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Part 1.
1. Look for patterns inside or outside of your house then take pictures of the patterns
explored using smart phones or digital camera. Explore, take photos, make list and
identify what patterns can be seen in nature inside your house, at the garden or park
nearby or any any part of the neighborhoood.

This weighing scale is an example of arithmetic pattern because the terms has common
difference which is 50.

This is an example of tessellation pattern

because of its one shape that has same
space between them.
This is an example of wallpaper pattern because it has two directions of translation

Answer the ff. questions

2. How do you find the golden ratio of your face?
 To get the golden ratio of your face you need to divide a line into two parts, when
the longer part (a) divided by the smaller part (b) equals the sum of (a) + (b)
divided by (a), which equals 1.618.
3. In relation to golden ratio, give 3 examples of Celebrities with almost perfect faces,
explain why?

Bella Hadid
She was found to be 94.35% 'accurate' to the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi - a measure
of physical perfection. Dr Julian De Silva, a renowned facial cosmetic surgeon on
London's famous Harley Street, took the measurements. Bella Hadid eyes, brows, nose,
lips, chin, jaw, and face form were the most ideal in the ancient Greeks' eyes.
Beyonce was found to be 92.44% 'accurate' to the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi - a
measure of physical perfection.

Amber Heard
According to Dr. De Silva Amber Heard was 91.85% accurate to the Golden Ration od
Beauty Phi- a measure of physical perfection.
3. Will the Universe exist without mathematics or vice versa?
 Universe will never exist without mathematics. We are all surrounded by
mathematics even how much we hate it. Science has mathematics. All the things
you touch or see in the universe had mathematical principle. For example the
electronic devices you have in your house, the money you have to buy foods and
the table where you’re family eats. Even your face has mathematics— golden
ratio proves that the human body was not formed randomly, it follows a pattern, a
standard ratio that is provided by nature, and it functions flawlessly. There’s Big
Bang theory that states the Universe began with a very small ball with infinite
density and intense heat called a Singularity— atoms, stars, black hole, nebulas,
galaxies, inflation all of them follow mathematical principles. In conclusion if
Mathematics never existed, nothing would have existed even the Universe.
Part 2.

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