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Hong Kong Community College

LCH1056 Academic English (Business) I

Semester One 2020/21
Oral Presentation (25% Group/ Individual)

In the lecture and tutorial of Week 13, you are required to deliver together an informative presentation
on a business brand in a group of 4 to 5 students from your class or by just yourself. You will be
assessed on the whole presentation’s content (40%) and your individual speaking skills (60%). The
presentation may be recorded for moderation purposes.

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Research and Writing Skills
• Conduct library and online research, integrate ideas, and document sources to support your points.

Speaking Skills
• Demonstrate competent speaking skills (planning, delivery, language) appropriate for an academic

Comprehension Skills
• Read academic materials to prepare points and supporting evidence.

• Your group is expected to deliver an informative presentation about a business brand you can see
in Hong Kong.
• Your group should choose ONE of the following brands for your presentation.

a. CK Hutchison Holdings
(Official Website: )
b. CLP Group
(Official Website: )
c. Tencent
(Official Website: )
d. Swire Properties
(Official Website: )
(Official Website: )
f. Café de Coral Group
(Official Website: )
g. Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited
(Official Website: )
h. New World Development Company Limited
(Official Website: )

• Your presentation should mainly focus on its business in the Hong Kong market, and may possibly
include its history, vision and mission, corporate management, finance, product lines, etc.
• You should choose a topic different from other groups in your class, if possible.
• The content of your presentation should NOT be identical/ similar to the research essay topics of
any of your groupmates.

• Research into your presentation topic. Only references from reliable sources are accepted:
Books, journals, newspapers, magazines, and company websites.
• Use at least ONE relevant source in English to support your ideas. Document sources with proper
in-text citations and a reference list using APA style in your PowerPoint slides.

PowerPoint File
• Prepare a PowerPoint presentation.
- Plan for the division of labour on the presentation delivery if you are working in a group.
- Give clear information about your plan of delivery on the first and every page of your
group .ppt file.
- Name the PowerPoint file with your class and group number (e.g. A01_Group1).
- Submit your PowerPoint file in Moodle by November 29, 2020 (Sun), 23:59.

• Put your main points on note cards. Reading scripts during the presentation is strictly prohibited.
• Ensure your microphone, camera, ipad/ smart phone/ computer, and internet connection work well.
Rehearse the presentation yourself and/ or with your groupmates.
• Understand that the student will NOT be allowed to do the presentation if either his/ her
microphone or camera does not work on the assessment day.
• Need not follow formal dress code but should wear decently.
• Make a presentation in Microsoft Teams (or Zoom as specified by your lecturer) during the lessons
in Week 13.

• Remember that your presentation date and order will be randomly decided by the lecturer in
Week 11, probably during the class time.
• Receive the Teams meeting invitation by the end of Week 12.

Structure of the Presentation

Part I. Oral Presentation (1 member: 6 mins; 4 members: 15 mins; 5 members: 20 mins)

Suggested Time Allocation
1 Member 4 Members 5 Members

(i) Introduce the topic – Greetings, introduction of the

≈ 1 min ≈ 4 mins ≈ 4 mins Introduction group, attention-getting strategies, background
information, preview of main points

(i) Present points and support with examples and/ or

(ii) Use relevant sources appropriately
(iii) Connect ideas and sections with varied and appropriate
≈ 4 mins ≈ 7 mins ≈ 12 mins Body
transitions and signposts
(iv) Take turns to present your key points and support
(v) Make good use of the PowerPoint slides (with pictures,
charts, tables, etc.) to help you present the ideas
(i) Summarize your main points
≈ 1 min ≈ 4 mins ≈ 4 mins Conclusion
(ii) Make a closing to end the presentation gracefully

Grading Aspects:
Criteria Details
Content Introduction, Body, - Introduction
(40% Individual/ and Conclusion - Body
Group) (30%)  Relevant and specific points and support with
elaboration and/ or explanation
 Use of visual aids
 Use of relevant sources
 Proper documentation
- Conclusion
Organization and - Organization of ideas
Time Management - Time management
Speaking Language - Transitions and signposts
(60% Individual) (20%) - Choice of vocabulary
- Sentence skills
Speaking and Delivery - Pronunciation, intonation, and stress
Skills - Fluency and clarity
(40%) - Pace and voice

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