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Major Cities Chiefs Association


Year End Comparison 1
January 1 to December 31, 2020 and 2019

Contact: Laura Cooper, Executive Director

(908) 268-2298 | [email protected]

United States
66 of 70 Responding Agencies Totals in United States
Homicide 2020 8,077
United States 2 2020 2019 Homicide 2019 6,087

Homicide 8,077 6,087 Rape 2020 26,154

Rape 2019 31,122
Rape 26,154 31,122
Robbery 2020 101,613
Robbery 101,613 113,812 Robbery 2019 113,812
257,885 224,951 Agg Assault 2020 257,885
Agg Assault 2019 224,951
- 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000

9 of 9 Responding Agencies Totals in Canada
Homicide 2020 260
Canada 3 2020 2019 Homicide 2019 267

Homicide 260 267 Sexual Assault 2020 7,865

Sexual Assault 2019 8,837
7,865 8,837
Assault Robbery 2020 10,056
Robbery 2019 12,606
Robbery 10,056 12,606
Aggravated Agg Assault 2020 1,199
1,199 1,310 Agg Assault 2019 1,310
- 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000

Indicates increase from 2019 to 2020.

February 21, 2021

Major Cities Chiefs Association
Year End Comparison 1
January 1 to December 31, 2020 and 2019

Contact: Laura Cooper, Executive Director

(908) 268-2298 | [email protected]

Homicide Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault

United States
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
Albuquerque NM Police 76 82 490 575 1,435 1,754 5,610 5,368
Arlington TX Police 22 17 233 265 360 405 1,507 1,406
Atlanta GA Police 157 99 106 224 875 1,019 2,329 2,025
Aurora CO Police 39 28 324 415 778 640 2,264 1,701
Baltimore City MD Police 335 348 235 302 3,528 5,147 5,287 5,707
Baltimore County MD Police 33 49 344 382 877 1,155 2,559 3,131
Boston MA Police 57 37 179 230 929 1,044 2,715 2,824
Buffalo NY Police 65 48 56 120 705 811 1,583 1,497
Charlotte-Mecklenburg NC
122 103 253 306 1,827 1,993 5,866 4,561
Chicago IL Police 771 495 1,346 1,785 7,869 7,990 16,597 15,283
Cincinnati OH Police 94 73 249 310 777 850 914 754
Cleveland OH Police 176 123 501 594 2,016 2,081 3,178 2,664
Columbus OH Police 174 104 711 790 1,874 1,847 2,789 1,951
Dallas TX Police 252 203 485 617 3,457 4,668 7,986 6,468
DeKalb County GA Police 121 112 159 101 953 1,015 1,987 1,708
Denver CO Police 95 63 581 748 1,222 1,203 4,292 3,438
Detroit MI Police 327 275 609 952 1,843 2,346 12,003 9,467
El Paso TX Police 16 35 211 278 275 248 1,359 1,335
Fairfax County VA Police 15 14 66 93 315 344 200 200
Fort Worth TX Police 115 71 517 560 891 953 2,847 1,950
Fresno CA Police 74 45 152 150 989 841 2,251 1,936
Honolulu HI Police 18 17 252 342 737 955 1,269 1,324
Houston TX Police 413 290 1,193 1,312 8,816 9,205 19,356 14,759
Indianapolis IN Metro Police 214 153 436 515 2,150 2,506 3,641 3,422
Jacksonville FL Sheriff's Dept 171 151 355 483 921 1,309 3,811 3,157
Kansas City MO Police 176 151 253 256 1,248 1,395 3,726 3,367
Las Vegas NV Metro Police 99 87 1,118 1,412 1,700 2,111 6,139 5,868
Long Beach CA Police 36 34 242 251 721 958 1,341 1,131
Los Angeles CA Police 356 258 1,979 2,289 8,021 9,659 18,530 17,274
Louisville KY Metro Police 173 90 201 280 1,242 1,011 5,182 3,603

Major Cities Chiefs Association
Year End Comparison 1
January 1 to December 31, 2020 and 2019

Homicide Rape Robbery
United States (cont.) Assault
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
Memphis TN Police 289 191 340 355 2,138 2,469 6,989 5,592
Mesa AZ Police 20 11 289 285 366 390 1,265 1,266
Miami FL Police 67 51 184 257 626 859 956 972
Miami-Dade FL Police 111 88 636 699 953 1,318 4,588 3,750
Milwaukee WI Police 190 97 486 466 2,082 1,981 7,175 5,743
Minneapolis MN Police 82 48 436 552 1,932 1,318 3,867 3,376
Montgomery County MD
18 15 342 377 468 577 810 795
Nashville TN Metro Police 117 84 478 519 1,795 1,994 5,852 4,986
Nassau County NY Police 14 9 45 40 357 339 887 791
Newark NJ Police 52 52 126 140 421 665 1,261 1,200
Oakland CA Police 102 75 198 202 2,374 2,812 3,263 2,742
Oklahoma City OK Police 4 52 64 493 436 700 734 2,803 2,742
Omaha NE Police 37 23 351 379 464 519 2,180 1,962
Orlando FL Police 32 25 175 204 493 536 1,768 1,392
Philadelphia PA Police 499 356 844 1,028 4,594 5,683 9,170 8,233
Phoenix AZ Police 200 139 1,068 1,139 3,278 3,197 9,113 7,336
Pittsburgh PA Police 46 37 41 85 470 653 1,001 987
Portland OR Police 54 28 338 423 984 995 2,577 2,279
Prince George's County MD
94 57 193 158 962 864 1,061 975
Raleigh NC Police 27 29 159 187 495 550 901 933
Sacramento CA Police 44 34 125 127 879 1,039 2,501 2,023
Salt Lake City UT Police 17 14 221 210 495 422 944 728
San Antonio TX Police 128 105 1,164 1,630 2,100 1,965 7,860 7,346
San Diego CA Police 55 50 485 561 1,207 1,346 3,556 3,258
San Francisco CA Police 48 41 205 324 2,391 3,056 2,165 2,514
San Jose CA Police 40 32 566 671 1,185 1,339 2,584 2,517
Seattle WA Police 53 34 259 358 1,487 1,556 2,778 2,708
St. Louis County MO Police 40 44 198 188 335 343 1,603 1,249
St. Louis MO Metro Police 264 193 152 242 1,236 1,480 4,247 3,859
Suffolk County NY Police 30 24 98 205 291 281 699 719
Tampa FL Police 41 31 101 119 325 285 1,652 1,186
Tucson AZ Police 66 47 463 527 985 1,124 2,333 2,133
Tulsa Police 82 64 358 364 763 745 3,468 3,105

Major Cities Chiefs Association
Year End Comparison 1
January 1 to December 31, 2020 and 2019

Homicide Rape Robbery
United States (cont.) Assault
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
Virginia Beach VA Police 5 17 30 97 109 146 197 302 275
Washington DC
198 166 169 198 1,997 2,241 1,628 1,574
(Metropolitan Police)
Wichita KS Police 59 44 435 421 488 477 2,960 2,426

Homicide Sexual Assault Robbery
Canada Assault
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
Calgary AB Police 34 20 814 981 875 1,140 109 118
Edmonton AB Police 37 27 1,042 1,067 1,187 1,484 441 387
Montreal QC Police 25 25 1,223 1,302 1,414 1,825 59 76
Ottawa ON Police 8 13 606 715 455 671 62 63
Peel ON Regional Police 16 31 584 733 651 918 71 71
Toronto ON Police 71 79 2,258 2,781 2,809 3,621 200 305
Vancouver BC Police 19 11 114 147 599 626 48 55
Winnipeg MB Police 43 44 799 636 1,807 1,955 172 193
York ON Regional Police 7 17 425 475 259 366 37 42

Indicates increase from 2019 to 2020.

February 21, 2021

1. Data is preliminary – not a final UCR/NIBRS report.

2. UCR Definitions – United States
o Homicide - a.) Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter: the willful (nonnegligent) killing of one
human being by another. Deaths caused by negligence, attempts to kill, assaults to kill, suicides,
and accidental deaths are excluded. The program classifies justifiable homicides separately and
limits the definition to: (1) the killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty; or
(2) the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen. b.) Manslaughter by
negligence: the killing of another person through gross negligence. Deaths of persons due to their
own negligence, accidental deaths not resulting from gross negligence, and traffic fatalities are not
included in the category Manslaughter by Negligence.
o Robbery – The taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of
a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.

Major Cities Chiefs Association
Year End Comparison 1
January 1 to December 31, 2020 and 2019

o Aggravated assault – An unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting
severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault usually is accompanied by the use of a
weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. Simple assaults are excluded.
o Forcible rape – The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Rapes by force and
attempts or assaults to rape, regardless of the age of the victim, are included. Statutory offenses
(no force used—victim under age of consent) are excluded.
3. UCR Definitions – Canada
o Homicide – includes the Criminal Code offences of murder, manslaughter, and infanticide. Two
primary criteria must exist for an offence to be considered as a homicide: 1) death of a human
being and 2) someone must have caused that death.
o Rape / Sexual Assault – Aggravated sexual assault is committed when the complainant in a sexual
assault is wounded, maimed, disfigured or, has their life endangered. Canadian definition of Sexual
Assault used to determine Rape numbers for Canadian agencies except Vancouver PD.
o Robbery – Force or threat is a necessary ingredient in robbery whereas stealing from the person
may be, and is usually, done secretly. Robbery includes theft with violence, or threats of violence,
and theft while armed.
o Aggravated Assault – Third level of assault. Everyone who wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers
the life of complainant.
4. Oklahoma City OK Police – Numbers for January to October only.
5. Virginia Beach VA Police – 2019 Homicide number includes 12 homicide victims from one incident on
May 31, 2019, in addition to 18 citywide homicides.

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