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Official Black Belt Handbook

Black Belt Handbook

유단자 지침서

January 2011

WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

Table of Contents

1. Being a Black Belt in Kuk Sool WonTM page 1

2. Kuk Sool WonTM Pledge page 2

3. What is WKSA? page 3

4. Benefits and Responsibilities pages 4-9

5. WKSA® and Kuk Sool WonTM pages 10-11

 Trademark and Logo
 Dress Code

6. Curriculum & Promotion Requirements and Procedures pages 12-17

 Official Kuk Sool WonTM Curriculum
 Testing and Promotion Requirements
 Promotion Procedures

7. Penalties Reprimands / Discipline Grievance Procedures pages 18-21

8. Korean History, Language, and Culture pages 22-28

 Brief Korean Martial Arts History
 Kuk Sool WonTM History
 Martial Arts Terminology

9. Kuk Sool WonTM Principles and Theories pages 29-30

10. Opening an official WKSA School page 31

11. WKSA HQ Contact Information page 32

January 2011

WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook


Congratulations on becoming a Black Belt in Kuk Sool Won™. To many people, attaining
the rank of 1st Degree Black Belt, they believe it to symbolize the end of a long road. In
fact, the opposite is true. Attaining the rank of 1st Degree Black Belt is the beginning of a
truly fascinating and exciting journey!

As a Kuk Sool Won™ Black Belt, your martial arts training really begins – and begins now.
Martial Art training is not just attending class and practicing. Martial Art training is also
about helping others to attain their goals. As a Black Belt you should, within reason,
endeavor to support and assist your Kuk Sool Won™ School, your fellow students, your
Instructor, and the WKSA in any appropriate manner necessary to further realize the
benefits for your own training, the training of other students and the goals of the WKSA.
Normally, just prior to your promotion to 1st Degree Black Belt, your Instructor would have
spent some time with you to explain the next steps in your Kuk Sool Won™ training, and
the 2nd Degree syllabus. If you have not already had a one-on-one session with your
Instructor about your continued Black Belt training, please ask your Instructor for a
convenient time to discuss these issues, so you can be informed of the various Black Belt
benefits that are available to you. This Black Belt Handbook will serve as your introduction
until you can speak with your instructor.

GrandMaster In Hyuk Suh (Kuk Sa Nim) welcomes you on your new Black Belt
journey through Kuk Sool Won™.

GrandMaster In Hyuk Suh

Kuk Sa Nim
(국 사 님)
Welcomes you, as a Black Belt
Kuk Sool Won™.

“Welcome to your Black Belt journey through Kuk Sool Won™.

I hope that through the practice of, and our common interest in
martial arts, we will develop physically and mentally, so that we
can achieve a better understanding not only of ourselves, but
also of others, regardless of race, color or creed. Ultimately, we
should feel ourselves enabled to make a better contribution to our
families, and to the society in which we live.”

1 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

Kuk Sool Won™ Pledge

1. As a member of the Kuk Sool Won, I pledge to obey the rules of the associati
on and to conduct myself in accordance with the true spirit of martial arts.

나는 국술원 회원으로서 회칙을 준수하며 무사도 정신을 발휘할 것을 맹세 한다.

2. I pledge to be loyal to my country and to promote the development of a better


나는 애국 애족하며 국제간의 친선 도모는 물론 많은 일에 성실 근면하고 내가 살고

있는 지역 사회의 번영과 발전을 위하여 헌신적으로 노력한다.

3. I pledge to work together with all classes of people without regard to politics,
race or religion.

나는 정치적인 문제에 관여 하지 않으며 종교나 파벌을 초월하여 신의와 우정으로

각계각층의 선량한 국제민들과 협력한다.

4. I pledge to promote international goodwill and strive for world peace through
the practice of martial arts.

나는 이와같은 정신으로 복지 사회 건설에 적극 참여하고 나아가서 세계 평화 달성

에 이바지 할것을 다짐한다.

2 January 2011
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Official Black Belt Handbook


Unlike many other martial arts so called “organizations”, Kuk Sool Won™ has one
governing body, namely the Association -- WKSA. Your School is an independently
owned and operated business by an individual or entity that has obtained the right to teach
Kuk Sool Won™. The Association does not control the daily operation of your local
School; however, it does set the standards upon which all Schools are operated.

All certified Schools belong to the Association and as such you will see the WKSA
Trademarks displayed within the School, and also on all published materials and
merchandise. The Association is headed by its Founder and President GrandMaster In
Hyuk Suh, known as Kuk Sa Nim. All Kuk Sool Masters, School owners and Instructors
have a direct lineage that can be traced back to Kuk Sa Nim. All Kuk Sool Won™ School
owners have had to meet a strict quality assurance program that mandates strict
guidelines relating to the teaching of Kuk Sool Won™ and the operation of their School.
These WKSA rules and requirements have been implemented in every Kuk Sool Won
School and its associated instructors, so that you can enjoy and experience the highest
standard of excellence in martial art training.

The main role of the Association is to serve as the governing body for the instruction and
practice of Kuk Sool Won™. The Association maintains a record of all students and Black
Belts, and their testing records. It is the Association that will issue all color belt testing
certifications, in addition to all the Black Belt certifications. The Association offers all
Instructors regular training and learning opportunities in order that they too as a student
may progress in their Kuk Sool Won™ education, and subsequently improving both their
knowledge and their teaching abilities.

As a WKSA Black Belt, you will receive your official Black Belt Certificate with a permanent
Black Belt ID number as well as Identification Card. This unique Black Belt number is
assigned to you and it is a permanent number that will remain with your record at WKSA
HQ as you continue to progress in rank.

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Official Black Belt Handbook




Black Belts are members of the WKSA and receive the following Association benefits:

• WKSA Black Belt membership Identification Card.

• WKSA certificate of rank.
• International recognition and rank.
• Consistent and standardized curriculum from Black Belt to Master level and
• Standardized format of teaching and testing for promoting to the next rank.
• The Association’s quality control standards to ensure the highest standards of
Martial Arts instruction and School business operation.
• Instructional support through WKSA Seminars and WKSA Workshops as well as
other instructional materials such as textbooks, videotapes/DVDs, and
handbooks, etc.
• Automatic qualification to the Association’s regional, national and international
seminars and tournaments.
• Special WKSA Seminars and WKSA Workshops.
• National exposure through advertisement in Martial Arts periodicals.
• Arbitration and communication services.
• Advanced technical instruction for all levels of Black Belts.
• Standard lesson plans and uniform standards.
• Martial Art supplies purchased through WKSA.
• Tournament training, which includes organization, competition and judging
• Access to the Training facility at the WKSA Headquarters.
• Transference of membership from one School to another subject to WKSA
• Training while visiting other Schools (with permission of both Schools).
• Ability to purchase supplies that have the WKSA Trademarks.
• Use of any audio/visual material concerning Kuk Sool Won™ with WKSA
• Replacement of certificate or identification card (subject to fee).
• Learning the traditional Korean martial arts system that improves physical ability,
mental agility, focus, stress relief, longevity, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-
defense, discipline, etc.
• Learning one of the most comprehensive system of martial arts that includes
forms, techniques, kicks, punches, joint locks, pressure points, meditation,
breathing techniques, weapons, and more.

4 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

• Learning a proven system of martial arts techniques used and taught in military
bases, law enforcements, and other security related forces in many counties,
including Korea, USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands,
Japan, etc.
• Learning a martial art system that is sanctioned and approved by the Korean
Government and its Education Department as one of the Traditional Korean
Martial Arts. (Mr. You, In Chon – Minister of C.S.B.T., Republic of Korea)
• Association that is recognized and accepted by the governments of 22 countries

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Official Black Belt Handbook



Holding a Black Belt in Kuk Sool Won™ comes with certain responsibilities. As a Black
Belt, many students will automatically hold you in high regard. It is up to you to uphold that
regard and earn the respect of the under Black Belt students as well as the respect of your
fellow Black Belts, regardless of their rank.

As you are well aware, etiquette and respect are two of the main pillars of the Kuk Sool
Won™ spirit in which we enrich the experience of learning a traditional Martial Art. As
such, WKSA strives to educate all members about these concepts. All members are
encouraged to learn and properly execute all forms of etiquette and respect to each other,
in particular to senior members. It is through proper education and corrections that all
members may fully appreciate the physical and mental training of Kuk Sool Won™. It is the
WKSA’s goal to bring the best possible learning atmosphere for all members; however,
WKSA reserves the right to terminate the membership of any member if the member
continues to lack proper etiquette and respect. Depending on rank and position, each
member has various privileges and responsibilities. All members are subject to these rules
and regulations, which may change at any time. You should have already reviewed a
Student Handbook that sets forth those rules and regulations in detail.

As a Black Belt student, you should set a good example, starting at the very basic level.
For example:
 Always arrive in good time for your own class.
 Always have a clean freshly laundered uniform.
 Always wear a uniform with full patches and in good repair.
 Always greet your Instructor upon arrival to the School.
 Always ensure that your Instructor is recognized by all Students in the class
on his/her entrance to the Do-Jang.
 Always practice to the best of your ability during class.
 Always show excellent etiquette.
 Always ask your Instructor if you can give assistance, not just in class, but
with any item in the School, especially each time before you leave the Do-

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WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

The following are the basic guidelines set forth by Kuk Sa Nim for all Kuk Sool WonTM
Black Belts:

1. Kuk Sool Won™ Black Belts are expected to set the finest examples to students.
Kuk Sool Won™ Black Belts should never undertake training in any other martial
arts style other than Kuk Sool Won™, nor may they receive certification from any
other Martial Arts style.

2. Black Belts shall not exchange any technical knowledge with students or
Instructors from other Martial Arts styles whatsoever.

3. Black Belts may not attend Martial Arts seminars organized by other Martial Arts
styles, organizations, associations, etc. Black Belts may attend Kuk Sool Won™
seminars and workshops only. Black Belts must immediately inform the WKSA if he
or she has knowledge that any member attends any Martial Arts instructions,
seminars or workshops organized by associations other than the WKSA.

4. Black Belts are expected to support their School’s Seminar and encourage other
students to attend. Should your own School not be hosting its own WKSA seminar
in any one year, Black Belts should attend the WKSA seminar being held nearest to
their own School.

5. All Black Belts are strongly recommended to attend a WKSA official seminar and/or
workshop annually. However, all Black Belts are required to attend at least two
official WKSA events (Seminar and/or Tournament) before promotion to the next
rank. Promotion may be denied without the verified attendance of these events. Any
Black Belt who cannot meet these requirements, must submit a written statement to
WKSA HQ at least six (6) months prior to his/her projected promotion. The
Association will form an ad hoc committee to provide a recommendation to the
Grandmaster, and the Member will be notified of the decision about whether
promotion will be denied based on failure to meet these requirements. The decision
will be made on case by case.

6. Black Belt members should maintain regular contact with their School and the
WKSA headquarters (should that Black Belt also be a School Owner)

7. Black Belts of all levels must maintain and improve their own skill level through
regular practice and study under the direct supervision of their Instructor or any
other Instructor appointed by WKSA. No promotion to the next rank will be allowed
if there is no record of active attendance, regular training and practice.

8. All Black Belts must make every effort to keep their School running smoothly and
aid and assist students, Instructors and School owners in any way possible.

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Official Black Belt Handbook

9. Black Belts may not bully, harass, or intimidate other members. Members may not
be used for personal favors or reasons other than those beneficial to that member’s
Martial Art progress. Black Belts are strongly recommended to practice diligence
and open-mindedness.

10. Black Belts' personal or financial business may not interfere with, or impair any
other student’s or Black Belt’s Martial Art progress.

11. Black Belts who are not authorized Instructors must not teach any student, with or
without fee, at any time. Black Belts that are also authorized Instructors who give
instruction or direction to students must keep that student's safety, benefit and
progress foremost in their minds at all times.

12. High moral standards and high ideals must be taught and practiced at every School.
Black Belts must do their very best to be good examples, both in and out of the

13. Black Belts must not wear any Black Belt other than those presented by or
obtained from WKSA headquarters. Black Belts 1st and 2nd Degree shall wear the
standard width black belt. Upon promotion to 3rd Degree and higher, the wider
width Black Belt may be worn. A Black Belt may embroider their name (if desired)
on the Belt provided from WKSA HQ only. Note: Only the name- no other

14. All Black Belt Uniforms, Generals' Uniforms, Instructor Uniform, Training Uniform,
BBC Pants and Patches must be obtained from WKSA or suppliers approved by
WKSA in writing. Currently the only authorized supplier of these items is GayaWon,

15. All Black Belts must follow and abide by the Dress Code (see Section 5).

16. Publishing or discussion of any personal information, disparaging remarks or

statements, or grievances relating in any way to another member, any do-jahng, the
Association, or any employee, officer or owner of the foregoing, is prohibited. This
Handbook sets forth the acceptable way to discuss and resolve issues and must be
followed. The use of internet forums, blogs and social networking sites to discuss
grievances or other matters relating to the Association is prohibited. Any person
found to be breaking this rule may have their Association membership revoked, thus
forfeiting all privileges and rights of membership.

17. Black Belts must always be addressed by their proper martial art title both in and
out of the School. Using WKSA titles, even among friends, shows the highest
respect and courtesy.

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Official Black Belt Handbook

Black Belt titles are as follows:

 Dahn Boh Nim Black Belt candidate

 Joh Kyoh Nim First Degree Black Belt
 Kyoh Sah Nim Second Degree Black Belt
 Pu Sah Buhm Nim Third Degree Black Belt
 Sah Buhm Nim Fourth Degree Black Belt
 Pyung Kwahn Jahng Nim Fifth Degree Master
 Joo Im Kwahn Jahng Nim Sixth Degree Head Master
 Ji Doh Kwahn Jahng Nim Seventh Degree Senior Master
 Suhn Im Kwahn Jahng Nim Eighth Degree Executive Master
 Su Suhk Kwahn Jahng Nim Ninth Degree Senior Executive Master
 Chong Kwahn Jahng Nim Chief Master
 Kuk Sa Nim National Teacher / Grandmaster

Anyone who does not follow any or whole part of these rules may experience a delay in
promotion to his/her next rank, or may be suspended or placed on probation, or lose
WKSA membership as well as privileges, or even be expelled from WKSA.

Kuk Sa Nim holds the exclusive rights to change, modify, add or delete any part of the
Handbook in order to preserve the authenticity and purity of Kuk Sool WonTM and for the
continuity and consistency of the Association.

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Official Black Belt Handbook



1. The Trademarks may not be used or reproduced except in accordance with the
expressed written permission from WKSA HQ. The Trademarks must be used in an
appropriate and professional manner, always upholding the standards and integrity
of WKSA and Kuk Sool Won.

2. The trade name KUK SOOL WON  must be displayed with the ‘’ symbol. The
Logo and Trademark WKSA must be displayed with the registered trademark
symbol ‘®’. No other names or symbols may be displayed with the Trademarks.

3. All School Owners, Schools, Instructors and employees must follow these
Trademark guidelines. Failure by any of them to abide by these Trademark
guidelines may result in termination of the right to operate a School, the right to
teach Kuk Sool Won and all other privileges and support from the Association.
The Black Belt must immediately notify the Association of any violations of these
Trademark guidelines by another School as well as by its own Instructors and

4. Any uniforms and belts that display the Trademarks must ONLY be purchased
directly from the Association or the suppliers approved by the Association in writing.
Printing, embroidering, stitching or otherwise affixing any patches or any other mark
or embellishment on uniforms or belts is strictly prohibited. A Black Belt may
embroider their name (if desired) on the Belt provided from WKSA HQ only. Note:
Only the name- no other embellishment.

5. Any merchandise, advertising, or marketing material which includes but is not

limited to: signs; banners; flyers; business cards; letterhead; student sign up forms;
free give-a-aways and contests; pens; pencils; and key chains that contain the
Trademarks, MUST be approved be approved by WKSA HQ prior to production
and usage.

6. All WKSA Black Belts should be aware that all official WKSA schools shall not, at
any time, produce their own membership cards, certificates, or copy WKSA
certificates in whole, or in part, or issue any award pertaining to rank advancement.
This includes Stripe ranks. The WKSA does NOT issue Certificates for Stripe

7. Any person or entity producing merchandise containing the Trademarks in

contradiction to these guidelines may be subject to prosecution according to the
Trademark or other applicable laws of the Country of origin.

10 January 2011
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Official Black Belt Handbook


When in formal uniform, the General's Uniform (Jahng Goon Do-Bohk), the rank of each
Black Belt is easily identified by the color of the Do-Bohk trim and the associated Mohk-

All Black Belts over the age of 16 are expected to wear the General's Uniform /Jahng
Goon Do-Bohk for all formal occasions. These occasions include but are not limited to rank
tests, weapons divisions at tournament, demonstrations etc.

First and Second Degree Black Belts are authorized to wear a silver trim Jahng Goon
Doh-Bohk together with a white Mohk-doh-lee bearing the Korean Flag.

Third Degree Black Belts are authorized to wear a silver trim Jahng Goon Do-Bohk
together with a white Mohk-doh-lee bearing the Kuk Sool Won™ logo.

Fourth Degree Black Belts are authorized to wear a silver and red trim Jahng Goon Doh-
Bohk together with a white Mohk-doh-lee bearing the Kuk Sool Won™ logo.

Fifth Degree Black Belts are authorized to wear a red trim Jahng Goon Do-Bohk together
with a white Mohk-doh-lee bearing the Kuk Sool Won™ logo.

Sixth Degree Black Belts are authorized to wear a red trim Jahng Goon Do-Bohk together
with a red Mohk-doh-lee bearing the Kuk Sool Won™ logo.

Seventh Degree Black Belts are authorized to wear a gold and red trim Jahng Goon Do-
Bohk together with a red Mohk-doh-lee bearing the Kuk Sool Won™ logo.

Eighth Degree Black Belts are authorized to wear a gold and red trim Jahng Goon Do-
Bohk together with a gold Mohk-doh-lee bearing the Kuk Sool Won™ logo.

Ninth Degree Black Belts are authorized to wear a gold trim Jahng Goon Do-Bohk
together with a gold Mohk-doh-lee bearing the Kuk Sool Won™ logo.

During regular class, a Black Belt is expected to wear either the Black Belt training
uniform, identified as the uniform with the gold fringe, or an Instructor uniform. A Black Belt
should always wear a plain black T-shirt under the uniform, or the Kuk Sool Won™ training
T-shirt identified as the plain black T-shirt with the gold Kuk Sool Won™ logo. A Black Belt
should never wear a souvenir T-shirt under the uniform unless any pattern or color is not
immediately visible.

Black Belts must not wear any Black Belt other than those presented by or obtained
from WKSA headquarters. Black Belts 1st and 2nd Degree shall wear the standard width
black belt. Upon promotion to 3rd Degree and higher, the wider width Black Belt may be
worn. A Black Belt may embroider their name (if desired) on the Belt provided from
WKSA HQ only. Note: Only the name- no other embellishment.

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Official Black Belt Handbook



1. All Black Belts understand that ONLY the Kuk Sool Won™ curriculum is to be taught at
a School and the School Owner/Instructor shall be responsible for the teaching of the
Kuk Sool Won™ curriculum in his/her School.

2. All WKSA Schools shall only teach students/Black Belts according to the official WKSA
Syllabus which can be found at the official WKSA website:

 Under Black Belt Curriculum for Adults (Age 18 and above)

 Under Black Belt Curriculum for Youths (Age 13-17)
 Under Black Belt Curriculum for Juniors (Age 12 and under)
 Black Belt Curriculum (1st Dahn to 4th Dahn)
 Junior/Youth 2nd Dahn Curriculum
 Master Curriculum (5th Dahn and above)

3. When teaching a person with learning disabilities, a child, or any person with any form
of physical disabilities (both temporary and permanent), the WKSA Syllabus may be
altered to accommodate the particular member; however, the School must obtain
approval from WKSA to the variation and the School shall be solely liable for any
problems associated with the variation. Any approved adapted Syllabus must be
taught only at the School.

4. All Black Belts must not practice any techniques that are outside the scope of the
applicable WKSA Syllabus, or any other techniques which are outside the scope of the
Black Belt’s rank.
 Special enrollments (such as Black Belts Club Class) may be taught Jool-Bong,
staff and sword etiquette and technique, as discussed below, however, no
other weapons are to be taught to any member under the age of 18.

 Sword, Staff, Jool-Bong, Archery may be taught ONLY when the legal parent or
guardian has executed a release and waiver letter, to be held on file with the

 Knife Throwing, Sword Cutting, Spear, and practice with any live blade weapon
is STICTLY PROHIBITED to any Member under the age of eighteen (18).

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WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook


Within WKSA, ONLY Kuk Sa Nim or his official representative (who is an official member
of WKSA and appointed by Kuk Sa Nim) is authorized to promote students to Black Belt
level or higher. No other Black Belt certificate is recognized for WKSA certification.

Within WKSA, there are certain average lengths of time to achieve various ranks. These
lengths of time may vary according to each student's training schedule. However, a
student should not be recommended for Black Belt promotion without a reasonable
amount of training time and experience.

To begin the Second Degree (Dahn) Black Belt Testing, the minimum length of time is
two years from the anniversary date of the last promotion. This period of time must
be active training time. Any candidate that has any non-active time will have this period
extended, and such period will be decided by the School owner or designated Instructor
and WKSA. Each candidate will be required to test a minimum of 8 times before

To begin the Third Degree (Dahn) Black Belt Testing, the minimum length of time is two
years from the anniversary date of the last promotion. This period of time must be
active training time. The candidate must be at least 17 years of age at the time of the
promotion. Any candidate that has any non-active time will have this period extended,
and such period will be decided by the School and WKSA. Each candidate will be
required to test a minimum of 8 times before promotion.

To begin the Fourth Degree (Dahn) Black Belt Testing, the minimum length of time is
two years from the anniversary date of the last promotion. This period of time must
be active training time. The candidate must be at least 22 years of age at the time of
the promotion. Any candidate that has any non-active time will have this period
extended, and such period will be decided by the School Instructor and WKSA. Each
candidate will be required to test a minimum of 8 times before promotion.

Fifth Degree Master Testing will be at the discretion and invitation of Kuk Sa Nim and the
WKSA. The period of testing and the number of tests shall be at the discretion of Kuk Sa
Nim. A basic understanding of the Korean language is required beginning with usage of
appropriate greetings and salutations that are outlined in Kuk Sool Won™ textbooks. The
candidate is highly recommended to study and learn the Korean alphabet and have some
conversational understanding of the Korean language. The candidate must be at least 28
years of age at the time of the promotion.

Sixth Degree (Dahn) and higher Black Belt Testing, will be at the discretion and
invitation of Kuk Sa Nim and the WKSA. The period of testing and the number of tests
shall be at the discretion of Kuk Sa Nim. Continued study of the Korean language is

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Official Black Belt Handbook

required. To attain the rank of Sixth Degree the Candidate MUST be a current School
Owner with an active Student membership.

1. All Black Belt testing MUST be conducted by official WKSA Instructor(s) at a HQ-
approved testing site. All applications and fees must be submitted to the WKSA
PRIOR to the commencement of testing (first test) otherwise, the test will not count
towards the requirement and will delay the approval for promotion to the next rank.

2. There are a maximum of 4 tests per year allowed for a candidate to test. Only
two tests may be missed with a reasonable excuse provided, and any make-up
test may be conducted at the home do-jahng.

3. Standard WKSA Black Belt Testing Forms must be used for all Black Belt testing.

4. In order for a Black Belt to advance to a higher degree, he/she must have the
recommendation of a higher ranked Instructor, preferably the recommendation of
his/her Instructor.

5. Together with the periods of time indicated above to begin testing, the following
are further requirements for Promotion to the next rank:

 Promoting to Second Dahn - The candidate must have attended at least one (1)
WKSA seminar and at least one (1) WKSA tournament since his/her last
promotion to First Dahn. In addition, he/she must have served at least once as a
time or score keeper during a WKSA tournament.

 Promoting to Third Dahn - The candidate must have attended at least one (1)
WKSA seminar and at least one (1) WKSA tournament since his/her last
promotion to Second Dahn. In addition, he/she must serve as a judge during a
WKSA tournament at least once per year.
 Promoting to Fourth Dahn - The candidate must have attended at least one (1)
WKSA seminar and one (1) WKSA Instructors’ workshop since his/her last
promotion to Third Dahn. In addition, he/she must serve as a judge during a
WKSA tournament at least once per year.
 Promoting to Fifth Dahn - The candidate must have attended at least one (1)
WKSA seminar and one (1) WKSA Instructors’ workshop since his/her last
promotion to Fourth Dahn. In addition, he/she must serve as a judge during a
WKSA tournament at least once per year.

 Promoting to Sixth Dan - The candidate must have attended at least one (1)
WKSA seminar and one (1) WKSA Instructors’ workshop since his/her last
promotion to Fifth Dahn. In addition, he/she must serve as a judge during a
WKSA tournament at least once per year. He/she MUST be a current School
Owner with an active Student membership

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Official Black Belt Handbook

6. Promotion may be denied without the verified attendance of these events. Any
member who cannot meet these requirements, must submit a written statement to
WKSA HQ at least six months prior to his/her projected promotion. The Association
will form an ad hoc committee to provide a recommendation to the Grandmaster,
and the Member will be notified of the decision about whether promotion will be
denied based on failure to meet these requirements. The decision will be made on
a case by case basis.

To summarize, the following are the pre-requisites PRIOR to the first (1st) test to the next

1. Must be an active WKSA member under an official WKSA school,

2. Must not have any major health issues; or have a physician's clearance,
3. Have been actively practicing (average of 2 days a week) at an official WKSA
school for at least two ( 2) years since the last promotion,
4. Have completed a minimum of two (2) official WKSA events (tournament and/or
5. Have your current instructor's recommendation,
6. Candidates’ qualifications and testing fees must be submitted to WKSA HQ and
pre-approved prior to testing. All testing fees are one-time only fees, and the fees
are subject to change at any time. Should the candidate not pass any testing,
he/she may test again without repayment of that particular testing fee. Payment for
WKSA, School Owners Checks and/or Credit Card payments will NOT be accepted.

After the first (1st ) successful test, testing will continue until promotion,
1. Continue your subsequent quarterly tests (a minimum of eight (8) tests
2. Continue with the regular training (average of two (2) days a week),
3. Continue to participate and meet the Association requirements by participating in
WKSA tournaments and/or seminars,

For Promotion,
1. Successfully completed all the WKSA curriculum for the rank,
2. Completed all WKSA requirements for promotion,
3. Receive your instructor's approval,
4. Receive Kuk Sa Nim's approval.

15 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

Black Belt Promotion Procedure

1. All Black Belt testing will be authorized by Kuk Sa Nim or his official representative.
Currently, all first and last testing before promotion are under the supervision of Kuk Sa
Nim. However, Kuk Sa Nim reserves the right to delegate the direct supervision to a

2. Nation, Regional, and local testing will be held every three months at which all Black
Belt candidates must be prepared to test. Candidates’ qualifications and test fees must
be submitted to WKSA HQ PRIOR to his/her first test; otherwise, the test will not count
towards his/her promotion requirement.

3. Each candidate must have the recommendation of his/her School Owner or Head
Instructor. All testing fees are one-time only fees, and the fees are subject to change at
any time.

4. Each candidate MUST participate in at least two (2) Seminars or Tournaments before
the promotion to his/her next rank in accordance with the Association Rules.

5. To register for Black Belt Promotion, the School Owner must complete the Black Belt
Promotion Form, and attach the Candidate’s WKSA ID Card, fully completed with the
history of completed tests as required by the WKSA Rules. In addition, the School
Owner may send photographs of the Black Belt candidate in full uniform. The photos
on the Black Belt Certificate and the ID card are optional. The sizes are one (1)
passport size, and the other is Driver's License size. The photos must be attached with
the Promotion Request Form at least one (1) month prior to the date of the promotion;
otherwise, the photo will not be placed on these items.

6. The Black Belt Promotion Ceremony: Currently official promotion ceremonies are
conducted by Kuk Sa Nim or his representatives. The official promotion ceremony
currently goes as follows:
(i) Formal bows to Kuk Sa Nim or his representative;
(ii) Official statement that indicates the certificate is from WKSA and authorized
by Kuk Sa Nim, and, if applicable, that the person giving the certificate is
a representative for Kuk Sa Nim;
(iii) Reading of the certificate,
(iv) The presentation of the Black Belt and gold pin;
(v) Presentation of the Black Belt Certificate by Kuk Sa Nim or his

7. For all Black Belt rank promotion, there are certain average lengths of time to achieve
various ranks. These lengths of time may vary according to each Member's training

16 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

schedule and ability. However, a Member must not be recommended for Black Belt
promotion without a reasonable amount of training time and experience. The reasons
for the time requirements include, but not limited to:
i. mental and physical maturity;
ii. continued efforts to maintain skills through training patience and
iii. building martial art character;
iv. respect earned rank rather than time served,
v. following the WKSA Rules
vi Kuk Sa Nim reserves the right and authority to advance or delay any and
all candidate’s promotion time.

17 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook





Being an international organization, it is vital to the growth and benefit of WKSA that there
is a process for dealing with situations that may cause the WKSA or its members harm.
Such situations include but are not limited to the following:

 Any sexual misconduct.

 Theft.
 Mental instability.
 Actual bodily harm.
 Murder or attempted murder.
 Threatening behavior.
 Any felony conviction.
 Any act that brings Kuk Sool Won™ or WKSA, its agents, officers, or
employees into disrepute or embarrassment.
 Any act that is disrespectful to the WKSA and Kuk Sa Nim.
 Teaching, sharing, imparting WKSA or Kuk Sool Won™ information to non-
WKSA Schools and non-WKSA members.
 The use of internet forums, blogs and social networking sites to discuss
grievances or other matters relating to the WKSA, its agents, officers, or

Black Belts are considered permanent and direct members of WKSA, unless revoked in
accordance with the Kuk Sool Won™ grievance procedures that are identified within this

Any Black Belt that has been judged by WKSA, of breaking the rules will immediately,
upon notice from WKSA, be stripped of all privileges and rights of a WKSA Black Belt.
Furthermore, WKSA reserves the right to immediately terminate his or her membership
with the WKSA and deny any access to WKSA-related activities.

Should any Black Belt member commit any action that may bring disrepute to Kuk Sool
Won™, WKSA, its officers or members, that Black Belt member will have their
membership immediately suspended.
That suspension will be held in effect, until such time as the action may, or may not be
resolved. If the action should result in prosecution, membership will be immediately and
permanently terminated, and the member will be expelled immediately.

Expelled members are banned from training at any WKSA School and from having any
official contact with WKSA or its members. Expelled members shall have all rights and
privileges of the WKSA withdrawn.

18 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook


There may be occasion where the Black Belt has committed an offense or action whereby
the repercussions, or seriousness of the action(s) are not immediately identifiable.
Subsequently the remedy, and/or penalties may require review by the WKSA.

For the purpose of this action the WKSA shall present the matter before the Disciplinary

The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of at least the following:

 One (1) 9th Degree Master
 Four (4) Masters of 5th Degree or above
 A minute taker who shall be an Officer of the WKSA

The Disciplinary Committee shall convene whenever a Black Belt has committed an action
or offense where the penalty is not immediate identifiable (such an immediate termination
of membership) and the Disciplinary Committee shall be responsible to determine the
consequential remedies and/or penalties to be awarded.

Remedies and penalties shall be in the form of normal business practices, including but
not limited to:
 Requesting a written Corrective Plan of Action
 Financial penalty
 Withdrawal of privileges
 Revocation of Franchise Agreement (if applicable)
 Prevention of future Franchise Award

The recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final. The minuted results of
which shall be provided to the parties involved.

All parties shall be required to sign a WKSA LLC Waiver which shall hold harmless the
Disciplinary Committee, the WKSA, it officers, their successors, assigns, and all of their
employees, owners, officers, instructors and related persons against any actions imposed
or implied.

19 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook


The Grievance Procedure shall come into effect whenever a Black Belt has an issue that
cannot be resolved at the School where the Black Belt practices, or whenever an issue
exists between two (2) or more Schools that cannot easily be resolved between the two (2)
or more parties involved.

It must be noted that the Grievance Committee is not a vehicle that will resolve day -
to -day issues. Each School Owner is a Franchisee and as such, the Franchisee is
expected to operate and run its own business effectively, efficiently, and in a
business-like manner.

Items that may be brought to the Grievance Committee include but are not limited to:

 Disputes between Black Belt Instructor(s) and School Owners

 Disputes between Students and the School Owners
 Disputes between two (2) or more School Owners
 Disputes between existing and prospective School Owners

The Grievance Committee shall consist of at least the following:-

 One (1) 9th Degree Master
 Four (4) Masters of 5th Degree or above
 A minute taker who shall be an Officer of the WKSA

The Grievance Committee shall convene whenever the WKSA elevates an issue that
cannot be resolved at the School Level.

The recommendations of the Grievance Committee shall be final. The minuted results of
which shall be provided to the parties involved.

All parties shall be required to sign a WKSA LLC Waiver which shall hold harmless the
Grievance Committee, the WKSA, it officers, their successors, assigns, and all of their
employees, owners, officers, instructors and related persons against any actions imposed
or implied.

20 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook


Kuk Sa Nim, the WKSA Grandmaster, has spent a lifetime creating a positive image of
what it means to be a martial artist, so much so that school owners and students of World
Kuk Sool Won are recognized in the martial art community as having outstanding skill
quality as well as a culture of respect and etiquette.

In the event that any Black Belt has a complaint about his/her school, the WKSA seeks
that each Black Belt remembers the martial art etiquette by addressing the complaint
directly and privately to the School Owner. Remember to be civil and polite, allowing the
School Owner to investigate the situation and work out a solution.

In the event that any Black Belt has a complaint which involves the Association, the
complaint should be addressed directly to the Association by calling or writing to the
address / phone number below, remembering that WKSA and its staff will always strive to
achieve a satisfactory resolution and as such deserves respect and consideration.

No one benefits from anger and it will diminish any reputation and credibility by behaving
negatively or talking poorly about a WKSA School, or classmates, instructors or the
Association in the classroom, in tournament or on any social media.

World Kuk Sool Association

Attn: HQ Masters
20275 F.M. 2920
Tomball, Texas 77377
(281) 255-2550
Fax: (281) 255-2548
Email: [email protected]

21 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook


The History of KUK SOOL WON™

The words Kuk Sool Won™, the fist logo and the name World Kuk Sool Association® are
trademarks and trade names (collectively the “WKSA Trademarks”) of the World Kuk Sool
Association Inc. (“the Association”). The WKSA Trademarks will be displayed on all
publications, such as this handbook. Joining any School displaying the WKSA
Trademarks ensures the student, a quality program, taught by certified and professional
Kuk Sool Won™ is a comprehensive martial arts system that is derived from the rich and
varied martial arts techniques that have arisen in Korea through the ages.
Kuk Sool Won™ is not a sport, nor is it simply another oriental self-defense method. Kuk
Sool Won™ is a complete martial arts system that is dedicated to the cultivation of mental
and physical strength and well-being and to the preservation of traditional Martial Arts.
For self-defense, Kuk Sool Won™ is unsurpassed. It combines kicking, punching,
throwing, choking, joint-locking, and a myriad of weapons techniques, into a beautiful and
dynamic "hard-soft" style emphasizing speed and fluidity.
Philosophically, Kuk Sool Won™ stresses humility, self-discipline, self-control, loyalty and
respect for others. Together, these aspects of Kuk Sool Won™ provide the means for
attaining a long and healthy life.
Kuk Sool Won™ can benefit men, women, and children. Through diligent practice, Kuk
Sool Won™ training will develop strength, quickness, balance, timing, flexibility and
coordination. At the same time, powers of concentration, self-discipline and self-control
significantly improve. In addition, faithful practice will enhance circulation and digestion,
reduce problems of the back and joints, aid in weight loss and help to develop and
maintain a youthful appearance. These benefits will positively affect all aspects of your
A quality unique to Kuk Sool Won™ is the Association (WKSA) and the fact that the
Association has kept the traditional Korean Martial Art of Kuk Sool Won™ pure, and will
continue to do so throughout the world. So, no matter where you may travel or live, once
you have joined Kuk Sool Won™ and the Association, you can practice the same Kuk Sool
Won™ curriculum whether you are in Texas, California, New York, Canada, Puerto Rico,
Europe or Korea!
The history of Korean Martial Arts is as old as the land itself and can be traced as far back
as the prehistoric era, where primitive weapons made of wood and stone were used for
hunting and fighting. As early as 2707 BC, the Korean warlord Chi-Woo, also known as
Jaoji, reigned as the “god of war” in what is now Mainland China.

Since then, the majority of Koreans migrated and settled in the region of the Korean
Peninsula, where there have been more than a thousand recorded instances of foreign

22 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

invasions. Consequently, the Korean people developed unique martial arts and military
strategies in order to defend themselves and their territory. Most of these Korean martial
arts fall into three main groups or branches, namely Tribal, Buddhist, and Royal Court
Martial Arts. The development of each of these three branches is briefly described below:

Tribal Martial Arts (SahDoh MuSool)

The earliest Martial Arts developed in Korea are referred to as SahDoh MuSool; meaning
tribal, clan, or family martial arts, as this type of martial art was mainly passed down from
one generation to the next through family lines.

SahDoh MuSool was popular among the ancient tribes, city-states and smaller kingdoms
that formed in the Korean Peninsula and parts of what is now China. This was evident well
before the first unified Korean kingdom of Ko-Cho Sun which was founded in 2333 BC by
the legendary king, DahnGoon WahngGuhm. Later, SahDoh MuSool was further
developed and made widespread by voluntary militias comprised of the common people,
who often fought in battles to defend their villages.

Traditional athletic activities such as Taekkyon, and Ssireum are considered to have
originated from SahDoh MuSool.

Buddhist Martial Arts (BoolKyo MuSool)

Since Buddhism was first introduced to the kingdom of Koguryo in the year 347 AD, a
rather unique form of Martial Arts was developed by both Buddhist monks as well as
martial artists, known as BoolKyo MuSool.

Buddhist monks originally developed and then practiced BoolKyo MuSool to improve their
health while meditating and to defend themselves while traveling.

As a result, Buddhist Martial Arts include both Ki (“internal”) training, with emphasis on
special breathing and meditation methods, as well as external training, with emphasis on
extremely effective self-defense techniques. Many Buddhist monks were so accomplished
as martial artists that they were occasionally called upon during national emergencies to
fight in battles by forming unprecedented armies of warrior monks.

To this day, BoolKyo MuSool plays a significant role for Korean martial artists by providing
them with philosophies of non-violence and compassion, as well as ethical codes of
conduct, such as the famous Five Precepts of the HwaRang warriors – Virtue, Trust,
Intelligence, Bravery, and Discipline.

23 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

Royal Court Martial Arts (KoongJoong MuSool)

Kings, royal families and government officials had private armies and bodyguards who
practiced another unique type of Martial Art known as KoongJoong MuSool. These royal
court martial arts gave rise to esoteric techniques of easily portable weapons such as short
swords and folding fans. Also developed were unique weaponless techniques of joint-
locking and pressure point striking.

Existing records in Japan suggest that many KoogJong MuSool techniques found their
way there and gave birth to the Japanese art of Jujitsu. King JinHung of the Kingdom of
Silla encouraged the HwaRang warriors to practice KoongJoong MuSool in addition to
their other martial arts training. But later during the Koryo Dynasty and Chosun Dynasty,
Korean kings enforced policies to discourage the practice of martial arts and to forbid the
possession of weapons, in order to protect themselves from military rebellion or any other
political uprising.

However, Korean martial arts have continued to survive and develop both within and
outside the royal courts, thanks to the efforts of many dedicated Korean martial artists to
practice, record, and compile these precious ancient Martial Art techniques.

Traditional Korean Martial Arts (Kuk Sool)

The three branches of traditional Korean Martial Arts SahDoh MuSool, BoolKyo MuSool,
and KoongJoong MuSool, were organized to form a single system known as Kuk Sool in
1958 by In-Hyuk Suh, the founder and Grandmaster of Kuk Sool Won™.

Kuk Sool Won™ has countless techniques derived from the three branches of traditional
Korean Martial Arts and is structured to take a practitioner in a logical progression from
the beginning all the way up to master level and beyond.

Kuk Sool Won™ has been actively promoted worldwide by the World Kuk Sool
Association®, and it is also recognized in the martial arts community as one of the most
effective and comprehensive systems of traditional Korean Martial Arts in existence today.

24 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook


예의 Yea Eue Etiquette 국기 Kuk Ki National Flag

차렷 Chah-Ryuht Attention 원기 Won Ki Association Flag

경례 Kyoung Ryeh Bow, Salute 도장 Do Jahng Academy, school

바로 Bah-roh At ease 도복 Do Bohk Uniform

Proper Sitting
정좌 Juhng Jwah 의복 Eue Bohk Clothing

수련 Soo Ryuhn Practice, class 띠 Tti Belt

시작 Si-Jahk Begin 기 Ki Internal Energy

끝 Keut Finish, complete 기합 Ki Hahp Martial Art yell

준비 Joon Bi Ready 기초짜기 Ki Cho Jja Ki Breathing exercises

that Wring out Ki

그만 Geu-Mahn Stop 숨쉬기 Soom-shi-ki Breathing

Body conditioning
쉬어 Shi-uh Rest 몸풀기 Mohm-pool-ki


손 Sohn Hand 발 Bahl Foot

손목 Sohn Mohk Wrist 발목 Bahl Mohk Ankle

안손목 Ahn Sohn Mohk Inside wrist 발등 Bahl Deung Top of the Foot

팔꿈치 Pahl Koom Chi Elbow 발꿈치 Bahl Koom Chi Heel

어깨 Uh Kae Shoulder 무릎 Moo Reup Knee

맥,혈 Maek , Hyuhl Pressure Point 다리 Dah Ri Leg

25 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

Kohng Kyuhk Horse-riding
공격자세 Offense Stance 기마자세 Ki Mah Jah Seh
Jah Seh Stance
Bahng Uh Juhn Gool Long Stance with
방어자세 Defense Stance 전굴자세
Jah Seh Jah Seh front knee bent
Gool Gohk Crouching
Jah Seh Stance

정권 Juhng Kwon Straight Punch 수도 Soo Doh Knife Hand

역권 Yuhk Kwon Inverted Fist 역수도 Yuhk Soo Doh
Knife Hand
각권 Gahk Kwon Back-fist 쌍수도 Ssang Soo Doh
Knife Hand
Tiger Claw Hwoe-juhn Circle
호권 Hoh Kwon 회전수도
strike Soo Doh Knife Hand
Tiger’s Mouth
호구권 Hoh-Goo Kwon 평수 Pyung Soo Palm Strike
Grip strike
Middle-knuckle Reversed
중지권 Joong Ji Kwon 역평수 Yuhk Pyung Soo
Fist Palm Strike
일지권 Il Ji Kwon 1-Finger Fist 쌍평수 Ssang Pyung Soo
Palm Strike
Hwoe-juhn Circle
이지권 Ee Ji Kwon 2-Finger Fist 회전평수
Pyung Soo Palm Strike

사지권 Sah Ji Kwon 4-Finger Fist 관수 Kwahn Soo Spear Hand

Sah-mah-gwi Praying Mantis Reversed

사마귀권 역관수 Yuhk Kwahn Soo
Kwon Fist Spear Hand
Sah-mah-gwi Praying Mantis Vertical
사마귀막기 직관수 Jihk Kwahn Soo
Mahk-ki Block Spear Hand
십자막기 Sip-jah Mahk-ki 4-Direction Block 쌍관수 Ssang Kwahn Soo
Spear Hand
Front & Rear Pahl Koom Chi
앞뒤수기 Ahp-Di Soo-ki 팔꿈치치기 Elbow Strike
Punching Drill Chi Ki

26 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

Hoo-Ryuh Inverted
앞차기 Ahp Cha Ki Front Kick 후려차기
Cha Ki Sweeping Kick
Moo Reup
무릎차기 Knee Kick 찍어차기 Jjik Uh Cha Ki Axe Kick
Cha Ki
Wohl Jahng Off-the-Wall
뒤차기 Di Cha Ki Back Kick 월장차기
Cha Ki Kick
Ahn Dah Ri Jahng Ae Mool Over-the-
안다리차기 Inside Kick 장애물차기
Cha Ki Cha Ki Obstacle Kick
Bah-got Sahng, Joong, High, Middle,
바깥차기 Outside Kick 상단,중단,하단
Cha Ki Hah (Dahn) Low level
Ahp Cha Straight Leg
앞차올리기 뛰어… Tti Uh… Jump …
Ohl-li-ki Kick
Bahl Deung Round-house Ee Dahn, Double,
발등차기 이단, 삼단…
Cha Ki Kick Sahm Dahn… Triple …
Ssang Bahl Jump Double
옆차기 Yuhp Cha Ki Side Kick 쌍발차기
Cha Ki Kicks
Bahl Koom Chi Yahng Bahl Jump Split
발꿈치차기 Heel Kick 양발차기
Cha Ki Cha Ki Kicks
Yuhn Sohk Continuous
돌아차기 Dohl-Ah Cha Ki Spin Kick 연속차기
Cha Ki Combo Kicks
Di Dohl-Ah Turn Back
Yuhp Cha Ki Side Kick


안녕하십니까? Ahn Nyuhng Hah Sip Ni Kka? Hello / How are you?

안녕히 계십시요. Ahn Nyuhng Hee Gae Sip Si Yo. Good-bye (Stay Well)

안녕히 가십시요. Ahn Nyuhng Hee Gah Sip Si Yo. Good-bye (Go Safely)

수고하셨습니다. Soo Goh Hah Shut Seup Ni Dah. You worked hard. (Good Job!)

감사합니다. Gahm Sah Hahm Ni Dah. Thank You.

천만에요. Chuhn Mahn Eh Yoh. You’re welcome.

수련 시작 (끝) Soo Ryuhn Si Jahk (Kkeut). Practice Begins (Finished).

27 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

일 Il 1 하나 Hah-Nah 이십 Ee-Sip 20 스물 Seu-Mool

이 Ee 2 둘 Dool 삼십 Sahm-Sip 30 서른 Suh-Reun

삼 Sahm 3 셋 Set 사십 Sah-Sip 40 마흔 Mah-Heun

사 Sah 4 넷 Net 오십 Oh-Sip 50 쉰 Shuin

오 Oh 5 다섯 Dah-Suht 육십 Yook-Sip 60 예순 Yea-Soon

육 Yook 6 여섯 Yuh-Suht 칠십 Chil-Sip 70 일흔 Il-Heun

칠 Chil 7 일곱 Il-Gohp 팔십 Pahl-Sip 80 여든 Yuh-Deun

팔 Pahl 8 여덟 Yuh-Duhl 구십 Goo-Sip 90 아흔 Ah-Heun

구 Goo 9 아홉 Ah-Hohp 백 Baek 100

십 Sip 10 열 Yuhl 천 Chuhn 1000


국사님 Kuk Sa Nim Grandmaster / Founder
총관장님 Chohng Kwahn Jahng Nim Chief Master
수석관장님 Su-Suhk Kwahn Jahng Nim 9th Degree, Senior Executive Master
선임관장님 Suhn-Im Kwahn Jahng Nim 8th Degree, Executive Master
지도관장님 Ji-Doh Kwahn Jahng Nim 7th Degree, Senior Master
주임관장님 Joo-Im Kwahn Jahng Nim 6th Degree, Head Master
평관장님 Pyuhng Kwahn Jahng Nim 5th Degree, Master
사범님 Sa Buhm Nim 4th Degree Black Belt
부사범님 Pu Sa Buhm Nim 3rd Degree Black Belt
교사님 Kyoh Sah Nim 2nd Degree Black Belt
조교님 Joh Kyoh Nim 1st Degree Black Belt
단보님 Dahn Boh Nim Black Belt Candidate
자띠 Jah Tti Brown Belt
홍띠 Hohng Tti Red Belt
청띠 Chuhng Tti Blue Belt
노란띠 Noh-Rahn Tti Yellow Belt
흰띠 Huin Tti White Belt

28 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook


Hyung Bup (형 의 5 대 법칙) : The Five Principles of Forms

Hyung means “connected moves”. These patterns of movements “condition” your body to
the flow of martial art activities. The purpose of Hyung is not to simulate a street fighting
situation. Any application of “self-defense” movements ultimately depends on how well
you are conditioned; thus, practicing Hyung will help you gain better understanding of
coordination, balance, control, concentration, alertness, readiness, and timing as well as
speed and power.

In Kuk Sool WonTM, there are five fundamental principles that govern all our Hyung
training, and they are as follows:

1. Mind: Calm and Focused

2. Eyes: Bright and Clear
3. Stance: Low and Supple
4. Hands: Fast and Controlled
5. Feet: Slow and Precise

Also, a Kuk Sool Won Black Belt should be able to practice all of his/her forms in four
different directions without having much difficulty in breathing. This is an excellent
conditioning work out method that will help increase tremendous stamina. Using Dahn-
Juhn-Ki-Buhp (Ki Breathing or “deep breathing” or diaphragmatic breathing), a black belt
should achieve his/her highest and optimal physical and mental capacity.

Sool Ki Wohl-Lee (국술 술기의 원리) : The Theory of Kuk Sool Won
Techniques: YOU – WON – HWA
Theory of YOU: (Flowing, as in water)
Water always flows with gravity; always downhill, never uphill. It never struggles with any
object it encounters. If a stream comes upon a rock in its downhill flow, it merely goes
around it. If this rock is too large for the water to go around, the water will be patient,
collecting until its risen level causes it to flow around this obstruction. Similarly, we “go
with the flow” in the execution of our techniques – when we are pushed, we pull; when we
are pulled, we push.

Water has no shape. Put it in a box, and it becomes square; put it in a circle, it becomes
round; freeze it, it becomes solid, etc. Although adapting to its environment, water remains
unchanged. As for water’s forcefulness, one need only observe the pounding surf of the
ocean to be reminded of the force behind this very same soft, adaptable, unchanging
liquid. Water symbolizes many things, not the least of which are adaptability, softness,
and at the same time, great force.

29 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook

Theory of WON (Circle)

A circle represents the perfect geometric figure. Every person has his or her own circle
that is their “private space”. It is this circle that we seek to protect. Just as we practice
distancing ourselves from our opponents, it is important to defend only against those
attacks which invade this space. There is no need to block a punch or kick which falls
short of this circle; to do so would be a waste of effort or energy. On the other hand, when
an opponent’s attack does penetrate, it should be met with a flowing, circular defensive
motion. We choose not to meet a straight-on attack with a direct, linear block; doing so
would be meeting an opponent’s force with your own. Instead, we choose to lead this
oncoming force in a circular motion to deflect it, as to minimize its effect. This continuous
motion will also release for a quicker and more elusive counter-attack as well. We should
think of this circle as a form of least resistance; always moving, and therefore, difficult to
hold, grasp, stop, resist, or even defend.

Theory of HWA (Harmony)

In Kuk Sool Won, we train our mind and body to function as one. To do so, we practice
what we are taught countless times so that our body and mind will act as one unit in
response to any given situation. Once mind and body are “connected”, the techniques fell
“comfortable”. We continue to practice so that we are in harmony with our techniques. It
is not enough to merely know the technique, but this knowledge must become “second
nature”, so it is ingrained in our mind and body that no active thought process needs to
take place to determine what to do. A person is considered “best” in martial art training
when one finds harmony within oneself (mind and body), within his family, and within
society. This can only be done through a state of “emptiness” which recognizes that
“YAHNG” (+) and “UM” (-), good and bad, man and woman, black and white are a part of
one; that each is there to allow the other to exist and cannot exist without the other.

In short, YOU-WON-HWA is a practical and philosophical way of life and way of martial art

30 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook


If you wish to join a special and unique group of leaders in the field of teaching and
spreading the art of Kuk Sool WonTM to your community, please contact WKSA HQ with
the following information:

1. Name and Rank

2. Date of your current Rank received
3. Date of Birth
4. Current Instructor’s name and rank
5. Contact phone number and email address

As pre-requisites, you must:

1. Be at least a JKN (1st Degree Black Belt) who has begun testing for KSN( 2nd Dahn)
2. Have a Letter of Recommendation from the current instructor, or any official WKSA
3. Have taught for at least 1 year at your home do-jahng (a minimum of 2 days per
week of teaching experience for a year),
4. Have attended HQ (in USA) or HQ-approved facilities (outside USA) for training and
5. Not have any outstanding financial obligations
6. Be able to have a favorable Criminal Background Check – which will be requested
from a third-party service which involves a fee,
7. Shall not have trained or acquired any other martial art rank while training Kuk Sool

Should you meet with all of you’re the prerequisites, HQ will send you the necessary
paperwork to begin the process. This will include, but not limited to:
1. New School Application Form
2. Franchise Disclosure Document (USA only)
3. Franchise Agreement (USA only)
4. License Agreement (outside USA)
5. Other pertinent documents.

There is a Franchise / License Agreement fee along with additional fees for operating a
school, and it will be provided to the candidate directly.

31 January 2011
WKSA Version 1
Official Black Belt Handbook



세계 국술 협회
World Kuk Sool Association, LLC Headquarters
20275 FM 2920
Tomball TX 77375
Tel 281 255 2550
Fax 281 255 2548
E Mail: [email protected]

World Kuk Sool Association, Inc. is a parent company of the following subsidiary
companies with its specific departments:

USA Only
1. WKSA, LLC: All franchise matters
2. Eui San, LLC: All matters and fees for Black Belt Testing
3. TNS, LLC: All matters and fees for WKSA tournaments, seminars, and workshops.
4. Gayawon, LLC: Merchandise Department

UK Only
1. World Kuk Sool Association: All Association matters and Black Belt Testing fees
2. WKSA: All matters and fees for WKSA tournaments, seminars, and workshops
3. UK Limited Company: All matters of student membership and insurance
4. Gayawon: Merchandise Department

All Other Countries

1. World Kuk Sool Association: All association matters
2. Gaywon: Merchandise Department

32 January 2011
WKSA Version 1

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