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Navigation questions


1. Grid heading is 299°, grid convergency W55° and magnetic variation is W90°. What is the
corresponding magnetic heading?

a) 084°
b) 154°
c) 264°
d) 334°

2. “A” latitude is 00°

“B” is located at N 33° E101°
True Track (GC) from A to B at B is 090°
The initial true track of the GC at A is?

a) 057°
b) 303°
c) 123°
d) 237°

3. Given:
A is N 55° 000°
B is N 54° E 010°
The average true course of the Great Circle is 100°
The true course of the rhumb line at point A is:

a) 104°
b) 096°
c) 107°
d) 100°

4. Position A is located on the equator at longitude E 130° 00’

Position B is located 100 nm from A on a bearing of 225°(T)
The coordinates of position B are:

a) S 01° 11 E 131° 11’

b) S 01° 11 E 128° 49’
c) N 01° 11 E 128° 49’
d) N 01° 11 E 131° 11’

5. The angle between the true great circle track and the rhumb line track joining the following points:
A (S 60° W 165°) and B (S60° E 177°), at the place of departure is:

a) 5.2°
b) 9°
c) 15.6°
d) 7.8°

Navigation questions

6. Position A is (S 31° 00’ W 176° 17’)

Rhumb line track (T) from A to B is 270°
Initial great circle track (T) from A to B is 266.2°
The approximate position of B is?

a) S 31° 00’ W 161° 32’

b) S 31° 00’ E 173° 24’
c) S 31° 00’ E 168° 58’
d) S 31° 00’ W 173° 24’

7. A great circle track joins position A (S 59° W 141°) and B (S 61° W 148°). What is the difference
between the great circle track at A and B?

a) It increases by 6°
b) It decreases by 6°
c) It decreases by 3°
d) It increases by 3°

8. Position A (S 56° 00’ E 163° 57’)

Position B (S 56° 00’ W 171° 47’)
For the route from A to B the ……..

a) Rhumb line distance is 1206.6 nm

b) Rhumb line distance is 1455.4 nm
c) Great circle direction at B is 080.7°
d) Great circle direction at B is 100.1°

9. An aircraft passes position A (N 60° 00’ W 120° 00’) on route to position B (N 60° 00’ W 140° 30’).
What is the great circle track on departure from A?

a) 261°
b) 270°
c) 279°
d) 288°

10. The great circle bearing of position B from position A in the northern hemisphere is 040°. If the
conversion angle is 4°, what is the great circle bearing of A from B?

a) 220°
b) 228°
c) 224°
d) 212°

11. The initial great circle track from A to B is 080° and the rhumb line track is 083°. What is the initial
great circle track from B to A and in which hemisphere are the two positions located?

a) 260° in the southern hemisphere

b) 266° in the southern hemisphere
c) 260° in the northern hemisphere
d) 266° in the northern hemisphere

Navigation questions

12. In the northern hemisphere the rhumb line track from position a to B is 230°, the convergency is 6°
and the difference in longitude is 10°. What is the initial rhumb line track from B to A?

a) 056°
b) 053°
c) 050°
d) 047°

13. The great circle track measured at A (N 45° 00’ W 010° 00’) from A to B (N 45° 00’ W 019° 00’) is

a) 093°
b) 090°
c) 273°
d) 270°

14. Position A = S56° 00’ E163° 57.2”

Position B = S56° 00’ W171° 47.4
For the route from A to B the

a) Rhumb lines distance is 1206.6 nm

b) Rhumb lines distance is 1455.4 nm
c) Great circle direction at B is 080.7°
d) Great circle direction at B is 100.1°

15. A great circle intersects the equator in W 030° with a great circle direction of 035° (T). An aircraft
tracking along the great circle will reach the maximum Northern/southern latitude in position?

a) N55° E 060°
b) S 55° E 060V
c) S 35° W 120°
d) N 35° W 120°

16. The Rhumb line track between position A (N 45° 00’ W 010° 00’) and position B (N 48° 30’ W 015°
00’) is approximately?

a) 330°
b) 300°
c) 315°
d) 345°

17. The great circle bearing from A (S 70° W 030°) to (S 70° E 060°) is approximately:

a) 048° (T)
b) 132° (T)
c) 090° (T)
d) 312° (T)

18. The Great Circle bearing from A (70°S 030°W) to B (70°S 060°E) is approximately:
Navigation questions

a) 312°(T)
b) 090°(T)
c) 048°(T)
d) 132°(T)

19. Variation at an NDB is 9W. Variation at the aircraft is 11W. The true track of the great circle to the
NDB from the aircraft, at the aircraft, is 101.5. The magnetic bearing of the NDB from the aircraft is:

a) 114.5
b) 108.5
c) 112.5
d) 110.5

20. The great circle track measured at A (45°N 010°W) from A to B (45°N 019°W) is approximately:

a) 270°
b) 090°
c) 273°
d) 093°


21. Position A = (N 30° 00’ W 175° 23’)

Position B = (N 30° 00’ E 173° 48’)
For the route from A to B the………

a) Great circle direction at A is 275°

b) Great circle direction at B is 092°
c) Rhumb line distance is 578 nm
d) Rhumb line distance is 648 nm

22. Given: Value for the ellipticity of the Earth is 1/297. Earth’s semi-major axis, as measured at the
equator, equals 6378.4 km. What is the semi-minor axis (km) of the earth at the axis of the poles?

a) 6399.9
b) 6367.0
c) 6356.9
d) 6378.4

23. If an aircraft was to circle around the Earth following parallel N 60° at a groundspeed of 480 kt. In
order to circle around the Earth along the Equator in the same amount of time, it should fly at a
groundspeed of:

a) 960 kt
b) 240 kt
c) 550 kt
d) 480 kt

24. Position A: N 45° E ? °

Navigation questions

Position B: N 45° E 45° 15’

Distance from A to B: 280 nm
B is to the east of A.
What is the longitude of A?
a) E 38° 39’
b) E 51° 51’
c) E 40° 33’
d) E 49° 57’

25. Given:
Position “A” (N 60° W 020°)
Position “B” (N 60° W 021°)
Position “C” (N59° W 020°)
What are, respectively, the distances from A to B and from A to C?
a) 60 nm and 30 nm
b) 60 nm and 52 nm
c) 52 nm and 60 nm
d) 30 nm and 60 nm

26. The distance along a meridian between N63° 55’ and S13° 47’
a) 7702 nm
b) 5008 nm
c) 3008 nm
d) 4662 nm

27. Two places on the parallel of S 47° lie 757.8 km apart. Calculate the difference in longitude:
a) 4° 39’
b) 9° 19’
c) 10° 00’
d) 4° 51’

28. Given: A (N 56° E 145°), B (N 56° W 165°).

What is the difference in longitude between A and B?
a) 020°
b) 130°
c) 050°
d) 001°

29. Given:
Position “A” in N 00° E 100°
Position “B” is 240° (T), 200nm from “A”
What is the position of “B”
a) N 01° 40’ E 101° 40’
b) N 01° 40’ E 97° 07’
c) S 01° 40’ E 97° 07’
d) S 01° 40’ E 101° 40’

Navigation questions

30. An aircraft at latitude N 02° 20’ tracks 180° (T) for 685 km. On completion of the flight the latitude
will be:

a) S 09° 05’
b) S 04° 10’
c) S 03° 50’
d) S 04° 30’

31. An aircraft at latitude 10° South flies north at a GS of 890 km/hr. What will its latitude be after 1.5

a) N 22° 00’
b) N 12° 15’
c) N 03° 50’
d) N 02° 00’

32. A flight is to be made from ‘A’ S49° E/W 180° to 'B' S58 °S, E/W 180°. The distance in kilometres
from ‘A’ to 'B' is approximately:

a) 1000 km
b) 804 km
c) 540 km
d) 1222 km

33. The diameter of the Earth is approximately:

a) 12 700 km
b) 6 350 km
c) 18 500 km
d) 40 000 km

34. What is the longitude of a position 6 nm to the East of N 58°42’ W 094° 00’?

a) W 093° 53’
b) W 093° 48’
c) W 093° 58’
d) W 094° 12’

35. The rhumb line distance between points A (N 60° 00’ E 002° 30’) and B (N 60° 00’ W 007° 30’) is:

a) 450 nm
b) 150 nm
c) 300 nm
d) 600 nm

36. 5hr 20 min 20 sec corresponds to a longitude difference of:

a) 80° 05’
b) 78° 45’
c) 75° 00’
d) 81°10’

Navigation questions

37. What is the time required to travel along a parallel of latitude N 60° between meridian E 010° and
W 030° at a groundspeed of 480 kt?

a) 1 hr 15 min
b) 1 hr 45 min
c) 5 hr 00 min
d) 2 hr 30 min

38. An aircraft departs from position A (S 04° 10’ W 178° 22’) and flies northward following the
meridian for 2950 nm. It then flies westward along the parallel of latitude for 382 nm to position B.
The coordinates of position B are?

a) N 45° 00’ W 169° 22’

b) N 53° 20’ W 169° 22’
c) N 45° 00’ E 172° 38’
d) N 52° 20’ E 172° 38’

39. The circumference of the earth is approximately:

a) 43200 nm
b) 21600 nm
c) 5400 nm
d) 10800 nm

40. An aircraft departing A (N 40° 00’ E 080° 00’) flies a constant track of 270° at a groundspeed of
120 kt What are the coordinates of the position reached in 6 hr?

a) N 40° 00’ E 070° 30’

b) N 40° 00’ E 060° 00’
c) N 40° 00’ E 068° 10’
d) N 40° 00’ E 064° 20’

41. What is the final position after the following rhumb line tracks and distances have been followed
from position N 60° 00’ W 030° 00’
South for 3600 nm
East for 3600 nm
North for 3600 nm
West for 3600 nm
The final position of the aircraft is:

a) N 60° 00’ E 030° 00’

b) N 59° 00’ W 090° 00’
c) N 60° 00’ W 090° 00’
d) N 59° 00’ W 060° 00’

42. The circumference of the parallel of latitude at N 60° is approximately:

a) 20 000 nm
b) 34 641 nm
c) 18 706 nm
d) 10 800 nm

Navigation questions

43. At what approximate latitude is the length of one minute of arc along a meridian equal to one NM
(1852 m) correct?

a) 0°
b) 90°
c) 30°
d) 45°

44. An aircraft at position N 60° W 005° tracks 090° (T) for 315 km. On completion of the flight the
longitude will be:

a) E 000° 40’
b) E 005° 15’
c) W 002° 10’
d) E 000° 15’

45. The departure between positions N 60° E 160° and N 60° “X” is 900 nm. What is the longitude of

a) E 175°
b) W 170°
c) W 140°
d) E 145°

46. An aircraft flies a great circle track from 56° N 070 ° W to 62° N 110° E. The total distance travelled

a) 3720 nm
b) 5420 nm
c) 2040 nm
d) 1788 nm

47. What is the rhumb line distance in nautical miles between two positions on latitude N 60° that are
separated by 10° of longitude?
a) 520 nm
b) 866 nm
c) 600 nm
d) 300 nm

48. An aircraft flies the following rhumb line tracks and distances from position N 04° 00’ W 030° 00’:
600 nm South
600 nm East
600 nm North
600 nm West
The final position of the aircraft is:

a) N 03° 58’ W 030° 02’

b) N 04° 00’ W 030° 02’
c) N 04° 00’ W029° 58’
d) N 04° 00’ W 030° 00’

Navigation questions

49. What is the length of one degree of longitude at latitude S 60°?

a) 30 nm
b) 52 nm
c) 90 nm
d) 60 nm

50. An aircraft at latitude 10°North flies south at a groundspeed of 445 km/hr. What will be its latitude
after 3 hr?

a) S 22° 15’
b) S 12°15'
c) S 02° 00’
d) S 03°50'

51. Position A = (N 30° 00’ W 175° 23’)

Position B = (N 30° 00’ E 173° 48’)
For the route from A to B the………

a) Great circle direction at A is 275°

b) Great circle direction at B is 092°
c) Rhumb line distance is 578 nm
d) Rhumb line distance is 648 nm


52. On a Direct Mercator chart at latitude 45°N, a certain chart length along 45°N represents a
distance of 90 nm on the surface of the earth. The same length on a chart along latitude 30°N will
represent a distance on the earth of:

a) 73.5 nm
b) 45 nm
c) 78 nm
d) 110 nm

53. Given: Chart scale is 1: 1 850 000. The chart distance between two points is 4 centimetres. Earth
distance is approximately:

a) 40 nm
b) 100 nm
c) 74 nm
d) 4nm

54. On a chart a straight line is drawn between two points and has a length of 4.63 cm. What is the
chart scale if the line represents 150 nm?

a) 1: 1 000 000
b) 1:3 000 000
c) 1:5 000 000
d) 1:6 000 000

Navigation questions

55. A chart has the scale 1: 1 000 000. From A to B on the chart measures 3.8 cm, the distance from A
to B in nm is:

a) 54.2
b) 38.1
c) 20.6
d) 44.5

56. The total length of the 53°N parallel of latitude on a direct Mercator chart is 133 cm. What is the
approximate scale of the chart at latitude 30°S?

a) 1:26 000 000

b) 1:30 000 000
c) 1:21 000 000
d) 1: 18 000 000

57. The chart distance between meridians 10° apart at latitude 65° North is 9.5 cm. The chart scale at
this latitude approximates:

a) 1:3 000 000

b) 1:6 000 000
c) 1:2 500 000
d) 1:5 000 000

58. At latitude 60°N the scale of a Mercator projection is 1: 5 000 000. The length on the chart between
'C’ N60° E008° and 'D' N60° W008° is:

a) 19.2 cm
b) 16.2 cm
c) 35.6 cm
d) 17.8 cm

59. Assume a Mercator chart. The distance between positions A and B, located on the same parallel
and 10° longitude apart, is 6 cm. The scale at the parallel is 1: 9 260 000. What is the latitude of A
and B?

a) 0°
b) 30° N or S
c) 45° N or S
d) 60° N or S

60. On a Lambert Conformal chart the distance between meridians 5° apart along latitude 37° North is
9 cm. The scale of the chart at that parallel approximates:

a) 1:3 750 000

b) 1:5 000 000
c) 1:2 000 000
d) 1:6 000 000

Navigation questions

61. On a direct Mercator projection, the distance measured between two meridians spaced 5° apart at
latitude 60°N is 8 cm. The scale of this chart at latitude 60°N is approximately:

a) 1:4 750 000

b) 1:3 500 000
c) 1:6 000 000
d) 1:7 000 000

62. On a Mercator chart, at latitude 60°N, the distance measured between W002° and E008° is 20 cm.
The scale of this chart at latitude 60°N is approximately:

a) 1:2 780 000

b) 1:556 000
c) 1:278 000
d) 1:5 560 000

63. On a direct Mercator projection, at latitude 45° North, a certain length represents 70 nm. At latitude
30° North, the same length represents approximately:

a) 81 nm
b) 86 nm
c) 57 nm
d) 70 nm

64. On a Direct Mercator chart at latitude 15°S, a certain length represents a distance of 120 nm on
the earth. The same length on the chart will represent on the earth, at latitude 10°N, a distance of:

a) 122.3 nm
b) 124.2 nm
c) 117.7 nm
d) 118.2 nm

65. Approximately how many nautical miles correspond to 12 cm on a map with a scale of
1: 2 000 000?

a) 150 nm
b) 329 nm
c) 43 nm
d) 130 nm

66. A Mercator chart has a scale at the equator = 1: 3 704 000. What is the scale at latitude 60° S?

a) 1: 1 852 000
b) 1: 185 200
c) 1:3 208 000
d) 1:7 408 000

Navigation questions

67. A straight line on a chart 4.89 cm long represents 185 nm. The scale of this chart is approximately:

a) 1:6 000 000

b) 1:5 000 000
c) 1:3 500 000
d) 1:7 000 000

68. If the chart scale is 1: 500 000, what earth distance would be represented by 7 cm on the chart?

a) 35 000 m
b) 35 NM
c) 3.5 km
d) 0.35 km

69. In a navigation chart a distance of 49 nm is equal to 7 cm. The scale of the chart is approximately:

a) 1: 1 300 000
b) 1:700 000
c) 1:7 000 000
d) 1: 130 000

70. At 60° N the scale of a direct Mercator chart is 1: 3 000 000. What is the scale at the equator?

a) 1: 6 000 000
b) 1: 1 500 000
c) 1:3 000 000
d) 1:3 500 000

71. On a chart, the distance along a meridian between latitudes 45°N and 46°N is 6 cm. The scale of
the chart is approximately:

a) 1: 1 850 000
b) 1: 185 000
c) 1: 18 500 000
d) 1: 1 000 000

72. At 47° North the chart distance between meridians 10° apart is 12.7 cm. The scale of the chart at
47° North approximates:

a) 1:6 000 000

b) 1:2 500 000
c) 1:3 000 000
d) 1:8 000 000

73. On a chart, meridians at 43°N are shown every 10 degrees apart. This is shown on the chart by a
distance of 14 cm. What is the scale?

a) 1: 2,000,000
b) 1: 4,000,000
c) 1: 5,000,000
d) 1: 6,000,000

Navigation questions


74. The standard parallels of a Lambert’s conical orthomorphic projection are N07° 40’ and N38° 20’.
The constant of the cone for this chart is:

a) 0.60
b) 0.39
c) 0.92
d) 0.42

75. The constant of the cone of a Lambert’s conical orthomorphic projection is quoted as 0.3955. At
which latitude on the chart is earth convergency correctly represented.

a) 68° 25’
b) 66° 42’
c) 23° 18’
d) 21° 35’

76. A Lambert conformal conic chart has a constant of the cone of 0.75. The initial course of a straight
line track drawn on this chart from A (40°N 050°W) to B is 043°(T) at A; course at B is 055°(T).
What is the longitude of B?

a) 34*W
b) 36*W
c) 38*W
d) 41 °W

77. A Lambert conformal conic chart has a constant of the cone of 0.80. A straight line course drawn
on this chart from A (53°N 004°W) to B is 080° at A; course at B is 092°(T). What is the longitude
of B?

a) 011°E
b) 009°36'E
c) 019°E
d) 008°E

78. The two standard parallels of a conical Lambert projection are at N10°52” and N41°20". The cone
constant of this chart is approximately:

a) 0.90
b) 0.44
c) 0.18
d) 0.66

79. The convergence factor of a Lambert conformal conic chart is quoted as 0.78535. At what latitude
on the chart is earth convergency correctly represented?

a) 51° 51’
b) 80° 39'
c) 52° 05'
d) 38° 15’

Navigation questions

80. Given: Position NDB (55°10'N, 012°55'E) DR Position (54°53'N, 009°58'E) NDB on the RMI reads
090°. Magnetic variation = 10°W.The position line has to be plotted on a Lamberts conformal chart
with standard parallels at 40°N and 48°N. Calculate the direction (T) of the bearing to be plotted
from the NDB;

a) 258°;
b) 262°;
c) 265°;
d) 272°;

81. The standard parallels of a Lambert's conical orthomorphic projection are 07°40'N and 38°20' N.
The constant of the cone for this chart is:

a) 0.60
b) 0.42
c) 0.92
d) 0.39

82. A Lamberts Conical conformal chart has standard parallels at 63°N and 41°N. What is the constant
of the cone?

a) .891
b) .788
c) .656
d) .707

83. A Lambert conformal conic chart has a constant of the cone of 0.80. A straight line course drawn
on this chart from A (53°N 004°W) to B is 080° at A; course at B is 092°. What is the longitude of

a) 019° 24’ E
b) 008° E
c) 009°36’ E
d) 011° 13’ E

84. On a Lambert chart, the constant of the cone is .78585. What is the parallel of tangency?

a) 51° 02’
b) 51° 36’
c) 51° 15’
d) 51° 48’

85. On a conformal chart, the standard parallels are 41° 20’ N and 11°40’ N. What is the constant of
the cone?

a) .660
b) .202
c) .446
d) .895

Navigation questions

86. On a Lambert’s chart the constant of the cone is 0.80. A is at 53° N 04° W. You plan to fly to B.
The initial Lambert’s chart straight-line track is 070° T and the Rhumb Line track from A to B is
082° T. What is the longitude of B?

a) 26° E
b) 34° W
c) 11° E
d) 15° E


87. How many degrees has the mean sun moved along the celestial equator in 8 hours and 8

a) 56°
b) 122°
c) 18°
d) 148°

88. What is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will rise above the horizon and set every

a) 72°
b) 62°
c) 68°
d) 66.5°

89. The angle between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the equator is approximately:
a) 25.3°
b) 27.5°
c) 23.5°
d) 66.5°

90. What is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will reach an altitude of 90° above the
horizon at some time during the year?

a) 45°
b) 0°
c) 23.5°
d) 66°

91. When the time is 2000 UTC, it is:

a) 1200LMTat60°East.
b) 2400 LMT at 120° West.
c) 1400 LMT at 90° West.
d) 0800 LMT at the Prime meridian.

Navigation questions

92. An aircraft departs Guam (N13° E145°) at 23h00 Standard Time on 30th April local date. Flight
Time to Los Angeles, California, USA (N34° W118°) is 11 hours 15 minutes. What is the California
Standard Time and local date of arrival? Assume Summer Time is being kept. The Standard time
Difference for Guam is 10 hours

a) 1715 ST 30 Apr
b) 1215 ST 01 May
c) 1315 ST 01 May
d) 1615 ST 30 Apr

93. What is the local mean time, position 65°25'N 12325 'W at 2200 UTC?

a) 0615
b) 1345
c) 2200
d) 0815

94. The local hour angle of the mean sun at 1200 LMT is:

a) 270
b) 000
c) 090
d) 180

95. When the time is 1400 LMT at 90° West, it is:

a) 1000 LMT at 60° West.

b) 1200 LMT at 120° West.
c) 0600 LMT at the Prime meridian.
d) 1400 LMT at 90° East.

96. The Local Mean Time at longitude 095°20'W, at 0000 UTC, is:

a) 0621:20 same day

b) 0621:20 previous day
c) 1738:40 previous day
d) 1738:40 same day

97. If it is 07h00 hours Standard Time in Kuwait, what is the Standard Time in Algeria?

a) 05h00
b) 09h00
c) 12h00
d) 04h00

Navigation questions

98. In 8 hours and 8 minutes the mean sun has moved how many degrees (°) along the celestial

a) 56°
b) 122°
c) 148°
d) 18°

99. On the 27th of February, at 52°S and 040°E, the sun rise is at 02h43 UTC. On the same day, at
52°S and 035°W, the sunrise is at:

a) 02h43 UTC
b) 05h23 UTC
c) 07h43 UTC
d) 21h43 UTC

100. What is the UTC time of sunrise in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (N49° W123° 30’) on the
6th June?
a) 23h24 UTC
b) 07h24 UTC
c) 3h57 UTC
d) 07h38 UTC

101. When it is 06h00 Standard Time in Queensland, Australia, what is the Standard Time in Hawaii,
USA? (Disregard Summer Time)

a) 03h00 ST
b) 06h00 ST
c) 10h00 ST
d) 12h00 ST

102. Use the Air Almanac Tables.; The UTC of sunrise on 6 June at WINNIPEG (Canada) (N49°50'
W097°30') is:

a) 22h30
b) 03h53
c) 09h30
d) 14h13

103. Use the Air Almanac Tables.; When it is 10h00 Standard Time in Kuwait, the Standard Time in
Algeria is:

a) 13h00
b) 08h00
c) 12h00
d) 07h00


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