Section 1: 1 Mark Questions

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Section 1 : 1 mark questions

1. Which of the following text refers to ‘Saptanga yoga’?

a. Hathayoga pradipika
b. Gherand samhita
c. Shiva samhita
d. Hatharatnavali

2. The literal meaning of ‘Yoga’ has the following meaning.

a. Division
b. Union
c. Multiplication
d. Subtraction

3. One of the three classical texts of Hatha yoga is

a. Patanjali Yoga Sutra
b. Bhagavad Gita
c. Gheranda Samhita
d. Yoga Vasistha

4. The entire wisdom of Hatha yoga in Sanskrit was compiled by _____________________.

a. Gorakshanatha
b. Svatmarama
c. Matsyendranath
d. Maharshi Patanjali

5. Vedas are also called

a. Sruti literature
b. Smriti literature
c. Tripti lterature
c. None of the above

6. Intense longing for achieving the liberation is ____________

a. Viveka
b. Vairagya
c. Mumukshutva
d. None of the above

7. Which of the following nadis corresponds to the state of equilibrium?

a. Ida
b. Pingala
c. Sushumna
d. Saraswati
8. A true Bhakta is the one, who is
a. not equal to friend and foe
b. not equal in honour and dishonour
c. equal in pain and pleasure
d. not equal in hot and cold

9. Which form of Navavidha bhakti involves chanting and glorifying the God?
a. Shravanam
b. Keertanam
c. Archanam
d. Vandanam

10. The literal meaning of ‘Mantra’ in Sanskrit is

a. Instrument of body
b. Instrument of mind
c. Instrument of prana
d. None of the above

11. The work done without expectation purifies one’s _______________.

a. Heart
b. Thought process
c. Emotions
d. Psychological process

12. Which of the following is not a practice of Antaranga yoga?

a. Dharana
b. Dhyana
c. Asana
d. Samadhi

13. Sthiram sukham ……………………………...

a. Dharanam
b. Asanam
c. Dhyanam
d. None of the above

14. The prana that governs our urination is ……………………………

a. Udana
b. Samana
c. Vyana
d. Apana

15. Asthi (Bone) in our body is the manifestation of ……………….. mahabhuta.

a. Agni
b. Jala
c. Prithvi
d. Akasa

16. To remain in the state of bliss is the attribute of

a. Annamaya kosa
b. Manomaya kosa
c. Vijnanamaya kosa
d. Anandamaya kosa

17. Bhakti yoga is the path of

b. Inner wisdom
c. Devotion
d. None of the above

18. Guru is the one, who dispels

a. Darkness
b. Light
c. Neither light nor darkness
d. Both light and darkness

19. Who amongst these is not an Acharya in the traditional sense of term ‘Acharya’
a. Shankara
b. Ramanuja
c. Shri Aurobindo
d. Vallabha

20. Which of the following state is considered beyond our comprehension?

a. Jagrata
b. Svapna
c. Susupti
d. Turiya

21. The ability to be patient during demanding situation is

a. Sama
b. Dama
c. Uparati
d. Titiksa

22. Which of these is not a Purushartha?

a. Dharma
b. Kama
c. Moksha
d. Samadhi

23. _______________ state of mind is a distracted mind over powered by Rajas.

a. Ksipta
b. Viksipta
c. Mudha
d. Ekagra

24. Which of the following is not a Klesa as per Patanjali?

a. Avidya
b. Asmita
c. Vairagya
d. Raga

25. The final and eighteenth chapter of Bhagavad gita is

a. Visvarupa darshana yoga
b. Vibhuti vistara yoga
c. Purusottama yoga
d. Moksha sanyasa yoga

26. The Bhagavad gita is a part of

a. Bhagavat Purana
b. Mahabharata
c. Brahma Sutras
d. Mahanarayana Upanisad

27. Eating sparingly and comfortably filling the half of the stomach and leaving remaining
half of the stomach for water and air is
a. Ahara
b. Mitahara
c. Aplpahara
d. None of the above

28. According to Hatha yoga pradipika, the ultimate aim of its practice is
a. For breath control
b. For steadiness and flexibility
c. For Raja Yoga
d. None of the above

29. There is mention of ____________ number of Kumbhakas in Hatha yoga pradipika.

a. 4
b. 8
c. 6
d. 5

30. ________________ is the second stage of Nadanusandhana.

a. Arambha avastha
b. Parichaya avastha
c. Nishpati avastha
d. Ghata avastha

31. Nephron is the structural and functional unit of ______________.

a. Kidney
b. Lungs
c. Heart
d. Stomach

32. Arteries in our body carries ___________________ blood except Pulmonary arteries.
a. Deoxygenated blood
b. Oxygenated blood
c. Both oxygenate and deoxygenated blood
d. None of the above

33. ____________________ postures are not good for hypertensive.

a. Forward bending
b. Backward bending
c. Lateral bending
d. None of the above

34. Ardhamatsyendrasana is very beneficial for __________________.

a. Hypertensive
b. Diabetes
c. Peptic ulcer
d. Migraine

35. Kapalbhati is contraindicated for

a. Epilepsy
b. Constipation
c. Asthma
d. None of the above

36. _________________ is a very good practice for eliminating the wind from the food pipe?
a. Sarvangasana
b. Setubandhasana
c. Pavana muktasana
d. Vakrasana

37. Which of these is good for thyroid disorders?

a. Matsyendrasana
b. Veerasana
c. Halasana
d. Dhanurasana

38. Which of the following is a Satvic diet?

a. Purely oily food

b. Purely stale and junk food
c. Balanced, wholesome with necessary nutrition supplements
d. Excess salty food

39. Which of the following attribute represents to an extrovert personality?

a. Thought oriented
b. Action oriented
c. Emotions oriented
d. Expectations oriented

40. The first step in cognitive learning process is

a. Memory
b. Perception
c. Attention
d. Learning

41. In normal life one must practice Asanas

a. Beyond one’s capacity
b. According to one’s capacity
c. Perfectly ‘always’ as mentioned in the Yoga texts
d. For slimness only

42. In teaching asanas to a group of beginner’s, would you

a. Aim for perfection in the posture
b. Aim for all to practice but with ease
c. All must stretch to the fullest and beyond
d. None of the above

43. About ___________ tea spoon of salt need to be added in one litre of Luke warm water
for the practice of Kriya.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
d. 8

44. During the Pranayama practice what would you emphasize?

a. Watch the breath
b. Be aware of the posture
c. Follow a breathing pattern
d. All the above

45. For whom, you would not recommend the meditation practice?
a. Asthmatics
b. Hypertensive
c. Diabetes
d. Anxiety

46. While planning for a Yoga workshop for young students, you would
a. Teach dynamic asanas
b. Teach Pranayamas
c. Teach Concentration practices
d. All the above

47. Which of these Kriya is recommended immediately after the practice of Jalaneti?
a. Trataka
b. Kapalbhati
c. Nauli
d. Basti

48. Suryanamaskar has the inclusion of

a. 12 mantras
b. Specific postures
c. Breathing rhythms
d. All the above

49. During practice of Asanas which of the following is considered important?

a. Breathing techniques
b. Graceful movements
c. Awareness
d. All the above

50. Meditation is a practice of

a. Awareness
b. Concentration
c. Focus and one-pointedness
d. All the above

51. Stimulation followed by ___________ is the key essence of Yoga practice.

a. Further stimulation
b. Relaxation
c. Further relaxation
d. None of the above

52. There are two eternal principles in the universe, individual soul called …………………
and Nature called Prakriti.
a. Maya
b. Ishwara
c. Purusha
d. None of the above

53. ‘Rasa’ is the tanmatra of

a. Earth
b. Water
c. Fire
d. Air

54. Which of the following yoga practice deepens and ease the flow of vital life energy and calm
the mind?
a. Asana
b. Pranayama
c. Pratyahara
d. Dharana

55. ……………………… is considered as a good and virtuous action.

a. Nishkama karma
b. Akarma
c. Vikarma
d. Ugrakarma

56. Which of the following Kriya increases the digestive fire?

a. Dhouti
b. Nauli
c. Neti
d. Basti

57. An attribute of a Tamasic food is

a. Pure and fresh
b. Spicy and stimulants
c. Processed and chemically treated
d. None of the above

58. Which of the following practice is recommended during menstruation?

a. Asanas
b. Nadishodhana
c. Bhastrika pranayama
d. Suryanamaskar

59. Which of the following is a suitable dress material while performing Yoga?
a. A rayon and loose dress
b. A silk and loose dress
c. A cotton Dhoti/Saree
d. A cotton fabricated dress

60. Ida nadi represents the negative force and low in

a. Awareness
b. Consciousness
c. Beyond the sphere of awareness
d. None of the above

Section II : 2 mark questions

1. Panchakleshas are mention in :

a. Samadhi pada
b. Sadhna pada
c. Kaivalya pada
d. Vibhuti pada

2. choose the correct statement

a. the colour for mooladhar chakra is red and mantra is lam
b. the colour for mooladhar chakra is yellow and mantra is ram
c. the colour for Manipur chakra is yellow and mantra is lam
d. the colour for Manipur chakra is red and mantra is ram

3. which sense and body part is associated with earth element?

a. taste and little finger
b. smell and nose
c. taste and tounge
d. smell and ring finger

4. Which of the following Asanas is beneficial for a diabetes patient

a. kapalbhati
b. agni sara
c. paschimottanasana
d. sarvangasana

5. Adi shankracharya was born ;

a. 788 AD
b. 820 AD
c. 788 BC
d. 788 BC

6. Yoga of Synthesis introduced by;

a. Swami Yogananda
b. sri raman maharishi
c. Sri Aurbindo
d. jesus christ

7. Non-Directive Dialogue is
a. non verbal dialogue
b. non judgmental dialogue
c. verbal dialogue
d. judgmental dialogue

8. in gherand samhita which muscles is referred as lauliki.

a. rectus abdominus
b. pectoralis major
c. anal muscles
d. supraspinatus

9. Karam Yoga means;

a. To do karma honestly.
b. To do karma by doing prayer
c. To do karma without expectations.
d. To do karma with yoga practice.

10. how many bones are there in the skull :

a. 22
b. 28
c. 8
d. 4

11. Skin is a part of which system?

a. respiratory system
b. nervous system
c. skeletal system
d. endocrine system

12. “Kinaesthetic” is a teaching technique and Aid which involves:

a. listening
b. watching
c. feeling
d. all of the above

13. The thumb joint is an example of

a. pivot joint
b. gliding joint
c. saddle joint
d. hinge joint

14. which kosa is also known as “linga sarira” ?

a. vijnanmaya kosa
b. manomaya kosa
c. Anamdamaya kosa
d. Annamaya kosa

15. uttama adhikarin is

a. adept at yoga
b. aspirant who have been in yoga for sometime but have not yet become adept
c. novice
d. none of the above

16. what is the meaning of the term “laulyam” given in hatha Yoga pradipika.
a. instability or wavering mind
b. laziness
c. a state of consciousness
d. eating too much

17. In a wider sense, what is the Etymological meaning of the word “Brahmacharya”
a. abstinence from sexual activity
b. devotion towards lord brahma.
c. walking on the path leading to reality
d. total surrender

18. The concept of sukshma vyayama was designed by

a. maharishi patanjali
b. maharishi Mahesh yogi
c. maharishi karthikeyaji maharaj
d. Dhirendra Brahamchari

19. which muscle is involved in yogic breathing

a. Diaphragm
b. Intercostal muscles
c. Pectoralis muscles
d. All of the above

20. the state of transcendence in Hatha yoga is referred as

a. Unmani awastha
b. Manonmani awastha
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

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