thailand next year.
5. ____ (We/It) can climb Bromo Mountain together in July.

B. Objective Pronouns:
1. I am going to introduce ____ (she/her) to one of my pen pals in Malaysia.
2. Lolita told ____ (we/me) that she wanted to send a birthday gift to her pen pal
in Papua.
3. My friends and I have regular meetings with the pen pal seeker group. You can
join ____ (it/its) anytime.
4. He told me that he had many e-pals but he is no longer keep in touch with ____
5. It is obvious that Marina desperately wants to visit Malang very soon. She
talked about ____ (them/it) frequently these days.

C. Possessive Adjectives:
1. I am going to wash _______ hand. (my/me)
2. Do you like _____ pen pals? (you/your)
3. ______ hobby is reading the biography of famous people. (He /His).
4. She is sixteen and ______ school is in Minneapolis (her/she)
5. They run their family business themselves because _____ father died last year.

D. Possessive Pronouns:
1. He is very diligent and loves reading. He always brings the book in
____(he/his) bag.
2. ____ (Mine/My) little brother studies in a state vocational school in my region.
3. Alice told her pen pal that she admired JK. Rowling and collected ____(her/his)
4. My pen pals have the same interest as me, which is about writing. We
sometimes send ____ (their/our) piece of writings and I often give comments
on____ (it/theirs).
5. He told me about his family and I told ____(my/mine) too.

E. Mixed (Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives):

1. Sofia told ___(I/me) that you would like to have more pen pals from
2. I have several pen pals from UK. I write to ____ (they/them) via email every
3. Alia often tells Hannah about her rehearsal. ____ (She/Her) joins a choir club in
her school.
4. As for hobbies, we are really into sport and music. So, we can share ____
(my/our) experience about football players and songs.
5. My friends and I often spend a long holiday in our hometowns. ____(They/We)
keep in touch via e-mail and WhatsApp.
6. The cat licks ______ (its/it) fur many times, and it seems to enjoy doing _____
7. Hannah said, “This is my favorite book and I want to give it to _____
(yours/you). Now it’s ____(yours/you).”
8. Alia was sobbing when ______ (she/her) read this line in the novel _____
(she/her) got from Saidah: They know the land is not _____ (they/theirs)
anymore. The landlord told _______ (they/them) to leave the land. The two
brothers said to themselves,”We will work very hard to collect money. Someday

______ (we/us) will return to buy his land, and (its/it) will become _______
(our/ours) forever.”
9. The teacher tells ________ (we/us) to make friends with students from English
speaking countries so that ______ (we/us) can improve our English.
10. Alia’s brother wanted to have pen pals too. Alia introduced ______
(he/him/his) to Hannah’s and Saidah’s brothers. Now, they have become good
friends. Sometimes Alia writes about _______ (theirs/them) in _______ (hers/her)
letter to Hannah and Saidah.

Pertemuan 2
Task 1.
In pairs, match the questions in column A with the responses in column B.


Excuse me, what’s your first name again? No. It’s 641 456 7784.

How do you pronounce your last name? Well, everyone calls me Stu.

Hello, my name is Pratiwi Kusuma. Just call Oh, it’s Otsuka

me Tiwi.

What do people call you? It’s Wittner, with double t

Is your phone number 614 456 7784. Nice to meet you, Tiwik. I’m

In a group of three, act out this dialog in front of the class!

Jack: Great party, isn’t it?
Rosy: Yes, it is.
Jack: By the way, my name is Jack Sommers. Please call me Jack. I am from
Toronto, Canada
Rosy: Nice to meet you, Jack. I’m Rosiana Simatupang. Just call me Rosy.
Jack: What do you do, Rosy?
Rosy: Well, I’m a TV Presenter
Jack: Oh, are you? What TV are you working on?
Rosy: TV Three. And what about you, Jack?
Jack: I work for the United Bank. In the marketing section.
Rosy: Hmm …. that sounds interesting.
Jack: It’s not bad.
Rosy: Oh Jack, I don’t think you have met my cameramen. This is Budi Handoyo.
Budi, this is Jack Sommers.
Jack: How do you do, Mr. Handoyo?
Budi: How do you do, Mr. Sommers? Pleased to meet you.
Rosy: Okay, gentlemen. I have something important to do. So please enjoy

Task 2
Imagine that you and your classmates are all invited to a party and become the
guests there. Think about and use new identities. For instance, you can pretend to
become your favorite football player, singer, or scientist, etc. The new identities
make you unfamiliar with each other because that is the first time you meet. Talk
to each other and introduce yourself: tell about your family, your profession, and
your hobbies.


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