Flames in The Forest PDF

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Ryan International School

Kundalahalli, Bangalore
Lesson 6- Flames in the forest
Answer key

Word meanings
1.Billow- fill up with air
2.smarting - hurting with sharp pain
3.disheartened – discouraged
4.Kindle- set on fire
5.Shambled- walked slowly with heavy steps
6.Exodus- has mass departure or movement from one place to another.

A. On the basis of your reading complete these sentences

1.As Romy Rode out of the village, he noticed the smoke rising from the
burning Forest and the red glow in the sky.
2. The road that cut through the forest was usually deserted, but that
evening it was full of animals fleeing the fire.
3. Romy brought his bicycle to a sudden stop because, an elephant was
standing in the middle of the road.

B Read the lines and answer the questions

1.’’keep beating your cans so the animals will know we are coming’’
said Romi. ‘’My bell doesn't make enough noise’’

A. who was Romi speaking to?

Romi was speaking to Teju.

B. Why was the person whom Romi was speaking to carring cans?
The person Romi was speaking to was Teju, he was on his way home
with milk cans.
C. What was the need to inform the animals of their presence?
The animals were already scared and could have attacked them if they
came across the children without warning.

2. Romy and Teju looked at each other in the glow from the fire.
They hadn't known each other very well before but now they felt
they had been friends for years.

A. Where were Romi and Teju?

Romi and Teju were on the other side of the river, away from the forest

B. What fire is referred to in these lines?

The fire referred to is the forest fire spreading and sweeping through the

C. Why did they feel they had been friends for many years?
They had faced a difficult time together.So they felt as if they had been
friends for years.

C. Answer the questions.

1.Why did Romy decide to ride home even though he could see the
smoke from a forest fire.
The doctor had given Romi pills to take home for Romi’s father who was

2.Which part of his ride to home did he enjoy the best ?

Romi enjoyed the part of the road which went winding down from the top
of the rise to the edge of the forest.

3. What was unusual about the road through the forest that day?
The road through the forest was generally deserted, but was full of
animals that day.
4.How were the boys able to proceed, after their way was blocked by an
The boys crossed when the elephant left the road after the leader of the
herd trumpeted a call.

Textbook exercises

A. Change these sentences from the active voice into the passive

The old Auditorium is being pulled down to build a new Multiplex.

My shirt and trousers have been ironed by someone.
This room has been used by us only for Meetings and Conferences.
The answers will be read out later by the teacher.
Dinner is being served now. [by them]
He has been given two weeks by the judge to pay the fine.
The animals in the zoo were fed twice a day.
A special Illustrated Edition for children will be published by them.
Children below eight years are not allowed to ride on the roller coaster.
The library books have been returned after one year by the member.

B.Underline the infinitives in these sentences

1.To dance
2. to read
3.to watch
4.to run.
5. See [Bare Infinitive]

C.Identify the participles used as adjectives in the lines below.

D. Use appropriate participle form of the given verbs as adjectives to
fill in the blanks.

2.Frightened ,Frightening
3.Tempted ,Tempting

A. Do it on your own.

B.Use appropriate phrasal verbs from the list in exercise a to fill in the
blanks change the tense as required.

1.We Came Upon something interesting specimen of cactus during our

field trip to the ridge
2.The price of the vegetables has not come down in over a year.
3.According to the grandfather's will Sunita will Come into a major share of
the family property.
4.My cousin's came from Sri Lanka to our house last evening.
5.We came across two tiny pups at the local park and we took them home.

C.Make words to replace these Expressions by using the prefix is

given in the Box some prefixes may be used more than once.

D. Spelling


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