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T2 19 People v.

G.R. No. 116720, October 2, 1997, 280 SCRA 72

FACTS: Appeal from a decision of the RTC convicting appellant Roel Encinada of Illegal
Transpotation of prohibited drugs from Surigao City to Cebu, under Sec. 4 of R.A. 6425 as
amended by BP 179.
SPO4 Bolonia received a tip from an informant (4:00pm) that the appellant Encinada
would be arriving in the morning of May 21, 1992 on board the M/V Sweet Pearl bringing with
him “marijuana”. They were not able to secure warrant of arrest because the office was already
closed. However, they still decided to pursue the apprehension of the appellant.
Morning of May 21,1992, when M/V Sweet Pearl docked SPO4 Bolonia with his team
followed the appellant carrying two small colored plastic chairs and boarded a tricycle. The
appellant was chased and ordered the driver to stop, they inspect the plastic chairs and
discovered that a package was place between; tearing the package they were convinced that it
is marijuana because of the smell. They apprehended the appellant brought him to the police
station and in the presence of a member of the local media, they opened the package and saw
that indeed it contains dried leaves of marijuana.

ISSUE: a) WON the evidence sufficiently shows the possession of marijuana by appellant.
b) WON the search on the person and belongings of the appellant valid.

HOLDING: SC ruled that proof of ownership of the marijuana is not necessary in the prosecution
of Illegal drug case; it is sufficient that such drug is found in appellant’s possession.
The court ruled acquitting the appellant, it reiterates the constitutional proscription
that evidence seized without a valid search warrant is inadmissible in any proceeding. A guild of
incriminating evidence will not legitimize an illegal search. Indeed, the end never justifies the
In this case, appellant was not committing a crime in the presence of the policemen.
Moreover, the Lawmen did not have personal knowledge of the facts indicating that the person
to be arrested had committed an offense. The search cannot be said to be merely incidental to
a lawful arrest. Raw intelligence information is not sufficient ground for a warrantless arrest.

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