New Approved Secheme of Studies of BS M.SC MS Ph.D. Maths From August 08, 2016

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Scheme of Studies

BS, M.Sc, MS and Ph.D


Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences
International Islamic University,
Minutes of the 9thmeeting of the Board of Studies of the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

The members of the board discussed all the point at length and proposed the following

1. The following course titles are only renamed which are now in accordance with the
guidelines of HEC and sister universities:

Existing Name Proposed Name

MATH 101 Fundamentals of Mathematics MATH 101Elements of Set Theory and Logic
MATH 202 Mechanics MATH 231Mechanics-I
MATH 204 Elementary Differential MATH 241 Elementary Differential Equations
Equations with Applications
MATH 404 Statistics and Pprobility-1 MATH 472 Mathematical Statistics

2. The GC course “Physics-III” is approved to replace with GC-course “Elementary

3. The course “Islamic world view and civilization-I” is recommended to replace with
“Islamic Studies”. This course is already approved for the Department of Physics
and the course outlines are in accordance with HEC curriculum.
4. In order to maintain the ratio of 40: 60 in General and Subject courses, one extra GC
course “Islamic world view and civilization-II” is recommended to replace with
“Mechanics-II”. The detailed course outlines of said course have already been
approved from the Academe Council for “Revised Scheme of studies from fall 2007
to onward” of this department.
5. The board proposed the credits of projects at BS level should be equivalent to one
elective course of 03 credits hours.
6. The board proposed that all Mathematics courses should begin with “MATH”
followed by a 3 digit number. Also, it was proposed that the numbering pattern shall
be as follows:
1) First for the year in which course is to be offered
2) Second for the subject discipline
3) Third for the status of subject

Subject Name Subject Code

Fundamental/Basic and Discreet structure 0
Calculus 1
Algebra and Number theory 2
Mechanics 3
Differential Equations 4
Topology and Geometry 5
Analysis 6
Computational Mathematics 7
Physical Applied Math and Combinatorics 8
Topics 9

The above mentioned scheme of course codes has already been approved from the
Academe Council for “Revised Scheme of studies from fall 2007 to onward” of this


Scheme of Studies

From Fall, 2016 to Onward

Scheme of Studies of BS Mathematics (4 years) From Fall 2016

1st Semester 2nd Semester

GC-115 Understanding of Quran-I 3 GC-112 Functional English - II 3
GC-111 Functional English – I 3 PHY-211 Waves and Oscillations 3
PHY-116 Basic Electricity and 3 GC-116 Understanding of Quran-II 3
GC-151 Introduction to the Use of 3 BLC-001 Introduction to Law 3
MATH 101 Elements of Set Theory 3 MATH 112 Calculus-II 3
and Logic
MATH 111 Calculus-I 3 MATH 121 Introduction to Linear 3
18 18
3rd Semester 4th Semester
GC-214 Basics of Academic 3 ECN-001 Introduction to Economics 3
GC-221 Islamic Studies 3 PSY-001 Psychology 3
GC-242 Elementary Statistics 3 MATH 222 Elementary number 3
theory and Combinatorics 3
MATH 213 Calculus-III 3 MATH 241 Elementary Differential 3
MATH 231 Mechanics-I 3 MATH-232 Mechanics-II 3
15 15
5th Semester 6th Semester
GC-231 Pakistani Culture & 3 CS-291 Discrete Structures 3
MATH 323 Linear Algebra 3 MATH 324 Group Theory 3
MATH 342 Ordinary Differential 3 MATH 333 Analytical Mechanics 3
MATH 351 Set Topology 3 MATH 343 Partial Differential 3
MATH 361 Real Analysis-I 3 MATH 352 Differential Geometry-I 3
MATH 362 Complex Analysis 3 MATH 363 Real Analysis-II 3
18 18
7th Semester 8th Semester
CS-001 Programming Language 3 CS-002 Software Tools 3
MATH 464 Functional Analysis-I 3 MATH 472 Mathematical Statistics 3

MATH 471 Numerical Methods 3 Elective-III 3

Elective-I 3 Elective-IV 3
Elective-II 3 MATH 491 Project or Electives-V 3

15 15

Scheme of Studies of M.Sc. Mathematics (2 years) From Fall 2016

1th Semester 2nd Semester

GC-115 Understanding of Quran-I 3 CS-291 Discrete Structures 3

MATH 323 Linear Algebra 3 MATH 324 Group Theory 3

MATH 342 Ordinary Differential 3 MATH 333 Analytical Mechanics 3
MATH 351 Set Topology 3 MATH 343 Partial Differential 3
MATH 361 Real Analysis-I 3 MATH 352 Differential Geometry-I 3
MATH 362 Complex Analysis 3 MATH 363 Real Analysis-II 3
18 18
3rd Semester 4th Semester
GC-116 Understanding of Quran- 3 CS-002 Software Tools 3
CS-001 Programming Language 3 MATH 472 Mathematical Statistics 3
MATH 464 Functional Analysis-I 3 Elective-III 3

MATH 471 Numerical Methods 3 Elective-IV 3

Elective-I 3 Electives-V 3
Elective-II 3 Electives-VI 3
18 18

List of Elective Courses BS/M.Sc. Mathematics From Fall 2016

Sr. No. Course Code Course Title

1. MATH 402 Fuzzy Logics
2. MATH 425 Introduction to Hopf Algebra
3. MATH 426 Advanced Group Theory
4. MATH 427 Theory of Modules
5. MATH 428 Galois Theory
6. MATH 429 Rings and Fields
7. MATH 434 Analytical Dynamics
8. MATH 435 Fluid Mechanics-I
9. MATH 436 Fluid Mechanics-II
10. MATH 437 Quantum Mechanics
11. MATH 444 Integral Equations
12. MATH 453 Algebraic Geometry
13. MATH 454 Advanced Topology
14. MATH 455 Algebraic Topology
15. MATH 456 Differential Geometry-II
16. MATH 457 Riemannian Geometry
17. MATH 458 Theory of Manifolds
18. MATH 465 Measure and Integration
19. MATH 466 Functional Analysis-II
20. MATH 473 Numerical Analysis
21. MATH 474 Operations Research
22. MATH 475 Optimization Theory
23. MATH 476 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
24. MATH 481 Elasticity Theory
25. MATH 482 Electromagnetism
26. MATH 483 Combinatorics and Graph Theory
27. MATH 484 Special Relativity
28. CS 111 Programming Fundamentals
29. CS 212 Data Structures and Algorithms
30. CS 314 Theory of Automata
31. CS 322 Computer Communications and Networks
32. CS 361 Computer Graphics

Scheme of Studies for MS Mathematics Programs From Fall 2016

1st Semester 2nd Semester

4 Courses 12 credit 4 courses 12 credit
hours hours

3rd Semester 4th Semester

MATH 691 MS Dissertation-I 3 credit MATH 691 MS Dissertation-II 3
hours credit hours


M.Sc./BS-(4years) (Mathematics or Physics) with minimum CGPA 2.50/4.00 or 60%

marks in annual system and appropriate NTS/GAT (General) with minimum 50% score.

List of Core Courses for MS Mathematics

Sr. No. Course Code Course Title

1. MATH 521 Advanced Linear Algebra
2. MATH 522 Theory of Abstract Algebra
3. MATH 541 Advanced Partial Differential Equations
4. MATH 542 Advanced Mathematical Methods
5. MATH 543 Advanced Integral Equations
6. MATH 551 Topological Vector Spaces
7. MATH 561 Advanced Mathematical Analysis
8. MATH 571 Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations

Note: Out of eight courses student will have to study at least four courses from the
list of core courses.

List of Elective Courses for MS Mathematics From Fall 2016

Sr. No. Course Code Course Title

1. MATH 523 Semigroup Theory
2. MATH 524 Theory of Group Actions
3. MATH 525 Loop Groups
4. MATH 526 Nilpotent and Soluble Groups
5. MATH 527 Commutative Algebra
6. MATH 528 Lie Algebras
7. MATH 529 The Classical Theory of Fields
8. MATH 531 Newtonian Fluids Mechanics
9. MATH 532 Solid Mechanics
10. MATH 544 Perturbation Methods
11. MATH 545 Variational Inequalities
12. MATH 552 Theory of Complex Manifolds
13. MATH 562 Theory of Several Complex Variables
14. MATH 563 Banach Algebras
15. MATH 564 C *-Algebras
16. MATH 565 Von Neumann Algebras
17. MATH 566 Spectral Theory in Hilbert Spaces
18. MATH 572 Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
19. MATH 573 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
20. MATH 574 Numerical Optimization
21. MATH 581 Elastodynamics
22. MATH 582 Heat and Mass Transfer
23. 5
MATH 583 General Relativity
24. MATH 584 Electrodynamics
25. MATH 585 Plasma Theory
26. MATH 586 Cosmology
27. MATH 691 MS Dissertation (06 credit hours)

Scheme of Studies for Ph.D Mathematics Programs From Fall 2016

1st Semester 2nd Semester

3 Courses 9 3 Courses 9

3rd Semester 4th Semester

MATH 891 Ph.D. Thesis 9 MATH 891 Ph.D. Thesis 9

5thSemester 6th Semester

MATH 891 Ph.D. Thesis 9 MATH 891 Ph.D. Thesis 9


 18 years of education in Mathematics with minimum CGPA 3.00/4.00 or 65%

marks in annual system. GRE/GAT (Subject) with minimum 60% score.

Details of PHD program are given inProcedure for regulating post graduate studies in
Department of Mathematics.

List of Core Courses for PhD Mathematics

Sr. No. Course Code Course Title

1. MATH 821 Group Rings
2. MATH 841 Advanced Perturbation Methods
3. MATH 861 Advances in Analysis
4. MATH 881 Advanced Heat Transfer

Note: Out of four courses student will have to study at least two courses from the
list of core courses.

List of Elective Courses for MS/PhD Mathematics From Fall 2016

Sr. No. Course Code Course Title

1. MATH 721 Near Rings
2. MATH 722 Advanced Ring Theory-I
3. MATH 723 Commutative Semigroup Rings
4. MATH 724 Theory of Semirings
5. MATH 725 Fuzzy Algebra
6. MATH 726 Non-Associative Algebra
7. MATH 727 Rough Set Theory and its Applications
8. MATH 728 Linear Representations of Finite groups
9. MATH 731 Advanced Analytical Dynamics-I
10. MATH 732 Non-Newtonian Fluids
11. MATH 733 Momentum and Thermal Boundary Layer Theory
12. MATH 734 Statistical Mechanics
13. MATH 741 Group Theoretic Methods
14. MATH 742 Nonlinear Differential Equations
15. MATH 751 Topological Algebras
16. MATH 752 Geometry of Surfaces
17. MATH 761 Fixed Point Theory
18. MATH 762 Ordered Vector Spaces
19. MATH 763 Banach Lattices
20. MATH 764 Approximation Theory
21. MATH 765 Applied Functional Analysis
22. MATH 771 Advanced Numerical Analysis
23. MATH 772 Advanced Optimization Theory
24. MATH 773 Stochastic Processes
25. MATH 774 Multivariate Methods and Analysis
26. MATH 775 Finite Element Analysis
27. MATH 781 Nonlinear Waves
28. MATH 782 Magnetohydrodynamics
29. MATH 783 Advanced Electrodynamics
30. MATH 784 Advanced Plasma Theory
31. MATH 785 Convective Heat Transfer: Viscous Fluids
32. MATH 786 Astrophysics
33. MATH 787 Advanced Elastodynamics
34. MATH 788 Advanced Quantum Theory

List of Elective Courses for Ph. D. Mathematics From Fall 2016

Sr. No. Course Code Course Title

1. MATH 822 Theory of Group Graphs
2. MATH 823 LA-Semigroups
3. MATH 824 Advanced Ring Theory-II
4. MATH 825 Hopf Algebra and Quantum Groups
5. MATH 826 Algebraic Number Theory
6. MATH 827 Homological Algebras
7. MATH 831 Advanced Analytical Dynamics-II
8. MATH 832 Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics
9. MATH 842 Group Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
10. MATH 843 Advanced Nonlinear Differential Equations
11. MATH 851 Advanced Algebraic Geometry
12. MATH 862 Non-Standard Analysis
13. MATH 863 Numerical Ranges of Operators on Normal Spaces
14. MATH 864 Strict Convexity
15. MATH 871 Modeling and Simulation of Dynamical Systems
16. MATH 872 Advanced Finite Element Analysis
17. MATH 873 Advanced Multivariate Methods and Analysis
18. MATH 882 Advanced Magnetohydrodynamics
19. MATH 883 Convective Heat Transfer: Porous Media
20. MATH 884 Robotics
21. MATH 892 Topics in Algebra
22. MATH 893 Topics in Mechanics
23. MATH 894 Topics in Differential Equations
24. MATH 895 Topics in Topology
25. MATH 896 Topics in Analysis
26. MATH 897 Topics in Computational Mathematics
27. MATH 898 Topics in Applied Mathematics
28. MATH 891 PhD Thesis (9 credit hours)

Course Outline of Core Courses BS/M.Sc Mathematics

MATH-101 Elements of Set Theory and Logic

Sets, subsets, operations on sets, union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference,
Cartesian product and disjoint union. Functions, graph of functions, composition,
injective, surjective and bijective functions. Inverse funtions. Cardinality of Cartesian
product, cardinality of all functions from a set to another set. Cardinality of all injective,
surjective and bijective functions from a set to another set . Infinite sets, finite sets,
countable and uncountable sets, properties, examples (Z, Q). R is not countable, R, RxR,
RxRxR have the same cardinal. Operations with cardinal numbers. Cantor-Bernstein
theorem. Equivalence relations, partitions, quotient set; examples, parallelism,
similarity of triangles. Order relations, min, max, inf, sup; linear order. Examples: N, Z, R,
P(A). Well-ordered sets and induction. Inductively ordered sets and Zorn’s Lemma.
Propositional calculus. Truth tables. Predicate calculus.

Recommended Books:
1. M. Liebeck, A Concise Introduction to Pure Mathematics, CRC Press, 2011.
2. N. L. Biggs, Discrete Mathematics, Oxford University Press, 2002.
3. R. Garnier, J. Taylor, Discrete Mathematics, Chapters 1,3,4,5, CRC Press, 2010.
1. A.A. Fraenkal, Abstract Set Theory, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1966.
2. P. Suppes, Axiomatic Set Theory, Dover Publication, 1972.
3. P.R. Halmos, Naive Set Theory, New York, Van Nostrand, 1950.
4. B. Rotman, G.T. Kneebone, The Theory of sets and Transfinite Numbers, Oldbourne
London, 1968.
5. D. Smith, M. Eggen, R.St. Andre, A Transition to Advanced Mathematics,
Brooks/Cole, 2001.

MATH-111 Calculus-I
Real numbers system, intervals inequalities, absolute values, coordinates and graphs.
Functions, lograithimic, exponential, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions. Real
valued functions their operations and graphs. Limits, continuity, differentiation,
techniques of differentiation, implicit differentiation. Applications of derivatives, mean
value Theorems, maxima and minima, concavity, singular points, higher order
derivatives and Leibniz Rule. Integration, antiderivatives and techniques of Integration.
Fundamental Theorem of integral Calculus. Definite integral and applications of definite

Recommended Books
1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry by G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, published by
Addison Wesley.
2. Calculus, A new horizon by H. Anton, published by John Wiley and Sons.
3. Calculus by James Stewart, fifth edition, published by Brooks/Cole, 2002.

MATH-112 Calculus-II
Vector valued functions, change of parameters, arc length, unit, tangent, normal vectors
and curvature.
Infinite sequences and series, convergence and divergence of infinite sequences and
series, comparison tests, Ratio and Root tests, integral test, alternating and mixed series,

absolute and conditional convergence of series, power series and its applications.
Taylor and Maclaurin series.
Introduction to Conic section, Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola and Cycloid. Tangents and
normal to the conics in rectangular and polar coordinates. Graphs and area in polar
coordinates. Parametric equations. Conics in polar coordinates.

Recommended Books
1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry by G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, published by
Addison- Wesley.
2. Calculus, A new horizon by H. Anton, published by John Wiley and sons

3. Calculus by James Stewart, fifth edition, published by Brooks/Cole, 2002

MATH-121 Introduction to Linear Algebra

Systems of linear equations, echelon and reduced echelon forms, matrices, matrix
algebra, invertible matrices, elementary matrices, finding the inverse of a matrix, vector
spaces, subspaces, linear dependence and independence, basis and dimension, rank,
coordinates and transition matrices, determinants, properties, formula for the inverse
of a matrix, Cramer’s rule, inner product spaces, norm, Cauchy - Schwarz and triangle
inequalities, orthonormal sets. Gram-Schmidt process, projections, least squares, linear
transformations, kernel and range, similarity, eigenvalues, eigenvectors,

Recommended Books
1. Linear Algebra and its Applications by David C. Lay, second edition, published by
Addison –Wesley, 2000.
2. Linear Algebra with Applications by Gareth Williams, published by Jones and
Bartlett Publications.
3. Introductory Linear Algebra with Applications by Bernard Kobman and David R.

MATH-213 Calculus-III
Functions of several variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, tangent planes,
directional derivatives, gradient vector, maximum and minimum values, and Lagrange
multipliers. Multiple integrals, double integrals in polar coordinates, surface area. Triple
integral in spherical and cylindrical coordinates. Change of variables in multiple

Recommended Books
1. Calculus and analytic Geometry by G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, published by
Addison- Wesley.
2. Calculus, A new horizon by H. Anton, published by John Wiley and sons.
3. Calculus by James Stewart, fifth edition, published by Brooks/Cole, 2002.

MATH-231 Mechanics-I

Course Objectives:
The main objective of this course is to understand motion of objects in various
dimensions on a macroscopic scale and to develop simple mathematical formalisms to

analyze such motions. To teach students concepts of generalized forces and the
Principle of Virtual Work.

Course Outline:
Vectors, vector in 3D, vector product, composition of forces, conservative and non-
conservative forces, law of conservation. Mechanical Energy; Work done by Constant
and Variable Forces (conservative and non conservative); Power; Work and Potential
Energy; Isolated Systems and Conservation of, Elastic and Inelastic Collisions, Rigid
bodies; conservation laws; Center of Mass and Newton’s Laws for a System of Particles;
Linear Momentum; Impulse; Momentum & Kinetic Energy in One and Two Dimensional.
Energy and power, friction, equilibrium, center of gravity and mass, virtual work,
flexible chain and strings.

Recommended Books:
1. D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics John Wiley & Sons,
9 ed., 2010.
2. R. A. Serway and J. W. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers,Golden
Sunburst Series, 8 ed., 2010.
3. R. A. Freedman, H. D. Young, and A. L. Ford , University Physics with Modern
Physics Addison-Wesley-Longman, 13 International ed., 2010
4. Chorlton, F., Principles of Mechanics, McGraw Hill, N.Y 1983.
5. Symon, K.R., Mechanics, Addison Wesley, 1964.
6. Goldstein, H., Classical Mechanics, Addison Wesley, 2nd Edition, 1980.
7. Synge, J. I. and Griffith, B. A., Principles of Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, N.Y. 1986.
8. Beer, F. P. and Johnston, E. R., Mechanics for Engineers, Vols.I&II, McGraw-Hill,
N.Y, 1975.

MATH-222 Elementary Number Theory and Combinatorics

Upon the completion the students will be able to;
 Learn the role of number theory in mathematics and how to do number theoretic
 Understand prime factorization, linear from of gcd, linear congruences and
system of simultaneous linear congruences primitive roots module primes with
important theorem.

Course Outline:
Divisibility, greatest common divisor and least common multiple, Euclidean
algorithm, Primes, fundamental theorem of arithmetic, linear Diophantine
equations, congruence, linear convergences, Chinese’s remainder theorem,
divisibility tests, Wilsons theorem, Fermat’s little theorem, Euler’s phi
functions, Euler’s theorem, the sum and number of divisors, perfect numbers
and Mersenne primes
Graphs, Trees, Colorings of graphs and Ramsey's theorem, Turan's theorem
(Statements and applications), and extremal graphs, Systems of distinct
representatives, Elementary counting Stirling numbers, Recursions and
generating functions, Partitions, (0,1)-matrices, Latin squares.

Recommended Books:
1. Elementary Number Theory and its applications by Kenneth H. Rosen, fifth
edition, Published by Edison Wesley, 2005.
2. A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory by Joseph H. Silverman, third edition,
Published by Prentice Hall 2006.
3. Hardy, G. H.; Wright, E. M. An introduction to the theory of numbers. Sixth
edition. Revised by D. R. Heath-Brown and J. H. Silverman. Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 2008.
4. Van Lint, J. H.; Wilson, R. M.,A Course in Combinatorics, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1992.

MATH-241 Elementary Differential Equations

Introduction, First order equations: Separable equations, homogeneous equations,
linear equations, Bernoulli’s equation, exact equations, integrating factors, Ricatti
equation, Clairaut’s equation, orthogonal trajectories.
Second order equations: homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients, non-
homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients, method of undetermined
coefficients, variation of parameters, Euler-Cauchy equations, some special second
order equations, mechanical and electrical vibrations and other applications to
mathematical modeling, total differential equations, Laplace transforms, properties,
application to initial value problems, power series solutions.

Recommended Books
1. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by William E.
Boyce and Richard C. Diprima, fifth edition, published by John Wiley and Sons,
2. Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes by George F.
Simmons, second edition, published by McGraw Hill, 1991.
3. Differential Equations by C. Ray Wylie, published by McGraw Hill.

MATH-232 Mechanics-II

Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to expand student’s knowledge of planar kinematic
analyses of rigid body systems. To teach students concepts of three-dimensional,
inverse, Newtonian dynamic analyses of fixed-axis rotation of non-symmetric bodies.

Course Outline:
Kinematics, rectilinear motion, projectile motion. Rotation about a Fixed Axis; Angular
motion (Displacement, Velocity and acceleration, work, power); Rotational Inertia;
Parallel-axis Theorem; Torque and Newton’s Law for Rotation; Rolling Motion; Angular
Momentum for a single Particle and a System of Particles and its conservation; Static
Equilibrium involving Forces and Torques; Rotational inertia of various shapes i.e. for
disc, bar and solid sphere; Angular Velocity; Conservation of angular momentum; effects
of Torque and its relation with angular momentum, Amplitude; Phase; Angular
Frequency; Velocity and Acceleration in SHM; Linear and Angular Simple Harmonic
Oscillators; Energy in SHM; Simple Pendulum; Physical Pendulum; SHM and Uniform
Circular Motion.

Recommended Books:
1. D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics John Wiley & Sons,
9 ed., 2010.
2. R. A. Serway and J. W. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Golden Sunburst
Series, 8 ed., 2010.
3. R. A. Freedman, H. D. Young, and A. L. Ford , University Physics with Modern Physics
Addison-Wesley-Longman, 13 International ed., 2010
4. Chorlton, F., Principles of Mechanics, McGraw Hill, N.Y 1983.
5. Symon, K.R., Mechanics, Addison Wesley, 1964.
6. Goldstein, H., Classical Mechanics, Addison Wesley, 2nd Edition, 1980.
7. Synge, J. I. and Griffith, B. A., Principles of Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, N.Y. 1986.
8. Beer, F. P. and Johnston, E. R., Mechanics for Engineers, Vols.I&II, McGraw-Hill, N.Y,

MATH-323 Linear Algebra

Vector spaces, subspaces, basis and dimension, coordinates, linear transformations,
rank and nullity, algebra of linear transformations, isomorphisms, matrix
representation of a linear transformation, similarity, linear functionals, dual space, the
double dual, transpose of a linear transformation, algebras, the algebra of polynomials,
polynomial ideals, prime factorization of a polynomial, eigenvalues, characteristic
polynomials, diagonalization, minimal polynomials, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, invariant
subspaces, direct sum decompositions, invariant direct sums, primary decomposition
theorem, rational and Jordan canonical forms, inner product spaces, linear functionals
and adjoints, unitary and normal operators.

Recommended Books
1. Linear Algebra by Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, second edition, published by
Prentice Hall, 1971
2. Linear Algebra by Je Shilov, G.E. 1977, Dover Publication , Inc., New York.
3. Linear Algebra with Applications by J.T. Scheick 1997, McGram Hill,

MATH-342 Ordinary Differential Equations

Existence and uniqueness of solutions, general theory of linear differential equations,
method of undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, power series solutions,
ordinary points, regular singular points, Bessel, hypergeometric, Legendre and Hermite
equations and the associated functions, Fourier series, boundary value problems, Sturm
-Liouville theory.

Recommended Books
1. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by William E.
Boyce and Richard C. Diprima, fifth edition, published by John Wiley and Sons,
2. Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes by George F.
Simmons, second edition, published by McGraw Hill, 1991.
3. Differential Equations by M. Morris and O. E. Brown, published by Prentice Hall,
4. Applied Differential Equations by M. R. Spiegel, published by Prentice Hall 1967.

5. Ordinary Differential Equations and Difference Groups by F. Chorlton, published
by Van Nostrand, 1965.
6. Differential and Difference Equations by L. Brand, published by John Wiley 1966.
7. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by D. G. Zill and M. R. Cullen, published by
PWS Publishing Co. 1992.
8. Elementary Differential Equations by E. D. Rainville and P. E. Bedient, published
by Macmillan, 1963.

MATH-351 Set Topology

Metric spaces, open sets, closed sets, convergence and continuity in metric spaces,
Topological spaces, bases and subbases, product topology, subspace topology, closed
sets and limit points, closure, interior and boundary, Hausdorff spaces, continuous
functions, homeomorphisms, metric topology, connectedness, path connectedness,
components and local connectedness, compact spaces, compact subspaces of the real
line, limit point compactness, sequential compactness, local compactness, first-
countable and second countable spaces, regular and normal spaces.

Recommended Books
1. Topology by James R. Munkres, second edition, published by Prentice Hall, 2000
2. Elementary Topology by Michael C. Gemignani, second edition, published by
Addison-Wesley, 1972
3. Introduction to Topology Modern Analysis, by J.F. Simmons, lealest edition
McGram Hill, N.Y.
4. An Introduction to General Topology by Paul E. Long, published by Charles E.
Merill Publishing Company, 1971

MATH-361 Real Analysis-I

The real numbers: algebraic and order properties of R; the completeness property;
cluster points; open and closed sets in R. Sequences, the limit of a function, limit
theorems. Continuous functions on intervals: boundedness theorem, maximum-
minimum theorem and the intermediate value theorem; uniform continuity.
The derivative: the mean value theorem; Taylor’s theorem.
Functions of several variables: Limit and continuity of functions of two and three
variables; partial derivatives; differentiable functions.
Multiple Integrals: regions in the x-y plane, iterated integrals, double integrals, change
in the order of integration, transformation of double integrals.
Line and surface integrals: Jordan curve, regular region, line integral, Green’s theorem,
independence of the path, surface integrals, Gauss theorem. Stoke’s Theorem and
Divergence Theorem and their applications.

Recommended Books
1. Bartle, R.G. and Sherbert, D.R. Introduction to Real Analysis, John Wiley & Sons
2. Widder, D.V. Advanced Calculus, Prentice-Hall, 1982. Rudin, W Principles of Real
Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1995.

Math-362 Complex Analysis
Complex Numbers, basic properties, De- Moivre’s theorem, roots of complex numbers,
regions in the complex plane, functions of a complex variable, limits, continuity,
derivatives, Cauchy- Riemann equations, analytic functions, harmonic functions,
exponential, trigonometric, hyperbolic and logarithmic functions, contour integrals,
Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy- integral formula, derivatives of analytic functions,
Liouville’s theorem, maximum modulus principle, sequences and series, Taylor and
Laurent series, residues and poles, Cauchy’s residue theorem, application to evaluation
of real definite integrals, argument principle and Rouche’s theorem, mapping by
elementary functions, linear fractional transformations.

Recommended Books
1. Complex Variables and Applications by James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill,
seventh edition, published by Mc-Graw Hill.
2. Complex Variables by Mark J. Ablowitz and A.S. Fokas, published by Cambridge
University Press.

MATH-324 Group Theory

Introduction to Sets and Structures. Motivation for groups, Finite and infinite groups.
Subgroups. Generators and relations, Cyclic groups. Cosets and index of a subgroup.
Lagrange’s Theorem. Normal subgroup. Quotient group. Center, centeralizer and
normalizer. Conjugacy relation and class equation. Permutations. Double cosets.
Commutator and derived subgroups. Homomorphism. Isomorphism Theorems. Inner
and outer automorphism. Characteristic and fully invariant subgroups. Cayley’s
Theorem. Direct product of groups. p-groups and Sylow p-subgroups. Series of groups
and group actions.

Recommended Books
1. Fraleigh, J.B., A First Course in Algebra, Addison-Wesley 1982.
2. Hamermesh, M., Group Theory, Addison-Wesley 1972.
3. Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra, John Wiley 1975.

MATH-333 Analytical Mechanics

Review of basic principles: Kinematics of particle and rigid body in three dimension;
Euler’s theorem. Work, Power, Energy, Conservative field of force. Motion in a resisting
medium. Variable mass problem. Moving coordinate systems, Rate of change of a vector,
Motion relative to the rotating Earth. The motion of a system of particles, Conservation
laws. Generalized coordinates, Lagrange’s equations, Hamilton’s equations, Simple
applications. Motion of a rigid body, Moments and products of inertia, Angular
momentum, kinetic energy about a fixed point; Principal axes; Momental ellipsoid;
Equimomental systems. Gyroscopic motion, Euler’s dynamical equations, Properties of
a rigid body motion under no forces. Review of material.

Recommended Books
1. Principles of Mechanics by F. Chorlton, published by McGraw Hill, N.Y, 1983.
2. Mechanics by K. R. Symon, published by Addison Wesley, 1964.
3. Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstein, published by Addison Wesley, 2nd Edition,

4. Principles of Mechanics by J. I. Synge and B. A. Griffith, published by McGraw-
Hill, N.Y., 1986.
5. Mechanics for Engineers by F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnston, Vols.I&II, published by
McGraw- Hill, N.Y, 1975.

MATH-343 Partial Differential Equations

Partial differential equations of the first order and applications, mathematical modeling
of heat, Laplace and wave equations, classification of second order partial differential
equations, reduction to canonical form and the solution of second order partial
differential equations, technique of separation of variables with emphasis on heat,
Laplace and wave equations, Laplace, Fourier and Hankel transforms for the solution of
partial differential equations and their application to boundary value problems.

Recommended Books
1. Elements of Partial Differential Equations by I. N. Sneddon, published by Mc-Graw
Hill, 1987
2. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems by R.
Dennemyer, published by McGraw Hill, 1968
3. Boundary Value Problems and Partial Differential Equations by M. Humi and W. B.
Miller, published by PWS-Kent publishing company, 1992
4. Techniques in Partial Differential Equations by C. R. Chester, published by McGraw
Hill, 1971
5. Elementary Applied Partial Differential Equations byR. Haberman, published by
Prentice Hall 1983.
6. Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics by E. Zauderer, published by
John Wiley, 1983.

MATH-352 Differential Geometry –I

Historical background, Curve theory: Regular curve, reparametrization, arc length,
tangent, normal and binormal lines, tangent, normal and rectifying planes, curvature
and torsion, Frenet-Serret formulas and their applications, spherical images, involutes
and evolutes, Bertrand curves.
Surface theory: tensors, Christoffel symbols and their applications.
Local surface theory: First and second fundamental forms and their applications,
Gaussian and mean curvatures.

Recommended Books
1. Elements of Differential Geometry by R. S. Millman and G. D. Parker, published by
Prentice Hall, 1977
2. Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry by D. J. Struik, published by Addison-
Wesley, 1977
3. Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by M. P. Do Carmo, published by
Prentice Hall, 1985
4. Elementary Differential Geometry by B. O. Neil, published by Academic Press,
5. Introduction to Differential Geometry by A. Goetz, published by Addison Wesley,
6. Vector and Tensor Methods by F. Charlton, published by Ellis Horwood, 1976

MATH-363 Real Analysis-II
The Riemann Integral: Upper and lower sums, definition of a Riemann integral,
integrability criterion, classes of integrable functions, properties of the Riemann
Infinite Series: Review of sequences, the geometric series, tests for convergence,
conditional and absolute convergence. Regrouping and rearrangement of series. Power
series, radius of convergence.
Uniform Convergence: Uniform convergence of a sequence and a series, the M-test,
properties of uniformly convergent series. Weierstrass approximation theorem.
Improper Integrals: Classification, tests for convergence, absolute and conditional
convergence, convergence of f(x) sinx dx, the gamma function. Uniform convergence of
integrals, the M-text, properties of uniformly convergent integrals.
Fourier Series: Orthogonal functions, Legendre, Hermite and Laguerre polynomials,
convergence in the mean. Fourier-Legendre and Fourier-Bessel series, Bessel
inequality, Parseval equality. Convergence of the trigonometric Fourier series.

Recommended Books
1. Bartle, R.G. and Sherbert, D.R., Introduction to Real Analysis, John Wile Sons
2. Widder, D.V., Advanced Calculus, Prentice Hall 1982.
3. Rudin, W., Principles of Real Analysis, McGraw-Hill 1995.
4. Rabenstein, R.L., Elements of Ordinary Differential Equations, Academic Press,

MATH-464 Functional Analysis-I

Metric spaces, open sets, closed sets, convergence, completeness, normed spaces,
Banach spaces, linear operators, bounded linear operators, linear functionals, dual
space, inner product spaces, Hilbert spaces, orthogonal complements and direct sums,
Riesz representation theorem, Hilbert adjoint operator, self adjoint, unitary and normal
operators, Hahn-Banach theorem, reflexive spaces, Baire Category theorem, Uniform
boundedness theorem, open mapping and closed graph theorems.

Recommended Books
1. Introductory Functional Analysis and Applications by E. Kreyszig, published by
John Wiley and Sons
2. Elements of Functional Analysis by L. Maddox, published by Cambridge
University Press
3. Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis by G. F. Simmons, published by
McGraw Hill.

MATH-471 Numerical Methods

Number systems and errors: Loss of significance and error propagation, condition and
instability, error estimation, floating point arithmetic. Interpolation by polynomials:
existence and uniqueness of the interpolating polynomial, Lagrangian interpolation, the
divided difference table, error of the interpolating polynomial, interpolation with
equally spaced data, Newton’s forward and backward difference formulas, Bessel’s
interpolation formula, Hermite interpolation. Solution of non-linear equations:
Bisection method, iterative methods, secant method, fixed point iteration, Newton -
Raphson method, order of convergence of Newton-Raphson and secant methods.

System of linear equations: Gauss elimination method, triangular factorization, Crout
method. Iterative methods: Jacobi method, Gauss-Seidel method, SOR method,
convergence of iterative methods.
Numerical Differentiation: Numerical differentiation formulae based on interpolation
polynomials, error estimates. Numerical Integration: Newton-Cotes formulae,
trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s formulas, composite rules, Romberg improvement,
Richardson extrapolation, error estimates of integration formulas, Gaussian quadrature.

Recommended Books
1. Elementary Numerical Analysis by S. D. Conte and C. Boor, published by McGraw
Hill, 1972
2. Elements of Numerical Analysis by F. Ahmad and M. A. Rana, published by
National Book Foundation, Islamabad, 1995
3. Numerical Analysis for Engineers and Physicists by R. Zurmuhl, published by
Springer Verlag, 1976

MATH-472 Mathematical Statistics

Course Objectives:
This course is concerned with several fundamental topics in advanced statistical theory,
which include distribution theory, theory of parameter estimation, hypothesis testing,
statistical inference, analysis of variance, and regression. Since these theoretical tools
are of interest in a host of practical applications, ranging from engineering, control
theory and simulation, to actuarial sciences and econometrics, some concrete
applications will also be discussed in the course. Here are some situations where the
above statistical methods can be used to analyze real-world problems.

Course Outline:
Mathematical Preliminaries, Matrix Algebra, Bilinear and Quadratic form,
Transformation of Matrix, Latent Root and Vector with examples. Gamma Function,
Relation between Gamma function and circular functions., Beta Function, Stirling
Approximation, to n factorial, Bernoulli Numbers, Lagrange Multiplier.,Jacobian,
Permutation and Combination, Summation of series, Recurring Power series and
generating function.
Element of set and discrete probability, set theory, mutually exclusive, Duality Principle,
Boolean Field of Set and Boral Field of set, Function, Indexed sets and product sets.
Elementary probability theory, Definition of Probability, Randomness Conditional
probabilities and independent events.
Discrete Random variables and mathematical expectation. Distribution Function, Joint
probability Distribution, Independence , Conditional Probability Distributions,
Covariance and correlation.
Use of difference equation and generating functions,, Solution of non
homogeneousDifference equation, Generating Functions, use of generating functions,
use of difference equation in solving probability problems.
Special Discrete Probability Distribution, Probability Generating Functions, Mean and
Variance from probability Generating functions, , Moment Generating Functions,
Factorial Moments, Factorial Generating Functions, Cumulants and cumulant generating
functions, mean moments. Relation between mean moment and raw moments, relation
between moment and cumulants, relation between cumulants and factorial cumulants.

Characteristics function, Hypergeometric distribution, Binomial Distribution, Possion
Distribution, Negative Binomial Distribution, Multinomial Distribution.

Recommended Books
1. Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis (3rd ed.), by J. A. Rice, Duxbury Press.
2. Statistical Inference (2nd ed.), by G. Casella and R. L. Berger, Duxbury Press.
3. A Course in Mathematical Statistics (3rd Edition), A.S. Hirai, IlmiKitabKhana, urdu
Bazar, Lahore.

Course Outlines of Elective Courses BS/M.Sc Mathematics

MATH-402 Fuzzy Logics

Upon successful completion, the students will be able to;

 To provide machinery for carrying out approximate reasoning when available is

uncertain, incomplete or vague.
 Demonstrate the basics of fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory.
 Apply in the field of engineering, psychology, economics and sociology.

Course Outline:
Examples of fuzziness, Modeling of fuzziness, Operations on fuzzy Sets, Fuzziness as
uncertainty, Boolean algebra and lattices, Equivalence relations and partitions,
Composing mappings, Isomorphism and homomorphisms, Alpha cuts, Images of alpha
level sets, Fuzzy quantities, Fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy intervals, t – norms, Generators of t –
norms, Isomorphisms of t – norms, Negations, t – conorms, Strict De Morgan Systems,
Nilpotent De Morgan Systems, Nonuniqueness of negations in strict De Morgan
Systems, Fuzzy implications, Averaging operators and negations, Averaging operators
and nilpotent t-norms, De Morgan systems with averaging operators, Power of t-norms,
Sensitivity of connectives, Binary fuzzy relations, Operations on fuzzy relations

Recommended Books:
1. Fuzzy Logic by H.T. Nguyen and E. A. Walker
2. Introduction to the Basic Principles of Fuzzy Set Theory and some of its
Applications by E. E. Kerre
3. Fuzzy Set Theory and its Applications by H. J. Zimmermann.
4. Fundamentals of Fuzzy Sets by D. Dubois and H. Prade

MATH-425 Introduction to Hopf Algebra

Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course are to make understanding in the subject of Hopf algebra
which is useful in the representation of the algebras. Moreover, the subject is
application in Physics, in particular, in the dynamical systems and in the Quantum

Course Outlines:
Algebras and coalgebras, duals of algebras and coalgebras, bialgebras, convolution and
summation notations.Antipodes and Hopfalgebras.Modules and comodules.Invariants
and coinvariants, tensor products of H- modules and H- comodules,
Hopfmodules.Integrals, Maschke’s theorem. Commutative semisimpleHopf algebras and
restricted enveloping algebras. Cosimplicityandintegrals on Hopf algebra H.The Nichols-
Zoeller theorem. Applications: Hopf algebras of prime dimensions and
semisimplesubHopf algebras. A normal basis for H over K. Coradical filtration, pointed
Hopf algebras.

Recommended books:
1. E. Abe, Hopf Algebras, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
(1980).(Original:Japanese version published by Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1977.
2. S. DǎSčalescu, C. Nǎstǎsescu and S. Raianu, Hopf Algebras, An introduction,
Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, Basel, 2001.
3. C. Kassel, Quantum Groups, Grad. Text Math., Vol. 155, Springer Verlag, New
York, 1995.
4. S. Montgomery, Hopf algebras and their actions on rings, CBMS Reg. Conference
Series 82, Providence R. I, 1993.
5. M. E. Sweedler, Hopf Algebras, Benjamin, New York, 1969.

MATH-426 Advance Group Theory

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to
 Demonstrate knowledge of the syllabus material;
 Use the definitions studied in this course to identify and construct examples and
to distinguish examples from non-examples;
 Know about use of group actions and the related topics in application point of
 Write about group theory in a coherent, grammatically correct and technically
accurate manner.

Course Outline:
Actions of Groups, Permutation representation, Equivalence of actions, Regular
representation, Cosets spaces, Linear groups and vector spaces, Affine group and affine
spaces, Transitivity and orbits, Partition of G-spaces into orbits, Orbits as conjugacy
class Computation of orbits, The classification of transitive G-spaces Catalogue of all
transitive G-spaces up to G-isomorphism, One-one correspondence between the right
coset of Ga and the G-orbit, G-isomorphism between coset spaces and conjugation in G,
Simplicity of A5, Frobenius-Burnside lemma, Examples of morphisms, G-invariance,
Relationship between morphisms and congruences, Order preserving one-one
correspondences between congruences on Ω and subrroups H of G that contain the
stabilizer Gα, The alternating groups, Linear groups, Projective groups, Mobius groups,
Orthogonal groups, unitary groups, Cauchy’s theorem, P-groups, Sylow P-subgroups,
Sylow theorems, Simplicity of An when n>5.

Recommended Books:
1. J.S. Rose, A Course on Group Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1978.
2. H. Wielandt, Finite Permutation Groups. Academic Press, 1964.
3. J.B. Fraleigh, A Course in Algebra, Addison-Wesley 1982.

MATH-427 Theory of Modules

Upon successful completion of this module students will be able to

 Write precise and accurate mathematical definitions of objects in module theory;

 Use definitions to identify and construct examples of modules, submodules,
quotient modules and all related topics and to distinguish examples from non-
 Validate and critically assess mathematical proofs of the topics covered and
 Use a combination of theoretical knowledge and independent mathematical
thinking to investigate questions in module theory and to use them for practical

Course Outline:
Motivations to modules. Submodules, quotient modules, finitely generated and cyclic
modules, exact sequences and elementary notions of homological algebra, Noetherian
and Artinian rings and modules, radicals, semisimple rings and modules.

Recommended Books:
1. Adamson, J., Rings and modules.
2. Blyth, T. S., Module theory, Oxford University Press, 1977.
3. Adhikari M. R., Adhikari A., Groups, Rings And Modules with Applications,
Universities Press, 2003.
4. Fraleigh J.B., A first Course in Algebra (Addison-Wesley 1982).
5. Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra (John Wiley 1975).
6. Hartley, B., and Hawkes, T.O., Ring, Modules and Linear Algebra, Chapman and
Hall, 1980.

MATH-428 Galois Theory

The main objectives of this course are;
 To make a connection between field theory and group theory.
 To describe how the various roots of a given polynomial equation are related to
each other.

Course Outline:
Integral domains and Fields, Homorphisms and ideals, Quotient Rings, Polynomial rings
in one indeterminate over Fields, Prime ideals and Maximal ideals, irreducible
Field Extensions:
Algebraic and Transcendental field extensions, Simple Extensions, Composite
Extensions, Splitting Fields, The Degree of and Extension, Ruler and Compass
Constructions. Normality and Separability.
Finite Field Extensions:
Circle Division, The Galois Group, Toots of Unity, Solvability by Radicals, Galois
Extensions, The Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory, Galois’s Great Theorem,
Algebraically Closed Fields.

Recommended Books:
1. Joseph Rotman, “Galois Theory”, Springer-Veriog, New York, Inc. (2005)
2. Lan Steward, “Galois Theory”, Chapman & Hall, New York (2004)

3. David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote, “Abstract Algebra”, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc, New York (2002).

MATH-429 Rings and Fields

Motivation for rings. Definition and examples. Integral domain. Characteristic of a ring.
Fields. Subrings and ideals. Quotient ring. Principal, maximal and prime ideals. Principal
ideal domain. Homomorphism. Dorroh extension theorem. Power series rings and
polynomial rings. Euclidean domain. Unique Factorization domain. Introduction to
Galois theory.

Recommended Books:
1) Fraleigh, J.A., A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Addision Wesley Publishing
Company, 1982.
2) Herstein, I.N., Topies in Algebra, John Wiley & Sons 1975.
3) Lang, S., Algebra, Addison Wesley, 1965.
4) Hartley, B., and Hawkes, T.O., Ring, Modules and Linear Algebra, Chapman and
Hall, 1980.

MATH-434 Analytical Dynamics

Constraints, generalized co-ordinates, generalized forces, general equation of dynamics,
Lagrange’s equations, conservation laws, ignorable co-ordinates, Explicit form of
Lagrange’s equation in terms of tensors. Hamilton’ principle of least action. Hamilton’s
equations of motion, Hamilton-Jacobi Method. Poisson Brackets (P.B’s); Poisson’s
theorem; Solution of mechanical problems by algebraic technique based on (P.B’s) Small
oscillations and normal modes, vibrations of strings, transverse vibrations normal
modes, forced vibrations and damping, reflection and transmission at a discontinuity,
longitudinal vibrations, Rayleigh’s principle.

Recommended Books
1. Textbook of Dynamics by F. Chorlton, published by Van Nostrand, 1963.
2. Mechanics by W. Chester, published by George Allen and Unwin Ltd. London,
3. Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstein, published by Cambridge University, 1980
4. Methods of Analytical Dynamics by G. Meirovitch, published by McGraw-Hill,

MATH-435 Fluid Mechanics-I

Real fluids and ideal fluids, velocity of a fluid at a point, streamlines and pathlines,
steady and unsteady flows, velocity potential, vorticity vector, local and particle rates of
change, equation of continuity, acceleration of a fluid, conditions at a rigid boundary,
general analysis of fluid motion, Euler’s equations of motion, Bernoulli’s equation,
Navier-Stokes’ equations steady motion under conservative body forces, some
potential theorems, impulsive motion, sources, sinks and doublets, images in rigid
infinite plane and solid spheres, axi-symmetric flows, Stokes’ stream function, complex
potential for two dimensional irrotational, incompressible flow, complex velocity
potential for uniform stream, line sources and line sinks, line doublets and line vortices,
image systems, Miline –Thomson circle theorem, Blasius theorem, use of conformal
transformation and Schwartz-Christoffel transformation in solving problems, vortex

rows, Kelvin’s minimum energy theorem, uniqueness theorem, fluid streaming past a
circular cylinder, irrotational motion produced by a vortex filament, Helmholtz vorticity
equation, Karman’s vortex-street.

Recommended Books
1. Textbook of Fluid Dynamics by F. Chorlton, published by Van Nostrand, 1967
2. Theoretical Hydrodynamics by M. Thomson, published by Macmillan Press, 1979
3. Continuum Mechanics by W. Jaunzemics, published by Macmillan Company,
4. An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics by G. K. Batchelor, published by Cambridge
University Press, 1969
5. Fluid Mechanics by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, published by Pergamon Press,

MATH-436 Fluid Mechanics-II

This course is designed;
 To give the students clear concepts equation of motion of viscous fluids.
 To develops skill of applying equation of motion to real problems.
 To familiarize the students about the flow of fluid in rotating frame.
 To introduce the concept of boundary layer flows.

Course Outline:
Constitutive equations; Navier-Stokes’ equations; Exact solutions of Navier-Stoke’s
equations; Steady unidirectional low; Poiseuille flow; Couette flow; Unsteady
unidirectional low; sudden motion of a plane boundary in a fluid at rest; Flow due to an
oscillatory boundary; Equations of motion relative to a rotating system; Ekman flow;
Dynamical similarity and the Reynold’s number; Flow over a flat plate (Blasius’
solution); Reynold’s equations of turbulent motion, Backingum Pi Theorem, Similarity

Recommended Books:
1. L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz., Fluid Mechanics, Pergamon Press, 1966.
2. Batchelor, G.K., An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambidge University Press,
3. Walter Jaunzemis, Continuum Mechanics, MacMillan Company, 1967.
4. Milne-Thomson, Theoretical Hydrodynamics, MacMillan Company, 1967.

MATH-437 Quantum Mechanics

On completing the course, the students will be able to;
 Know about quantum mechanical operator, Eigen states, potential barrier,
potential well, angular momentum and spin.
 To explain the behavior of matter and its interaction with energy on the scale of
atoms and atomic scales at basic level.
 Understand the wave and particle nature of entities.

Course Outline:
Basic postulates of quantum mechanics. State vectors. Formal properties of quantum
mechanical operators. Eigenvalues and eigenstates, simple harmonic oscillator.
Schrodinger representation. Heisenberg equation of motion Schrodinger equation.
Potential step, potential barrier, potential well. Orbital angular momentum. Motion in a
centrally symmetric field. Hydrogen atom. Matrix representation of angular momentum
and spin. Time independent perturbation theory, degeneracy. The Stark effect.
Introduction to relativistic Quantum Mechanics.

Recommended Books:
1. Fayyazuddin and Riazuddin, Quantum Mechanics, World Scientific 1990.
2. Merzbacher, E., Quantum Mechanics, John Wiley 2nd Ed. 1970.
3. Liboff, R.L., Introductory Quantum Mechanics, Addision-Wesley 2nd Ed. 1991.
4. Dirac, P.M.A., Principles of Quantum Mechanics, (Latest Edition), Oxford
University Press.

MATH-444 Integral Equations

Integral equations, formulation of boundary value problems, classification of integral
equations, method of successive approximation, Hilbert-Schmidt theory, Schmidt’s
solution of non-homogeneous integral equations, Fredholm theory, case of multiple
roots of characteristic equation, degenerate kernels, introduction to Wiener-Hopf

Recommended Books
1. Linear Integral Equations by W. V. Lovitt, published by Dover, 1950
2. Integral Equations by F. Smith, published by Cambridge University Press
3. Integral Equations by F. G. Tricomi, published by Interscience, 1957
4. Methods based on the Weiner-Hopf technique by B. Noble, published by
Pergamon Press, 1958
5. Introduction to Integral Equations with Applications by J. Jerri Abdul, published
by Marcel Dekker, 1985

MATH-453 Algebraic Geometry

After the completion of the this course, the students will be in position to;
 Combine techniques of abstract algebras especially commutative algebra with
language and the problem of geometry.
 Gain an understanding of algebraic varieties, geometric manifestations of
solutions of systems of polynomial equations.
 Explain dimensions, tangent spaces, smoothness and completeness.

Course Outline:
Algebraic varieties: Affine algebraic varieities, Hibert basis Theorem, Decomposition of
variety into irreducible components, Hibert’s Nulttstellensatz, The Sectrum of a Ring,
Projective variety and the homogeneous Spectrum.
Functions and Morphisms: Some properties of Zariski topology, Rings and modules of
franctions and their properties, Coordinate ring and polynomial functions, Polynomial
maps, Regular and rational functions, Morphisms, Rational maps.

Dimension: The Krull dimension of Topological Spaces and Rings, Prime Ideal Chain and
Integral Extensions, The Dimension of Affine Algebras and Affine Algebraic Varieties,
The Dimension of Projective Varieties.
Applications: The product of varieties, On dimension, Tangent space and smoothness,

Recommended Books:
1. O. Zariski and P. Samual, Commutative Algebra, Vol. 1, Van Nostrand, Princeton,
N. J., 1958.
2. M.F. Atiyah and I. G. Macdonald, Introduction to Commutative Algebra, Addison
Wesley Pub. Co., 1969.
3. I.R. Shafarevich, Basic Algebraic Geometry, Springer Verlag, 1974.
4. R. Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, Springer Verlag, 1977.
5. E, Kunz, Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Boston;
Basel; Stuttgrat: Birkhauser, 1985.

MATH-454 Advanced Topology

Urysohn lemma, Urysohn metrization theorem, Tietze extension theorem, Tychonoff
theorem, Stone-Cech compactification, further metrization theorems, paracompactness,
complete metric spaces, Baire spaces.

Recommended Books
1. Topology by James R. Munkres, second edition, published by Prentice Hall, 2000
2. A First Course in Algebraic Topology by C. Kosniowski, published by Cambridge
University Press
3. Algebraic topology, A First Course by M. J. Greenberg, published by

MATH-455 Algebraic Topology

Quotient topology, homotopy of paths, the fundamental group, covering spaces,
fundamental group of the circle, retractions and fixed points, Borsuk-Ulam theorem,
deformation retracts and homotopy type, fundamental groups of various surfaces,
direct sums of Abelian groups, free products of groups, free groups, Seifert-van Kampen
theorem and applications.

Recommended Books
1. Kosniowski, C., A first course in algebraic topology, Cambridge University Press,
2. Greenberg, M.J., Algebraic topology, A first course, Benjamin/Commings, 1967.
3. Wallace, A.H., Algebraic Topology, Homology and Cohomology, Benjamine, 1968.

MATH-456 Differential Geometry-II

Definition and examples of manifolds, differential maps, submanifolds, tangents,
coordinate vector fields, tangent spaces, dual spaces, multilinear functions, algebra of
tensors, vector fields, tensor fields, integral curves, flows, Lie derivatives, brackets,
differential forms, introduction to integration theory on manifolds, Riemannian and
semi-Riemannian metrics, flat spaces, affine connections, parallel translations, covariant
differentiation of tensor fields, curvature and torsion tensors, connection of a semi-

Riemannian tensor, Killing equations and Killing vector fields, geodesics, sectional

Recommended Books
1. Tensor Analysis on Manifolds by R. L. Bishop and S. I. Goldberg, published by
Dover, 1980
2. Riemannian Geometry by M. P. Do Carmo, published by Birkhauser, 1992
3. Differential Forms and Variational Principles by D. Lovelock and H. Rund,
published by John Wiley, 1975
4. Differential and Riemannian Geometry by D. Langwitz, published by Academic
Press, 1970
5. Manifolds, Tensor Analysis and Applications by R. Abraham, J. E. Marsden and T.
Ratiu, published by Addison Wesley, 1983

MATH-457 Riemannian Geometry

Geodesics and their length minimizing properties, Jacobi fields, equation of geodesic
deviation, geodesic completeness, theorem of Hopf-Rinow, curvature and its influence
on topology, theorem of Cartan-Myers and Hadamard geometry of submanifolds, second
fundamental form, curvature and convexity, minimal surfaces, mean curvature of
minimal surfaces, calculus of differential forms and integration on manifolds, Theorem
of Stokes, elementary applications of differential forms to algebraic topology.

Recommended Books
1. M.P., Riemannian Geometry by M. P. Do Carmo, published by Birkhauser, 1992
2. Riemannian Geometry by S. Gallot and J. Lafontaine, published by Springer-
Verlag, 1990
3. Differential forms in algebraic topology by R. Bott and M. tu, published by
Springer-Verlag, 1987

MATH-458 Theory of Manifolds

After completing the course, the students will be in position;
 To introduce a notion of abstract smooth manifold.
 To develop skill in manipulation of differential objects.
 To generalize the concept of curves and surfaces.
 To apply the subject to general relativity, modern physics and partial differential

Course Outline:
Manifolds and smooth maps; Derivatives and Tangents; The inverse function theorem
and Immersions; Submersions; Transversality, homotopy and stability; Embedding
manifolds in Euclidean space; Manifolds with boundary; One manifolds and some
consequences; Exterior algebra; Differential forms; Partition of unity; Integration on
manifolds; Exterior derivative; Cohomology with forms; Stoke’s theorem; Integration
and mappings; The Gauss-Bonnet --theorem; Lie groups as examples of manifolds; Their
Lie algebras; Examples of matrix Lie groups and their Lie algebras.

Recommended Books:
1. Guillemin, V. and Pollock, A., Differential Topology, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, 1974.
2. Boecker, T. and Dieck, T., Representations of Compact Lie groups, Springer
3. Bredon, G.E., Introduction to Compact Transformation Groups, Academic Press,

MATH-465 Measure and Integration

Measure Spaces: Definition and examples of algebras and σ algebras, basic properties of
measurable spaces, definition and examples of measure spaces, outer measure,
Lebesgue measure, measurable sets, complete measure spaces.
Measurable Functions: Some equivalent formulations of measurable functions,
examples of measurable functions, various characterization of measurable functions,
property that holds almost everywhere, Egorov’s theorem.
Lebesgue Integration: Definition of Lebesgue integral, basic properties of Lebesgue
integrals, comparison between Riemann integration and Lebesgue integration, L2-
space. The Riesz-Fischer theorem.

Recommended Books
1. Real Analysis by H. L. Royden, third edition, published by Prentice Hall, 1988
2. Measure Theory by D. L. Cohn, published by Birkhauser, 1980
3. Measure Theory by P. R. Halmos, published by D.Van Nostrand, 1950

MATH-466 Functional Analysis-II

The Hahn-Banach theorem, principle of uniform boundedness, open mapping theorem,
closed graph theorem; Weak topologics and the Banach-Alouglu theorem, extreme
points and the Krein-Milman theorem.
The dual and bidual spaces, reflexive spaces, compact operators, Spectrum and
eigenvalue, of an operator, elementary spectral theory.

Recommended Books
1. Introductory Functional Analysis and Applications by E. Kreyszig, published by
John Wiley, 1973
2. Introduction to Functional Analysis by A. E. Taylor and D. C. Lay, published by
John Wiley
3. Functional Analysis by H. G. Heuser, published by John Wiley, 1982
4. Elements of Applied Functional Analysis by C. W. Groetsch, published by Marcel
Dekker, 1980

MATH-473 Numerical Analysis

Course Objectives:
Numerical Analysis deals with the approach to develop numerical algorithms for the
mathematical problems which are not easily solvable by using exact or analytical
methods. The key topics of this subject include numerical solutions of ordinary
differential equations, numerical solutions of partial differential equations and finding
eigenvalues numerically. This is the second course on numerical mathematics in SNS.

Course Outline:
Differentiation and integration in multidimensions, ordinary differential equations:
Predictor methods, modified Euler’s method, truncation error and stability, the Taylor
series method, Runge-Kutta methods, differential equations of higher order, system of
differential equations, shooting methods, boundary value problems
Partial differential equations: Elliptic hyperbolic and parabolic equations, explicit and
implicit finite difference methods, stability, convergence and consistency analysis, the
method of characteristic.
Eigenvalue problems: Estimation of eigenvalues and corresponding error bounds,
Gerschgorin’s theorem and its applications, Schur’s theorem, power method, shift of
origin, deflation method for the subdominant eigenvalues.

Recommended Books
1. Elementary Numerical Analysis by S. D. Conte and C. de Boor, published by
McGraw Hill, 1980
2. Applied Numerical Analysis by C. F. Gerald, published by Addison-Wesley, 1984
3. Introduction to Numerical Analysis by C. E. Foberg, published by Addison
Wesley, 1972
4. Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations by G. D. Smith, published
by Oxford University Press
5. Finite Difference Methods in Partial Differential Equations by A. R. Mitchell and
D. F. Griffiths, published by John Wiley and Sons, 19801. Hogg, A.V. and Craig A.T.
2006, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics McMillian Co,
6. Mood, A.M. Grabill, F.A, and Boes, D.C, 1974, Introduction to the theory of
Statistics McGraw Hill.
7. Numerical Analysis by Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires, 9th Edition
Publisher: Cengage Learning, 2010. (BF)
8. Fundamentals of Engineering Numerical Analysis by PervizMoin, 2nd Edition
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, 2010. (PM)

MATH-474 Operations Research

To provide an appreciation of a number of different techniques used in operations
research and their application. In particular the formulation and solution of linear
programming problems, queuing systems reliability analysis, probalistic risk analysis.
To provide an understanding of their probabilistic and theoretical backgrounds. This
course includes the formulation of a linear programming problem; solving a problem
using the appropriate solution method i.e. either the primal or dual simplex algorithm;

Recommended Books
1. Operations Research, an Introduction, 6th edition, published by Prentice Hall
2. Introduction to Operations Research by F. Hillier, 6th edition, published by
McGraw Hill, 1995

MATH-475 Optimization Theory

Introduction to optimization, relative and absolute extrema, concave and unimodal
Functions, constraints, mathematical programming problems, optimization of one, two
and several variables functions and necessary and sufficient conditions of their optima,
optimization by equality constraints, direct substitution method and Lagrange
multiplier method, necessary and sufficient conditions for an equality constrained

optimum with bounded independent variables, inequality constraints and Lagrange
multipliers, Kuhn-Tucker Theorem, multidimensional optimization by gradient method,
convex and concave programming, Calculus of variation and Euler-Lagrange equations,
functionals depending on several independent variables, variation problems in
parametric form, generalized mathematical formulation of dynamics programming,
non-linear continuous models, dynamics programming and variational calculus, Control

Recommended Books
1. Introduction to Optimization Theory by B. S. Gotfried and J. Weisman,
published by Prentice Inc. New Jersey, 1973
2. Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations by L. Elsgolts, published by
Mir Publishers Moscow, 1970
3. Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization by D. A. Wismer and R. Chattergy,
published by North Holland New York, 1978
4. Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory by M. D. Intriligator,
published by Prentice-Hall Inc. New Jersey, 1971

MATH-476 Mathematical Modeling & Simulation

Basic concepts of computer modeling in science and engineering using discrete particle
systems and continuum fields. Techniques and software for statistical sampling,
simulation, data analysis and visualization. Use of statistical, quantum chemical,
molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, mesoscale and continuum methods to study
fundamental physical phenomena encountered in the fields of computational physics,
chemistry, mechanics, materials science, biology, and applied mathematics. Applications
drawn from a range of disciplines to build a broad-based understanding of complex
structures and interactions in problems where simulation is on equal-footing with
theory and experiment.

Recommended Books
1. Graph Models and Finite Mathematics by Malkevitich, published by Prentice Hall
2. Analytical and Computational Methods of Advanced Engineering by G. B.
Gustafson, published by SV, 1998

MATH-481 Elasticity Theory

Upon the completion of the course, the students will be able to;
 Analyze linear elastic under mechanical and thermal behavior.
 Understand wave propagation, tensor analysis of stress and strain and solid

Course Outline:
Cartesian tensors; analysis of stress and strain, generalized Hooke’s law; crystalline
structure, point groups of crystals, reduction in the number of elastic moduli due to
crystal symmetry; equations of equilibrium; boundary conditions, compatibility
equations; plane stress and plane strain problems; two dimensional problems in
rectangular and polar co-ordinates; torsion of rods and beams.

Recommended Books:
1. Sokolinikoff., Mathematical theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York.
2. Dieulesaint, E. and Royer, D., Elastic Waves in Solids, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1980.
3. Funk, Y.C., Foundations of Solid Mechanics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1965.

MATH-482 Electromagnetism

After the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to;
 Gain the knowledge of electrostatic energy, magnetic energy, maxwell’s
equations, electromagnetic waves, radiations and motion of electric charges.
 Learn fundamental principle of electromagnetism to continue to develop solid
and systematic problems solving skills and to lay the foundations for further
studies in physical science.
 Apply basic law of electricity and magnetism.

Course Outline:
Electrostatics and the solution of electrostatic problems in vacuum and in media,
Electrostatic energy, Electric currents, The magnetic field of steady currents, Magnetic
properties of matter. Magnetic energy, Electromagnetic Induction, Maxwell’s equations,
Boundary Value Potential Problems in two dimensions, Electromagnetic Waves,
Radiation, Motion of electric charges.

Recommended Books:
1. Reitz, J.R. and Milford, F.J., Foundation of electromagnetic theory, Addision-
Wesley, 1969.
2. Panofsky, K.H. and Philips, M., Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Addision-
Wesley, 1962.
3. Corson, D. and Lerrain, P., Introduction to Electromagnetic fields and waves,
Freeman, 1962.
4. Jackson, D.W., Classical Electrodynamics, John-Wiley.
5. Ferraro, V.C.A., Electromagnetic theory, The Athlone Press, 1968

MATH-483 Combinatorics and Graph Theory

Counting, pigeonhole principle, permutations and combinations, probability,

permutations and combinations with repetition, recurrence relations, generating
functions, principle of inclusion-exclusion, graphs, adjacency matrices, incidence
matrices , isomorphism of graphs, paths, connectivity , Euler and Hamilton paths,
Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, planar graphs, Euler’s formula, graph coloring,
applications, trees, applications, spanning trees.

Recommended Books
1. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen, fifth edition, published by
McGraw Hill, 2005.
2. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics by Ralph P. Grimaldi.

MATH-484 Special Relativity
Historical background and fundamental concepts of special theory of relativity, Lorentz
transformations (one dimensional), length contraction, time dilation and simultaneity,
velocity addition formulae, 3- dimensional Lorentz transformations, introduction to 4-
vector formalism, Lorentz transformations in the 4-vector formalism, the Lorentz and
Poincare groups, introduction to classical mechanics, Minkowski spacetime and null
cone, 4-velocity, 4-momentum and 4-force, application of special relativity to Doppler
shift and Compton effect, particle scattering, binding energy, particle production and
decay, electromagnetism in relativity, electric current, Maxwell’s equations and
electromagnetic waves, the 4-vector formulation of Maxwell’s equations, special
relativity with small acceleration.

Recommended Books
1. Relativity: An Introduction to the Special Theory by Asghar Qadir, published by
World Scientific, 1989
2. Introducing Einstein’s Relativity by R. D. Inverno, published by Oxford University
Press, 1992
3. Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstein, published by Addison Wesley, 1962
4. Classical Electrodynamics by J. D. Jackson, published by John Wiley 1962
5. Essential Relativity by W. Rindler, published by Springer Verlag, 1977

CS-111 Programming Fundamentals

Introduction to algorithms, different ways of representing algorithms, pseudo code,
pseudo code languages, how to write a computer program, problem solving using
algorithms, flowcharts, tracing and timing, series and sequence manipulation, matrix
manipulation, searching and sorting algorithms, recursion and related algorithms, trees
and related algorithms, graphs and related algorithms

Recommended Books
1. Computer Science, an overview by Glenn Brook shears, 6th edition
2. Discrete Mathematics and its applications by Kenneth H. Rosen.

CS-212 Data Structures and Algorithms

Introduction to data structures, importance and role of data structures in software
development, space and time complexity, big 0 notation, data abstraction, ADT, storage
and retrieval properties and techniques for various data structures, strings, arrays,
linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, hash tables, and graphs and its
applications, when to use what, sorting, searching, lab assignments and projects.

Recommended Books
1. Data Structures Using C and C++ by Augenstein and Tenenbaum, published by
Prentice Hall.
2. Data Structures and Algorithms by Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman, published by
Addison Wesley.
3. C++ An Introduction to Data Structures by Larry Nayhotf, International Edition.
4. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ by Horowitz, Sahni, and Mehta,
published by Computer Science Press.
5. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ by Weiss, Mark Allen, published
by Addison-Wesley.

CS-314 Theory of Automata
Preliminaries; Introduction, graphs, trees, inductive proofs, set notation. Finite
Automata; Finite state automaton, deterministic finite automaton, simulating a finite
state automaton using software, non deterministic finite automata, finite automata with
E-'moves, two way finite automata, finite automata with output, regular expression;
equivalence of FA and regular expression, the pumping lemma for regular sets, closure
properties of regular sets, decision algorithms for regular sets, the Myhill-Nerode
theorem, minimizing finite automata, context-free grammars and languages, grammars,
derivations and languages, properties of context free languages; kinds of properties,
Greibach normal form, eliminating A-productions from a CFG, unit productions from a
CFG, useless variables from a CFG, Chomsky normal form, pushdown automata,
pushdown automata and context free grammar, deterministic pushdown automata,

Recommended Books
1. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation by J. E.
Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman, published by Nayosa Publishing House, New Delhi,
India, 1987/1994.
2. Elements of the Theory of Computations by H. R. Lewis and C. S. Papadimitrious,
published by Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Chirrs NJ. USA. 1981.
3. Introduction to Computer Theory by D. I. A. Cohen, published by John Wiley &
Sons Inc., NY, USA,1941.
4. Theory of Automata and Computation by M. Sikander Hayat Khiyal, published
by National Book Foundation, Pakistan.

CS-322 Computer Communication & Networks

Communication model, communication tasks, transmission system utilization,
interfacing, signal generation, exchange management, error detection and correction,
flow control, addressing, routing, recovery, message formatting, security, network
management protocol and protocol architecture, OSI standard, TCP/IP suite, bus, tree,
ring, star LANs, circuit switching, packet switching, frame relay, ATM, ISDN and
broadband ISDN, point to point and multipoint, simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex
transmission, analog and digital data transmission. attenuation, delay distortion, noise,
channel capacity, transmission media, data encoding.
Digital Data & Analog Signals, –Modem Encoding Techniques, CODEC Encoding
Techniques, Modulation Techniques,
Data communication interface, data link control, error detection techniques, error
control techniques, high level data link control protocols(HDLC), multiplexing.
network models, network operating systems, network adapter cards, network services,
network printing, network applications, LAN technology, LAN system & network
standards, connectivity devices, connection services, managing and securing a network,
disaster recovery.

Recommended Books
Following books or their more recent equivalents, manuals, computer magazines and
journals articles, at the discretion of the instructor:
1. Data And Computer Communication by William Stalling, 5th edition, published by
Prentice Hall.

2. Data Communication, Computer Networks And Open Systems by Fred Halsall,
published by Addison-wesley.
3. Computer Networks by A. S. Tanen , published by Prentice Hall.
4. Data Communications, Networks And Systems by Thomas C.Bartee, Editor-in-Chief
BPB publications
5. Networking Essentials, MCSE Training Guide by Joe Casad & Dan Newland,
published by Techmedia.

CS-361 Computer Graphics

Course Outlines of General Courses

GC-111 Functional English-I

To provide language support to mixed ability groups of students form different

faculties. To cater to their deficiencies especially in advanced level grammar related to
structure and style. To expose them to reading strategies of deal with a variety of
reading texts, especially in their own area of studies. To help them improve their
vocabulary to cope with specific texts in English. To equip them with good paragraph
writing skills to form strong paragraphs and provide foundation for essay writing.

Course Contents
. English has three main components:
. Reading. 27 hours
. Paragraph Writing and Introduction to essay writing 12 hours
. Grammar, structure and style 09 hours
Total: 48 hours

Reading: Nine units have been allocated for reading. The units consist of a variety long
and short text from different fields of studies. The rich vocabulary, from simple to
complex concepts in the texts makes them good reading texts.

List of reading texts

Getting to know your book
The true student
Self-discipline and studies
How to help hard of hearing
Learning to see
What do you know about nutrition
Social factors that shape up our lives
Bread and Cireus

Introduction to paragraph writing.
Writing descriptive paragraphs
Writing narrative paragraphs
Writing process paragraphs

Writing expository paragraphs with emphasis on the following:
. Cause and effect
. Comparison and contrast
. Situation-problem-solution
Grammar, Structure and Style
. Any grammar deficiency found in students as a class
. Simple, compound and complex sentence structures
. Coordination
. Parallelism
. Fragments
. Style: choice of words, positioning of the subject, length of sentence repetition

Recommended Books:
1. A course book with the above-mentioned objectives and contents has been
developed by the syllabus designing committee especially constituted for this
purpose by the Dean (FLL & II).

GC- 112 Functional English–II

To provide students reading skills and strategies to help them in reading their subject
specified materials. To enhance their writing skills form simple paragraph to full y
developed essay. To equip them with writing skills e.g. summary writing, job
appellations, resume writing , which serve a practical purpose in professional life. To
expose them to texts rich in vocabulary and varied in context.

Course Contents
English II has four components:
. Reading. 27 hours
. Essay Writing 09 hours
. Summary writing 06 hours
. Job Application, resumes/C.Vs 06 hours
Total: 48 hours
Nine units have been allocated for reading . They are based on informative and
interesting texts form different fields of life like education ,sports, health and society.
The texts are exploited to help students learn reading strategies.

List of Reading Texts

The Book of Knowledge
Listening faults
Sports and war
The miracle of Zam Zam
Not just a parrot talk
The weather and how you feel
How to build a healthy response to stress
Social factors that shape our lives
To paint a portrait of a bird (poem)

Essay Writing.
. Different parts of essay: Introduction, body, and conclusion, how each part is
developed and linked
. Descriptive essays
. Expository essays
. Argumentative essays

Summary Writing
. Writing summaries of descriptive, expository and argumentative texts
. What’s summary writing
. Locating main and important supporting details
. Looking for irrelevant details
. Structure and style wherever necessary

Job Applications
. Types of job applications
. Format
. Language and style in job applications

Recommended Books
A course book with the above-mentioned objectives and contents has been developed
syllabus designing committee especially constituted for this purpose by the dean (FLL &

GC-214 Basics of Academic Writing

1. Introduction to Basic Academic Writing
2. Structure and Cohesion
3. Description, process, procedure & physical
4. Narrative, Definitions, Exemplification, and classifications.
5. Comparison and contrast, cause and effect.
6. Interpretation of Data.
7. Academic style.
8. Proofreading.
9. Surveys Questionnaires and projects.
10. Presentations
11. Short presentations using overhead projector and audio visual aids
12. Introduction to public speaking
13. Skills involved in presenting
14. Making a good presentation
15. Longer presentations using multi-media based on deeper research project of
16. Academic nature. 7- 10 mins. For final project.
17. Language difficulties and types of error
18. Correction code
19. Research Reports.

Recommended Books
1. Academic Writing Course, R.R Jordan. ( Longman

GC-221 Islamic Studies

Course Objectives:
To learn about Islam and its application in day to day life.

Course Outline:


1) Basic Concepts of Quran
2) History of Quran
3) Uloom-ul-Quran


1) Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith(Verse No-284-286)
2) Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1-18)
3) Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11)
4) Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No .63-77)
5) Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam (Verse No-152-154)


1) Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No.6,21,40,56,57,58.)
2) Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20) Related to thinking, Day ofJudgment
3) Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to Tafakar, Tadabar (Verse No-1,14)


1) Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah ( Before Prophet Hood)
2) Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah
3) Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah


1) Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina
2) Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina
3) Important Lessons derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina

1) Basic Concepts of Hadith
2) History of Hadith
3) Kinds of Hadith
4) Uloom –ul-Hadith
5) Sunnah& Hadith
6) Legal Position of Sunnah



1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
2) History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

3) Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
4) Nature of Differences in Islamic Law
5) Islam and Sectarianism


1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization
2) Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization
3) Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization
4) Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues


1) Basic Concepts of Islam & Science
2) Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science
3) Quran & Science


1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System
2) Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics
3) Islamic Concept of Riba
4) Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce


1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System
2) Islamic Concept of Sovereignty
3) Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam

1) Period of Khlaft-e-Rashida
2) Period of Ummayyads
3) Period of Abbasids


1) Basic Concepts of Social System of Islam
2) Elements of Family
3) Ethical values of Islam

Recommended Books:
1. Hameedullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam” , IRI, Isb.
2. Hameedullah Muhammad, “Muslim Conduct of State”
3. Hameedullah Muhammad, ‘Introduction to Islam
4. Mulana Muhammad YousafIslahi,”
5. Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” leaf
Publication Islamabad, Pakistan.
6. Ahmad Hasan, “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic Research Institute,
International Islamic University, Isb. (1993)
7. Mir Waliullah, “Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes” Islamic
Book Service (1982)
8. H.S. Bhatia, “Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society” Deep & Deep
Publications New Delhi (1989)

9. Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” AllamaIqbal
Open University, Islamabad (2001).

GC-231 Pakistani Culture & Society

Land and People : Physical Features of Pakistan (location, mountains and rivers, climate,
mineral recourses). Language and culture. Religions of people and minorities. Relations
with neighboring communities, with special reference to the Middle East and newly
independent republics of Central Asia.
Historical and Ideological perspective : Advent of Islam in South Asia. Role of the
Muslim Empire and the intellectuals in spreading the message of Islam. A short review
of the Muslim rule (from 712 to 1857). The decline of the Muslim rule and rise of British
colonialism. Muslim’s efforts to maintain their socio-political identity with reference to
the Aligarh Movement and other educational movement. Two-Nation Theory and its
elaboration by the stalwarts like Sayyid Ahmad Khan and the leaders of All India Muslim
League (Iqbal, Quaid-I-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and others). Political and
Constitutional developments : Pakistan at the time of independence. Political and
constitutional developments. Comparative study of the constitution of 1956, 1962 and
1973. The amendments in the 1973 constitution.
Achievements and failures : Education. Democratic traditions. Social welfare. Health
care. Development of human resources. Economy.

Recommended Books
1. Following books or their more recent equivalents or manuals, magazines and
journals articles, at the discretion of the instructor:
2. Afzal Iqbal, Islamization of Pakistan.
3. Govt. of Pakistan, Handbook about Pakistan.
4. Kennedy, C., Islamization of Laws and Economy: Case Studies on Pakistan
(Islamabad, 1967).
5. Qureshi, I.H. (ed.), A Short History of Pakistan (Karachi, 1967).

GC-242 Elementary Statistics

Course Objectives:
In the course “Probability Theory” the students learnt how to set up mathematical
models of processes and systems that are affected by chance. In the present course the
students would learn how to check these models against reality, to determine whether
they are reliable/accurate enough for practical purposes or otherwise. This helps in
making predictions and decisions

Course Outline:
Sampling theory: sampling distributions; sampling procedures; estimation of
parameters: estimation of mean, variance; confidence intervals; decision theory:
hypothesis testing and decision making; types of errors in tests; quality control;
control charts for mean, standard deviation, variance, range; goodness of fit, chi-square
test. Regression analysis; method of least squares; correlation analysis.

Recommended Books:
1. DeGroot MH, Schervish MJ, Probability and Statistics (3rdedition), 2002,
2. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Ma, USA

3. Johnson RA, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 1994, Prentice-Hall,
4. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA
5. Papoulis A, Probability, RandomVariables, and Stochastic Processes, (3rd
6. edition), 1991, McGraw Hill, New York
7. Sincich T, Statistics by Exam ples , 1990, Dellen Publication Company
8. Agarwal B. L. (2003). Programmed Statistics, second edition, New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi.
9. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V. K. (1983). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,
Eighth Edition, Sultan Chand and Sons
10. Publishers, New Delhi.
11. Hoel P. G. (1971). Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley and Sons,
New York.
12. Hogg, R. V. and Craig R. G. (1989). Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, ed. 4.
MacMillan Publishing Co., New York.
13. Mayer, P. (1972). Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications, Addison
Wesley Publishing Co., London.

GC-151 Introduction to the Use of Computer

History of computers and types, computer operations, Computer Hardware, Main
components of computer i.e., Input devices (Keyboard, Mouse etc.), Output devices
(Monitors, Speakers, Head Phones etc.), CPU and its main components (Control unit,
Arithmetic & Logic unit etc.), Memory and Types of memories i.e., RAM, ROM etc.
Secondary storage devices like floppy drives, tape drives, USB disks etc. Computer
Software : Operating System (DOS, Windows 98 Windows XP etc), Antivirus, Application
software programs related to specified education program, Graphic designing,
Application Software Packages ( Microsoft Office: Microsoft Word, Power Point, Access,
Excel) Computer Network & communication: Types of networks (LAN , MAN, WAN),
Networking devices (cable, hub, switch etc.), Internet concepts & uses: requirements to
obtain an internet connection (Modems, Telephone lines, Internet service providers
ets), World Wode Web. Web Browsers. Search Engines, Electronic mail.

Recommended Books
1. Peter Norton’s Introduction to Computers by Peter Norton, 6th Edition,
Published 2004, McGraw-Hill Technology Education, 688 Pages, ISBN
2. Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction to Computers &
Communications ( Complete Version ) by Brian K. Williams and Stacey C. Sawyer,
6th McGraw-Hill Technology Education, 688 Pages, ISBN 0071112421

BLC-001 Introduction to Law

A brief study of basic principles of Law and legal theory coupled with comparative
Islamic doctrines will enable students to have a grass root level comprehension of
the discipline itself. It will develop legal acumen and in-depth capability to Comprehend
basic rules of Law & Society with particular reference to theoretical

I. Definitions:
(a) Scope
(b) State & Law
(c) Advantages & Disadvantages of Law

II. Source of Law:

a. Western
(i) Legislation
(ii) Precedent
(iii) Custom

(i) Primary Sources

(ii) Secondary Sources

Istehsan Istidlal

III. Classification of Law

(i) Kinds of Law
(ii) Public Law, Private Law

Recommended Books
1. Jurisprudence by John Salmond.
2. Early Development of Islamic Jurisprudence by Dr. Ahmad Hassan.
3. Text Book of Jurisprudence by G.W. Paton.
4. Islamic Jurisprudence by Imran Ahsan Nyazee
5. Jurisprudence by W.N. Hibbert.

14. Mood, A. M. and Graybill, F. A. and Boes D.C. (1974). Introduction to the Theory of
Statistics, Ed. 3, McGraw Hill Book Company.
15. Ross S. (2002). A First Course in Probability, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education,
Inc. & Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc.

ECN-001 Introduction to Economics

Nature, scope and importance of Economics, Microeconomics versus Macroeconomics,
Scarcity and choice, Commodities ( goods and services). In come and resources,
Opportunity costs, Factors of production. Production possibility frontier.
Demand, Supply and Equilibrium: Concepts of demand and supply. Laws of demand and
supply, Market equilibrium . Shifts in demand and supply curves and price
determination, Concept of elasticity: Own-price Income elasticity and Cross-price
Elasticity of Demand, Price elasticity of supply. Importance and determinants of

Consumer’s Behavior: Utility Theory. Consumer’s preferences and utility function, Laws
of increasing and diminishing marginal utility . Classification of goods ( Normal and
Inferior goods).
Theory of the Firm: Factors of production and their rewards, Total, average. And
marginal products. Laws of returns. Cost of production. Total, average, and marginal
costs, Revenues of a firm: Total , average, and marginal revenues, Concept of profit
maximization and Cost minimization, Form and Industry.
Market Structure: Theory of Exchange, Classification of markets, Competitive markets,
Imperfect competition: Monopoly. Monopolistic . Price and Output determination under
different markets.
National Income: Concepts of national income, GDP & GNP, Real vs. Nominal income, Per
capita income, Measurement of national income, Saving and Personal Consumption.
Money and Banking: Definition of money, Demand for and supply of money.
Commercial banking system, Role of the Central Bank. The exchange rate and need for
foreign currency.
Public Finance: The need for government, Provision of public goods, Public revenues.
Forms and kinds of taxes, Heads of Public expenditure, Budget and deficit financing.
Macroeconomic Issues: Concept of inflation, unemployment, Balance of payment,
Exchange rate and Business cycles, Role of Public Policies in the economy ( Monetary,
Fiscal , Commercial and Labour Policies): Brief discussion.

Recommended Books
1. Michel Parkin-Economics-5th Ed. (2004). Addision Wesley.
2. Samualson and Nordhaus- Economics-18th Ed. (2004)- McGraw Hill, Inc.
3. Lipsey and Crystal –Economics- (1999) – Oxford University Press.

PSY-001 Psychology

1. Introduction & Methods of Psychology Nature and Application of Psychology

with special reference to Pakist
2. Historical Background and Schools of Psychology (A Brief Survey)
3. Observation
4. Case History Method
5. Experimental
6. Survey Method
7. Interviewing Techniques
8. Sensation, Perception and Attention sensation
Characteristics and Major Functions of Different Sensation

Vision: Structure and functions of the Eye.

Audition: Structure and functions of the Ear.

1. Perception
Nature of Perception
Factors of Perception: Subjective, Objective and Social
Kinds of Perception:

Spatial Perception (Perception of Depth and Distance)

Temporal Perception; Auditory Perception.

2. Attention
Factors, Subjective and Objective
Span of Attention
Fluctuation of Attention
Distraction of Attention (Causes and Control)

3. Motives
Definition and Nature

Primary (Biogenic) Motives: Hunger, Thirst, Defection and Urination, Fatigue, Sleep,
Pain, Temperature, Regulation, Maternal Behavior, Sex.

Secondary (Sociogenic) Motives: Play and Manipulation, Exploration and Curiosity,

Affiliation ,Achievement and Power, Competition, Cooperation Social Approval and Self

4. Emotions
Definition and Nature
Physiological changes during Emotions (Neural, Cardial,
Visceral, Glandular), Galvanic Skin Response; Pupilliometrics
Theories of Emotion
James Lange Theory; Cannon-Bard Theory
Schachter- Singer Theory

5. Learning & Memory

Definition of Learning
Types of Learning: Classical and Operant Conditioning
Methods of Learning: Trial and Error: Learning by Insight;
Observational Learning
Nature of Memory
Memory Processes: Retention, Recall and recognition
Forgetting: Nature and Causes

6. Thinking
Definition of Nature
Tools of Thinking: Imagery; Language; Concepts
Kinds of Thinking
Problem Solving; Decision Making; Reasoning

7. Personality
Development of Personality: Biological and Environmental Factors

Recommended Books
1. Atkinson R.C., & Smith E. E. (2000) . Introduction to Psychology (13th ed),
2. Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
3. Hayes, N. (2000) Foundation of Psychology (3trd ed), Thomson Learning.

4. Lahey, B.B. (2004) to Psychology: An introduction (8th ed). Mc Graw Hill
Companies, Inc.]
5. Leahey, T.H. (1992) A history of Psychology : Main Current in Psychological
6. Myers, D.G. (1992) Psychology: (3trd ed), New York: Wadsworth Publishers.
7. Glassman, W.E. (2000). Approaches to psychology. Open University Press.
8. Lahey, B.B. (2004). Psychology: An introduction (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.
9. Myers, D.G. (1992) Psychology: (3trd ed), New York: Wadsworth Publishers.
10. Ormord, J E.. (1995). Educational psychology: Developing learners Prentice

CS-291 Discrete Structures

After successful completion, the students will be able to;
 Understand clear thinking and creative problem solving.
 Thoroughly train in construction and understanding of mathematical proofs.
 Exercise common mathematical arguments and proof strategies.
 Cultivate sense of familiarity and ease in the working with mathematical
notations and common concepts in discrete mathematics.

Course Outline:
Introduction to logic, quantifiers and conditional statements; proofs, valid and invalid
arguments, Predicates and quantified statements; arguments with quantified
statements, Direct proofs; counterexamples; quotient-remainder theorem; floor and
ceiling functions; irrationality of some square roots; infinitude of primes, Mathematical
Induction, Strong induction, Set Theory; set properties; partitions; power sets,
Recursively defined sequences; solving recurrences by iteration, Big Oh notation;
efficiency of algorithms; exponential and logarithmic functions, Relations; equivalence
relations, finite state automata, partial order relations, Trees, Graphs and graph theory.

Recommended Books:
1. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by (K. Rosen)
2. Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Susanna S.
3. Bernard Kolman; Discrete Mathematical structures, 4th ed.

CS-001 Programming Language

Historical background, IDE, character set, variables, constants, data types, input/output,
arithmetic operators, logical operators, bit wise operators. comments, casting,
preprocessor directives, decision control statements, loops, functions, external
variables, storage classes, recursion, command line arguments, arrays, strings, and
pointers, structures, array of structures, unions, files, character display memory,
attribute byte, bit field, equipment list word, graphics, handling larger programs.

Recommended Books
1. Following books or their more recent equivalents, manuals, computer magazines
and journals articles, at the discretion of the instructor:
2. Turbo C Programming for PC by Robert Lafore.

CS-002 Software Tools
Introduction to Matlab and Mathematica and how these can be used to solve problems
in algebra, calculus, linear algebra, statistics and differential equations.

Recommended Books
1. Getting started with MATLAB7: A quick introduction for Scientists & Engineers,
by Rudra Pratap.
2. A guide to MATLAB: for beginners and experienced users, by Hunt / Lipsman /
3. The Mathematica Book, Fourth Edition by Stephen Wolfram.
4. Schaum’s outline of Mathematica, by Eugene Don.

PHY-116 Basic Electricity and Magnetism

Pre-requisite: Nill
Credit Hours: 03 (3, 0)

Objectives: The main objective of this course is to understand the Physics of

Electromagnetism and to develop simple mathematical formalisms to analyze the
electromagnetic fields. This is a calculus-based introductory course with maximum
emphasis on applying the acquired knowledge to solving problems.

Electrostatics: Electric Charge, Conductors and Insulators, Coulomb's Law, Electric

Fields due to a Point Charge and an Electric Dipole, Electric Field due to a Charge
Distribution, Electric Dipole in an Electric Field, Electric Flux, Gauss' Law and its
Applications in Planar, Spherical and Cylindrical Symmetry

Electric Potential: Equipotential Surfaces, Potential due to a Point Charge and a Group
of Point Charges, Potential due to an Electric Dipole, Potential due to a Charge
Distribution, Relation between Electric Field and , Electric Potential Energy

Capacitors and Capacitance: Parallel Plate, Cylindrical and Spherical capacitors,

Capacitors in Series and Parallel, Energy Stored in an Electric Field, Dielectrics and
Gauss' Law (1 week).

DC Circuits: Electric Current and Current Density, Resistance and Resistivity, Ohm's
Law, Power in Electric Circuits, Semiconductors and Superconductors, Work, Energy,
and EMF, Resistances in Series and Parallel, Single and Multiloop Circuits, Kirchhoff's
Rules, RC Circuits, Charging and Discharging of a Capacitor

Magnetic Field and Magnetic Force: Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields and their
Applications, Hall Effect, Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Wire, Torque on a
Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole Moment, Magnetic Field Due to a Current, Force between
two Parallel Currents, Ampere's Law, Biot-Savart Law: Magnetic Field due to a Current,
Long Straight Wire carrying Current, Solenoids and Toroids, A current-carrying Coil as a
Magnetic Dipole, Inductance, Faraday's Law of Induction, Lenr's Law, Induction and
Energy Transfers, Induced Electric Fields, Inductors and Inductances, Self Inductance.

Recommended Text Books:
1. D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, "Fundamentals of Physics", John Wiley &
Sons, 9th ed. 2010.
2. R. A. Serway and J. W. Jewett, "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", Golden
Sunburst Series, 8th ed. 2010.
3. R. A. Freedman, H. D. Young, and A. L. Ford (Sears and Zeemansky), "University
Physics with Modern Physics", Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1 3Ih international ed.
4. F. J Keller, W. E. Gettys and M. J. Skove, "Physics: Classical and Modern, McGraw
Hill. 2" ed. 1992.
5. D. C. Giancoli, "Physics for Scientists and Engineers, with Modern Physics",
Addison-Wesley, 4th ed. 2008.
6. Young Hugh D. and Freedman, Roger A., University Physics, Addison Wesiey,
7. Purcell, E. M. Electricity and Magnetism, Berkeley Physics Course. Vol. II 2nd ed.
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 1984.
9. Griffiths, D. J. Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd ed. Upper Saddler River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1998.

PHY-211 Waves and Oscillations

Pre-requisite: Nill
Credit Hours: 03 (3, 0)
Objective(s): To develop a unified mathematical theory of oscillations and
waves in physical systems

Simple and Damped Harmonic Oscillation: Mass-Spring System, Simple Harmonic

Oscillator Equation, Complex Number Notation, LC Circuit, Simple Pendulum, Quality
Factor, LCR Circuit.

Forced Damped Harmonic Oscillation: Steady-State Behavior, Driven LCR Circuit,

Transient Oscillator Response, Resonance

Coupled Oscillations: Two Spring-Coupled Masses, Two Coupled LC Circuits, Three

Spring Coupled Masses, Normal Modes, Atomic and Lattice Vibrations

Transverse Waves: Transverse Standing Waves, Normal Modes, General Time

Evolution of a Uniform String, Phase velocity, Group Velocity

Longitudinal Waves: Spring Coupled Masses, Sound Waves in an Elastic Solid, Sound
Waves in an Ideal Gas

Traveling Waves: Standing Waves in a Finite Continuous Medium, Traveling Waves in

an Infinite Continuous Medium, Energy Conservation, Transmission Lines, Reflection
and Transmission at Boundaries.

Wave Pulses: Fourier series and Fourier Transforms, Bandwidth.

Multi-Dimensional Waves: Plane Waves, Three-Dimensional Wave Equation,
Electromagnetic waves, Laws of Geometric Optics, Waveguides, Cylindrical Waves

Interference and Diffraction of Waves: Double-Slit Interference, Single-Slit

Diffraction, Double-slit diffraction.

Recommended Books:
1. J. Pain, "The Physics of Vibrations and Waves", John Wiley, 6Ih ed. 2005.
2. A. P French, "Vibrations and Waves", CBS Publishers (2003).
3. F. S. Crawford, Jr., Waves and Oscillations", Berkeley Physics Coune, Vol. 3,
McGraw-Hill, 1968.
4. A. Hirose, and K .E. Lonngren, 'Introduction to Wave Phenomena", Krieger
Publications, 2003.

Course Outlines of Core Courses MS Mathematics

MATH 521 Advanced Linear Algebra

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to

demonstrate knowledge of the syllabus material. Students will also be able to apply
eigen value problems and related material in the linear algebra to different areas of
applied and pure Mathematics.

Course Contents: Basic properties of vector spaces and linear transformations, algebra
of polynomials, characteristic values and diagonalizable operators, invariant subspaces
and triangulable operators, the primary decomposition theorem, cyclic decompositions
and generalized Cayley-Hamilton theorem, rational and Jordan forms, inner product
spaces, the spectral theorem, bilinear forms, symmetric and skew-symmetric bilinear

Recommended Books
1. Linear Algebra by Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, second edition, published by
Prentice Hall, 1971
2. Advanced Linear Algebra by S. Roman, 2nd edition, 2005.
3. Advanced Linear Algebra by B. Cooperstein, 2010.

MATH 522 Theory of Abstract Algebra

Objectives: This course introduces concepts of semigroups, groups, Rings, fields and
the algebraic structures formed by their actions on sets and abelian groups. The main
objective of this course is to prepare students for research which require a good back
ground in the advances fields of abstract algebra.

Course Contents: Review of groups and subgroups, Group actions, orbits and
stabilizers, Class Equation of finite groups, The structure of p-Groups and Sylow
Review of rings and fields, Modules, Notherian Modules. Notherian rings and Hilbert's
Basis Theorem. Polynomial rings in Several Variables.
Introduction to semigroups and ideals in semigroups, congruence relation in
semigroups, S-acts.

Recommended Books
7. Blyth, T. S., Module theory, Oxford University Press, 1977.
8. Fraleigh J.B., A first Course in Algebra (Addison-Wesley 1982).
9. Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra (John Wiley 1975).
10. Rose. J. S., A course on Group Theory, Cambridge University Press,
11. Hartley, B., and Hawkes, T.O., Ring, Modules and Linear Algebra, Chapman and Hall.
12. Howie J. M (1976) An introduction to semigroup theory. Academic Press, London.
13. Mati K, Ulrich K, Mikhalev AV (2000) Monoids, acts and categories. Walter de Gruter.

MATH 541 Advanced Partial Differential Equations

Objectives: This course is designed to give the students a rigorous treatment of the
basic nomenclature for partial differential equations, the three basic types of partial
differential equations and the fundamental theory for existence of solutions including
the use of functional analysis, Hilbert and Sobolov Spaces. The student will learn to
apply Fourier series and Transforms for solution to partial differential equations,
Green's function to the solution of boundary value problems. Both analytic and
numerical methods will be explained to obtain the solution of hyperbolic, parabolic and
elliptic partial differential equations.

Course Contents: Cauchy’s problems for linear second order equations in n-

independent variables, Cauchy Kowalewski theorem, characteristic surfaces, adjoint
operations, bi-characteristics spherical and cylindrical waves, heat equation, wave
equation, Laplace equation, maximum-minimum principle, integral transforms.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value problems by
R. Dennemyer, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968.
2. Techniques in Partial Differential Equations by C. R. Chester, published by
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971.
3. Advanced Topics in Computational Partial Differential Equations by H. P.
Lengtangen and A. Treito, 2003.

MATH 542 Advanced Mathematical Methods

Objectives: The focus of this course is on the derivation and application advanced
analytical methods used for solution for algebraic and differential equations. A proper
framework will be presented for the derivation of methods based on variational
approach. The stability and convergence of explicit as well implicit methods will be

Course Contents: Analytical Solutions concept, Analytical methods. Variational

Iteration method. Modified Adomain decomposition method. Perturbation and
Asymptotic methods, Homotopy perturbation method, Homotopy analysis method,
Newton’s method, Householder method, Decomposition method, Modified HPM, Halley
method, Single step method, Taylor series and convergence, Explicit and Implicit
multistep methods.

Recommended Books:
1. Shijun Liao, Beyond Perturbation, Chapman and Hall/CRC London New York
Washington, D.C (2003).
2. Abdul Majid Wazwaz, A first course in integral equation, World Scientific
publishing Co (1997).
3. Andrei D. Polynin and Alexander V. Manzhirov, A note book on Integral equation,
Chapman and Hall/CRC London New York Washington, D.C (2010).

MATH 543 Advanced Integral Equations

Objectives: The purpose of this course is to transform the BVP and IVP into integral
transform and then solve the integral transform by different analytic and numerical

Course Contents: Existence Theorems, Integral Equations with L2 Kernels. Applications

to partial differential equations. Integral transforms, Wiener-Hopf Techniques.

Recommended Books:
1. Harry Hoch Stadl, Integral Equations, John Wiley, 1973.
2. Stakgold, I., Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics, Macmillan, New
York, 1968.
3. Multidimensional Integral Equations and inequalities by B. G. Pschpatte, 2011.

MATH 551 Topological Vector Spaces

Objectives: The goal of this course is to study vector spaces in light of different
topological concepts. A student is given knowledge about linear functional linear
manifold and about balanced, Absorbent and convex sets in a vector space. A topological
vector space, product spaces bounded and totally bounded sets, Convex sets and locally
convex spaces, closed hyper planes and separation of convex sets, and some basic
knowledge of meterizable normal and complete topological vector spaces is given.

Course Contents: Balanced sets, absorbent sets, convex sets, linear functional, linear
manifolds, sublinear functionals and extension of linear functional.
Definitions and general properties, product spaces and guohent spaces, bounded and
totally bounded sets, convex sets and compact sets in toplogical vector spaces, closed
hyperplanes and separation of convex sets, complete topological vector spaces,
meterizable topological vector spaces, normed vector spaces, normal toplogical vector
spaces and finite dimensional spaces.
General properties, subspaces, product spaces, quotient spaces, convex and compact
sets in locally convex spaces, hornological spaces, barreled spaces, spaces of continuous
function, spaces of indefinitely differentiable function, the notion of distribution,
unclear spaces, montal spaces, Sehwartz spaces, (DF)-spaces and Silva spaces.

Recommended Books:
1. Toplogical Vector Spaces by Robertoson, A.P. and Robertson, W., Cambridge
University Press, 1966.
2. Toplogical Vector Spaces by Cristescu, R., Noordhoff International Publishing,
Netherlands, 1977.
3. Toplogical Vector Spaces by Treves, F., Distributions and Kernels Academic Press
New York, 1967.
4. Toplogical Vector Spaces by Horvath, J., Addison-Wesley, 1966.
5. Topological Vector Spaces by Schaefer, H., Springer-Verlage, 1966.
6. Topological Vector Spaces by L. Narici and E. Becktnstein, 2010.

MATH 561 Advanced Mathematical Analysis

Objectives: It is advanced level course in Mathematical Analysis. The students will

understand distance between two objects. After studying the student should be able to
apply the above mentioned concept in different related areas.

Course Contents: Theory of distance function (Real valued, Vector valued and
multivalued), Continuous functions (Single valued, Vector valued and multivalued),
Random variables (Measureable sets, Measurable and Lebesgue measurable Functions
(linear and non non-linear operators), L 2 
a, bspaces, Axiom of Coice, Zoarn's lemma.

Recommended Books:
1. Real Analysis by H. L. Royden, Third Edition, Published Prentice Hall, 1988.
2. Measure Theory by D. L. Cohn, Published by Birkhaser, 1980.
3. Principals of Real Analysis, by W. Rudin, Published by McGraw Hill, 1995.

MATH 571 Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations

Objectives: The objective of this course is to introduce students to the methods, tools
and ideas of numerical computation. The emphasis of the course will be on problem
solving using computer to give students an opportunity to sharpen their skills in
programming. A final objective is to familiarize students with the intelligent use of
powerful and versatile systems such Matlab, Maple, Mathematica, Mathcad, Fortron and
others in attacking numerical problems and obtaining not only numerical but also
graphical results.

Course Contents: Ordinary differential equations: IVP’s, BVP’s and applications,

Numerical integration of IVP’s, Method of superposition, method of Chasing, The Adjoint
Operator Method, Iterative Methods – The Shooting Methods, Iterative methods, The
Finite-Difference Method, Method of Transformation- Direct Transformation,

Recommended Books:
1. Computer Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and Differential-
Algebraic Equations by Uri M. Ascher and Linda R. Petzold, published by SIAM,
2. Computational Methods in Engineering Boundary Value Problems by T.Y. Na.
3. Numerical Analysis by R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, Seventh Edition, PWS
Publishing Company, Boston, USA.
4. Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations by K. Atkinson, W. Han
and D. E. Stewart, 2011.

Course Outlines of Elective Courses MS Mathematics

MATH 523 Semigroup Theory

Objectives: To introduce students to semigroup theory, which is the study of sets with
one associative binary operation and comparisons between semigroups, groups and
rings. Further to be familiar with the most important examples of semigroups and be
able to perform calculations in them. Understand the basic structure theory of

Course Contents: Introductory ideas: Basic definitions, Cyclic semigroups; Ordered

sets, semi lattices and lattices. Binary relations; Equivalences; Congruences; Free
semigroups; Green’s Equivalences; L,R,H,J and D; Regular semigroups, O-Simple
semigroups; Simple and O-Simple semigroups; Isomorphism and normalization, Rees’s
theorem; Primative idempotents; Completely O-Simple semigroups; Finite congruence-
free semigroups, Union of groups; Bands; Free bands; varieties of bands.

Recommended Books:
1. The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups; A.H. Clifford and G.B. Preston, Vol. I & II.
AMS Math. Surveys, 1961 and 1967.
2. An Introduction to Semigroup Theory by J.M. Howie, Academic Press 1967.
3. Semigroup Theory and Applications by P. Clement, 2001.

MATH 524 Theory of Group Actions

Objectives: The basic objective of this course is to make a better understanding of finite
geometries , Projective spaces and their groups, finite fields and their extensions
Projective lines over finite fields, transitivity of action, K- transitive and Primitive
groups . And then to teach a student about actions of different kind of linear, Modular
and projective groups over finite fields on Projective lines over finite fields.

Course Contents: Survey of theory of group actions, Applications of group actions,

Transitivity and k-transitivity, Primitivity, Finite fields and their extensions, Projective
line over finite fields, Finite geometries, Projective spaces and their groups, Actions of
PGL (n,q) and PSL (n,q) on PG (n-I,q), Simplicity of projective special linear groups over
finite fields, Modular group, Parameterization of action of the extended modular group
on projective lines over finite fields. Projective and linear groups through actions.

Recommended Books:
1. Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups by Coxeter, H.S.M. and Moser, W.O.,
Springer-Verlag, 1980.
2. A Course in Group Theory by J.S. Rose, Cambridge University Press. 1978.
3. Presentation of Groupsby Johnson, D.L., Cambridge Lecture Notes, 1976.
4. Finite Group Theory by I. M. Isaacs, 2008.

MATH 525 Loop Groups

Objectives: Upon the successful completion of this course students will be able to
demonstrate knowledge of the finite dimensional Lie groups, Groups of smooth maps
and Kac-Moody Lie Algebras. Also they will be able to know about the affine Weyl group
and its root systems.

Course Contents: Complex Groups, Compact Groups, Root Systems, Weyl Groups,
Complex Homogeneous Spaces, Borel-Weil theorem. Infinite dimensional manifolds,
Groups of maps as infinite dimensional Lie groups, The Loop group L(G) = Maps (S1 ,G)
and its basic properties. Lie algebra extensions, the Co-adjoint action of the loop group
on its Lie algebra, Kirillov method of orbits, group extension of simply connected Lie
groups, Circle bundles, Connections and curvature. The affine Weyl group and its root
system, Generators and relations.

Recommended Books:
1. Loop Groups by A. Pressley and G. Segal., Oxford University Press, 1986.
2. Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras by V.G. Kac, Birkhauser, 1983.
3. Lie Algebra; Theory and Algorithms by W. A. D. Graff, 2000.
4. Langland Correspondence for Loop Groups by Edward Frenkel, Cambridge
Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 2007.

MATH 526 Nilpotent and Soluble Groups

Objectives: The objective of this course is to make a student understand about some
important series of groups, direct products, finitely generated Abelian groups, Soluble
and Nilpotent groups. In this course students learn to characterize Finite Nilpotent
groups, Fitting groups, Frattini subgroup, Dedikind groups, subnormal subgroups,
Weilandt subgroup and Weilandt series and then T-groups.

Course Contents: Normal and Subnormal Series, Abelian and Central Series, Direct
Products, Finitely Generated Abelian Groups, Splitting Theorems, Solube and Nilpotent
Groups, Commutators Subgroup, Derived Series, The Lower and Upper Central Series,
Characterization of Finite Nilpotent Groups, Fitting Subgroup, Frattini Subgroup,
Dedekind Groups, Supersoluble Groups, Soluble Groups with Minimal Condition.
Subnormal Subgroups, Minimal Condition on Subnormal Subgroups, The Subnormal
Socle, the Wielandt Subgroup and Wielandt Series, T-Groups, Power Automorphisms,
Structure and Construction of Finite Soluble T-Groups.

Recommended Books:
1. A Course in the Theory of Groups by Robinson, D.J.S., Graduate Textes in
Mathematics 80, Springer, New York, 1982.
2. Finite Soluble Groups by Doerk, K. and Hawkes, T., De Gruyter Expositions in
Mathematics 4, Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, 1992.
3. The Theory of Infinite soluble Groups by J. Carson and D. J. S. Robinson, 2004.

MATH 527 Commutative Algebra

Objectives: After the successful completion of this course students will be able to
demonstrate knowledge of the commutative rings, polynomials and formal power series
rings, Noetherian rings and valuation rings. Also they will be able to know about the
definitions of different types of Rings and related topics to identify and construct
examples and to distinguish examples from non-examples.

Course Contents: Commutative Rings: Definition and examples, Integral domains, unit,
irreducible and prime elements in ring, Types of ideals, quotient rings, Rings of
fractions, Ring homomorphism, Euclidean Domains, Principal ideal domains and Unique
Factorization domains. Polynomial and Formal Power series Rings, Factorization in
polynomial rings, Irreducibility Criteria. Noetherian Rings, Polynomial extension of
Noetherian domains, Quotient ring of Noetherian rings, Ring of Fractions of Noetherian
rings. Dimension of Rings: Chain of prime ideals in a domain, Length of chain of prime
ideals, Dimension of ring, Dimension of Polynomial rings. Integral Dependence: Ring
extension, Integral element, Almost integral element, Integral closure of a domain,
Complete integral closure of domain, integrally closed domain. Completely integrally
closed domain. Valuation Rings: Valuation map and value group, Rank of a valuation,
Discrete Valuation Rings and Dedekind domains: Fractional ideals, finitely generated
fractional ideals, invertible fractional ideals, Dedekind domain.

Recommended Books:
1. Commutative. Algebra by O. Zariski and P. Samual, Vol. l, Springer-Verlag, New
York, 1958.
2. Introduction to Commutative Algebra by M. F. Atiyah and L. G. Macdonald,
Addison Wesley Pub. Co., 1969.
3. Multipllcative Ideal Theory by R. Gilmer, Marcell Dekker, New York, 1972.
4. Commutative Ring theory by H. Matsumura, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
5. Combinatorial Commutative Algebra by E. Miller and B. Sturmfuls, 2005.
6. Introduction to Ring Theory by P. M. Cohn, Springer undergraduate mathematics
series, Springer, 2000.
7. Exercises in Classical Ring Theory by T. Y. Lam, 2nd ed., Springer, 2003.

MATH 528 Lie Algebras

Objectives: After the successful completion of this course the students will be able to
know about Lie algebras, nilpotent and solvable Lie algebras and related topics. They
will also be able to know about Jordan-Chevalley decomposition and its applications.

Course Contents: Definitions and Examples of Lie algebras ideals and quotients simple,
solvable and nilpotent Lie algebras radical of a Lie algebra, Semisimple Lie algebras,
Engel’s milpotency criterion, Lie’s and Cartan theorems Jordan-Chevalley
decomposition. Killing forms dimension 4; Applications of Lie algebras.

Recommended Books:
1. Introcution to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory by Humphreys, J.E. ,
Springer Verlag, 1972.

2. Elementary Lie algebra theory by Lepowsky, J. and Mecollum, G.W., Yale
University, 1974.
3. Lie algebras by Jacobson, N., Intersciences, New York, 1962.
4. Introduction to Lie Algebras by K. Erdmann and M. J. Wildon, 2007.
5. Lie Algebras; Theory and Algorithms by W. A. D. Graff, North Holland, 2000.
6. Introduction to Lie Algebras, Karin Erdmann, Mark J. Wildon, Springer, 2006.

MATH 529 The Classical Theory of Fields

Objectives: This course develops among students the understanding of concept of field
and its applications in fluids, relativity and quantum mechanics. In particular linear and
nonlinear scalar fields, vector fields will be addressed. Students will be given sound
knowledge of some well-known field equations like KDV equation, Maxwell equation,
Einstein field equations and their implications.

Course Contents: Review of continuum mechanics; solid and fluid media; constitutive
equations and conservation equations. The concept of a field. The four dimensional
formulation of fields and the stress-energy momentum tensor. The scalar field. Linear
scalar fields and the Klein-Gordon equation. Non-linear scalar fields and fluids. The
vector field. Linear massless scalar fields and the Maxwell field equations. The
electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor. Electromagnetic waves. Diffraction of
waves. Advanced and retarded potentials. Multipole expansion of the radiation field.
The massive vector (Proca) field. The tensor field. The massless tensor field and
Einstein field equations. Gravitational waves. The massive tensor field. Coupled field

Recommended Books:
1. Principles of Continua with Applications by Scipio, L.A., John Wiley, New York,
2. The Classical Theory of Fields by Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz, M., Pergamon Press,
3. Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson, J.D., John Wiley, New York, 1975.
4. Cravitation by Misner, C.W., Thorne, K.S., and Wheeler, J.A., W.H. Freeman, 1973.
5. Introduction to quantum field theory by Romen, P., John Wiley, New York, 1969.
6. The Classical Theory of Fields by C. S. Helrich, 2012.

MATH 531 Newtonian Fluids Mechanics

Objectives: The aim of the course is to use the Reynolds Transport Theorem to derive
the Continuity Equation, Energy Equation and the Momentum Equation. Use the Energy
Equation to evaluate the work done by a fluid in motion. Use the Energy Equation to
determine the energy loss through any fluid system and to evaluate flow through a
multi-pipe system. Students will learn about the presence of the planetary boundary
layer within the troposphere. Then using real life data, observe the changing levels of
the boundary layer.

Course Contents: Some examples of viscous flow phenomena, properties of fluids,

boundary conditions, equation of continuity, the Navier-Stokes equations, the energy
equation, boundary condition, orthogonal coordinate system, dimensionless

parameters, velocity considerations, two dimensional considerations, and the stream
functions. Couette flows, Poiseuille flows, unsteady duct flows, similarity solutions,
some exact analytical solutions from the papers. Introduction; laminar boundary layer
equations, similarity solutions, two-dimensional solutions, thermal boundary layer,
Some exposure will also be given from the recent literature appearing in the journal.

Recommended Books:
1. F.M.White, Viscous fluid flow, McGraw Hill inc., 1991.
2. H.Schlichting and K.Gertsen, Boundary layer theory, Springer, 1991.
3. P.A.Davidson, An introduction to magnetohydrodynamics, Cambridge University
Press, 2001.

MATH 532 Solid Mechanics

Objectives: Solid Mechanics is a collection of physical laws, mathematical techniques

and computer algorithms that can be used to predict the behavior of a solid material
that is subjected to mechanical or thermal loading. The field has a wide range of
applications, including.

Course Contents: Fluid Mechanics Lagrangian and Eulerain descriptions of motion,

analysis of strain, Balance laws of continuum mechanics, Frame-indifference,
Constitutive equations for a nonlinear elastic material. Linear elasticity as a
linearization of nonlinear elasticity. Incompressibility and models of rubber. Exact
solutions for incompressible materials, phase transformations, shape-memory effect.

Recommended Books:
1. Applied Mechanics of Solids by A. F. Bower, Ist Edition, CRC Press, 2009.
Viscous Fluid Flow by F.M. White, McGraw Hill Inc., 1991

MATH 544 Perturbation Methods

Objectives: Perturbation methods underlie almost all applications of physical applied

mathematics for example in boundary layer theory of viscous flow, celestial mechanics,
optics, shock waves, reaction-diffusion equations and nonlinear oscillations. The aims of
the course are to give a clear and systematic account of modern perturbation theory and
how it can be applied to differential equations.

Course Contents: Parameter perturbations, coordinate perturbations, order symbols

and gauge functions, asymptotic series and expansions. Asymptotic expansion of
intergrals, intergration by parts, Laplace’s method and Watson’s lemma, method of
stationary phase and method of steepest descent. Straightforward expansions and
sources of nonuniformity, the Duffing equation, small Reynolds number flow past a
phere, small parameter multiplying the highest derivative. The method of strained
coordinates, the Lindstedt – Poincare’ methods, renormalization method. Variation of
parameters and method of averaging examples. Method of Multiple scales with

Recommended Books:
1. Perturbation methods by Nayfeh, A.H., John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

2. Problems in Perturbation by Nayfeh, A.H., John Wiley & Sons, 1985.

MATH-545 Variational Inequalities

Objectives: At the end of this course the students will be able to understand the basic
concept of variational inequalities, convex function, minimum of convex functions,
formulation of variational inequalities, approximation and projection theorems. Study
the existence of unique solution of variational inequalities and related problems.
Preparing students to be self independent and enhancing their mathematical ability by
giving them home work and projects.

Course Contents: Variational Problems, Existence results for the general implicit
variational problems, Implicit Ky Fan’s inequality for monotone functions, Jartman
Stampacchia theorem for monotone compact operators, Selection of fixed points by
monotone functions, Variational and quasivariational inequalities for monotone

Recommended Books:
1. Variational Inequalities by J.L. Liions., and G. StamPacchia, Comm. Pure Appl.
Math 20, 1967.
2. Implicit Variational Problems and Quasi Variational Inequalities by V. Mosco.,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics-543, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1976.
3. Variational and Quasi-variational Inequalities by C. Baiocchi and A. Capelo, Wiley,
4. An Introduction to Variational Inequalities and their applications by D.
Kinderlehrer and G. Stampacchia, 2000.

MATH 552 Theory of Complex Manifolds

Objectives: In this course the student will study holomorphic functions in several
variables in some ways, which are similar to the familiar theory of functions in one
complex variable, but there are also many interesting differences. At the end of the, the
students will be able to apply basic theory complex manifolds.

Course Contents: Algebraic preliminaries; Almost complex manifolds and complex

manifolds; connections in almost complex manifolds; Hermitian metrics and Kaehler
matrics; Kaehler metric in local coordinate systems; Examples of Kaehler manifolds;
Holomorphic sectional curvature; De Rham decomposition of Kaehler manifolds;
Curvature of Kaehler submanifolds; Topology of Kaehler manifolds with positive
curvature. Hermitian connections in Hermitian vector bundles.
Homogeneous spaces: Structure theorems on homogeneous complex manifolds;
Invariant connections on homogeneous spaces. Invariant connections on reductive
homogeneous spaces; invariant indefinite Riemannian metrics; holonomy groups of
invariant connections; the deRham decomposition and irreducibility; Invariant almost
complex structures.

Recommended Books:
1. Shoshichi Kobayashi and Katsumi Nomizu, Foundations of Differential Geometry,
Vol.II, Interscience Publishers, John Wiley & Sons, 1969.

2. Shabat, B.V., Introduction to Complex Analysis, Part II, American Mathematical
Society, 1992.
3. Griffiths and Harris, Principles of Algebraic Geometry, Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1994.

MATH-562 Theory of Several Complex Variables

Objectives: After the successful completion of this course students will be able to
demonstrate knowledge of the syllabus material. Also they will be able to know about
continuity and differentiability of the functions of several complex variables and they
will be able to apply the Theory of several complex variables to solve the problems

Course Content: Review of 1-variable theory, Real and complex differentiability, Power
series, Complex differentiable functions, Cauchy integral formula for a polydisc, Cauchy
inequalities, The maximum principle. Hartogs figures, Hartogs theorem, Domains of
holomorphy, Holomorphic convexity, Theorem of Cartan Thullen. The Levi form,
Geometric interpretation of its signature, E.E. Levi’s theorem, Connections with
Kahlerian geometry, Elementary properties of plurisubharmonic functions. Definition
and examples of complex manifolds. The d-operators, The Poincare Lemma and the
Dolbeaut Lemma, The Cousin problems, Introduction to Sheaf theory.

Recommended Books:
1. Complex Manifolds by J. Morrow and K. Kodaira, Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
New York, 1971.
2. An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables by L. Hormander, D.
Van Nostrand, New York, 1966.
3. Several Complex Variables by H. Grauert and K. Fritsche, Springer Verlag, 1976.
4. Several Complex Variables and Complex Manifolds by M. Field, Cambridge
University Press, 1982.
5. Function Theory of Several Complex Variables by S. G. Krantz, 2001.
6. Complex Analysis: Fundamentals of the Classical Theory of Functions by John
Stalker, Birkhauser Verlag, 2003.
7. Complex Analysis (Princeton Lectures in Analysis Series Vol. II) by Elias M. Stein,
Rami Shakarchi, Princeton University Press, 2003.

MATH-563 Banach Algebras

Objectives: The basic goal of this course is to make understanding of what Banach
Algebras are what are ideals, Homomorphisms and Quotient Algebras of the Banach
Algebras. Next to teach a student the Gelfand theory of commutative Banach algebras
and basic properties of Spectra, Symbolic Calculus, Normed rings and in the end
Gelfand-NAinmark Theorem.

Course Contents: Banach Algebra: Ideals, Homomorphisms, Quotient algebra, Wiener’s

lemma. Gelfand’s Theory of Commutative Banach Algebras: The notions of Gelfand’s
Topology, Radicals, Gelfand’s Transforms. Basic properties of spectra. Gelfand-Mazur
Theorem, Symbolic calculus: differentiation, analytic functions, integration of A-Valued
functions. Normed rings. Gelfand-Naimark theorem.

Recommended Books:
1. Functional Analysis by Rudin, W., McGraw Hill Publishing Company Inc. New
2. Normed Algebras by M.A. Naimark, M., Wolters Noordhoff Publishing Groningen.
The Netherlands 1972.
3. Banach Algebras by Zelazko, W., American Elsevier Publishing Company Inc.New
York, 1973.
4. Banach Algebras by Rickart, C.E., D. Van Nostrand Company Inc. New York 1960.
5. Banach Algebras and General Theory of Algebras by T. W. Palmer, 2001.

MATH-564 C *-Algebras

Objectives: It is an advanced course of functional analysis and it will mainly focus on

normed related characterizations. At the end of the course the students will be able to
apply C* -algebra to differential operators.

Course Contents: Involutive Algebras, Normed Involutive algebra, C*-Algebras,

Gelfand-Naimark theorem, Positive functions, A characterization of C*-Algebras,
Positive forms and representations, Applications of C*-Algebras to differential

Recommended Books:
1. C*-Algebras by Dixmier, J., North Holland Publishing Company 1977.
2. Functional Analysis by Rudin, W., McGraw Hill Publishing Company Inc. New
York, 2006.
3. Normed Algebras by Naimark, M.A., Wolters. Noordhoff Publishing Groningen.
The Netherlands 1972.
4. C*-Algebras Vol. 3; General Theory of C*-Algebras by C. Constantinescu, North
Holland, 2001.

MATH-565 Von Neumann Algebras

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to

demonstrate knowledge of the syllabus material. Students will also be able to use the
definitions of Von-Neumann algebras and associated topics to identify and construct
examples and to distinguish examples from non-examples. This course will extremely
help the students for research in algebra and analysis.

Course Contents: The weak - and strong topologies, Elementary properties of Von
Neumann Algebras, Commutant and bicommutant, the density theorems, comparison of
projections, introduction to the classification of factors, Normal states and the predual,
Gelfand-Naimark-Siegal construction (GNS-constructions).

Recommended Books:
1. Von Neumann Algebras by Dixmier, J., North Holland, 1977.
2. C*-Algebras by Dixmier, J., North Holland, 1977.
3. W*-Algebras and Breach by Schwartz, J., Gordon, New York, 1967.
4. C*-Algebras and W*-Algebras by Sakai, S., Springer-Verlag, 2005.

MATH-566 Spectral Theory in Hilbert Spaces

Objectives: This course presents the basic tools of modern analysis within the context
of the fundamental problem of operator theory: to calculate spectra of specific
operators on infinite dimensional spaces, especially operators on Hilbert spaces. The
tools are diverse, and they provide the basis for more refined methods that allow one to
approach problems that go well beyond the computation of spectra: the mathematical
foundations of quantum physics, noncommutative k-theory, and the classification of
simple C*-algebras being three areas of current research activity which require mastery
of the material presented here. The book is based on a fifteen-week course which the
author offered to first or second year graduate students with a foundation in measure
theory and elementary functional analysis.

Course Contents: Spectral analysis of unitary and self-adjoint operators: resultion of

the indentity, integral representations. The Caley transform. Spectral types,
commutative operators. Rings of bounded self-adjoint operators and their examples.

Recommended Books:
1. Theory of linear operators: Vol. II by Akhiezer and Clazman., Frederick Ungar
Publishing Co., 1963.
2. Theory of Differential Operators by Naimark, M., George Harrapand Co., 1967.
3. Introduction to Spectral Theory in Hilbert Spaces by G. Helmberg, Dover
Publications, 2008.

MATH 572 Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations

Objectives: The objective of this course is to introduce students to numerical methods

for partial differential equations, especially those of physical importance. It will be
shown that many obvious methods are unsuccessful, and that the majority of the
successful methods are guided by the physics and mathematics of the problem at hand.
Simple model problems representing several major classifications are studied for the
sake of the general messages that they convey. Relevant numerical techniques are

Course Contents: Boundary and initial conditions, polynomial approximations in

higher dimensions. Finite element method: The Galarkin method in one and more
dimensions, error bound on the Galarkin method, the method of collocation, error
bounds on the collocation method, comparison of efficiency of the finite difference and
finite element method. Finite difference method: Finite difference approximations.
Application to solution of linear and non-linear partial differential equations appearing
in physical problems.

Recommended Books:
1. An Analysis of Finite Element Method by G. Strang and G. fix, published by
Prentice Hall, 1973.
2. Finite Element Analysis from Concepts to Applications by David S. Burnett,
published by Addison Wesley, 1987.
3. Numerical Modelling in Science and Engineering by Myron B. Allen, Ismael
Herrera and George F. Pinder.

4. Elementary Finite Element Method by G. S. Desai, published by Prentice Hall,
5. Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations by K. W. Morton and B. F.
Mayers, 2005.

MATH 573 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

Objectives: The course will give brief and concise discussion on models of complex
system in engineering and control systems. Modeling of layers of society’s critical
infrastructure networks will be performed. Building tools to view and control
simulation and their results is an essential part of the course. This course establishes an
unambiguous, common vocabulary to discuss modeling and simulation. Identify, general
characteristics of simulations determine under which circumstances simulations are
useful in engineering.

Course Contents: This course surveys the basic concepts of computer modeling in
science and engineering using discrete particle systems and continuum fields. It convers
techniques and software for statistical sampling, simulation, data analysis and
visualization and use statistical, quantum chemical, molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo,
mesoscale and continuum methods to study fundamental physical phenomena
encountered in the fields of computational physics, chemistry, mechanics, materials
science, biology and applied mathematics. Applications are drawn from a range of
disciplines to build a broad-based understanding of complex structures and interactions
in problems where simulation is on equal footing with theory and experiment. A term
project allows development of individual interests. Students are mentored by a
coordinated team of participating faculty from across the Institute.

Recommended Books:
1. Applied numerical methods with softwares by Schoichito Nakamura, Prentice
Hall 1991.
2. Numerical methods using Matlab by J. H. Methews and K. K. Fink, 4th Edition,
Prentice Hall 2004.
3. Numerical Analysis by R. L. Burden, 9 Edition, Brooks Cole, 2010.

MATH 574 Numerical Optimization

Objectives: In this course the students will learn numerical techniques used in
problems dealing with constrained and unconstrained optimization. After learning
these techniques they will use them in variety of problems arising in technological and
industrial world.

Course Contents: Introduction, Fundamental of unconstrained optimization, Line

search methods, Trust-Region methods, Conjugate gradient methods, Quasi-Newton
methods, Large scale unconstrained optimization, Calculating Derivatives, Derivative
free optimization, Least square problems, nonlinear equations, theory of constrained
optimization, linear programming, the Simplex method, interior point methods,
fundamental of algorithms for nonlinear constrained optimization, quadratic
programming, penalty and augmented Lagrangian methods, sequential quadratic
programming, interior point methods for nonlinear programming.

Recommended Books:
1. Numerical optimization by J. Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright, Second ed. Springer

MATH 581 Elastodynamics

Objectives: The main objective is to study certain general consequences of the

equations governing classical elastodynamics with limitation mechanically
homogeneous and isotropic solids.

Course Contents: Waves in infinite media. Half-space problems; Surface waves.

Dispensive media. Diffraction and scattering due to irregular structures.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Elastodynamics by Zaman, F.D., U.G.C. Monograph.
2. Wave Propagations in Elastic Solids by Achenbach.
3. Reciprocity in Elastodynamics by J. D. Achenbach, 2003.

MATH 582 Heat and Mass Transfer

Objectives: This course enables the student to understand the terminology and
principal use in heat and Mass transfer analysis and solve the energy and momentum
balance equation by the computer or hand generated solutions.

Course Contents: Laws of thermodynamics, Momentum transfer, Relation between

heat and momentum transfer, Modes of heat transfer, Fourier’s law of heat conduction,
Law of conservation of energy, Equation for temperature field, Concept of velocity and
thermal boundary layers, Forced and free convection, Radiation and its applications,
Heat transfer by conduction and convection-heat exchanger, Mass transfer and its
modes, Fick’s law of diffusion, Equation for concentration field, Steady mass diffusion
through a wall, Diffusion of a mass in a moving medium, Convective mass transfer, Mass
transfer equation with chemical reaction.

Recommended Books:
1. Advances in Heat Transfer by Young I. Cho, George A. Green, Academic press,
2. Heat and Mass transfer by Sawheny G. S., Second Edition, I. K. International Pvt.
Ltd., 2010.
3. Heat and Mass transfer by Hans Dieter Baehr, Karl Stephan, Springer, 2006.
4. Heat Convection by Latif M. Jiji, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

MATH 583 General Relativity

Objectives: The objectives of this course are to give students a basic understanding of
Einstein's theory of General Relativity. It will provide understanding for how space-time
geometry underlies the structure of our universe and how this leads to theory of gravity
that reproduces Newton's force of gravity in the appropriate limit, but also loads to new

Course Contents: The Einstein field equations, the principles of general relativity, the
stress-energy momentum tensor, the vacuum Einstein equations and the Schwarzschild
solution, the three classical tests of general relativity, the homogeneous sphere and the
interior Schwarzschild solution, Birkhoff’s theorem, the Reissner-Nordstrom solution
and the generalized Birkhoff’s theorem, the Kerr and Kerr-Newman solution, essential
and coordinate singularities, event horizon and black holes, Eddington-Finkelstein,
Kruskal-Szekres coordinates, Penrose diagrams for Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to General Relativity by R. M. Wald, published by University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, 1984
2. Inroduction to General Relativity by R. Alder, M. Bazine, and M. Schiffer,
published by McGraw-Hill Inc., 1965
3. Essential Relativity by W. Rindler, published by Springer Verlag, 1977.
4. General Relativity by N. M. J. Woodhouse, 2007.

MATH 584 Electrodynamics

Objectives: The aim in this course is to present the basic subject matter with emphasis
on the unity of electric and magnetic phenomena. Moreover a number of topics will be
developed and utilized in mathematical physics which are useful in electromagnetic
theory and wave mechanics. The effects of radiation and fields of uniform and
accelerated point charges will be discussed.

Course Contents: Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic wave equation, boundary

conditions, waves in conducting and non-conducting media, reflection and polarization,
energy density and energy flux, Lorentz formula, wave guides and cavity resonators,
spherical and cylindrical waves, inhomogeneous wave equation, retarded potentials,
Lenard-Wiechart potentials, field of uniformly moving point charge, radiation from a
group of moving charges, field of oscillating dipole, field of an accelerated point charge.

Recommended Books:
1. Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory by J. R. Reitz and F. J. Milford, published
by Addison Wesley, 1969.
2. Classical Electricity and Magnetism by K. H. Panofsky and M. Phillips, published
by Addison Wesley, 1962.
3. Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields and Waves by D. Corson and P. Lorrain,
published by Freeman, 1962.
4. Classical Electrodynamics by D. W. Jackson, published by John Wiley.
5. Electrodynamics by F. Melia, 2001.

MATH 585 Plasma Theory

Objectives: The objectives of this course are to educate students in the fundamentals of
plasma physics, to teach students to become proficient in using fluid equations to study
wave, stability and transport phenomena, to provide an introduction to plasma kinetic
theory and waves in plasmas and to provide an introduction to controlled fusion

Course Contents: Definition of plasma, temperature, Debye shielding, the plasma
parameter, criteria for plasmas, introduction to controlled fusion.Wave propagation in
plasma, derivation of dispersion relations for simple electrostatic and electromagnetic
modes. Equilibrium and stability (with fluid model), Hydromagnetic
equilibrium/diffusion of magnetic field into a plasma, classification of instabilities, two-
stream instability, the gravitational instability, resistive drift waves. Atomospheric
source of magnetospheric plasma and its temperature, plasma from Jupiter.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Plasma Physics by Chen, F.F., Plenum Press, New York, 1974.
2. Principles of Plasma Physics by Krall, N.A. and Trivelpiece, A.W., McGraw-Hill
Book Company, 1973.
3. Controlled thermonuclear reactions by Glasstone, S., and Lovberg, R.H., Van
Nartrand Company, 1960.
4. Magnetospheric Plasma Physics by Nishida, A., D. Reidel Publishing Compnay,
5. Plasma Astrophysics by Melrose, D.B., Gordon and Breach Science Publishers,
6. High Informative Plasma Theory by V. Erofeer, 2011.

MATH 586 Cosmology

Objectives: This course is a graduate-level introduction to astrophysical cosmology,

with emphasis on the standard big bang theory of the universe and in the later part of
the course, its extension to a more detailed theory (the inflation + cold dark matter +
cosmological constant model) that is presently the leading scenario for explaining the
origin of structure in the universe.

Course Contents: Review of Relativity. Historical background, Astronomy,

Astrophysics, Cosmology. The cosmological principle and its strong form. The Einstein
and DeSitter universe models. Measurement of cosmic distances. The Hubble law and
the Friedmann models. Steady state models, The hot big bang model, The microwave
background. Discussion of significance of a start of time. Fundamentals of high energy
physics. The chronology and composition of the Universe. Non-baryonic dark matter,
Problems of the standard model of cosmology. Bianchi spacetimes. Mixmaster models.
Inflationary cosmology. Further developments of inflationary models. Kaluza-Klein
cosmologies. Review of material.

Recommended Books:
1. Peebles, P.J.E., Principles of Physical Cosmology, Princeton University Press
2. Ryan, M.P.Jr. and Shepley, L.C., Homogeneous Relativistic Cosmologies, Princeton
University Press 1975.
3. Kolb, E.W. and Turner, M.S., The Early Universe, Addison Wesley 1990.
4. Abbott, L.F. and Pi, S.Y., Inflationary Cosmology, World Scientific 1986.
5. Cosmology by M. R. Robinson, 2004.

Course Outlines of Core Courses for PhD Mathematics

MATH 821 Group Rings

Objectives: Besides the obvious relationship between group theory and ring theory, the
study of group rings involves the theory of fields, linear algebra and algebraic number
theory. Groups rings also relates to algebraic topology, homological algebra, knot theory
and coding theory. Hence, the theory of group rings provides a subject where many
branches of algebra come to a rich interplay. The main object of this course is to
provide know groups, ring and relationship between these two algebraic structures.

Course Contents: Review of groups, subgroups, group actions, p-groups and Sylow
subgroups. Rings, ideals, modules and free modules. Group rings, homomorphism,
ideals in group rings, augmentation ideals, nilpotent ideals, prime and semiprime group
rings. Units of group rings. The isomorphism problems in group rings.

1. C. M. Polcino, S. K. Seghal, An Introduction to Group Rings, Kluwer Academic
Publisher, Netherlan, 2002.
2. L. T. Gregory, Group Identities on Unitsand Symmetric Unitsof Group Rings,
Springer-Verlag, London., 2010
3. Fraleigh, J.A., A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Addison Wesley Publishing
Company, 1982.
4. Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra, John Wiley & Sons 1975.

MATH 841 Advanced Perturbation Methods

Objectives: The focus of this course is to prepare the students so that they can apply
advanced asymptotic methods in various areas of science and engineering. Further they
will be able to understand the theoretical background implementation and limitation of
each method.

Course Contents: Approximate Solution of Linear differential Equations Approximate

Solution of Nonlinear Differential Equations Perturbation Series Regular and Singular
Prturbation Theory Perturbation methods for Linear Eigenvalue problems Asymptotic
Matching Boundary Layer Theory Mathematical Structure of Boundary Layer: Inner,
Outer, and Intermediate Limits Higher-Order Boundary Layer Theory distinguished
Limits and Boundary Layers of Thickness WKB Theory Exponential Approximation for
Dissipative and Dispersive Phenomena Conditions for Validity of the WKB
approximation Patched Asymptotic Approximation: WKB Solution of Inhomogeneous
Linear quations. Matched Asymptotic Approximation: Solution of the One-Turning-Point

Recommended Books:
1. Advanced mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers by Carl M. Bender,
Steven A. Orszag McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1978.
2. Perturbation Methods for Differential Equations by B. K. Shivamoggi, 2003

MATH 861 Advances in Analysis

Objectives: The course consists of the most celebrated results of analysis. The student
should be able to understand the concept of extension and theory of open and closed
balls. The idea of Topological Structure will be exploited.

Course Contents: Fundamental Theorems of Functional Analysis (Open mapping

Theorem, Closed graph Theorem, Hahan Banach Theoren Analytic and Geometric

forms), Bounded linear functionals, Dual, Bidual and reflexive spaces, Weak and Weak
Topologies. Adjoint Operators Riez representation Theorem.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Functional Analysis and Applications by E. Kreyszig, Published by
John Wiley and Sons
2. Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis by G.F. Simmons,Published by
McGraw Hill
3. Elements of Functional analysis by I. Maddox, Published by Cambridge
University Press.

MATH 881 Advanced Heat Transfer

Objectives: Apply scientific and engineering principles to analyze thermo fluid aspects
of engineering system and use the analytic and computational tools to investigate the
heat transfer of fluid flow at micro and macroscopic level.

Course Contents: Review of heat transfer modes, thermal boundary layer without
coupling of the velocity field to the temperature field: Boundary layer equations for the
temperature field. Forced convection for constant properties, effects of the Prandtl
number, similar solutions of the thermal boundary layer. Integral methods for
computing the heat transfer, effects of dissipation, thermal boundary layer with
coupling of the velocity field to the temperature field, Boundary layer equations,
boundary layer with moderate wall heat transfer, natural convection, indirect natural
convection, mixed convection, Radiation fin of trapezoidal profile, conduction through
fins, natural convection of Powell-Eyring Fliud between vertical flat plates, Natural
convection boundary layer flow, Natural convection over a semi-infinite vertical plate.

Recommeded Books:
1. Heat transfer by Yunus A. Cengel, Second Edition 2003, Tata McGraw-Hill,
Publishing company limited, New Delhi.
2. Boundary layer theory by H.Schlichting and K.Gersten, 8th Edition 2000,
Springer-Verleg Berlin.
3. Introduction to convective heat transfer analysis by P.H.Oosthuizen and
D.Naylor, McGraw-Hill International, New York, 1999
4. Heat and Mass transfer by F.M.White, Addison-Wesley series 1988.
5. Computational Methods in Engineering Boundary value problems by T.Y.Na,
Academic Press, 1979.

Course Outlines of Elective Courses MS/PhD Mathematics

MATH 721 Near Rings

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to

demonstrate knowledge of the syllabus material. Students will also be able to use the
definitions of Near Rings and related topics to identify and construct examples and to
distinguish examples from non-examples. Also they will be able to apply the
Isomorphism Theorems, Jorden-Holder-Schrier Theorem and Density Theorem to solve
the problems in Near Rings.

Course Contents: Near Rings, Ideals of Near-rings, Isomorphism Theorems, Near Rings
on finite groups, Near-ring modules. Isomorphism theorem for R-modules, R-series of
modules, Jorden-Holder- Schrier Theorem, Type of Representations, Primitive near-
rings R-centralizers, Density theorem, Radicals of near-rings.

Recommended Books:
1. Near Rings by Pilz, G., North Holland, 1977.
2. Near Rings by M. Alchediak, 1967.
3. Near Rings; Some developments to link to Semigroups and Groups by G.
Serreroro, 2000.

MATH 722 Advanced Ring Theory-I

Objectives: After studying this course the students will be able to demonstrate
knowledge of the Ring Theory of advanced level. Also they will be able to know about
Use definitions to identify and construct examples of Radical classes, semisimple classes
and to distinguish examples from non-examples.

Course Contents: Radical classes, semisimple classes, the upper radical, semisimple
images, the lower radical, hereditariness of the lower radical class and the upper radical
class. Partitions of simple rings.

Recommended Books:
1. Radical and Semisimple classes of Rings by Wiegandt, R., Queen’s papers in Pure
and Applied Mathematics No. 37, queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 1974.
2. Advances in Ring Theory by D. V. Huynh, 2010.
3. Introduction to Ring Theory by P.M. Cohn, Springer undergraduate mathematics
series, Springer, 2000.
4. Exercises in Classical Ring Theory by T. Y. Lam, 2nd ed., Springer, 2003.

MATH 723 Commutative Semigroup Rings

Objectives: After the successful completion of this course students will be able to
demonstrate knowledge of the commutative semigroups, Ring Theoretic properties of
Monoid Domains and Krull Domains. Also they will be able to know about the
definitions of different related topics to identify and construct examples and to
distinguish examples from non-examples.

Course Contents: Commutative Rings: Definition and examples, Integral domains, unit,
irreducible and prime elements in ring, Types of ideals, Quotient rings, Rings of
fractions, Ring homomorphism, Definitions and examples of Euclidean Domains,
Principal ideal domains and Unique Factorization domains. Dedekind and Krull
Domains. Commutative Semigroups: Basic notions, Cyclic Semigroups, Numerical
Monoids,Ordered Semigroups, Congruences, Noetherian Semigroups, Factorization in
Commutative Monoids. Semigroup Ring and its Distinguished Elements: Introduction of
Polynomial Rings in one indeterminate including its elements of distinct behaviours,
Structure of Semigroup ring, Zero Divisors, Nilpotent Elements, Idempotents Units. Ring
Theoretic Properties of Monoid Domains: Integral Dependence for Domains and Monoid
Domains, Monoid Domains as Factorial Domains, Monoid Domains as Krull Domains,
Divisor Class Group of a Krull Monoid Domain.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Commutative Algebra by M. F. Atiyah and I. G. Macdonald,
Addison Wesley Pub. Co., 1969.
2. Multiplicative Ideal Theory by R. Gilmer, Marcell Dekker, New York, 1972.
3. Commutative Ring Theory by H. Matsumura, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
4. Commutative Semigroup Rings by R. Gilmer, The University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, 1984.
5. Commutative Semigroups by P. A. Grillet, 2001.

MATH 724 Theory of Semirings

Objectives: The aim of this course is to discuss a more general structure called theory
of Semirings. The different aspect of Semirings will be discussed. At the end of the
course the student must be awarded of the detailed characterization of Semirings.

Course Contents: Hemirings and Semirings: definitions and examples. Building new
semirings from old. Complemented elements in semrings. Ideals in semirings. Prime and
semiprime ideals in semirings. Factor semirings. Homomorphisms of semirings. Regular
semirings. Hemiregular and Intra-hemiregular hemirings.

Recommended Books:
1. The Theory of Semirings and Applications in Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science by J. S. Golan, Longman Scientific & Technical John Wiley &
sons New York, 1992.
2. Semirings Algebraic Theory and Applications in Computer Science by U Hebisch
and H. J. Weinert, Word Scientific Singapore, New Jersey London Hong Kong,
3. Advances in Ring Theory by D. V. Huynh, 2010.

MATH 725 Fuzzy Algebra

Objectives: We study the subject of Fuzzy Algebra. Originally, the revolutionary theory
of Smarandache notions was born as a paradoxist movement that challenged the status
quo of existing mathematics. The genesis of Smarandache Notions, a field founded by
Florentine Smarandache, is alike to that of Fuzzy Theory: both the fields imperatively
questioned the dogmas of classical mathematics.

Course Contents: Introduction, The Concept of Fuzziness Examples, Mathematical
Modeling, Operations of fuzzy sets, Fuzziness as uncertainty, Boolean Algebra and
lattices, Equivalence relations and partions, Composing mappings, Alpha-cuts, Images of
alpha-level sets, Operations on fuzzy sets, Definition and examples of Fuzzy Relations,
Binary Fuzzy relations Operations on Fuzzy relations, fuzzy partitions, Fuzzy ideals of
semigroups, Fuzzy quasi-ideals, Fuzzy bi-ideals of Semigroups, Characterization of
different classes of semigroups by the properties of their fuzzy ideals fuzzy quasi-ideals
and fuzzy bi-ideals, Fuzzy Rings, Fuzzy ideals of rings, Prime, semiprime fuzzy ideals,
Characterization of rings using the properties of fuzzy ideals

Recommended Books:
1. A First course in Fuzzy Logic by Hung T. Nguyen, Chapman and Hall/CRC Elbert
A. Walker 1999.
2. Introduction to Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic by M. Ganesh, Prentice-Hall of India,
3. Fuzzy Commutative algebra by John N. Mordeson, World Scientific, 1998.D.S.
4. Fuzzy Semigroups, Springer-Verlage, 2003 by John N. Mordeson, D.S. Malik and
Nobuki Kuroki.

MATH 726 Non-Associative Algebra

Objectives: Loops are algebraic structures where binary operations are non-
associative. The main objective of this course is to learn those binary operations which
do not satisfy the associative law but hold some weak associative conditions.

Course Contents: Quasigroups, left and right translations, loops, subloop, coset
decomposition, associative subloop, normalsubloop, commutatorassociatorsubloop,
quotient loop. Homomorphism and Pseudo-automorphism. Inverse property loop,
Moufang loop, Moufang identities, nucleus of a Moufang loop, Hamiltonian Loop, the
general linear loop and Bol loops.

Recommended Books:
1. R. H. Bruck, A survey of Binary System, Springer-Verlag . 1971.
2. H. O. Pflugfelder, An introduction to Loop Theory
3. H. O. Pflugfelder, Quasigroups and Loops, HeldermanVerlag. 1990.

MATH 727 Rough Set Theory and its Applications

Objectives: The basic aim of this course is to know about theory of rough sets and its
applications in other fields particularly in Algebra. After completing this course student
s will be able to understand different theories on rough sets. Students will be able to
study the concepts of lower and upper approximations. They will be able to apply these
concepts in algebraic structures such as semi-groups and rings. Reduction of attributes
and core of knowledge will be learnt by the students. Students will learn the knowledge
representation and decision making based on rough sets.

Course Contents: Introduction to the course, basic knowledge about different types of
binary relations, equivalence classes and equivalence relations, knowledge and

classification knowledge base. Rough sets, approximations of the set, properties of
approximations, approximations and membership relation, numerical characterization
of imprecision, topological characterization of imprecision, approximation of
classifications, rough equality and rough inclusion of sets. Reduct and core of
knowledge, relative reduct and relative core, reduction of categories, relative reduct and
core of categories. Dependency of knowledge, partial dependency of knowledge.
Significance of attributes and discernibility matrix. roughness in Rings. Roughness in
groups. Rough sets with covers, rough sets based on similarity and tolerance relations.

Recommended Book
1. Rough Sets Theoretical Aspects of reasoning about data, Z. Pawlak, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1991.
2. Rough Sets Mathematical Foundations, by Lech Polkoski, Springer Verlag Berlin,

MATH 728 Linear Representations of Finite groups

Objectives: The objectives of this course are to understand the representation theory of
finite groups which helps in classifying various kinds of finite-groups appears in the
group theory. Further, the representation of finite groupsis also useful in the
classifications of finite dimensional algebras.

Course Contents: Definitions and examples of linear representations, sub-

representations and irreducible representations.Tensor products of two
representations. Symmetric square and alternating square. The character of a
representation.Schur’s lemma, basic applications.
Orthogonality relations for characters.Decomposition of the regular representations.
Number of irreduaciblerepresentations.Canonical decompositions of a representation,
explicit decomposition of a representation.
Abelian subgroups, product of two groups.Induced representations.
Examples: The cyclic group Cn, the group C∞, the dihedral group Dn, the group D∞, the
alternating A4 and the symmetric group S4. The group of cube.

Recommended books:
1. J. L. Alprin, B. Bell, Groups and Representations, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 162,
Springer-Verlag, 1995.
2. Martin Isaacs, Character Theory of Finite Groups, Academic Press, 1976.
Jean-Pierre Serre, Linear Representations of Finite Groups, Springer-Verlag, 1977.
(Translated from the French by Leonard I. Scott.)

MATH 731 Advanced Analytical Dynamics-I

Objectives: The objectives of this course are to present the principles and methods of
analytical mechanics based on Lagrange´s, Poisson, Jacobi and Hamilton´s formulations
of the laws of classical mechanics and to give a theoretical basis for further studies in
classical and quantum mechanics.

Course Contents: Equations of dynamics and their various forms, equations of

Lagrange and Euler, Jacobi’s elliptic functions and the qualitative and quantitative

solutions of the problem of Euler and Poisson, the problems of Lagrange and Poisson,
dynamical systems, equations of Hamilton and Appel, Hamilton-Jacobi theorem,
separable systems, Holder’s variational principle and its consequences.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Dynamics by L. A. Pars, published by Heinmann, 2008.
2. A Treatise on Dynamics of Rigid bodies and Particles by E. T. Whittaker,
published by Cambridge University Press.

MATH 732 Non-Newtonian Fluids

Objectives: The aim of the study is to model different types of fluids and then apply the
basic assumptions used in non-Newtonian fluids for ocean engineering and use scale
models to predict the behavior of a real system.

Course Contents: Newtonian versus non-Newtonian behavior. Review of Newtonian

fluid dynamics. Elementary constitutive equations and their use in solving fluid
dynamics problems. Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive equations and their use in
solving fluid dynamics problems. Modelling and solution of flow problems using
different constitutive equations.

Recommended Books:
1. Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids by R.D.Bird, R.C.Armstrong, and O.Hassager, Vol.
1, Fluid Mechanics, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2087.
Rheology and non-Newtonian flow by J.Harris, Longman, London

MATH 733 Momentum and Thermal Boundary-Layer Theory

Objectives: It visualize the development of velocity and thermal boundary layer during
the flow over the surface and derive the differential equation that governs the
convection over the basis of momentum, mass and energy balances and solve the
equation for laminar and turbulent flow.

Course Contents: Steady two-dimensional flows: Approximate integral methods,

numerical, Flow along a vertical plates (cylinder/sphere): Approximate integral
method, numerical method, Forced convection flows: similarity solution of thermal
boundary-layer equations, Approximate integral method, numerical method, Natural
convection flows: similarity solution of thermal boundary-layer equation, Approximate
integral method, numerical method, Boundary-layer flow past a cylinder:
Three-dimensional boundary-layer flow at a cylinder, Similar and semi-similar
solutions: Unsteady motion of a body at rest, Oscillation of bodies in a fluid at rest,
Boundary-layer flow with periodic potential flow

Recommended Books:
1. Boundary layer theory by H.Schlichting and K.Gersten, 8th Edition 2000,
Springer-Verleg Berlin.
2. Viscous Fluid Flow by F.M. White, McGraw Hill Inc., 1991.

MATH 734 Statistical Mechanics

Objectives: This course aims to give students a deep understanding of the principles of
statistical mechanics and how to apply them to a wide variety of problems. At the end of
the course the student will have firm grasp of the fundamental principles of statistical
mechanics. Students should be able to identify situations where the methods of
statistical mechanics may be applied, simplify and model the situation in a physically
reasonable and tractable fashion and then utilize the formal and mathematical
techniques learnt in the course to predict various properties of the system at hand and
be able to then verbally communicate what their predictions mean in a natural setting.

Course Contents: Microstates; Macrostates; Multiplicity; The second law of

thermodynamics; Microcanonical Ensemble; Indistinguishability; Free Energy and
Chemical Potential; Gibbs free energy; Chemical Potential Dilute Solutions and Chemical
Equilibrium. Boltzmann Factor; Averages; Canonical Ensemble; Equipartion Theorem;
Maxwell Speed Distribution; Partition Functions, Free Energy; Composite Systems; Ideal
Gas. Review of Quantum Mechanics (Schoedinger Equation; Angular Momentum;
Systems of Many particles); The Gibbs Factor; Grand Canon9ical Ensemble; Bosons and
Fermions; The Distribution Functions; Degenerate Fermi Gas. Weakly Interacting Gases;
Partition function; configuration integral; Cluster Expansion; Second Virial Coefficient.
Blackbody Radiation; Debye Theory of Solids; Bose-Einstein Condensation; Non-
Equilibrium Systems and Chaos; Application of Degeneracy to White Dwarfs and
Neutron Stars.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics by D. Chandler , Oxford University
Press, 1987.
1. Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics by A. I. Khinchin, Dover
Publications, 1960.
2. Introductory Statistical Mechanics by R. Bowley and M. Sanchez , Oxford
University Press, 1999.
3. Statistical Physics by L. D. Landau, and E. M. Lifshitz, Butterworth-Heinemann,
4. Quantum Statistical Mechanics by Leo Kadanoff, Gordon Baym, Westview Press,
5. Computational Statistical Mechanics by William G. Hoover, Elsevier Science
Publishers, 1991.
6. An Introduction to Chaos in Non equilibrium Statistical Mechanics by J. R.
Dorfman, Cambridge University Press, 2003.

MATH 741 Group Theoretic Methods

Objectives: The use of algebraic methods specifically group theory, representation

theory, and even some concepts from algebraic geometry is an emerging new direction.
The purpose of course is to give an entertaining but informative introduction to the
background to these developments and sketch some of the many possible applications.
The course is intended to be palatable by a non-specialist audience with no prior
background in abstract algebra.

Course Contents: Basic concepts of groups of transformation; parameter lie group of
transformation (LGT); Infinitesimal transformation (I.T); Infinitesimal generators; Lie’s
first fundamental theorem; Invariance; Canonical coordinates; Prolongations; Multi-
parameter lie group of transformations (MLGT); Lie algebra; Solvable lie algebra; Lie’s
second and third fundamental theorems.
Invariance of ODE’s under (LGT) and (MLGT); Mappings of solutions to other solutions
from invariance of an ODE and PDE; Determining equations for (I.T) of an n-th order
ODE and a system of PDE’s. Determination of n-th order ODE invariant under a given
group; Reduction of order by canonical coordinates and differential invariants;
Invariant solutions of ODE’s and PDE’s; Separatrices and envelops. Noether’s theorem
and Lie-Backlund symmetries, Potential symmetries; Mappings of differential equations.

Recommended Books:
1. Symmetries and differential equations by G.W., Bluman and Sokeyuki Kumei.,
Springer-Verlag, N.Y. 1989.
2. Differential equations and group methods by James M. Hill., CRC Press, Inc. N.Y.
3. Continuous groups of transformations by I.P., Eisenhart., Dover Publications, Inc.
N.Y. 1961.
4. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics by G. H. Pogosyan and L. E. Vicent, 2005.

MATH 742 Nonlinear Differential Equations

Objectives: This course aims to apply mathematical modelling, differential equations,

existence and stability theory and apply numerical methods, theory of invariant
manifolds, different iteration procedure apply bifurcation theory and the implicit
function theorem.

Course Contents: General classifications of nonlinear differential equations. Basic

theory of logistic equations. Nonlinear ordinary differential equations and their logistic
construction. Phase space analysis, euquilibrium points and stability conditions.
Poincare-Lindstedt method, Asymptotic conditions, limit cycles and bifurcation, Krylov-
Bogoliubov techniques for solution construction. Order reduction. System of Nonlinear
ordinary differential equations. Method of averaging. Scaling techniques. Iterative maps
and chaotic behaviour. Painleve analysis and Painleve analytical iteration-procedure.
Applications to nonlinear harmonic oscillators, van der Pol oscillators, and nonlinear
damping problem. Introduction to variational principles. Euler-Lagrange partial
differential equations. First order quasi-linear partial differential equations. Method of
characteristics. Exactly soluble problem. Geometrical interpretation of the general

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations by Davis, H.T.,
Dover Publications, New York, 1962.
2. Ncnlinear Ordinary Differential Equations by Grimshaw, R., CRC Press, Baca
Raton, 1991.
3. Painleve Differential Equations in complex Plane Walter de Gruyter by Gromak,
V.I., Berlin 2002.

4. Asymptotic Expansions for Ordinary Differential Equation by Wasov, W., John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1965.
5. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Debnth, L., (2nd Edition) Birkhauser,
Boston, 2005.

MATH 751 Topological Algebras

Objectives: After studying this course the students will be able to know about
Topological Algebra and related topics. Also they will be able to know about Use of
definitions to identify and construct examples of different types of algebras. Further this
course is very useful for the students to do research in Topology, algebra and
Topological Algebra.

Course Contents: Definition of a Topological algebra and its Examples. Adjunction of

Unity, Locally Convex Algebras, Idempotent and m-convex sets, Locally Multicatively
convex (l.m.c) algebras, Q-algebras, Frechet algebras, Spectrum of an element, Spectral
radius, Basic theorems on Spectrum, Gelfand-Mazur Theorem. Maximal ideals, Quotient
algebras, Multiplicative linear functionals and their continuity, Gelfand transformations,
Radical of an algebra, Semi-simple algebras, Involutive algebras, Gelfand-Naimark
theorem l.m.c. algebras.

Recommended Books:
1. Topological Algebras by E. Beckenstein, L. Narici and C. Suffel, North-Holland
Company, 1977.
2. Topological Algebras by A. Mallios, Selected Topics, North-Holland Compnay,
3. Multiplicative Functions on Topological Algebras by T. Husain, Pitman Advanced
Publishing Program, 2001.
4. Locally Multiplicatively-convex Topological Algebras by E. Michael, Memoirs
Amer. Math. Soc. No.11, 1951.
5. Metric Generalization of Banach Algebras by W. Zelazko, Rozprawy
6. Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis by H. Garth
Dales, London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 2003.

MATH 752 Geometry of Surfaces

Objectives: The main objective of this course is to understand Hyperbolic geometry,

hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic isometries, rotations and orientations in hyperbolic
planes, group generated by isometries and discrete action of these groups. It has
profound applications to the study of complex variables, to topology of two and three
dimensional manifolds, to the study of finitely presented infinite groups, knowledge of
hyperbolic geometry is prerequisite for workers in these fields.

Course Contents: Review of Euclidean geometry, isometries of Euclidean plane,

orientation preserving isometries. Euclidean surfaces, covering of a surface by a plane.
The hyperbolic plane, the plane and conformal disc model, isometries of the hyperbolic
plane, geometric description of the isometries, hyperbolic space, hyperbolic surfaces,

compact hyperbolic surface, completeness of hyperbolic surface, topological and
geometric classification of surfaces, symmetric tessellations and fundamental region.

Recommended Books:
1. G. A. Jones and D. Singerman, Complex Functions an Algebraic and Geometric
Viewpoint, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1987.
2. J. G. Ratcliff, Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds, Graduate Texts in Mathematics,
Springer Science Business Media, LLC, New York, 2006.
3. J. Stillwell, Geometry of Surfaces, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992.
4. H. S. M. Coxeter and W. O. J. Moser, Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1972.

MATH 761 Fixed Point Theory

Objectives: In this course the student will learn the approximation of fixed points of
contractive mappings. Mainly the focus of the course will be on the existence side. At the
end of the course the student must be able to handle the fixed point solutions of non-
linear functional equations both single and multi valued mappings.

Course Contents: Banach’s contraction principle, Nonexpansive mappings, Sequential

approximation techniques for nonexpansive mappings, Properties of fixed point sets
and minimal set, Multivalued mappings, Brouwer’s fixed point theorem.

Recommended Books:
1. Topics in Metric Fixed Point Theory by K. Goebel and W.A. Kirk, Cambridge
University Press, 1990.
2. Fixed Point Theory by J. Dugundji and A.Granas, Polish Scientific Publishers,
Warszawa, 1982.
3. Fixed Point Theory by V.I. Istratescu, D. Reidel Publication Company, 1981.
4. Uniform Convexity, Hyperbolic Geometry and Nonexpansive Mapping by K.
Goebel and S. Reich, Marcel Dekker Inc. 1984.
5. Fixed Point Theory by A. Grenas and J. Dugeundji, 2003.

MATH 762 Ordered Vector Spaces

Objectives: The ordered will be considered on the set which would be most of the times
vector space and convergence will be studied in the ordered sense. At the coerce
students will be to apply their concepts in ordered spaces with topological sense.

Course Contents: General facts about ordered sets, lattices, convergence, with respect
to the order relation.
Topological vector spaces, locally convex spaces, uniform convergence, topologies in
spaces of linear continuous operators, Duality between vector spaces.
Ordered vector spaces, Directed spaces and Arehimedean spaces, Vector Lattice,
Decomposition of a vector lattice, Concrete spaces, Topological ordered vector spaces.

Recommended Books:
1. Ordered Topological Vector Spaces by Peressini, A.L., Harper and Row, 1967.

2. Ordered Vector Spaces and Linear Operators by Cristescu, R., Taylor and Francis,

MATH 763 Banach Lattices

Objectives: After the successful completion of this course the students will be able to
know about vector lattices over the real field and the related topics. They will also be
able to know about M-spaces, L-spaces and duality of AL- and AM-spaces. This course
will help the students in their research in advanced analysis.

Course Contents: Vector lattices over the real field, ideals, bands and projections,
maximal and minimal ideals vector lattices of finite dimension, duality of vector lattices,
normed vector lattices, abstract M-spaces, abstract L-spaces, duality of AL- and AM-

Recommended Books:
1. Banch lattices and positive operators by Schaeff, H.H., 1971.
2. Banch lattices and positive operators by Schaeff, H.H.,, 1984.
3. Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis by H. Garth
Dales, London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 2003.

MATH-764 Approximation Theory

Objectives: The purpose of this course is to guide the students in learning about new
developments in approximation theory that have come up over the last 20 years. The
emphasis is on multivariate approximation theory. Most of the topics appear here are
still current areas of research. The instructor will cover positive definite functions,
radial basis interpolation, thin-plate splines, neural networks, ridge functions, box
splines, approximation on spheres, and wavelets. The students will learn practical
problems from current research in areas of science, engineering, geophysics, business,
and economics.

Course Contents: Best approximation in metric and normed spaces, Least square
approximation, Rational approximation, Haar condition and best approximation in
function spaces, Interpolation, Stone-Weierstrass theorem for scalar-and vector-valued
functions, Spline approximation.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Approximation Theory by E.W. Cheney., McGraw-Hill, 1996.
2. Best Approximation in Normed Linear Spaces by Elements of Linear Subspaces
by I. Singer., Springer-Verlag, 2003.
3. The Approximation of Functions I, II by J.R. Rice., Addison-Wesley, 1964.
4. A Course on Optimization and Best Approximation by R.B. Holmes., Lecture
Notes in Mathematics No.257, Springer-Verlag, 1971.
5. Approximation Theory and Methods by M.D. Powell., Cambridge University
Press, 1981.

MATH 765 Applied Functional Analysis

Objectives: Basically this course is design to explore the theory of differential

equations and the optimization problems, the followings are the main objectives of this
 Define metric spaces and related concepts and illustrate them with typical examples
in function spaces.
 Understand the theory of inner product spaces and prove their properties.
 Understand the basic existence theory of ODE’s and PDE’s.
 Derive and apply the basic properties of Hilbert spaces.
 Use of convexity in optimization problems.
 Analysis of some numerical techniques via fixed point theory.

Course Contents: Over view of Normed spaces, Hilbert spaces, Best Approximation,
Open mapping, closed graph and Hahn Banach theorems, Reiz representation theorem.
Function spaces, completeness, C[a,b], LP, lP, spaces. Linear Functional Analysis,
Application to Dirichlet Problem. Weak solutions of Poisson, Stoke’s equations, Duality,
compactness and Lax-Milgram theorem. Shauder and Brouwer fixed point theorem with
applications . Convexity and Optimization, Intro to Variationa Inequalities. Analysis of
Numerical Methods (Jacobi, Picard, Galarkin’s, Finite difference)

Recommended Books:
1. J. P Aubin, Applied Functional Analysis (Novel by Jean Pierre Aubin).
2. Partial Differential Equations: Methods and Applications, Second Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2003.
3. J. Tinsley Oden, Applied functional analysis

MATH 771 Advanced Numerical Analysis

Objectives: The purpose of this course is to discuss the methods for IVP, BVP and
DAE’s. The use of multistep methods along with error estimation will be presented. The
student will thoroughly go through stability, convergence, accuracy, efficiency and
reliability of numerical algorithms. They will also analyze and solve problems like mesh
selection, stiffness and decoupling.

Course Contents: Ordinary differential equations: IVP’s, BVP’s and DAE’s and
applications. Initial Value Problems: (IVP) On problem stability: test equation and
general definitions, linear constant coefficient systems, linear variable coefficients
systems, nonlinear problems and Hamiltonian systems. (IVP) Basic methods and Basic
concepts: A simple method (forward Euler), convergence, accuracy, consistency, and 0-
stability, absolute stability, stiffness, A-stability, P-stability and symmetry. (IVP) one-
step methods: The First RK methods, general RK methods, convergence, 0-stability,
order for RK methods, explicit RK methods, implicit RK methods and collocation
methods. (IVP) linear multi-step methods: Adams methods, BDF methods, initial values
for multi-step methods, order, 0-stability, convergence, absolute stability, predictor-
corrector methods, modified Newton methods, variable step-size formulae, estimating
and controlling the local error and approximating the solution at off-step points. linear
BVP’s and Green’s function, stability of BVP’s BVP stiffness and some reformulation
tricks. Boundary Value Problems (BVP) shooting: simple method and multiple shooting.

Boundary Value Problems (BVP) Finite difference methods for BVP’s: midpoint and
Trapezoidal methods, solving linear equations, higher order methods, error estimations
and mesh selection, stiff problems and decoupling.

Recommended Books:
1. Computer Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and Differential-
Algebraic Equations by Uri M. Ascher and Linda R. Petzold, published by SIAM,
2. Numerical Analysis, Seventh Edition by R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, PWS
Publishing Company, Boston, USA.
3. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis by K. E. Atkinson, J. Wiley and Sons, 1989.
4. Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations by W. Ames, Academic
Press, New York, USA, 1992.
5. Numerical Analysis by W. Gautschi, 2011.

MATH 772 Advanced Optimization Theory

Objectives: This course is designed to provide a good footing in well known single
search methods such as bracketing, Fibonacci, golden section, quadratic and cubic
search, as majority of the multivariate methods are ultimately reduced to a single search
exercise. Live problems would be identified and their solutions would be suggested
through some of the widely used concepts based on gradient and conjugate methods.
The constrained optimization would be discussed with emphasis on penalty function
approach along with topics related to calculus of variations.

Course Contents: Simplex method, bracketing method, Fibonacci method, golden

section method, quadratic and cubic search methods, multivariate methods, gradient
and conjugate methods, constrained optimization, penalty function approach and
methods based on calculus of variation.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Optimization Theory by B. S. Gotfried and J. Weisman, published
by Prentice Inc., 1973.
2. Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations by L. Elsgolts, published by
Mir Publishers, 1970.
3. Introduction to Non-Linear Optimization by D. A. Wismer and R. Chattergy,
published by North Holland, 1978.
4. Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory by M. D. Intriligator, published
by Prentice Hall, 1971.
5. Optimization Theory by H. T. Jongen, K. Meer and E. Triesch, 2004.

MATH 773 Stochastic Processes

Objective: This course emphasis on model building and probabilistic reasoning. The
approach will be non-measure theoretic but otherwise rigorous. Though the subject is
rich in mathematical theory, the learning objective of many students exposed to
stochastic processes will be to develop knowledge in the subject for application to their
own areas of interests. The contents are mathematically rigorous fashion, with exposure
to its use as a modeling and analysis tool.

Course Contents: Stochastic processes, Markov processes, Queuing theory. Markov
chains, discrete and continuous time Morkov chains, transition matrix and probabilities,
spatial Poisson processes, compound and marked Poisson processes. Renewal
phenomenon, discrete renewal theory. Branching processes and population growth,
queuing systems. Brownian motion and martingales.

Books Recommended
1. Ross. S. M., Stochastic Processes, (PB) (2006).
2. Grimmet. G. and Stirzaker, D., Probability and Random Processes, 3rd Ed. Oxford
University Press, (2001).
3. Koehler. U Soresen, M., Exponential Families of Stochastic Processes, Springer-
Verlag, New York, (1997).
4. Suddhendu. B., Applied Stochastic Processes, A Bio statistical and Population
Oriented Approach, New Age International Publishers Limited, Wiley Eastern
Limited. UK: London, (1995).
5. Srinivasan.S.K and Mehata. K.M., Stochastic Process, 2nd Ed., National Book
Foundation, Islamabad.

MATH 774 Multivariate Methods and Analysis

Objectives: For multivariate analysis, the necessary statistical and mathematical

background is necessary. A course in multivariate methods and analysis traditionally
tends to focus on techniques that can be described as being primarily exploratory and
descriptive. The main objective of this course is to understand multivariate
distributions, all of their properties including for large sample sizes. Emphasis is also on
the application and interpretation of these methods in practice.

Course Contents: Introduction: Some multivariate problems and techniques. The data
matrix. Summary statistics. Normal distribution theory: Characterization and
properties. Linear Forms. The Wishart distribution. The Hotelling T2-dustribution.
Distributions related to the multionormal. Estimation and Hypothesis testing: Maximum
likelihood estimation and other techniques. The Behrens-Fisher problem. Simultaneous
confidence intervals. Multivariate hypothesis testing. Design matrices of degenerate
rank. Multiple correlation. Least squares estimation. Discarding of variables.

Recommended Books:
1. Multivariate Analysis by Mardia, K.V., Kent, J.T., and Bibby, J.M., Academic Press,
London, 1982.
2. Multivariate Analysis by Kshirsagar, A.M., Marcell Dekker, New York, 1972.
3. Methods of Multivariate Analysis by A. C. Renchar, 2002.

MATH 775 Finite Element Analysis

Objectives: The objective of finite element method is to discretize the domain into finite
element for which the governing equations are algebraic equations. Solution of these
algebraic equations gives the approximate solution of the non linear differential
equations. The convergence is judged by the refinement of mesh.

Course Contents: Rational Bezier curves, properties of rational Bezier curves, Marsden
identity, construction of FEM basis function, the de Boor algorithm, dual functional,
error approximation by orthogonal functional, cubic Hermite interpolation, natural
spline interpolation, quasi interpolant, Schoenberg scheme, error of quasi interpolation,
Lagrangian function for interpolation, interpolation error, curves on uniform grid and
their properties, interpolation with curves on uniform grid, geometric Hermite
interpolation, non-uniform rational B-splines, construction of finite element basis on
multidimensional space, Box splines, recursion for Box splines, approximation on
multidimensional space, ellipticity of approximation, Cea’s lemma, approximation
theorems for FEM.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to the Mathematics of Subdivision Surfaces by Lars-Erik Andersson,
SIAM, 2010.
2. Numerical Models for Differential Problems by Quarteroni A., Springer, 2009.
3. Finite Element Method by Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
4. Splines and Variational Methods by Prenter, P. M., A Wiley-Interscience
Publication, 2006.

MATH 781 Nonlinear Waves

Objectives: The aim of the course is to give the students an introduction to the
characterization of nonlinear wave PDEs, methods for finding wave-like solutions an the
nature of nonlinear waves. It is desired in this course that the students should
understand basic theory for modeling of linear and non-linear continuum systems, list
and describe fundamental principles and basic methods of nonlinear dynamics and
apply this knowledge to solve particular problems.

Course Contents: Fundamental of wave propagation. General classifications of

dispersive and hyperbolic waves. Advection equation and characteristic curves.
Nonlinear advection equation. Traveling wave solutions. Conservation laws. Quasi-
linear wave equations. Age-structure models. Cauchy problem for nonlinear wave
equations. Inverse-scattering methods. Shock dynamics in one, two and three
dimensions. Non-linearization and weak shock solutions. Solutions using wave-front
expansion and N wave expansions. Nonlinear water waves equation. Exact solutions by
variational techniques. Korteweg-de Veries equation. Shape preserving nonlinear
waves. Solution waves. Asymptotic analysis, Solution solutions using inverse scattering
method. Miura transforms and applications to cubic Schroedinger wave equation, sine-
Gordon waves, Toda chain problems, nonlinear Born-Infeld wave equations.

Recommended Books:
1. Linear and Nonlinear Waves by Whitham, G.B., Wiley-Interscience, New York
2. Nonlinear Diffasive Waves by Sachdev, P.L., Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge. 1987.
3. Theoretical Foundations of Nonlinear Acoustics by Rudenko, O. V., Soluyan and
S.I., Plenum Press, New York 1977.
4. Nonlinear Waves by Leibovich, S. and Seebass, A.R., Cornell University Press,
Ithaca 1972.

5. Asymptotic Methods in Nonlinear Waves Theory by J. A. Kawahara and T. Pitman
Advance Publishing program, Boston 1982.
6. A Modern Introduction to the mathematical Theory of Water Waves by Johnson,
R. S., Combridge University Press, Cambridge 1997.
7. Nonlinear Waves by P. Popivanov and A. Savova, 2010.

MATH 782 Magnetohydrodynamics

Objectives: In this course the objective is to stress on basic formulation of MHD flow
with modification of Maxwell’s equations in fluid flow. Students will learn about the
motion of incompressible conducting fluid in presence of magnetic field. They will also
develop understanding of small amplitude waves and shock waves in MHD.

Course Contents: Equations of electrodynamics, equations of fluid dynamics, Ohm’s

law, equations of magneto hydrodynamics. Motion of a viscous electrically conducting
fluid with linear current flow, steady state motion along a magnetic field, wave motion
of an ideal fluid. Magneto-sonic waves, Alfve’s waves, damping and excitation of MHD
waves, characteristic lines and surfaces. of simple waves, distortion of the profile of a
simple wave, discontinuities, simple and shock waves in relativistic magneto
hydrodynamics, stability and structure of shock waves, discontinuities in various
quantities, piston problem, oblique shock waves.

Recommended Books:
1. Magneto Hydrodynamics by T. G. Cowling, published by Interscience Publishers,
2. Magneto Hydrodynamics by A. G. Kulikowshy and A. G. Lyabimov, published by
Addison Wesley, 1965.
3. Cosmical Electrodynamics by H. Alfven and C. Falthammar, published by
Clarendon Press, 1965.
4. Plasma Electrodynamics by A. I. Akhiezer, published by Pergamon Press, 1975.
5. Magneto Hydrodynamics by P. C. Kendall and C. Plumption.
6. An Introduction to Magnetohydrodynamics by P. A. Davidson, 2001.

MATH 783 Advanced Electrodynamics

Objectives: Our aim in this course is to focus on later developments in electromagnetic

radiations, multiple fields and multipole expansions, scattering of electromagnetic
waves by conductors and relation of electromagnetic theory with special relativity.

Course Contents: General angular and frequency distributions of radiation from

accelerated charges, Thomson scattering, Cherenkov radiation, fields and radiation of
localized oscillating sources, electric dipole fields and radiation, magnetic dipole and
electric quadruple fields, multipole fields, multipole expansion of the electromagnetic
fields, angular distributions, sources of multipole radiation, spherical wave expansion of
a vector plane wave, scattering of electromagnetic wave by a conducting sphere.

Recommended Books:
1. Classical Electrodynamics by D. W. Jackson, published by John Wiley.
2. Electromagnetic Theory by J. A. Straton, published by McGraw Hill.

3. Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics by M. W. Evans and L. B. Crowell, 2001.

MATH 784 Advanced Plasma Theory

Objectives: The main objective of this course is to use the governing equations of
plasma physics to discuss the plasma theory of waves especially nonlinear Vlasov
theory of waves. Moreover, students are exposed to fluctuations, correlation and
radiations in plasmas.

Course Contents: Solution of localized Vlasov equation Vlasov theory of small

amplitude waves in field free uniform/nonuniform magnetized cold/hot plasmas, the
theory of instability, Conservation of particles, momentum and energy in quasilinear
theory, Landau damping; the gentle-bump and two-stream instability in quasilinear
theory, plasma wave echoes, nonlinear wave-particle interaction.
Shielding of a moving test charge, electric field fluctuations in maxwellian and
nonmaxwellian plasmas, emission of electrostatic waves, electromagnetic fluctuations,
emission of radiation from plasma, black body radiation; cyclotron radiation.

Recommended Books:
1. Principles of Plasma Physics by Krall, N.A., and Trivelpiece, A.W., McGraw-Hill
Book Company, 1973.
2. Plasma instabilities and nonlinear effects by Hasegawa, A., Springer Verlag, 1975.

MATH 785 Convective Heat Transfer: Viscous Fluids

Objectives: The objective of this course is to discuss the convective flow of viscous fluid
over flat horizontal and inclined plates under boundary layer assumption. The emphasis
will be given on cylindrical geometries and mixed convection boundary layer flow of
non-Newtonian fluids.

Course Contents: Free convection boundary layer flow over a vertical flat plate, mixed
convection boundary layer flow along a vertical flat plate, free and mixed convection
boundary layer flow past inclined at horizontal plates, double-diffusion convection,
convection flow in buoyant plumes and jets, conjugate heat transfer over vertical and
horizontal flat plates, free and mixed convection from cylinders, free and mixed
convection boundary layer flow over moving surfaces, unsteady free and mixed
convection, free and mixed convection boundary layer flow of non-Newtonian fluids.

Recommended Books:
1. Convective heat transfer: Mathematical and Computational modeling of viscous
fluids in porous media by I.Pop and D.B. Ingham, Elsevier, 2001
2. Convection in porous media by D.A.Nield and A.Bejan, Springer, Third Edition

MATH 786 Astrophysics

Objectives: Students will be taught about astrophysics and its research methods on
selected examples. Aim is creating integrated actual astrophysical picture of the
Universe. At the end of this course students should be able to: solve basic problems of

selected themes of astrophysics and to understand the physical substance of cosmical
bodies and astrophysical phenomena.

Course Contents: Static stellar structure and the equilibrium conditions, Introduction
to stellar modeling, The Hertzprung-Russell diagram and stellar evolution, Gravitational
collapse and degenerate stars, White dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes, Systems of
stars, irregular and globular clusters, galaxies superclusters and filaments, astrophysical
dark matter and galactic haloes.

Recommended Books:
1. An Introduction to the study of Stellar Structure by Chandrasekhar, S., Dover
Publications, Inc. 1967.
2. Astrophysics by Richard, L., and Deeming, T., Vol.I and II, Jones and Bartlett
Publishers, Inc., 1984.
3. Structure and Evolution of Stars by Schwarzschild, M., Dover Publications, New
York, 1965.
4. Gravitation by Misner, C.w., Thorne, K.S., and Wheeler, J.A., W.H., Freeman & Co.
5. Astrophysics; A new approach by W. Kundt, 2005.

MATH 787 Advanced Elastodynamics

Objectives: This is graduate level course. In this course the student will learn about
love’s strain function, biharmonic function, Lamb problem and transient waves in a
layer. The material on elastic waves in a piezoelectric solid and Bleustein-Gnlayev
waves will also be covered. The students will also gain insight in the important area of

Course Contents: Strain potential, Galerkin vector, vertical load on the horizontal
surface of a half space, Love’s strain function, Biharmonic functions, Lamb’s problem,
Cagniard-de Hoop transformation.
Transient waves in a layer, forced shear motion of a layer.
Thermoelasticity: thermal stresses Chadwick’s solution of thermoelastic solutions.
Piezoelectricity. Tensor formultion of piezoelectricity, elastic waves in a piezoelectric
solid, Bleustein-Gnlayev waves.

Recommended Books:
1. Elastic Waves in Solids by Dieulesant D. and Royer, F., John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1980.
2. Foundations of Solid Mechanics by Fung, Y.C., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
3. Waves Propagation in Elastics Solids by Achenbach, North-Holland, Amsterdam,

MATH 788 Advanced Quantum Theory

Objectives: Main objectives are to learn more on some new tools for the solution of the
quantum mechanical problems. Starting form the quantum mechanics in Hilbert space
the student will be exposed to the Dirac theory and relativistic scattering theory. The

theory of functional integration will also be discussed in detail. At the end of the course
the student should be able to understand more of the formalism and interpretation of
quantum mechanics and apply the formalism to the analysis of various quantum
mechanical systems.

Course Contents: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalisms; Hamilton-Jacobi Equations;

Noether Theorem; Symmetries and Conservation laws; Lorentz Invariance and
Relativistic Mechanics. Operators in Banach Space and Operator Calculus; Applications
to Quantum Computing and Information Theory; Representation Theory (including
Heisenberg; Schroedinger and Holomorphic Representations); Deformation
Quantization. Classical Field Theory; Examples of Quantized Field Theories; Dirac
Equation and Spinor Formulation; Electron Spin; Field Theoretic Methods in Quantum
Statistics. Free Particle Scattering Problems; General Theory of Free Particle Scattering;
Scattering by a Static Potential; Scattering Problems and Born Approximation. Feynman
Path Integral Formalism and Related Wiener theory of Functional Integration;
Perturbation theory and Feynman Diagrams; Regularized Determinants of Elliptic
Operators Supersymmetry and Path Integral Formalism for Fermions.

Recommended Books:
1. Advanced Quantum Mechanics by J. J. Sakurai, Addison-Wesley, 2006.
2. Quantum Mechanics by A. Messiah, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1961.
3. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics by P.A. M. Dirac, Oxford at the Clarendon
Press, 1958.
4. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by J. von Neumann , Princeton
University Press, 1955.
5. Quantum Mechanics Non-Relativistic Theory by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz,
Pergamon Press, 1977.
6. Relativistic Quantum Theory by L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz and L.P. Pitaevskii,
Pergamon Press, 1977.
7. Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians and Physicists by Ikenberry , Oxford
University Press, 1962.
8. The Quantum Theory of Fields by S. Weinberg, Vol. 1. Cambridge University
Press, 1995.

Course Outlines of Elective Courses for Ph. D. Mathematics

MATH 822 Theory of Group Graphs

Objectives: This course is designed to make understanding of representing a group by

its costs in a diagram. In this course students learn about Factor geoups, direct
products, Automorphisms Tietz transformations, presentations of finite groups Caley
diagrams, Schriers coset diagrams , Modular group, its action on different sets and their
corresponding coset diagrams.

Course Contents: Generators and relations, Factor groups, Direct Products,

Automorphisms, Finite Presentations of Groups, Tiezte transformations, Coset
enumerations, Graphs, Cayley diagram, Schrier’s cost diagrams, Coset diagrams for the
modular group, Action of the modular group on finite sets, Symmetry in the diagrams,
Composition of coset diagrams, Action of the modular group on real projective line,
Action of the modular group on finite projective lines over finite fields.

Recommended Books:
1. Generators and relations for discrete Groups by Coxeter, H.S.M. and Moser, W.O.,
2. A course in group theory by Rose, S., Cambridge University Press. 1980.
3. Combinatorial group theory by Magnus, W., Karrass, A and Solitar, D., Dover
Publications, 1976.
4. Groups, Graphs and Trees; An Introduction to the Geometry of Infinite Group by
J. Meier, Cambridge University Press, 2008.

MATH 823 LA-Semigroups

Objectives: To introduce the students to basic concepts of LA-Semigroup and its

connection with other algebraic structures. Also students will learn Structural
properties of LA-Semigroups, Locally associative LA-Semigroups, Decomposition of
locally associative LA-Semigroups.

Course Contents: LA-semigroups and basic results, Connection with other algebraic
structures, Medial and exponential properties, LA-semigroups defined by commutative
inverse semigroups, Homomorphism theorems for LA-semigroups, Abelian groups
defined by LA-semigroups, Embedding theorem for LA-semigroups, Structural
properties of LA-semigroups, LA-semigroups as a semilattice of LA-subsemigroups,
Locally associative LA-semigroups, Relations on locally associative LA-semigroups,
Maximal separative homomorphic images of locally associative LA-semigroups,
Decomposition of locally associative LA-semigroups.

Recommended Books:
1. Clifford, A.H. and G.B. Preston., The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, Vols. I & II,
Amer. Math. Soc. Surveys, 7, Providence, R.I, 2000.

MATH 824 Advanced Ring Theory-II

Objectives: After studying this course the students will be able to know about
Wedderburn-Artin Structure Theorem and its applications. Also they will be able to
know about Use definitions to identify and construct examples of Brown-McCoy Radical
classes, Jacobson radical classes. Further this course is very useful for the students to do
research in Ring Theory.

Course Contents: Minimal left ideals, Wedderburn-Artin strueture theorem, The

Brown-McCoy radical, the Jacobson radical, Connections among radical classes,
Homomorphically closed semisimple classes.

Recommended Books:
1. Radical and Semisimple classes of Rings by Wiegandt, R., Queen’s papers in Pure
and Applied Mathematics No. 37, queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 1974.
2. Introduction to Ring Theory by P.M. Cohn, Springer undergraduate mathematics
series, Springer, 2000.
3. Exercises in Classical Ring Theory by T. Y. Lam, 2nd ed., Springer, 2003.

MATH 825 Hopf Algebra and Quantum Groups

Objectives: The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to the algebra behind
the quantum groups. Its main objective is to provide an opportunity for researchers and
students to Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras. The quantum groups are the Hopf
algebras which arose in mathematical physics and have connections to various areas of
mathematics. Hopf algebra also came up in the representation theory of Lie groups and
algebraic groups.

Course Contents: Algebra and modules, affine line and plane, graded and filtered
algebra. Tensor products of vector spaces, tensor products of algebras, tensor products
of linear maps, dualities and traces. Tensor and symmetric algebras, The Hopf algebra
GL(2) and SL(2). Modules and comodules over the Hopf algebras. Actions of finite-
dimensional Hopf algebras and smash products. Coradical and filtration, pointed Hopf
algebras. Inner actions, crossed products. Cleft extensions and existence of crossed
products. Twisted H-comodule algebras, quantum plane, Gauss polynomials and the q-
binomial formula. The algebra and bialgebra structures on Mq (2). The Hopf algebras
GLq(2) and SLq(2). Coactions on quantum planes. Lie algebras, enveloping algebras. The
Lie algebras sl(2), the enveloping algebra of sl(2). Hopf algebra structures on Uq(sl(2)).
The Yang-Baxter equation. Braided bialgebra, R-Matrix. Antipode in braided Hopf
algebra. Cobraided bialgebra. Bicrossed product of groups, Variation on the adjoint
representation. Drinfeld’s quantum double.

Recommended Books:
6. S. DǎSčalescu, C. Nǎstǎsescu and S. Raianu, Hopf Algebras, An introduction,
Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York, Basel, 2001.
7. C. Kassel, Quantum Groups, Grad. Text Math., Vol. 155, Springer Verlag, New
York, 1995.
8. S. Montgomery, Hopf algebras and their actions on rings, CBMS Reg. Conference
Series 82, Providence R. I, 1993.

9. S. Shnider and S. Sternberg, Quantum groups: From coalgebras to Drinfeld
algebras, (a guided tour), International Press, Inc., 1997.
10. M. E. Sweedler, Hopf Algebras, Benjamin, New York, 1969.

MATH 826 Algebraic Number Theory

Objectives: The aims of this unit are to enable students to gain an understanding and
appreciation of algebraic number theory and familiarity with the basic objects of study,
namely number fields and their rings of integers. In particular, it should enable them to
become comfortable working with the basic algebraic concepts involved, to appreciate
the failure of unique factorisation in general, and to see applications of the theory to
Diophantine equations.

Course Contents: Algebraic Numbers: Algebraic Numbers and Number Fields,

Discriminant, Norms and Traces, Algebraic integers and Integral Bases, Factorization
and Divisibility, Applications of UFD. Arithmetic’s Number Fields: Quadratic Dields,
Cyclotomic Fields, Units in Number rings.Ideals Theory: Properties of Ideals, PIDs and
UFDs, Dedekind rings, Norms of ideals, Class group and Class Numbers of Quadratic
Fields. Valuations: Definitions and First properties of valuations, Valuation rings, DVRs,
P-adic valuation.

Recommended Books:
1. Algebraic Number Theory by Richard A. Molin, Chapman & Hall, Washington D.
C., (2005).
2. Number Theory I, Fundamental Problems, Ideas and Theories by A.N. Parshin
and I.R. Shafarevich, Springer-Varlag, Berlin Heidelbers, (1995).
3. Algebraic Number Fields by G.J. Janusz, Academic Press, New York and London

MATH 827 Homological Algebras

Objectives: The basic Goal of this course is to relate ring theory with module theory and
then to compare free Modules and Vector spaces, Projective and Injective Modules.
Next to give a student concepts of Hom and Duality Modules over Principal ideal
Domain , Notherian and Artinian Module and Rings Radical of Rings and Module with
semi simple modules.

Course Contents: Revision of basic concepts of Ring Theory. Modules, Homomorphisms

and Exact Sequences, Product and co-product of Modules. Comparison of Free Modules
and Vector Spaces Projective and Injective Modules. Hom and Duality Modules over
Principal ideal Domain Notherian and Artinian Module and Rings Radical of Rings and
Modules Semisimple Modules.

Recommended Books:
1. Rings and Categories of Modules by K. R. Fuller and F.W. Anderson: Stringer
Verlag 1973.
2. lectures on Rings and Modules by J. Lambek: New York, 1966.
3. Modules and Rings by F. Kasch: Academic Press, 1982.
4. Algebra, Holt, Rinehart and Winston by T.W. Hungerford: Inc. New York, 1974.

5. An Introduction to Homological Algebra by J. J. Rotman, Academic Press, New
York, 1979.
6. Commutative Algebra by O. Zariski and P. Samual, Vol. I, Springer-Verlag, New
York, 1958.
7. Commutative Algebra by O. Zariski and P. Samual, Vol. II, Springer-Verlag, New
York, 1960
8. Introduction to Commutative Algebra by M. F. Atiyah and I. G. Macdonald,
Addison Wesley Pub. Co. 1969.
9. An Introduction to Homological Algebra by J. J. Rotman, 2009.

MATH 831 Advanced Analytical Dynamics-II

Objectives: This course is designed to link the continuous groups and dynamics. The
focus of the course is to develop the Poincare’s dynamical equations using group
theoretic approach. Students will also go through ergodic theorem and thoroughly
study stability of motion.

Course Contents: Groups of continuous transformations and Poincare’s equations,

systems with one degree of freedom, singular points, cyclic characteristics of systems
with a degree of freedom, ergodic theorem, metric indecompossability, stability of

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Dynamics Analytical Dynamics by L. A. Pars, published by
Heinmann, 2008.
2. A Treatise on Dynamics of Rigid bodies and Particles by E. T. Whittaker,
published by Cambridge University Press.

MATH 832 Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics

Objectives: This course is designed to equip the students with the advanced
computational techniques based finite difference and finite element methods for the
solution of fluid dynamics equations. Each technique will be discussed form theoretical
as well as application point of view. At the end of the course student will be able to
apply these techniques in fluid dynamics and related areas.

Course Contents: Introduction to computational fluid dynamics, its geometry and

equation structure. Partial differential equations: Hyperbolic PDE, parabolic PDE,
elliptic PDE and PDE traditional solution methods. Preliminary computational
techniques: discretisation, approximation to derivatives, wave representation, finite
difference method.

Theoretical background: convergence, consistency, stability, solution accuracy and

computational efficiency. Weighted residual methods: finite volume method, finite
element method and interpolation, finite element method and the Sturm-Liouville
equation, spectral method. Steady problem: nonlinear steady problems, direct method
for linear systems, iterative methods, pseudotransient methods. One-dimensional
diffusion equation: explicit methods, implicit methods, boundary and initial condition.
Multi-dimensional diffusion equation: two-dimensional diffusion equations, multi-

dimensional splitting methods, splitting scheme and the finite element method,
Neumann boundary condition and method of fractional steps. Linear convection
dominated problems: one dimensional linear convection equation, numerical
dissipation and dispersion, steady convection-diffusion equation, one-dimensional
transport equation, two-dimensional transport equation. Nonlinear convection-
dominated problems: one-dimensional Burger’s equation, system of equations, group
finite element method, two-dimensional Burger’s equation. Fluid dynamics: equation of
motion, incompressible and compressible flow.
Generalized curvilinear coordinates: transformation relationships, evaluation of the
transformation parameters. Grid generation:Inviscid flow.Boundary layer flow.
Incompressible viscous flow.Compressible viscous flow.

Recommended Books:
1. Computational techniques for fluid dynamics by C.A.J. Fletcher, published by
2. Computational fluid dynamics by P.J. Roache, published by Hermosa.
3. Chebyschev and Fourier Spectral Methods by J. P. Boyd, 2001.

MATH 842 Group Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

Objectives: upon successful completion of this course student will have sufficient grasp
on lie group transformations, infinitesimal transformations, symmetry group of
differential equations and different criteria for invariance of system, multiparameter
groups and symmetry of partial differential equations.

Course Contents: Introduction, Mathematical idea of symmetry; Local solvability for

systems; Maximal rank condition, Symmetry transformations, Lie group
transformations in IRn+m. Canonical parameter for a group; Infinitesimal
transformations in IRn+m. Lie equations; Exponential map; Symmetry groups of
differential equation systems; Prolongation formulas; Invariant points; Invariant
functions; Canonical variables; Infinitesimal criteria for invariance for systems; Lie
algebras. Multi-parameter groups; Symmetries of partial differential equations;
Construction of exact solutions; Group classification; Other topics.

Recommended Books:
1. Lie-Backlund and Noether symmetries by Ibragimov, NH, Kara AH and
Mahomed FM 1998.applications, Nonlinear Dynamics, 15.
2. Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations by Ibragimov, vols I to
III, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1994-1996.

MATH 843 Advanced Nonlinear Differential Equation

Objectives: This course reflects the nonlinear problems and to solve them by the
asymptotic, numerical, perturbation and symmetry reduction technique.

Course Contents: Genallzed Method of characteristics, Complete integrals of first order

nonlinear partial differential equations, Discontinuous solutions and shock conditions,
Weak and generalized solutions, Higher order nonlinear partial equations, Nonlinear
hyperbotic systems and Riemann invariants, Initial-value problems and asymptotic

solutions, Teavelling wave solutions, Stability analysis, Inverse scattering techniques,
Nonlinear transforms, Backlund transformations and nonlinear superposition principle,
Method of multiple scales, Applications to nonlinear reaction-diffusion problems,
strongly dispersive nonlinear equations, nonlinear Schroedinger equation, and
Korteweg-de Vriss equation, Special techniques for solution generation, Transformation
methods using fractional Fourier transforms, Nonlinear Hankel transforms, Painleve
test and truncated expansions, Optimization techniques, Geometrical construction of
solution surfaces.

Recommended Books:
1. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Debnth, I., (2nd Edition) Birkhauser,
Boston, 2005.
2. An Introduction to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Logan, J. D., Wiley-
Interscience, New York, 1994.
3. Fractional Differential Equation by Prodlubny, I., Academic Press, Boston 1999.
4. Similarity Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Dresner, L.,
Pitrnan Books, London 1983.
5. Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Equations by Poa, C. V., Plenum Press, New York
6. Methods of Mathaematical Physics by Courant, R. and Hilbert, D., Vol.2. Wiley-
Interscience, New York 1962.
7. Nonlinear Partial differential Equations in Engineering by Ames, W. F., Vol. 2.
Academic Press, New York 1972.

MATH 851 Advanced Algebraic Geometry

Objective: The traditional focus of algebraic geometry is the study of varieties, which
are classically defined as the set of points that simultaneously satisfy a collection of
polynomials. Modern usage of the variety has been generalized in numerous ways; this
series of lectures will include such elementary topics and some applications, and draw
connections between algebraic and differential geometry. In this course, we shall cover
a selection of introductory subjects-elliptic curves, the Zariski topology, Noetherian
rings, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, projective varieties, morphisms, tangent spaces, etc-and
a brief discussion of category theory. Here we will move into more modern topics,
namely sheaves, schemes, and the introduction of more abstract tools. Time permitting;
we shall investigate advanced topics such as Bezout's theorem, Chern classes,
cohomologies, and applications in cryptography.

Course Contents: Differentiable manifolds and algebraic varieties using sheaves of

functions. Presheaves and sheaves on a topological space. Sheaves of groups, rings.
Ringed spaces (RS), locally ringed spaces (LRS). Tangent space of locally ringed space at
a point. Localization of (modules over) commutative rings. Definition of affine schemes
(Aff) and schemes (Sch). Nullstellensatz for rings. Functoriality of Spec for ring maps.
Open immersions. Closed immersions. Integral schemes. Fiber products. Cartesian
diagrams. Base change. Morphisms, separated , proper , smooth, flat and
étalemorphisms. Graded rings. Sheaves of modules on a ringed space. Locally free
sheaves. Tautological sheaf on projective space. Coherent sheaves on a locally
noetherian scheme. Group schemes. Weil divisors. Class group. Sheaves of differentials,
cochain complexes, homotopy category of cochain complexes. Right derived, Additive

functors, left and right derived functors, sheaf cohomology. cyclic resolutions.
Grothendieck vanishing, Cechcohomology of quasi-coherent sheaves, cohomology of
projective space, higher direct images. Serre duality and Riemann-Roch for curves over
a field

Recommended Books:
1. O. Zariski and P. Samual, Commutative Algebra, Vol. 1, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N. J.,
2. M.F. Atiyah and I. G. Macdonald, Introduction to Commutative Algebra, Addison
Wesley Pub. Co., 1969.
3. I.R. Shafarevich, Basic Algebraic Geometry, Springer Verlag, 1974.
4. R. Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, Springer Verlag, 1977.
5. E, Kunz, Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Boston;
Basel; Stuttgrat: Birkhauser, 1985.

MATH-862 Non-Standard Analysis

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to

demonstrate knowledge of the syllabus material. Students will also be able to use the
definitions of Ordered Fields, non-standard Theory of Archimedean Field and related
topics to identify and construct examples and to distinguish examples from non-
examples. This course will also help the students for research in algebra and analysis.

Course Contents: Set relations, Filters, Individuals and super structures, Universes,
Languages, Semantics, Los Theorem, Concurrence, Infinite Integers, Internal sets.
Ordered Fields, Non-standard Theory of Archimedean Fields, The hyperreal numbers,
Real sequences and Functions. Prolongation Theorems. Non-standard Differential
calculus, Additivity, The existence of Non-measurable sets. Topological spaces, Mapping
and products, Topological Groups, The existence of Haar Measure, Metric Spaces,
Uniform continuity and Equicontinuity, Compact mapping.

Recommended Books:
1. Lectures on Non-standard Analysis by Machover, M and Hirschfled, J., Springer-
2. Applied Non-Standard Analysis by M. Davis, Dover Publications, 2005.
3. Non. Standard Analysis by A. Robinson, Princeton University Press, 1996.

MATH 863 Numerical Ranges of Operators on Normal Spaces

Objectives: After the successful completion of this course the students will be able to
know about numerical range in normed algebras, numerical radius. They will also be
able to know about Vidav’s Theorem and its application to C*-algebras. This course will
help the students in their research in advanced analysis.

Course Contents: Numerical range in normed algebras, Numerical radius, Vidav’s

theorem and applications to C*-algebras, The spatial numerical range, spectral
properties, second dual of a Banach algebra, spectral states.

Recommended Books:
1. Numerical ranges of operators on normed spaces and of elements of normed
algebras by Bonsall, F.F., and Duncan, J., LMS lecture note series 2, Cambridge
University Press,1971.

MATH 864 Strict Convexity

Objectives: Convex functions play an important role in many areas of mathematics.

They are especially important in the study of optimization problems. For instance, a
(strictly) convex function on an open set has no more than one minimum. Even in
infinite-dimensional spaces, under suitable additional hypotheses, convex functions
continue to satisfy such properties and, as a result, they are the most well-understood
functionals in the calculus of variations. In probability theory, a convex function applied
to the expected value of a random variable is always less or equal to the expected value
of the convex function of the random variable.

Course Contents: Locally covex spaces, Banach spaces, basic theorems of linear
functional analysis, strict convex spaces, product and quotient spaces and strict
convexity, interpolation and strict convexity, modulus of convexity, strict convexity and
approximation theory, strict convexity and fixed point theory.

Recommended Books:
1. Strict convexity and complex strict convexity by Istratescue, V.I., 1984.
2. Normed linear spaces by Day, M.M., 2007.
3. Geometry of Banach spaces by Diestel, J., 1975.
4. Linear operators-I by Dunford, N., and Schwartz, J.T., 1958.

MATH 871 Modeling and Simulation of Dynamical Systems

Objectives: after successful completion of this course student will be able to model
multidomain engineering system of different designs and control. They will have
sufficient knowledge and the modeling of space model, multiport energy storage and
dissipation, fluids and thermal system, and wave system. They will be in good position
to analyse the simulations output of these systems.

Course Contents: This course is about modeling multidomain engineering systems at a

level of detail suitable for design and control system implementation. It also describes
Network representation, state-space models, Multiport energy storage and dissipation,
Legendre transforms, Nonlinear mechanics, transformation theory, Lagrangian and
Hamiltionian forms, Control-relevant properties. The application examples may include
electro-mechanical transducers, mechanisms, electronics, fluid and thermal systems,
compressible flow, chemical processes, diffusion and wave transmission.

Recommended Books:
1. Modelling and simulation by Giuseppe Petrone and Giuliano Cammarata, InTech ,
2. Applied numerical methods with softwares by Schoichito Nakamura, Prentice
Hall 1991.

MATH 872 Advanced Finite Element Analysis

Objectives: The goal of this course is to model the microscopic and macroscopic
structure of many physical and mechanical problems. We can analyze the biomechanics
of the head and figure prints by the simulation.

Course Contents: Introduction to Sobolev spaces, Ritz-Galerkin approximation of

Poisson’s equation, weak form of Poisson’s equation, variational form of Poisson’s
equation, Ritz-Galerkin approximation of Poisson’s equation with hat functions, elliptic
bilinear form, elliptic variational form, Ritz-Galerkin approximation of an elliptic
variational problem, construction of FE basis, properties of basis function, basis
function of multidimensional space, linear independence of basis function, basis
function on uniform grid, condition number of Galerkin matrix, uniform Lagrange
polynomial, extension of basis function, coefficients of extended basis, weight functions,
R-functions, partial weight function, WEB-splines, stability and approximation with
WEB-spline, Ritz-Galerkin system, applications of WEB-approximation.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to the Mathematics of Subdivision Surfaces by Lars-Erik Andersson
SIAM, 2010.
2. Numerical Models for Differential Problems by Quarteroni A., Springer, 2009.
3. Finite Element Method by Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
4. Splines and Variational Methods by Prenter, P. M., A Wiley-Interscience
Publication, 2006.

MATH 873 Advanced Multivariate Methods and Analysis

Objectives: For this course it will be of great helpful to study the basic knowledge of
multivariate methods. The main objective is to derive mathematical results on advanced
techniques of multivariate analysis such as Principal component analysis, Factor
Analysis etc and then applying these results on data sets from different sectors of life.

Course Contents: Principal component analysis: Definition and properties of principal

components. Testing hypotheses about principal components. Correspondence analysis.
Discarding of variables. Principal component analysis in regression. Factor analysis:
The factor model. Relationships between factor analysis and principal component
analysis. Canonical correlation analysis: Dummy variables and qualittive data.
Qualitative and quantitative data. Discriminant analysis: Discrimination when the
populations are known. Fisher’s linear discriminant function. Discrimination under
estimation. Multivariate analysis of variance: Formulation of multivariate one-way
classification. Testing fixed contrasts. Canonical variables and test of dimensionality.
Two-way classification.

Recommended Books:
1. Multivariate Analysis by Mardia, K.V., Kent, J.T., and Bibby, J.M., Academic Press,
London, 1982.
2. Multivariate Analysis by Kshirsagar, A.M., Marcell Dekker, New York, 1972.
3. An Introduction to Multivariate Analysis by T. Raykov and G. A. Marcoulides,

MATH 882 Advanced Magnetohydrodynamics

Objectives: In advanced MHD student will analyze flow of conducting fluid past
magnetized bodies, with a detailed discussion on dynamo theories with vorticity
analogy. Motion of compressible ionized gas through magnetic field will also be

Course Contents: Flow of an ideal fluid past magnetized bodies, fluid of finite electrical
conductivity flow past a magnetized body. Elasser’s theory, Bullard’s theory, Earth’s
field turbulent motion and dissipation, vorticity analogy. Effects of molecular structure,
currents in a fully ionized gas, partially ionized gases, interstellar fields, dissipation in
hot and cool clouds.

Recommended Books:
1. Magneto Hydrodynamics by T. G. Cowling, published by Interscience Publishers,
2. Magneto Hydrodynamics by A. G. Kulikowshy and A. G. Lyabimov, published by
Addison Wesley, 1965.
3. Cosmical Electrodynamics by H. Alfven and C. Falthammar, published by
Clarendon Press, 1965.
4. Plasma Electrodynamics by A. I. Akhiezer, published by Pergamon Press, 1975.
5. Magneto Hydrodynamics by P. C. Kendall and C. Plumption.
6. An Introduction to Magnetohydrodynamics by P. A. Davidson, 2001.

MATH 883 Convective Heat Transfer: Porous Media

Objectives: The objective of the course is to formulate realistic analysis of the behavior
of multiphase porous media, composed of solid, miscible and immiscible fluids,
subjected to multiphysics mechanical and hydraulic phenomena. The course involves
thermodynamics and constitutive formulation for single and multi-phase material,
derivation of the conservation and field equations, and developing the weak and matrix
forms for finite element implementation and are to offer advanced testing capabilities
that meet the requirements and demands of the geoenvironmental engineering

Course Contents: Free and mixed convection boundary layer flow over vertical surface
in porous media, free and mixed convection past horizontal inclined surfaces in porous
media, conjugate free and mixed convection over vertical surfaces in porous media, free
and mixed convection from cylinder and spheres in porous media, unsteady free and
mixed convection in porous media, non-Darcy free and mixed convection boundary
layer flow in porous media,

Recommended Books:
1. Convective heat transfer: Mathematical and Computational modeling of viscous
fluids in porous media by Ioan I.Pop and D.B. Ingham, Elsevier, 2001
3. Convection in porous media by D.A.Nield and A.Bejan, Springer, Third Edition

MATH 884 Robotics

Objectives: The objectives of this course are to introduce students to the concept of
robotics, its applications and to teach students the mechanics of mechanical
manipulators. It is also desired that the students also learn about the control of
mechanical manipulators and how to program robots to perform certain tasks.

Course Contents: Introduction to Robot (Fundamental notions and Definitions),

Transformations and Jacobians, Manipulator. Kinematics (Forward and Inverse) of
manipulator, Manipulator Dynamics, Trajectory Generation, Manipulator Mechanism,
Manipulator Design. Linear Control of Minipulator, Non-linear Control of Manipulator,
Forced Control of Manipulator, Multivariable control, Feedback linearization, Variable
structure and Adaptive Control.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Robotics by John, J. Craig, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Inc., 1999.
2. Robot Dynamics and Control by Mark, W. Sponge and M. Vidyasagar, John Wiley
and Sons Inc., 2004.
3. Control of Dynamic Systems by Gene Franklin, J. David Powell, Abbas Emami-
Naeini, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc., 1989.
4. Modern Control System Theory and Applications by Stainley M. Shinners,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc., 1987.
5. Adaptive Control of Mechanical Manipulators by John, J. Craig, Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company Inc., 1997.

Part II

Scheme of Studies

Fall 2012-Spring 2016

Scheme of Studies of BS Mathematics (4 years) Fall 2012-Spring 2016

1st Semester 2nd Semester

GC-101 Understanding of Quran-I 3 GC-I04 Functional English – II 3

GC-102 Functional English – I 3 GC-105 Physics-II 3
GC-I03 Physics-I 3 GC-106 Introduction to the Use of
MATH 101 Fundamentals of Computer 3
Mathematics 3 MATH 103 Calculus-II 3
MATH 102 Calculus-I 3 MATH 104 Introduction to Linear
15 Algebra 3
3rd Semester 4th Semester

GC-107 Basics of Academic Writing 3 GC-111 Introduction to Economics 3

GC-108 Islamic Worldview and GC-112 Islamic Worldview and
Civilization-I 3 Civilization-II 3
GC-109 Physics-III 3 GC-113 Introduction to Law 3
GC-110 Understanding of GC-114 Psychology 3
Quran –II 3 MATH 203 Elementary number theory
MATH 201 Calculus-III 3 and Combinatorics 3
MATH 202 Mechanics 3 MATH 204 Elementary Differential
18 Equations with Applications3
5th Semester 6 Semester

GC-115 Pakistani Culture & Society 3 GC-116 Software Tools 3

MATH 301 Advanced Calculus 3 GC-117 Computer Language-I 3
MATH 302 Linear Algebra 3 MATH 306 Group Theory 3
MATH 303 Ordinary Differential MATH 307 Analytical Mechanics 3
Equations 3 MATH 308 Partial Differential
MATH 304 Set Topology 3 Equations 3
MATH 305 Complex Analysis 3 MATH 309 Real Analysis 3
18 18
7th Semester 8th Semester

MATH 401 Differential Geometry-I 3 GC-118 Discrete Structures 3

MATH 402 Functional Analysis-I 3 Elective-II 3
MATH 403 Numerical Methods 3 Elective-III 3
MATH 404 Statistics & Probability-I 3 MATH 400 Project 1 or two electives 6
Elective-I 3 ( IV & V )
15 15

Scheme of Studies of M.Sc Mathematics (2 years) Fall 2012-Spring 2016

1st Semester 2nd Semester

GC-101 Understanding of Quran-I 3 GC-116 Software Tools 3

MATH 301 Advanced Calculus 3 GC-117 Computer Language-I 3
MATH 302 Linear Algebra 3 MATH 306 Group Theory 3
MATH 303 Ordinary Differential MATH 307 Analytical Mechanics 3
Equations 3 MATH 308 Partial Differential
MATH 304 Set Topology 3 Equations 3
MATH 305 Complex Analysis 3 MATH 309 Real Analysis 3
18 18
3 Semester
rd 4th Semester

GC-110 Understanding of Quran-II 3 GC-118 Discrete Structures 3

MATH 401 Differential Geometry-I 3 Elective-II 3
MATH 402 Functional Analysis-I 3 Elective-III 3
MATH 403 Numerical Methods 3 Elective-IV 3
MATH 404 Statistics & Probability-I 3 Elective-V 3
Elective-I 3 Elective-VI 3
18 18

List of Elective Courses BS/M.Sc. Mathematics Fall 2012-Spring 2016

1. MATH-406 Continuous Groups

2. MATH-425 Fluid Mechanics-II
3. MATH-435 Fuzzy Logics
4. MATH-409 Advanced Group Theory
5. MATH-410 Theory of Modules
6. MATH-411 Decomposition of Modules
7. MATH-412 Galois Theory
8. MATH-416 Algebraic Geometry
9. MATH-417 Algebraic Systems and Coding Theory
10. MATH-421 Quantum Mechanics
11. MATH 425 Rings and Fields
12. MATH-426 Elasticity Theory
13. MATH-427 Electromagnetism
14. MATH-428 Theory of Manifolds
15. MATH-434 Group Algorithms Programming
16. MATH 434 Analytical Dynamics
17. MATH 435 Fluid Mechanics-I
18. MATH 444 Integral Equations
19. MATH 453 Advanced Topology
20. MATH 454 Algebraic Topology
21. MATH 455 Differential Geometry-II
22. MATH 456 Riemannian Geometry
23. MATH 457 Combinatorics and Graph Theory
24. MATH 464 Measure and Integration
25. MATH 465 Functional Analysis-II
26. MATH 474 Operations Research
27. MATH 475 Optimization Theory
28. MATH 476 Mathematical Modelling and Simulation
29. MATH 477 Statistics and Probability -II
30. MATH 481 Special Relativity
31. CS 111 Programming Fundamentals
32. CS 212 Data Structures and Algorithms
33. CS 314 Theory of Automata
34. CS 322 Computer Communications and Networks
35. CS 361 Computer Graphics

Scheme of Studies for MS Mathematics Programs Fall 2012-Spring 2016

1st Semester 2nd Semester

4 Courses 12 credit hours 4 courses 12 credit hours

3rd Semester 4th Semester

MATH 600 Project –I 3 credit hours MATH 600 Project –II 3 credit hours


 M.Sc/BS-(4years) (Mathematics or Physics) with minimum CGPA 2.50/4.00 or

60% marks in annual system and appropriate NTS/GAT (General) with
minimum 50% score.

List of Core Courses for MS Mathematics Programs

1. MATH 501 Advanced Mathematical Analysis

2. MATH 502 Advanced Partial Differential Equations
3. MATH 503 Advanced Linear Algebra
4. MATH 504 Advanced Mathematical Methods

List of Elective Courses for MS Mathematics Programs Fall 2012-Spring 2016

1. MATH 505 Semigroup Theory

2. MATH 506 Theory of Group Actions
3. MATH 507 Theory of Several Complex Variables
4. MATH 508 Topological Vector Spaces
5. MATH 509 Loop Groups
6. MATH 510 Nilpotent and Soluble Groups
7. MATH 511 Commutative Algebra
8. MATH 512 Banach Algebras
9. MATH 513 Lie Algebras
10. MATH 514 Spectral Theory in Hilbert Spaces
11. MATH 515 Heat and Mass Transfer
12. MATH 516 Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
13. MATH 551 Newtonian Fluids
14. MATH 552 Advanced Integral Equation
15. MATH 553 Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations
16. MATH 554 Electrodynamics
17. MATH 555 General Relativity
18. MATH 556 Elastodynamics
19. MATH 557 Plasma Theory
20. MATH 601 Variational Inequalities
21. MATH 602 Theory of Complex Manifolds
22. MATH 603 C *-Algebras
23. MATH 604 Von Neumann Algebras
24. MATH 651 Perturbation Methods
25. MATH 652 Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
26. MATH 653 Cosmology
27. MATH 654 Solid Mechanics
28. MATH 655 Numerical Optimization
29. MATH 656 The Classical Theory of Fields

MATH 600 MS dissertation (06 credit hours)

Scheme of Studies for Ph.D Mathematics Programs Fall 2012-Spring 2016

1st Semester 2nd Semester

3 Courses 9 3 Courses 9

3rd Semester 4th Semester

MATH 800 Ph.D. Thesis 9 MATH 800 Ph.D. Thesis 9

5th Semester 6th Semester

MATH 800 Ph.D. Thesis 9 MATH 800 Ph.D. Thesis 9


 18 years of education in Mathematics with minimum CGPA 3.00/4.00 or 65%

marks in annual system. GRE/GAT (Subject) with minimum 60% score.

Details of PHD program are given in Procedure for regulating post graduate studies in
Department of Mathematics.

List of Core Courses for Ph.D. Mathematics Programs

1. MATH 801 Advances in Analysis

2. MATH 802 Advanced Perturbation Methods

List of Elective Courses for MS/PhD Mathematics Program Fall 2012-Spring 2016

1. MATH 701 Near Rings

2. MATH 702 Advanced Ring Theory-I
3. MATH 703 Fixed Point Theory
4. MATH 704 Commutative Semigroup Rings
5. MATH 705 Homological Algebras
6. MATH 706 Representation of Finite Algebra and Quivers
7. MATH 707 Theory of Semirings
8. MATH 708 Ordered Vector Spaces
9. MATH 709 Banach Lattices
10. MATH 710 Approximation Theory
11. MATH 711 Topological Algebras
12. MATH 712 Fuzzy Algebra
13. MATH 713 Algebraic Number Theory
14. MATH 714 Hopf Algebra and Quantum Groups
15. MATH 751 Advanced Analytical Dynamics-I
16. MATH 752 Non-Newtonian Fluids
17. MATH 753 Mathematical Techniques for Boundary Value Problems
18. MATH 754 Group Theoretic Methods
19. MATH 755 Advanced Numerical Analysis
20. MATH 756 Advanced Optimization Theory
21. MATH 757 Magnetohydrodynamics
22. MATH 758 Advanced Electrodynamics
23. MATH 759 Stochastic Processes
24. MATH 760 Multivariate Methods and Analysis
25. MATH 761 Nonlinear Differential Equation
26. MATH 762 Advanced Plasma Theory
27. MATH 763 Convective Heat Transfer: Viscous Fluids
28. MATH 764 Finite Elements Analysis
29. MATH 765 Momentum and Thermal Boundary Layer Theory
30. MATH 766 Astrophysics
31. MATH 767 Advanced Elastodynamics
32. MATH 768 Statistical Mechanics
33. MATH 769 Advanced Quantum Theory
34. MATH 770 Nonlinear Waves

List of Elective Courses for PhD Mathematics Program Fall 2012-Spring 2016

1. MATH 803 LA-Semigroups

2. MATH 804 Advanced Analytical Dynamics-II
3. MATH 805 Advanced Magnetohydrodynamics
4. MATH 806 Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics
5. MATH 807 Advanced Semigroup Theory
6. MATH 808 Advanced Near Rings
7. MATH 809 Theory of Group Graphs
8. MATH 810 Advanced Ring Theory-II
9. MATH 811 Non-Standard Analysis
10. MATH 812 Numerical Ranges of Operators on Normal Spaces
11. MATH 813 Strict Convexity
12. MATH 814 Advanced Commutative Algebra
13. MATH 815 Advanced Homological Algebra
14. MATH 816 Advanced Theory of Semirings
15. MATH 851 Advanced Heat Transfer
16. MATH 852 Convective Heat Transfer: Porous Media
17. MATH 853 Advanced Finite Elements Analysis
18. MATH 854 Advanced Multivariate Methods and Analysis
19. MATH 855 Robotics
20. MATH 856 Group Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
21. MATH 857 Advanced Nonlinear Differential Equations
22. MATH 858 Modeling and Simulation of Dynamical Systems
23. MATH 859 Topics in Fluid Mechanics
24. MATH 860 Topics in Mechanics
25. MATH 861 Topics in Differential Equations
26. MATH 862 Topics in Computational Mathematics
27. MATH 863 Topics in Applied Mathematics
28. MATH 864 Topics in Algebra
29. MATH 865 Topics in Topology
30. MATH 866 Topics in Analysis
31. MATH 867 Topics in Complex Analysis

MATH 800 PhD Thesis (9 credit hours)

Part III

Scheme of Studies

Fall 2007- Spring 2012

Scheme of Studies for BS in Mathematics (4-years) (Fall 2007- Spring 2012)

1st Semester 2nd Semester

GC-101 Functional English–I 3 GC-I04 Functional English–II 3

GC-I02 Introduction to the Use GC-105 Physics-II 3
of Computer 3 GC-106 Introduction to
GC-I03 Physics-I 3 Economics 3
MATH 101 Fundamentals of MATH- 112 Calculus-II 3
Mathematics 3 MATH 121 Introduction to Linear
MATH 111 Calculus-I 3 Algebra 3
15 15
3rd Semester 4th Semester

GC-107 Basics of Academic GC-111 Understanding of

Writing 3 Quran-II 3
GC-108 Islamic Worldview and GC-112 Islamic Worldview and
Civilization-I 3 Civilization-II 3
GC-109 Psychology 3 GC-113 Introduction to Law 3
GC-110 Understanding of Quran-I 3 GC-114 Introduction to
MATH 213 Calculus-III 3 Management 3
MATH 231 Mechanics-I 3 MATH 232 Mechanics-II 3
18 MATH 241 Elementary Differential
Equations with
Applications 3
5th Semester 6th Semester

GC-115 Computer Language-I 3 GC-116 Computer Language-II 3

MATH 314 Advanced Calculus 3 GC-117 Pakistani Culture &
MATH 322 Algebra-I 3 Society 3
MATH 342 Ordinary Differential MATH 323 Linear Algebra 3
Equations 3 MATH 333 Analytical Mechanics 3
MATH 351 Differential Geometry-I 3 MATH 352 Introduction to Topology 3
MATH 361 Complex Analysis 3 MATH 362 Real Analysis 3
18 18
7th Semester 8th Semester

MATH 443 Partial Differential GC-118 Software Tools 3

Equations 3 MATH 473 Numerical Analysis-II 3
MATH 463 Functional Analysis-I 3 Elective-II 3
MATH 471 Numerical Analysis-I 3 MATH 491 Project 1 or two
MATH 472 Statistics and electives 6
Probability-I 3 ( IV & V )
Elective-I 3 15

Scheme of Studies for M. Sc Mathematics (Fall 2007- Spring 2012)

Ist Semester 2nd Semester

GC-110 Understanding of GC-111 Understanding of

Quran-I 3 Quran-II 3
MATH 314 Advanced Calculus 3 GC-115 Computer Language-I 3
MATH 322 Algebra-I 3 MATH 323 Linear Algebra 3
MATH 342 Ordinary Differential MATH 333 Analytical Mechanics 3
Equations 3 MATH 352 Introduction to Topology3
MATH 351 Differential Geometry-I3 MATH 362 Real Analysis 3
MATH 361 Complex Analysis 3 18
3rd Semester 4th Semester

GC-116 Computer Language-II 3 GC-118 Software Tools 3

MATH 443 Partial Differential MATH 473 Numerical Analysis-II 3
Equations 3 Elective-II 3
MATH 463 Functional Analysis-I 3 Elective-III 3
MATH 471 Numerical Analysis-I 3 Elective-IV 3
MATH 472 Statistics and Elective-V 3
Probability-1 3 18
Elective-I 3

List of Elective Courses BS/M.Sc. Mathematics (Fall 2007- Spring 2012)

1. MATH 424 Elementary Number Theory

2. MATH 425 Algebra-II
3. MATH 434 Analytical Dynamics
4. MATH 435 Fluid Mechanics
5. MATH 444 Integral Equations
6. MATH 453 Advanced Topology
7. MATH 454 Algebraic Topology
8. MATH 455 Differential Geometry-II
9. MATH 456 Riemannian Geometry
10. MATH 457 Combinatorics and Graph Theory
11. MATH 464 Measure and Integration
12. MATH 465 Functional Analysis-II
13. MATH 474 Operations Research
14. MATH 475 Optimization Theory
15. MATH 476 Mathematical Modelling and Simulation
16. MATH 477 Statistics and Probability -II
17. MATH 481 Special Relativity
18. CS 111 Programming Fundamentals
19. CS 212 Data Structures and Algorithms
20. CS 314 Theory of Automata
21. CS 322 Computer Communications and Networks
22. CS 361 Computer Graphics
Note: Each Course-I shall be a pre-requisite for its Course-II.

Scheme of Studies for MS/M.Phil in Mathematics (Fall 2007- Spring 2012)

1st Semester 2nd Semester

4 courses 12 credit hours 4 courses 12 credit hours
3rd Semester 4th Semester
MATH 692 Project -I 3 credit hours MATH 692 Project -II 3 credit hours

Details of MS/M. Phil programme are given in Procedure for regulating post graduate
studies in Department of Mathematics.

Ph.D. in Mathematics
This will be a 3 – 5 years research degree programme. Students having MS (18 years)
and M. Sc (16 years) education will be required to carry out 18 and 42 credit hours
course work respectively in addition to 9 credit hours of thesis work.
The student will have to complete all the requirement of HEC subject to the approval of
academic council of IIUI.

Eligibility: To be eligible for selection as a Senior Research Assistant, a candidate:-

(a) An M. Phil/MS degree or its equivalent to 18 years education in the relevant

subject from a recognized University.
(b) M.Sc. in Mathematics/BS in Mathematics/M.Sc Physics with 16 years
education/MS or M. Phil with at least 65 % marks (annual system) or 3.0/4.0
CGPA (semester system) from a recognized institute.
(c) A college/university teacher or a member of the research staff of a Research
organization who has shown undoubted promise for research and holds
M.A./M.Sc. degree, may be recommended by the Admission Committee for
admission to Ph.D. programme.

Details of PHD programme are given in Procedure for regulating post graduate studies
in Department of Mathematics.

Electives Courses for MS/Ph. D. in Mathematics (Fall 2007- Spring 2012)

MATH 526 Ring and Modules-I

MATH 527 Ring and Modules - II
MATH 528 Advanced Linear Algebra
MATH 529 Lie Algebras
MATH 536 Newtonian Fluids
MATH 537 Advanced Analytical Dynamics-I
MATH 538 Advanced Analytical Dynamics-II
MATH 539 Non-Newtonian Fluids
MATH 545 Advanced Integral Equations
MATH 546 Advanced Partial Differential Equations
MATH 547 Mathematical Techniques for Boundary Value Problems
MATH 548 Group Theoretic Methods
MATH 549 Perturbation Methods
MATH 558 Topological Vector Spaces
MATH 559 Fixed Point Theory and Applications
MATH 566 Advanced Functional Analysis
MATH 567 Advanced Real Analysis
MATH 568 Advanced Complex Analysis
MATH 569 Advanced Numerical Analysis
MATH 577 Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 578 Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
MATH 579 Advanced Optimization Theory
MATH 582 Magneto hydrodynamics-I
MATH 583 Magneto hydrodynamics-II
MATH 584 Electrodynamics-I
MATH 585 Electrodynamics-II
MATH 586 General Relativity
MATH 587 Spectrum Methods in Fluid Dynamics
MATH 588 Thermodynamics I
MATH 589 Thermodynamics II
MATH 692 Project I & II
(MS dissertation: 03 credit hours +03 credit hours = 06 credit hours)

MATH 792 Topics in Algebra

MATH 793 Topics in Mechanics
MATH 794 Topics in Differential Equations
MATH 795 Topics in Topology
MATH 796 Topics in Analysis
MATH 897 Topics in Computational Math
MATH 898 Topics in Applied Mathematics
MATH 993 Project (PhD Seminar)
MATH 994 Project (PhD Thesis) (4 credit hours +5 credit hours)


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