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Skill Gap Analysis Report

Assessed on 11-03-2021 

Your training needs across skills and knowledge areas critical for employability

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Batch - 2022
Vasavi College of Engineering, Rangareddy
Region : Telangana
Job Application Validity : 01 September, 2021

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Quick Snapshot

Your CoCubesY-1 Score, Percentiles, Personality Type and Skill-wise performance snapshot

You have an above average overall score, which is an indicator of your performance
across sections and past academics. You therefore have a good chance of being
shortlisted and selected for opportunities across job roles given your sectional scores
suffice respective job role criteria.


CoCubesY-1 Score Percentile Personality Type

Institute Topper

529 43

This score is seen as an indicator of your oDEAT

overall profile and performance across
National Regional Moderately open to imagination |
different skill aspects
78|99 79|100 Disorganised | Extrovert | Agreeable |
*Score Range : 200 to 800 Tranquil


Skill-wise Performance

Computer WET Analytical Quantitative Domain English Coding


You will clear the required cut-off score in this skill for more than 80% job opportunities

You will clear the required cut-off score in this skill for more than 50% job opportunities. With some practice you can jump to green

You need training on this skill to clear the required cut-off score for most job opportunities

You did not attempt this section. You need to attempt it to be considered for the job roles which require the associated skill

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 02
Page Index

Quick Snapshot 02
Your CoCubesY-1 Score, Percentiles, Personality Type
and Skill-wise performance

Detailed CoCubesY-1 Score 04

Scores across CoCubesY-1 sections of Analytical, Quantitative, English, Domain,
Computer Fundamentals, Coding & WET

In Depth Aspect Report 05

In depth report on each aspect and its relevance; descriptions of your
strengths, practice and training needs along with respective improvement tips

Know Your Personality 09

Know your personality in more detail through
the traits of big five model

Competency Result 10
Detailed description of your profile on each of the
personality aspects

Job-Skill Matrix 12
Job Mapping to different skills
and your indicative fit

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 03
Detailed CoCubesY-1 Score

Scores across CoCubesY-1 sections of Analytical, Quantitative, English, Domain, Computer Fundamentals, Coding & WET

This chart plots your percentage score

across skill dimensions to display an
overall picture along with a comparison
with the highest scores obtained Analytical

nationally and regionally in each of

these areas to understand relative gaps.
WET Quantitative

The light blue chart represents

maximum regional scores obtained in
respective competencies. The purple
chart represents maximum national
scores obtained in respective
competencies. The yellow chart
represents your score in respective Coding English



  Your Score   Regional Max   National Max

60% 47% 47% 55%

Analytical Quantitative English Domain

60% 0% 86%

Computer Fundamentals Coding WET

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 04
In depth report

In depth report on each skill aspect with descriptions of your strengths, practice and training needs along with improvement

Your Strengths

Computer Fundamentals

Need Training Need Practice Good to go


Knowledge of Computer Fundamentals is a must have for job roles like Software Engineer, Network Engineer and
Software Tester. Basic familiarity with elements of computer hardware and software is a hygiene factor for many
job roles today. Your score in Computer Fundamentals section is very high which means that your knowledge of
computers is very good. Since many companies look for this, you should keep learning and updating your
knowledge about computers.

Helpful Links: Programming from Coursera


Need Training Need Practice Good to go


Being able to communicate well in writing is required in many job roles such as Customer Service, Sales, Analytics
as well as Software Engineering. Written English is important for job roles requiring communication between and
across teams. It is important to communicate, document ideas clearly and in an easy to understand way depending
on the mode and relevant purpose. Your score in Written English Test is very high which means you are proficient
in writing in the English language. Keep writing and reading in different contexts to further strengthen your
Written English Skills.

Helpful Links: Book : Word Power Made Easy | Improve Writing Skills | Check your Grammar | Blog
you can follow

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 05
In depth report

Your Practice Needs


Need Training Need Practice Good to go


Domain knowledge is a must have for core Engineering job roles like R&D Engineer and Core Plant Engineer.
Domain knowledge is also valued by employers as it validates your academic performance during B.Tech. While
your score in domain is above average you need to improve your knowledge in specific areas of your engineering
domain. You should first identify those areas, start reading about them and their applications. If you are focusing
on R&D roles you must focus on use and application of concepts so that you can generate new insights.

Helpful Links: Electrical Courses from NPTEL | EE & CSE from MIT | EE Fun


Need Training Need Practice Good to go


Analytical reasoning is necessary for employability across all job role types as it relates to your ability to use
information to solve problems and take decisions. While your score in Analytical Reasoning is above average, you
can still improve. You should start by identifying your weak areas, perfecting them and practicing more to get
better in this skill.

Helpful Links: Increase your analytical skills | Ace MCQs

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 06
In depth report

Your Practice Needs


Need Training Need Practice Good to go


Being good in Quantitative Ability is necessary for job roles like Analytics, Software Development, Operations
amongst others. In fact, being good with numbers has its benefits across all job roles. While your score in
Quantitative Ability is above average you can further improve. You should start by looking at specific topics you
can improve and learning related concepts and their application. You should also keep practising to improve your
speed and accuracy levels.

Helpful Links: Maths Tips | Improve Maths Calculation | Steps to Improve Math

Your Training Needs


Need Training Need Practice Good to go


Being able to read and interpret English is necessary for almost all the job roles. In fact, it is a basic requirement
today with the language being used globally to transact business. Your score in English is average which means
you need to improve. You should start by looking at gaps in your English grammar, sentence construction and
vocabulary apart from regular practice sessions involving reading and writing.

Helpful Links: Book: Word Power Made Easy | Understanding words in context | Understanding RC

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 07
In depth report

Your Training Needs


Need Training Need Practice Good to go


Coding is a must have skill for Software Development roles and it is also required by many organisations in other
roles such as Software Engineer, Analyst, etc. It is a valuable skill due to its applicability across multiple sought
after technology roles. Your score in coding is low which means you need to significantly improve in terms of
understanding and application of basic programming language elements to solve problems. You should start by
learning basic concepts through textbooks, or a good course, while also implementing these by writing code

Helpful Links: Overview of C++ | Let us C - Yashwant Kanetkar | MITs Intro to

Programming | Programming from Coursera

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 08
Know Your Personality

A personality test is a tool to understand who you are as a person. This is important for an organisation because people
with different personalities approach a given task in different ways.

Below map classifies your personality based on the traits of the "Big Five" Model. Remember that a low percentile does
not mean bad performance and high percentile does not mean good performance, as there is no concept of performance
in personality.

The personality map below shows where your position is relative to the population across different personality traits. Each
bar represents your Z-score for a personality trait.

  Low Medium High





Emotional Stability  

  -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0

The Z-Score
For each trait, a Z-score is provided. The Z-score measures the number of standard deviations the score is away from
mean of norm. A Z-score more than +0.44 means the candidate is in the top 33%, whereas a Z-score of less than -0.44
represents the candidate is in the lowest 33%.

What does "Low", "Medium" or "High" mean?

The classification above in terms of "Low", "Medium" or "High" is a relative positioning of you as compared to the large
sample of entry level candidates that have been assessed. For instance, a person who is high on Extraversion is as
extraverted as the top 33% people in the control group .He/She may not still be extraverted enough for a given role or a
standard set by another individual.

"Low" does not mean "Bad"

A trait score of HIGH or LOW does not classify someone as GOOD or BAD. Every individual has a unique personality and
different people in different kind of jobs need different personality combinations. A person with a given personality
profile may be inclined to perform better in a sales job while another with a different personality may be more suitable for
a software development role.

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 09
Competency Result

Detailed description of your profile on each of the personality aspect

Openness - General appreciation for imagination and variety of experience.

Moderately Moderately
Not Attempted Unimaginative Imaginative
Unimaginative Imaginative

You are likely to have a balanced view towards experimentation and learning. Hence, you are likely to exercise
controlled experimentation in problem solving.

Conscientiousness - Tendency to show self-discipline. Planned rather than spontaneous behavior.

Moderately Moderately
Not Attempted Disorganized Conscientious
Disorganized Conscientious

You are likely to prefer a spontaneous approach over a systematic approach towards problem solving.

Extraversion - Characterized by positive emotions. Enjoying company of others.

Moderately Moderately
Not Attempted Introvert Extrovert
Introvert Extrovert

You are likely to be assertive, talkative, cheerful and have a the tendency to seek stimulation in the company of
others. Hence, you are likely to be successful in customer/team oriented jobs.

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 10
Competency Result

Agreeableness - Tendency to be compassionate and cooperative.

Moderately Self Moderately

Not Attempted Self Centered Agreeable
Centered Agreeable

You are likely to be friendly and generally get along well with others. You are likely to thrive in roles requiring team

Emotional Stability - Tendency to remain balanced in ordinary situations. Desirable trait.

Moderately Moderately
Not Attempted Neurotic Tranquil
Neurotic Tranquil

You are likely to be emotionally stable and free from persistent negative feelings. Personality wise you should do
well in all roles.

Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 11
Job-Skill Matrix

The skill and section combinations required for different job roles are given in the below table. A row in the table indicates test
sections that are important for employability in respective job roles. For example in order to be considered for an Analyst role
a candidate is required to do well on the Analytical, Quantitative, English and WET.

Based on your performance in CoCubesY-1, an indicative job-fitment snapshot is also given below, which shows a view of your
tentative job-fit. Please note that this is not your final Job Health Card. You should use this information to practise and
improve and check the final year CoCubes report for actual Job Health Card.
Insights from the "Personality Test" are typically used by corporates during the interviews to understand your behaviour and
whether your personality is a fit for the corresponding job roles.

Indicative Job Suitability  Job Suitability is High     Job Suitability is Low


Network Engineer Graduate Engineer Graduate Engineer Analyst Customer Service

(Plant) (R&D) Executive

Operations Executive Sales Executive Software Engineer Software Tester Software Developer

  Analytical Quantitative English Domain Coding WET


Customer Service Executive REQUIRED   REQUIRED       REQUIRED



Network Engineer REQUIRED       REQUIRED    

Operations Executive REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED        





Sai Lakshmi Durga Ramya Kaligineedi (CoCubes Id: 3247028) CoCubesY-1 Skill Gap Analysis Report © 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved 12
About the Report
This report is designed to provide insights on overall student performance
and their training needs across key employability skills that are critical for
building successful careers. CoCubes' 10+ years of experience working
with over 600 employers has helped build insights into skill needs of
organizations and benchmarks they use for entry level as well as lateral
recruitment across all major industries in India. Institute can use these
insights to develop training plans, better nurture and engage talent to help
student learn effectively and take a positive step towards their long term

About Us
We are India's leading assessment and hiring platform and run
assessments to measure employability across all domains - from
Programming to Plumbing. We work with 600+ assessments and impact
over a million candidates each year running assessments in over 350 cities
alongside being a part of the Skill India initiative as well.

Thus, every day we strive to create value for our institutional clients by
helping them measure and improve employability and helping candidates
move ahead on their career path. Our mission is to ensure that everyone in
the country gets an equal opportunity to build a career.

CoCubes is an integral part of Aon plc (NYSE: AON)

© 2020 Aon plc. All rights reserved

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