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1. Using suitable units, the stress at a particular point in a solid is found to be

 
2 1 −4
σij =  1 4 0 
−4 0 1

Determine the traction vector on a surface with unit normal (cosθ, sinθ, 0),where θ is a
general angle in the range 0 ≤ θ ≤ π. Plot the variation of the magnitude of the traction
|T n | as a function of θ.

2. For the case of pure shear,the stress matrix is given by

 
0 0 0
σij = 0
 0 τ
0 τ 0

where τ is a given constant. Determine the principal stresses and directions.Next compute
the normal and shear stress on a plane whose normal makes equal angles with the principal

3. Show that the principal directions of the deviatoric stress tensor coincide with the principal
directions of the stress tensor. Also determine the principal values of the deviatoric stress
in terms of principal values of the total stress.

4. Consider the equilibrium of a two-dimensional differential element in Cartesian coordinates,

as shown in the following figure. Explicitly sum the forces and moments and develop the
two-dimensional equilibrium equations

∂σx ∂τyx
+ + Fx = 0
∂x ∂y
∂τxy ∂σy
+ + Fy = 0
∂x ∂x
τxy = τyx

5. Sum the forces and moments on the two-dimensional differential element in polar coordinates
as shown in the figure below, and explicitly develop the following two-dimensional equilibrium
∂σr 1 ∂τrθ (σr − σθ )
+ + + Fr = 0
∂r r ∂θ r
∂τrθ 1 ∂σθ 2τrθ
+ + + Fθ = 0
∂θ r ∂θ r

6. A one-dimensional problem of a prismatic bar (see the following figure) loaded under its
own weight can be modelled by the stress field σx = σx (x),σy = σz = τxy = τyz = τzx = 0
with body forces Fx = ρg, Fy = Fz = 0, where 0 ρ0 is the mass density and ’g’ is the local
acceleration of gravity.Using equilibrium equations, show that the non zero stresses will
be given by σx = ρg(l − x) , where ’l’ is the length of the bar.

7. For isotropic materials show that the principal axes of strain coincide with the principal
axes of stress. Further, show that the principal stresses can be expressed in terms of the
principal strains as σi = 2µeij + λekk
8. A rosette strain gage is mounted on the surface of a stress-free elastic solid at point O
as shown in the following figure. The three gage readings give surface extensional strains
ea = 300 × 10−6 , eb = 400 × 10−6 , ec = 100 × 10−6 . Assuming the material properties
E = 207 GP a, ν = 0.29, µ = 80.2 GP a, λ = 111 GP a,determine all stress components at
O for the given coordinate system.

9. The displacements in an elastic material are given by

M (1 − ν 2 ) M (1 + ν)ν 2 M (1 − ν 2 ) 2 l2
u=− xy, v = y + (x − ), w = 0
EI 2EI 2EI 4
where M, E, I, and l are constant parameters. Determine the corresponding strain and
stress fields and show that this problem represents the pure bending of a rectangular
beam in the x,y plane

10. Show that Hooke’s law for an isotropic material may be expressed in terms of spherical
and deviatoric tensors by the two relations

eij = 3ke
bij = 2µb

11. A rectangular steel plate (thickness 4 mm) is subjected to a uniform biaxial stress field
as shown in the following figure. Assuming all fields are uniform, determine changes in
the dimensions of the plate under this loading.

12. Consider the one-dimensional thermoelastic problem of a uniform bar constrained in the
axial x direction but allowed to expand freely in the y and z directions, as shown in the
following figure. Taking the reference temperature to be zero, show that the only non
zero stress and strain components are given by

σx = −EαT

ey = ex = α(1 + ν)T

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