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1. What the witness said in court was inconsistent with the statement he made to the police.
A. in agreement with B. relevant to
C. in conflict with D. based on
2. More than 100 people have been killed this year in sporadic outbursts of ethnic violence.
A. occasional B. harmonious C. neutral D. regular
3. The government has placed tight constraints on spending this year.
A. burdens B. restrictions C. effects D. policies
4. The emphasis on testing leads to greater stress among students and carries implications
of failure.
A. causes B. determinants C. consequences D. considerations
5. This politician tried to cheat the people into the belief that he would work for public
A. equality B. security C. assistance D. well-being
6. Throughout the day, repeal supporters argued that the ban on some types of weapons is
arbitrary and unconstitutional.
A. sensible B. rational C. reasonable D. preposterous
7. Many computers have a further field in the instruction, to specify subsidiary
information required by an operation.
A. important B. confidential C. technical D. additional
8. We welcome the government's initiative to help the homeless.
A. plan B. willingness C. enthusiasm D. readiness
9. His theory provides a remarkable insight into the nature of the British constitution.
A. disregard for B. concern about C. sympathy for D. understanding of
10. Before her death in 1977, Alice Paul helped orchestrate enormous changes in the rights and status of American
A. far-fetched B. far-flung C. far-reaching D. far-sighted
10. Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses whose fares have increased 5 times in the past 3 years.
A. lavish B. efficient C. valueless D. pricey
11. The university's exchange scheme for teachers has cemented its links with many other academic institutions.
A. programme B. opportunity C. scholarship D. framework
12. The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for the examination.
A. effects B. symptoms C. hints D. demonstrations
13. During live broadcasts of sports events, television commercials seem to have the
uncanny ability to appear just when something significant develops in the event.
A. mysterious B. outstanding C. innate D. superior
14. He didn’t bat an eyelid when he realized he failed the exam again.
A. wasn’t happy B. wasn’t satisfied
C. didn’t show surprise D. didn’t bother
15. Around 150 B.C. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to classify
stars according to brightness.
A. record B. shine C. categorize D. diversifyAdvertising is also criticised on the
grounds that it can manipulate consumers to follow the will of the advertisers
A. inhibit B. control C. recommend D. forbid
16. The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money.
A. installed B. declared C. criticized D. advised
17. A mediocre student who gets low grades will have trouble getting into an Ivy League college.
A. average B. lazy C. moronic D. diligent
18. He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at the annual meeting in May.
A. politeness B. rudeness C. encouragement D. measurement
19. Those children who stay longer hours at school than at home tend to spend their formative years in the company of
others with similar aims and interests.
A. being separated from peers B. forming a new business company
C. being together with friends D. enjoying the care of parents
20. Some of the little boys sneaked into the ball game without buying a ticket.
A. went secretly B. earned their way
C. ran fast D. entered several times
21. The bus driver left the door ajar so that returning passengers could reboard after the rest stop.
A. unlocked B. well marked C. well lit D. slightly open
22. Why do people live for fleeting pleasures, don't they want something more significant and good and profound?
A. benevolent B. brief C. immense D. lasting
23. A simple act of virtue, such as collecting donations for charity, can make a huge difference to someone's life.
A. goodness B. wickedness C. indecency D. barbarism
24. Thanks to the housemaid, their house is always spick and span.
A. clean and tidy B. high and large
C. cheap and convenient D. bright and clear
25. He left home at the drop of a hat without saying a word.
A. thoroughly B. visually C. securely D. immediately
26. I don’t believe she is really sad for his death; she is just putting on an act.
A. waiting B. disappointing C. defending D. pretending
27. He tried a lot to get the hang of skiing, and finally succeeded.
A. start to research B. hang the equipment of
C. give up quickly D. learn how to do
28. I am not sure whether those mushrooms are edible.
A. unable to be picked up B. suitable to be eaten
C. able to be researched D. likely to cause harm
29. They substituted the original painting with some copies and sold them to customers.
A. provided B. replaced C. considered D. distributed
30. Those animals are susceptible to cold weather; Let’s make them warm.
A. vulnerable B. incredible C. inaccessible D. inevitable
31. My niece is the apple of my eye: I always want to be her side.
A. the person I love the most B. the person I fear a lot
C. the person I don’t take care of D. the person I don’t visit
32. Sometimes, in order to get things done, you have to take the initiative.
A. make the last decision B. make important changes
C. be the first to act D. sacrifice for others
33. Her talent for music was really an unparalleled ability; she won most music prizes in the city.
A. incomparable B. compatible C. comprehensive D. inconclusive
34. I couldn’t make out what he was saying as his speech was unclear.
A. retell B. precede C. understand D. conserve
35. This theory is a synthesis of some old concepts and some modern ones.
A. movement B. combination C. elimination D. development
36. Most citizens show that they uphold the new law completely.
A. support B. disapprove C. increase D. reverse
37. A team will be penalized if its players commit fouls.
A. awarded B. punished C. defeated D. destroyed
38. Shops always prefer wholesale products as they are cheaper.
A. selling step by step B. selling only to some people
C. selling continuously D. selling in large quantities
39. Looking after a naughty child is an uphill task for her.
A. well-paid B. difficult C. normal D. wonderful
40. A father will be his child's role model. He will be the example for his child of what husbands and fathers are like.
A. someone that others admire and follow
B. someone that others share interest with
C. someone that others love and live with
D. someone that others are fond of with
41. Such problems as haste and inexperience are a universal feature of youth.
A. marked B. separated C. shared D. hidden
42. It is such a prestigious university that only excellent students are entitled to a full scholarship each year.
A. are given the right to B. are refused the right to
C. have the right to refuse D. have the obligation to
43. The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favourite films.
A. businesses B. economics C. advertisements D. contests
44. Although they hold similar political views, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast.
A. minor comparison B. interesting resemblance
C. significant difference D. complete coincidence
45. These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence.
A. openly criticised B. publicly said
C. publicly supported D. strongly condemned
46. "A friend in need is a friend indeed": Our friends have voiced their strong criticism of China’s escalation of
tension on our continental shelf.
A. easing the tension B. improving the condition
C. facing the reality D. worsening the situation
47. Even though the mountain was very steep and the climb was hazardous, several adventurous tourists managed to
reach the top.
A. causing a lot of risks B. bringing excitement
C. resulting in depression D. costing a lot of money
48. The overall aim of the book is to help bridge the gap between theory and practice, particularly in language
A. increase the understanding B. reduce the differences
C. minimise the limitations D. construct a bridge
49. A second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources are located in remote areas, such as
windy uplands and coastal regions.
A. isolated B. crowded C. attractive D. alone
50. Although Smart AI Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes to promote and test it are already underway.
A. permanent B. complete C. beneficial D. in progress
51. Sailing round Britain single-handed at the age of 18 was just the start; Ellen had long since set her sights on the
A. without any help from anyone else. B. using only one of one’s hands to row.
C. on a boat with only one paddle. D. on a boat with only one sail.
52. We cannot be sure that society won’t have slipped backward into an age of barbarism due to mankind’s failure to
solve the scourges (n) nỗi khổ, sự thông khổof war and pollution.
A. pressures B. afflictions C. worries D. annoyances
53. Teenagers, heavily influenced by the media, are dazzled by well-known Hollywood stars, famous musicians,
Korean singers, and internationally renowned athletes.
A. impressed B. disappointed C. confused D. frightened
54. Students emphasized that being a role model is not confined to those with international fame or unbelievable
A. assisted by B. restricted to C. similar to D. influenced by
55. The Impressionists, including the famous artist Van Gogh, wanted to depict
fragmentary moments by the increasingly fast pace of modern life.
A. reorganize B. deform C. represent D. justify
56. The shift from the studio to the open air was made possible in part by the advent of cheap rail travel.
A. achievement B. acceptance C. arrival D. advantage
57. At the end of the stage in the experiment, 2-year-olds have sophisticated sensorimotor patterns and are beginning to
operate with primitive symbols.
A. limited B. basic C. proximal D. handy
58. There is conclusive evidence for a worldwide recession of mountain glaciers, which is the clearest evidence for a
change in energy balance at the Earth’s surface.
A. definite B. independent C. unique D. valuable
59. Nowadays, the plethora of choices has improved the quality of life or impacted retail profits in the form of
increased sales.
A. shortage B. decline C. basics D. excess
60. It turns out that some fossils can be extracted from these sediments by putting the rocks in an acid bath.
A. located B. preserved C. removed D. studied
61. In the 1940’s and 1950’s, biochemists strived to learn why each of the vitamins was essential for health.
A. failed B. tried C. experimented D. studied
62. There still remained some terrible diseases for which no microbe could be
incriminated: scurvy, pellagra, rickets, and beriberi.
A. investigated B. blamed C. eliminated D. produced
63. It had been a terrible day for him and when he learned finally that he had lost his job, he simply blew his top.
A. lost his nerve B. lost his courage C. lost his temper D. lost his respect
64. With recent technological advances, however, the search for sunken treasure has become more popular as a
legitimate endeavor.
A. underwater B. broken C. ancient D. hollow
65. For most male spiders courtship is a perilous procedure, for they may be eaten by females.
A. complicated B. peculiar C. dangerous D. ordinary
66. Infants are especially predisposed to acquire these core aspects of music, and they can also engage in sound play
that clearly exhibits creativity.
A. inclined B. gifted C. pushed D. amused
67. Even if a shipwreck’s treasure does not have a high monetary value, it can be an invaluable source of historic
artifacts that are preserved in nearly mint condition.
A. something perfect B. something significant
C. something tolerant D. something magical
68. For environmental safety, we need to find ways to reduce emission of fumes and smoke of factories.
A. leak B. release C. poison D. pollutant
69. We’re surprised to hear that Mozart’s musical talent was nurtured by his loving parents when he was a child.
A. acknowledged B. abandoned C. fostered D. discovered
70. Acupuncture originated in China and has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years.
A. began B. created C. developed D. introduced
71. President Ho Chi Minh devoted himself to the nation’s revolution, for which reason he has been considered the
‘Old Father’ of all Vietnamese people.
A. spent B. contributed C. gave up D. dedicated
72. Smartphones are very versatile, as they can do many things like making phone calls, taking pictures, or listening to
A. capable B. flexible C. helpful D. interesting
73. In Viet Nam, it is customary to choose a favourable day for occasions such as wedding, funerals, or house-moving
A. suitable B. favourite C. beautiful D. whole
74. While Tom Spinkler was travelling along Wagon Wheel Road in Big Cypress Swamp in South Florida, he came
across a young snake.
A. run up B. run down C. run into D. run out
75. WWF was set up in 1961 and had its operations in areas such as the preservation of biological diversity.
A. difference B. abundance C. variety D. plenty
76. Who is the Millionaire is a game show that has attracted many participants since it was aired in 2005.
A. breathed B. impacted C. introduced D. broadcasted
77. When applying for a certain job, you’ll be at an advantage if you have hands-on
A. relevant B. prior C. practical D. considerable
78. The doctor warned his patient not visit public places without wearing a mask.
A. shouted B. threatened C. punished D. cautioned
79. People who hold optimistic view believe that cities of the future will increase the general well-being of individuals
and societies.
A. health state B. quality of life
C. level of development D. growth rate
80. Scientists hope that this new drug will be a major breakthrough in the fight against COVID-19.
A. new cure B. important therapy
C. sudden remedy D. dramatic development
81. One advantage of learning going digital is that students no longer have to carry the weight of papers and textbooks
with them to school.
A. conventional B. electric C. computer-based D. modernized
82. Internet search engines can help to predict the weather as well as traffic jams in a city.
A. announce B. expect C. forecast D. reveal
83. She’s doing well so she was promoted last year. Now she’s in charge of a small team of four people.
A. controls B. supervises C. takes over D. rules
84. I’ve been working here for over ten years now and I am on first-name terms with everyone, even the CEO.
A. am proud of everyone B. behave well with everyone
C. know everyone well D. feel satisfied with everyone
85. When the factory closed, over a hundred people were made redundant.
A. fired B. sacked C. laid off D. appointed
86. Jane used to be very excellent as a child and now she’s the CEO of a big multi- national company. However, her
brother is a blue-collar worker in a small local factory.
A. mental B. low-paid C. manual D. regular
87. With so many daily design resources, how do you stay up-to-date with technology without spending too much time
on it?
A. connect to Internet all day B. update new status
C. get latest information D. use social network daily
88. Her style of dress was conservative. She never wears items that are too tight, short or low-cut.
A. high-fashion B. traditional C. trendy D. up to date
89. This is especially important in the age of globalisation, where countries face a
daunting challenge to preserve their own cultural identities.
A. intimidating B. difficult C. seldom D. urging
90. Once you have been accepted as a pupil or student at the school or college, it’s against the law for them to
discriminate against you because of your religion or belief.
A. judge B. neglect C. abuse D. expel
91. Once a poster child for the wages of web indiscretion, she has become a virtuoso of (n) lão luyện, bậc
thầymanaged self-revelation.
A. ace B. genius C. prodigy D. professor
92. The shop assistant was totally bewildered by the customer’s behavior when she insisted on being refunded.
A. disgusted B. puzzled C. angry D. upset
93. The notoriously lazy man was found unconscious in his flat this morning.
A. insensible B. dead C. asleep D. drunk
94. Although Mallory had consistently refused to go out with Kevin, he pleaded with her to reconsider and give him a
A. give him a break B. give him an appointment
C. give him a place D. give him a space
95. Talking about your feeling can help you get clear about what you feel.
A. control B. banish C. get rid of D. figure out
96. Father had promised to go to the Animal show with us, but at the last moment he
decided not to go.
A. threw out B. copped out C. stopped D. halted
97. The Federal Court judge threw the book at him, and recommended no parole.
A. give him a harsh sentence B. hit him with a book
C. feed him as much as possible D. make him read the book
98. Unless I miss my guess, your computer needs a new hard drive.
A. you are my guess B. I break the soft drive
C. I make a mistake D. you lack money
99. I am looking for a dependable person who can stand out for me at the meeting.
A. dependent B. talented C. energetic D. reliable
100. Wow, I’m all at sea with these new regulations.
A. satisfied B. bored C. confused D. impatient
101. She came to the meeting late on purpose so she would miss the introductory speech.
A. aiming at B. intentionally C. reasonably D. with a goal
102. In the end her neighbour decided to speak his mind.
A. say exactly what he thought B. say a few words
C. have a chat D. are given the right to
103. These rugged mountains in New York State are famous for the summer hotels that
sprang up in the region during the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.
A. operated vigorously B. spread out
C. burst forth(v) nổi lên D. joined together
104. Have you ever read about a famous general in Japanese history who was very incredulous?
A. unimaginable B. excellent C. incredible D. skeptical
105. Her father is the man who owns all the land in this area and is ‘the big fish’ around here.
A. the fat man B. the huge man
C. the important man D. the enormous man
106. I’m looking forward to her new novel, which is published next week.
A. comes out B. comes over C.comes off D. comes up
107. The notice should be put in the most conspicuous place so that all the students in our school can be well-
A. popular B. beautiful C. suspicious D. easily seen
108. I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back, we are home and dry.
A. have been successful B. have not got wet
C. have got no water D. have got home dry
109. Scholars have deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform
script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions.
A. important B. immediate C. early D. lucky
110. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars’ efforts for several decades until the early 19 th century when several key
hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions.
A. continued B. influenced C. encouraged D. frustrated
111. In most countries, including our nation Vietnam, compulsory military service does not apply to women.
A. superior B. mandatory C. beneficial D. constructive
112. Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate, when most shops and retails have to close
because of the lockdown order.
A. taking off B. setting up C. growing well D. closing down
113. As children we were very close, but as we grew up we just drifted apart.
A. not as friendly as before B. not as serious as before
C. not as sympathetic as before D. not as childlike as before
114. Did she get the better of you in the argument as to whether milk is good for our health?
A. try to beat B. gain a disadvantage over
C. gain an advantage over D. try to be better than
115. I missed two assignments. I must make them up by the end of this week.
A. hand them in B. do them twice
C. compensate for them (v) làm bù D. go over them
116. The power of advertising is the main drive behind soaring sales of deluxe goods.
A. luxury B. durable C. inferior D. tangible
117. Every house in the street has been demolished to make way for a new highway.
A. exploded B. torn up C.removed D. torn down
118. Laws on promoting economic development scientific research since 1986 still hold good.
A. remain for good B. are still in good condition
C. stand in life D. remain in effect
119. His new yacht, which is worth over 1 million dollars, is certainly an
ostentatious display of his wealth.
A. showy B. expensive C. large D. ossified
120. The hiring of the new city manager will make a difference in how things are run around here.
A. change the future situation B. differ
C. cause a change D. vary
121. Henry really drives me to the edge because he never stops complaining with me about even the most trivial
A. frightens me B. moves me C. steers me D. irritates me
122. The whole city of Hiroshima was wiped out in the nuclear bombing raids by the end of WW2.
A. cleaned well B. removed quickly
C. changed completely D. destroyed completely
123. The phrase civil disobedience is usually attributed to the nineteenth-century American philosopher Henry David
A. explained to B. suited to C. glued to D. credited to
124. Improved methods of fabricating optical fibers have led to a reduction in fiberscope diameter and an increase in
the number of fibers, which in turn has increased resolution(n) độ sắc nét, độ phân giải
A. strength B. sharpness C. inconvenience D . efficiency
125. I see Jack’s boasting again. I’ve heard him telling everyone he’s the best football player in our class.
A. holding his tongue B. speaking too much
C. blowing his own trumpet D. pulling my leg
126. Shirley had no idea what made her father irritated one minute and jovial the next.
A. incredulous B. merry C. revolting D. dizzy
127. Recent studies have shown that where cell phone use has increased in Africa, the economy has been strengthened
and the people are better off.
A. more economically comfortable B. more healthy
C. able to travel farther D. more relaxed
128. I think it may be pertinent at this point to raise the question of how the new department will be funded.
A. hasty B. impulsive C. appropriate D. irrelevant
129. After the severe storm in the Central of Vietnam, many families felt that everything they hold dear had been
A. have B. hold gently C. love D. reveal
130. The team leader saw to it that the work was finished on time.
A. decided B. made sure C. could prove D. was informed
131. There have been problems with respect to transferring the data from the old computer to the new one.
A. in relation to B. in view of C. involving D. diagnosed with
132. Edna Ferber (1887-1968) embarked on her career by working as a newspaper reporter in Winsconsin and soon
began writing novels.
A. took a trip to B. started out on
C. improved upon D. had an opinion about
133. Hanoi Medical University is affiliated with several hospitals in the city and also in other provinces.
A. owned by B. founded by
C. associated with D. reorganized with
134. There is a beautiful little park adjacent to the house we’re going to buy on the outskirts of that town.
A. opposite B. close to C. behind D. in front of
135. Finally, Warner Brothers took a chance with the 1927 film, the Jazz Singer, which starred popular recording artist
Al Jolson and featured both singing and talking.
A. behaved randomly B. lost an opportunity
C. took a risk D. had good fortune
136. Some people try to suggest that the education offered in public schools is inferior to
that of private schools, but I don’t agree.
A. of lower quality than B. different from
C. the same as D. much better than
137. I was shown the door when I asked my boss for a raise in my salary and a reduction in my working hour.
A. allowed to see the door B. asked to leave the room
C. told where to go D. asked to open the door
138. My father worked as an amateur translator for the local newspaper prior to
becoming an ESL teacher.
A. rather than B. as well as C. besides D. before
139. He is behind the eight ball at the moment and risks being evicted from his apartment this month.
A. in a difficult situation B. in a favorable condition
C. in a dangerous situation D. in a wonderful mood
140. -:” Was Sophia pleased about getting high marks in the last exam?”
-:” She was on cloud nine!”
A. extremely happy B. very emotional
C. unbelievably angry D. quite calm
141. Maria has a soft spot for Micheal because he can make her laugh a lot.
A. hates B. despises C. loves D. concerns
142. You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have to decide your future job.
A. be uncertain B. be uncareful C. be unwilling D. be intolerant
143. Having worked for more than 10 hours, she thinks it's time to call it a day.
A. continue to work B. take a break
C. have a meal D. give it up
144. Police were called in when the strike began to get out of hand.
A. undecided B. uncontrollable C. unforgiving D. unchanged
145. I was really happy when she said she also loved me but then I realized she was just
pulling my leg(n) đùa giỡn vs ai .
A. hurting me B. hating me C. teasing me D. loving me
146. I used to be very good at maths but now it seems I have lost my touch: kĩ năng mai một .
A. been rusty B. been excellent C. been stable D.been disappointed
147. My parents were up in arms about my coming home late last night.
A. pleased B. provoked C. appeased D. excited
148. My mom told me he was a bad friend so I needed to keep him at bay: ko để ai ảnh hưởng tiêu cực.
A. stay away from him B. hang out with him
C. keep in touch with him D. get on with him
149. Much to their disappointment, their start-up project fell through, though it had been carefully planned.
A. failed B. expanded C. succeeded D. removed
150. The construction of this factory will bring about an increase in the pollution level of thí area.
A. cause B. demand C. avoid D. equal
151. Tom is carrying out a survey on how teenagers spend their free time nowadays.
A. deciding B. producing C. conducting D. minding
152. I have come up against a big financial problem. Now, I don’t know what to do.
A. dealt with B. sympathized with
C. agreed with D. engaged with
153. What exactly are you driving at with a critical statement like that? If you have a problem with my work, just tell
A. avoiding B. alluring C. insinuating D. contemplating
154. We had to fall back on our personal savings to pay our unexpected debt.
A. access to B. rely on C. believe in D. go with
155. The police stopped the van because it was giving off a lot of black smoke.
A. emitting B. liberating C. allowing D. conducting
156. They have knocked down that old building. The neighbors are suffering from extreme noise.
A. abolished B. disassembled C. demolished D. degraded
157. I sent her a bunch of flowers to make up for my rude behaviors last night.
A. compensate for B. prepare for C. strive for D. allow for
158. His rude behaviors can be put down to his terrible upbringing.
A. reduced to B. admitted to C. attributed to D. exposed to
159. She is always diplomatic when she deals with aggressive students
A. outspoken B. firm C. tactful D. stern
160. The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.
A. invincible B. indefensible C. unfavorable D. unacceptable
161. He can afford the tuition of this private school because his parents are very affluent.
A. sincere B. supportive C. wealthy D. eminent
162. I couldn’t understand the meaning of this word so I asked John, but he gave me an
ambiguous explanation.
A. vague B. clear C. definite D. distinct
Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia and have been the symbol of this country.
A. native B. attracted C. relative D. enticed
163. The pilot’s negligence led to a catastrophic accident involving the deaths of 30 people.
A. fortunate B. terrific C. abundant D. disastrous
164. She is renowned for her charitable activities that have given support to millions of people worldwide.
A. unknown B. criticized C. approved D. celebrated
165. It’s very intricate to assemble this juicer since there are more than ten separate parts.
A. complex B. basic C. straightforward D. expensive
166. It was courageous of her to challenge the managing director's decision.
A. coward B. plucky C. lucky D. ill-considered
167. It looks like an old building but this appearance is deceptive.
A. sincere B. conspicuous C. symbolic D. misleading
168. Compared to other groups in society, the youth in general have greater desire to achieve self-esteem, status or
A. self-worth B. self-absorption C. self-identity D. self-motivation

172. Radar equipment is used to detect enemy aircraft, which is an astounding

breakthrough of human history.
A. find the position of B. made an attack on

C. give an account of D. take offence at

173. Students are expected to always adhere to school regulations.
A. question B. violate C. disregard D. follow
174. Sustainability is becoming much more mainstream and increasing numbers of businesses are genuinely adopting
good environmental and social practices.
A. generally accepted B. highly debatable
C. unfairly stereotyped D. overly privileged
175. We decided to pay for the furniture on the instalment plan.
A. monthly payment B. cash and carry
C. credit card D. piece by piece
176. The augmentation in the population has created a fuel shortage.
A. increase B. necessity C. demand D. decrease
177. Notwithstanding a steady decline in numbers, the school has had a very successful year.
A. regardless of B. due to C. in spite of D. instead of
178. He has overcome a lot of impediments along his way but he manages to move forward.
A. obstacles B. permits C. fortunes D. favors
179. Extroverts tend to be gregarious and amiable. They gain energy from rubbing shoulders with: giao du vs ai
A. spending time socially with B. making fun of
C. staying away from D. engaging in arguments with
180. Being responsible is a prerequisite(n) yếu tố cần thiết for achieving success in life.
A. rule B. skill C. expense D. condition
181. Changes are being introduced to make the department operate more efficiently.
A. function B. appear C. collaborate D. activate
182. We really appreciate your help with our financial problems.
A. value B. disregard C. care D. accept
183. Tourists today flock to see the two falls that actually constitute Niagara falls.
A. come without knowing what they will see
B. come in large numbers come out of boredom
C. come by plane
184. Things have unfolded(v) mở ra, tiến triển in a way that no one could have expected.
A. developed B. concealed C. opened D. ended
185. Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviors.
A. explain B. blame C. decide D. improve
186. The boy was embarrassed when his mother scolded him in the public.
A. humiliated (v) làm bẽ mặt B. distracted C. proud D. offended(v) xúc phạm
187. The image presented in the media show us celebrities enjoying an enviable lifestyle: they live in huge mansions,
drive expensive cars, and wear the latest in high fashion.
A. a desirable B. a lavish C. a sedentary D. a healthy
188. One alternative form of punishment is community service, which is an excellent way for offenders to make
amends for their crimes.
A. compensate for B. deter from C. reflect on D. recover from
189. He felt that moving out of his parents' home was a real milestone in his life.
A. an important event B. an unusual occurrence
C. a difficult time D. a foolish decision
190. The government prepared for the coming drought season by implementing water conservation plans.
A. putting into operation B. coming into conflict
C. getting into trouble D. taking into consideration
191. It is believed that the plane crash was caused by electrical malfunction of its navigation system.
A. breakthrough B. break-in
C. breakdown D. breakup
192. Gary doesn't always see eye to eye with his father, and this is where the honesty shows through.
A. agree with B. be opposed to C. look up to D. take after
193. Stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and build a future in which humans live in harmony
with nature.
A. coexist peacefully with B. fall in love with
C. agree with D. cooperate with
194. The building had originally been a manor house and must have looked beautiful in its heyday.
A. the beginning stage B. period of trial
C. a phase of depression D. a time of great success
195. Although the general manager is officially in charge, everyone knows his deputy is really in the driving seat.
A. out of control B. on duty
C. abusing power D. in control of a situation
196 A rumor is floating abou:lan rộng that the businessman is getting ready to waste millions again in a futile attempt
to become governor, but that's relevant only to the coyotes who will take his money.
A. concealing B. circulating C. obscuring D. covering
197. The new system for assessing claims is expected to come into operation early next month.
A. finish working B. start working
C. continue working D. postpone working
198. We can only give you the approximate number of refugees crossing the border at the moment.
A. a sort of B. a bit of C. a variety of D. a deluge of
199. The ministry of Defense has been holding up the decision to withdraw from the military action for the past
several months.
A. carrying off B. putting off C. playing down D. giving up
200. If two people in a romantic relationship are lovey-dovey, they show their love for each other in public by
touching each other and saying loving things.
A. lovesick B. romantic C. demonstrative D. affectionate

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